The Seaforth News, 1944-07-27, Page 1meuu,ej„usu„u,t 44444 point ttt ttttttttttttpq uunnn,unot„
The height of summer, and the clay so flair,
The mingled (Mors on the morning air
So swept. The mild and friendly little breeze
Which stirred the grass, and whispered to
the trees,
And waved the golden rod upon the hill,
Sinks to a breath and leaves and ferns are
$ere In the woods, small shaftsof light shine
- ,
' fttu„Sueu,sees
us,et„n,u„est(MUM A
And in each broader space, the sky'sdeep
And there beneath the sun's bright rays, One
The freetted bark and lichens on the trees,
` And on the earth's great roots and rich dark
d� mould, ld,
A'iad the dull matted leave seem Wgold
P E R 3u11µ A.whheelele r,
etnnWlnmu,n,u, t El tttt 11111111111110111ennui ut uhenu,d.
Phone 84
81 a year
Lions Carnival Has
Two Successful Ntghts
Thousands of Citizens from
This, District Enjoy Excel-
lent Entertainment
Approximately 4,500 ' people as-
sembled at the Lions Park friday
night for a final right's enlotyment
- of the Seaforth Lion's tenth annual
summer carnival. One of the main
features of the evening was the pre-
sence of the Ipperwash Army Pipe
Band under the leadership of Pipe
Major Norman Murray. Headed by
the Seaforth Highlanders Band, they
paraded to the park playing several
numbers. There were 14 members in
the visiting band.
The main entertainment feature
Was a Toronto vaudeville troupe
who thrilled the audience with their
acts of fun and skill, Miss Len-
ora Habkirk, talented Seaforth girl,
gave an impromptu tap-dance. Inter-
missions were held throughout the
program to allow the people to try
their skill at the various games or
refresh themselves at the booths,
Lion Dr. E. A. McMaster was
chairman of the program from the
platform. At 12,30 a.m., the draw
was made for $250 in cash prizes.
The first prize of $100 was won by
Mervin Black, Forest, with ticket
number 23621; second prize of 550;
by Reginald McGee, Goderich, with
ticket number 12210; third prize of
$50 by John Nichol, 62 Queen St.
W., Toronto, with ticket number
31356; fourth prize of $25 was won.
by William H. Knox, Londesboro,
with ticket number 700; fifth prize
of 510 was won by Mrs, Patterson,
' 187 Van Ave., Woodstock, with
ticket number 27948; sixth prize of
$10 was watt by Mari Belie, 259
College St., Toronto, :with 'ticket
number 25696; and seventh prize of
55 was won by Bert Gallop, Zurich,
with ticket Huber 22006.
Dancing was held on the grounds
throughout the evening.
A police magistrate willshortly
be appointed for Huron. County, Dr.
Hobbs Taylor, M.L.A. for Huron,
announced on Saturday. The crea-
tion of the position of police magis-
trate has been approvedby the At-
torney General's Department. For
the past fifteen years the duties have
been performed by magistrates from
nearby counties. '
He also indicated the likelihood of
a juvenile court set-up in Huron.
The last magistrate in Huron was
Magistrate Reid, who retired 15
years ago and died ten years ago.
During the interval, Magistrates
Makips, of Stratford; Walker, of
Walkerton, and MacRae and Hawk-
shaw, of Middlesex, fulfilled the
duties in all magistrate's court cases.
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister.
Rev. Dr, Hogg will preach at both
10 a.m., Sunday School
Welcome to these services.
St. Thomas Church
• Rector: Rev. Dr. Hurford.
11 a.m. "Friendship."
7 p.m. "Fellowship with Christ"
St. Mary's Church, Dublin
9.30 a.m. "Friendship."
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B,A., B.D.
10 a.m,, Sunday School,
11 arm, "A Test of Goodness."
7' pan., "Obedient Trust"
The most Rev. Derwyn T. Owen
officiated at the marriage on Satur-
day afternoon in Trinity College
Chapel, Toronto, of Elizabeth Tud-
or Gairdner, daughter of Mrs. Gaird-
ner, "The •Secret Garden,” Bayfield,
and the late Rev. R. H. Fortesque
Gairdner, Pittsburgh, Pa., to James
Richardson eott, son Seaforth, and the of
late Mrs. Scott.
Regal lilies decorated the chancel.
Given in marriage by her cousin, Dr.
T. M•''Gairdner, Gibbstown, N.J., the
bride wore a portrait gown of heavy
white satin. Her long tulle veil was
caught with a wreath of white
flowers and she carried a white cas-
cade bouquet of gardenias and step-
hanotis. Her attendants, Mrs. R. A.
-Bowlby, York Mills, and Mrs. D. R.
G. Owen, Toronto, were in aqua
crepe. They carried bouquets of
cerise, purple and pink flowers and
wore matching garlands Ili their hair
LAC Harry Scott, brother of the
bridegroom was groomsman, and the
ushers were Dr. 'Allan McAndrew,
wa,ltandCaptobert Willian Till ant -
Kingston. The reception was held at
St. Hilda's College, and later the
couple left on a wedding p,
bride traveling in a suit of navy blue
shantung. In the fall they will live in
Saskatoon, where Mr. Scott is a pro-
fessor of English on the staff of the
University of Saskatchewan.
The following Th from a western
"James Foss Morrison, respected
f the district
died early Tuesday after a long it -
HENSALL W.I. RECEIVE Canadian Nurses.
The ladies of the. Hensall Instit- Writer Describes Hospital in
me wish to announce that they will
be shipping approximately 50 boxes England. — Brucefielu Girl
to the Hensall boys who are over- Mentioned I
seas, sometime in August. The funds An article in The Star Weekly of
are very low at present. Those wish -
July 22nd written by Dixie Tighe
ing to help this worthy project may describes a visit to "a hospital Soiree- i
`leave their' contributions with Miss'
Gladys Luker before August 21st. where in England, and mentions a
• Donations of. sugar for the provision former Brueefield girl, Lieut. Hazel
of candy will also be gratefully ac -
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. l
' cepted, Anyone having empty pound Haugh, Lieut. Haugh went overseas
boxes suitable for candy and cook early this year.
les or niagaeines, is asked to leave The story features how earnestly
thein at the town hall any time. Seasand cheerfully the Canadian nurses
forth and Exeter papers, comics, work together though some are
magazines such as Liberty, Mac French speaking and others English
Leans, Readers Digest, etc., are suit speaking', ministering to the casual -
able. , ties of war whether they come from •
More letters from overseas:
Dear Gladys: I received your int-
eresting letter this afternoon and the Normandy front is described, 1
enjoyed it. The sun is just going how they are quickly transported by
down behind the mountains and the special hospital train and in the re -
au is getting cooler. The Captain ception room of the hospital the re -
and I are nearly always the -advance gistrar determined the nature of
party, when we go to a new area. each casualty and assigned each man •
That is why I was in Italy over a to a ward marked minor, operative
month ahead of the battery. We had or resuscitation. -
several very interesting sight-seeing The writer . continues: "In the
DR. HURFORD APPOINTED trips and it was all new. We laughed wards the nurses received the boys
the ranks of Americans, Canadians, I
British or Germans,
The arrival of wounded men from
TO LONDON PARISH -to a tree or to the door knob of the who is well enough asks for three
place which the owner called home. things, first, a postcard to write
As we went to press last Week The women do most of the work and home, then a shave and then a bath.
word caste of the appointment of the men supervise the job. I bought 1 "As I passed along the ward beds,
the Rev. R. P. D. Hurford, D.D., to two dozen eggs from a lady just be-' soldiers pulled out their invasion
Christ Church, London. We under- fore supper time, She soaked me 260 money and explained it. They show -
stand that one reason for the ap- lire (in Can. money at present rate ed off their hats with incongruous
pointment is that Dr. Hurford may 51.20 a doz.) The Captain footed garden touches of camouflage such
be available for some lecturing at the bill. We ate half of them for as' leaves tucked into the webbing
London which eau be carried on at our supper as the rations we get is that covered the crown, In the wards
the same time as the work of his bully beef. We were in at one place where the more seriously wounded
new parish., this afternoon and bought some'cher- were lying, new blood was flowing
It was in January 1988 that Dr, ries and a rooster. The lady told us in their veins as transfusions had
Hurford came to Seaforth and he that there had been troops there last been administered. Tagged to the
now discovers that he has a host of week and had ea picture show, the blouses of some of the soldiers was
friends in the town and throughout first picture show she had ever seen.' a yellow card marked with three
the surrounding country. He informs One. night Jerry picked on us. e1 was huge letters, PEN. That meant Peni-
The News that he has been delighted in a slit trench as I always sleep in cillin. It was i11 this ward where the
with the friendliness and apprecia- it. My teeth chattered and my knees wounded were still so dazed from
tion of people of all denominations were marking time, and not on ac- the seriousness of their combat in -
and also of the business men and count of the cold. He dropped ser- juries that the French-speaking
officials of the town, eral eggs and used the machine sisters gave them a moment or two
Ile 'is chairman of the Public guns. When it was over I hail two of bewilderment.
School Board, chairman of the conn tires to fix on the jeep. My water "Some boys were so confused by Mrs, Walter Bremner and son, of
mittee on Masonic Education, and can sitting beside the trench had a the swift evacuation that when a St. Thomas, with her father, Mr. Leo
until now chairman of Education in nice hole in it. Thera -was a flu of a nurse asked them in English, "How Krauskopf.
when we first saw a few pigs tied up with a smile and deft 'help. Any boy
Reslembet always
"If it's
It's Comer
26 • Pe.
Choose from tee n
lovalie.t pattern, i
lien and
Ladr Hamilton
OTHER SETS from 936.75
Jeweller and Optometrist
Oposite Post Otfi:ce, Seaforth
the Lions Club. For some Years he bomb lying on the sgt. major's slit about a cigarette?" they said, "Out,
was chairman of the local Minister- trench next to mine and a cherry menti," The nurse assured them their leve and Robert, Lansing, Mich„
nee far away 'rent was
erde, Your Institute are doing a once more speak English. Ina hall Raymond Redmond and
Mrs. Frank Dill and children, Ar-
ial Association, in fact its inaugura- t not fa wa > had moved twenty P h perfect but they could
wonderful job. The candy was m hurrying toward the operating romp Miss Mae
fine shape. The Christmas parcel Redmond, St. Augustine, with Mrs.
The Rat Campaign mentals a friendly relationship p was Lieut. Hazel Haugh, Brucefiers Teresa Redmond.
77• ween the various churches of the from Hensall which was five months Ont. This girl had worked for hours Mr'. and Mrs. Harry Reynolds,
Sponsored By The Seaforth S town 'Due to this co-operation of on the way was in excellent condi- without relief through the day and
b t' Th tl thought
of th assisting doctors
with Mr. and Mrs. Jose h Dill.
tor, and this year its secretary.
�. �..�... Dr, Hurford has endeavored to
bet -
Sarnia, with Mr. and Mrs. J. V.
Agricultural Society -
i h 1 hit th h se I smoke a dark as loin as there
the local clergy there have been ton. e only thing we of through a night,
a Flynt,
some very inspiring gathering's in the was getting the most of it eaten in who no longer cared whether it was Mot
nutted Week of Prayer and Hol case a s e l u c ou'daylight of r g her Remigius and Mother Im-
---"•••-•-•-• Y„ elder Chatham, at the Ursuline Con -
The Seaforth Agricultural Society i Week services. nice Canadian pine Instead of so were leen to help• vent,
has sponsored a Community Cam The Rev. C. P. L. Gilbert, B.A., ;many cigarettes. I am in the hest of BRUCEFIELD Miss Cinnamo, Windsor; with
paign against rats, and will pay 50 1 T ,Th,. has been appoi itecl rector of health. AUSTIN SCHWALM. 1 hes Isise Ida, Miss Mary Cinnamo, and
per tail and in addition a $60;00 St. Thomas' Church, exchanging par- Dear Gladys: I received that nice Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Neale, daugir• Mrs. Philip Kenny,
prize for the person . collecting the ' isles with Dr. Hurford, and will box and your letter, Everything in •+ter Patsy and son Dennis, of Glencoe, Mr, and Mrs. D. McConnell at
largest number of tails before Sep -1 come here about the middle of Aug- it was good. I wrote Mrs, Cameron have enjoyed their two weeks' vasa• Grand Bend.,
tember 22nd ,(Seaforth Fall Pair 1 nst. , It is expected that Dr, Hur-' thanking her and the rest who. help- tion at the home of Mrs. Neale's pal'- hors. Kathleen Feeney in London,
Day), The contest is open to boys fords last messages will be given on ed donate and pack it, I suppose you ents, Mr, and Mrs, W. Stacikhouse. Mary CallaghanFFeeney
has return-
and iris an Seaforth, Tuckersmith, , August 13th and the new Rector know. we are in France now and . Mr: and Mrs, Harry Thornton and ed Miss Saginaw,arMich., after two
McKillop and Hullett. i will be in charge Aug. 20, but the getting along pretty good. We have son Norman and Mr, and Mrs. Joint weeks vacation with Mrs. Teresa
For some time now, the rat pop- arrangements are not yet quite final, been in the front line for nearly a Wylie of Hamilton spent the past Redmond.
elation has been on the increase, due d it hasnot been too week with Mr. and Nlrs, Alex Patel•• F F CR St
in part to wartime conditions How E EATTIE f Jerry's shells sun and
month now an Rev Harry Feeney,,
I MICHI ;B healthy, as some o euY' Mats. I Grealis and three eliildren ofJerome s College,” Kitchener, • and
reaching ^ The first wedding in over twenty land pretty close at times. There is
ever the rat menace is now years in Burns United Church, lie] not much we can write about, so Windsor were guests at the home of Miss Rose Feeney, Toronto, are va•
proportions to merit an editorial in lett, was solemnized on Church,
with best wishes, as ever, BILL Mr. and Mrs. Ales Mustard last week, catfoning with their mother, Mrs.
the Globe and Mail of July 22nd. Jul 19, when Rev. A. E. Menzies NICOL. 1 Mrs, Geo, Pinkney and daughter; of Kathleen Feeney.
Quote "Toronto is facing the worst y Dear Gladys: I received the both Wallkerton spent the week end with Cpl. Dalton Burrs and Mrs. Burns
frat plague in it's history. Ata coh n l united in marriage Margaret Eliza- • y her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. of London with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
beth, only daughter o£ Mr, and Mrs. parcels thatyou so kind] sent and
seectorsrence �stated that iAlTorontots rat 'Robert Beattie of Hullett, to Georgp y y I PeMiiiss June Pinckney of Toronto Burns.
Irs. Kell and sons, Thomas and
Christo her, only son of Mr, andthank you ever so much for your y
population never has been as great kindness. It means a great deal to visited over the week end with Mr. James, Blyth, with Mr. and Mrs.
as it is today. The Chief of the. food Mrs• J. Michie f Morris. The church receive parcels from your home and Mrs. Aldie Mustard: Joseph E. Feeney.
control division of the department of was beautifully decorated in blue town.The last one arrived here in Mr, and Mrs. Bert MCIay of Walk Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Melody, Ste -
and popular pioneer o Health reported that rats can be seen .and white flowers with green fern. France just six days after we landed erten visited With friends and relit- phen Manley and Miss Olive Petrie,
p lGiven m marriage by her father, the
running across the intersection of bride wore a floor length own of and you will never realize just how Ives during the week end.• London, with Mr, and Mrs. Joseph
ness. Mr, Morrison was engaged In 'Roncesvalles Ave and Queen St. at • . • 1 taffeta with fin finger-tip good the eats went and the candy / Four girls t, oni 7a tfer tl Ruth Scott F' Melody.
farmingat Pitt for many years. He night to feed on the refuse at Sunny- white, Janie t ff g and maple sugar. We Itad boon on namely Blanche e . l Miss Norma Costello, Kinkora,
a Seaforth. Ontario t•
o s usement area." veil gathered m Mary Queen of fairly short diet at first but now they Madeline Wilson and Marion Pater- with Mr. and Mrs. William McIver,
was born ne r have been 77 ide am d that everyone in the l,Scots,headdless. Miss Barliaia Mr are getting us fairly well ]pelted son, are this week attending the Miss Mary Stapleton has been en
1867 and hewould It is hope t Y ohne sister of the groom, chose cora]
years next Wednesday; He left home community will back the Seaforth tripie sheer with lace bodice and a after. But there is so much that you summer school north of Goderich, gaged as teacher of Manley school,
Agricultural Society's Campaign to tiip a er length veil to match. Mn can't get here that to get a taste of "1 Mission Band will be held at the beginning in September.
ward the removal of all the rats. The gt s' the • room them really goes good. I would like .usual time next Sunday. Miss Anne McAleer and Mrs.
farmer should for his own profit, Robert Grasby, cousin of -groom, you to thank Beryl Pfaff and the I Mrs. David Mckenzie and daughter Blood Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs.
revent rats ••breedin on his farm, , acted as groomsman. The ''brides other girls who made that nice Beverly of Kintail are visiting with Patrick Ryan.
p - g the destruction only ornament was a gold bracelet, ,candy. Thank you all for your kind the fbrmer's parents, M. and Mrs, Miss Margaret Fitzpatrick, Det
as he the gift of the groom. She carried a thoughts FRED SMAIIL'ACOMBE,
when he was 21'years old, going to
North Dakota. He came to Pitt in
1903, and to Baudette to live several
years ago. He is survived 'by one sis-
ter, Mrs. Amelia Kerr, of Detroit,
Mich. Two sisters and one brother,
Ed, preceded him in death. Mr. Mor -
015011 never married. He was a fine
gentleman, liked by all who had the
pleasure of his acquaintance.
]Results of the pupils of Mrs. M.
R. Rennie taking West. Ont.. Con-
servatory of Music midsummer tests
in piano: Grade I. --Gwendolyn
Christie, 1st class hon.; Marion
Chamberlain, 1st class hon.; June
'Snell, 1st class hon. Grade III--
Doris Pullman, 1st class hon.; Doug-
las Stewart, 1st class hon. Grade
V —Bill -Munn, pass. Grade VIII.—
Ernest Clarke, hon. -
Mr. John Miners of the RCAF.,
wrought by them, such as feed eaten bouquet of American Beauty roses, a
and dent eyed, stable u Ovalis and while the bridesmaid carried white ! WINTHROP'
floors rat has been poultry killed as { roses. The ushers were Mr. T. S. 1
raiding rat has known to kill as Beattie, brother of the bride, and
as many as 200 baby chicks in a Be
AC2. Gordon Martin, cousin of the A reception was held in the hall record attendance. After an exciting ms Dillon,
single night.) The urban dweller Tuesday night in honor of Mr, and ball game the sports events were Miss Margaret McLaughlin, Sea -
should protect his own property and groom• Mrs. Kenneth Beattie. The evening held, Many of the young people took forth, with Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Me -
the health of his family. against rats, T ollowfng the ceremony, a It theep- opened with dancing,then lunch. Laughlin.
as e_ haunt garbage dumps and tion was held on the lawn at the advantage of- fine afternoon to g
s tit a eiAtom of the bride's parents, The •.Mr, and Mrs. Beattie were asked to enjoy swimming and boating. Then A miscellaneous shower sponsored
filthy and then in their nightly toursr dressed in black be seated on the platform. Mr. Geo. everyone gathered together around by Miss Dorothy Donnelly in honor
contaminate food stuffs in home bride's mother, Halbkirk read the address, and Mr. the supper. table for a happy' social of her sister, Miss Irene Donnelly, a
basements, kitchens and pantries, In crepe with a corsage of red• roses, ,Oliver Pryce and Mr, Harold Dodds hou•, 'Phe sport results were as fol- bride -elect of this week, was held at
t I was assisted in receiving Y
this way, germs of such diseases as mother dressed in presented each with a purse of mon- lows: Running races—Pre-school age, their home, when about 50 ladies
bubonic plague, rat typhoid, murine bridegroom s
p g. na blue with a corsage, of red 'ey, Mr. Beattie on behalf of Mrs. 'Neal McGregor, Beverly McKenzie, assembled. Bingo was played an
typhus, trichinosis and many others se , vellin ' the bride Beattie and himself thanked their Patricia ]Meru, Girls 6 and 7, Thelma numerous prizes won by the players.
are spread. roses. For !travelling, neighbors and friends for their kind- l BaM•s, Verna Eyre, Joan. McGregor, An address was read by Miss Mary
p wore ie navy s with Jerome crepe g
Those persons that allow rats to - • with navy and white Hess. After singing "'For They Are Boys 6 and 7, Neal McGregor, Jack' Hastings and Miss Mary Cinnamo
increase on their until they two-piece dress AmericanBeaut coat Jolly Good Fellows" a few' hours MCQregor, George Ross. Girls 8 to 12, assisted the bride-to-be in opening
propertyjacket, an i Y
become a menace to the neighbour- a naw and white accessories. Fol- were spent in dancing. The music Ruth Keys, Audrey Baficd; Eleanor numerous gifts of china, linen,
Hood, are neglecting their duty to the and y Muskoka
was supplied by Messrs Thomas McCartirey. Boys 8 to 12, Douglas glass, silver and money. The guest of
community. 1 Shannon William Johnston, a rge
Jas, Webster, roit, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Brucelield United Church held their Peter Fitzpatrick.
Sunday 'School picnic at Bayfield on Lawrence Dillon, Provost Corps,
Wednesday afternoon, n, July e9. The London, with his mother; Mrs. Den -
weather was ideal and there was a
lowing a honeymoon trip to- George McBeatlt Jimmie McGregor. Girls 13 honor thanked the donors graciously.
and North Bay the oin young coupleto 16, Betty Holley, Blanche Zapfe.
will reside on the groom's farm it+. Love, James h eilndldoba an G en Boys A bounteous lunch was served by a
Morris township, 'George Smith, Regina group o v u y
It is not an easy task to eliminate
the rat, but by means of traps, poi•
and Mrs. Miners of Rivers, Man., coning, gassing and flooding' and by
have been visiting at the home of measures to prevent rats gaining
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. access to food, this can be accomp-
Garnet Miners. lished, !
Master Beverley Skinner spent the . ,Thetis 9:28 Destructive Pest Ain-
wek end in Exeter with his grand' imais "The Rat and Mouse" oar be
mother Mrs. J. Harding, procured from Your Agricultural
The W.M.S. and W.A. ladies enter- Representative, or from "`Statistics
tained the members of the Mission and Publications Branch" Toronto.
Band at the home of Mrs, Ed Johns
on , Wednesday afternoon of last
Master Ronald Spry of London has Miss Mary Murray has returned to
been holidaying with relatives in this,Galt after spending two weeks' boll -
days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford and Gor- Leo Murray.
don, Mrs. W. Dickey and, Mary visit- A presentation was held in honor
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker of Kale Holland, 'RCAF: on Tuesday
near Welburn on Friday' evening, night, who is home on' his last leave.
Pryce, Mrs. Russell Bolton and Miss
. Pte. Elsner and Mrs. Scott of Lon -
Miss Lois Cook of Toronto re- don, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bassi -
turned on Friday after spending the ,son, Beverly and Gary. of Brantford,
past two weeks with . her` cousin,. were holidaying last week with Mr.
Mrs. Carl Houston, of hayfield. and Mrs. Willner Scott and (fiends.
Mrs. Mary Schmidt of Virden, I Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCowan and
Man., is' visiting her brother, Mr. family and Mr. and Mrs. George
Saris Houston, and friends around Eaton and Donnie spent Sunday
afternoon at Bayfield,
Mr. Feng Bullard and William
DUBLIN Trewartha of Thantesford . visited
Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Reynolds friends in Seaforth, Winthrop, Brus-
have returned to Detroit after two sels and McNaught this week.
weeks' vacation with. Mr, and Mrs. Weare pleased to heat that Mrs.
Joseph Carpenter, I John dllontgontery is able to be up
J p p
Mrs. Dan ,Williams i visiting and around after being ill the past
friends in Chatham and Detroit. week,
13 to 16; Lloyd McKenzie, .Geof- of of ntai assistants.
trey Parr. Young ladies, BlauChe Rev. Joseph A. Feeney, 'London,
Zapfe, Betty Woolley. Young men, with Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher and
W. D. Wilson, Melvin Graham. Mar- ether relatives.
tied ladies, Mrs. Wm. Scott. Mrs, Mrs: Harold Smack and daughters,
Ross Chapman. Married men, MI°. Kathleen and Carol Ann, Kitchener,
George McCartney, Mr, A. Zapfe• with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. .J. Moly-
Three leged race, Stuart Wilson and neaux,
Jimmie McGregor. Kick the slipper,
iris and ladles,' Betty Woolley. Boys
and mien; kitty the slipper, Seldon
Ross. Relay race, Stuart 1'Vinson. Sack
race, boys and men, Thornton Mus-
tard. Sack race, girls and women,
Mrs. Ross Chapman, Anna Cornish.
Clothespin race, Mrs, Aldie Mustard,
Anna .Cornish, The winners of the
tug of war were as follows, J. K.
Cornish, captain, H. IS Berry, Lyle
Hill, W. D. Wilson, Seldon Ross and
Melyin Graham.
The death ocain•red on Tuesday.
morning of Flora McKinnon, beloved
wife of Mr. James Hagan, after an.
illness of several. months. Mrs. Har
gan bad been a resident of Seaforth
for a number of years, coming Here
front Hfllsgreen. The funeral will
take place Thursday morning at St.
James' Church and thence to 'St.
James' Cemetery for interment.