HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-06-29, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NI WS:
ing upon your eiontinucd.frienclship H. G, Martin, of Centralia. The
and •o -operation iii the future, feel- choir sang an anthem; Miss Greta
Mr.l Mt, i Hudson of St
and - Lloyd t so curls in our midst Please accept the ing the service.
Marys spent the reek encs hisitui accompanying. gift as 't tangible evi-
with the former s -father, Mr, '.Thos. dente of our esteem coupled with • ' VARNA
Hudson, our best wishes for your future hap- Mrs: M. Reid in' company with her
Mie Ida Harding; Mr. and Mrs, piness together:" Miss Dinnin made son Dr, Haevoy Reid of Toronto, mo -
Wm. Harding and Bruce of London .a "fitting reply of thanks, A letter of toned to Stratford Sunday evening
visited on Sunday with _Mr, and Mrs, thanks was read from Mrs, E. Kenn where she will' spend a few clays with
Fred Corbett. edy of Hamilton for a gift recently relatives and friends,
Mr. George Cowan of Dungannon received from the Institute. A picnic 1141•. Pilgrim has returned alter
has been engaged as principal of the Supper on the lawn was served. A spending a fortnight with his sou in
Hensall public school, to succeed vote of thanks was extended to the Orangeville and at other points.
Mise Margaret Hoffman a Zurich
M Ar et o m a of e
Mr. lac s who hasbeen e Kerslake. g
M Claude l Blo x 11 h '. A
e � e.by ho fess b
is visiting. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. McColl -
years, a11na• B
principal for' 1G having re- •
signed and has been engaged as Presentation to Teacher at Picnic- nen,
princ1p ,l of Exeter public school, The ai•
l, and ratepayers of B.S.
On Sunday morning, July 16t1r at
Miss Margaret Mickey of Brussels r pupils p` the 11 o'clock service in St. John's
will be assistant teacher to replace No 10. Hay, held then annual pie- Anglican Church the honor roll will
Miss Beryl Pint Who has resigned, tic at Grand Bend on Friday after- be unveiled and dedicated by Rev.
It is expected a teacher will be en- noon, June 23rd, with a l'trg•e atten- Archdeacon Doherty of London. Flt,
gaged soon to fill the vacancy made dance. During the afternoon the Lt, Love, padre of Clinton air 'force,
b3; Miss Audrey Dinn n's resignation• bathing was enjoyed and a ball game will be the guest speaker:
VIi s Mona Hedden and friend of played between showers, A suinPtu- Rev: Reba Hein left Monday for
Si, Catheriltes spent the Reek end ons picnic supper was partaken of British Columbia where she expects
rn r'c mother ai sly at which time the teacher, to spend a month. Mr. Colin Campbell
at the home of the fo re ,,
as -Miss Esther Maclllhvane, who has will take the cervico in the United
Ing that we shall leave J ou pelma- Laninie presided at the organ clue
1Y13Miss Margaret I%ercher of London
spent the week end at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ker -
Laing -Manson --
Carmel Presbyterian manse, Hen-
sall, was the scene of a quiet June
wedding on Saturday, June 24th,
when Rev, J. E. -Taylor united in
marriage Sara Margaret, daughter
of Mrs: Jean Manson and the late
Peter Manson, Hensall. and Thomas
Hilton Laing, son of Thomas Laing
and the late Mrs. Laing of Exeter.
The bride looked charming its a
pink sheer dress with white access,
ories and corsage of white carna-
tions. Miss Jean McQueen, cousin of
the bride, was bridesmaid, wearing
a two-piece dress of aqua green
with white accessories and corsage
of pink roses. The groom was at-
tended by Mo. Harry Snell of Lon-
clod. Following the ceremony the
bride and groom left on a honey-
moon trip to Detroit,
resigned, was presented with a lamp Church 'Sunday, Jttly 2nd,
and mirror by Betty Munn, Jean Mrs. Berry and Mrs. McCully of
Armstrong and Frances Lostell. Ail- Hensall spent a clay last week with
sen Munn read the address, to which Mrs. M. G-. Beatty and Miss lViossop.
Miss Maclllwaine made a fitting re- Mrs. McCully of Hensall visitecl last
ply. The following sports were held week with bins. 'Nelson ltoid,
after supper: Rases, children 5 and, Mise Rachael Johnston •and her
under Jean- Hyde, Douglas Love, niece, Marion Dawson, are spending
Connie Corbett; girls, 6, 7 years, a week with Mr. and Mrs, force
Alexia Lostell, Shirley Coleman; Johnston and Phyllis and Bobbie,
boys, 8, 9.years, Jimmie Taylor, RoY down at Wellington.
Ingram; girls, 8, 9, Betty Armstrong, L.O.L. 1035 will hold their annual
Jean Moussean: girls 10, 11, 12, Ma- church service on Sunday, July. 2nd,
fon Tinney, Shirley Chipchase; Sr. at the Anglican Church at 7 o'clock
boys, Neil Taylor, Dave Ingram; in the evening. The members will
grade 8 girls, Frances Lostell, Jean meet at the lodge room at 6.30 p,m.
Armstrong; young men's race, Ed. Quite n number From Varna vicinity at.
Corbett Lloyd Moussean• young lay--
a- tended deeoiattmt day bola in lSsird's-eeme-
exa Sunday of
by the Oddfellows
dies' race, Mae Taylor, Evelyn Tay and members of the Legion. Rev, Atldnson
ler; married men, Jack Corbett, of Brecofleld took the service.
Frank Lostell; married women, MTs, 1 Mr, and Mrs. Shobbrook of Londesboro
sed friends spent hri with Mc. Joe
F. Lostell, Mrs, Lorne Chapman; Foster and Miss Shobbrook.
three-legged race, Jean Ingram and yQrents. 13dn'yt cid wee. McChllem s,I�Lnsaolll
Shirley Chapman, and Audrey Elder Beatty mrd Miss Mosaov.
and Mae Taylor; trustees race, Geo.. Mrs. leen,' of Hewett visited last week
Tinney, Jack Ingram; sack race,
win her niece, Mrs. Nelsen Reit.
Shirley Chapman, Marion Tinney;' Mr. Russell Austi121-,
in compa5y will, his
mother Volt to LondesboreThursday to
kicking slipper, Audrey Elder, Siur- visit the latter's sister -In-law, Miss Jennie
Following is a copy of letters re- ley Chapman; ladies kicking slipper, Austin, who is aver
-^ 00 end suffered »severe
eived by Miss Gladys Luker, pros- Mrs, G. Broderick, Mrs. Lorne Chap- stroke 1ete» tls.
ident of the Hensall Women's In man. Other relay races, etc., had to KIPPEN
ste the from lads overseas to whom he omitted owing to weather. Death of Mrs. (Rev.) A. M. Grant -
boxes were Cent From Roy Brock: Public School Picnic- A- shadow of gloom was cast over
Just a few lines to say hello to folks 1 this community on Sunday, Jure 25,
back home. I just heard the news On Tuesday afternoon the pupils, when it was learned that Mrs. Grant,
that the second front started and teachers, parents and friends held beloved wife of Rev. A. M. Grant,
things are progressing suddenly. The the annual public school picnic at'. had passed away at her hone here.
boys from England will' be anxious Boll's. pond. The weather was ideal,
She had undergone an operation in
o get at it and sincerely say they games and races were enjoyed in the St. Joseph's Hospital, London, in
won't let the people back home afternoon and a picnic supper was April and was able to return home,
,hick time the
down. I received three parcels from held at the close
the War Service and Institute yes- pupils presented Miss Beryl Phaff
terday, one dated Aug. 1948, one and Mr. Claude Blower, who have
Oct. 1913, one Feb. 1944, and wish both resigned, with gifts, to which
to thank all you people who donated both made replies. Betty Mickle read
the stuff. You can't realize how the address to Mr. Blower and, Bar-
nwell we appreciate them. Also re- nice Jinks made the presentation.. of
ceived 900 cigarettes from the War a walnut enol table. Ray McKenzie
Service, 300 from 'Walter Spencer, and Gerald Flynn made the preemie
and Mother's Christmas parcel, so tation of a silver bread tray and but -
have fared very well these last two ter dish, and table mirror- to Miss
days. I got your letter a few days Pilaff. Audrey Walsh read the ad -
ago, Gladys, and sure enjoy hearing dress. A number of girl friends of
from you as you write a very newsy Claudette Blowes presented her with
letter. We like to hear how people a silver disc. `Dear Mr. Blowes,--
are getting along. We, your pupils in Hensall public
From Major W. H. Hemphill, May School (Grades 5, 6, 7, 8) are bp -
19th, England. Dear Gladys. It cer- coming increasingly aware of the
fainly is proper to omit the "Sir" great loss we axe to suffer through
and I was very pleased to receive your decision to move away from
your letter. News from home always our village. i'or many years you.
makes the day brighter. I am very have been identified with our school
happy to hear that my name has and we treasure your helpful service
been added to the list of those re- and your personal friendship, Your
eeiving parcels because the things educational and musical background
we receive from home are always have furnished you adequately for
much more welcome than those that our training and you have served us
are given us over here. The box I well. We have admired your con-
received was very 11100h to my liking. scientious attitude towards this res.,
There wasn't a thing in it that was ponsibility; and rejoice over the con -
not useful or very entertaining. It fidence and respect which your many
reached ale in excellent condition, scholars have had for you. You have the races for the children which wore enjoy -
None of the articles in the parcel proven yourself to be a genial mein- ed bn alis. Alter tend snorts ft mer was
went to waste dither; if er o'. the staff, always ing Mre. Metre
had one I passed it on to one of my operate in every way, not only to their hospitality.
section who didn't, and naturally the advance the interests of your own
magazines and other reading meter- classes, but the welfare of the entire MAN WANTED
ia1 went the rounds, I haven't seen school. These changes unfortunately ApplyAt isto . Must have re a far experience.
any of the Hensall boys over here, are necessary and unpreventable,
perhaps because I just do not hap- but our affectionate wishes'for your
pen to be in the particular area in future go with you , Mrs. Blowes,
which they are -but every new Claudette and Sandra, to your new
place I go I scan faces to see if there home. This little gift (an end table)
is anyone I know. Thank you again carries with it our profound grati-
for remembering me. I assure you tude for your work in the past. We
that I will wait eagerly for more trust that its place in your home will
news. - often bring. black pleasant memories
From Stewart Pepper, Overseas.' of past days we have spent together
June 14. Dear 'Gladys: Received to- and thoughts of friendship shall
day your letter of May 29, also year never 'change or end." !'Dear Miss
0your pupils are very sor-
Feb. parcel which I thank ,you for Phaff: We, p p
very much. As you may know our ry that when school opens next Sep -
rations are not very plentiful or tenhber you will not be'here to wel-
tasty, so you see anything we receive come us. As our teacher you have
in parcels is welcomed with open been very kind and patient,, you
arms. The candy in this parcel arriv- have done all you could to make us
ed in excellent shape. The cookies truthful, obedient, honest scholars,
were rather broken up but were a and many times you have gone to
real treat, As for the parcels, I dont much trouble to give us a good time
think you could do better. I really at our little parties and outings. We
enjoy reading your letters, Gladys. ellell never forget these happy times
You are doing more for us than yon or the teacher who made them poss-
think. I am in good health and wait- ible and we hope that we may grow
ing to- `get on with this job and get into better men and women because
it over so that we can all return of your teaching. As a small token
home and enjoy some of those of our love and our thanks for all
dances which you are having. Please you have done for us, we wish to
continue with your work, for we present you with these gifts. We
really appreciate what you are do- trust that when you use them you
ing for us. Convey my thanks to the will remember that each one of your
Institute and War Service. , pupils , is wishing you many, many
Institute Picnic- I years of happiness."
A very enjoyable time was spent Unveiling and Dedication Service -
at the home of Mrs. Wm. Sangster An unveiling and dedication ser -
on Wednesday afternoon, June 14, vice on honor rolls was held in lien -
when the Hensall Women's Institute sail United Church on Sunday at 8
held their annual picnic. The presi- p.m. The front of the church was
dent, Miss Gladys Luker, conducted beautifully decorated with patriotic
a short business period , Mrs. A. bouquets of red roses, white orange
but never recovered, She was form-
erly Marjorie Cotton and was born
in Toronto. Mrs, Grant will be
greatly missed in the church as well
as the home as she took an active
part in all organizations of the
church. Besides her husband she is
survived by four daughters, Eliza-
beth, Sybil, Barbara and Joan and
one son, McMillan, all at home. A
private service was held at the home
on Tuesday afternoon with 'inter-
ment in Exeter cemetery, The sym-
pathy of the -whole community goes
out to the bereaved husband and
Mr. Joseph Dayman of St. Cath-
arines is spending a couple of weeks
visiting with friends around the vill-
errs. Eagle has returner home from
a pleasant visit with friends at Ha-
milton and Stratford,
1 The ' lSppen 'East women's institute held
their annual picnic on the lawn of Mrs. 25.
McGregor, Mrs. Joe McLellan, on Wed af-
ternoon, Juno 51, with a good attendance of
members and friends. The afternoon was
spent in quilting and seven quilts wore quilt-
ed for the Red Cross. Mrs. Campbell Zs'i'e
nd. Mrs Sohn Sinclair were in charge of.
becauseI b f h t ffready to co- >? gor and Mra. Mcicuan rot
Shirray, Miss Esther Mcll:wain, Mrs. blossoms and blue delphinium. The
Harry Horton and Mrs. Sangster program opened with an organ pre-
-were the committee in charge of the lude and hymn "Onward Christian
sports. During the afternoon Miss Soldiers." Scripture reading by Fit.
Audrey Dinnin, bride -elect, was pre- Lieut, - H. Gr Martin; vocal solo by
rented, with a half dozen goblets. Lieut. Sam G. Rennie of Chatham,
The address was react by Miss Gladys followed by prayer and statement
Luker and the presentation made by regarding honor rolls by Rev, R. A.
Miss Beryl Phaff. "Dear. Miss Dinn- Brook. Unveiling of tablet No, 1 with
in -Knowing that a very happy ev- the names of the boys of World War
ent is to take place in Your life, we; No. 1 read by Harry W. Horton and
your friends and members of Hen- unveiled by Cpl. Fred Beer; unveil-
sall Institute, have gathered here ing of tablet No. 2 with the names
this evening to wish you much joy in ,f the boys in the present war were
your new venture. We have always read by G. Mark Drysdale tied un-
found you willing to do whatever coiled by Cpl. Donald McKaig, re- -
was asked of you. It is right that cently returned from overseas,
everyone should have a home of her act of dedical•on was followed by
own and a good life partner. We re- the chant response of the Lords
joice m the fact that unlikeso many prayer and the national anth>-112
events of this nature, we are count- The sermon was given by Fit. Lieut.
with GiLLETT'S
Don't break your back -you
don't have to scrub and rub so
hard! Almost like magic, Gil
lett's Lye whisks away dirt and
grime, cuts right through grease
lets you fly through heavy
cleaning without exhausting
drudgery!' Keep a wonder-work-
ing tin of Gillett's handy always.
Handles messy tasks too. Deo-
dorizes garbage pails. Used full
strength it clears clogged drains
fast, completely destroys con-
tents of outside closets. Get
some today.
• Never dissolve lye in hot water. The
action of the lye itself heats the water.
Card of Thanks
r true c
Grant and R A,M C rn
to express their appreciation o£ the kindness
and sympathy in a tangible way, of 60 m,my
to and outside of the congregation during
Mrs Grant's illuoos and especially in these
days of their sad bereavement, We apprec-
iate :and thank allfor their kindness,
Card of Thanks_
bit'. and Mrs. Daviel Popple and
family wish to express their deep
appreciation of kindness and sym-
pathy extended to them in their,
recent sad bereavement.
Three Purebred Shorthorn bulls, fourteen
is twenty months old. Apply to Geo. L. Reid,
Part Jersey and Shorthorn, male.
Chopping ?trill, Egmondville.
Auction Sale
Of Ifousehold Effects and Property. Harold
Jackson has been instructed to sell by public
auction on Wednesday, Silly 10th, at 1,30
P.M. on the premises of the undersigned hi
Eguiondvillo She following. household articles
and properties.
Kitchen table, 0 kitchen chairs, Finlay
range, good as new; number small tables;
sewing machine, clock, four rocking chairs;
1 two -burner electrl5 •plate, 1 single burner
plate, coal oil oven, pantry scales, kitchen
utensils,electric toasterand iron (new).
garden utensils, oak diningroom suite, elec-
tric Rogers radio, floor lamp, 1 settee and 2
chairs, small tables, 3 complete bedroom
suites,.springs and mattresses, .single bed and
springs, 1 washstand, Congoleum rug 12x15,
good as new, 2 Congoleum rugs 9512 ; 4 odd
chairs, '2 lawn mowers, stepladder, wringer
and clothes basket, clocks, Quantity fruit and
pickles, quantity hard coal, Quantity of coke
(about 2 tons), 4 to 5 cords split hardwood,
cord soft wood, crosscut saw, ash sifter,
scythe, carpenter's tools, vise, steel wheel
barrow, pictures, number of good sheets and
bedding. Other small .articles.
I ion ladder.
One-half acre lot, 2 -storey brick house, ex-
cellent condition, barn and garden. Hot water
heating, hydro, convenient to church and
schools. Terms on chattels cash. Property
1.0x31 down day of sale, balance in 30 days:
offered subject to reserve bid. MOS. J. 0,
DOCIiERTY, Prop. Harold Jackson, Aust.
A luiyloader in good condition, Apply to
Zack Ryan, phone Dublin 46x5.
E �
KING 1111G KILLER, 20 pounds 75e
STOOKAI:O ANIMAL SPRAY, 160 flied ounces, 1 gal. 1 e5
Royal P111518 Lice I(illei, per pltge. • , 600
P1IATT'S HOG TONIC, 21/2 lb. ;Age. 700
1 75
DARLEY'S DISINFECTANT, 10 oz. bottle 46e
' -81sk
k 33c
Tea pe g•
Please co-operate and park your
cars between lines of Main Street.
Do not park your car in prohibited
areas or the law will have to be en-
Chief of Police.
Electric Spartan radio 8 tube cabinet. In
good order. Phone 28-e, Dublin,
Room and board For elderly lady. State
street, rate and conveniences in letter to
Box C, The Seaforth News,
1 McConnell & Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174
14 acres choice timothy and alfalfa hay
mixed. Also 5' acres of yellow sweet clover,
Phone Roy Connell, 6541:22. Seaforth,
In Seaforth, two or three rooms down-
ownstairs, A11. conveniences. Phone 30, Dublin.
7 -room
rn frame h
3 pe.
e. bath
a00m fnrose0.a wine hydro service, electric
pump for soft water, part hardwoodfloor-
ing, attic insulated, garage on property, sit-
' unted on Wilson street, Must be seen to be
I annreeiated. A real buy, Prompt possession.
5 -room cottage. situated on High street,
hydro, town water, bathroom, furnace in
basement, newly decorated. A good buy.
In addition we hat•
e six otlr h s lor-
Eighty acres In Mc$illop township, Con, 1
13. Fair buildings, abundance of water, about •
5 acres of timber, 2,(, miles from market.
Nearly all in grass. Apply to W. J.
Nicholson, Walton R.R. #1.
A matched pair of Clyde geldings,
3 and 4 years old well broken. Apply
er Dose
ated in Egmondville and Seaforth listed and
would be glad to have your enquiries.
50 acre form, Mil Road, 3 miles from
Seaforth, with house and barn. All in grass.
Cement block and Nle business In town
with first class house. A. real chance for a
000115 mall,
insurance & Real Estate
Phone 334. Seaforth, Ont. Res. 220
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:--
ours:-Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The 1V,icKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, W. R. Archibald, .Sea -
forth; Vice President, Frank Mc-
Gregor, Clinton; Sec,-Treas, and
Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank
McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot,
Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born-
holm; E. 3. Trewartha, Clinton;
John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Me -
o -1 Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander,
Walton; George Leitch, Clinton.
John E. Pepper, Brucefeld;• R. F.
McKercher, Dublin; - J, F. Prueter,
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
' promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
to Win. Boyd, 3481.41, Seaforth, lot 13, addressed to their respective post ""'-"•`
con. 11, McKillop. FOR SALE t offices.
Allis-Chalmers All -Crop Pfarvest-
- en, fully equipped and on rubber
A child's folding play pen in good tires, Hyde- Tractor Co., Hensall
condition. Phone 28 on 658, Sea- Telephone 128.
New Philco battery radio for sale.
Vivan Cooper, Egmpndville,
A bag of wheat, in Hensall, Finder
please call 91r 12, Hensall.
and parts
A car expected soon, phone
your orders
A limited supply of 650 & 600 ft.
ROPE - all sizes
Co -Op and Shur Gain poultry
and hog feeds mixed daily
Mixed chop and millfeeds
Executors Sale
The Executor of the Estate of
Helene Austin Stott will sell at j
at the deceased's residence at Lot
74, 75 and 76, Iluron Terrace and Lot
110 and 11 on Tuyll Street in the
Village of Bayfield
MONDAY, JULY 3, 1944
at 1 P.M.
at 1 P.M.
The• following goods and' chattels
among numerous other ,gs'ticles:
MONDAY, JULY 3, 1944 -Pictures,
Paintings, etchings, china ware, orna-
ments, bric-a-brac, brass candle-
; sticks, candelabra, and the contents
of an annexed cottage consisting of
stoves, tables, verandah swing, bed,
springs and mattress, chest of draw-
' ers, wash stands, wheelbarrow and
' garden utensils.
TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1044 -Furnit-
ure Including living room furniture,1
Chickering Baby Grand Piano with
electric player and records, dining
11•oom suite, 4 bedroom suites, hall
furniture, verandah reed furniture,
,rugs and other articles too numerous
-to mention,
NOTICE i For further particulars apply to;
Tuciccrsmith council will meet on Friday, i Ia Sold .Tackson, Esq., Seaforth,
June: 30th at 8,50. instead of the first Sat-
urday in July, outing to the holiday. Ont„ Auctioneer,
Anybody wishing to gravel their lane call 1 or - .
Wilson McCartney within the next ten days 1
as the crusher is moving out of Allan's pit. R. C. Hata, K.C., GOde1'3Ch, Ont.,
Phone 15 on• 656. 1 Solicitor for Executor..
D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk '
Wm. Bradshaw, your Watkins dealer, and
• Lot 20, Con. 6, MclCllloll, 2°¢_ miles north also agent for E, D. Smith Son,&fruit and
of No. 8 Highway at Seaforth, on asphalt •_ornamental nursery stock, Market street,
pavedi county highway No. 12, is offered for 5eaCorth, Ont. Phone 60,
sale 1'n 00y Of the three following ways:
1, Pam, crop, stock and implements, im-
mediate possession.
2. Farm and crop. immediate possession.
3. Farm, possession in the fall or next 1
Terms will be given on the land up to 60
per cent, of purchase price, at 4 per cent,
per annum.
If you are looking for a nice location to.,
live, don't overlook this before buying. Hy-
dro installed and its equipment. Drilled well .
and Supply tank, Note: No stock., crop or
implements will be sold without the sale of
farm, Apply to F. B. M000, It.R. No. 1,
The Pure Bred Belgian' Stallion
Enrolment No. 3017 First Class Form 1
The Pure -Bred Clydesdale Stallion
Enrolment No. 4177 Third Class Form 8
TheROYAPuraL BredCARBClydIt00esdal1(:e(27St101allion)
Enrolment 140, 3500 First Class Form 1
Tho Pure Bred Percheron Stallion
REFINER (1.6280)
Enrolment No, 234 First Class Form 1.
Route for 1944 -Monday and Tuesday,
McKillop, Morris and Grey Tps, Wed &
BARON LULLWATER Thurs., vicinity of Clinton, Colborne and
Goderich :Cps. Friday & Sat., vicinity of
Enrolment #3049 First Class Kippers, anneals and Zurich,
Fenn I. Canadian Standard Bred Terms for Donald Moncur, $18 to insure,
Premium Horse. Will stand at his payablo Murch tat, 1995,
Terme £or Weat Pine Supreme, Refiner,
home stable, E. '' lot 84, con. 5, and Royal Carbas Sup/
rook,. $16, b
MCl flop., T. J. MoMIOHAEL, Prop. &,Manager
G o, B. Dorrance,. Proprietor. _
I !have purchased the purebred.
or sure o ' r ce •
Y k 1' hg Sp u Ridge Lad 3W
268541-. This is a fine bacon type
animal. Terms $1 cash at time of
service. Peter Hicknell, Lot 14, Con.
5, Mbliillop. Phone 64r11, Dublin.
Mrs. Jno. A. McLaren,. who .has
spent: the past two years with her 1
daughter in Edmonton, has returned
to the home of her son, Alex. e Sh
was accompanied by her sister, Mrs.
Henderson of Winnipeg.
Hugh, the small son of 'rhos. L.
Scott, had the misfortune to have a
gate fall on his leg breaking it above
the knee,
Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Smith of
Brodhagen. with Mr. and Mrs, Jas.
Scott, Jr., Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Allen
and family with Mr, and Mrs. Watt
Kerslake; Mrs. Quance and Baugh- I •
By bag or truckload FREE for
for removing at once from
premises. We are anxious to move
these as quickly as possible as we
will have a surplus on hand for the
next couple of months.
John Boshart & Sons
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Dr, D. A. Mc1.Vlaster, M.B., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic
Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 3 to
6 p.m.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday in
every ntontll from 1 to 2 p,m.
Physician and Surgeon
in Di', H. H, Ross' office, Phone 5 J
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr. W. 0. Sproat
Phone 90 W - Seaforth
Dye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto, Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural institute,
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng: At
Hotel, Seaforth, - third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 .p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. -53 WaterIoo
St., Stratford. Telephone 267.
ter, Mrs. McDougal, of Harrington, •
with: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Allen; Mr. and
Mrs• Ernest Graham and family of
Crumlin with Miss M. B. Currie;
Mr. and Mrs. Pauli and son with Mr.
and Mrs. A. McLachlan; Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Lawson and family of
Buffalo with Mrs. Treffry; Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne of Thames
.Road with Mr. and Mrs. Carter Ker-
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices paid for
Eggs and Poultry
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
successor to Holmes & Whitney
Funeral Director,
Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos-
pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell
Nursery Flowers. Phone 119.
Nights and Holidays 66
Sun Life Assurance
Co.. of Canada
Assures Security for over
One Million Partners
District Agent
It's a real
pipe smoker's
(Essential War Industry),