HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-06-29, Page 1euuu, o„ ,,, nunnu,nnnon
He.came -into my kitchen treat
With laggigg, dusty, road -worn foet.
I fed she with the best'I -had,
He looked so weary and so sad,
At last he stood with capin. hand,
,Then said, "Oh, may you understand
.nun unmm�nn"nmimnnu,nnnu,;uniumnnmuununu
All that your hospiteli ty
Has 'meant to one forlorn like me 1"
1 watched ;hint -7 cos far down the street,:
Faster and faster my lteart beat,
"I Was an hungered'; could it be
That now, dear Lord,I had fed Thee?
B. -Steiner.
SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1944 Phone 84 $1 a year
The Merch'an'ts committee of the
Seaforth Chamber of Commerce met
Tuesday night to d'is.Enss the new •
government order restricting work-
ing hours for employees.
Since the order governs employees
only, it was decided that only slight
changes in the opening and closing,
hours of Seaforth stores would be
necessary at the present time, and
individual- merchants would Work out
business hours . and their employees
hours to conform with the new law.
Bili No. 96, Hours of Work and
Vacation with Pay Act of 1944, lim-
its the hours of work -for employees
to 48 hours per week, -and the mer-
chants committee urge the buying
public to co-operate by shopping.
early so that local stores may close
Saturday nights at 11 p.m. sharp in
• the months of June, July, August
and September, and 10 o'clock all
other months.
The committee would like to em-
phasize that store hours are not lim-
ited through indifference to the
needs ofthe buying public, butaree
regulated by government order
conserve electric power urgently
needed in war industry, and Seaforth
merchants are malting an honest ef-
fort to live up to these regulations.
When 'the bill has been clarified,
some slight changes in hours may be
*!blue. c:oal'F:x
There will be a Salvage Collection
in the East Side of Seaforth, also in
Egmondville on Tuesday afternoon
July 4th, starting at 3.30. The East
Side includes all of. Seaforth east of
Main Street; and south of the rail-
way tracks, also the stores on•both
sides of the street. All stores and
homes- in Egmondville will be visited
by the collectors.
This is an "invasion" collection;
you can help our boys who are mak-
ing,such`a valiant and successful in-
vasion of Europe from three sides
by making a special effort at this
time. The current shortage of paper
would hamper the invasion if car-
tons for ammunition were lacking,
or if containers for' blood plasma
were not available. The answer to
this may be some old books, maga-
zines or newspapers bundled away
in your attic or garage. Or a bag of
rage may do its share in providing
wipers for aeroplanes that are prep-
aring the way for our ground forces.
In addition to helping in this way,
the proceeds derived from the sale ile.10 I keep bomping tato 1t all the time.
Por instimee, tonight shoo jus a are feaia
of this much-needed salvage is don- C:ur. Legion picEure snow. we are of a
ated to War Charities. rather Isolated station just now and every
Your old phonograph records, now and again the Oan. Legion hrtive wilt,
n darn good talkie" Lor us and it certainly
Whether scratched, chipped Or brOk- is n highlight around camp. Then when on.
en, are very acceptable as salvage. 101100 ler a eeopie o1 days last month 0 -had a
Please do not break up large card -
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister,
10 • a.m., Sunday School.
11-•a.m., Dominion Day Message.
Subject, "God, In Canadian Life?'
'7 p.m., Prayers for Canadians In.
the services. Subject, "Our Anticipa-
tion o£ 'Victory.'
Welcome to these services.
• St. Thdmas Church
Rector: Rev. Dr. Burford.
11 •arm,, "How Can I Be a •Chr>is-
'7 p.m., "The Beginning of a Gos-
Instead of Sunday School for July
and August the children attend
church service at 11 a.m.
• St. Mary's Church, Dublin
9.80 a.m., "How Can I Be a Chris-
tian?„ .
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D.
10 a.im, Sunday School.
11 a.m., `Religion, Nota Private
7 pan.; "The Need of Faith."
basket icnic of the
The: annual p
Huron and Bruce Association will be
held at Dauphin, Man., on Tuesday,
a eopen at 2 .m. A large
July 4th, g t P
gathering is expected. Robert Far.
rell is president and Wm. Murray,
The following acknowledgments have been
received by theR. .0. Sprout, A Juvenile Softball League has About 250 .friends and neighbors.
adian. Legion, . i gathered in Walton cornmeal hall
cigarettes and parcels sent to. members of been- organized tinder the auspices of g
the tones' overseen, the Seaforth Athletic. Association, Friday, June 23rd, in honor of Mr.
luteins Phillips. chnglteltes "B"o"wes your and. the following teams have been and Mrs. Ralph McNichol, During
wonderful box or chocolates abent hours. the evening lir. Clarence Grainger
ago and I am the envy of my crew as I sit arranged: - �' g
here and write to you, ,deo ml0Ching on a Bruins -1.C, Huisser, G. Broome, read the address and Mr. Norman
nice chocolate. Words fail m. in expressing 'R. sins, R. bohnag'e, T. Kehl), B. Williamson presented them with a
my thanks for this. lovely :gift: Soon when
this is all over we will be able to come back Trapnell, J. McClinchey, J. Muir, J. chest of silver and a sum of money.
and thank you personally. The weather here Ruston, J. Laudenbach, C, Eckert, The address Was as follows: "Dear
is fine and we are busy flying when it's soca, G. Hubert, B. Fraser, T, Webster, B. Anne and Ralph,—We, your. friends
Well, Mr. Sproat: the kind of bananas rm and neighbors have gathered here
helping to sling now are a little .heavier and Doig• g
they go. off ,with a bigger bang, Fart of my Rangers—J• Bunking, 3. Jones, this evening to - celebrate with you.
non are also. hereandagain `sndd wishingthy u B. .Musgrane,..K. King, S. Barry, D. one 'of the most important steps in
Y gr' -any young man or woman,
success in your wonderful work," Mull', B. Shaw; 3. Vincent, D..Ii',1'110tt the life of
F/Lt. I. E. MacTavash, .RCAF. some- G. Baker, M, Bechely, K. Moore, B. that of holy matrimony. Since you
where in England.' "Dear Ross—I wish :you, McClinchey, K. Vincent, J. Me•Nairn. both have grow'n'u'p in our midst and
would convey my moat sincere thanks tot e
boys of -#150 for a .parcel of cigarettes I re• Maple Leafs, J. Meir, D. Muir, Z. have both shown very great.interest
served yesterday. It's darn good to know tile Weedmark, 13. Cleary, G. Steffen, F. in our social life, we are fortunate
people back home aro doing so .much for all Taylor, W. Baker, 3. McKindsey;. F. in having both of you remain among
of ns and their gifts aro really appreciated..
I don't smoke myself but I have had 00 Ruston, L. Habkirlc, D. Langford, K. us. To you, Anne, we must congrat-
much measure 001 of the several packages Willis, D: Bradshaw, L. Eisler, R. elate you on such an excellent choice
from you as if T di.. I have been on RAF Dale. Games are to be played at 4 for a husband. In 'past years you
stations ever 011100 arriving here and so
there aro only a few Canadians on the stn- p.m. Torn' Beattie is manager of the have been noted for your pleasing,
Ion. I have 'tr number of frtends among the Juvenile League, manner`, your cheerful. smile, your
RAF and you should see the amount .of The playing schedule is: July 4,.willingnessto help, and last but not
pleasure your cigarettes spread around the least your good.cooking.With these
moss. 1 nover knew ;wale: Boal about the Black Hawks vs. Rangers; July 6, y
leg;mt silt you'll be glad to learn that 000 Maple Leafs vs. Bruins; July 11, traits it is quite certain that you
Rangers vs. Maple Leafs; July 13, will make for Ralph a number one
Black Hawks vs. Bruins; July 18, wife. To you, Ralph, we must all
'Black Hawks vs. Maple Leafs; July agree that you were fortunate in
20, Rangers vs Bruins. The schedule getting for yourself so friendly and
is double and the teams will play in so charming a partner. In years gone
the sante order as above on the dates by you have proved to everyone that
July 25, 27, Alia'. 1, Aug. 3, 8, 10. ' Yotl are worthy of so fine a wife. A
The three top teams play off, the team like this cannot fail to pull the
highest team gets a bye, 2nd end wagon of happiness down the walk
3rd play off to meet first team. of married life. At this time we all.
The Seaforth Ladies'' Softball join to wash you a happy and pros -
7 eague will play on Tuesdays and ; perms married life and to show the
Thursdays as follows at 7.15 p.m. esteem in which you are held by all,
'William Hart is manager of this i we ask ,you to accept this gift."
league. June 27, Main St. vs. Dun- I The groom thanked then all in a
can's; June 29 Duncan's vs, High' new well spoken words, after which
in Edinburgh. They .have n pian there you
board cartons; these are useful for can be mond of and most of all they 1in.'
shipping paper`; also tea boxes and coca cola and pen -nut butter. It's funny how
plywood boxes are desired for ship- good some simple thing Bice that can be
when it Is seen eq seldom. At present I are
ping glass. just completing a very extensive training
course, We were just getting under way
over here when some of us were divo'ted to
this special. training but we expect to be in
active Canadian squadrons very soon now.
We are all hoping we will be there by the
time the Second Front starts .as our work
ties in with that. I don't doubt .you've heard
rumors of the second front over there. They
certainly aro thick here right now. Once
again thanks to the Legion for my parcel
and also for all their services over here."
Sgt, C. B. Flannery Overseas: ,rust a
word to shank .yea for smokes. Really ap-
preciate them as rigs. here are not the best.
Sending regards to all,"
Pte. John J. Wood, R000, Overseas: "To
you rill of the Legion I extend my thanks
for the cigarettes that I received today.
Guess you know how a fellow feels about re.
who is leaving to reside in London., wiring those smokes from the folks at home,
Mr, Sam Whitmore read the address more like a lack of the adequate words to
On Friday afternoon a very suc-
cessful picnic was held at Lions park
for School Area No. 1, Tuckersmlth.
Races were first enjoyed. Then a ball
game was held between the pupils
of S.S. No. 7 and S.S. No. 4. A spe-
cial feature of the day was the pres-
entation of a beautiful table lamp
to Mrs. Cornish, teacher of No. 7,'
and Mrs. Wm. Pepper and Mr
Will Pepper Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. A.
Mustard visited with their daughter
and sister ancl ,her family, Mr and
Mrs. Geo. Pinkney at Walkerton re-
Decoration services were held at
13aird's- cemetery on Sunday after-
Miss Ina Scott of London is visit-
ing with her people here.
Red Cross meeting will be held in
', I.O,O.F. hall on Thursday afternoon,
July 6th. More sewers and knitters
are needed,' there will also be quilt-
ing that afternoon. < - ar and
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Mustard
Miss Edna Mustard, also Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Mustard of Goderich'
have gone to their cottage at Inver
Huron for the summer.
Lindsay Eyre 'and.
Mr., and Mrs. Lm Y y
daughters Nora and Verna visited
with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert. Douglas at Sinicoe last
sympathy is extended,to
Deepest sympa y
Mr. and Mrs. David Popple and"' fa-
mily in. the passing of their son and
brother, Robert Dapple, who pa
the supreme sacrifice' of his life in
France on. June 6th.
and Miss Trieie Sandford made the. 007 .how much they ere appreciated. Hors
- - (loos thea second front waiting affect you a11?
presentation, • Guess as .old soldiers you have ldeta, but of
Lite length of waiting we have experienced
and It Isn't at all pleasing, in fact it's very
boring, espeohQly so when we know of the
gfeat job 'the boys fnItaly are doing while
we just sit. This outfit of out• has beon turn -
Word has been received of the od to sfm.1 and that's the only clmnge
sudden death 0f Victoria Elizabeth on our front, So thanks a lot, everyone, and
Middleton (Bessie) Broadfoot, of the best of tuck."
Nelson British Columbia. Miss C, S. Mowbray, Provost coy., Ovaraens:
"Received your cigarettes in good order, 1 0
Broadfoot was taken suddenly ill at rad, thinking you very, very much, as I
a nearby summer resort and was ta- t'enlly annn'ecinte getting smokes from home..
ken to St. Martin's Hospital, B.C. It sure to n brek not to have to smoke
P , these )ngUah emokea. Eloping this ifnds
where she passed away after a .shoot cyeryone rat hone in good kearlth."
illness, Miss Broadfoot was the eld-• 'Set, M• 8, Smith: RCAF (WD), Overseaas:
er daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. ''Many thanks tier rememb0ring me. Tiro
W.G. B df t f Br] End Firm qi-'"Ttt0s ora most aaeeeptt le and app.1"
School; July 4 Fligh School vs Main they all sang, "For. They Are Jolly ,
Street; July 6, Main Street vs. Dun- I Gooch Fellows." After lunch a few-,
can's; July 11, Duncan's vs. High hours of good dancing was enjoyed
School; July. 13, High School vs. by all. Music supplied by Herbert'
Main Street. Two top teams playoff. Kirkby and orchestra.
There will not be a band concert Miss Lena Graham, elderly resident
'on. Sunday, July and, but there is a of Godericb street west:, was taken' to
u ical treat in. stoke for the people St. Joseph's Hospital, London, for
'musical treatment, following a tall on the
of Seaforth and community on Wed -
steps while going out to the garden;
under ,July 6t31, when a bugle band which resulted in a broken Heel. The
"under the leadership of Flt. Sgt, accident happened Tuesday mmnnig;
Vollick will parade on Main street at Mrs. McQuarrie, who has been car -
7,30, to be followed at$ o'clock with jag for her two aged sister•s Mss:
a band conceit in Victoria Park by Reinke and Miss Toms (0 Egmond-
the R•A,F, Brass Band under the. vjlle, was still unconscious Wednes-
not miss hearing these two outstancl-
deaclership' of Pte. Still, USAAF, Do . cloy in
Scott Memo hal hospital 'afte
a fall on tha stairs on Tuesday.
TUCKERSMITH The monthly meethig of the Mae
There died in Tuckersmlth NIon•, Lane Auxiliary of North Side United
Church was held Tuesday evening.
day of this week, Mies Elizabeth; Miss Emily Lester, sec., read the pain -
Forsyth to her 90th yew, at the
W, rce o0 , 0 g • , o(ecL e iappy to say the "Smith lfamily"tare
2nd concession of Tuckersm}th; together ai5aln. Again,. thanks s lot. home of her. brother, Mr. and Mrs..
where deceased was born. She is stir -"Thr. W, J. Cameron, Italy: "Just a few Abe Forsyth. Miss Forsyth was born
vived by one sister Agnes (IMS,' floes carton efth'a'e'•gc- you was for downVerto 100100mR in Berwickshire, Scotland, in Feb.,
1665, who with her parents, the late
Mr. and Mrs. E. Forsyth, came t0
this country in the spring of 1857..
Miss Forsyth was blessed during the
greater part of her life with a rugs-,
'ed constitution but suffered a fall in
1940, breaking her hip and by which
accident has since' beenmore or
less handicapped, The subject .of this
sketch was diligent by nature and
had a very retentive memory and
was particularly adept 111 all sorts of
needle craft and was not unmindful
of the needs and sufferings of the.
soldiers both in World War No. 1
and in the present conflict. Manv
,evidences of 'her handiwork are still
seen in the homes of those nearest
and dearest to her. A private funeral
was held from her late home Wed-
nesday. June 28, and Conducted by
Rev. A. W. Gardiner of Egmondville
Church, who paid fitting tribute to
the long and exemplary life of the
deceased, with which church she had
been associated. even from her in-
fancy. The pallbearers were neph-
ews and cousins, viz., Ivan Forsyth,'
Harry M. Chesney, Russell Consitt,
Robert R. McAllister, Clarence
Parke and, Thomas Neilans, The sur-
viving members of the Forsyth fam-
ily:are Alex. Forsyth, of British Col-
umbia; Mrs. T. Consitt, Stanley
Twp., Abe Forsyth, Tuckersmlth,
and T. N. Forsyth, Kippen.
"Leaves have their time to fall,
And flowers to wither at the north
wind's breath,
And stars to set, but all,
Thou u haat all seasons for thine own,
oh Death!
The neighbors and friends of Mri
and Mrs, Wm. Cameron held a social
evening on Wednesday in the Sea -
forth armories on the occasion of
their 25th wedding anniversary when.
they presented them. with a tri -richt
Weer lamp with a crystal base, The
address was read by Mrs. Wilfred
Coleman and Messrs: Cecil. Olce and
George T. Flewitt, who lives on the Mures so they are being enjoyed very moos,.
family homestead in. Tuckersmith,: j:have 0. .1111 of 0Ows of sumo interost to the
and one brother, Wm., 0f Oliver • mombors of the, Legion. Duncan is in nom-
, , mend of the aan now and lite boys like him
B.C., who are left to, mourn the loss very much, I met Hullo a few boys fico.
of a loving sister. A brathdr, James around home lately: Andy Colder. Ang.
Charles Stewart Broaclfoot, died sew- Phillips, Mac Rintod, turd a few from Bus -
pretty grim here tiow but You guys
et`al years ago. The homestead was took it the Inst time and we ora doing the
taken out of the bush 1',y their gra1Td- ngu n veryttmuchnv£ortrtl eocigs. Goodnl Ckyto
father, the late :fames Broadloof, 0 0,1
nearly 100 years ago, who. came -Sgt, Jack Holland, Overseas: "It 1008 with
from Ayrshire, Scotland,.when the Pleasure I received your gift of cigorettee.
land was all bush where he made his 11 or are so welcome over here: The Can.
afoot was a mem- Legion to certainly doing a good lob liege,
borne, Miss. res d and their service clubs nre.nutte Popular with
ber of the Presbyterian Church and ttie bora. Thanking you again.
an active' interest in church af='Cadet S. P. Geddes'Seaforth
Overseas: "Dear '.
took 8111001, I was ery pleased to oocei
f airs. cigarettes from vthe .orth branch of the
Red Cross Notes.
' Legion yesterday. Canadian cigarettes are
alwaYa welcome over here and I want to
The private funeral service for= Mrs.
Grant was conducted by the Rev, Mr.
Atkinson of Brucefleld, assisted by
Rev. Mr,. Gardiner and Rev. Mr. Bur-
ton, (Clinton), who brought and ex-
pressed the sympathy of the Presby-
tery. The elders with the present and
past chairmen of the Board of Mai
agers constituted pallbearers an
flower -bearers. Present at the funeral
were Mrs. Giles and Mrs. "-Lynn of
Toronto, cousins of Mrs. Grant, and
also 'Miss Latimer, an aunt, from To•
v+onto.'Interment was at Exeter cem-
etery, where friends from Grand
Bend and several .of the local minis-
ters were present.
The jam committee wishes to report. 160
lbs. strawberry Sara made last "week. We ate
hoping that the public will see Atte support
the jam.. project financially as well as other-
wise again this. year.. In this way helping us
to fulfill the quota we have set for the
thank you for them. Stewart Geddes."
'Wm. Kelley, Italy: 'Manythanks for the
cigarettes which. I received from 700 to -day.
They. were very much appreciated indeed,
and I am very grateful to you all."
LAC Hildebrand,. RCAF, 'Overseas "Re-
ceived your carton of cigarettes to11aY.MMem'thanks. Everythins s going ,
and I 1000 never in -better health. There's
noneof the boys - from around home on this
S ELECTED' AT station any mare. Wo never stay long in one
OFFICERplace Thanks. a arb r , I
McKILLOP` MEETING Sgt. Wm, s Barber, Italy: "once more I
• avas happy to receive another lot of cigar`
d eetin , ettes from you people and :1 cannot thank
At a well rept eSentC m g ydu too mush, for them. Wo ace having a
from toll the polls in the township oe boss tams of it at.
p esme tin ut gladtthats we•e
McKillop, held in Winthrop hall, the myth.ab�Be to weather rico and lovely
following officers were elected: days nand nights, weathd bury r gra d lokeall
Township executive, Chairman, Jas, law months ago. I
Bill Barber."
McQuaid; David Boyd, Percy Little, 01Pyou,
A'A O'Leary, overseas: "Thanks a
Harrison; No, 3, Daniel Beuermann, 13004 cigarette smoked over here. Many Eng.
No. 4, Earl Mills b t
say they're better than
hcost American
Dr. • R. Hobbs Taylor, M•P,'IP., of • brands, Eng. cigarettesnow
them in our can-
'Dashwood, was present and gave a ao,- to us when we
and canget
et civilians, egtrlval-
d teens and
the Provincial government. : Glen Smith, RON Bakery, St. Jahn s, New
ifodndlandt 'Just a line to thank You people
for the :smokes I. .received Inst week. Thefeats
VANCOUVER COUPLE ,certainly came in very handy and great
62 YEARS MARRIED ,Iy' appreciated, We are hiving grand
their here now but very Changeable. We: are
• tooling forward to getting' our leave. soon,
W'll'am George valoh will be most welcome. Thanking you
d M
Edmund s. Car. Poll chairmen are mGll Pte, A. for rite sweet '0ave ; theyaa0 7y pttet
No. 1, Jas. Carlin; No. 2, Albert a yet) opportune time avfien ICs a are the
able talk On orgamZing an eat to sixty cents for twenty. Please pass
also a report on the past ,session Of •n,y flanks around. Andrew: O'Leary:.'
Mr, and r5. William again and best of luck to all your Pnembera,"
Smith celebrated their sixty-second , Pte. L. Carlin, Overseas: "Dear Mr,
wedding anniversary at their home Sp1'oat. 2 received' a carton of sirs. from last Arthur Nicholson made the presen-
iin Vaocoaver, 'B.C., on June •20th. week and 1' wish to it islnwondank arfula whatlYolnr- tali 011. The following is the address:
Mr. Smith is 86 years of age and his 01¢o,oira on is doing over 'hare as vett as "Desi Verda and Will.—On this
wife 83, who was formerly Nhss, at home. Wishing you best of leek.+' your 25th wedding anniversary, a
Mary Jane I)utfus, both being nat- col. J. A. Meitayy, thank rsemoet his is just 'few of your friends have gathered
Ives of the gbh cone of McKillop_ 0: short
note os you sena m although I. was to extend to .you their hearty con-
, They were married in very smprtsed to eat, Ufem 'as i have not granulations. Your twenty-five years
anfl'have lived ']n the West lived in Seaforth since 100ae h 00i alit of wedded life have been fruitful,
about 41 years. Mr. James Smith of I have been back at times for short visit.
y most oL ale fellows I went ;to have
of not only to yourselves but to the
Seaforth, onlysurviving brother of grown un and married or have teff the old community in•general, in that you
g t ,
the groom, is the Only guest now towns Thanking yon again," "Received `900- have taken an active interest in.
' was . resent at 'their wed- Snr. J. Taylor, England: , ' Re condi- O church and civic matters, and in fact
living whoP Sweet Caps, yeetelday, .Parcel it good
aline sixty-two years ago. They had tion and much appreciated as all parcels and every thing that would tend' to pro -
1' children, three of Whom have. smakes we receive from Canada. I will thank mote comonunity betterment and
fou c
passed away yes all very much for the smokes•" proved to be good citizens and res
were also received from '.p..t members of the .sadcommunity.
R, E. Ritchie; Tpr,.'A. A, Cameron, -Italy; Dec ed m ears. will
ING EVENTS •,: P. E Bannon • L Cpl L E.' Brown, We trust that bhe nest 25 y
SWiMM Sigma I
England;ex Kerr; ; t continued
P RTY CHANGES - pines and that ,you may enjoy life
rnlo >y to the full. Please accept this gift
n- here and those
•fi.le ds e
from .your
who are not able to be here—a me-
mento of a very pleasant evening,
It K L W Nesbit bringt' tech prosperity and hap -
The swimming events at the Lions
Recent property changes through the office
- of Watson' 11 -Reids Cottage of E. L. Box on
Jarvis street, to. Melville I', .Steffen fpeoldt
of Joshua •Pollard, North Main St.,
an out of town. purchaser,
swimming pool on July lst will: be:
Boys, 9-12, boys 13, boys 14, boys
open, 15 and over; girls 12 under,
,girls 13-15, girls open 16 over.
utes, Mrs, Bechely had charge of the
business part. Plans were made •tot'
the annual picnic to be held. in July
at the Lions park. Mrs. Johnston con-
vener, took charge, Prayer' was offer-
ed by Mrs. Bradspaw, the Scripture
was read by MT's. McLellan. A -solo
"Learn to 'kicks" was sung by'Mrs.
R. Stewart and was much enjoyed..
The topic ryes ably given by Miss
Wrist Watches
of Merit
We have been - very for-
tunate in securing a large
number of the "Pierce Para.
shock" Wrist Watch. This is
a watch which combines
excellent appearance, corn•
pact size, fine time keeping
quality and long service in a
very reasonable price.
15 Jewels, Waterproof,
Shockproof, Non magnetic,
with assorted styles and
dials at
plus Luxury Tax
Wo recommend this watch
atter careful tests.
Fred S. Savauge
Opposite Post Office
Phone 194 Res. 10
Mrs, Ahrens of Detroit is at her
cottage on the Clan Gregor Square.
Many friends are sorry to know
Mr. Chas Berry is ill and hope for
his recovery in the near future.
McEwan's saw mill is running to
capacity these days, a quantity of
logs are all ready in the yard,
The Red Cross are holding their
annual carnival and bingo on the
Square on July 26th. Many valuable
prizes are to be given.
Mr. and Mrs McLean of London
arrived in Bayfield last week and
have rented Mr. Jas, McMillan's cot-
tage for the summer.
Master 1?jhilip and John Rhynas of
Toronto are guests of their grand-
mother, Mrs. 0. W. Rhynas.
LAC. Fred Weston of the RCAF
spent his leave with Mrs. Weston
and daughter,
Mrs. J. 1I. Govenlock of Seaforth
is spending a week with her. cousin,
Mrs. Wm. Ferguson,
Mr.. and bIrs, E. Geddes and •dau-
ghter of Seaforth spent Sunday with
lIrs J. Ferguson.
Mrs. E. Kendall and daughters of
Elmira is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. Jowett. Capt, Kendall
is overseas.
MTs, G. Alexander of Sask., is a
guest of her brother, Dr. Volume,
and Mrs. Volume.
Prof. l., Hodgins and Miss Hod-
gins of Toronto are occupying their
cottage for the suiilmer.
Mr. I. Chui'chwarcl and Mrs.
Churrhwal'd were in their cottage
over the week end.
Miss E. F. Gardiner of Montreal
is visiting with her mother, Mrs, R.
H:, F. Gardiner.
St. James' "Homan Catholic Church - ST. COLUMBAI�!
the setting for a lovely June wedding Sat?
'Imlay morning at 0.10 o'clock when Isabel;
daughter' of. Mrs. Jones Flannigan. Sea-
forth, end the late Mr. Flannigan, became
the bride of Mr. Verdon Rau, Senfotth, sone
of Mrs. Toseph Rau, Drysdale, and the latd.
Mr. Rau. Rev, T. P, Hussey officiated at tho
ceremony and sang the nupiiel masa Mrs:
Frank Devereaux 'presided at the organ:.
Miss Julia Flannigan, sister of the bride in:
a two -niece hock `of salmon pink with cor-
sage or Joanna NM roses, sang Gouncd's
"Ave Marla" at the offertory and. "Because"
during the signing of the register. The
bride, given In marriage by her mother,'
wore a long gown of white brocaded satin
and finger-tip veil caught with orange bios-
soma. Her only ornament awns -a gold chain,;
the gift of her father to her mother on their.
wedding day. The bridal bouquet was Red'
Brinrcliffe rosebuds. Miss Mary Flannigan,
sister ofthebride, as bridesmaid, was weer
ins a floor length frock of pile green )silk
lace over taffeta. Her veil In green to match
her frock was held with mauve and Pink
Rowers and she carried pink carnations. The
best man was B. Badour, yacieh. A recep-
tion was held at the Commercial Hotel.. Mr.
and Mrs. RAM left on a honeymoon trip to
Manttupn Island. On their return they will
reside In Seaforth,
Huron County Library Assn. books In the
Seaforth Library, June to September.
Fiction—She came to the valley. "Denison ;
Bright Banners, Seifert; The rock and the
wind, 13rethe•to, ; Two feet from Heaven,
Wren : A Star for &lean, Woes; Jossol n's
wife, Norris; Storm house Norris;
Lucky Lnavrences Norris; McNeill's chase 0
ghost, Dubois; ]here as to -day, Lawrence;
Ali in a twilightln Danns; i.�e_d water.'
Lincoln; Traitor's purse. Alli,ll0l 8o-; White
the patient Eberhard after
n • We ride the l, Loring
While orchids. 111)11 Rho of the desert,:
Eleyeov, Murderer's vanity, Pootner I Grim-;
sot 0011100, Maim; The stranger's gate,
Oppenheim; The crimson threat, Laufarty;
And from that day, Sullivan; Beyond to-,
morrow, Larranore; Windy eorirera, Com -
stook; Tilde. Van Doren; Lantern fight,.
Duffield; We must march, Morrow ; Boder
line, Gregory ; As for me and MY house,
Ross' Buekv 0'(' , on Raiue; The Nnu•ra
cony riddle, Dorleth: Calling Doctor luld,n•e,
$rand;. Murder goes to college, Steel 1 Dust
above the sage.'"Roe; Death in the doll's
mouse, Lees; Pirate's purchase,
The Brndstiows of Herniae, Lincoln ; Wall
of eyes, Millar; Walls of silence, Hawkins,
Blue window, Bailey.
Nen-Fiction—Pag0ant of life, Thomas;
Home carpentry, ITtnnilten ; Light of Faith
and Harbor Light, Guest; They also serve,
Baker ; Under a lucky star. Andrews; The
pasty book, Breen ; Preview of History,
Saving; Lore of Alaska, Franck; Beyond
the smoke that thunders, Cullen; The Best
Terhune I knew, Terhune; Winagte's raid-
ers, Roth; Behind the Japanese mast, Stein -
nu; Ship's: Doctor, "Tooker. Across a world,
Considine; Nenfoundhund, Shelton.
Juvenile -- Captain Tlinnaele, Pease; An-
other straw please, Wilson ; Pedro. Flank;
Republics of the Pampas, Greenbie;. Anne of
Ingleside, Montgomery; China, El:olmes;.
Home and round about, Wes,; War wings,
for Carol,. O'Malley ; A house for Sandy,
Gay.. The Gingerbread mann 11051101; Light
Parket; The Big Six, Ransome;.' Grab's.
Children, Spyri ; Se50110, Ricker; Eindis11
fairy tales, Jacobs; Hostess of the Airways,
Wilson niel 1White; 'Engine
O'Don01nHasowl, LaRue
A very pretty wedding was solemnized at
St. Celumban Church Saturday, at. 0.30,
when .Rev. Father Odrovski united in mar -
tinge Ciestio Marie, third daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. P. J. Johnson, 1)Ic1(illop, and John
F. Nicholson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Nicholson of Logan To, The bride, given in
marriage by her father', was lovely in a floor
length gown of white triple sheer which fell
in graceful folds to the floor from a fitted
bodice of embroidered lace and extended in
a long train. She wore a veil with a long
train and.her wreath was of orange blos-
soms. The bride's bouquet was of white Vir-
ginia carnations, red briarelilfe roses, boi-
vardia and maidenhair fern, caught with
satin streamers, The brie& was attended by
her sister Miss Stella Johihson, who wore a
floor length gown of white sheer with lace
yoke and long sleeves, She wore a shoulder
length veil with pink trimmings :and carried
a bouquet of talisman roses and maiden.
fern. The groom was attended by his brother
IKenneth Nicholson, Hamilton, Mr. Joseph
Johnson and Mr. Joseph Nicholson were
ushers. Mrs. Vincent Lane played the wed-
ding music, and the altar was beautifully
110000ated with pink and white peonies. Din-
ner u•00 served to about thirty, guests at the
Royal Hotel Mitchell. The table was decor-
ated In pink and white. centrad with a lour
story wedding cake, Mrs. Johnson, the
bride's mother, received,. wearing a powder
blue crepe dress, with large white picture
Nat and white accessories and wore a era,
sage of roses. She was assisted by Mrs.
Nicholson, mother of the groom, wearing a
two piece flowered chiffon, white accessories
With a 00'0060 of pale pale pink. eacnations.
During the repast a toast was offered by
Rev, Fr. Odrovski and Rev. Fr: Vickin-
hemmer.. Later a large group ot• friends
motored to the bride's home where supper
- was served to about sixty guests. The even-
ing was spent In singing and dancing. The
5room's gift to the bride 0000 s.. chest of
silver, to the b,adesmald a gold locket and
chain, to the best man a gold wrist watch,
.and to the usher's tie pins. Mr. and Mrs.
Nicholson left on e. wedding trip to Niagara
Falls, Hamilton and. Detroit. For- travelling
the bride chose an appropriate olive chiffon
dress with white hat and coat and accos-
socio to match. On their return they will re-
side on the groom's farm near Kennicott.
Chiselborst W. M. S. :net in the school-
room Tuesday, Jrnne. 13, with the president
Mrs. Thos, Brbntnell presiding. Theme. The
liftthrough fellowship in Christ." The roll
call, "Faith," was answered by 11 members,
1 visitor. Hymn 379, "Jesus milted by thy
grace," :vas sung. The Scripture was toad
together, ;John 21, 15-17, Matt. 11:19-00.
Cards and letters of a:Meechatlon and thanks
wenn read by the secretary. A paper W.
given, `Christian stewardship of time," by
Mrs. -Carl Stoneman and Mrs. Hervey
Jacobi which 0010 questions and answers.
The worship service I:heme "Training child.
von and youth Cor lenders of tomorrow."
Mrs. •Stoneman gave ten points for an ideal
Christian home, A duet Whispering hope by
Mrs. Thos. Brintnell and Mrs. Carl Stone-
man, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. A.
t thl•p prayer for nnttelllosethcheldrei. of Otoday.
Sandy, Lehman; .Bronco Bill's circus, Keel-
er; Moby Dick, 14Iellitlo , Tf I were going,
O'Donnell Beater -:thirties, Harper; Lief the
Lucky, D'Aillairel The Cbrtst Galla, Peter