HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-06-22, Page 8HENSALL Miss Mildred 'Jones of Eitehener silent the week -end with her -parents Mr. .and Mrs," Norman Jones, Miss Margaret Henry. of Exeter spent the week -end wish her cousin Miss Elva McQueen, Mrs. W. A. Mael.nreu of Gotlerich visited recently with Mise Minnie Reid end friends of. Mensal!. Keith Buchanan of the R.C.A.F. at Trenton spent a.leave with Mr's. Keith Buchanan and relatives. Ma Wm. Jones of St: Thomas visited re- cently with son end danghtet-ns-law Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jones. Miss Margaret Glenn is enjoying a two weeks vacation at the hone of her parents Mr, and Mrs. John Glens, Chiseihurst, Nursing Sister MarianDougall ofLondon R.C.N.V.R. spent the week -end with her Parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Dougall.. Mrs. L. Sinspson returned frons n pleasant visit with relatives h Detroit, At a recent meeting of the Girls Dance Club, Miss Sally Manson ibrlde-elect) wog the recipient of a gift. Thepresentation wen made by Miss. Margaret Glenn and the address was given by Miss Beryl Pfaff. Miss Violence Schwalm. of Goderieh spent the weekend with her mother Mrs, Violet. Schwalm. A meeting of the public library board held this evening' In the Council Chamber at p.m. Moved that Mrs. Goodwin be Chairlady for the evening. Minutes of the previous meeting read and adapted, Librarians report for May read; Adult Fiction 2511, Juvenile Fiction 170, Adult Non Fiction 13, Juvenile Nos Meilen 4, Total circulation 4711. Mrs, Good- win and Mrs. Sorra reported as to the del- egation sent to Brussels to attend the meeting of the Huron Library Association and stated that tho Fall meeting of the same would be held in Hensel!. The secretary reported as having received a price for e. new section of hook case, and on motion was instructed to order she same. Moved that W. 0. Goodwin be paid 82.00 for ear expense of .delegation attending that 7 meeting nnin 47ep.m. Adjourn- ment toSeptember, A. Patterson, Sec-Treas, Mrs, Charles Mcltonell and daughter Miss Dorothy Mcllonell, who have spent the past number of months in London, returned to their home hem this week. Mrs_. Sanders of Toronto visited last -week with her son and daughter -In-law, Mr. and Mre,' Morley Sanders and twin sons. Mrs. Oliver Roweliffe, who recently under- went an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, returned to her home this week. About three hundred friends and neighbors gathered in the town hall. Hensoll, on Mon- day evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Lone, who were recently married. Dancing was enjoyed to music by. Murdoch s orchestra with Mr, M. ('rich of Clinton Its floor manager. During the evening the bride and groom were presented witha cool: sieve. and the vroom suitably replied expressing were served, thanks. Refreshmentsss A vett' a ho enrol M t n silent Ma on Monday at the home of lis. seri Menson when about fifty Mewls gathered in honor of her daughter Sara, bride -elect, During the evening it presentation was made of a tri -light, a. chair and a utility stool by Mrs. Jack Tra,mair, Mrs Melvin Moir and Mrs, Ray Broderick. The accompanying address was read Isy Miss Jean McQueen, to which Sara in :t few well chosen words expressed her sincere thanks. Contests were enjoyed and refreshments served. The bride's trous- seau and gifts were displayed by Miss Jean McQueen. Mrs. Leis Clerk Sr. received word this week that her nephew, Cpl. Gordon Nichol, formerly of Exeter, Is reported missing .over•- seas The Mission Circle of the United Chui'eb held their• annual isienir at the Home of NH's. Jack : Tt•anuair 011 .Wednesdsy with 0 very Hood attendance. Following' the sapper 'games were enjoyed on the lawn and s business mooting egpciuded the. 1111005000.. -. Mr. and Mrs. Fred c Bonthron are 011- jnyinp a two week's vneetion at 'rnrubull's. Grove. The Wbhelo Class picnic will be held 00 June 2Sth at Tarnhsll's grove, The many friends of Mrs. A. L. Case re- gret to hear that she has been confined to 'her room owing to illness. Mins Etlna GUI bride -elect was presented with a nurse of money nt her home en tBe eve of her marriage when n large number of friends gathered. She expressed her thanks, Contests were enjoyed and a sing -song led by Miss Greta Laramie, Refreshments wore served and the brute's trousseau and gifts were dleptnyed. liar. and Mao. Bert Wiseman, Mr. and Mrs 'j\4 Wiseman and daughter Doris of Welt - barn, Mr. and Mrs. Deal Kerslake, St, Malys, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Tait mrd son David of Prospect Bill and Mrs. Tait of St. Malys visited on Sunday with Mrs. D. Walks and Mr. and.. Mrs. A. W. liersleke. Petty -Gill — A pretty June wedding was solemn- ized on Wednesday, June 21st, at Carmel Presbyterian Manse, Hensall, when Rev. J. E. Taylor united in marriage Edna Pearl Gill. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gill, Crony arty, and 1A'iiliam James Petty, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Oliver L, Petty, Hensel!, The bride looked charming in a two piece turquoise blue dress, with white ac- cessories and carried a bouquet of pink talisman roses. Mrs. Earl Mit- chell, cousin of the bride, was mat- ron of honor wearing an old gold dress, with beige accessories and eorsage of pink carnations. The groomsman was Mr. Earl Mitchell. Following the ceremony the bride and groom left on a trip to London. and Detroit. For travelling the bride Hulse a lime green two-piece dress, Pink herringbone tweed coat and brown accessories. They will reside on the groom's farm west of Hensel. Miss Gladys Luker made the pre. s station of the purse of money at Mics Eclua Gill's shower and bingo genies were played. BRODHAGEN Mr. and 1'Hs Russell Sholaice received n rahle of nand wishes Inc their 11th wedding anolversary. Thursday, June 22nd, from Mrs. Shnldice'a brother. Pte. Iloward Querenges- e who to with tilt, Postal Corps in Eng- land, Mrs. John t„ Riegel of North No' Is vis- iting with her parents, 'Nir. and Mrs. John C. Mittel. 1H Dies -el has been DI. Ms and Mrs. George Moak have screwed o csl10 from their son Cm'man 0. Mogic who is now oversees. Mr. John C. Aie,rel is confined to his bed with a heart aliment but is showing Nome improvement. THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, JU-N E 22, 1944 Mr, and Mrs, Norman J;Ioffineyer, Jseltie and (trace of Sebringville, with. Mr, - and Mrs,- Eli Baotou. Mr. and Mrs, Alf Dykoman of: Toronto, 5 -Ir. and Mrs. Harrold Leracli,"of London, Mr, end Mrs, Fred Lersch of Atwood, with Mr. and Mrs. Henry ltleher Sr. Mr, Christ. Loonhnrdt of Doon at the }tome- of his mother, Mrs. Elisabeth Leon- hardt, Mr. Chas. Ahrens aceomittmied him to Poon for a visit. Mr, and Mrs, Reuben Brodhegot, Elvey, Shirley and Joyce and Mrs. Buddlsshagen of "Ellice, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moak. HULLETT Mr, Robert Cockerline celebrated lls 1111th birthday ,seemly. Mr. Cookerline Is hale' and hearty and able to be around as usual. KIPPEN On Monday evening, June 10th a large number of neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long of Kipper gathered at the Nall in Hensel] to spend all evening with them. The evening was spent in during to music furnished by the Murdoch orchestra. During the eventing Mr. and Mrs. Long were invited to the platform where they were seated mid Mr, W. L, Mellis read- 'a- nicely worried address and they were present- ed with a lovely enamelled stove, The gloom on behalf of his bride and .himself meths a very suitable reply. They n11 sang, "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows" Corporal Elgin Johnston and Mrs. John - ton of London, spent the week end with .friends here, - Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Miss Anna Damm of the RCAF (W.D.) of Aylmer, spent the week end at her home. Want and For Sale Ads, 3 weeks 60e. FOR SALE Dwelling, North Main street, with hydro, hard & soft water, 1% acres of land, with some fruit trees, Im- mediate possession. Cottage on Side street, Priced rea- sonably. - Brick Dwelling on Wilson street, with all modern conveniences. Priced right. - Other properties also listed. WATSON & REID FOR SALE 1 Deering mover and 1 Massey. Harris Orville Workman, Kippen, NOTICE n rut •o Lit will ma n Friday.met toe i et o y Sim 130th et G.30, instead of the fust Sat- urday in July, owing to the holiday. Anybody wishing to graa'el their lane call Wilson McCartney within the next tot days s' the n'nsher is moving out .of Allan's pit. Phan„ 15 on G30,. D. F. MOGREGOR, Clerk. FOR SALE Cook stove with water front, nearly new. J. A. Melenzle. Phone 25, Seaforth. FOR SALE 15 acres red clover hay on the field. lot 17, 051. In;a(vIrSillol1 Phos. B. 13olton, Seaforth. BRUCEFIELD - 'L•Itc Oridfellows and Veterans will -hold' a decoration service at Baird': cemetery on Sunday, 'June 26th at 2.30 pan. Try to turn ut to help this. worthy cause, FOR SALE 14 acres choice timothy and alfalfa her mined. Also 5 acres of yellow sweet clover. Phone Roy Connell, 054e22, Seaforth, FOR SALE A quantity of hoolochent. Apply 10 Mark ITamiitos, R'altos A.R.. 1, Phone 451'25, Brussels central, FOR RENT In Seaforth; two -or 'three rooms down- stairs. All conveniences, Phone 30, Dublin. FARM FOR SALE .Lot 26, Con, 5, McKillop, 21/. miles north of No. 8 Highway at Seaforth, on asphalt paved county highway No, 12, Is offered for sale in any of the three' following ways: 1. Farm, crop, stock and implements, im- mediate possession. 2. Farm end crop, immediate possession, I. Term, possession in: the fall or next spring. Terms will he given on the land VD to 60 per cent: of purchase price, at 4 per cent. per aammn. 11 you are looking for a nice Iodation to live, don't overlook this before buying. Hy- dro installed and its onuipment. Drilled well end supply tattles Note: No stock, crop or Implements will be sold without the sale of }arm. Apply to F. B. MEDD, Bit No 1 Seaforth. BARON LULLWATER Enrolment #3049 First Class Form I. Canadian Standard Bred Premium Horse. Will stand at his hone stable, E. 'e0 lot 34, con. 5, Mc'iiilop. Geo. B. Dorrance, Proprietor. NOTICE I. have purchased the purebred Yorkshire hog Spruce Ridge Lad 3W _265541-, This is a fine bacon type animal. Terms $1 cash at time of service. Peter Hieknell, Lot 14, Con. 5, MclCitlop, Phone 64,11, Dublin, OLD V1RCINIA PIPE TOBACCO It's a real ' pipe smoker's tobacco f MttlfS IIF Canada and the United Nations had depended upon "Armchair Soldiers" to fight this war, the Nazis and Japs would have grabbed this country long ago. There is no "Royal Road" to Berlin. It's fighting all the way and Canada's Army needs every 4 man it can get. That's why, today, to you should volunteer for overseas W 0 service. You'll need months of intensive training to make you fighting -fit: • Don't be a stay-at-home and let the other fellow do it. Get into a man's uniform with the G.S. badge of honour on your sleeve. If we're, going to win this war, we'll have to do more than just read about it in the papers: So, come on you fellows, the good old army has got to finish the jobll WEAR IT ON YOUR ARM VOIMWEER 719 ,49,47 JOIN THE CANADIAN ARMY FOR OVERSEAS SERVICE It Pays to Buy in Egmondviile -ICING RUG KILLER, 20 ,pounds 750 S J.'OCICAID ANIMAL SPRAY, 100 fluid ounces, 1 gal 1.3fi 000 70c 1 75 45c Royal Purple Lice ICiller, per pkge, PRATT'S HOG, TONIC, 21'/ lb. pkge. ROYAL PURPLE 'ITOG TONIC, 8% ]b. pkge. DARLEY'S DISINFECTANT, 16 o2. bottle Tea-Bisk, per pkge, 33c W. J. FINNIGAN FOR SALE Four acres of mixed dray, altalfa, red do ver timothy. Phrase. 055x24, Seaforth. , FOR SALE Riding corn cultivator, two rower. also a black ?Year-old gelding, ' Apply to Sam.. Storey, Phone 8440.41,- Secfo'th, lot 31, con 5,. McKillop. FOR SALE 50 Barred Rock pullets, really to lay ; one horse wagon with boa end flat .rack, one horse plow, cutter. Apply The News. • FOR SALE DeLeval cream separator, 750 cap" in -good shape, for sale cheap,` Campbell Eyt.'e, Kippers, Phone 04x13, Hensall. FOR SALE Good 4 -year-old worjt, horse, well broke. Apply at The News. FOR SALE A teem of horses weighing between 1500 and 1600. Quiet and reliable. Also n general purpose mere shout 1300. Phone 330x9, Seaforth. FOR SALE Cabbage plants, also head lettuce ready. Bakers, Railroad St., Seaforth. McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174i E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, uilding, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 pan. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH Ont. Officers President, W. R. Archibald, Sea - forth; Vice President, Frank Mc- Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors FOR SALE W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank 7 -room modern frame house, 3 pe. bath- McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, room, furnace, 3 wire hydro service, electric Seaforth; Ostia Leonhardt, Born - pump for soft hater, o pert paocod floor- ing, attic Insulated, garage onn property, sit- holm; E, J. Trewartha, Clinton; sated of Wilson street. Must be seen to be John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex MC- npplrecintetl. A teal buy. Prompt possession.Roving, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, •5 room cottage situated on High street, hydro, town water, bathroom, furnace in Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. basement. newly decorated. A good buy. Agents In addition we have six other houses Ice-' John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. ated in Egmondville and Seaforth listed end F Prueter, • Dublin• J. Mozc 1 chet• grad to have your onneh_500 i > would ins ]- c fromWatt,Blyth. lesGeorge A. 5a net's Intro. Mill -Rand s rat Brodhagen; Ge g Y Seaforth. with house and batm, All In gran.' Parties desirous to effect insurance Cement block and tile business in town with first class house. A. reel chance for n : or transact other busineee, will ben - p01100 mss, promptly attended to by applications E. C. CHAMBERLAIN (to any of the above named officers Tnsurance & Real Estate addressed to their respective post Phone 334. Seaforth, Ont. Res. 2201 offices. Clearing Auction Sale :211' Fafm Stnek and Implements. Lot 0. CWatson & Reid cession 7, Morris Twn•. on Friday, Juno Solo commences et 1 p••m, sharp, REAL ESTATE Cnttlu-1 cow 5 years old, due time of snlo; 1 env 3 yen's od, fresh, °eitelord; AND INSURANCE AGENCY cow 3 years- odd, fresh. Hereford;. 1 cow' 3 years old, fresh. Hereford; 1 cow 8 years (Successors to James Watson) old, fresh, Hereford; 1 cow 4 Years old, MAIN ST., SEAFORTH ONT. fresh, Hereford t 1 cow 5 yenis old, fresh, Henrotorct 1n enhas; 7 Yom' -old heifers and All. kinds of Irism'ance risks effect- steers. ffectsteers. Piga-1 sow. (ed at lowest rates in First-class Poultry—A number of hens. Companies. Implements—l. Fleury walking plow; 1 damp rake 10 ft.; 1 daisy churn, ` SEAFORTH CLINIC Terms cash. David Smith. Proprietor, i Lewin Rowland, Auctioneer; Thomas Miller,' Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B„ Graduate Treasurer; Rabt, Pat'tek, Clerk. ' of University of Toronto. FOR SALE 1 The Clinic is fully equipped with Allis-Chalmers All -Crop Harvest- complete and modern x-ray and other ern, fully equipped and on rubber up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptio tires, Hyde Tractor Co., Hensa]1.' equipment. Telephone 128. Dr. F, J, R. Forster, Specialist in -'•- Diseases of the Ear, Dye, -Nose and Executors Sale !Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 3 to The Executor of the Estate of.6 Fr ee well -baby clinic will be held Helene Austin Stott will sell aton the second and last Thursday in PUBLIC AUCTION every month from 1 to 2 p.m. at the deceased's residence at Lot 74, 75 and 76, Huron TeiTace and Lot 110 and 11 cm Tnyll Street in the JOHN A. GORWILL,-B.A.,M.D. Village of Rayfield MONDAY, I Physician and Surgeon t 1 P.M.JULY 3, 1944 , In Dr, H. H. Ross' office. Phone 6 S at --and-- ; MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1044 Physician and Surgeon at 1 P.M. Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat The following goods and chattels Phone 90 W - Seaforth among numerous other articles: t MONDAY, JULY 3, 1944—Pictures,' . DR. F. .1. R. FORSTER paintings, etchings, china ware, orna-i Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat stents, bric-a-brac, brass candle-, Graduate in Medicine, University sticks, candelabra, and tite contents of Toronto. Late Assistant New York of an annexed cottage consisting of Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, stoves, tables, verandah swing, bed, , Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square springs and mattress, chest of draw-, throat hospitals, London, . Eng. At ers, wash stands, wheelbarrow and garden utensils. •- .. TUESDAY, JULY 4, 1944—Furnit- ure including living room furniture, Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo Chickering Baby Grand Piano with St., Stratford. Telephone 267. electric piayer and records, dining room suite, 4 bedroom suites, hall furniture, verandah reed furniture, rugs and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS CASH AT TIME 06' SALE 'For further particulars apply to: Harold Jackson, Esq., Seaforth, Ont., Auctioneer, Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m, Aiso at Seaforth Clinic first or R, C. Hays, R,C., Goderich, Ont., Solicitor for Executor. NOTICE Wm. Bradshaw, your Watkins dealer, .and also agent for E. D. Smith & Son, fruit and. ornamental nursery stock, Market street, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 50. SHAVINGS By bag or truckload FREE for for removing at once from premises. We are anxious to move these as quickly as possible as we will have a surplus on hand for the next couple of months. John Boshart & Sons SEAFORTH Spenc:e's Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth 1 G. A. WHITNEY Successor to Holmes & Whitney Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119, Nights and Holidays 65 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over. One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH D=istrict Agent OYSTER SHELL Carload Just Arrived Co-op Fly Spray Co-op Motor Oil. Buckwheat, Millet and Turnip Seed Poultry & Hog Tonic Co-op & Shur Gain Feeds Western Grain & chop .. Cedar Posts & Farm Fence SEAFORTIi FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE PHONE 9 DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED. PROMPTLY ' PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. O -F CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry) ' •