HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-06-22, Page 1111111111111"11111111.1,1111111111111.11111111111111,01111131111111111,111
To every man thane omelette
A way, and ways and a ,way,
And the High Soot elieths the High Wee.
And the Low Soul gropes the Low ;
And ,in between, en the Misty flats, .
e Seaforth
The see' drirt to mut fro,
eta to sesry man there oeeneth
A High Way end e Low,
And every man desideth
The Way his soul shall go.
—Sohn Oxee ham .
1.1.111111111111.M111111, ,,,,, I , I , ,,, ,
Phone 84
$1 a year
A mry pleasant afternoon was spent re-
cently at the home of Mr. and terra. Wm.
Cameron, Maple Grove Fame, Tuckersmith,
when they celebrated their 25111, wedding
annimrsary with about 36 relatives Present.
The dining wenn eves beautifelly decorated
with pink and ,white streamers, silver bells
and flowem. The table was centred with a
beautifully decorated eake in silver, pink and
white. .A. buffet lunchene was served by
Miss Audrey Cochrane, Miss Lorraine Tal-
bot and Mist' Mabel Cemeron. The bride was
becomingly dressed it tee rose mumble of
faconne crepe and a corsage of white roses.
The bride and groom were the recipients of
many beautiful .gifts, including a salver
cocktail service, an electrie iron, a silver
comport, silver candlesticks and balder. Miss
Marion [Ankles and Master ICenneth Scotch -
mere noted as bride and groom, Master Kens
neth presenting the gifts. Mrs. Roy Scotch.
mere played the wedding March and Mrs.
Lloyd Mettles rend the following address:
"June 18, 1944.—Dear Verna nnd Will: It
is 25 years ago on the 18th day of June,
that WiII and Verna said "I will." What a
handsome bride and groom! Tile bride look-
ed lovely on bee wedding day, so trim and
slender was she. In her satin gown all trim-
med with pearle, no sweeter was ever seen.
The groom he was all decked out, oe mune
an every groomis, For this was the day of
all days, And the glory was all his. They
good on the lawn nt Feirview Farm =dee
a beautiful arch and the pecacher propoune-
ed them men 111111 wife, all ready for life's
long march. They then led the WRY to the
dining room, the ;meets which numbered
about firty, Where they all partook of a
sumptuous repast mid the victuals were all
very tempting. The bride and groom then
boarded the thole for a teip to Niagara City.
They thought dust life would be elways
meet, but alas. Mao what a pity. A. family
of ten we all expected, but they didn't live
up to our wishes, one lone son green the
Maple Crave Farm and no girl 10 1,010 with
the dishes. So please accept our congeal:las
none, and also this veiy smell gift: We hope
You have Yager 17100e happy yeers, as through
this lifo you drift."
*%lue coal',
Die Milo fuet. Fee eOlie efimseer
Northside United Church
Rev, H. V. Workman, IVIthister.
10 tten„ Sunday School.
11 a.m., "Consteney, in Christian Service."
7 P.m., "Personal Relationship to Divine
Welcome to these services.
EgmondvIlle United Church
Rev, A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D.
10.20 ant., Sereley School.
11,39 a.m.. "Cod's Forgiveness."
1 p.m., "Jesus' Treatment for Doubt."
St. Thomas Church
Rector: Rev. Dr. Hurford.
It a.m., A Layman's Message.
7 pan., "Soule et Prayer—Christ's Malt
Sunday School at 10
At the reguler session of the PregbyterY
of Huron, held in Ontario Street United
Chorea Clinton, it was announced that the
junior, intermediate and senior boys' came
would be held July 3-10, and the junior, int-
ermediate and semor feels' camp Slily 24-81,
at, Goderigh summer school. It was explained
that there would be room for only the first
80 who registered at each of these camps.
Rev. 13. V. Workmen preoided at the 'meet-
ing and Rev. A. W. Gardiner was aemetem.
It was deeded thet Huron county be per-
mitted to send forty delegates to each of
these camps. Rev. R. G. Haelewood is in
charge. Rev. II. J. Snell announced that
the Perth and Huron ministers' spiritual re-
treat and work camp would be held at the
Code:edit summer school from June 19-21
with Rev. IL G. Forster of Weiland as the
special speaker. Mr. Snell reported that
3,000 foreit trees were planted In the 0005-
rneru school grounds this spring.
Rev. G. IP. N. Atkinson announced the
inter -church cenference on missionam educa-
tion at McMaster University, June 19-23.
The seceetary reported tant the following
ministers had [men appointed to take part in
the inductions on June 8010 at 8 P.m.: In-
duction of Rev. A. S. Trueblood into Oredi-
ton Marge, Rev, R. A. Brook to preside,
Rev. N. J. Woods address the minister; Rev.
L. II. Turner Into Victoria Street, Goderloh
charge, Rev, G. G. Berton to preside, Rev.
G. F. N. Atkinson mistress the minister. At
the intimation of Rev. Campbell Tavener into
Holmesville charge, Rev. R. V. Workman to
preside, Rey. A. W. Gardiner address the
Rev. .1. W. Johnson has been appointed at
stated supply for the present at Bluevale.
A motion of appreciation spoke of the ad-
mirable and minable maener in which Rev.
IL V. Workmen had performed hie duties
during the year. Mr. Workman lestelled
Rev. 0. G. Burton into the office of Chair-
man. l2512
In St. Tames' Roman Catholic Chapati.
Seeforth, on Saturday, June 17111, Rev. Fa-
ther T. P. Hassey united In marriage Eliza-
beth Irene Lane. Youngest daughter of Mr.
Thos. Lane, and the tete Mos. Lam, Sea -
forth, end 'William John Nicholson, son of
Mr. end Mrs. Arthur Nicholson, Seaforth.
The beide, given in marriage by her father,
looked charming in 0 floor length gown of
brocaded white satin fashioned with a sweet-
heart neckline. She Wore a fingertip veil and
rateried a bouquet of pink epees. Her only at-
tendent was her sister-in-law, Mrs. Louis
Lane, who wore a floor length gown of pink
net over satin end eneried ;link carnatione.
The groom was attended by Mt. Sgt. Louis
Lane, brother of the bride. and the ushers
were Elmer Cameron and Edwercl Hawkins.
A wedding dinner Woo served Se the dining
mom of the Queen's Hotel, Sea -forth, wilh
families and friends of the bridal couple at-
tending. Later the couple left on a trip to
Belleville, Kay:tooth and points north, the
bride travelling in a flowered suit of silk
jersey with matching accessories.
Seaforth school board has appointed* Mr.
Bev. Christie tie fill the vacancy created by
St. Mary's Church, Dublin
Pen :Ian., A Itannan'a Message.
The Red Cross uull met in the Sunday
school room on Tuesday with 14 ladies pres-
ent. One quilt was finished and one just
about finished. The meeting. opened with
Red °rose Pertyor the president: 'rho min-
utes nr last meeting end theaseree's report
wee elven by Mrs. 'roll. Our "Overmas Box
Committee" has been cite:teed to WinthroP
Comnumity floe Committee, That includes
for our boys overseas any Mine and boxes
for our hays in Canada at Christinas dme.
Plane were mode for the bazaar at the July
meeting, Walton Indies of the Red Cross
unit have been invited to spend a social
afternoon in our unit. Thom appointed to
look after lunch ate es follows: Circle 1,
Mrs. .Tohn Campliell; Circle 2, Mrs. Time.
Peva; Circle 3, Mrs. Alexander; Circle 4,
Mrs, Wm. Cheech. The exemtive will look
after bazaar tables. Please make and bake
anything you eRre to donate to bele make It-
. a success. Mrs. Chambers made m hooked
mat and tickets are being sold on same and
will be drawn at this meeting. X will be
held in the hall. The meeting closed bY
singing God Save the King.
125r. and Mrs. G. McFarlane rind Mrs.
Mary Scheeler of Middleville, LAC, Robert
McFarlane of Montreel and Miss Senn Mc-
Farlane of Almonte are visiting Mn. and
Mrs. Robert [McFarlane and other relatives,
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Bolger end ShirleY.
and Me. and Mrs. Earle PaPPIe and Mar-
jorie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Me. and Mrs. Wuhan Eaton and family
spent Sunday with Kr. and Mrs. Geoesse
We were sorry to bear of Art McClure be-
ing wounded on Invasion dos'. We extend inm
sympathy to Isis parents, brothers and
bioMpr.reHtnal:asge has erected a double garage on
Mr. and Mre. Morrie and family of Ram-
51ton spent Sunday with Haasse.
'nhe invasion has started. More blood
donations will be needed for the wounded.
Try and melte next blood clinic day the
Sergent yet,
'Wedding bells will be ringing in the burg
on Saturday,
Miss Bisback has accepted the position of
teacher of Vifinthaep wheel end Mies Kath-
erine McDonald of Welton, Rae 3, at S.S.
No. 6 school.
One or the feetures of the Htiron County
Federation Meld Day was the exhibit of
lahor saving machinery. All these lahor-sem
int( attachments were devised anti manufact-
ured by the farmers who exhibited them:
A. combination muffler and cultivator at-
tacilied on the back of a standard tractor,
operated by levers an the tractors. N. Hol-
land and son William, of Clinton,
A. power mosver arid hydraulic muffler on
trader. Robt. Campbell, Dublin.
Robe MeMertrie and Me Alexander of
KiPPen, had four labour saving. devices that
they built in their ovn co-operatively awned
shoe: a hydraulic operated buck mite on the
beck of a truck; a power dviven drag SAW
on the back of a tractor; a. power take -off
mower find a manure spreader that was also
OPOrated by the power take -off.
A. grain blower foe blowing grain into
bins aftee bringing it in from -a combine.
Reemond Note Seaforth.
Hyde Bros, 'of Hensall had a 'Antler Saw
on the back of a tractor run by rear pul-
ley, seises. home-made bean puller and a
premiere sem' pump.
Gordon McGavin of Walton had a stook -
loader made from a hay loader and driven
by the power take -all; also a circular eaw
on the front of a tractor and a drag saw on
the back, and e two -wheeled steel teener
dump box.
A. back rake that lifted by the starting
motor was shown by 7. Slemon of Walton.
R. Roth of Steatford had a buck rake on
the front of his tractor and a post hole dig-
ger on the back that worked off the power
take -off.
A two -wheel mariure spreadee -Hutt WaS
operated by the trader power take -off watt
brought by John Thompson, Seafortb.
W. Perry, of Brnssels, had a drag saw on
Russel Marks, Walton, had n tractor refute
from truck, with manure spreader attached.
An instructive exhibit of a milking ma-
chine was given by Guy Dorrence, Seathrth.
Trnotor and plow serviee, X. F. Daly,
Plow settings end adjustments by Clark
Young of Milliken, and Wilfred McQuaid, of
Dublin. ate aete 0
Word has been received by Mr.
and Mrs. David Papple of Tucker -
smith that their son Rifleman Robert
Pearson Papple was killed in action
on the Oth of june, in the invasion
of France. Robert Papple was born
Tuckersmith 30 years ago and
received his education at the local
school. Prior to enlisting, he worked
in a munitions factory in Toronto,
where he joined active, servige 10.
lune 1943. He trained at Toronto,
Brantford, Camp Borden and Debert,
N.S. He left for overseas in March
of this year and joined the Queens
Own Rifles. Besides his parents he is
survived by four brothers and six
Because of the -growing need tor
blood plasma and the splendid re-
sponse of donors it has been found
necessary to increase facilities for
processing blood at Connaught Lab-
oratories. This work will be done in i
July, when all Red Cross blood donor
clinics in Ontario will be closed. The
date set for Seaforth's next Millie is
Thursday, August 3rd, when it Is
hoped there will be at least 200 dona-'
dons received. Donors who attended
the June lst clinic will not be called
until September unless they especial-
ly wish to attend in August. Mr=
new volunteers are needed and they
I d t write or phone their
names as soon as possible to the eec-
rotary, MIS. Reginald Kerslake, at
Seaforth, 341,
On June 121h friends and neighbors gath-
ered at the home of Miss Florence murree
In honor of Miss Mare:wet Quinlan, beide-
to-be. The metier part of the evening WIle
spent In dancieg. Lunch Was then served by
the hostess. Miss Qelnlan was presented evith
O handsome sum of money and many beau-
tiful gifts. Miss Florence Murrey reed the
following address: "Dear Margaret and
john.—Tonight we are gathered here to
congratulate you both on your approaching
marriage and to wish you so much happi-
110041 that it will extend aver all the many
veers of your future life together. Yoe,
Margaret, have grown up In our midst and
have always been a jolly companion and a
true friend. 'We are going to mitts You but
we are glad that you will not be too far
away but that you and Sohn will jails u$ itl.
Our future gatherings. Whitt we are losing,
you, John, are gaining, for YOU have made
no mistake in picking Margaret for your
self°. May you be very happy together and
fifty years from tomorrow, MAY yOU start up
removal of Rev. 'Hugh jack from town. The your helicopter 'end Hy to Sento:tit for youv
ten:ointment was mede et a hotted meeting on golden wedding day. tse a token of cue es -
June lath. teem we, youe Erten& . and neighbore, ask
emu to accept -this gift and hope that the
PROPERTY CHANGE teture wili bring you everlasting Joy and
The property. of Mrs. Mary jano Arm-
strong situated on Ann SMeet, Seaforth, has
recently been mld through the office of E. C.
Chamberlain to Mr. Robert MelTedzean or
Welton, Ont.
Miss Elizabeth Lane, bride elect with about rtage Croat Flock% and will remain for
Ise M. Fairbalen returned ome this
Tylee bpitidnyoedw,,strIntilaterem.s.vaseb,anpinocvt,t..-em.eddggi ww1e.ebko afIrtoecirgiliss!tire2 in Toronto with [Miss
Walmsley, bvideemaid, Iva Walken, greonni-
man, Lyle Dole, .the father was Thelma Dol- Mr». 3olen Avrestrong and deughtce are
matte ana the minister was rank vineent, A "e'4$ of II'l' "d II‘I"' A'rehlo Armig'Mngt
ellen eimnehenre. The „aare55 w „e5d .1.5,. MT. Bassett, claughtee of Mr. Murdoch
mar by T. Walken: and Audrey Cochrane. Her sister, Mrs. Devielso , Woo stook, spent
linnet Wile served by the headess. Mrs. Churchward end son Gerald and
hapeinese. Signed on behelf of your Wench;
e.and neighbors," Margaret and John thenked
Sha donors, also Miss MurraY,
Misses P. and L. Morley arrived tta their
A Mower was held on Thursday night for
thirty friends prement, A few. games of bingo t mer Man"'
Around 250 members of the Webster clan
gathered et Harbor park, Goderich, on Sat-
urday last. It was an ideal day for a piratic,
and everycme enjoyed themselves as there
wee a good program of snorts and a boun-
teous Plank menet% the only mishap of the
day being when little Marion Alton got in
the way of a swing and had several teeth
knocked out. Site was taken to Goderieh
Rospital and at last reports is doing nicely.
Webster is a time-honored elan end :should
be eonsidevest a privilege to attend by the
yeenger generation. Among those who at-
tended from Stanley township were: Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Turner anti family, Mrs. Web -
stem Turner, Mr. end Mrs. Ralph Turner and
Marion. Mr. 0,54 Mra, a.
May. Mrs, Fermis Coleman, Me. and Mrs.
Anson Coleman and family, Mr. and Mrs.
[McKinley and *mile, Mr. and MTS.
sFeed Me.Clyment rant family, Mr. and Mrs.
'Nelson Reid, Miry and Doris Reid, Mr. and
Mrs. James Webster, Mr: and Mrs. Bon
Xeys anti Ced. Gordoe Keys of Brantfoed,
Mr. Tom Hold, Mrs. %ht. Stet:be:Isom 'Herb
and Miss Rena Stephenson, It Was deelded 10
bola the picnic of 1 946 in Herbal: park on
the 3m1 Seterday of Sum.
shower was given her of ivory and red kit- 13ronson line. .
Mrs. Gram MePhemon, the Presentation was Roes, is a entienl in th% ,Clintgn hoseitrt!.
The ;wide elea wwee 5 age50 yew, „nut Nevoral thug; last smelt with bee father,
Miss Shortt ware in the village front London
over the week et&
CONSTA NCE Ella McKay, RCAF Postal Service, of
London, spent the week end with her par -
Miss Isobel Flannigen, employee of the
W. J. Denote shoe factory, and bride -elect Int Mes, 18. Adams, moral w,th e .hynen.
of this month, Yves peemeted with an men- prayers were offeeed by Mrs. Ttogersen and
sional their aml ridreer at a short gathering seme E. Menu and Mee, ErItten. Scriptere
of the employees at noon Saturday in the lessor sons read by Mts. Adams. Mrautes
faetory. Mrs. Orval Hildebrand and Mr. were read and adopted end the :Wetly book
-Duncan made the presentation with a fete waS given by Mrs. Peter Lincifety. Temper -
words of good wishes. Miss Mannigen replied tome reading by MI'S. Snell end tlie W.A.
thanking Mr. Duncan and 110 steff. then took chaege,
The Constance United Citureh goldcm jute. ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. MaXay.
iligt anniversary will be held Sunday. Jim* Mrs. J. Atkinson of London is occullaillte
• 1
or Toronto, Will he guest spathe, gervieeS
at 11 a.m. mei 7.30 p.m Them will be me- set. Cecil Heirnes and bride aro spending
elnl music' by the choir. Soloist, Mrs. Andy pert of their honeymoon wieh the bride's
Reekie and Mr. Douglas Gill of PaiechIll.
Also a nude quartette, Messrs. James Scott,
Clavence Weldon, Wm, Jewel and Wm. Beit -
ten. A. histom of the eletrelt has been com-
plied and any wishing a copy May purobsse
it. On Monday evenieg Dr. Wallace will
give moving" pietures and a lecture on Eng-
land. Mrs, A. E. Menzlea will sing. A hearty
welcome is extended to all.
Mr. and Mrs. It. W. ifewitt of Kincaid and
Miss Jean Jewitt of Ottawa have been visit-
ing their son, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt and
Mr. and Mrs. NVIlleir iewilt, end Mrs Jew-
itt's sister, Mr. end Mrs. Wm. r on,
On Tuemlay Mr. and Mrs. W, Britton and
Mr. mut Mrs. Jewitt nnd Miss Jean Jewitt
attended the golden wedding or Mr. 01151 Mrs.
S. 0, Wilkinson of near Walford in Lamb -
ten eounte.
Seecial meetings are being bold this week
in Conetance 'United Chnech. The Xev. Reim
Herm, of Varna, delivered a stirring message
on Monday evening. She spoke on "Why We
Lack the Power of the 'Holy Seiris in Our
Lives." The message WaS to the members el
the Meech. On Teeschly evening Ste». Howse
el Ashfielcl gave a similar message. On Wed-
nesday evening: Rev. Menzies was in charge.
On Thursday evening Rev. Howse will . be
'present to deliver the message. Rev, Reba
Rern on Frith*. This ie 0 time of soul
searching and consecration by the members
and of soul whining of those desiring help.
On Friday last 'Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Law-
son were In London on business.
Mrs. Leo Stephenson was Blyth en
Teesday. Her father. Mr. Win. Logan. of
Tiletie is critically ill.
Mr. atul Mee. -James Pairservice, Mrs.
Tyermen end Miss IVIelville of Londesboro
and Mr. Prank Tyorman of Megander,
Red Cross Notes
Hospital Supply Emergency Quota—We
ere' asked to have this emote completed and
shipped immediatelY" 106 pm, of surgeons'
boots, We het water bottle covers.
Jam Project—Our jam project is now un-
der way and work will commence this Thurs-
day afternoon making strawberry jam. We
have been fortunate in securing the empty
&tore in the theatre block and are grateful
to Mee. Sutherland, the owner, for the use
of this store.
Re Shower Gifts—We hope you will keee
In mind the shower for personal articles anti
bomb shelter kits and bring your gifts to the
woek-roome on Fridays.
The Britannia, Mmonie Lodge attended St.
Thome' Church on Sunday evening last and
the Rector preached upon the subject of "A
Better World." He took as his text Neh.
2:18, "Let us use up and build," and Rom.
1:16 "the gospel of Christ ls the power cif
God unto salvation." The sermon dealt with
the present unsmisfactory situation of West-
ern eivilleation, the conditions for a better
world. and the necessity of the Gospel to
change people if the world Is to be changed.
Miss Doris Ferguson sang beautifully "Just
For Today."
The following item from a Peterboro paper
refees to a former resident here sit. the :-
Spront, who WWI born in Tuckersmith, and
visits in this community every simmer. Mr.
Sputa first worked for the eleeteic company'
when plent was in the present creamery
building. Ile afterwards joined the telephone
A mey pleasant gathering took place at the
Wawartha Golf and Country Club Friday
evening, when upwards of 150 telephone
executives employees and thee: wives met to
PaY. tribute to Thomas Smoot of this elty, on
the occasion of hie retirement from active
Bervice. Among those present at the dinner 1
representing the executive were A.P. Ross, '
At the Thursday morning session
of Huron County Council at Goderich
a grant of $25.000 was made to assist,
in -the erection of an addition to the
Wingham General Hospital. Motion'
was made by Reeve Evans of Wing -
ham and Reeve It, J. Bowman of
Brussels, $20,000 will be paid when
the contract is signed and $5,000 will
be paid the following year. The mo-
tion passed with 4 dissenting votes.
Huron County council on Friday at-
ternoon unanimously voted to set up
a public health nursing system in the
coenty to be administered by a
health committee and finenced by the
half -mill authorized to be added to
the rate to raise $27,1$0 501' the main-
tenance end improvement of health
and hospitals in Huron.
It Is proposed to start with three
nurses, this "lumber to be Increased
to live as public health nurses are
available. The total cost will be $12,-
1 000. The province pays one-third of
' all costs. Goderich town is already
provided with. health serviCea,
I The rollowing were appointed n
health committee to administer ehe
, $27,130 health fund: D. D, Mooney,
chairman; Hugh Berry, J. F. Daly.
13. W. Tuckey and H. J. I3ownian.
The rate for 1044 was set at ''4%
. mills, made up as follows: General
account, 2,95 county highways,
1.55 .mills; total 4,50 mills plus the
; cost of secondary schools -for town-
' ships.
Assistant Vice President and II. G. Young,
General Manager, both of Toronto. Tile Tele-
phone Pioneers Association was represented
be' F. S. Routley, Toronto Cileirtarill of the
Champlain Council, Miss Olive Getvai or
Liedluty, Lady Vice President, and many
others. The aueta of the evening, who was
accompanied by Mrs. Sprout, has had very
long, as well as a very enviable record in She
telupltnoe'17,o 13011 4etlilhobnietviagmploaii,nyedatehle, nsceite.vnie:mof.
forty -roue years ago. After a pevi'od during
-.Mitts he gained merle -nee in the construc-
tion and other branches of the service, and
which took him to mane parts of the Pro-
vince, be final's' located in Peterboreegb
where he has held the responsible position of
Construction Superintendent for many yearn,
A very pleasing feature of the gathering Ne00
a series of presentations'te the guest of the
evening, including a Life Member:thin Certif.
cate in the Telephone Pioneere Associetion,
the Company President's: Certificate of Ser-
. b I f • b. . • in the sig-
natures of all mama and many others, a set
Of Pates from the PeteMorough Ben Social
Club, mil lastly the gift of 0 chesterfield
Ogle from his mimy associates. During( the
eventng homer was paid to Mrs. Swat,
who 1000 made the recipient ef a gift of
roses on behalf of her husband's associates,
triih Ti e Rev Archer Wallace, D.I)., em. emseee Bayfical Terrace for the sem- 1
Man. visited et, the home of Mr. and Mm.
B. 13'. Stephenson recently.
Mr. and Meg. Archie Hoggratit and little
daughter of Witilaceherg ere visiting at the
hese, of Me. and Mrs. W. Britton.
There was a reunion at the home of Mr.
and Mee. Wm, Jewitt of relatives on Bathe-
d/1Y of ternoon. Those stranding: Mr. Stan-
ley Hall and Lwo wens, Mrs. L. jewitt of
Wingbam, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hove and eon
Elwin, Iteht, Beatty and daughter Mar -
wet end Mrs, Will Stenrany of Kgmond-
villa. Mr. and Mrs. R, W. Jewitt and Miss
,Teen, and Mr. end Mrs. 'Wilbur Jewitt and
two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Will 13ritton and Mr
and Mrs. Chas, Dexter and Miss Norma and
Frank Dexter.
Mr. and Mrs. Theron Bettleg of Winthroll
visited with end Mrs. Relit. GrimeldbY
511 S nd
Mr. and Mrs. Frank :spent Sunder
with Mr. and IVI'vs. Geoege lloggarth,
Cpl. Kenneth Betties and Mos. Bethke re-
turned last week to Stemma Proving
eirneeds, \Mem Cpl. Betels:1 is sta-
TeGpl. Freddie Riley of Halifax is spend-
ing furlough with his porents in Seaford:.
Mrs. Harty Durnin spent a WV days with
friends in Chntham. .
The regtilm. meeting of the W.M.S. we.%
held in the relmelroom of +he (thumb en
Theredey. eine stie lees. Wm. Beitton tak-
ing clutme. The meeting opened with the
"T Fellowship with Christ," read
mother, Mrs. Atkinson.
Mr. end Mrs. G. D. McLean of London
were guest» of Mrs. Oliver Rhynas during
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wickham retevned Pe Flint,
Mich., after a visit WW1 MT. and Mrs.
Mo. and Mo. Quarrle returned to their
home on Saturdey after spending the winter
it! Florida.
Mrs. W. Ferguson is visidng relatives in
Seaforth this week.
The present:Ulan of (Unionists and certifi-
cates in Dublin Continuation School took
Piece on Thursday, Stine 58111. Rev. J. B.
Moulkes, D.D., 'Addressed a tew well Mosen
words to the recipients, especially to those
who had completed their school course. The
awards were asi 'follows; Honor Graduation
Diplomas, Rite Moore, Thomas Morris' Se-
condary School Graduntion Diplomae, Marie
Dillon, Helen Mennen, Mare:lent Terauskopf,
Rose 114eIvor, Mem Ellen Murray, Angelis
O'Reilly. Xntermediate Gerd suites: 5arneS
Atkinson, Geraldine Dillon, Dorothy Jordan,
Dorothy Kranskopf, Pieteicie Hale, Allie
Looby. Helen Mathers. Angela Morris, Jas.
Morrisom Basal O'Reilly, Geraldine RYatli
Margaret M. Scherbach, Norma. Wentelaffi
Lloyd Wentelaff. Dan 'Williams.
A. special meeting of Dublin War Services
Associatioe was held on Wednesday evening
with a representative attentianm. Mrs. Hut.
tees, the ppresident, opened the meeting( and
the seentery. re. Looby. atter marling the
minutes of the previous meeting, read a
number of letters of thanks far parcels and
cigarettes from the following soldiers over-
seas: Dr, Frank Stapleton, Clayton Looby,
Kenneth Dill, Thomas R. Metady, James
Morrison, George Klikhamer, Lorne Byers.
'Herbert 13eown, Albert Krauskopf, Paul
Givlin, Michael Feeney. .Tames
The treasurer, Mr. Colman, rend the fin -
andel statement which showed a balimee 011
hand of $367.22. A resolution was passed
that Mrs. Olive Smith and Mrs. Frank
Evalto isa an ointed as convener and essist-
ant of n committee to purchase 0 doll, 10
which the min of $5 will be attached end
-tickets wild on X, the proceeds for the war
effort. The nenval cnnvass for contributions
from householders ill this district will be-
gin very shortly.
Funeral services for Miss Margaret
Watson, resident of Seaforth for a
:lumber of years,- were held Monday
from the home of her C0112111, Arthur
Dick, Main street, interment in Mait-
land Bank cemetery. Rev. • Richard
Stewart, Knox Presbyterian Church,
Goclerich, conducted the service. Miss
1Vatson died here on FridaY. She was
in her 55th year. Mrs. Sproat, Mrs.
W. E. Butt and Mrs. Henderson, of
Kippen, sang "What a friend we have
in Jesus" and "Abide with me." Tlie
pallbearers were Wm. Govenlock, J.
Currie, J. (lemmings, Wilson Hawk -
18 e W E Butt.
A very successful open bowling
tournament of men's doubles was
held here Monday night with 22 ent-
ries competing. •Bowlers were pres-
ent from Brussels, Blyth, Goderich,
Mitchell, Exeter, Stratford and Sea -
forth. Harry Porterfield and Lloyd
E. Hawes,Mitchell, won first prize,
with 3 wins plus 17. Second prize
went to R. E. Bright and C. Glew,
Seaforth, with 3 wins plus 9. James
Cowan. and G. Elliott, Blyth, won
third prize with two wins plus 15,
Fourth prize went to George Math-
ieson and Fred Hunt, Galeria:, with
two wins and a 131110 of 12.
A enemy gathering took place at the home
of 'Mr. and Mvs. Robevt McGregor, when
the officers and directors of the Tuckeesmith
Federation of Agriculture met and presented
Mr, end Mrs, Robert Archibald with a beau-
tiful silver muffin dieh in honor of their re-
CCIlt marriage. Mr. E. II. needle read the
erldress and Mr. Robert McGregor presented
the gift Me. Archibald, president or the
township Federation, made a suitable reply,
thateltitex them for the gift and also for the
splendid co-operation given to him, Games
and contests were enjoyed during the even-
ing. A delicious lunch woe served by the
hostess in the dining room prettily decorated
with pink and white peonies.
A very pretty 'wedding WINS solemnised at
St. Seines' Church, Seaforth, Thursday, June
lith, at 0.80 when Rev. Father T. P. Hussey
united in marraige Margaret Resent -mot enlY
dmIghter of Mr. and Mrs, John I. Quinlan,
of Egmondville, and John. Richard Cronin,
youngest mon of Mr. and IVIrs. Daniel Cronie
of St. Columba:I, The young bride entered
the church on the nem of her father, who
gave het in marriage. 1111(i wore a floor
length bridal gowe at white sheer with lace
yoke and long sleeves. Her long flowing veil
of white fell from "t link' and she carried
n :hewer immeet of Better Tittle Roses and
bouvardia. The trroom's sleter, Mrs. Hugh
Bramineer of Dublin, was matron tif honor,
wearing a floor length WAWA nE pink sheer,
white hat with Melt trimmings. She carried
e bouquet. of Taliernee roses. Two nieces of
the »mom, Mary Cumin and armee O'Con-
11.01,.,,gtesti.oxiTiufeetvaciceigHlrl:iirdwilAoke,(1,.dnatigs 1:;
'flowers on heeds and carded nosegaye. Pte.
JamesQuinlan of Toronto, only 1,105(101' o(
the bride Wee best Mira. The useeve were
brothers ter the groom, n. J. Cronin and Al-
Phonsus Cronin, Sere. M. Deyereux PleYed
tbe wedding music. Dinner Watt seevecl to
shout thiety guests nt thesCommercial hotel.
The tebie was decorated in pink and white
and can ele N
eake. Mrs. Quinlan, the bride's inother, re-
ceived wearing navy blue crepe dress and
necessaries to match, with corsage of deep
pink animations. She Wee assietecl by Mrs.
Ceonim enothee of the :maim and WOre
ntemer blue dins, ;tad accessories to match
with corsage of vele pink earnatirs. The
groom's girt to the bride WAS 55 studio emelt
to matron of honor and best man, rositrient,
The flower girls, loekets and chain. Latee
the young couple left for 0 trip to Midlend
anti points east. The beide trevelled in a
two-Mece dress of powder teu crepe with
hat nee N,eil 10 match. On their return they
will reside on the groongs farm on the high
way east of Seaferth.
1 Guests Were present from Toronlo, Dublin
Now Hamburg, Tituniltan and St, Columba:1
On Friday previous to her marringe, the
Sodality girls presented Margaretwith A
beautiful rosary nt. the home of Miss Betty
I On Tuesday IViergaret and Zeck were hon-
ored at the home of Miss Florence Mummy
and were presented with a well-filled purse.
Florence Murray read the address and Frank
Ryan made the peesentatine. in 0 few well
chosen weeds they thanked nil and dancing
continued until an early hour.
Wrist Watches
�f Merit
We have been very for -
tunas in securing a large
number of the "Pierce Para -
shock" Wrist Watch. This is
a watdh which combines
excellent appearance, com-
pact size, fine time keeping
quality and long service in a
very reasonable price.
15 Jewels, Waterproof,
Shockproof, Non magnetic,
with assorted styles and
dials at
plus Luxury Tax
We recoraniend this watch
after careful tests,
Fred S. Savauge
Opposite Post Offi.ce
Phone 194 Res. 10
The many friends of Mr. Joseph Atkinson
are vety sorry to heel. or h sl recent iliness.
Mrs. Gordon Dick and Suzanne are spend-
ing 0 few days with Mr. mid Mrs. Michael
Lient. Mergaret McQuaid of Rhode Island,
is spenaies: her furlough with het' aunt and
uncle Mr. and Mei Jos. McQuaid.
Miss Gloria Rolland has returned to Wash-
ington D. C. after spending her leave at
Miss Loretta and Joen of Kitchener, Sgt.
Kale of Guelph spent the week -end at their
Pte, Joe Havt of London spent the week -end
with hie father.
Mn and Mrs. .Toe Rowland and family of
Seaforth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Seek McIver.
Mrs. Henry McIver of Seaforth spent. IL
fnw deys with her brother and sister in St.
Tack Cleary R.C/.11.V.R. London, coiled on
1510oldfy.elendsin Columban before leaving
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John F.
GI ; laWa . S.
Mille Mergaret Murphy spent the week -end
Mr. and Mee. Gerald O'Connor of Kitchener
spent Sunday with Mr- end Mee. Dan O'Con-
Solo's, Jos. Moylan end Denise spent a few
dem with her mother Kea Peter O'Sullivan.
The many friends of Mr. Emmett Malone
nee pleased to see him around again.
Mr. Frank Malady spent a few days in
Kitehener with Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Rielly
Wedding bells are ringing.
Mr. imd IVIre. Hebert Miller and family
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thee'.
tut:esentalien to Pte. Steeheit Ilefiend
A. group of friends end neighbors gathered
01 the kerne sr mr and Mts 3. 14, ,o,1,1aondw,,tos
11011 I. their youruseat 0011, Stephan h
home on embarkation Ilanene, was en-
jayed by all. Musie twine sepplied by Gerald
Relined rani Wilfred Meth:mid. .1 deltic:lee
tenth was served and tater in the 0001011g a
Oretleatat1011 WA, Irlada 10 Stephen. Gerald
}Selland in a A.w well oboson words spoko of
felephen rendering hie tleetielis la MS 1005,017.
//Ville the third son of the Holland enmity in
the Service. His eldest brother. Sgt. Jobe
R.11.18. who has been mreing hie country
oversew; fur four mare. Sm. Kele who ts 155
the R.C.A.F. Motioned et Caveat for two
Years. Ted Helade maae the lamentation of
a well filled purse, end Stephen brieflY
thanked his inany ellen& for their generositY,
and hoped he would soon be back to see
them all again.
Members of his family are: john, oversew:,
Kale, of lineinh, Loretto and Soon of Kitch-
ener, Con, al Windsor. Gloria, of Washinaton
50. C„ Leona. Lenore. and Mem at home.
St. Columban Church wee the SMee of a
very lovely wedding ge eleredriesniey meriting,
June 14(11 at 9,30 o'eloek when Veromee DI-
beilyeth, third daughter of ter. end Mrs. Wm,
Duffy vets united in the holy bends of matte-
, many to Mr. Raymond Jenne:: Murray, son
of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Murray of
, Rev. Me O'Drowski perfreemed the et:eon:one.
The bride given in marriage by her father,
wes lovely in a tIcler length gown or white
triple sheer crepe sine wtiels fell In graces.
ful folds to the floor from 1" feted bodice of
ranavoidered lace ansi. extended in a Meg
- :rem. She wore a veil with a long train arid
aer -Wreath was of orange blossoms. The
' bride's bramuet was of white virginla ear-
. Ilati011ei rod briarclifte roses, bouvaedia and
maiden hair fern. The bride WAS attended
by her sister, Miss Rita Deily. Nebo wore a
street length dress of pale Pink erelm chit-
! 8oe with a lace yoke and Woe Fated. bodice.
She wove a. bandeaux of pink and white
roses tut her head with a short veil. Her
bouquet wee pink carnations, Mae clelehin-
lara and mitten hair fern. The groom WAS
attended by his brother, Mr. Domieic [Mur-
ray. Messrs. Louis Duffy nnd Vincent MUT-
rsty acted ns ti6exa. The bride's mother Wee
dressed in pale blue flowered chiffon chess
with levee white picture lett and white am
1 cessogrles and wore at corsage of roses. The
room's mother chose brown and Mee acme
with pink hat and accessories with a corsege
, The 131ake school beld their animal picnic
of roses. The ether was beautifully decorated
on the scheol grounds on Monday Altevneon
with pieh and -white Peonies. After the wed -
with a good :Attendance. A hall game and
ding ceremony many cow:mt.-a:Wens and
races for the children were features et the
beet wishes evere extended to the newlyweds
day, also high jumping 50, the younger
emitist a shower of confetti. Afterwnwle din-
-Snell folk, A picnic itumh, after which all re -
to h i. 1 rams
1VIrs. Hart has returned to her
home after spending a forteight with
friends in Toronto.
Mr. ancl Mrs. Laythem and family
of London spent Sunday- with the
latter's mother and stater.
Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore, of Holmes-
ville, spent Sunday with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Smith.
Mrs: A. McConnell is visiting with
her daughter Alm. Argo, Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Ingo attended deem -
Won day in Zurich cemetery.
Gordon Keys, of the ROAF„ spent
tew cleets with his parents, Mr. aud
Mrs, Ben Keyes'.
Mrs. Walper and little daughter
and Mrs. Pongrase of London are
holidaying et the home of their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. 31151 Chuter.
There will be a librarY meeting On
Friday, Stine 23rd, at 3.30 in the
township kali. 'Those who are inter-
eeted in having the librarY remain
sr:1117)11,1o, rtplease attend. We need your
Note: The stores in Varna will ob-
serve Thursday half holiday during
the months of July and August.
turned t 1
ner was served to about thirty guests at the
11,11e and 17.3 Sem Rey were visited by Royal Hetet, Mitchell. During the retlaSt a
toast was offered by Rev. Fr. CrDrowski.
their daughters from Windsor, London and
, •
Brecefield on SueditY. Later so large group of friends motored to
the bride's home where supper WAS served to
Mrs. Lloyd Finnigan and son Bobbie ve.
about sigty-eve guests. The evening was
turned m
to her othees after speeding seemed
weeks with her sinter, Mrs. Attridge Pt God- eme i„ „won,. „„d &nein. Mr.ansi ws.
erith. Murray left on it wedding tour to Brampton,
Barrie., Midlend, Collingwood, Owen Soned
The many friends of Mrs. Arthur Shreen-
'and' other northern points. Foe travelling the
an will be elect to know that she is able to
bride chose an 'Appropriate gold &ass with
sit 00 nwhile after her lengths' illness,
11111.081. hat and peat nee white ileeeSeOrieSi
On their return they will mettle on the
groongs Nem in McKillop.
'Miss Grace Chalmers with rela-
tives. Mrs, WilsOn of Toronto and
Mr. Hugh Moore of Lindsay with Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. L. Scott.
Mr. and 1VIrs. T. L. Hamilton of
Listowel with friends. Mrs, Gordon
Scott has retureed from the hospital.
Mr. Earl Treffrey hatl the misfort-
une to fall from the roof of his home.
Ile was shingling and slipped and
fell to the ground, breaking his leg
and 5.130 his arm,
Remember anniversary services on
Sunday liege. Rev, Me. McWilliaM Will
preach 1t3 the morning at 11 o'clock,
and Rev. Norman McKay of Mitchell
will take the service at 7.30 in the
evening. Special, music by the male
quartette and talent from leirItton.
Funeral serviees for Mrs. D. F. MeGeegor,
of Egmondville. Were held Saturday from the
family vesicles -Me with interment in Egmond-
ville cemetety. Rev. A. W. Gardiner, cf Ege.
rnoeclville United Church, conducted the sem'
vices. Settee T. Scott sang a solo "Seem ie
Teederly Ceiling." The flower beionrs were
Angus Robinson, IT, M. Chesney, Sonmel
Whitmore, Harry Steweet, Robert Tyndall,
Harold Jackson, it. I. Mat:Lean, Seams Scott,
Moles McKay, Fred Mingo, Mee. Mc-
Gregor, whose 'maiden name Wee Gertrude
Van Iliginond, a daughter of the late 0. I.
Vral Egmencl, of Egmendville, was born
rind spent the greetempart or her lige in the
village And district. hienely 40 years ago she
married D. F. MeGregoe and mennetteed her
married life no the second concession of Tuck-
ersmith. Some yeees later theY reeved to
farm on the Kippen road, where they resided
entil they moved te EP:monde:1 le, The pen
'bowers were Edwin P. Chesney, Andrew
IVfoisre, Arthur Nicholson, 'William Sproat,
James Allan, Alex. Broadfoot.