HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-06-15, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1944
Tops in Values—Thursday, June 15 till June 21
Tomato Soup 2 10 -oz. tins 15c
Hillcrest Pure Lard 1 lb. carton 14c
Cream of Mushroom Soup ..2 10 -oz tins 15c
Campbell's Vegetable Soup ' 2 tins 23c
Kellogg's Rice Krispies pkgs. 25c
Orange and Grapefruit Marmalade .... 27c
ST. WILLIAMS 24 oz. Jar
Fruit Kepe
BrocIt's Bird Gravel • per pkg, 10c
Brock'Bird Seed , per Cowan's Perfection Cocoa, % lb. tin 15c 1 ib .pkg.tin 15480e
Hillcrest Shertening, ... , . 1 Ib. carton 19e
Ode x Bath Soap, it's deodorentf)(31, 3piftogr. 212900
Super Suds
Aylmer Apple juice 13 oz. bottle 15c
Cherry Valley Blueberries 16 oz. tin 29c
Plain or Iodized Salt
Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour
Laing's 0.0. Sauce large 8 oz. bottle 190
Gro -Pup p2erunksksg. 125100
Snowflake Ammonia
,Charme Castile Soap 5 bars 190
Libby's Prepared Mustard 6 oz. jar .090
3 tins 250
Aylmer Infant's Foods, Vegetables
Aylmer Fancy Grapefruit 16 oz. glass jar 370
Manyflowers Toilet Soap 3 bars 150
G. & M. Canned Pilchards 15 oz. tin 18c
Hillcrest Toilet Tissue 3 large rolls 250
Presto Pack Waxed Paper
.. per pkg. 25c
2'large 2 lb. pkgs. 150
per pkg. 17c
45 sheet pkg. 09c
STRAWBERRIES promise to be a real crop. Place your orders with
us for best quality and price now.
All fruits and vegetables in season.
Ross J. Sproat PHONE 8
Art Wright
and Mrs. Wilson Lit le of McKillop
BORN a son.
PII1LLIPPS —In St. joseph's Hospital, Loh-
LITTLE—T0 Stratford General Hospit
tal on Wednesday, May 31st, to Mr.
Having sold 'my Butcher business to Mr. W. L. Whyte, I
would like to take this opportunity to thank all my Cut -
tamers for their Patronage and Good -will in the past, and
ask them. to give the new Owner the same hearty co-
operation. Miss Ethel Beattie will be at the Butcher Shop
every afternoon until June 22nd to receive accounts
, g ttttt /1 llllll llllllll 1111111111111.1111111111111 lllllll /111 llll 1 ll 1111111111111111111111111)11 lllll )11111111111111 lllllll 41 tttttttt 0111011111 ttttttt t
01°11avAimsWilti CURS
3 cape egad Boat 1 egg
'At evetz..eale cue milk
4tbapne. ebortealna 1 cup. orange
4 awns. Magic Baking Powder
Sift dry hutrediente together, Cut ht shore-
enlng anal noised. Beat egg elightly La
measuring cup; add mllk and marmalade
to make 34 cup and add to first mixture.
Roll out rodent lit-lrich thick; gut with
floured blecult cutter. Top each with a
littlexuarnaMadeibakein hot oveu (425/3.)
about 15 minutes. .Makes 16.
Open by appointment at any other time. See Dr. Harburn, next door.
Cunningham & Pryde
Phone 41
37 Prizes Awarded Each Broadcast
For Sale at All Grocery and Hardware Stores
Mrs, ,Tessio 33rown, Victoria st„
celebrates her ninetieth birthday this
week, Mrs. Brown is still able to clo
her own housework and walked up to
Main street on Tuesday,
The school children had a holiday
on Thursday last in honor of the
Ring's Birthday.
A02 Keith Harrison, RCAF, Tor
onto, is spending a few days with his
parents Mr, and Mrs. Albert Harrison.
1VIrs, Orval Weston, Who has been
visiting with her sisters, Mrs. Robert
Carnochan, and Miss Verna Grave',
has returned home to Detroit.
Ord. Sm. James W. Carnochan is
now stationed at Cornwallis, N.S.
Mrs. Basil Dufican and daughter,
Toronto, were guests this week at
thuencahnome of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Mrs. Arthur Frank, Detroit, spent
the week end with her mother Mrs,
Henry Chesney.
Misses Mildred Swan, Stratford,
and ,Tean Swan, London, spent the
week end with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. 'Henry Swan.
Petty Officer Emerson Durst, R.C.
N.V.R„ Toronto, was a week end
visitor In town.
Misses Mary and Helen Devereaux,
London, visited with their parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Devereaux, over
the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman MacLean
were week end visitors in Waterloo.
Mr, Arnold Westcott, Toronto,
spent the week end with Mrs. West-
cott and family.
Miss Rose Dorsey, Toronto, spent
the week end at her home here.
Mrs. A. Whitney visited with rela-
tives in Woodstock last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Campbell
spent the week end with relatives in.
Miss Betty Matthews, Waterloo,
spent the week end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Matthews.
Pte. Morley Storey, Ringston, vis-
ited over the week end with Mrs.
Storey and family.
Miss Zetta Dunlop, St. Mary's Hoe-
pital, Kitchener, visited at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Dunlop, last week.
Mrs. Frank Kennedy and Miss
Mona McGregor spent Sunday in
Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Sperling of
Gerrie spent last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Eaton,
The many friends ot Mr. Geo. .B.
Dorrance of McKillop are glad to see
him able to be out again after being
laid up for the past month from hav-
ing two toes in his foot broken when
stepped on by a steer.
Pte. R. J. Miller, of the RCASC.,
Petawawa, spent a few days last
week with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Farrow and Mrs.
Matthews of Toronto spent the
13HWeeisiGlkeyMend with Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Bnr. and Mrs. Bernard Riley of
Nova Scotia, spent a couple of days
with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chas.
Riley. Mrs. Riley is reniaining here'.
.A forty hours' devotion was held in
St. james' Church. this week, ending
Tuesday evening.
A shower was held at Betty Ban -
non's in honor of. the brides -elect of
this week, Misses Betty Lane and
Miss Margaret Quinlan,
Word has been received from Italy
by the parents of Wesley Coombs and.
James Cleary.
• Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Keyes have
returned front visiting their son Mr.
and Mrs, Ruskin T. Keyes, Windsor,
Mr, and Mrs, Willocks and family
have returned to Ripley after. spend-
ing. the past two weeks with her
matey, Mrs. A. D. Armstrong.
Mr. and Mrs, Art. E. clemence
have spankthe past week visiting
with friends at Oshawa and Whitby.
Miss Blearier Hudson of Bronte
spent the week end at the home of
Rev. A. W. and Mrs. Gardiner.
Mi'. and Mrs, L. Tebbatt of Tucker -
smith, accompanied by Mr. John
Martin and Mrs. H. McLachlan of
Egmondville, visited with their ne-
phew, Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Martin
of Kitchener, and their sister Mr. and
Mrs. Luff of Hamilton.
Miss Alice Devereaux of Toronto
spent the week end with her mother,
Mrs. Frank Devereanx.
Mrs. C. P. Sills, Mrs, I. O'Leary,
Mrs, R. Henderson, Mrs. Je J. Cleary,
Mrs. Frank Sills and Miss Alice Daly
attended the C.W.L, banquet at the
Catholic Culture Centre Tuesday, held
in connection with the national con.
vention of the 0.W.L. held in London
tbe past week.
Continued From rage One
of site on his property on Egmond-
ville flats for disposal grounds.
Finance committee reports: D. H.
Wilson, 384.17; R. Shinen, $25; J.
Currie, $85; J. Cummings, $89; Thos.
Storey 335; .1, A. Wilson, pension $20.
Jos, Storey, wages, $5.40; Ernest
Miller, 31.50; Jos. Heffernan $29.25;
Henry Hoggarth, 335,55; Martin Ryan
340.50; E. B. Goudie 317.40; National
Sewer Pipe Co., 3406.78; Bell Tele-
phone Go., 33.25; E. C. Chambeelain,
division court clerk, US ; M. Goy-
erdook, bailiff, 316; Bell Engine &
Thresher Co., 391.16; Provincial
Treasurer, 32.48; P.17.0., Elec. Dept.,
$3.02; W. J. Thompson, $2,38; Can.
Nat. Rlys., $16.62; Geo. D. Ferguson
318.65; Beattie Bros., 327,60; J, E.
Daley $37.80; Rodger Milliken an
Allan Ryan, $6; Seafortb. Collegiate,
31500; Geo. A. Sills & Sons, $63.87;
D. H. Wilson, re ration board 345.
At a special meeting of the board
of school trustees of Egmondville
held in the school Friday last, it was
decided that Egmondville school
enter the Tuckersmith township
school area. 11. O. Staples, Goderich,
inspector of public schools for south
Huron, was the guest speaker.
Inspector Staples pointed out that
the township school area is not a
new venture for rural schools, but
that it is being carried on success-
fully throughout the English-speak-
ing world. He stressed that all
schools will operate as usual, only in-
stead of having individual school
boards, all schools in the township
area will operate under one board of
five trustees elected by the rate-
Dealing with the financial point,
Mr. Staples demonstrated how all
schools under one management
would mean a saving to all rate-
payers. "In the world today."
stressed the inspector, "all must co-
operate to survive. It is no longer a
world of individaalisms." Special
grants are offered also, that aid
greatly in school operation, the
speaker stressed. It was pointed out
and demonstrated how many new
ideas in teaching instruction may be
brought about under the new system.
A short discussion was held; and a
*ote was taken in favor of joining
the Tuckersmith township school
area. Schools already in the area, are
S. S. No. 4, 6, 7.
Mrs, Jas. Garde and Ann West-
lake of Bayfield visited with the for
melee sister, Mrs. C. Haugh, on Sat-
Mee. Robt, Allan and Mrs. Jas,
Moody were guests at the home of
Mrs. Allan's brother, Mr. Arnold
Petrie in Toronto over the week
1V1r. and Mrs. Jas. Burdge spent
the week end with friends in Tor-
Miss Annie Mustard of London
visited her mother, Mrs. Alex, Mus-
tard and other relatives over the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilbert, Jack,
and Ellen of Stratford visited with
their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Haugh on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hudson of Pontiac,
Mich., and Mrs, Harvey, Mrs. Logan
and Mrs. Carlile of Hensall visited
with Mr. and Mrs. W. Douglas last
Miss June Murdoch spent a few
days with her sister, Miss Beth Mur-
doch in Hamilton recently.
Major and Mrs. Stuart Knox of
Chatham were week end guests at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. LorneWiIson. Wilson.
Mr. Leonard Birk and daughter
Sheila and sister, Miss Verne Birk
of Guelph visited at the homes of
Mr. and Mrs, C. Haugh and Mr, and
Mrs. W. Haugh on Sunday.
The Mission Band has arranged to
meat on Sunday first, uniting with
the congregation for worship, then
retiring. to the Sunday School room
for the rest of their meeting. Wire. J.
Henderson and Mrs. T. Kay will be
in charge.
The service on Sunday will be
conducted by the minister whose
sermon subject 'iI1 be "Our Mod-
ern Idolatry."
Another highly respected, lifelong
resident of Ibis community, Mr.
Robert Dinsdale, passed away on
June 5th after a short illness, He
was a member and Elder in St. u -
rew's United Church, The funeral
service was held on Wednesday aft-
ernoon, June 7th, with Rev. A. M.
Grant officiating. Dining the service
Miss Jean Ivison sang very bea,uti-
fiilly "The City Four Square," ac-
companied by Mrs. Harold Jones. In-
terment was at Hensel] Union Cem-
etery and the pallbearers, all elders
of St. Andrew's United Church were
Messrs. Win. Alexander, Andrew 13.
Bell, John Cochrane, Jos. Dayman,
Herb Jones ,and Thos. Kay. The
many floral tributes were very beau-
tiful and the flower bearers were
' Messrs. James Finlayson and John
McMurtrle (elders), John and Em-
merson Anderson, Ivisort Torrance
and Arthur Va.rley. Mr. Dinedale is
survived by his widow, formerly
Miss Alice Whiteman, one daughter
(Helen), Mrs. Eddie Taylor of Strat-
ford, and one sister, Mrs. Hannah
Petty of Hensall. A good neighbor,
always ready to lend a helping hand,
he will be greatly missed.
BENNEWIES.--.4t Scott Memorial Hospital
on June 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bon -1
novies, Bornholm, a daughter.
LANE—At Scott MemorialHospital, on June
3, to Mr. and Mrs. jos. J. Lane, Seaforth,
A son.
DILL—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on ,Tune
7 , to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Dili, Dub-
lin- a daughter.
ANDERSON—At Scott Memorial -Hospital on
June 8, to Mr. and 'Whs. Clarence K, And-
erson, 13ruceilelcl, a daughter.
SCOTT—At Scott Memorial Hospital,' on
June 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott,
• Cromarty, a daughter.
BYERIVIAN —At Scott Memorial Hospital on
June 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Envoy Byerman,
Senforth, a son.
AGAR — As Scott Memorial Hospital, on
June 5, to Mr. and 311))9. Gerald Agar,
• Stalta, a son (Ronald James).
SCOTT — At Scott Memorial Hospital on
June 32, to Mr. and Mm. James NI. Scott,
(nee Grace Forest), Senforbb, a daughter
—Mary Grace.
DALE—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June
• 12, 10 Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dale, Seaforth,
The Egmondville W.M.S.met in
basement of church on June 6 with
president in chair. Roll call respond-
ed to by fourteen members and
there were 23 visitors or mothers,
accompanied by 18 children, as the
Baby Band and their mothers were
being entertained. The offering was
received and it was decided the loose.
collection go to the Baby Band fund,
Little Elizabeth Ann Sinclair of
Kippen road entertained by a song
and an encore. Mrs. Latter, a visit-
ing lady in Egmondville at the home
of Miss Fleurcheutz, conducted the
worship service. She spoke on the
passage from Matthew where Jesus
took little children on His knee and
blessed them. • Read a poem from
Missionary Monthly and closed with
prayer. Mrs, Hugh Chesney accom-
panied by Mrs. McGregor sang a
I solo. Mrs. Paul Doig favored with
one of Kipling's poem's, "The Merry
1 Lads of Oxford." Mrs. Gardiner
read a prayer prepared for invasion
day and as this was invasion day it
was 'quite appropriate. Mrs. Gardin-
er spoke on the pioneer mother. Mrs
Forsyth favored with a solo, Meet-
ing closed with prayer. Lunch was
served and a social half hour enjoy-
ed by all.
1 Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week 25c
Mrs, Rudy Oesch and Miss Vera
Oesch and lVIr. and Mrs. Win, Oesch
spent a day with Mr. and Mrs, E.
Faber and family of Kippen.
Mr. and MTS. Leen Jeffrey visited
the eormer's mother at St, Joseph,
Mrs. Sam Hey spent the week -end
in Toronto with her sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Stelck and
daughter Patsy spent Sunday in
A good attendance from the Blake
W.M.S. attended the meeting in
Goshen Church on Thursday after-
noon. An octette was given by the
Blake 1adies entitled "Let Jesus
Come into Your Heart." On Thurs-
day evening, June 15 at the Blake
Church, the W.M.S. will hold their
lUimeeerfrom this vicinity took
in the Agricultural Picnic at Sea -
forth on Wednesday.
Miss Loriane Oesch who has spent
several weeks with her sister Mrs.
Alvin Rader near Dashwood, re-
turned to the home of her parents
Mr. and Mrs. D. Oesch, Miss Vera
has gone to take her place for the
ncl Mrs. Howard Finlay and
family called on 1VIr. and Mrs. W,
Oesch of Bronson Line North.
The June meeting of the Wom-
en's Association was held at the
home of XI'S. Joe Thornton with. 19
members present. Mrs. Mills, 2nd
vice president, had charge of the
meeting. The theme of the meeting,
"The Life through Fellowship in
Christ." Mrs, Mills opened the meet-
ing followed by the Scripture lesson
read by Mrs, Alex. Dennis. Mrs,
Mills led in prayer with the response
by the members . Hymn 356 sung,
followed by the meditation and
prayer. The study period was based
on 'Children and Youth, Leaders of
To -morrow," with Mrs. Mills, the
leader throughout the service. Mrs.
George Dundas read "Ten Points
for a Christian Horne," and Mrs. S.
Hilton read a poem on 'The Train-
ing Ground," Tennie Dennis then
gave a synopsis of boy life needs
church life, and "Their Future Is
Now" and the girls' activities. The
nursey school and the social worker
were also mentioned. Mrs. Willis
Dundas then. gave Dr. Hilliard's art-
icle on "The Adolescent Girl and
Mrs. Leonard Leeming presented
the problems of home, school, -church
and community. Mrs. S. Hillen gave
the prayer for the children of today.
Shirley and Pearl Regale then sang
a duet accompanied by Grace Den-
nis on the guitar. Mrs, William Dun-
das gave the topic from the study
book "The Joy of Work Skillfully
Done." The meeting was then op-
ened for business with Mrs. L.
Leeming presiding. Roll called and
minutes of last meeting read and
ad opted.
The coppers for the contest to be
handed in .at the July meeting. It
was also decided to have the church
scrubbing bed. The bills were then
paid. The July meeting to be held at
the home of Mrs. Stanley Hilien,
Meeting closed with prayer by Mrs.
eeming, Lunch was then served by
the hostess and her assistants.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil T. Murray and
Rena, ,also Mrs. Russel Pepper of
leippen weee Sunday afternoon vis-
itors ancl Mr. and Mrs. John Leon-
hardt and Pearl were Sunday even-
ing visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Airs, George Leonhardt is not as
well es her many friends would like
to see her.
Mrs. Love of Grey Twp. is 'visiting
her daughter. Mts. William teeming.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leeming
and family were Sunday evening
visitors with Mr, and Mrs. RayHouslon. Houston.
Mr, and Mrs. William Rapien and
Doris of near Bornholm were recent
visitors with Me. and Mrs. Ed. Reg-
my. and Mrs. G. Ray Hart of Lon-
don spent Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Russell Sholdice.
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Walther and
Mrs. Hy. Bennewies of Mitchell with
Mrs. Ad. Pfeifer.
Mr. and Mrs. George Young of
Stratford with Mr. and Mrs, George
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wolfe and fa-
mily of Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs,
Norman Wolfe.
Mrs. Don Markle of Woodstock
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Har-
old Deigel.
Private Milton Eielemier of Geer-
gia, and Mrs. Eickmier and sons,
Roger and Gary of Detroit with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vickmier
Mrs. Eickmier and children are re-
maining foe a vacation.
Mr, and Mrs. Adam Kistner, Fred
and Martiu spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Bili Kistner in Stratford,
Mr. and Mts. anuel Beuermann,
Ray and Wayne, and Mr. G. Miiler
epent Sunday at Shakespeare:
The following started school at
the beginning of June; Joyce Quer-
engesser, Nam- Mogk, Joan Kistner,
Marlene Priestap, Bobby Percy,
Wayne Beuermann, Charles Scher -
The Ladies Aid of St. Peter's Lu-
theran Church met on Wednesday
evening in the basement. Mrs. Rev.
Schultz conducted the devotional
part imi the absence of Rev. Sehultz.
Lakeview Casino
• Every Wednesday & Saturday
• Glen Bricklin
The Orchestra Complete! Breaking
Records on Every Appearance!
Veer Friends are :Here Every Dance!
'Phone Eric Moilroy, 59 i' 1, for PiOnic
Reservations. School, Picnics, etc.,
please make sure of reservations
before coming, to avoid disappoint-
Special invasion prayer was offered
by Mrs. Rev. Schultz and suitable
hymns were also sung. The business
part of the meeting followed and it
was decided to hold a picnic for
members over '70 years of age of congregation in the basement of
the church on June 22nd,
The Red Cross unit will meet
Tuesday afternoon in the Sunday
School room. Please attend as ar-
rangements will be made for the
bazaar and home baking sale to be
held at the regular meeting on july
We are asked for donations for
personal bags for girls in the army
and British civilians, The donations
will be in the same line as last year,
thimbles, thread, pins, bobby and
safety and common pins, soap, wash
cloths. Full details will be in Red
Cross items this week. Try and help,
Mr. Elton Heist of Toronto is vis-
iting his mother, Mrs. John Mast
arid sisters, Velma and Vera,
Nursing Sister Isabel Betties has
been moved to Debert, N.S.
Pte. Ernest Mathers of London and
Miss Marion Beckwith of Vancouver,
B.C.,are spending their holidays with
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Henderson.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ganton of De.
trait, Mich.., spent last week end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. ArthurHendeason. Henderson,
The June meeting and annual bazaar of
the W.A., Mission Band and W.M.S., was
held In the church on Wednesday, .Tune Ith,
when the ladies of Duffs and Bethel were
entertained. The meeting opened with the
call to worship by the president. Mrs. Robt,
McFarlane. The Scripture lesson was given
by Mrs. E. Toll. Mrs, W,Church led in
prayer. A two -minute silnce was observed
followed by a hymn and the national anth-
em. Mrs, Jas. Hogg in a few words very
cordially welcomed the visiting ladies and
Mrs. Workman of Sea forth, the guest speak-
er. The Winthrop ladies' quartette rendered
a beautiful number, 'Blessed Surrender.
Mrs. John EIllebrecht, Duff's, gave a fine
reading. Mrs. Stanley liillen favored with a
solo, "Just for To -day." 1VIrs. Workman gave
a very interesting, report of the London Con -
Terence Branch meeting held in Strathroy.
She stressed fellowship and dealt extensively
on the temperance question. Miss Wier Bat-
ton favored with a solo, The Sweetest Song.
Mrs. 01, Alexander moved a vote of apprec-
iation to nil and the meeting closed with a
hymn and Prayer by Mrs. Batton. A social
half hour VMS spent ami a dainty lunch was
served, The W.A. and Mission Band bazaars
were well patronized,
The Jane meeting of the Varna
W. M. S. was held in the church. The
metiers and babies of the congre-
gation were invited, The president,
Mrs. Geo Johnson presided, Meetleg
opened by singing "Tell Me The
Story of Jesus" followed by prayee
and scripture lesson. An invitation
to visit Goshen ladies on June 8 yens
. rs. Beattie and her pup-
ils attended and VC!** kindly rendered
some appropriate numbers. Barbara
McConnell and Marilyn DBW801l sang
a duet and Ruth Clerke. a solo. A
Part song was sung by six pupils and
"Kenneth Keyes sane,a solo. Mrs.
Beattie was tendered a vote of
thanks. Mrs. A. McConnell rene
piece entitled "A boy in his father's
house." Mrs. Reid gave a reading.
Meeting was closed by singing "Jesus
Loves Me" and prayer. A social hour
Was spent at the close.
Miss Ruth Dettmer of Kitchener
spent the week -end with Anna Reid.
Me. and Mrs. Wilmer Reid, Mona,
and Mes. Reid of Varna spent the
week -end in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. H. Johnson and entail
daughter of London spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pen.
Miss Anna Scotehmer spent a few
days last week with her sister, Mrs.
Joe Wild of Clinton.
Mrs, John Hesselwood Sr. received
a lovely bouquet of snapdragons from
her son L/Corp. Keith Hesselwood,
who is in Italy. The bouquet was in-
tended for mother's day,
Dwelling, North Main street, with
hydro, hard & soft water, 11A, aeras
of land, with some fruit trees. Im-
mediate posseselon.
Cottage on Side street. Priced rea-
Brick Dwelling on Wilson street,
with all modern conveniences. Priced
Other properties also listed.
Barred Rock Chicks
Scott's 'Poultry Farm
J. M. SCOTT. Phone 851 r 32, Seaforth
1 .