HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-06-15, Page 3ROME ---END OF MANY LONG, HARD ROADS egi0 Giulia flips Ripen! Vestiycr NlPa.'' St. Peter's Beaverton! Preneatine Ste - dill �Belll lila Casal} Vili Torre Meranoiao S.Scbostion Villa S. Paolo s • ITALY Mediterranean Seo •.. e...,,:1%... .... n{^• }>yK C. s�., 1tti:: 7'te map above dhows Rome and its environs — first Axis capital city in this war to be attacked by Allied groiii-id troops. THE WAR • WEEK — Commentary on Current Events Nazis Can No Longer Pretend That Italy Is Part Of Axis I ' S'o' have spent to much for the prestige of holding Romc measures Low heavily they (the Germans) r�lue that prestige, writes Joseph C, Harsch 1n the Christian : Sci- aace Monitor: There is no reason why their estimate of Its value •bould not be the yardstick of its value to us. Rome was for them tut argument that German troops were superior to Allied troops. They wanted that argument to holster the confidence of their people in. the German army during ' Bet pre -invasion period. They wanted it to give their troops on the Channel and on the Russian front an extra fillip of confidence 0 the moment of the assault, They i Invested lavishly on this. lowers Their defeat below Rome 5 ' the morale of every German sol- dier anywhere In Europe. It also payee every Allied soldier that Ounce of extra confidence which comes from knowing that a crack German army has just taken a thorough drubbing on another front. Airfields Valuable Add to that a few other more tangible gains which go with Rome. The city itself may not be of millary value. But around Rome are a cluster of airfields which arc the biggest and best on the pen - Imola. The possession of the air Adds at Foggia has already prov- ed of enormous advantage to the. Allied cause. From Foggia the Balkans and southern Germany have been brought under the weight of Allied air power. The Rome airfields are about 11f0 miles nearer the German fron- tier than Foggia. That automatic - CO 1 (� Fhi 04. P-11:11'-9° LAXATIVE TABLETS ttti1C1K Y ltE1,1EVP. Coil S'I'IPA'P).ON Ci ye., suffer from Hoinorrhoids (Piles) try getti pg relief through nothing gentle action of FEllttOL. Le.XATIVE TABLETS W h le h so many have found effectivo for this oondltion• Go to your drug store and obtain FDBMOd: LAXATIVE TA.B- LETS—two months supply for $1,00, or write direct FERROL DISTRII1U. TORS, LONDON, Ontario. *lIy carries the range of the Al- lied air attack 150 miles deeper into Germany. Of course, that doesn't happen at once. It took well over a month to get the Fog- gia fields in operating shape, Fill- ing in the bomb craters is the least of the job. What takes time is getting the flow of fuel and supplies moving and repair facilities net up, How soon Rome's airfields could be in operating condition is n variable. Much depends on. how soon the port of Ostia can be organized to receive supplies, Transportation Centre Then there is Rome's value et e transportation centre. It is in every sense the rail centre of the country, It Is also the communi- cations centre. More than these, it is the politi- cal centre. Mussolini's residual Fascist Government has' had only a shadow of influence and author- ity since the surrender of the I{ing, But what substance that shadow still enjoyed derived largely from the fact that Rome was still in Axis hands, \Vith the fall of Rome that dwindles to nothing. When the Germans lost Rome they loot the last basis for the pretense that there Is still an Italy in the Axis. And not to be overlooked is the Vatican. So long as German troops patrolled the boundaries of Val - ran City, the Papacy was forced to mold its voice always with an eye to this fact, Osscrvatore Romano, the Vatican daily newspaper, has been forced to heed German wish- es to circulate in Rome itself. That conies to an tad with the fall of Rome. Whatever the Vett- tan may wish to say that it has not been saying in the past can be spoken freely now Rome is free. Total U.S farm milk production in 1942 reached *5,480,000,000 quarts, 'worth over 12,000,000,000,. u,DVERTISEMENT> WILL YOU LIE AWAKE N GoI#T 7 wed gas make you tool breathlessand smoth- ery — causing aWfni bloat end Wakefulness? !w. Unlock tale. tight. :bloat by opening up csnstl- -. Dation s n releasing. c r Locked -in" gas, 8100• digestion may keep ,, %7 FYI M bowels blooked afar dad's. bgest-°fl *s d relea es ga up bowels. , sous 501. (Incand ready r gas. Mskp, Tryteal flue end ready Incfrestful. steep.. Try nevem medicine- end ord and see what it will do for you! Order -On1101 lase 12 -gunge bottle from your druggist. Modern L tiquette By Roberta Lee 1, What would be agood metas to offer if one wishes to decline an Invitation that ane does not, care to accept? ai, When a new acquaintance feavesand says "1 ant very glad to have met you" .what reply ,should one make? i. At what tine should the wafer goblets be . filled at the dinner table? 4.' Can you give any suggestions +what to give a couple who are ob- •.serving their first wedding: anniver- saty 7 6. 1s it ever proper to lay bits of food on the tablecloths? G. Is it proper to have a child in- troduce his small friends to adults? ANSWERS 1. An earlier engagement for that day or evening would probably be the best excuse. 2. Merely re- spond with a cordial "Thank you'. $. Immediately before the guests' :arecalled in to dinner, 4. Books, stationery, playing cards, or sub- scriptions to magazines. 5. Yes, in such cases as when -individual dish- es for hard breads or :celery are stot furnished. 6. Yes and this is 'excellent training for the child. Sufferers 'ot ILEs bieeding and prat, •.,ding p Ii O s II d 9 9 i n Kant', Bu❑t rs Herbal Pills treat Money itssource. h cause at the c back iP the first t ' •ii t bo tie doof does n 1 satisfy. Buy from your da' ugg st. • If you stuffer MONTHLY FEMALEPA, You Who suffer cramps, headache, backache, and tired, nervous feel- Ings—clue to female functional dis- turbances, should try Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound. It' has a soothing effect on one of wom- an's most important organs. Also a fine stomach tonict Made in Canada. Worth: trying. VEGEtaBIE LYDIA E. rINKNAN{r S coh1PO11Bo Anglo-American Co-operation Pays, Allied victory is being aided greatly by the little-known British - which American patent pont, under war manufacturers on each side of the water have free access to every iaent and invention on both sides. Thus the full capacity of both na- tions' productive capacity can work with the full measure of both. na- tions' inventive genies. 14 is good. to know how completely the two English-speaking nations ran co- operate to beat the 'Nazis and the hips. `SKY -FARMERS' Atop the New York Children's Aid Society's building, high above the city's sweltering streets and only eight blocks from Times Square, youngsters from 4 to 8 years old tend their own miniature Victory gardens. "Rural" life seems to have been too much for lad in foreground. Tokyo Preparing For Allied Bombing Tokyo, preparing for Allied bombing of Japan, has evacuated non-essental person from the city and levelled inflammable wooden structures near war industries and other targets to reduce the fire hazards, a German correspondent Stationed there cabled Berlin re- cently. More men siytoke Pico cc than any other Pipe Tobaccos in Canada' No German Ships At Sea After War 1 fully agree with Lord Vansit- tart's program for dealing with postwar Germany, but speaking as a oellor of some experience and having experienced sonde German chivalry at sea in the last war, I am of the 'opinion that to the ten points there should be added an eleventh, viz: "Not a ship on the sea". The United Nations will run their freight for them and they can pay the usual commer- cial rates, thus helping to pay for the war they started, — B. H. Symns, Tofino, V.I„ B. C., in Maclean's Magazine. Phonograph Records Thousands of allgbtlY used popu- lar dance aelectiona to choose from. Aldo Automatic Phonographs available for Rent. Weiio for Pnrticulara VIGNEUX EROS. Automatic Phonographs 660 RAY ST., TORONTO e ;tit„orJ°ds t& Nazis Make Plans For Another War Marriage Marts are operating briskly under government direction in Germany. The Nazis want every - 0110 to marry as soon 115 possible. Germany is looking ahead to 1970 when children born of agar= riages in 1944 and 1948 wit: be ready to go to war to try egai:: td, conquer the world. —1.Vindeor Star. I)AIIY CRICKS 8T'ARTED CHICKS 2 WEEK OLD mon-sexed, pullet or cockerels 171 the following breeds for immed- iate delivery: 1Vnite Leghorns, White Leghorn X Barred Boclts, Wwte'H1npa0,lre aXreRrkRw Eiampshlres. Prices at rock bot- tom for June also day old chlcke and free range pullets eight Weeks and older. Day old heavy, breedyycockerels as low as 38.96 Butcheries rLimited,YeFergus,GlOnt. AVAILABLE SUNS) 20th WE'LL have 1 week pullets, W.r.,. 529.00; Heavy, Breeds, first quality, $25.80. Orders tilled In order re- 'eived. Order direct nearest Hat- Obert', with dopoatt, or through Bray agent. Cheeks, unsexed, Most broads, and pullets, avail- able now, cockerels later in onth. Hatcheries closing earlier an usual, go book your order r what you - need without de - y, for either Immediate, Inter une, or July delivery. Bray tche r 100 Sohn N. Hamil- ton, �a t. ton, Ont. STARTED CHICKS REDUCED PRICES ON STARTED chicks from a Real Breeding Farm 01 "6000 Breeders. 1, 2, 8, 4 weeks Old. Prompt delivery. Don't take Chances on ordinary chicks when you can get these high quality Chicles at such reasonable prices. We do out' best to prodtpaodluee1- thy, well bred, o disease-free, chicks. Order yours now. Send for Started List and pCLS1aenD8YRYARMWas., Phone 78, Exeter, Ontario. DON'T analike. FOOLED: cLL tL GAS MS ie': d hood crop with cheap seed nor a high paying flock with cheap 'weakling chicks. You are miles abead In time, money, tabour by starting right with Twaddle high quality chicks, oa,•ofully eelected r o n, Government Approved blood -tested breedera. We San give immediate delivery of the following breeds: White Leg - horns, Brown Leghorns, 'Black Mlnorcas, Barred .Rocks, White Rocks, New Hampshires, Rhode Island Reds, White Wyandottes, Silver Laced 'Wyandottes, Light lht Sussex, Black Australorps, monad, Buff Orpingtons, Jersey Black Giants, Jersey 11r 11 t t e Gients, Black Minorca X White Leghorns, White Leghorn Y Bar- red Rocks, Barred Rock X 'White Leghorns, White Rock X White Leghorn, N e tV Hampshire X White Leghorn, New Hampshire X Barred Rocks, Barred R.orl. :C New Humpshlres New Hamp- shire X Light Sussex, Light Sta- ng X New Hampshires, White Ws'audotte X White Rocks. Send for new June price -Mat amt Tree catalogue. Also started: chicles two weeks old and older .pullets. Day old heavy breed cockerels as low ns $8.05 per 100. 'Tw, ddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Far - goo, Ontario. 3F02*I•) DAY-OLD C1U010S .TED J.11,T let ANY RIMED DOUBLE, AA 010.08 1 mixed chicks $12,00 per 100; Heavy Breed pullets 518.00 per 100; Light and 'Medium breeds $20.00 per 100, Order. from this ad. 10 o deposit, Also day-old cockerels lure Bred assoc, Sussex X New 1Lomp Susses X Barred Book, Large Type 'White Leghorns Barred Racks, Barred :Rock X Leghorn Sussex Y Leg - born New 13ampshir e. L Jaf- V17 Y 1 01783107 FARM, Wein 3Dxeter, Ont. Bros.. Phone 78 , r . 1RIADAT T'S (300000(* BARRED ROCKS \r1RAMP - shires, Light Sussex and Red Roc Hybrids, 31100 0, 100. A11 stock Canadian Approved and Bl ood-testedNo waiting.. Onon eb1p ant• Monday. Tar tin d•le's Perm Ilatoherl',Caledonia, Ont. 10c BARRED ROCKS IOe ORDER NOW FOR JUNE AND July chicks. First come, 'first served, Barred Roclts • mixed 1.0e, Barred ]tock- Pullets 17c, Leg - horns mixed 80, Leghorn pullets 20c. Barred Rock Cockerels 310.00 per hundred. Leghorn cockerels 2.00 per 100.. All eggs set from 26 oz. eggs or better and front higghproducing stock. etvarantee 100/ ]ive delivery, 91.00 hooka Your order. Balance C.O.D. Sexing Depot, Chatham, Ontario, BARGAIN SALE OF DAT OLD ohiek5 tar this week and next w• e e It. Government Approved chlckefrom bloodtested breed- ers Non -sexed: White Leghorns. Barred Rocks, White Leghorn X Barred Rocks 38.50 per 100, as- sorted breeds $8.95. Pullets: White Leghorns, White Leghorn barred Rocks $10.90, Barred _eleo 318,00, .Assorted 512.80. Cockerels: Barred Rocks 38.06, Assorted I3eavies 67,05. No de- posit required. Chicks *hipped C.O.D. anywhere, Also two waolc old started. This attVertlsement must accompany your order to receive these special Prices. Please give second choice. Top Notch Chlckerles, Guelph, Ont. . DYEING R CLEAN*NG BANE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or Cleaning? Write to us for tnforniatfoh. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye works Limited. 701 Yonge Street. To- ronto. i 110)08REssi0G AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women, learn hairdressing at Can- 44a'a finest and largest schools. Refined. dignified work. Splendid MeV. 'Write or cal) for tree liter- ature. 44 Icing Street, Baniliton, and 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa. r3AA R N BAIRDR615SING• TSE Roberteon method. Information on requeet regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Ands emy, 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. MEDICAL PEOPLE AR.E TAZKRSG ABOUT the good results .from taking Dixon a Remedy for Rheumatlo Pains and Neuritis. Munro'e Drug Store, 386 Elgin, Ottawa. Poet- peid 31.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of 111 -health in humans all ages. No one Im- munet Why not find out 11 this 1s your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars --Free) Write Muiveney'e. Rem. edies, Specialists, Torontb 8, BAUM)LISIiA FUt)T BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 46o bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa lT'S EXCELLENT, REAL RE - suite -after taking Dixon's Rem- edy .for Rheumatic Paine and Neuritis, Munro's Drug Store, 830 ,Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 51.08. PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIAL PRICES ON COLORED AND FRAMED ENLARGEMENTS Quality Enlargements Ca" in Beau. WWI easel mounts, 3 for 25c. Fram- ed in Gold, Silver, Ctreassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, on ivory mats 7x8". 10e each. If coloured 780 each. ANY SIZE TROLL 6 or 8 exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 23c Get prompt mall service on duality work at low cost. Satisfied custom- ers all over Canada will tell You that. Star Snapshot Service does the best. work. DON'T TAKE RISKS �9IT$ TOUR FILMS Snapshots can never be taken again. Sendyour rolia t0 Canada's largest nod finest finishing studio— STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 190. Postal Tern i n1 A Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly oAll t Orders. 1 QUALITY TIMETESTED SERVICEand a sails FACTION Four Glum properly developed ed and Primed 0 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c tor 250 E 0 REPRINTS 8 FINEST A LING SERVICE get may not get nil the films you want this year, but you can get al) the quality and service you desire by sending your films, to IIifPEItLee, 0I301O SERVICE Station .1. Toronto, PATENTS 5'rfT13L;RS'(.t1NI3 Al It & 1311)1 PAN Patent 801101 tors. )0etehllehed 18911; 14 King West, Toronto. booklet of " Information on re. quest, FOR SALE 180 ACRES, DAIRY F.g.R01. BRICK house, eight rooms, bank barn. Implement shed, garage, lots of shade trees, artesian well, water In Louse and barne. Hydro, close to school, on paved road, seven- teen miles from Toronto. Apply, R. E. Bateman, Unionville. 100 ACRES—ONE 02l11 3.4110M Perth, Mrs. E. J. Leach, 10,R. No. 1 Perth. 200 ACRES-13t'IRGIJSS, 8 MILES from Perth, V,'m. Matheson, Perth 8. le ACRES FOR E, GOOD loam 67% workable, 17% Past re, seeding done. Good buildings, barn 88 x 90 on foundation, 00- ment cote stabling, steel stanch- ions, Litter carrier throughout, 0 roomed frame house, rood water supply, IHIydro priests gate, diose to school. One mile north Barrie on gravel road. Owner 111. Possession In the fell, $7,600. Will sell crop and implements if desired. Mark Hunter, 30.11. No, 8, Barrie. 884 ACRES OHOIC1 CLAY LOAM alightly rolling, splendid wheat and clover land suitable for trac- tor. 146 .acres. worked, 16 hard- wood bush, , remainder patsture. 8 -roomed brick house, k.101)9 001 - lanced, bank barn end other out- bulldinge, Hydro. 2 miles eolith of frond Bead, just otf 27 high- way. 88 miles tostock yards. Cecil Hayes, Tottenham, Ont. RUMI3LY TRACTOR 26-40, GOOD condition, epode eleate. Make offer. Farris, 66 Westinorcland Avenue, Toronto. 190 REGISTERED POLLED HEREI- fordcattle itt auction July 8111. For information and catalogue write Malcolm McGregor, Bran- don, Manitoba. TO CLOSE ESTATE 150 ACRES for sale, 95 cleared, 80 acres bush and swamp; large stone house, new furnace, -large bank barn, both well rooted; plotureaque in - cation on county stone road two miles from Acton; price, *7,000.00. Apply George Somerville, Acton, Ont. JERSEYS WE ARE NOW OFFERING WILL calves, from a few weeks old to serviceable age, by our herd sires and out of good producing, high classified dams. ,The best strain for type and production are rep- resented, Prices are most reason- able. DON HEAD MOND HILL, ONTARIIO S, BICH- O. ZEALAND WHITE RABBITS, Junior Stock, 2 months, weight 4% -lbs, nature at 12 lbs., $10.00 trio. Pedigreed. Guaranteed live delivery. We buy all you raise. Write: United Rabbitry, Dart- mouth, N.S. DoWALT SAWS AND WOOL/WORK. Ing Machines. Neweet types avail- ab1efrom direct factory repre- sentatives for epee-sentativesfor Canada. Quotations gladly furnished 011 application. DeWalt Dtaher Corporation Ltd., 402 West Ponder St., 'cantilever, RC. SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING -- Finest Finest leather and harness pre- eervative, Stipit also 1150 .many houeshold uses 250 up at most greeery, hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories.- Toronto. ELECTRIC 21U'1•URS, NEW, 08100), bong bt, soul rebuilt; belts, Compo brushes. 2 Allen Electric Company Ltd.. 2820 Unffcrllt St., Toronto I, tr�Lb1S OUR 21EN AND NEW BICYCLES — 4 — • 4'6 and boys, 4 50 4.00 I 1 n $ $ $ Y, r x h•1 43. r v0ahs s, $48.60. t, 3 110-145,00-140.50 and . 4n,50. Mai] one$ 1 write height of money 0 1 03 ane yr g ' U Queen eo Last r• ! �riee 3 to , ride to b 013 d Q Toronto, SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED 31,10. 1*arts extra. if required, Parts still available, A. Gilbert, 2229 Dundas St. Toronto. ,NAR MAP 13ARGAIN. AN 11X01T- ing and thoroughly readable war map showing dated events; a map everyone 0170010 0w11, A Ilin Ited number only. Send puymour, 36e to Cnnodtnn Fl110 Printing Pro- ducers, 81.9 tiny -Street, Toronto. afelf.P WANTED leXPEE1LNt'P111 PLOUG17AN AN1) ell round printer, permnncnl posi- tion. Apply lr310-1171ri11, t\oar. eat. aelective 8elvice Of rice. 'ILELP WANTED TEMPORARY CONSTABLES WANTED Ages 31 Years and Over MARRIED; PHYSICALLY FST; AT LEAST h' 0” IN STOCtCING FEET; 100 3.195., 01` 110 n7) OIIAiRACIElL AND FALR MBE. CATION. TO D10 AVAILABLE 01011 APPOINTMENT DIME - MAMMY. 000030101224 CLOT t11NG SV11ss1'PLIED, andlySeiective . Service 098ier,ir 174 t Spodtna Ave. REFER TO PILE H-05110 SINGLE MAN FOR DAIRY I t tilt 006 monthly, board. wash n$, good home, P. Leelle, Osman. town. Cadets Wanted Police C is Age i5% To 9 734 i ear% Education equivalent to two t ,ar high school or better; Ion wl dge of shorthand and typewriting an advantage. Good Physical condition 'with, nr likelihood of meeting fcllru-n' minimum qualifications en nt in= Ing age of 31 years: He`-gbt 5'i0"a weight 160 pounds. IMMEDIATE APPOINTMENT APPLY IN PERSON To Employment and Seiettive oar. vice Office, 174 Spading Ate„ Too ront0, Ont. RIFER To FILE I0-70431 AGENTS WANTED FARM, 10 ICBES, DWELLING, ben house for 800. Brooder e:e0- tri0ity around $1500.00. 00 2(1131er St„ St. John's,Que. TEACHERS WANTED 1tiMANITOULIN ISLAND; I'ROl7B7 tent teacher for S.S. No, 4 .id - well, Manitoulin Island D.iea to Commence Sept. 1st .01102)0 stating qualifications and ei :dry expected to John McI0at Seo., R.It. No. 1, Manitowaning. Or'. Tna.carER FOR .MOUNTAIN SANT. tartum, Wentworth County.zd- side teaching to adult Car ,-B- inns, all grade 8 subje te, state Qualifications, experlen-e end salary desired. Duties to rom- monce Sept. 1st. 2. A. Ita10111i0. mew, Sec., Mountain Sa ,itaI' uni,• Hamilton. PROTESTANT .TEA02802 . AS Pfi=\r- *Mal far tour room school 0)act dfaelplinarian. State 0ualifkatianit and salary expected, Dutie to commence September. Mrs. Jahn Wilding, Sec. -Trees„ S.*, h... 6 Korab, R.R. 1, Sault Ste, M:rte, Ontario. MCSLIN0AIN SANITARIL',1!, WI NT- worth County, for bedside tc•c,h- bog of Tfigh School mattes , .-1%. state qualifications, a%PerizneW and salary desired. Matics tg aarnmenee Sept ls,t. J..AIlartb'. olomeu, Soc.. 3Mounta in Sant., tarinm II:amil ton. ''EACEBR WANTED POP AN PN - graded wheel for .8.t No.. 2. •Raith, Ontario, fiery miles tryst of Port William on Tr v t n- oda Highway, dally- tralia. Free rooms State salary 01,r ..d. Apply to Mrs. M. Blade„ u, :oc- r•etary, t4 AN'P I•^.l) MANUTA0-ril;Fr OE UGH rNNc5 0equipmente1' lr t 00.. a- s nfor do i ao 1 men for port -0110e work bionh- rsrt Ontario. Brow Mg r , nt r;;nl„st commissions i i) n4 _d. Apply Phillips Co,rr n t !toil, 200 Melo Street, Toro t1.o ' 1n WT PAN' r'AStl FOR c)\ .:IC Lawn llawer and Electric R, i , Give l ern 1 n v all n1 lira 1 rs ween replying. 1021 May .Aveno„ Wird- see r O, . ,I. tt'A NT1 11--.OI,1I POSTAGE ST t best cosh price paiha Send :m- ists to A. Stern, 2000 erine 11,' Montreal, pee.. or , ..id cten,5 .tor en,tirvinr.c, E.t 0) 70 11 A (-0) 'M1 b:R 1' FARM TRACTORS WANTED. .N1' CU?7 f)ITIIt. Pala. fortiblo Porrlrol1 0050- Netts l e- huiLt I'nrrisans $250.01 np to, 1,ta. 15 Ls Plante Ave., Toronto.