HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-06-01, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS H ENS ALL Mr. and \Its 1V A. MarLo•en of C,oc loueh visited with friends. in Mura'i "ii Sunday Mr. and }Its, Alex McMurtie anti daughter of Toronto were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, John McMurtrie, Mrs. Jack Corbett. Connie and Ross arc visiting this week with Mrs. Cerbett's pastels Ivir, and Mrs. AlbertMenem, Grand .Bend. • The many friends of Mr, Peter Moir regret tu hear .that hens confineds to home o e owing to illness and noire Inc speedy Miss Dorothy McDonell of London spent Thnrsdny in town. Mr. and Dins.: H.. 0, Daymrfriends hereof , Mr, visited during the week with Mr, A L Case met with a painful c eld nt while' assisting in =leading freight a bty (the e • station on Saturday, fell an has foot, fracturing his tines 011 his right foot. Rev. Richard- Stewart Conducts Anniversary Sei'vk ccs. "Maimed srrvic Presbyter- ian, Canerch, conducted anniversary services in Cannel Preebyterian Church on Sunday, delivering inspiring messages at both services which were largely attended. The evening vice in, the 'United Church mous withdrawn, enabling Rev.. 11.,,,A. Brook to assist In the worship at the -anniversary: The choir ren- dered special numbers 'under 'the dictation of 7vIiss Margaret Dougall. The morning anthem "Jehovah Reigns" by Gabriel and a ladies' quartette 'comprising Mrs„ Malcom Dougall, Mrs, Andrew Dougall, Misses Margaret Dou- gall and Margaret MaeLEra, eec, sang "Facing Fac m Toward .'The Light" by Deegan presided at the organ at the morning service. Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Maclaren of Goderich, assistedin the choir at the evening service, the former contributing n pleasing solo.. entitled 'Hold Thou My Nand, by Briggs. The choir sang the anthem Onward Christian Soldiers." by Jude, and Miss Mar- garet Dougall sang a solo entitled"Snirlt of God by Meidliger, Mrs, Andrew Dougall ac- companied at the orgnnfor the last solo. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Huekin of Thames Road visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, See MacLaren and Donald. Mr, and Mrs. Cline Flynn of London spent the week -end with the latter's parents Mr. anti Mrs. Jas. Parkins. Mr. E. L. Mickle was in Chatham of busi- ness on relate, Little Jimmie Orr, six year old son of Mr. and Mom. R. A. Orr is confined to a London hospital where he is undergoing treatments Inc diabetes. Rev. Joseph Taylor conductedrte rices Su In Emus Ptesbyterinn Church, Sun- day, while Rev. Richard Slowed conducted anniversary services in Carmel Presbyterian Church. Dire. James Dick. who hos been ill, is somewhat 'improved. 1,h end Mrs. Alex. Mc13oath and ROS? of ICiypen visited mt Sundry with Mr. and. Mrs. Glenn Bell. lens spent a Pte, Alpine McEwen, who Nelliespent leave with his mother, Mrs. and sister Mina left last week fnr Camp Ipperwash, flee GuesW. t speaker ee atf at anniversary ersary ill be - vires in the United Church on Sunday. June 4th. pleasant cis - Mrs. H. Arnold I enjoying a p it with her sister, Aitss Stella Robson in Toronto. Funeral services for the late Henry. More- ton were held in the United Church FridaY afternoon iy offmanTeofl Dashwood son iebuted ar. Harry the Sunset," andt"The Sttrangerreof Galilee at the church serviee, which tons conducted by Rev R. A. Brook. Interment was in Mc- Taggart's cemetery Miss Margaret Bell of the CWAC., London, spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Ball. Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell are being visited by the foraner's nephew and niece. Mr, and Mrs. Ewan Miss Musson ofVarna Mrs. tisBeattyrelatives vlMr. with s.Chere cast week. nf Clin- ton and Mrs. Currie and family tec tan visited recently with the ratter's moth - e1,. Mrs. Wm. McKenzie. e• VARNA LAC. Wm. klcAsh of Pendleton, Ont., spent a few this with Mrs. McAsh and little sons at the parental home, dayMrs. With f ie all i. an Clintliton, e son spent Sun - Mrs. M. G. Beatty In company with Miss Mossop attended the funeral on Friday of the late Henry Horton of Hensall who was a cousin of Mrs. Beatty, Mrs. Mossop is at present with her dau- ghter, Mrs. Harold Elliott in Windsor. Mr. and. Mrs. Walter Appleby of Inger- soli ngeisoli are gueste at the home of the formers Parente. Appleby. nn trod and Mra, and W Crawley(' of Vancouvera Ssite3 .Bator Clearing Auction Sale FraIn uy 9th at Lot 1017 Con. 11, In y Je Twp. of Cray, holt mile null of C Hurt ook at 1 p.m. sharp. --4 guile crow' true Nov, 1 1 Jersey cow due Dee. 1 1 Jersey cow, fresh five weeks caves, 1 filly. colt, 2 'pn.a about 150 lbs., a pigs sig weds old, Ina year-old New Hampshire I eftsbung, 701, White Leghorn pullets 5 wks old. fm bushels of wheat, 50 bushels of oats, 1., MCC Deer- ing binder, 1 McC. mower, 1 'steel rake, 1 disc, I set of 4 section harrows, 1 riding plow, 1 walking -plow, 1 gang plow, 1 we - gen, 1 flat fury rack, 1 set of sleighs, 1 font pulper, 1 wheel barrow, 1 fanning mill, 1 scuffler, 1 hay fork ear and rope nearly new, 1 M,I3. cream sepnrntor new this year, 1 maple syrup boiling Pan, 1 earn tanks, 100 sup buckets and sidles, 1 Ideal brooder stove, 1 set double hnrness, 1 .single harness, collie's lied other 'articles. Household Furniture -1 dining room suite, walnut, 9 -niece, modern; 1 kitchen. cabinet, 1 kitchen table and chairs, 1 dse enned, 1 cook stove, 1 Quebec beater, 1 bed springs and mattress,. 1 Vietrolawith records, 1 Daisy- churn, milk pails and other artieies too numerous to mention. Everything Mast be sold as the farm is sold, Terms cash. In case of disputes auctioneers decision final. Rcher and n,' Thnell, Clerks Prop. John ewRowl Rowland, Auct. y FOR RENT A six room house for rent in Sea- forth, on Market st. All conveniences. Apply at The News. Outlines Present Feed Situation In Memoriam In o' tt g 1 ,' mrhe n f out then' father,John D'1cNnughtmt; who llassetl away circ Year tem. June 1st, 1948 "11od knew Jan he was• suaeeine, That Life's Hill were a hard. lonely climb. So Ho closed his weary eyelids, And Ile whispered, 'Peace be thine.'" --The Fatally. • FOR SALE y horsepower motor, eu cycle with coed bl I.. machine or.. other light work. Apply beatorth NCwe, RENT RL\ Pak n1 hnusc In Ila r l Bey, Very reasmi- nble rent. Apply et the Noes. FOR SALE 0 A. fueled oak v tiled dieing roar Harte, and a fueled salt library table, n cub tel barley' radio. Apply to Nits. L. Schmidt, Dublin, TEACHER WANTED For S.S. Na. 3, McKillop.' Personal -apple- cations preferred. -Apply to Joseph 1. Siugill, Sec.. Seaforth, 12,11. 2 Phone ealre1. end plug sxuta a lar. Rn ung n WANTED TO BUY .•,• Phone SALE A coal oil stove in good Half Durlinm,Iialf Iiereford, to freshen inside of two weeks, Apply to Isaac Raison,' Blyth, 2307, Myth, Outlining the present feed situa- tion in Canada, J. C. Davidson, Feeds Administrator, , Agricultural Supplies Board, in an address to the meeting of the Yorkshire Swine Breeders' As- sociation, held recently at Toronto, indicated that Canadian feed grain stocks were adequate for the crop year. However, distribution from 'wes- tern surplus areas to eastern short- age areas presented a Major problem in view of the huge quantities of gains to be moved and the wartime demands upon transport facilities for the movement of other equally int - Portant goods. The supply position in Eastern Canada had been safeguard- ecl fie far as possible through subsid- ies to encourage forward buying by feeders and dealers and by the es- tablishment of a stockpile, carried at Government, expense, in eastern ele- vators. With regard to early buying, Mr. Davidson cautioned that feeders should endeavor to keep supplies on hand in advance of immediate re- quirements, in case of temporary shortages in supply due to trans- portation difficulties. Protein feed supplies, he said, were unequal to the heavy demand, Soy- bean nieai which was formerly im- ported in substantial quantities was now difficult to obtain. Imports, where obtainable, were subsidized, but only limited quantities could be secured. Exports were rigidly con- trolled. The use of a combination of animal and vegetable proteins in hog feeding would give satisfactory re- sults and spread short supplies more equitably. I4eavy flour milling and ex port restrictions had nearly doubled the quantities of wheat millfeeds avail trete the war. Because e of ' able before then ride popularity with feeders, Mr. George. 01e= of Henea day with their cousin. Mee. M C. Beatty and and their price relationship to other Mass Mossop. - of I feeds, they were still short of the Irs.e its qtr ths. e home of theformer's parte e1, S \00 and Mrs. Lee. acennmaniecl •them demand. son. heels a the rimy, Strain Tests in WIE3BERT FOR SALE 1 extension fable, 1 chest of drawers, 2 hone' gasoline stove. and oven. Phone 119 Seaforth. JUNE MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Godet•ieh, com- mencing Tuesday, June lath, nt 10.00 A.M. All accounts, notices of deputations and otter business requiring the attention of Council should be In the hands of the County Cleric not Inter than Saturday, June loth. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF. MARY HALPIN. All persons having claims against- the E9tate at Mary Halpin, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Seam- stress, deeonsed, who died on or about the 10th day of May, 1944, are hereby notified to send to to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of June 1944, full particulars of their anima. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the- assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. to the exeiuston of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to one person of whose clntm the undersigned shall not then have notice foe the assets so dis- tribute(' or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 25th day of May, 1944. MeooNNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executer. nm,iti,Itiva,W Itnuliilanena,a,e,tttnt„ tntil ttttt lt„ COME TO THE Driver J. J, Coyne at Wolseley Barracks,' London, is spending his furlough with his Hurt Mrs, James Doyle. spe ling the Isummer fw with his niathe S•' is Mr. Mike Coyne of Staifa is taking a mot- or mechanics course at London. He intends to open the garage at Stara about July, STANLEY TheFrnnt Road school No. 3 held -a bazaar on May 24th. A quilt pieced by the children and. (milted by the ladies in the section andwas old. A sale of homemade baking ladies of number of atieles donatet y - the section. also quite a number of articles made by the. children and supervised by their 9 teacher. to wheel will be given •to the Red Cro. Cross. BRUCEFIELD Vegetable Seed Work Strain tests have been the univer- sal means. of assessing the merit of vegetable seed. When properly con- ducted they provide useful informa- tion as to purity and trueness to type, and are the best basis for deter- mining general suitability of the seed stocks tildes examination. Used extensively to check the merits of many classes of Canadian seed, these tests are nowhere more important than in connection with foundation or breeder's stock, which. is used as the basis for multiplication to commerc- ial quantities, Tests of this °lase of. seed stock are detailed and are con- ducted at a number of trial grounds. In processing and maintaining fottnclation stocks of vegetable seeds aC Saanicllton; B.C., states, R. M. Adamson, strain tests have been used. extensively in order to sotel'mine,tite Comparative value of the stock seed and strains of the same varieties from commercial sources. In adclitioll,. tests have been made with samples from remnants of the same 'stock grown in previous years, in order to judge whether material changes have been effected by selection. In recording data derived . from Mr. Ernie Whitehouse has taken up )(aid- strain tests, an attempt has been Mt S. Datot has received word from Inc Fan canis, who 15 now overseas. Mrs. A. Peteeson visited with her sister and family in Toronto recently. Several from here attended the funeral of the late Mr. Henry Morton in i•Iensell last Trirlay. Sympathy of Bce'eiield friends is =tended in. Mr. and Dere. Jarvis fHoorr'ton erten r Mr. and .Mee, Bert McKee on F Mrs. �. D[rs. R. Masan vested with her parents -rrited with relatives and Friends here Mr. arta Mrs, Lorne Wilson, aver the v end. Members of the Brucefleld I.0.0.P, ledge end same Jrem neighboring lodges worship ped ac the evening service here. last Sunday The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed here at the morning service on June 11th, preparatory service. will he held. the Friday :previous at 8,11. HILLSGREEN Fun. Parade Broadcast over CFRB every Tuesday BROADCAST FROM Mitchell Arena Tues.,June 13 BI Rainbow Concessions with all kinds Prizes Miss Priscilla will be there. 10 Door Prizes ANCNC TOWN HALL Cliff Gordon's Orchestra e2r18, DuUltn. FOR SALE Melotte creams separator, Gan lbs. capacity, Also a Massey -Herds binder 0 foot cut. Both Stt geed condition. Harvey Moore, bon 1u5, Seaforth. Auction Sale Of Household: Furniture, Ete.—\t Lot 11, Con, 0, Stanley Twp„ Parr line, 11,1j miles smith of Varna, on Tuesday, June 7th, et 1 p.m. -1 steel tired farm wagon, 1 Princess Beth emnnelled cask stove, 1 kitchen cabinet lhkc new), 1 canner R'loss .cupboard, 2 es- te tension tables, 0 kitchen chutes, 1 Spa'ton battery radio, 1 couch, 1 mantle clock, 4- • Rua stove, Ilei avnl cream :epnrator, milk Palle, 1 churn, ws sling machine and wringer, sewing machine. side boar(, Alad- din lamp, (gas Mum, coal oil lamps, 1 cot, number of rocking ehnirs. chest of drawers. 5 dining room chairs. 1 ehemitul toilet, 3 bedroom autres, spring end mattresses, 2 toilet -sets, 1 Marshall spring mattress Inew), 1 quilt boxes, number of small tables, writ- ing desk, number of mluo's, copper boiler, wash tub, 1 la\vn mower freshly overhaaled, robe, floor covering, linoleums: 1 piece 13% x 18 feet, 0 piece 911,, s 7, 1 Congoleum chug rale x 0 Owe.), 1 tapestry rug 9x12, 1. tan- estry rug 101 ret. Number of scatter mats, quantity of tushes, sealers, scythe, garden tools, 1. complete set of dishes, kitchen utensils, quantity of aluminum ware includ- ing cookers etc. 1031 Plymouth sedan 31000 miles. good tires, and in good running con- RALPHTerms STEPIIENSON, Herold Prop Hereat, Met.; THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1944 • SATURDAY CASH & CARRY' SPECIALS >4 pounds.. , , ...49c, 'd�+ C els dust Lard,1 Pure • P p3 lets 11c S ell e 1 ...3 c Fry's Pure 131e<tll:iast Cocoa, 1 pound Y Milk (with Coupons), 6 tins 590 CarlraCioll I ib Jkge, 41c Daly Grange Orange Pekoe Tea, /z 1 ....,...... 23e Comfort Lye, 3 ams , . ..:........ . Maxwell House Coffee, one pound 41c COME EARLY. DOORS OPEN 7.30 P.M. Auspices Jean Bieweti Chapter - LO,D.E., Mitchell n,nn,i„ttt rel tltk,t.....m n,...r,nnn„at, t 111 nal epee nn Me. Allan Cochrane's farm, made to evaluate strains with teethe - To To Mr. and Mrs, Russell Coneitt, the gift of n son. 1 matical precision. It has been found m1,. and Mrs. Elgin Pehlke and son Gay 1 ossible, ill certain. GEMS, to C10 (1115 of ivinnkton ale Mr. and Mrs. Reuben p Pehlke and rla,stltters Marlene and Phyllis, `` With shape differences. Examples of visited Sunday with the letter's brother, Mr. I crops which have lent ;themselves and Mts. Wm. Davidson. A. lithe one has come 00 the home of. Mr, 1'eadily to this manner of assessment end Mrs. Orli n Reichert. beets, Cabbage, squash Sawing beans is the order of the day in are radishes, this vicinity. and onions. The method has been to • set the limits of tolerance for shape, between which the specimens shall Mr'LrnD-- Tn Si-. Joseph's Hospital, London, be 'considered' to conform reasonahlY on Monday, Vey 22n1, to Mr. and Mrs. closely. This was dont- by making (neeBetty Bullard) of BORN Ralph McLeod e y : Thmnesford. a San• Wildon Kennedy, use of the descriptive literature avail (Billie) a little brother fa Jackie. :I table together with personal expert - Millie/ /aro, On may . tin M0 VIVTAN.—At Scott- Memorialand . Hospital, • - Sea-. gree with the variety in question. lnaghter GARDINER; In:. Seat Memorial Hospital, Vivian, Stalfa, n 4 nn May 200h, to ,Mr. and Mae. Robert Gar- diner, Cromarty,' a son. NIGH.—In Scott Moo0,'ial Hospital, on May 30th, to Mr, and Mrs. Lobes Nigh, Sea- tortb, a . daughter, 'Murder By ,4lceletons At 'rcoeToaat Fate grim messengers of death, garbed in skeleton uoatnmes, mingled with the mare - makers at the Mexican govo•nor's masked ball. Read,..4, The American Weekly with this Sunday's (June 4) issue of Tho Detroit Sunday Times -.:how the party, when rev- • elry was at its height, turned into a.. ' bloody shambles. -Get Sundays Dettort. Want and For Sale Ads, 3 weeks 50e. Times. bt = \ /' fir:. ”--- MAGIC. CHEESE BISCUITS VA ' ccupsHo r 1-tbspng shorten - 'milk 4 tspn. stilt 6 tbspns. grated ' cheese 2 tapas. Magic. Baking Powder (When half-baked, place square of cheese on top of biscuits for extra flavor) Sift dry ingredients together; cut In shortening. Mix in cheese lightly; add milk slowly. Roll out on floured board to 1A -inch thick; cut with small biscuit cutter. Bake in hot oven (475°F.) 12 to 15 minutes. Makes 12. MAGIC INSURES ES BAKING SUCCESS MADE IN CANADA 20,000TOs OF WASTE PAPER ARE REQUIRED EVERY MONTH TO MAKE ESSENTIAL CONTAINERS FOR MILITARY SUPPLIES It Pays To Buy In Egmondvilie W. J. FINNIGAN I 11111111111111111111111 uu„uuntnl ant tttt 01111111111111 GROW CUM BERS CU FOR PROFIT Libby's are paying highest Market Prices. Contact Albert Rock, Dublin, Ont. TEACHER WANTED For, S.S. No. 11, Mclei)lon. Ditties to com- mence Seit5. Apply, stating salary and ttm1- ifications, to Mrs. James Hogg, Sec.-Treas., Walton, R.R. #4. TEACHER WANTED For S. S. No. 8, McIC411op• Duties to com- mence in September. Apply to Frank John- ston, Sec.-Treas., R,R..##1 Dublin. Phone 840 r 1:3. Seaforth. NOTICE Anyone noticing a stvnrm of bees, Wallace Ross, apiarist, will pay 50e for same, Phone 1361, Seaforth. Auction Sale Of Household Effects.—Corner of Markel. mad Sperling sts., Seaforth, tour blocks west of Main street, on Wednemety, June 7th. at 1.115 p.m. 1 Quebec cools stove, 1. Quebec heating stove, 1 kitchen cabinet, 1 glass cupboard, 1 oak extension table, 8 kitchen chairs, 2 bedroom mites, 2 single beds, oak writing desk, oak suites, -table, number of mall tables, number of rocking: ehnirs, 3 dining room chairs, 1 drop heal sewing ma- chine. 1 hall plate glass mirror and sent, 1 White sewing machine, 1 hall table, 1 leath- ermuch, number of pieces of floor coveting, 1 electric radio, 1 clothes horse. 2 leather rockers electric lamps, new coal scuttle, 2 stretchers, 1 wall cup rack, quantity of dishes and kitchen utensils. 1 press drill, 1 rip saw frame and table, 1 small line shrift '2 mitre boxes, 2 tool boxes and other articles.. Harold Joekson, Auer. ; MRS. ANNIE WATSON, Prop. Terms cash. McConnell &"'Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. 'CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office tip "the Dominion Bank Build. ing, Seatarth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1,30 p,m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH Ont. Officers President, W. R. 'Archibald, Sea-- forth; ea-forth; Vice President, Frank Mc- Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and Manager,"M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Di rectors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth;. Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Trowartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mc - )Swing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Brueefield; R. F. McHereher, Dublin; J. F, Prueter, " Bl'odllagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Public Meeting Stanley Fed. of Agriculture are. holding a Public Meeting in Varna Hall on June 9th at 8.30 P.M. Mr. Bruce Matheson, Agric. Repre- sentative for Huron, and Dr. Hobbs Taylor, M.P.P., guest speakers. Everybody welcome. ELMER WEBSTER, Varna, Ont. NOTICE Wm. Bradshaw, your Watkins dealer, and also agent for E. D. Smith & Son, fruit and ornamental nursery stock, Market street, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 50. WHAT IS WANTED You can remedy this critical paper shortage by say1ng every scrap of Waste Paper, namely: wrapping paper—store ,bags -- cardboard — a s -cardboard-- cartons — cor- rugated board—old magazines and books—envelopes and let - a ters — ' newspapers. These represent the raw material for making ,vitally needed Paper containers. HOW TO DO 1T Tie securely in separate bundles. (The little time you take will save thousands of man hours.) oyer locaslose of is vol voluntary through y VoluntSalvageary Organization, ottee or otherr sell t Voluntary an known trade c through any known dealers 02 others. The yourimportant p your a0111 P p eramov ng to Is your Waste Pap the mills. l;i DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL WAR R SERVICES RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS Frank Finnigan is your dealer, has a line of products at, the house, Louisa St. Will be calling on you in the town of Seaforth. TEACHER WANTED For S S #4, McKillop, duties to commence Sept. 1.944. Apply to Geo. It, Campbell, Sec. Treas., Seaforth R.R. #1. TEACHER WANTED, Protestant teacher wanted for S.S. No. 10, McKillop. Duties to commence Sept. 4. Would prefer seeing appli- cant personally. Apply stating salary and qualifications to R, J. Pethick, Sec.-Treas., R.R. 1, Seaforth, Ont• Ap- plications received up to June 15t11, 1944. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class. Companies. For Sale" Stuccoed house, Goderieil Street West. Basement, IIyclro, hard and soft water. Garage. Prompt pos- session. Cement Block House, East William Street, 4 bedrooms, 3 Pc. Bathroom, Living, Den, Dining Room and Kit- chen. Hydro & Town Water. Hard- wood downstairs. House in first class condition. At rear Tile and Cement Block Plant with all machinery used in. manufacture ora salve including forms. A good opportunity for some one to secure a real business. It-. 0. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Phone 334. Seaforth, Ont. Res. 220 SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic equipment. Dr. F, J, R, Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 3 to - 5 o5 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday in, every month from 1 to 2 p.m. oO JOHN A. GOR WILL B.A. M.D. r 1 Physician and Surgeon In Dr, H. H. Rosa' office. Phone 5 J MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Dar, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine,. University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo St., Stratford, Telephone 267. The Pure Bred Belgian Stallion' WEST PINE SUPREME —624149--• Enrolment No. 3017 first Class Form 1 The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallions DONALD MONCUR (28556) Enrolment No. 4177 Third Class Foam 8 The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion ROYAL CARBROOIC (27101) Enrolment No. 8500 First Class Form 1 The Pure Brod Percheren Stallion REFINER (15280) Enrolment No, 294 First Class Form 1 Route foe 1944—Monday and - Tuesday, MeE clop, Morris and Grey Tits. Wed & Thurs., vicinity of Clinton, Colborne and Goderich. !rye. Friday & Sate,vicinity of I{it5pen, eD•Insall and Zurich. Terms for Donald Menem', 019 to, insure, payable March 1st, 1045. Terms Inc West Pine Supreme, Refiner, and Royal Carbrooli, $15, as above. T. J. MoMICIIAEL, Prop. & Manager G. A. WHITNEY Successor to Holmes & Whitney Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 Spence's Produce GOVERNMENT' REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth • Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over, One MillionPartners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent OYSTER SHELL Carload Just Arrived Co-op Fly Spray Co-op Motor 011 Buckwheat, Millet and Turnip. Seed Poultry & Hog Tonic Co-op & Shur Gain Feeds Western Grain & chop Cedar Posts & Farm Fence SEAFORTH FARMERS o CO-OPERATIVE PHONE' 9 DEAD AND- DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY P'HONE COLLECT SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 285 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry)