HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-06-01, Page 2GERMAN BACK -TALK IN ITALY German caption on photo above, received in London from Stockholm, says picture shows German field piece in action against Allies or: the southern Italian front. WM SCIENCE IS DOING Water _Cc n Be Used T o Start A Fire Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee Water is almost universally thought of Ls a 1 rimary fire ex- tinguisher. writes W. P. Asa hey iu the Christian. Science 'Monitor. However, under certain special conditions, watt: aloe can start a fire, Most of u, hasc eyed a burning glass or have seen ne used. A burning glass is merely a lens of magnifying glass gronnd in such a 1 ay tbat it brings to a sharp fo- cus the ray, of light which pass through it. \\ben used in bright sunlight it ran concentrate all the rays that fall on its tnrface 'say three in- ches in diameter') onto a tiny area not much bigger than a pinhead. This concentration of rays results in a corresponding concentration of heat, and when the sunlight fall - ling on the burning glass is focused on dry paper, dry shavings, or other readily combu,tilbe mater- ial, the heat will soon cause the substance first to char, then to smoke, and finally to burst into flame. Water has two properties in common with glass and these pro- perties make it possible for water to start a fire. Clean water is trans- parent like glass. Also, like glass, water bends rays of light that pass through it at an angle. This bend- ing of light rays by water is fa- miliarly seen in the fact that a stick 4t a pencil, thrust into water at an angle, seems to bend where it en- ters the water's surface. Since water lets light pass through and )ends it as it passes, if water is placed in a clear glass container of the proper shape, it ran act like a burning glass—it can concentrate rays of sunlight•to such an extent that their focused heat can cause combustible material 4o burst into flame. Water in a goldfish bowl might produce such an effect. Cicero, ]soman orator, was aided in his work by a secretary who de- vised a shorthand system to record Cicero's speeches as he dictated tem. if you suffer MONTHLY FEMALE PAIN You who "suffer cramps, headache,. backache, and tired, nervous feel- ings—due to female functional dis- turbances — should. try Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. It hes a soothing effect on one of wom- an's most important organs. Also a flee stomach tot -tot Made in Canada. Worth trying. t IC mat LYDIA PINKHAM S COMPOUND edache Nothing is mote depres• .sing than headaches... Why suffer?.,.Lambly's will give instant relief, " Lsmbly'sfsgood forear- �lbr ache, toothache, pains in hack, stomach, bowels, y/EV.e:. War Bill Will Pass Trillion Dollar Mark By the end of this year the cost of the war to all belligerent nations will be near the almost unimagin- able total of a trillion dollars, says the Winnipeg Free Press, The bill will pass the trillion nark in 1945, according to figures compiled by the Tax Institute of New York. A. trilliondollars is a million million or a thousand billion—a stun never used in human history before to reckon the cast of war or any other • activity. The Tax Institute calculates that the Axis so far has spent about the sante amount on the war as, the United Nations. But the balance of expenditures is now shifting rapidly and this year the United Nations will spend $150 billions as against an estimated total Axis expendi- ture of 550 billions. It must be re- membered, of course, that a dollar will buy more in the Axis countries than in the Allied countries, where w'ag'es and living standards are higher. 1, Khat would be considered the two extremes ht ' conversation? 2. Should a girl begin to put on her wraps when she has dined with a onus. and is leaving the cable? 3. Is it good forret to make a lengthy tall of condolence? 4. if tine has received 0 wedding anrauner 17r it. it it good manners to write a latter to the bride? a. If one has to pass People who are stated hi a theatre in order to reach one's scat. is an apology neerns;try? r, Where is the primer plane to Seat a wonutn guest of Minor at the dinner table? Answers 1. tine would be monopolizing the talk to the t''aint where every- one is boreal: the other. letting the conversation lapse every time it reaches you. 2. No; either the girl's escort or the waiter should assist her. 3. Na: this call ahould he as brief as possible. 4. Yes:Aft would be nice to send best wishes, but it is not obligatory unless an it vitation to the ceremony. is ,re- reived. 5, Yes: apologize quietly - and then lass 011 as. quickly as pos- sible. 2. To the right of the host. LEADS FRENCH Leader of the Fighting French forces driving through German resistance in Italy is Gen. Al- phonse Juin, pictured enjoying a quick ' sandwich snack near Cassino. He was formerly mili- tary commander of the Algerian district of French North Africa. Lend -Lease Trucks Aid Russian Drive Nearly 210 planes, mere than 230 tanks, and '1,000'other military mo- tor vehicles. a Week were .sent Over- seas from the United States to—Al- lied oAl- lied nations" during January anel February under the Lend -Lease program, Leti T, Crowley, United States Foreign Economic Adminis- trator, reported, 1rtr. Crowley credited tens of thousands of Lend -Lease trucks with playing a vital role in the Soviet westward drive -in the Uk- raine anti Crimea. Furthermore, Soviet produced tanks were augmented in the offen- sive drives by Lend -Lease General Shermans, Mr. Crowley added, Since March 21, 1940,.the United States has produced more than 185;- 000 planes, 59,000 tanks and 2,000,- 000 other military vehicles, Mr. Crowley reported, adding that the • United States retained four-fifths of the planes and two-thirds of the other equipment, SNAPPING A SAKE -HAPPY JAPPY Coat. Stanley F. Peoveak of Santa Clara, Nlich., snaps a picture of a Jap he captured at 11ollandia, New Guinea. If Captain Peoveak's pal hadn't held him up, the prisoner would have fallen smack on his face—because he's one Nip who hada been nipping too freely on a bottle of sake—the Jap quivalent of corn likkier, Rest Your Eyes At the end of a busy day, soothe r ) your eyes by lying flat, feet Prop- ped in. the air at a level above the ),lead; place \Vanni compresses over the eyes, and relax your body. HEADACHE POWDERS,_ 14 Poultices of Niecca relieve pain, bdns out Corel, heels quickly, no scar. 25c, 35c, 50c, 51,00. iECCiV -OINTMENT hall: CU!('LC5 t.-; Err TOP NUT's 11: CHICKS I 1't1R •t Top Notch itTo t•lre1. lh •m'11 he tut active demand for ever• 'fun Notchchick you rn iso and ,-Pert.: ,L" your Top Notch pullets product. And if thry'ro as good s theft blood -tested 1lotcrnnleltt Approved breeders the broilers and roasters will have 100 weight stud quallt' to do your heart good and the layers will be the kind that 1e cps the ot:goases full. 'Write for 1011 catalogue and reduced May 1 rieel 1st Also st',rt d eltlelcs free range pullets 8 we el's of cure and older, Top Notch C.'hieltfies, (lepton, Ont,. REDUCED PitoCl s 01111 CIIICIKS, Barred Rooks and T eghorns 115, Leghorn pullets 22', 'Barred Rock pullets 20e. Leghorns me Barron Strain, Rocks are 0,19,0, bfeetl- ing, All breeders are blood test- ed, One dollar books your older, J. D. Johnson, Fergus, Ont. wawa NOW YOU WANT CI-tICKS in a burry as the season Is get- ting on. We can give -prompt-de- ' livery on most of the popular pure breeds and hybrid crosses in non -sexed, puller and eoelrerel chicles. Send for 1944 catalogue -and circular null read what cut• 1043 and 1914 customers 500' about Tweddle Chicles,. They lilted them in 1943, they came back for more in 154.1 and ore satisfied with theta again. That is why we arc selling' over 1.10,000 chicks every week. Reduced prices now in effect for June. Write for lat- est pt'ieelist today. Also bargains 0t started ehleko, older free range pulletsweeka and older. Tweddle f0letk )eatchories Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. STARTED HEAVY 141178E") PUL- lets—for delivery middle June and later orders should be placed. now. A10d order June -July chicks now 10 nvol 11 disa.pp oto :mains. Some ohleks immediate delivery, Bray Hatchery,. 130 JohhMon, 001, 001, ret ntc'rn ?Ric PS MAY o. .1UNE C'"tsrcli:S FROM A REAL BREED- ING ]rARli OF 5000 13101113'D.TOTtS— '0< can give prompt shipment in Day-old Chicks, also a limited number of Started Chleks and Day—nod Cocltelels. Our high quali- ty Chicks are moderately priced. Dont Oleo ohancen on ordinary chicks. We have done our best to produce well bred, .healthy, disease free rhloks and our prides are reasonable, not the lowest or the highest, ,Tune hatched Chicks or Started Chicks 1v111 make you real money if your start with good Chicks and manage them proper- ty. Thousands of eustgmerl have made money with these high quality Chicks. PURE 131t911) si'SSi X; SUSSEX `C NEW 75A01I:- S14J07 CTrSS1x X BARRED ROCK LA.11C114 T0079 YY NTT17 LE HORNCI R\R'RED 100080; BARRED ROCK. X L1"P1IO10NS; St04g3I,h. S. LEGE:0R14h, NEW 2TA'4IPST-TI;Rl35,. Order from this n,d. any heavy bleed Mixed Chicles 012 50 per 100. Send for Price List nn Cockerels. Pullets and Started. List. I Adtp)VT1IW ram,' TRY 1 ARy.f—WEIN 101202. Phone 78, Exeter. Ont..• 10c BARRED ROCKS 1Oc ORDER NOYV 1 0R " 311Nal AND July chicles. Irkrat COM e, first served. Barred Rocks mixed 10c, Barred Reek Pullets 17e, Leg - horns mixed 'lc, Leghorn pullets 20e. Barred Rock Cockerelsckerels $10.00 per hundred Leghorn cockerels 82.00 per 1.00, Alt eggs set from 6 oz. eggs or better and from high producing 07 guarantee0ok your order. 1151ance C.O.D. Sexing Depot, Chatham, Ontario. DYEING. se -CLEANING... stammer More men smoke Picoboc than any other Pipe Tobacco in Canada O fi1Lf6'.'th`;11Atter"k+t+r:.VlY'.."ur'v`'1441. L '; maim ,rtfa' `k ,'r*o Have You Heard? She was anxious to learn the latest news about her neighbor's accident, and turning toward her husband, who was immersed in the evening paper, she said: ".Henry, can you see anything in the paper about ids. Jones running over his mother-in-law?" "Not yet; replied Mr. Peck. "1 haven't come t0 tbe.sporti'ng trews!' A Tittle bird sat on a telegraph wire, And said to his mates, "2 de - dare, If wireless telegraphy comes into vogue, Wall all have to sit on the air" "Why do you in<ist,,0 licepiug a' parrot?" "Because;' answered- the innerly ratan, "T like to hear it talk. The parrot is the only creature gifted with the power of speri11 that is content to repl•at.just what it hears without trying ItiLlee „ coon story," TYPE METALS 1 Wanted for cash or 1,, rsrhnngt Cod New Type DOMINION & MONA,RCH TYPE FOUNDRIES 14.. A 4515:05 Si. W.. Toronto Tribunal Chairman (to C.O.): And what would you do if a German attacked your mo. ther? Conscientious Objector: I'd lay three to one on mum, "Doctor", inquired the anxious patient about to go under anesthe- tic: "How long will it be before I know anything:" "My dear sir", responded the exasperated medico, "aren't you expecting almost too much from a little ether?" Suitor — "Darling, how can I ever leave you?" Father (shouting downstairs. — "Bus, train, or taxi c.ab," The first lifeboats were designed at the end of the eighteenth cen- tury. �• i uAlnnn.Esst1CG Fort SALE AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE .AGE women, learn hairdressing at Can- ada's finest and largest schools. Reflood dignified Wong. Splendid oa5'. Write or eitil for free liter - state. Marvel Hairdressing Schools, 358 ")Moor Street, Toronto. Branches 44 King Street, 1latmiltotl, and 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. Lhi A 1i N HAI It DIOLc401Nt4 TEE Robertson method. information 0!1 request regarding clauses. Robertson's Hairdressing Acn4- ems', 131 Avenue Road. Toronto, 97 EDICAL 1T'S IMPORTANT—EVERY SLIP - fever of itheumatle Pains -4 Neur- , itis should try Dixon's s Rentedl'. tItuu'o's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $5,010, - HAVE YOU ANYTIIING NEEDS dyelgg or cleaning? VVrltetows for information. We aro glad to. answer your g0estto s. Depart- Illent H, Parker's " lye Works Limited,. ;781 range Street, To - onto. STOMACH ANI) THREAD \VUIOMIl often aro Lhe cause of I11 -health. In humans all ages. No ono Im- mune! Why not find Out if this is your trouble? interesting Uiu'- ticulars--Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies. Specialists, Toronto 8, Ont. BAUM 131GJ.CA PUU'1r BALM destroys offensive odor Instantly, 455 bottle, Ottawa agent. Denman Dreg Sun'e. Ottawa. - 0001) ADV IC'L EVERY tC11131EIt of Rheum tub' Pa has or Neuritis should try 5)11011'2 Remedy. Muu- ro's Drug Stt roe, 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid 91.0(1. L',IU'D0C1t1.t'H V FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Some pictures can never be taken again. Don'trisk losing yours. Send your film -rolls to Star S0apeit01. Service for developing and printing. Canada's largest finishing studio does the finest Work at lower' cost. Any Size 13011-5 or 8 Fa h09000S, DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 20e "Your prices for such duality work are really economical," writes a customer at Peterborough. Unt, "1 am particularly fasotnuled by One coloured pictures, 1 appreciate your prompt and reliable service and in lotus will send all my 'rolls to you" 8 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25e Size 4x0": In Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements Wt.' on Ivory touted mounts 7x9" in Gold, Sliver, Ctrcas- sian Walnut or Illogic Ebony finish frames, 50e each. If enlargement coloured, 70c each STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Your Naive and Address Plainly on All Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your tihns properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25e RSP f.UNTS 8 for 255 FINEST ENLARGING 'SERVICE You may not get all the filets you want this year, Mut Yon can .get all the quality and service you desire by sending your Alms to IMPERIAL PROT() SERVICE Station J. Toronto. PATENTS FETHL^RSTUNI3 A GOB "-Si 0052)1ANY Patent Solicitors, Established 1850; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re. quest. FOB. SALE 100 ACRES—ONE MI LI^, 0010011 Perth, Mrs. Y, J, Leach, 14,R, No..1 Perth. 10-5 ACRES, 14 010Lkl Pliti;\O. ORTL- lia, highway 12, modern home, .bullelings, electricity, mined for - qulek salve. 110x'114, Orilifs.. 130 ACRES. S, 11,01000 FARM,131t1CTC 00050, tn;bt rooms, brut: barn, hnph to rat alga garage. lots of shady aces 1' s 00 11 t t l water ill hott.e lmd I,0.0lt0, Hath 0101,0 10 :01001, 00 I"lred r. .d, 51te11.. v.en mita from Toruu,o, Apply 11. 51. Bateman, UUniutleillo. 200- (i1134-- 1 I 1 UPS11, 1 atll TCS front 1,-rsh. wm, Matheson, Perth v. 4-1400m tiot'SI4, SEW, 1i, /1'121.1 laud for tail- cncan (0r t'It5L. ,lot's. L, 1st anv, Spr'ucedal,. Ontario. BURLINGTON, t TON, d OR 111 A ltl11; apples tliltl peers, I0rilitlgi 110 Wtmildiugt, 170V 111, 73 Adelaide. est, Toronto. 1'AR)IS 00as SALE, IN I11t1STi: rimrg district close 1, luFhWoy,- t•el.tli5'. marl. els, bargains. Write 'Lniek 4',t[lirh, Wa\vhclv1.w'i, Ont. 241111 llI RIO 2' lTl'itA0, HILLY TIM- -icor knm-h equipped ntld stocked. Automatic Ltam l Trout Ponds. `Fruit nod fine furnished home. 11'111 roach buyer on operation. Whaling Turkey Rau• lt,, Moore - fit Int, Onitu'Oa, TU t'LOsIl FtsTA'rf0 570 AC04130 for sale, 95 ck:u'ed, 90 [.cues bush and .a;oip: tarp, 1.t re hoose. Int' furtotee, large irtic ial'n, both 'Voll roofed; n„'r rel squo le - en t n •.❑ county sten, rood two Miles 'fent Artois; prier, Vi,000,110. Apply r.letit95e vont, rs iiir, ACt00. QI t. ,tl tin."} IL -02 ARP•, NOW rat"FERIN , ,',,lues from a ftp wt. Ors ,1d to ser vi,•a able oar, by our lien! 01,'', area tut of wool producing, high classified ified slant The p o t strains for type and. production ole rcp-. •100051, O. Prices are most reason- able. 11(10 111 Vl FARMS, 1(ICIf- MOND II1Lt, ONTARIO. NEW 811.'-0 .000 51-11.1'n-1 ftel0P,PI:V,. .lunl t 1i ,eat months, weight 44 lb., nttttulr at 12 lbs„ 510.011 trio, Fediprrori. +luaraItr eil live delivers' We hay all you raise, "Crit rotted Rabbitry, Dart- mouth, N.:,, Dow'A tip SAWS AND W'0O1)WU14IC- ' 1,1g Machines Newest types avail- able from direct factory repre- seetatlres for .Canada. Quotations gladly furnished on application, DeWVnl1 Disler (3ort)oration Ltd., 402 1Vest Pander St„ Vancouver, R,C. ,141311' R(1f1'1'S NT•:11,T,1" RECONDITIONED 1300810 of our armed forces, perfectcon- dition, 53.25 delivered. Ladles' orgy `hoes, pol'fectly' rcbr711 t, 92 2, delivered. Money back guar- antee. State size,, -send lnnney order. Ruskin & Co„ -Peterborough, Ont SEED l O f 1TO1 S POl r1DA'r tON .0 Chippewa rwa u- t c, rrifietr Sebago varieties, inuntdu, le eh lnutetjt, supply united, En rte Talley, Pe. l01 hire, - .13f,A"11. L.170it 011112 PI 1 bl MALp7, 4 month/, 141100payed females, 0 w rah' °20,00.-Jclu)_ Crawford. Perth, Out. .. - TeltIWIN INVENTED tr'1) SNARE1 TRAP TRAPIERS AND 11Ali1TT Illi DO :417 mins this opportunity. Von can matte 001 the Traps you want now. (Inn gat snare three times alto of erdinery set. Cunr+nteed to rot.clt sn* y suspicious mamas „lura trenthear to wensel l nisi+, 91.00 for plan and In twtrhons 01.85 model swan Meted, r,, Petro. Elepni0, "i-ntthtam, Quebec, SI,T100 0I1RNIOSS DRESSING -- Pmcyt .leather and harness pre.' servo live, Slipit also hos many houeslinld Uses 25e up at most storoay,A hardware rof Lloand yds chain110 ore tortes, .Toronto. G.I.1111 10010 MOTORS,NC1V, USED,bought, -sold, reuilt; belt a, pulloys, brushes Anon l(leetrie Company Ltd,, 2820 Isorferin St., Torotnto, FOR SALE JUST ULT. 11..7 LSTRATI.D CAiI- erlian catalogue,' 1944 edition 540. Vin.ent's Stnrnp--'Shop; .:54 SL rathm•ine west, Montreal, WAR TIAL' 13AIt(0A1N, AN. DYCI'1'- inA' and thoroughly readable tear nun showing,luted events; It map • rustyeat should own. A !united number only. Send paynmr:t, tiGe to Canadian 101110 PrintingPr0- du,ers, 310 Ray Street, Toronto, NI81V 101 t .]'CL l.ti 50000 1118N AND bels 412,00—$.14,00-544.7; .and 548.50. Dor women and girls, 540, 50-415,0t1—$45,50 and 949.50, Mail money under and write iheight ot rider to McBride s, 36 Queen East, . Toronto. PANTY WESTERN STYLE 1011)1\15 Martingales and riding Ploidies, in brown, tan, black 1011.1b( 1•," full horse sire, 510.55 for herb. Mar. tinge le and bridle tau mother, nickel spotted, for small horses only, 80.00, for both, and of [above In Botts size 877.50. Sent postpaid. Send Money order to A. E. Slung, 557 -logit fit., London, (hat. - SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED $1.50. 1'n rto extra. IC vntpll red. Parts atlii nail stile. A. '3416ert, 235J T)unrdrts St., Toronto. MILKING MA C HI NE S GENUINE FEIN ,YI A N RUBBERS and parts for old-style shaft line minters. Service by mail. 0. G. 16,000 & l`0111palty Limited, Dia- teibutors, 47 erteng Ave„ 'Toronto, Opt. - r HELP WAN,PED EXPERIENCED FLUOROYIAN AN15 515: round printer, permanent poet.. Tian. Apply Fy10 3375100, Near- est selective Service Office. WANTED 0ITL1.Y D„,UALI1r!teD teachers for Horne Ilcotwmies and general Shop, to tel elt grade work InMeritingperiods, VVrita r=iving g1aliflcations and salary, eSPeeted, to A, Colebouene, Sae. rotary, Ttiversiele - Public School Itnal'd, 345 Fairview Btvd„ .Baer•• side, riot, - 500,011 MUN100-1 P—WOMAN 10010 general housework, good home. M'is 1', 74. 1)•ty, 1lurnhamtlia'pt Ynrlr 114,. 'fshittgtnn. W ANTED MANI 1'As"r17RT TI OF 1 II;14TN1NG • rod equipment desires local sales" men for part-time tine work through out Ontario,'Drawing account •g'ttinst, '05,lti01:500 arranged, Apply R. 'Phillips COm1an0. t,hn- ltc(. 300 Main Street, Toronto. WI11 1'AY 0,01450 11OT. POWER. Lamm Mower end Electric Itefrii;- 0101i (1000 ill particul ors when. replying. 1031 \Icy Avenu'. Wind-• tor, 0111.. W A NTI I0-07 0 POSTAGE STAMPS. Bost cosh price paid, Send your lots to A. Stern, 2001 St. Cath•• mine 101, S'tcnlrenl. Out,, or omit stamp fol' particulars. Pltlri'S'IAN'J111ACL1E11 AS 0111N - opal for four loom school, Pooh disciplinarian Stage qualifi0atluas and salary expected Duties to commence 9rplrtnber. itrs, John ii iallag, Sac 'igen s„ 11,14, No, .5 I ir, ii, 1111, 1; Sault lite, Marie:, ran o, yin, 0:111M r h 1 r' P i 4 Ri C i , FARM TRACTORS WANTED, AN CONDITION, ION, ^7011-: fe ably P'rv.d on; also several re- lmllt I''ortlsons 0250:00 hp rat. rale, 15 La Plante Ave,. Tornntn, M. WOOL' GROWER T14150 OLD d1S9 ARLISITPD 1,V00"_, ion 'Mill 1s ender new manage- ment, We operate a Register'' (tnvernment Wool Warehouse awl are prepared to purchase 1116' s: n nos wool clip on r via r.• menf (trading' standards. rad not government ernment stipulated TDI 4'0'10\ItrllOY 11001,1,1':•:. T1 rT LS 1:1111111113, 1THATIilt0r, ONTARIO.