HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-05-25, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS
THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1944
Two shot ors; 1 Seeders and 100 lb,
Lieut. Sans Rennie of Chatham of poiederee butte milk. Aiso a gnats
spent,tlle week end at his home her ti(y of well Buckwheat. Mrs, Janren'
with Mrs, Rennie and family, Murray, aleaforfh, ltt[t. L Photo 852
' Mrs, Bella Parham., who has r24.
spent the past several weeks at the
Mine of her son, Earl in Toronto FOR SALE
returned to tier home here this week.
house i x12 ft, new. Also 88
3.U, Donald Waller of Toronto Leghorn and hybrid hens laying 80
1 .H. Some plank 1 ins. by 10. ins,
Spent the week end with his parents J A,Nichod,'Hay P.O., Ont.
1111. and Mrs. George Walker,
Miss Dorothy Brazier, nurse m TEACHER WANTED
training at St. Joseph's hospital, For 5 S. =4, McKillop, duties .to
Loddon, visited recently with Dr. confluence sept, 1944. Apply to Geo,
and Mrs, D. G. Steer and Patsy, 1L Campbell, See. Treas., Seaforth
Mr. Milton Ortwein of London R.R. -1.
spent the week end with his parents, TEACHER WANTED
Mr, •and Mrs. J. W. Oes Weill Protestant teacher wanted for S,S.
Anniversary services will be held No. 10, VlcIiillon Duties to commence
in Carmel Presbyterian hunch on Sep 1. -1.
Would prefer seeing appli-
Sunday, May '38th when Rev, Rich -cunt personally, apply stating salary
and Stewart of Knox Presbyterian noel qualifications to R, J. Pethielc
Church, Gcrich, will be the guest Sse,•Treas., R.R..R. 1, Seaforth, Ont. Ap
speaker, Special music by the choir- plications received up to June 15th;
Local and rural citizens are to be 1944
conuneuded for their hearty support
given to the appeal for donations of
money for boxes for the • Hensall t - LAWN MOWERS
boys who are serving overseas, These' A number of Lawn Mowers in good
boxes (42 in number) were packed contrition. for sale. 48 North Main St,
by the Women's Institute and the Second block frons highway,
War Service Committee, and nleul- DOG LOST
hers of the Girls' Dance Club and ,
friends on •Thursday night, May 18, ' Large Scotch collie, yellow color,
The fact that a greet many folks of+'nth white around neck. Finder
Hensall and district gladly getve of please notify George Wheatley,
their sugar rations made possible Phone 849r14, Seaforth central.
the provision of delicious •homemade
candy consisting of chocolate and Mr. Jahn Passmore and :14r, and
divinity fadge, this splendid work Mrs. Passmo atndM the
being --accomplished by Mesdames Mrs.
CarlarlSPassn wedding Phafl, Sherritt, Welsh, Beer, Pater- g in Sher -
son, Cawthorpe, Blowes and Hess, bourne St. Unitech Church, Toronto,
While other kind friends contributed on Friday evening.
butter, corn syrup, etc., and a lovely
assortrnent of cookies. The ladies
wish to thank Mrs. John C. Bell and
Mrs. •John McEwen for their dona-
tions of Maple syrup. Delicious cakes daunted, Kidd drilled a new well, eras reeking chairs, 1 clock; 1 day
of maple sugar were produced for this time five mile, west, about a bed, 1 couch, 2 electric lamps; 1
each box this being the work of Mrs, mile from Seaforth, and close to the chest of ch•awers, 1 wardrobe; num-
Campbell and Mrs, Jas. Sangster. railroad. And, from this point, the ber of small tables; several odd
:ars. John M. Glenn added a further brine was piped to the 11 chairs; 1 brown iron bed, springs
contribution, In addition to the items P P pant at Car ;uid mattress; 1 chiffonier and wash
already named each box consisted of ronbrook, or, av the place became stand; .1 toilet set, 1 wooden bed and
soup pork and beans, meat. choc0 known shortly afterward, Dublin, slrriitgs, 1 wash boiler; 8 wash tubs;
Curiously, there e are two Contra-
dictory stories as to that pipe line,
Apparently it was laid on top of the
ground. One story has it that the
pipes originally were iron, and in
summer the hot sun twisted them
into all sorts of weird shapes, so that
they would actually break from the
twisting. With the result that, ulti-
mately, Kidd resorted to• the use of
wooden pipes. hollowed out of logs.
The rival tradition has it that the
log pipes were laid first, being made
from pine or hemlock logs Cut from
the heavily wooded swamps north of
Dublin; the holes being bored by the
ptunpntaking firm of A. Cook S.
Sons, in Logan Township. This story
has it that Dublin, the destination,
being something like 70 feet higher
than the source of supply, the wood-
en pipes were not suffieiently strong
to withstand the pressure. required
to pump the brine between five and
six miles, with the result that they
burst. Upon which 1,idd spent ap-
proximately 25,000, or $1,000 a
mile to replace them with iron pipes.
The iron pipes had the added advan-
tage that the metal drawing the
sun's rays, the temperature of the
brine in summer was raised so much
that far less fuel was required for
the ultimate evaporation process.
The Dublin Salt •Work J & J.
Kidd, proprietors, was one of the
most important salt plants in the
early 70s. It boasted the largest ev-
aporation •pan in Canada, measurin •
130x30 feet. Some 4,000 long cords
of wood were requited fir a year's
firing. and the output of the plant
was 200 harrels a day. .4 barrel of
alt weighs," '800-pgamd: The wood
cost S1.50 e cord and wages of
the won ors ran *1.25 to 81.50 a
i y. That was a high figura; in those
tunes. •
With i steady market ket for the out-
puts and a, plata p aV inti such wages,
Deblin prospered on salt,' and ,los-
,pb. Kidd became more than ever
the creat man of the community. His
son was partner in the business, and
as a result of these' activities and
the three plants operating at Sea -
forth, there was a keen demand for
barrels, and -barrel and stave plants
sprang up which also afforded em-
ployment, with a ready market for
classes of timber previously reckon-
ed of little value.
For a while Kidd's plant had a
prosperous career. But with increas-
ing competition resulting in- improv-
ed methods, particularly in the Go-
derich plants, those at Seaforth and
Dublin ultimately became outmoded
Kidd himself had, it seems, tied up
his resources in too many enter-
The result was financial disaster,
-and with the collapse of the boom, if
not earlier, the Dublin and Seaforth
plants closed down, and in these
communities the salt industry be-
came only a romantic memory.
Kidd's venture -ended tragically.
The steam boiler in the pump house
blew up, killed the engineer and
wrecked the building, and automat-
ically put the plant out • o£ produc-
tion. Kidd had surmounted many
difficulties with his enterprise, but
this last disaster seems to have been
the straw that broke the camel's
Continued From Page One
In Memoriam
In loving memory of Mrs, Thomas
Robinson with passed away one 3'ear
ago, 11,ty 28th, 1943:
Not deal Ob, no!' but borne beyond
the shadows,
Into tha full.. clear. light;
Forever done with waist and olot0l
and tempest,
Where all is calm and bright.
Not cat'n sleeping—called to glad
In Heaven's endless Day;
Not dill and -moveless—stepped from
earth's rough places
To wall: the hing's Highway.
Not silent—justpassed out of
earthly ]leasing.
To sing kleaven's sweet new song;
Not lonely—dearly loved and clearly
, loving
Amici the white -robed throng.
No, not forgetful—keening fond re-
Of clean' ones -left awhile;
And looking• gladly to the bright re-
With hand clasp and with smile.
Oh, no, not dead—but past all fear
of dying,
And with all suffering o'er;
Say not that I am dead when
calls me
To live for evermore,
—Sadly missed by Husband and
Auction Sale
Of Property and Household Effects.
On Wednesday, May 31, at 1.30 p.m.,
Seaforth on Huron Road, two
blocks east of Main street,
1 Quebec cook stove; 5 kitchen
chairs, 1 arm chair, 2 drop leaf tables,
1 sideboard, 1 commode chair, see
late, shaving cream, razor blades.
cigarettes, tobacco and papers, gum,
cheese, sodas. oxo. face cloths,
cough candy and canned goods. Pre-
viously mentioned was the check for
850 received from Miss Mary Good-
win, treasurer of the Girls' Dance
Club, their donations towards these
boxes. All shipping charges were
borne by the War Service Commit-
tee. There were 41 men's boxes and
one lady's box (Cpl. Helen Bell). All
the postal work in connection with
these boxes such as addressing, dec-
laration, etc., is most efficiently at-
tended to by Mr, F. G. Bonthron,
local postmaster, and his assistant,
Miss Margaret Johnston.
Mrs. Ray Broderick spent the
week end with Mr, and Mrs. Harold
Broderick in St. Catherines.
Mrs. Fred Mann had the misfor-
tune to fall at her home on Satur-
day and in so doing fractured her
left arm, She was taken
Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, 1h ere
she was treated.
Mr, and Mrs. John Henderson and
family visited recently with relatives
at Glencoe.
W.M.S. Meet
The May meeting of the W.M.S.
of Carmel Presbyterian Church was
held on Thursday at 3 p.m. in the
schoolroom of the church with Mrs.
Hannah Workplan presiding. The
meeting opened by singing a hymn
followed by prayer by bits. Work-
man. The Scripture was read by
Miss Minnie Reich, Mrs. J. Taylor
Cave an interesting item on "From
Christians in China to Christians in
Canada," after which Mrs. Taylor
led in prayer. Mrs. Malcolm Dingell
played a piano solo. The topic on
the -Mil .lesion" was taken by
Mrs. Workman and the meeting (dos-
ed by singing "TS, the Blessed Hour
of Prayer," andthe Lord's prayer
in. unison.
11r, and .airs. Geo. Gould returned
to Toronto on Sinlsay after a pleas-
ant holiday with the lattel's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pass -more and
little son of Delhi spent Sunday at
the home of the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs, John Passmore,
while here had their son Kenneth
Gerald baptized by Rev. Robt, Pass-
more of Alberta, who with his bride
is spending part of their honeymoon
with Rev, Passmore's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Passmore,
Word has been received here of
the death of a former well-known
district farmer, William Dayman,
who died in. Saskatchewan in his Sand
year. He farmed on the old home-
stead on the third concession of
Tuckersmith where he was born, be-
fore settling at Whitewood, Sask.
His. widow is the .farmor Elizabeth
Greenwood of Lumley, Ont, Four
sons and two daughters survive, two
Sisters, Mrs. MaryAnn Holmes, of
Detroit, Mrs. Susie Straut, New
York, three brothers, Thomas, of
Orlando, Fla„ Joseph, St. Catherines,
and Robert of Tuckersmith.
It will he of interest to many to
know that Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mac -
Laren of Goderich, former well-
known residents of Hensall will as-
sist at the evening service at the
anniversary in Carmel Presbyterian back.
Church on Sunday, May 28th.But people in the village that was
Mrs. Frank Mousseau Dies 1 once Carronbrook, and throughout
Suddenly— ' the Huron bract, still talk of Joe
A shadow of gloom was cast over Kidd. He was that kind of man.
this community on Sunday evening
upon hearing of the sudden passing
of a well' known and highly respect-
ed citizen in the person of Mrs, The Happy War Workers Club
Frank Nlousseau in her 74th year. held their regular monthly meeting
The deceased bad been in her usual at the home of Mrs. Noble Holland,
health and was preparing the even- Thursday, May 4th. Roll call was an-
ing meal when she dropped dead. swered by 13 members. The following
She was the former Margaret Browne articles were turned in: 1 quilt do -
and hall resided in this district most waited by the teacher and pupils of S.
• of her. life. Possessed of a kind clic- S. No, 1; 1 crib quilt donated by
position, Mrs. Mousseau proved to Mrs. Glen Gibson; Child's sweater,
be a good neighbor and friend and bonnet and booties donated by Mrs.
will be much missed in her home by N. Holland; 1 ladies dress donated
her husband and son and slaughter, by Mrs, W. Crich; 2pr, pillow cases,
Margaret and Wilfred. 5 towels and 6 pr. socks, Collection
Funeral service was held from St. amounted to 51.60. Next meeting to
Boniface Roman Catholic Church, be held at the home of Mrs. Raymond
"'s Zurich; on Wednesday at 10 p.m. of Jamieson on Thursday June ist.
whidh the deceased was a member. Roll to be answered by "My favour -
Interment in the :Catholic cemetery. ite dessert for dinner."
2 iron kettles, 1 sprinkling can, sev-
eral house plants, quantity of dishes,
kitchen utensils, sealers, pictures,
small mirror, 1 lawn mower, 1 ash
sifter, garden tools, 300 lbs. of coal;
number of pieces of floor covering;
curtains, drapes; 1 electric iron and
2 burner hot plate. Terms on chattels
Property: 5 room frame cottage sit-
uated 2 blocks from Main ,street of
Seaforth, on Huron Road. This cot-
tage is in good repair, Good garden,
and summer kitchen, wood shed.
Property offered subject to reserve
bid. Terms on property, 1O% down,
balance in 30 days.
Estate of late Katherine Keloe;
Mrs. Lama. McWilliams, >x.; Harold
Jackson, Auct.; 13, P. Chesney, Clerk,
Auction Sale
Of Household Furniture, at resid-
ence of Mrs. A. D. Scott, ,corner of
Centre and West William St., Sea -
forth, on Tuesday, May 30th at 1
p,m. sharp: 1 solid walnut extension
table, 1 solid walnut buffet, 1 solid
walnut china cabinet, 6 dining roost
•chair's, 1 settee, 1 arm. chair, 3
chairs,. 1 ends table, 1 chesterfield
end 2 matching chairs, living room
walnut table, •pictures, 2 sural]
tables, oak washstand, 1 white rock-
ing chair, toilet set, 2 bedroom
chairs, curtain rods, 1 oil Iamnp, 2
kitchen mirrors, white enatnel top
kitchen table, kitchen clock, kitchen
coal and wood range with water
front, washstand, kitchen sideboard,
th'ophead sewing machine, kitchen
stool, flower pots, carpet sweeper,
Coope, euantity of di.slres and kitchen
utensils, garden tools, 2 tubs, boiler,
honing board, electric iron and
toaster. Terms cash, Darold - Jack-
son, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney,
with G LLETT'S
Save your knees and your
back! Enlist Gillett's in your
war on dirt and banish hard
rubbing and scrubbing..Gil-
lett's cuts right through grease
and dirt. Leaves floors "clean
enough to eat off"—in record
time! Clears the drains. Deo-
dorizes the garbage pail. A
grand all-around cleaner. Get
Gillett's today!
• Never dissolve lye in hot water.. The
action of tite lye itself heats the water..
'('omato plants, also cabbage and
eatfli(10w•er plops. Apply to Thomas
Grieve, phone 66113, Seaforth,
Dnrllsil cow and calf, fresh week.
Apply to Charles F. Dale, Chalton.
tainton centra( 316x4,
Pure-bred Scotch
at Exeter (Fair Grounds)
Thursday, June 1st
Thirty-two of the best young
females, 5 splendid young bulls.
The finest lot ever sold by
R. M. Peck, Zurich, Ont.; W.
C, F. Oestricher, Crediton, Ont.;
Roy F. Pepper, Seaforth, Ont.
All herds fully accredited and
all younger females have been
immunized by calfhood vaccin-
ation against bangs.
Catalogues aro obtainable
from W. C. F. Oestricher, Cred-
iton, Ont., (Sales Manager).
Sixth Reduction
Shorthorn Sale
Ellnandorph Stock Farm
Three Miles from
at 1.30- o'clock
Combined with Andrew C. Gaunt
Incluclecl ie the sale are 6 bulls
rouging from calves to serviceable
age; 30 cows and heifers. These cats
tle ars all in good condition and are
real foundation or herd header mat-
erial. Herd fully accredited and nega-
tive to blood test.
Auctioneers: Duncan l3rown, Robt.
T. Amos. Ringmen: W. M. O'Neil,
Donald Blue. For catalogue and
details write
Clifford H. Keys & Sons, Varna, Ont.
Phone 96x4 Hensall
Schneiders Pure Crispycrust Lard, 4 pounds 49c
Fry's Pure Breakfast Cocoa, :L pound .... 31c
Carnation Mills (with coupons), 6 tins 59c
Daly Grange Orange Pekoe Tea, 1/z 113 pkge. 410
Comfort Lye, 3 ties 28c
Maxwell House Coffee, one pound 41c
It 'Pays To Buy Jn Egmohdville
i,Ii111111$1111$1111,1111111101e11111111111 iiiiiiiiiiiiunu,eem".
Libby's are paying highest
Market Prices.
Albert Rock, Dublin, Ont.
Auction Sale
Of household Eftects,—At the residence of
Mrs, W. A. Bremner, Church and Centre St,
Seaforth, on Friday, 'Mny 26, 1 pan.iThree-
pieco chesterfield suite, 1 Gerhard Heintz -
Mall ilivalo, 1 walnut china cabinet, 6 oak
dining room Malys, leather seats; several
rugs, rocking chars, 1 wheel chair, 1leath-
er couch, 1 library table,several small
tables. odd chairs, 1 walnut steel bed, iron
bed. 2 oak dreasers, 1 painted dresser, 3 lad
springs, 3 inner spying mattresses, 1 New
Williams sewing machine, drop head; 2 sets
open book shelves, 1 electric range, 1 elec-
tric heater, 2 electric toasters, 1 electric
1rnn. 1 alechie 1 -burner hot plate, 1 electric
2 -burner hot plate, 1 galvanized iron tuli,
1 glass wash board, 1 5 -gal, oil can, 1 hints -
saw, 1 lawn mower, garden tools, numer-
ous odd dishes. kitchen utensils, several
electric lamps. Terms cash. MRS. W. A.
E P.
Prop. ; y, aitl Jackson, Auc-
Please take notice that the Hallett Mun-
icipal Council will meet at a Court of Re-
vision on the Assessment Rall of 1944 In the
Commtmity Hall, Londesboro, on Jand 011,,
at 2.30 P.M. Anyone wishing to appool
againsthis assessment, or to have their
dogs -struck off the roll must have his appeal
in the Clerk's office at Londesboro on or
before May 31st, 1044. All Interested parties
please govern themselves
McConnell & Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc,.
IPatrick D. McDonnell, H. Glenn Hays
SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, W. R. Archibald, Sea -
forth; 'Vice President, Frank Me -
Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and
Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank
McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot,
Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born
holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton;
John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Me -
Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander,
Walton; George Leitch, Clinton.
John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F.
MclCercher, Dublin; J. F. Po•ueter,
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post
offices. •
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect -
Wm. Johnston of the Shorthorn The Connell of the Township of Maltillon ed at lowest rates in First -Class
World. will be present, 'will meet as a Court of Revision on the Companies.
on the Assessment of 1844, at Carnegie
di Tt Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B„ Graduate
of 'University of Toronto.
Township of Tuckersmith
The Municipal Council of Tuck-
ersmith will meet as a Court of Re-
vision on the Assessment Roll of
1944 at town hall, Seaforth, on Sat-
urday, June 3rd, at 1. p.m. All ap-
peals must be in the hands of the
Clens on or before Monday, May 22,
1944. Interested parties should gov-
ern themselves accordingly.
D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk.
Hall Seaforth on Monday. the 5th day of
June, 1944, at 10 A.M. Parties interested
should govern themselves aocor ng y.
Clerk, McKillop
TEACHER WANTED The Clinic is fully equipped with
Teacher wanted for S.S. No. 1, Hulett, complete and modern x-ray and other
for Sept. 1944. State aualificntions and sal- up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptio
nay expected. Bert Irwin, Sec.-Treas.. Sea- equipment.
forth, R.R. 2. Dr. F, J, R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear Eye Nose and
Wm: Bradshaw, your Watkins denier, and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
also agent for E. D. Smith & Son, fruit and Tuesday in every month from. 3 to f"i,
ornamental nursery stock, Market street, 5 p.m.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday in
every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Seaforth, Ont, Phone 50,
Notice To Creditors Frank Finnigan is your dealer, has
a line of products at the house,
IN TIIE ESTATE OF Jane Leitch, Louisa St. Will be calling on you in
late of the Township of Mullett in. the town of Seaforth.
the County. of Huron, Widow, de- FOR SALE
ceased, Hot air furnace, medium size. Coln -
All persons having claims against plots with pipes and floor mates, in
the Estate of the above deceased areMARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D.
required to idle the same with the Xood ronctition. Apply at News office. physician and Surgeon
undersigned on o1' before the 3rd day FOR SALE Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat
of Juno, A.D. 1944, after which slate Goodison 36-50 threshing machine Phone 90 W - Seaforth
the assets will be distributed in fair condition, no cutter. Carl
having regard only to the claims of
which notice shall have been given.
DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this
10th Clay of May, A.D. 1944
R. L. Jamieson, Londesboro, Ont.
F. 13. Medd, Seaforth, Ont.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr, H. H. Ross' office, Phone 5 J
amongst tho patties titld thereto
e, Walker, R.R.1, Cromarty.
For Sale
Stuccoed House, Goderich Street
West, Basement, Hyclro, hard and
soft water. Garage. Prompt pos-
Cement Block IIouse, East William
Street, 4 bedrooms, 3 Pc. Bathroom,
Living, Den, Dining Room and Kit -
ellen. Hydro & Town Water, Hard-
wood downstairs. House in first class
condition: At rear Tile and Cement
Block Plant with all machinery used
in manufacture of same including
forms, A good opportunity for some
one to secure a real business,
Insurance & Real Estate
Phone 334. Seaforth, Ont. Res. 220
The Pure Bred Belgian Stallion
Enrolment Na. 3017 First. Class form 1
The Pore Bared Clydesdale Stallion
Enrolment No. 4177 Third Class Form 3
The Pnre Bred Clydesdale Stallion
Enrolment Na 3500 First Class Paim 1
The Pure Bred Pereheron Stallion
REFINER. (15280)
Enrolment No. 284 First Class Form 1
Route for 1944—Monday and Tuesday,
Mcltitlop, Morris .and Grey Tpa. Wed &
Thurs., vicinity of Clinton, Colborne and
Goderich Tps, Friday & Sat., vicinity of
Mayen, eH,,sell and 7urieh.
Terms for Donald Moneur, 513 to insure,
payable March 1st, 1945.
Terms for West Pine .Supreme, Refiner,
and Royal Claybrook, 515, as above.
T. 4, McMICI•IAEL, Prop, & Manager
Clover & Grass Seeds
For Poultry, Cattle and Hogs
(nixed daily
Western Grain and Chop
Cedar Posts and Farm Fenoe
Hydrangeas, delphiniums (large
Pacific), foxglove and canterbury
bells ready now, A, L. Porteous,
West street.
Township of Hibbert
Tenders will be received up till
Sat., May 27th at 4 o'clock p.m. at
the Staiia Township hall, for clean-
ing out and repairing what is known.
as the Downey Drain. The lowest or
any tender not necessarily accepted.
Dated at Cromarty, May 10, 1944
THOS. D. WREN, Clerk.
Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week 250
Wool Notice
The Government bonus of 4c a
Ib will be paid on all approved
lots, direct from the department
of agriculture, without the pro-
ducer Having to make an ap-
All wool shipped to Jacksons is
graded in Seaforth and full
settlement made from there.
Seaforth Phone 3W & 3J
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices paid for
Eggs and Poultry
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Instituto,
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden. Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo
St., Stratford. Telephone 267:
Successor to Holmes & Whitney
Funeral Director
Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos-
pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell
Nursery Flowers. Phone 119.
Nights and Holidays 65
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Assures Security for over
One Million Partners'
District Agent
It's a real
pipe smoker's
(Essential War Industry)