HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-05-18, Page 414 NMI/
rikt 11-y thot.tina of Ih017.. was
lull Wodne,day efietn 1'1.2 1l 11
Ptn Il 111 21111111, The lit tine ••,•eited I •
a hymn vet I as r \ I i is ti ll
Courtly,. t Clinton wits mud -edew
sho tumblei .06 to u 11 11 1It-:
Vtlutt, 1 as
in Mrs. Wileon'e piece. I, l e< sro t 1
• shown Tuesday esel1ino ma,1, 411emmee
tem with the study book "For All of Ln,,'•
Tito NY 01,41till itY t111,011 Iv Ma.' cle-
D vol I and Mrs. 101 moil ut Repiov, el'the
delegates to the Preebyterial , < het e by
Mos Il orlolvood 0lud Mr.. Reel n ee given,
The lining elosed with a hymn .tad prayer
la Mr Wilson,
The 13.i., held their meeting following
the li' M A, with. Mr's.. Bennett pre. i•ding. d
01140 011831.•1 2iy n 11y1011 follt1Well i1 rintni'e
reading by Mrs. 4I:lslew lid Mrs. 1 11 cul lett
in buyer. The :eeretnri•oand treasurer',
repnets were given. The business 00121 dix
`,pedal Mother's Day service wee held in
Dot's United Church, William, no 1uan11y
when the Order of Service sent out for the
day 122,8 used thrmtghont. Four gills 11,nn
the Bund•ey School, lens Dalton. Marie
Bennett, Helen Johnston 81221 Joyre Oliver,
took parts depicting the Indian mother, the
pioneer mother, the immigrant mother and
the mother of nulay, The story of the +alt
Christhm teaching that nuts ricer 1,1 811d.
ante Chiang Kai -Shelf. of Chiefs ty ler par•
( kwelt, Mee.
cut wits rread Marjorie i i f t
Herb. Travis vet,. "My M'nth ti : Prayer."
'!,'here weer five balder presented for bap -
Vern, they w tr Than -vat, Arthur, son of Mr.
and Mrs. George Lc Ronald Norman, sons
of 111 end Mrs, Noi man R'illinntaon : NUuy
I. r o d utht n of Mt. amd Mrs 11 1 est
P. i. .\g2( 142120, daughter of Mr. 8nd
Mrs. Roland Achilles, end Lyle Joan Marie,
dathrh1or of Mr ampvela.., Harvey J Iia tau,
Mothers Hey, May 14111, was tit
tingly observed in St. George's .3.ngli
(112 21 ('11,12812 with a good attendance.
Th: oervieo \\'uq in charge of the
Rector, tor, Rev. 31, F. Oldham and the
sermon was preached 'by Rev. 11, A.
Jamieson. rector 01 St, Saviour's
Church in Toronto. who delivered a
very tine sermon (in the widow an<.
her mita8, recorded in Si Luke
cit, 21:4. Lll<untiful flowers 41d01'110d
11187 communion table. These were in
memory of the late 11r. and Mrs. W
A. Anderson, for many years 111.3111
bers of the church. The choir rend
era(1 a lovely Mothers Day anthem
Miss Emma Sanderson officiated at
the orgtn1.
Service in St. George's Church
each Sunday at 1,30 p.m.; Sunday
School at 2.30 p.m.
The monthly meeting of the W,M.S. of
Burns' Church Wsts held at the home of Miss
Martha Lelper, with htrs. Shepherd prosid-
Ing. Roll call was answered by 21 members.
Mrs, Robert Beattie and Miss Gladys Lettler
leaders of group 2, took charge of the meet-
n,-. Mr.. . 1 ,,,rtes led in prayer. miss
Mr.'and !11'0; Harald Shover(' of
Toronto spent the wc•"ksend with
their parents :21r. and Mrs. 301111
Shepherd and Mr. and birs, Jas.
111'. and.11rs, Jack Carmichael and
1'(neth of Glencoe and .hiss Nellie
C.tanuchael of Exeter visited with
1 o l It1. ee 011(1 11.4.3132S 111 1.01111 re-
Mr. 1.1c Patterson returned to
Toronto following a • pleasant visit
with- his parents t nts -14r. aand1lrs. R. J.
f attel'son.
Miss Joyce Seruton of - Toronto
visited over the week -end with her
mother Mrs, A, Sel'utOn. •
Miss II len McNaughton of Toron-
to 'pent the week -end with her par-
ents :Mr. and Mrs, Lorne McNaught-
112: and Mrs, Robt, McKenzie and
family visited over the week -end
with- the latter's sister bliss Mae
Cchw'altil in London,
5li s Mavis Spencer of Toronto,
11.1. l week -end visitor with her p
1r -
u 31r.lid Mrs. A. A. Spencer,'
Miss -Dorothy Munn of London
visited over the week -end at the
home ire of her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Miss' Margaret garet \Ia*Laren of Wat-
erloo is spending her vacation with
1,er parents Mr, and 1lrs. R. Y. Mac -
T •n"u,
Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer and Patsy
visited with relatives in London and
-.malt. 1.11 dges recently,
Anniversary sary services will be held
in Carmel Presbyterian Church on
speaker will be Rev, Gordon Stewart
Sunday, May - 24th when the guest
of Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Itobt. Green of Port
Stanley attended the funeral of the
former's uncle, the late Mr. Wilson
Carlisle on. Wednesday.
•Miss Norma Cook of Western Un-
iversity, London, spent the week -end
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. N. E.
.lir. and Mrs, Gto. Gnuld of Tor-
oronto spent the week -end with the
latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
House Cleaning
Reasonable Prices
Vann nullun ut t mat uoumuuutanam nn4tm un, to un a et t 11111111.11 ttttttt r110 au t area 1/111 mmmamalmllmttt tun 111/14
The familiar Martin-Senour sign is the one to look for
when paint -plans are pending. It is the sign that says
"the 1 00% Pure Paint is sold here". Paint of quality —
beauty and with staying -power that endures longer!
When you want these qualities in paint products — make
sure and see the dealer whose sign reads ... Martin-
Senour. His experience and friendly advice backed by
the highest quality products will assure you of complete
satisfaction in your painting plans! 4,,.,,t
Old -Fashioned Revival Hour
7 to 8 P.M„ E,D.S,T,
Local Station C.K:L.W., Windsor
THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1044
$v h'mnntiville Y.P, in Yatton.
Community Flail
trndnr_auspice, or '1)uff's United
church choir
,Adnlis.vior, 5e and 1i)e
The May meeting of the Hensa1l
Institute was 11e111 at the home of
Mrs, Jas. Sangstr on Wednesday
evening with Mrs. Fred Beer co -hos-
tess. The president Miss Gladys LU-
ket' presided and opera' the meeting
by sinning dr "Ode" and "The Maple
Leaf Forever" Follow(' by prayer
and the Lord's Prayer in unison. The
minutes, collection, were followed by
a letter written to a lad overseas. The
guest speaker, Rev. Joseph Taylor,
an interesting address on "The Need
of True Citizenship" and the motto
"NIy Duty as a Good Citizen" was
ably taken by firs, Ed. Norminton,
Arrangements were made for the
District Annual ital
meeting to be held in
the United Church on Tuesday, June
13th at 1,15 p.m. The business fol-
lowed and it was decided to pack the
overseas boxes 011 Thursday, May
1 8th in the Town Hall, A committee
comprising; Mrs. Sangster, Mrs, Shir-
1'a}•, Miss Macillwante, Mrs. Horton,
were appointed in charge of the an-
nual tticnie to be held at Mrs, Wm.
Satngster's home oin June 21st. at
,1 21) p.m. Mrs, Kerslake read a poem
Edgar A. Guest, entitled "Why She
Cleans House," Ml's, Hedden and Mrs.
Ness sang a dhett entitled "God Will
Take Care of You" accompanied by
Miss Gladys Luker on the piano, The
demonstration on "How to pack an
overseas Box" was given by Mrs,
Jas. Sangster, Mrs, Fred Beer gave
the recipe and _Mrs. Albert Shirray
the current events. A vote of thanks
was extended to all contributing to
the program by the president and the
meeting closed by singing the Na-
tional Anthem. after which refresh-
ments were served.
Miss. Jean Foster returned to Lon-
don following a pleasant visit with
her parents lir, and Mrs. A. Foster.
Mrs: Carter of London spent the
week -end with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Wol. G. Bell.
I Sgt. Wilfred Knopp of Woodstock,
Mrs. Klopp and Mr. and Mrs. Cline
Miss Jennie Taylor has accepted a :position
in Mr, R. H. Middleton's Drug Store. Miss
141111111 (Till. 10 hr, has liven .employed there for
the 111101 number of years having resigned.
Baptismal services were held in Carmel
Preebyteimn Chinch of Sundae meriting
whoa Ti , T, Taylor baptised the children of
Mr, and Mn', ' Wesley Ic y Ceeene Nqr, and. Mrs,
It. C. Bell, and. 1144 lied Nies, (Hens Bell.
The choir of 1112(10 voicos sting two selections
'Home end Mother" and'My Captain Neve,:
Lost a Battle", A nude quartette 00201214010.gN&sser Harry Dougall, R. Y MotLaret, Jas,
Oo,,o ugh and Clifford Moir serif Praying
Nor you," Bev, Taylor spoke on 'The Chris-
tine llome' at the morning service and The
Character of -Many The Mother of Jesus" at
the evening sen'jee, when the chair smog 'The
Broken. Henri, The music VHS under the dir-
ection of the oeganis3 and choir leader, Miss
Mnrgeurt. Dougal. The Sacrament of ' 1101y
Comtmmion will be dispensed It the morning
ser,is. 00 Sunday, May 21st. Ptepttrtory ser -
vino 0 1`2(dny evening at 8, 21,411.
P. 0. 001.01(1 Possmoro son of. Mr. anti Mrs.
John Passmore now on leave from Lachine,
Quebec', has been 0000101011 to the rank of
Flying Officer.
Lieut Alda Belton of London spent the
week -end with her mother Mrs, Gordon Bol-
Rev, R. A. Book conduet,4 the bnptisnml'
service in the United Church on Sunday
morning when the e1,110,en of Mr. and Nye.
R, E. Shaddick, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ingram,
fklui Mo. 114 4 Mrs Glenn MoeT e'en 'were bap -
Ned. Mt Edison Forrest 111,11d n • 1 r
g2( of the
p2( n' m and "nn Act of AI nrecl ¢tion" was
presented by four girls in easlumn its mothers
enu'lyt Jeer Armstrong (an Indian Mother)
Peels Buchman. Is pioneer mother), Dorothy
McNaughton (a New Canedinn Mother) and
Elaine Carlisle - (A Mother of To -day) Rev,
g. e n 011101101(1 address s, AC' and
Muer osang an anthem. Mas, A., Clarke
1,21,1 Mrt G. M, Drysdale s ng the fleet.
At. I ho. evening service Rev. Brooke spotty on
the -subject. Mothers, and the choir sling
"Cl For a Heart of Calm Re1000."
The lu e'al of the late Mr. Wilson Cnr1110
was held from the United Chn•eh on Wed
eodnv last conducted by Rev, R. A. Brook.
The floral tributes were very beautiful and
the ehnu sang, "Near to the Heart of (lad."
The 11 o'ochem'pts were Messrs, Eldon Jar-
rett,' L. Colemml, Lindsay Eye°, Roy Com
Il t; Chmdos 'Feruuhar end Hugh Love, The
1 uiihearers were Messrs, Ches. Moore, Sohn
T•,rtnit John McMurtri,', Ohne. Stephenson,
Gm, I"ollirh, RobI Creen. The 1nemhees of
the attended in n hotly and tools
chm'ge of the service at Bayfield cemetery.
Rev. R. A. "Brook, Mrs. Brook and Mr.
and Mrs, W. IT, Cross attended the greden-
tion of Miss Ruth Brook and Miss °oldie
Class as Registe'ed Nurses at St. Michael's
Hospital. Toronto on Tuesday.
The May meeting of the Atemld Circle of
Carmel Prosbyterh(n Clmrel, was held at the
Immo of Miss 301111 McQueen on Tuesday
evening with Mrs. R. A. Orr presiding. The
meeting opened with the call to worship and
the ei ng(ng of a hymn, lifter which Mrs. Orr
led In prayer, Several Passages of SeripLnre
were read by 1410. J, Farquhar and Mrs.
Chas, 1'Orres1 led iv prayer, Hymn "1 Love
Thy Kingdom Lord," was sung and the roll
Balt answered by the presentation of towels,
followed by the business. The topic on
Broad Views of The Christian Church" 00210
given by Miss Beryl Phnf£, The meeting
closed by singing Come Let Us Sing of a
Wonderful Love," and the Lord's Prayer in
unison, Mrs. Orr directed a Quiz and refresh-
ments watt served by the hostess.
NOW. SI{OWING, '123(,115. Pili. 5:1,'2, 20,1 Show starts 9.15
Starring Prank Sinatra.
The year's grand romantic laugh and song spree
MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 2nd show starts 9.15
Starring Deanna Durbin A modern wartime, comedy k
NEXT THURS. FRI. SAT, TWO Features—pd show starts at 8.45
Richard Arlen "MINESWEEPER" Jean Parker
ALSO— Cecil Kellaway Helen Walker
The Supertest Petroleum Corporation are pleased to
announce that they are putting on a second truck for the
Seaforth district. The operator of this truck will be
Charles (Kelly) Baynes.
'Our present driver, Alvin Dale, will continue to serve
our customers as usual.
This arrangement will assure you continued efficient
service by Supertest to our dealers, consumers and
Kelly Baynes, Phone 277 Alvin Dale, Phone 264
... iN ONE
In wartime, more
people are working
and there is more c
money to spend
,lid >S?;` %: inti ataia :'',;, as.
so prices go
,...:2;,;5xr:.0^:::X"t`, nµx:t� ;2('t ; �:,
:� ,i„ � 2a?..r '�A''a`.�-' :.3.,i,"s�':`:.,'�a.�",1,.:`.tsAgt:':•"•«,';x;?<;'i;6'^c.EA:`>'O:c<M
so consumers can't
get all they want
and workers need
higher wages
and people will bid
more for what is
but half of what is
made is for war
:5'5131'0 J
costs of production
go up
Arse:•s',..aaantai DCS.>i` .v"4?: d:' aa?...'u x`.s�."Aa%.w?.c`a4s.t>my..t`\.'<3e,
and the vicious ' but wages and salaries s?.
spiral of inflation �� �.. the spiral grows — w
don't catch up with ; and the sky
gets started 4.` livin costs to x is the
Eying =" C.:C::, limit
u t?<cw x? >Y:: xmz: ti•.g r:%>t sO �-�
::.so so- r ....t iiStei ra.m ,, e,.,ra*,1 :aa{, .112 'i wat.,,'cn.;:...t :
.adz\ i, .�.'�'`ar,s a.''.`r..."xc«'w?:Y;s=a't?3?;>:';",,,a,''>.';'asxh':wr���,s+�:iZ'>,r*�"t��o��,�:o�c.,
wkuti:w: u'rin i%r}5.'S,>i,..'v\''K>:N'!y?ii`„i::,``"it''i:.l'�,'.�iG✓.'�.`%
and producers and
dealers need higher
money buys less
and less
hardship and confusion
sweep over factory, farm
and home
i aa#.53' egnvN>r,`'3,'lla y `:c'•"•i5.: ::as:y :YS?'S: .. sc>r.
...„.....:t..'(a..........::.>.�”ria::::s„?,.:t3d,:'�;:3'>;'t:as��z�sgt'vif`�''ss"- «, _>
e.,'s',.''a`trao:,'sYva�`:;ma,.s:€ iN";:n3e`a :n<:a.:` to
'To Protect Us Ali from the Rising Cost of Living
CRi d the Disaster . , n
a ceiling is
set on prices
and individual incomes
are taxed more heavily
supplies are divided
fairly among producers
and merchants
and nobody is permitted
to take advantage of ' e
the war to get more
than his share
wages and salaries '
are controlled to prevent
higher production costs =�
from pushing up the ceiling
,.„3 ai ,..,.. a, m, ' . , ? ' i§t&zttR& :°.t s"✓ asza r::,..i` ; `.aM'zzu.; a<,':3.` s. .
to pay Inc costs of war
and excess profits.
are taxed away
Victory Loans
are launched
a ate: >im''i.a.n.. 33 3)O%3;
rationing' is introduced
to ensure a fair share
to everyone
while the boys are
out there fighting
s.k,"a.1;nwAv"1,1'a\l?3'1'rsia'•i >:"av'";a> .....rah•,eam::z amss'."e ,3:111
at prices within' the reach of
(This advertisement is one of a
series being issued by the Govern.
meas of Canada to emphasize the
importance of preventing a further
increase in the cost of living now
and deflation later )