HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-05-11, Page 4THE SEAPORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1944 I IL Ii SSE\F(1R111 NEWS Snowdon, Eros,. Publishers WALTON 'Vita. Walsh of Ipporwosh : petit the week enol at lois home at Walton. Mrs. Forbes has returned to her home in Walton from Htlllett, Mrs, David Watson has returned, to her Hoare after spending the win- ter, with her sons and daughters. The Walton Farm Women • will meet at the home of Miss Bessie Davidson on -Wednesday, May 17th. The topic, "Sanitation in the Florio;". will be given. The roll call, name spelt backwards. There will also be 0 plant exChnnge. Rev. H. A. Jamieson, B.A., Rector of St. Saviour's Church. Toronto, will. be the preacher at the Mother's Day Service in St. George's Anglican Church on May 14th, at 1.30 p,m. Sunday School at 2,30 p.m. KIPPEN EAST The May meeting of the Kipper 'last W.I. will be held at the home t Miss Margaret McKay on Wed, fternoon, May 17th at 2.30, Roll all will be answered by Uses for Stale Bread. I I\ r}1 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE CONSTANCE S.S. No 3 Hallett April report. il,elde VIBilly Stevenson 87, Wel. tet Regele 84, Margaret Carter 79. ( t.,de V, Eric a Anderson 78, Betty tdclison 10 Grace Riley lid Freddy Buchanan 50. Grade III, Murray Dale 77, John Whyte 76, Lyle Mont- gomery '71, Donald Rock 70, George ,lellwain 51, Orden Rock h 1, Grade 1, order of merit: Mary Whyte, Mur- iel Dale, Betty Storey: Teacher; Mise Anne "Garrett. Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Henderson rnd George and Gladys of Russel- dale, spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Adams and Donelda, Gunner John Sanderson, Victor - 1,7; B.C., is spending his furlough with Mrs. Sanderson and Mr. and 11rs. Austin Dexter. WINTHROP The Red Cross unit will meet in :he Sunday School roost on Tuesday afternoon, May 16th. Circle 1 has charge of the quilts, Try and attend, Mr. Haase, .Mrs, Horn and Donald TTorn spent the week end with Mrs. Cunningham and family north of 11 i,erLon. Mr, Joseph Little has rented the pasture land from Mr. Earl Hawley. Mr, and Mrs. Foster Bennett and family. Mt, and Mrs. Walter Eaton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mc- Cowan .and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton. BRUCEFIELD YoungePeople's Anniversary The. Young •People's Anniversary services at Breeel]eld United Church oil Smithy were attended by •large and Hite ;iative congregations. Tn piane' =steal services were led, it.ut,tin and evening by a young people's (holy, assisted in the ntorn- ii:;s .;•,r' h'' by Donald. floss of Au- burn as soloist, and in the evening ,y 11'r;:. Roland Stewart of Seaforth. ih.rolit J. Snell of Auburn as n.: t 1.renehor, made a strong and 1 n ^ t L it to the youth of the rise with courage and devotion 1 ,•.-,.eportenities mid responsibili- ties with which they are confronted 115- 11:41r of aril . - ' t)t ntley eveeing the Y. P. Union sponsored t play entitled "Deacon 111 h."-villtM was well inesented by nho y,.nunr, people 1f Goshen, and was uh,ved by a large audience. Mother's Day Services 'Mothers' s' Dey will be observed in Iirneerleld United Church next Sun - 'ley at the morning service. The Sunday School is to worship in a body with the congregation and have a part in the service. tenene,meue,no,,,rr n,,,n,u,u,tl ur,i,l„¢aluuulugee ee nee„,„re,r,P nu, U,el ineemen "YIMMY.'YONSON'S YOB" I By legmouch'ille Y,L'. in Walton Community Hall TUESDAY, MAY 23 Under auspices of Dol't's United Church Choir Admission 25c and ,tOc BAYFIELD 11r, Floyd. Warner of Flint, Mich., is visiting his uncle, : Mr, A. E. Er- win. Mr• and Mrs. Geo. Peck of .Fargo, N.D., are guests of .Mr. Peck's sis- ter, Mrs. W. 3`, Dowson and Mr, • D owson • Mrs. Supnick of Detroit is at her cottage "Holly Lodge" getting it in readiness for her mother, Mrs. Hol- ley, who expects to arrive on Satttt , day to spend the summer in the vil•- lege, Ella McKay of the Postal Service of the CW AC, London, and Mergar- et Ferguson of the RCAF., Guelph, spent the week end at their homes in. the village. ouse Ckann YOU WILL REQUIRE A NEW FLOOR COVERING, AND A FELT OR SPRING MATTRESS SEE OUR COMPLETE STOCK ONLY QUALITY GOODS SOLD ALL OTHER LINES OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE CARRIED Reasonable Prices BOX FURNITURE STORE CITIZENS OF HURON E UNP ad ” Here Are the Vital acts HURON COUNTY QUOTA AMOUNT RAISED TO DATE $3,060,000 $2,056,250 AMOUNT STILL TO BE RAISED $1,003,750 ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT HURON COUNTY MUST RAISE $1,003,750 OR A DAILY AVERAGE OF $ 334,583 DURING THE NEXT 3 DAYS All of Us CAN and MUST buy MORE VICTORY BONDS IF YOU HAVE NOT PURCHASED—ACT NOW IF YOU HAVE PURCHASED RE-CONSIDER—BUY MORE ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT WE CANNOT LET HURON DOWN THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF BONDS WHICH ARE BEING PAID OFF- 1—Can. Nat. Railway -51, dtia July, 1909—Called July 1, 1944 at $105 U.S. Funds—$115% Can. Funds. 2—Can. Pacific Railway -5,,i- clue Dec. 1, 1959—callable June 1, 1944 at $104 U.S. Funds—$114.40 Can, Funds, 3—Dominion Woolens --6% due 1953—called July 1. 1944 at $100, 4—General Steel Wares -042;i due 1952 --called June 1. 1944 at $10174 5—Dom. Gas & Plc -tris 61,§% due 19.45—called May 15, 1944 at 0101. If you own any of the above Bonds, consult your banker and re -Invest in Dom. of Canada Sixth Viotory Loan Bonds (Inserted by Huron County National Tar Finance Committee) TUNE IN ON Old -Fashioned Revival Hour 7 to S P.M., E,D.S.T. Pilgrim's Hour 2 to 3 P.M., E,D.S,T, ON MUTUAL NETWORK — SUNDAYS Local Station — C,K;L.W., Windsor CHARLES E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGELES 53, CALIFORNIA UBLIN . Ina Mae Aikens, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Reuben Aikens, was severely injured when tote team of horses driven by he' brother Lorne, became frightened and ran' away. Ina, who was riding on the wagon, was thrown to the highway and suffered a concussion. She obtained immediate medical at- tention and is Improving at 1 er haute, Ales. Joseph E. Feeney underwent t major operation at Seaforth Itospi- t11. Hiss Jean Jordan, Ottawa, with her parent, Mr. and :firs. Joseph Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. James Iiartley and son, Jimmy, Toronto, with lila, and Mrs. Wnt. J. Hanley. Mr. and Mt's. Butters and children. St. Marys. with Mr. incl rill's. Thomas Butters. 1 BRODHAGEN Mrs L1uui•.i Querengesser of Wind- sor i, visiting with Mt'. and Mrs. W. L. Queteligesser aria other relatives. Mrs Chas. Ahrens, spent several days with ]res mother Mrs, Henry Wesenberg near Cranbtook, who is eontlned to' her bed with_ s, stroke. Mr. and Mrs Harry Schellenberger mind. Eric of Clinton spent Sunday with Mr. arid' Mrs Hassell Sholdice. I1i.rend Mrs. Herold Deigel and 111r. and Mrs, Leslie 'Wietersen and Marilyn visited in Stratford on Sun - clay with Mr. and Mrs: Ed ISressler. Mrs. Louise Hillebrecht of IKitch- ener is visiting' with Mr, and Mrs, 1116 Ptueter and oihel' relatives, Mrs. Ray Hart of London spent the Past week with her parents, Mr. and Airs, L. 0. Rock. Mrs, Dalton Moe, Kenneth, Betty, Jean, Audrey and Gerald and Miss Grace '3Tietol•son spout Sunday in Elmira with Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred 1OIinitman. Pte. Carman Mogk of Camp Borden spent the week end with his parents, Mr, and Mre. Goo. Mogk, Rev, W. Schultz attended the dis- trict conference of the Lutheran Church at New hamburg Monday and Tuesday. T]to oxtuninal:lon of the 15 catScbu men's will take place in St, Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday morning' et 10.811. The following are in the Wass; Betty Rook, Shirley 1Vliller, Pearl Leonhardt, Nita Beuermann, Verna Kistener, Verna Leonhardt, Marjory Rock, Leonard Rose, Milton Repien, Roy Kleiner, Lorne Wolfe, Fred Young, Allan Kleber, Roy Am stein, Ivan Bennewies. The confirma- tion of the catechenluns will take place the following Sunday. Misses Eva Beuel'ntann and Norma 1iillehrecht of Galt spent the week end at their homes, • BORN O'REILLY—At Scott Memorial Hosp. Death of John Wright— ital. on May loth, to Mt.' and Mrs, Mr. John Wright died Thursday Jolty N. O'Reilly, Stratford, a wort A ty -ith tot his home 4054 Montgont- lstillhetn). avenue„ Detroit, Mich. Ho suf- 1 ''ed a stoke the previous evening after eompleting t master piece of work at his shop He was born in , Durham County sixtyfive years ago, 1 son of the late Andrew Wright and l Elizabeth Cousins and came with his parents fortyfive years ago to reside in Fullerton Township, where he re- ceived his education at Munro school. Later moving to Logan Township where he was well known, and was a member of the Orange Lodge of that Townshop. When a young than he served his apprenticeship with Mr. Janus Shanne of Mitchell as a ma- chinist in that foundry. He Went to Detroit home forty years ago, where lie became skilled in his profession as master mechanic at Punch Press Repair Corporation 1976 Hilton St., Detrtoit. He was a member of of Calvary Presbyterian Church be, Masonic Lodge A,F. A.M. and a mem- Grand River Road, where the funeral service took place. The minister, Rev, l , A. Bechtel, paid high tribute to his faithful work. He was twice mar- ried. In 1903 he married Margaret Gourley of Mitchell who passed away in 1910. In 1912 he married Annie Ahrens, of Detroit, who survives with one daughter Mrs. Glen Geisler (Margaret); and a son William D. Wright, both of 'St. -Marys St., De- troit, and six grandchildren, and by four sisters. Mrs, Maud Dalton and Mirs. John Nichols, Toronto, Mrs. Earl Ross, Science Hill, Mrs. Herbert Kercher, Hensall; five brothers, Jones of Rippen, Frank of Detroit, Hugh, Seaforth, Howard, Cromarty and William A. of Washington, D, C. The five brothers and a cousin Arthur Cousins of Cleveland, Ohio, were pallbearers. Interment -was in Granda Lwn cemetery, Detroit. The vast number of baskets of flowers and Wreaths showed the. esteem of their friends, HEAVY CLEANING .GOT YOU OWN? tAKE/7111y with GILL TT'S Don't break your back—you don't have to scrub and rub so hard! Almost like magic, Gil- lett's Lye whisks away dirt and grime, cuts right through grease lets you .fly through heavy cleaning without exhausting drudgery! Keep a wonder-work- ing tin of Gillett's handy always. Handles messy tasks too. Deo- dorizes garbage pails. Used full strength it clears clogged drains fast, completely destroys con- tents of outside closets. Get some today. • Never dissolve lye in hot water. The action of the lye itself heats the water. ` MADS IN CANADA 'GEN T THEATRE Seaforth NOW SHOWING — THURS, FRI. SAT. Pat O'Brien Ruth Warrick "THE IRON MAJOR” Thr story o1' one of Americas greatest heroes, Frank Cavanaugh,. football mentor MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Olivia de H•aviland in "GOVERNMENT GIRL with Sonny Putts A wartime Washington whish of rein NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY I\4ichele Morgan, Jack Haley Frank Sine tra "HIGHER AND HIGHER” The great Sinatra show c0M.ING- "H'ERS TO HOLD" First show starts each evening at 7,30 p.111. When single features. areShownsll patrons In by 9.15 will see complete show: 'Matinee each Saturday at 2.30 pan, , Nursing Sister Returns After 4 Years Overseas — Jilo, Olive FIackney, Reg.N., date ght r of _ills, Alex Hackney, of Firkton returned hone front over -- -seas Tuesday after serving for fou' years with the 15th Canadian General Hospital. Niiss hackney was with the Toronto General Hospital when she enlisted for overseas service with the 15th General Hospital, the first unit of its kind to be formed in Canada. For three years she yeas with this uni to North Africa where she served for six monrhs, leaving there on De- cember 12th.—Exeter Times -Advocate, Customer: "What color are yeah Funny thing about wisdom, You window blinds?" con only nc,luire it on the install - Clerk, "Window blinds are all ,rent plan—but there are no easy shades."--Oi1 Weekly. payments.—Answers. Y1ri zs- MUFFINS MAGIC APPLE taallbeatea 2 esssmilk 2 cans,;Magic li hsa 1. Cep su sbm'fenhr& 3 stints,odegk Bab 2 Stspn, salt wetted t Asps, sax shams.2 shredded redd ed ytsn'-alhlc dapple Sift eerdry Ingredients;add:g egs' milk, melted shortening and a ru together 4sla is greased rmnpansa IA evy2 (40oeH.) about 20 minutes. muffins. —..�. %Wit t CAW ... bmhCCE3 atnisktw. y,vcE cr 'we wvisrEA CANAOW oEPARrMENT OF NATIONAL WAR SERVICE$ To my fallow Canadians: - You the citizens of Canada and members of the Voluntary Salvage Commtttees and many other Voluntary War Workers have done an exllent ajob Canada, in doingcehorwr part to help win the war, has' been therimportant duty sisted of savingour u and urnirnd gninithehdevotion essential to war materials, You activities havehavebe nbta marialhfactor,ineturningn yourthe tide of battle against the enemy. When Canada's stock piles have been dangerously low, you have discovered, saved, and salvaged waste material whioh has been turned into weapons, ammunition, explosives and containers, Your Salvage Cam- paigns have been Nation -Wide and of National importance, Your job has been a big one whioh you have nobly performed. future, Again T appeal to your When at war the past is the past and we must look to the There is another National war emergency met and overcome. Experts on the matter that there is a critical shorts g y whioh must be situation is desperate, have assured me Forces who will use them ar su Be of Waste paper slid that the Forces be who Ppliea must reaoh our Fighting safely peeked against the enemy, Wtr su more supplies are er by maroh gh ung Me to ppliea much more Waste parer required nt our Fightin the enemy per is wanted now, g Men. more - S0215 afeofb°arg shuts aro working on Waste re orcin downs a day-to-day Waste paper ire critically lowause reserystooks wasteand through regulartWastesPape and turned now°n every acraes oP be Prom Paper channels in to the Nation p °P Fellow Canadians please help) Yours sincerely, Minister'NatioauebewarServices. NEED► 20,000 TANS cwa�►® • ITE PAPIER EVERY MONTH. O� � �� DO IT: Tie securely s HOW TO Kt se> e You can remedy this a will save cr WHAT IS' WANTED: of bundlest (The little time y'Iou t kkis � sm e Wsste paper shortage by saving every scrap h out maneal voluntary.)Salvage Waste Fader, rd—cat ns—c rr paper board through y of bourCsoII ito bags—cardboard—cartons—corrugated andeous - cotrpgated s and through ydechannels, o r letters—newspapers: magazines and books-eepresent and tee or other War Voluntary tradOrganization; thanl , yOUe rawrmateriat ors: king vitally t theesellt1>r others; y important p I your Waste Paper moving, to the mill material for making vita ly seeded pedlar Paper containersi DEPARTMENT OP NATIONAL WAR SERVICES