HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-05-11, Page 3VJ 1114 p:tCE m1p1fCC °�`� Modern Etiquette B'y Roberta Lee a, I -low should a elan and his wife proceed down' the aisle when . they enter the church at a wedding? 2. From which side of the chair should one take his seat at the table? 3. If a matt is walking along the street with a'woman and she speaks 10 someone he does not know, should he speak also? 4, After malting a call, would it he all right to say, "I am afraid 7 have stayed too long"? 6. Is it all right for a hostess to arrange that a man takecertain woman in t0. dinner if be is not to. be seated next to her? 6. What is the meaning of RVS.V, P.? Answers 1. An usher offers his left arm to the woman, and the man follows them down the aisle. 2. The chair should be drawn Uncle with the right band. This, of course, makes it convenient to take the chair from the left side. 8. No, it is not neces- sary for him to speak, blit he should lift his hat. 4. No; do not stay over the required period and it will not be Necessary to even think of an apology. S. Yes;. a hostess some- times finds this necessary. 6. "An- hrcviation of the French phrase brevation of the French phrase respondez s'il Vous plait Bank Accounts One season for the trust the de- positors have in the bankers lies in the fact that the bankers keep the depositors' business in strictest confidence, says the Ottawa Jour- nal. We have hearth of ambitious canvassers for bonds endeavoring to get some idea of the size of in- dividual depositors' bank accounts, but we have yet to hear of a banker giving as much as a slight hint about such information, Call it ethics or what you like, but that is something that just isn't done in Jswitta banking circles. .,1t,� ry�$y 1jr/�rr��1y,� r y�[.,-}.!tyY, c he Nothing is more depres • )sing than headaches... Why suffer?..,Larbly's i\ willive instant relief, Lambly'sisgoodforces. •� ach e, to orhache, pains in 7/U/ hack, stomach, bowels. %{Paelf% tfEADACNE POWDERS_ la Ly staying of FO HOTELS Modern, fireproof, lonremenllt 111' Puling es kw es nn higher Shun' per person IO8 MAP or fOtOta, wee. 4OSDN0111301' rdonlreci TWO-tM EDAL MAN Just before leaving Honolulu re- cently to take command of all land- based air units in fhe forward areas of the central Pacific, Maj. -Gen. Willis H. Hale, above, was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and the .Air Medal. General Hale for- merly commanded the 7th Army Air Force. Sugar From Sap Of Birch Trees Canadian Research experiments have shown: thatwhite and yellow birch trees produced an abundance of sap but the yield of sugar was on average only about one-third that of the sugar maple. Results of the experiments indicate that yel- low birch sap contains invert sugar with small amounts of sucrose, and that white birch sap contains a mix- ture of fructose and invert sugar. Syrups prepared from white and yellow birch saps by concentrating 100 times were siinilar in taste and appearance to commercial corn syrup, Disillusioning Fancy, picking up a last year's Volkischer Beobachter in the Ger- man .dentist's waiting Slosh and coming on this: The absolute su- periority of the Japanese fleet in South Pacific maters is unquestion— ed."—Winnipeg Tribune. YOU WOMEN WUO SUFFER FROM NzapTFi tSi ES II you suffer from hot gashes, dizzy. spel s, Irregular periods, are weak, nervous—due to the 'mlddle-age" period in n woman'e-life, take Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. /tie helped thousands upon thou- sands of women to relieve such symptoms. Pinkhaui's Compound is also a fine- stomach tonic!Worth trying/ Made. In Canada, HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY It you are troubled tv1111 Bening Pay sor t ea onceti 0111 `un the risk dal. letting this condition become chron- ic. Any itching or soreness or Oalnr'ul eassage of stool is nature's warning and proper treatment ehould be secured at once. For (his purpose get a package of Hem -hold front any druggist and use as directed. Thisformula which is used Internally 1s a ennails easy to take tablet, will quickly. relieve the itching and soreness and: aid' in healing the sore tender spots. Henn -Atoll Is - pteasant to use, Is highly recommended and' it seems the height of folly for any one tO 0111c u painful and chronic pile con- dttios when euct) a tine remedy, may be had at such e. email cost. it you. try Hem -Reid and are not entirety .pleased with, the resulte,, your druggist evIll gladly return' your money. g Itcbin Scalp A Simple Home Treatment It' your scalp hes broken out with ugly surface rashes oe fret - talons — DON'T 131(4 with finger. nails as that only serves to make. it worse—and 'spreads it, Go to your druggist today—get a- bottle of M•0one's Emerald 011 and use this mixed with an equal quantity, of olive oil. St's easy to ase—all you do is anew to the scalp with your finger tins gently rubbing in- to tine rootsor the heir. Do this at least once a (lay and about every 'fourth spar shampoo using a good soap. Soon you'll find this, combin- ation start right in—promoting faster healing, Continue Lhe treat- ment on 111 relieved and the I sone, Hon :ting dandruff. has dAsn npearm). Continuo. for 2 weeks, and if then you are dissatisfied 10t. yen T, money beck, .1) 0501010 eve r0orb e re sell Emerald Oil. `SCARECROW' OF THE SKIES The spectacular fireworks display pictured above is a new type German • flare, which the RAF calls "The Scarecrow," exploding during raids over Magdeburg, Germany. Flare bursts with sheet of orange flame, followed by oily black smoke. As explosion subsides, showers of colored fragments shoot out. Japan Has Plenty Of Reserve Forces Those who look for the early collapse of japan will he inter - tested in the statement of Colonel Warren Clear, ot the U.S, War De- partment staff, who declares: "By the end of the year Japan will have a strength in organic divisions equal to not 0113 our planned strength in Europe, but in the Asiatic theatre as well,' It pays to take a relastic view of this war, says the Chatham News. Wishful thinking will not win it: Underestimating the strength of the enemy would be fatal. japan Is the nation we must defeat after Germany has been put outof the war. Dictators have the power to call millions to their colors; and the Japanese military party appar- ently has plenty of reserves after the terrible jap losses of the last few months, However, the general picture is not discouraging. Undoubtedly Japan is losing strength in the air with fewer planes and less experi- enced pilots, Iier fleet declines the challenge to great sea battles, be- ing evidently conserved to defend the island kingdom itself. The way to Allied victor, in the Pacific, is still long and hard, but the task is net impossible, provided the Na- tions remain united, at home as well Ss abroad, Have You Heard? Sandy took his sweetheart to a charity bazaar. Presently they came to a booth where an assortment of lovely' charms were offered for sale, "x011, Sandy," site exclaimed, buy isle a charm?" 'Ah, 'Ah, lassie,I' he answered admir- ingly, "ye hie too many charms already." --o— "What did your father say about you smashing up his car?" "Shall I leave out the swear words?" "Certainly 1" "Then he didn{t say anyth- Ing." _0— When the visitor was shown in- to the manager's private room he' remarked: "That new clerk of yours seems a hard worker." "Yes," replied the other; "that's his specialty." "What, working hard?" "No, scenting 00." "I hope, dear ,that you get up when you are called," wrote the fond mother to her boy in the Army, "and don't keep the regiment waiting breakfast for you." —0— A businessman thought his staff rather lazy and indifferent, so he pinned up the following notice: ".thread is the staff of life, but that is no reason why the life of our staff shouid be one continual loaf," The man who pokes fun at a woman trying to drive through a 12 -foot garage door usually sobers up when he tries to thread a needle. Automobile bumpers were intro- duced in 1900. thanks to "RE` ,: IL" 3, B. Sutherland of Mara, B,C. writes: 'last year 1 had 7 caws I.coulch t 551 in calf, whieh nearly knocked ma out. I went to a fanners meeting in Armstrong to eeelvhat could be done about ]1.Aman -. there, Sem Hawkkworth, said he bad 7 heifers which he couldn't get in calf. Ho fed them Rex Wheat Germ 011 and 001 THEM ALL IN CAL11 Fallowing his suggestion, I used Rex Oil and got the aunty 100% results. I will swear by Res Wheat Germ. Oil, it euro helped me'. Rex Oilhelps organically right amimsls to overcome Iffy breeding eloaness to mate, abeeace of heat and other common, breeding troubles beoauseit supplies, in a concentrated endstabte form, the factors 1 necessary for seecessfl, profitable breeding, Turn YOUR boarders into profitableroducers --start feeding REX OIL, A few drops a flay does the trick, a . - 31, 20 es.ee- 35,0025 111s-819 (Canada) Limited 637 Craig 5t. W. Montreal. Girls Will Never Know—We Hope A censor i11 the South Pacific was credited with this bit of backstop- ping: On the company bulletin board was posted a notice: "Private Blank. Letter at 1 tail desk, Name on envelope, Dorothy; name on letter, Betty. C' eche, and if cor- rect, nail." BABY CHICKS SPECIAL PRICES con JUNE AND JULY Barred Rock Mixed • 100 New •Hampshire. Mixed 130 White Leghorn Mixed 10c Boned Rock Pullets' .... 170 White Leghorn Pullets .,20e Don't delay, 31.00 books your order. Carleton IKateliery, Britannia Heights, Ontario. Ri1'ERSID'E GOVERNMENT AP - proved )3aby Chicles from large type blooitestedBreeders, noth- ing but 24 oz. ltggs and evep, are set, assures you big, vigorous, feet maturing Chicks, Barred Rocks, White Legborbs, Light Sussecs. Write for folder, River- side Poultry farm, Hickson, Ont. FOIRSTULA FOR SUCCESS WITH ephelis: Start t h vigorous, bright, talo -to -type frmu TOP Notch Chlekertes.They're Gov- ernment Approved from blood - tested breeders. Day old and old- er. pallele, cockerels, non sexed. All the popular, breeds. And every ethic leaves Top Notch Chlek- oriel with a clean bill of health. No weaklings to exit Clown your profits. Start ail the Top Notch Cltk'lo* you eat ate early as you can. Setup for eatalogme and re- duced priers for 21115'. Also stert- 011 chivies 2, 3,• 4 and 0 Weeks of age. Top Not h *`hiokel'ies, Guelph, Ontario. CIICKS P18051 A 1111311;1)1700 FARM 01.' 3000 1,A\r1nS '�1'AOl[PT 101)1035111)0" DEMAND T•'011 LAKI;VTEW CHICIS hasbeen so great Otis we Have, increased our capacity and are able to give you. prompt ship- ment 00 103. -old ehlolts and 11n1- •lted 110011801' or started. eitle1cs If You art quickly. Sussex. Sns5P5 X New 'Hampshire. .Sussex x Leg- horn. Leghorn, 'Peered Reeks,New Earn hires, mid Rook Leghorn in Chicks, Pullets Or Curl orel.. BUY Your chicks from a Real Breeding Farm, end be assured of sur, e: s. Seized for Price List and book your nhielts NOW for Allay or Stine. a5,ne° tATC1:VTIOIV O h 1 e le s weekly. LAICEVIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ontario. IN AD7tt'riON TO SUPPLYING high quelily chicks that live and grow, 'I'vs,idle Tin teh eel. ca can evenly 0 wide Av'tet,V or pure breeds and hybrid crosses. In pure breeds We eon supply* White L00hoi ILP. Bi'otvp Leghlorils. 711nrk MInolcns, Barred Roeles; 'White Reeks, New T-inmpshh•es, - Rhode Island . Reds. While 1Vyantlottes, SUvei' Limed Wye nemte0, Light Sussex, 131 telt Aestr,ii urns, Lam - ensue, Ruff Orpingtons. Ieraey Blaole Cta nts, .TerseY 11'111 ie, (llama, In h)htlds the have: Black Min- orca X White Legh0rns, White Leghorn X 13n.rred Recite.Barred Reek X White Leghni'ils, White 'Wynn cl0l-te X White bock, White Iteelc X White Len•hor ns. New Hampshire X White Legh ol'n.s, NOW Hampshire X Barred Reeks, Barred 11 oek X NOW lianlpshtres, Nen' ITmmpshire X -Light Sees ex, Light Susoas X New FTn.ntpshi res. We ran 010e nromnt - delivery OO praeticn.ily all the above breeds, also a great number of the shove breeds 10 550 -sexed Pullets e' 0001(01010, 2, 3, 4, 0115 0` -week old s tit rted est leers. because 0111' eua- temer0 (nine hack for Tweddlo ehieks yen' of tet veal•. we lenow ,that satisfied r buyers r.s ore en' bast a.dvertiserc. Send for the P,:odd! 104.1 ea 7110511e anri' Spens, 1 prier- ]ist. 111edt11 n Chicle 7i.ttchorios Limited, Fertus Ontario. SUPERIOR CHICKS, ALL 1113EE]?- ere blood tested. Write for .oar special low prices far end of May, June and .Tule chicks, Leg- h orns, Barred Rocks Ha In pelt res, 11 o e ie Ramp, Sussex, Sueneu Fames, mixed 0h Mks. 1)0111540, vont:el de. 1)-S-10-12 week old mal- lets rot' Mimed la to del leery. Superior 11n tch ery, Linwood, Ont. 11. r.Lr'TS ANT) CAPONS Fr0\i May and :1wile hatched elllek5. On1, New Hampshire Light SIMS C-`, hybrids VON 1(0 nxeellent layers and elmieest or meat birds. W.ebeis Poll try Earn) pnitl He 1 - dicey, Route 2, Kitchener, Ont. UAllT 01110105 WE .A.Rie 1orpls INE A .LIMITED number of started chicks 2, 2. 4 and 5 w elks old in non 001(11, 51111 1.m 15(1 cockerels in pta tical- ly all of the popnier purebr'eeds and hybrid rid c osses, While they last we ere selling these at re- duced pelves. Send fm• special price11 t Also day olds; for im- Meduatr. delivery and older pul- lets R weeks or nice and older, Twecidle ('Meir Hett'herlea Lim- ited, Fere ex, Ontario. 0 f'11:1CI 3111$ FOR SALE, BED ;Honlpehire, Plymouths, 10 weeks •016. Mis, Campbell, 2382 Duff Prim Toronto. WE IIAVEE BARGAINS IN START - ed Melte. prompt delivery. You enn save 8-4 weeks growing time on those W.L. and heavy breed pullets. Order what you need note Bray Ifatehety, 170 John St. N., HIamilton, Ont. DIMING & CLEANING HAVE Y013 ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information, We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment F1, Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yenge Street, To- ronto. IIAIRDR 1S1ING AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE . women, learn hairdressing at Can- ada's finest and largest schools. Refiled, dignified work. Splendid pay. Write or call for free liter- ature, Marvel Hairdressing Schools, 968 Moor Street Toronto. Branches 44 King' Street, Hamilton,. and 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. LEARN MAI ItDRL&SINO THE Robertson teethed, Information 011 request regarding el&sees, Reborteen'e Halydreesing Acad- emy,. 187 Avenue Road, Toronto. W 1 G S; TUUPES, T12ANSFORM- atloes,- Switches, Curls and. rill types of finest Quality lIlair. Goods. Write .tor illustrated: cat- alogue. Toronto Human hair Supply Co„ 528 Bathurst Street, Toronto. MEDICAL G001) lileSUL'r8—EVERY SLIPPER - or from Rheumatic fails or Neuritis should try Dixon's Ran- edy, Munr'o's Drug Store, 380 El- gin, Ottawa. Postpaid 01.00. DEAF THE NEW STREAMLINED COSI- pact Potter 'Telephone is the smallest hearing aid al'ailable. It 15 clear, powerful, Falces 00n- versatieu easy anywhere and is most reasonably priced. Try it. Write Potter Earphone Company, 2291V Yongo St., Toronto. Estab- lished for better hearing for a quarter of a century. YOU GET QUICK RELIEF FROM Eczema and Psoriasis by using Pataon's Eczema Ointment. Stops burning and itching; soothes and heals cute, Marne and plies. Hun- dreds of satisfied customers. (Ile 81)11 $1 postpaid, Patson health 3roduotn, 201 St. Catherine West, Montre0!. STUl,lAC13 AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of III -health in It amens all ages. No one Int. mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble? Interesting per- ticulars—Free! Write 41gIVeney's Remedies, Specialists; Toronto 2, Ont. TRY IT! EVERY SUFFERER 00 ft'teum,1tic Pains or Neuritis a)lelll0 1 C y DI\011'0 Remedy. Munro's 'Drug Store 325 Engin, Uttaw1. Postpaid 01.,00. 13A 1 I NI .012.13.A 001 )1 BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 41e. bol 1,1e. Uttn wa agent. Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. PI1O'1OGnAPHY PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Send your film rolls to Canada's largest photo finishing etudlo. GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE Any Otto Roll -6 Or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c A. customer at Berwlcic, N.S., writes "I want you t0 know hop pleased 1 am with your wender- fnl work and prompt service." We have such lettere from all over Can- ada. ENLARGEMENTS '8 for 25c 4x6" In Easel Mounts. SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4x6" on ivory tinted mounts 7x9" In Gold. Si1Ver, Circas- sian Walnut or BIack. 100oa3' finish frames, Ole each. It enlargement coloured, 79c each, STAR. SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Festal Terminal A, Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly 011 All Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your Mins properly developed and printed 6 012 8 1 XPU`,UUS BOLLS 25e REPRINTS 8 11 r 211e FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You n111y nut i,/'t all the films yeti want this year, Out you eau get all the nuulity and eervieu you desire by sending your flims to IMP1TtiAL PHOTO SERI ICE Station J. Toronto, PATENT'S FL,'T1IIO i1S'1UN 11 AtiEI & CO1Al'ANY Patent Solicitors. Established 18611; 1.1 piing West, Toronto. Booklet or I.nl'orma Lion on re - (Meet. FOit SALE_ 70 &C1tES leA1141 and stuck for salt Apply to Mrs. U. H. Striatum, R.IO 2, Mono Road, Ont. FARM VOR SALE 31_ miles from TLn1nI15, 100 tweet, 70 cleared, new faemltouse, 22 eow barn, stable, etc., Ti Filets 00305, much-. inert', 3 heroes; with of without stuck; immix(). 151111er- 13ox -400, Thruuins, Ontario. LARGE C1 0D0UL110IIULl1S, RAIN - bow eullee1.1011 oe out4L1111liag earl etre, 2 dozen 81.10 delivered, ICuy'per's Bulbs, Betels:, E,U. We grow the best only. 1'IIAt,lt TREES, Ali 1 1;5, PEARS, cherries, plume currants, grapes, asparagus, strawberry n10.111,5, raspberries. Novi 0110 Nursery. 'Jtaue0e. 100 AC LIDS T1MLEli, I•LAItD\\'UOD, for Salt. liobt Ja0100011, North- brook, Ontario,. ]IE.AUTAFIiL COU1TR0 HOME ON the Tai' hive, six miles from Perth, with small farm In con- nection. 11111) sacrifice. Anlily 115, 11. Wilson, Route 4, Perth. FOR ANGORA BREEDING 8TUCIi, write for prices to 11alyeon An- goras, Ptckeeing, Ont. DeWALT SAWS AND WOODWUllli- 1ng Maohtnos. Newest types avail- able from direct 0101003' repre- sentatives for Uanada. Quotations gladly furnished on AIM] kation, DeWelt Distia' ,Corporation Ltd., 402 West Vender St„ Voneouver, B.C. D13. J II. 110(13'1,8 MINERALIZED 3:0101 has been helpful in the Prevention of abortion. hasty tes- timonials verify its value. 100 lbs, $1.1.00 para eharges. Noexeelled Cor cattle, sheep, goats, end win,. 330 clump our -311501112 and .least Powders 1'01' all 00111,1als are not only 0a0l'et'tire 'agents for malnutrition but they more than 0153• col'. Ili cm sel,'es In grow I.1, Vigor and prod uetlon. Dr. J. 11. Engel, earner Queen lipid I'I'II1eeP0 tile„ 00'01 PI'1tn1 1)11t. \V?'lte for booklet. • FOR SALE ELECTRIC AR/TURN. NEW, 0114110, bought, sold, rebuilt; belt s, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2320 Dufferin St., Toronto. P R E I7 — COLORED NURSERY Catalogue. Full line of Fruit Trees; Evergreens; Flowering Shrubs; Perennials; Shade Trees; Rose s; Brookdnle-ICin5sway Nurseries, 13owmanville, Ontario. SL11.'111 HAT&NESS DRESSING — finest leather and harness pre- servative. Slipit also has many; boueshold uses 25c up at most grocery, hardware and chain stores. A precinct of Lloyds Lab- oratories, Toronto. T 011013' GASOLINE AGAINST ntoi'lll, returns vapor. That's bow BTUR-\i(1, Vaporizer produces more miles, Build votu's01f, lt'a pimp It Results good. Plans 85e, J. A Friesen, 1)010 Qs, 1(10E .1024, Manitoba. AR3IT 11OO110 NE1t' 1- It1di ONLl11 101' 13 000TS Of air armee r n e. , re'l'ieve cor,- ditu'n, 53.2delle ned. Ladies' army shots, 1., crag rehuii 1. 02 delivered, \l '010.1,1018 PIMr- .111t r. Vttl1l F77.(`, ,.tld 111111113; ordr 0. 110010111 lt Cu,. 1 et'llo,'ough, (1111. .10,101' OUT, ILLUSTRATED. CA"< - ;Whin eatdof ne, 1044 buitloli, bac. Vincent's Stamp Shop, 254 - St. l'1 t),,. rine West,- Montreal. NEW 1\ V1030t9.D . 1030,13810 '1RAP 11' 001' A101 INTi11t1 U'tii: 2N natrhing' h,•nt P, woltu.s. roses or 1;1',nlnd10,gs and w50011, here's. your 01,1.mi-unity, tt simple ii - expensive Trigger you, en11 matte in 10 am:ak a lo 11 sure catch for any suspiriuus animal 31.00 for plan 111111 ins 10uetl-ns. Peter 211c•pnic, Waltham, Qu -lice. STOCK .r011 SALE SI''1r1ICIIATILD AGE AND 1-01'V1'1- er dual-pm9lose Shorthorn billIS from 11.0.0. dams, deep, thick, typys females, all age ' e •075, heifers ashes. Alan Alderson, Route' 4,-HInnlilton. 11510,0 \%'A11TED EXPERIENCED 0001111 3(11(10112211024 AND all round printer, perm neat Poet - Mon. Apply Pyle I1701 11, Nar- est sel erlive Sel'vl,e Of flee. THE (.OT1 011 AT t, GENERAL TI .1. pltni, Cornwall. Ont.. is -110lyl01)Ilg n paliellnts for student nurses August 1, 1 04 4. WANT -NO WANTED IN 1100113 tISTr1CT sotne010 to take orders in their spare time for day old 0181,110 for a turtle Cana(11,111 Government Approved Chick Hat ehe02 No in- vestment required. Liberal ,m- mis06u,, Write for run 0,,t,10. Igoe 130, 73 Alelnldo .t. West, Toronto. '. FEATHERS, rpiATT411,n REDS 0)13' e)1 desm•intionst highest prides mild. For nnrticulars write to. Queen 01 ty Feather Co., 23 Told- . win St., Toronto. PASTc:RE WANTED. \\'ANTED RE - liable remove who 11000 extra good pasture and necommodnti en to pasture herds of young cn1Ile for 011013 monthly. Prefern illy 11011 Toronto. Write fully, Post Orrice Box 578, Toronto. PUPIL WOOD WANTED MAPLE, 3311014 AN 1) 24)x171) 'oltlwnnd, First er 0eeond growth. Also all kinds of \fishy tib Ci{'e toll particulars and • lowest prices ell 001.0. 1\'o1 tri' Srhiese. 10 Mel. Milo Street Toronto. MR. WOOL GROWER '011113 (01.,11 EST .31.1'11ll. 11 1\ cs111- len 51111 is under 11011 ma 111.'0 - retell t VCe oloraIe n Regleteveti Clue (-Nun t.11 AV001 \\'ur ohou, i. .1011 fire prima 'et1 10pus has,, 1 I is Seamen's wool Min On Go1•eru- mein I1'odiny standards, and nt 11 c'cornmt'ni 0111,1111i toil all.':,, Title STii;\ 111110\" R OOlI t h\` 11111.I A 1.1 U 1TED, ST)tA T.11 ItU'Y, O N'Pa ll l t),