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The Seaforth News, 1944-05-04, Page 4
THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1944 lnonnon.nminnIIIi1Inal e JIM. ilmilI.IIo nnInin.Il II.nInIIII IIInt II n Il III II II.I111 o nIII IanII IIIIIInlIIImn,II,IIIn,- YOU WILL REQUIRE A NEW FLOOR COVERING, AND A FELT OR SPRING MATTRESS OUR COMPLETE .STOCK SEE OO ONLY QUALITY GOODS SOLD ALL OTHER LINES OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE CARRIED Reasonable Prices BOX FURNITURE STORE l'OM11.nunel..1 nun utllll.lu11110 llmll,pnuuvun n,enma, , I.II..n.mauenaau nn immune RI"n uuuu.m. I NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE r. Farrner: National Selective Service is anxious to help you to fill your labour requirements, and asks your co-operation. You can help by making your needs known as early as possible. For GENERAL FARM HELP apply to your Employment and Selective Service Office. The Office at GODERICH will assist you. Or for STUDENTS or SHORT TIME SEASONAL HELP apply to Farm Service Force. Provincial Department of Agricul- ture, Toronto. KI PP EN ThOTO w Is little standing room left when parents 'children" and friends goi Inside the doors of. No. 2 1 ul l.et'slniLit school to enjoy the ex- cellent programme staged by the pupils. The closing numbers were Patriotic and very appropriate ones in view of the War loan, Much credit is doe the teacher Miss Watson, rind the Music supervisor 11'Ir. Goulding for the success of the everting, The Rev. Mr. Grant as chairman wel- comed the audience and expressed appreciation of the work clone by teachers and pupils. The following are the numbers -on the programme. Smiling faces, This old world, There's an Empire back of the union jock aid choral reading by grade V. Dialogue: A pick doll; Two part sing- ing—The world of beauty, and were I a bird: Piano duet, 'Marian and War- ren Thomson; the Irish lilt by grades 5 and (i accompanied by ' Marian Thomson; A message to the fish by grades 5 and G; A radio broadcast; A boys' chorus—The reaper's song; The making of the flag by Ivan Wren, Lloyd Cooper, and Jim McGregor; A two part song—The land of Spain by grades 4, 5, and 6; Recitation, The wasted crust by Gerald Snaith; Song --Stop, look, listen, by grades 1 to 4; An acrostic, Our Empire by grades 3, 4; Grades 1, 2, 8 sang --Here we go round the union jack, with a recita- tion by Bob Caldwell, and in unison, We'll never let the old flag fall; Children of the Empire by Jean Cald- well, Hazel Smith and Edna Broad - foot; Tlie school sang Let's make a jot) of it with a solo by Joyce Broad' foot; Dialogue—The war wolf's Wat- erloo; Land of hope and glory by the school after which a Dutch auction was conducted by Mr. Goulding, This last number was somewhat exciting and brought a goodly contribution to the amount of over $1911, already raised by the pupils during the last few )months. After the singing of the national anthem all went home not too late. and satisfied with an excel- lent evening entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Watson, with Ed- ward, of Blyth, attended the school concert on Monday evening. Mrs. Monteith has returned to her old home. The clntrch'service will be conduct- ed on Sunday first by the 'minister. the Rev. A. M. Grant, wlio will take 1s his subject. "The office ofElder." ,lIrs. Alex McMurtrie and Mrs, Harold Jones were delegates frons the W. M. S. to the Presbyterial at ('li'lton 1:ct-Thursday. Public Relations Committee. Seaforth eah e shall fight ©n the beaches e shall fight on. die 1andin. rounds 121/; - We shall fighf These historic words, spoken by Mr. Churchill in June, 1940, when Britons were frantically preparing to meet an invasion, can be para- phrased to provide even more inspiration to- day when our own invasion forces are poised for the attack on the continent: Yes, we shall fight on their beaches, on their landing grounds, in their fields; we must fight too in our factories, offices and homes, and on our farms. The Sixth Victory Loan is another great offensive launched against the enemy. Each and every one of us must strike a blow for freedom by buying Victory Bonds. ,Re& f.z ve` V BUY VICTORY BONDS M1 ASSEY HARRIS COMPANY LTD. Mrs. Robt. Varlog, Barbaraand Bill, who have been visiting with Ili', nod Mrs. Rohl. Dolrymple have returned to their home in til. C athel In •s. Mrs. I Kenny of London visitedwith her father during the Part week, SPP, W. R. Dalrymple has returned to Dunchu'n ('amp after spending his furlough at his home. The neighbors and friends ga- thered to honour hum with a Waterman pen and 'pencil set, i,lsn it pigskin wallet con- taining a sum of money: "Deur Bill. 11 is with mingled feelings wo your friends of Circuit 051 and others are assembled here this evening to bid Godspeed to one who is 0 credit to both family and community. We feel proud that you have Chosen to defend the cause of freedom and democracy,. We hope and pray the time is nob Par distant when you will be back home again enioying the fruits of freedom. Always remember that your friends hook ..home" have your hest interests at h0,101. Please accept these gifts as a slight token of our esteem for you. With our best wishes until this strife is over and Peace reigns. Signed on behntf of your friends and neighbors A.G.A." We are pleased to report. that Bobbie, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Upshali is recovering from his recent Illness. DUBLIN 0-13o111y-Lahey— Graeoful setting of pink snapdragon dec- orated the altars of St. Anne's Church, Tor- onto, on Saturday morning for the wedding of John Charles O'Reilly,. Toronto, son oe Mr. and Des. Wm O'Reilly, Dublin, to Miss June Louise Lahey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Peter Lahey, Toronto. Rev. P. T. Egan otfloluted at the ceremony and sang the nun - tial Mass. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a door length gown of white satin with sweetheart neckline and silk an- ger tip veil- and matching halo and silver slippers. She carried a bouquet of pink rows and sweetpeas. The bridesmaid. Wes Miss Lynn L„rmond of Midland, wearing a floor length gowv, of blue sheer net with matching hat and accessories. Her bouquet was red carnations with sweet bens. Following the ceremonya. reception was held at 257 Oss- ington. The bridegroom's mother assisted 10 receiving .guests, gowned in airforce blue with e0re11ge of pink roses. Dinner was serv- ed at the IChng Edward Hotel to the wed- ding party and the immediate family guests. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was twin travelling bag, to the bridesmaid, gold ear- rings; to hest nun, a military ease. Mr. atnrl. Mrs. O'Reilly will Tire at "257 Ossington Ave., Toronto. - The Ilublh, Wur Services are holding a salvage of 0'11010 paper and rags on 'ihurs- dny. May 11111. The new residence on Thomas Coyne's farm on the 4111 concession is completed and ready for occnp- aney. \'alter Carpenter has purchased 56 acres 011 the ?nd concessive) and Edward Byers has bought 25 acres on the highway hear Dublin from John Kenny, Elmer Tnffiu has secured employ- ment with the C.N.R. at Stratford. Daniel McCarthy. Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs. M. McCarthy. Mr. and Mrs. McGillivray and daugh- ter Loraine, in Owen Sound. 311', and At3's. A, Forester in Lis- tosi el. Tosepil McConnell iin Toronto. Jack Nichol, Guelph, with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Evans, STANLEY Several from the Bronson lino attended the blood clinic held in Clinton on Tuesday loot. Those who went Were bir. Clarence IIohner. Billie Armstrong, .John Marko, Mrs. Roy Scolchmer. Fred Watson, John Watson and Miss Ethel Watson. The Bronson line Red Cross meeting was hell nt the home of Mrs. H. Penhale on Wednesday of last week. The next meeting will he held at the home of Mrs. Fred Watson. Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week 250. REGENT THSEeaforthATRE Special Added Altrriluu,—C1e1 May 0, and Thurs.,M1,' I, ONLY .1 GREAT hTARS 1\ x111 GREATEST Pi -MINUTE SHOW IN HISTORY' "The Shining Future" Produced for Canadian Motion Picture War Service. Committee NOW SHO\}ING. THURS. PRI. SAT. BUIL ATOIT LUgChOS0lLLO tilt Ain't +ay7 MON. TUES. WED. -LESLIE HOWARD DAVID NIVENJ `.` "SPITFIRE" • ' hC"o — plane that beat the bomber:. Inert took Its toll In ho,iribleak 5 NL'XTT1idRS PRL SAT PAT O'BRIEN RUTH WARRICK - The stony of Frank Cnv,luutgh. football mentor "THE IRON MAJOR". COMING — GOVERNMENT GIRL - When he's wet and homesick and cold, chink how it will help him to know that the people at home are still back of him) with every fight- ing dollar they can spare. Remember the more we do for our fighting men now, the sooner they will return, and the more of then will come home safely. Lend willingly and liberally. Published in the interests of the Sixth Victory Loan W. J. DUNCAN SHOE MFTR. SEAFORTH, ONT e'I "The going's getting tougher. it's raining again. The mud is like gumbo. Over on the other side of the hili, the enemy is shelling us; in a few hours we attack. I've got to go on, now. My lob's up ahead." Your lob ties ahead too, just as clearly defined as this Canadian soldier's of the battlefront. Are you backing him to the limit? You're not giving up anything when you buy Victory Bonds. All you are asked to do is lend, not give; invest not donate! Surely the buying of extra Bonds is no hardship compared to the sacrifice of the lad who is "moving up front" today,