HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-05-04, Page 1AFTER
After a storm; fair rain drenched dowers •
Fresh and sweet in the morning hours.
After' darkness; sunshine bright,
Flooding the wend with golden light,
The Seaforth
NewsAtter ;%:
Pence After Glad. n.and heaven to share,•
Phone 84
$1 a year
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Archibald have re-
ceived word that their son, Frank J. Arehi-
bald, has been promoted to the rank of
Captain, Capt. Archibald is ,nerving with the
Eighth Army in Italy.
Mos, .Lance Norris of Wyoming who is vis-
iting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patt'lok,.
Steffe, has received word diet her husband
has been granted his majority, Maier 1b, L,
Norris left his medical practice in Wyoming
to enlist in Jule 1940, Later the same sum-
mer he went 0909 *as where he served With
an Ambulance Unit for almost a year, He
was transferred to a Canadian GeneralHos-
pital with which he is sti3I connected. With
this unit he Wont to Neth Africa at the 11me
of the Sicilian Campaign, more recently to
Italy where he is still stationed. Major and
Mrs. Norris' only child, Ronald Lance, only
a bohy when .his father left will be five years
old in June, Major Norris is a Brrucefield boy
and attended Seaforth Collegiate.
Red Cross Notes
The Lifebuoy Follies, 'Breezy Riotous
Fmn.•Feet" is to be presented en Seaforth on
June lot in Ctu'dno's hall under the ausplees
Of the Seaforth Red Cross Society. We sug-
gest that you keep this date free for an
evening or super entertainment,
On Monday evening, betty 15th,- Mrs. A. C.
McKenzie, Provincitrl Looter In War Em-
ergena(es and Mrs, Langle', District Lender
of Western. Ontario, will be at the library
at 8.10 pan and we would ask all those who
have taken classes in Home Nursing and
War Emorgoneies to plena make a special
effort to come out to hear these two speak•
ars as we feel they will have wonderful mes-
sages for tis.
Monthly reports: Hospital supplies: 26 ab-
dominal binders, 1 ne. pyjamas, 147 bed
socks, 4 pillow .cases, 7 dressing gowns. 19
hot water bottle covers, 02 face cloths, 16
bed joebots.
British Civilian: 0 panty dresses, 11 pine.
fore drums, 71 boys combinations, 4 girls
blouses. 0 boys shirts, 1 hoys rout, 1 ladies'
dress. :3 baby 1rmmn, 3 ladies gowns, 1 pr.
reapers. 90(1.4083 dressings : 50 large Moo. -
(nee. eo med. tlressiaws, 240 small dressings,
d191 rennt'00005, 560 wipes, Shipped, 90 30020
ressings, 210 med., gen small, 1800 com-
Presses. 1109 wipes. Quilts, 15 quilts return-
ed, 2 made in workrooms, 11 donated, Total
30 quilts, 18 tops donated. Knil'.ting, 00 pro.
socks, 7 pre. short penmen's seeks, 7 turtle
neck sweaters, 4 round neck :tweeters, 1 v-
neek sweater, 14 ribbed helmets,- fi pro.
gloves, 1 pr, mitre, 12 alternative caps, 9
scarves, 0 pi's. gills mitts, 4 pre. girls socket,
e pre, boys mitts, 0 pts. boys s et:klu90, 2
girls sweaters. Total 113 articles.
The executive see happy to welcome Mee..
F. 131119901. 913(0 has 00ne011te4 to net as jam
committee convener for this term,
The oreanizet(on meeting of the Huron
Holstein Calf. Club was held in the Agricult-
ure! Beard Room, Clinton, on Thursday ev-
ening, Anr11 27th.
The meeting was in 0hnree of T, B. Ma-
thesoh who spoke on the prospective preg-
ram for the members this year. The elec•
tion of officers followed which )resulted as
Ed. Cldtton, Goderich, president; Bruce
'Roy, Londesborough, vice president; Norman
Leeming. secret oy.
There are twelve prospective members.
Anyone desiring to enter their Club should
get In touch with 'Mr. Hume Glutton, Club
Supervisor, or .1. B. Matheson, Agrieultural
Representative, or anyone of the Holstein
breeders in the county.
*!blue coal'•
E. L. BX
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister.
11 a.m., Rev. Robert Hicks, of London.
2.30 p.m., Sunday School.
7 p.m., -Rev. H. V. Workman,
Thurs. 7.46 p.m., prayer service,
Welcome to these services.
First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister.
S.S. at 10 arm.
Morning service 11 a.m.
Evening service 7 pen.
'Midweek meeting Thursday ,at 8 p.m.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A.,B.D.
10.80 a.m., Sunday School.
11.80 .a.m., Rev, Angus A. Graham, M.A.,
D.D., of London -.
7 p.m., Staking Your All on Christ."
St. Thomas Church
Rector:' Rev. Dr. Hurford.
11 a.m., "Why Be Christian 7"
7 p.m„ "The Church Advancing."
Sunday School at 10 a.m.
• St. Mary's Church, Dublin
2,28 Pane Sunday School
3 p.m., 'The Church Advancing."
Recently three important religious books
have been written by Canadian authors
which might well be read by our church-
men. The Pivot is by a, United Church man,
Professor Dow of Emmanuel College, Tor-
onto, and is a splendid and: very readable
volume interpreting the beliefs of his church,
entitled, "This Is Our Faith," It is good
value for 91.00.. The second book is by a
Presbyterlmo who preached in Seaforth not
Se long. ago, Rev. J. D. Smart, Ph.D. now
of Peterborough, It is entitled, "What A
Man Can Believe," and is au .interesting and
Insfa'Uctive book for laymen. The third is by
an Anglican, Professor Dill stone of WY-
cliffe' College, and visiting Professor of
Theology at Knox College, Toronto. it deals
with "The Significance of the Cross" and
besides being finely written the book deals
very -helpfully with that which is at the
heart of the gospel and is the means of `
man's salvation.. We hope that Canadian
church people will show 001110 veil apprecia-
tion of their own wrltmis when they produce
sub books as these.
The W.A. WKS. of DoRs Ch
McKillop, held their Easter bankoferln
meeting at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Fin-
lay McIOerehcr. The Bethel' and Winthrop
Auxiliaries Were guests on this occasion
tilt's. W. J. Patton presided, Prayer by Mrs.
Robt, Hogg. Tho theme was given by Mrs.
Patton. The flub part of the Bible ;reading
was taken by Mrs, Chester Henderson and
Mrs. Rose Wardle read the second part. A
solo, Open the Gatos of the Temple," was
sung by Mrs. Robe Meleercher which was
ver ninth itppt'ecioted. Mins Sybil Courtieo,
returned missionary from Japan, gave a talk
on her work in Japan. Mies Alma Lawrence
gave a wet! 'rendered solo.
Gathering Honors
Dublin Family.
Presentation Monday Evening
to John, Vincent and Miss
Elia Dillon
John, Vincent and Miss Ella Dillon,
were pleasantly surprised on Monday
evening when about 75 guests gath-
ered at thein' home In Logan Town-
ship to bid farewell to them before
they mo-ved to their ]some in Dublin
to reside. The evening was spent in
dancing with music provided by De-
laney Brothel's, William Dantzer and
Wilfred McQuaid, accompanied by
Mt;s. :'Ernest Redscheidt, In the
course of the evening the guests of
honor were made the recipients of a
lamp, a parlor table and a. smoking
set, Jo1111 O'Rourke made the pre-
sentation and an address was read
by William Flannigan. Mr. Dillon
expressed t11itn109 on behalf of his
brother and skier. Later, refresh-
ments were served by the ladies of
the neighborhood. Following is the
address: Dear Ella, John and Vin-
cent. It 4s with deep regret that we,
your friends and neighbors, have
gear uecl of your cleclsion to leave oar
midst. During your stay among us, .
you have Caused 110 t0 value your
friendliness. your kind noigllborll-
ness , and co-operation. You have
shown your willingness to - help in
any way whenever called upon, How-
ever we are pleased to know that you
will not be living far away and we
hope to see you often, We ask you to
accept these gifts as a small token of
our regard, along' with very hest
wishes for much happiness in your,
new home. Signed m1 behalf of your
friends and neighbors.
HURON PRESBYTERY I Huron Presbyterial
The Presbytery of H1111311held its l
regular meeting in Wesley,•WiUis Reports Showed All Depart
waited Church, Clinton, last Thurs-, ments Had Made Advance -
[lay, April '27th, at .0.80 a.m. The 111ent Dgring Year
chairman, Rev. H. V. Workman, con-
ducted the devotional service,
The Secretary was inatrttcte[i t0 The auditorium of. Ontario St,church Clin-
write fetters of Sympathy to Rev.' ton, was filled to eanae3ty on April 27th, for
James Elford because of the death of the ennval convertive of Hrmon Preshyter(-
his 'wife, Rev. and Mrs, H. J. Snell be- 01 ore the Women's M(ssdonary;Society oe the
cause et the death of their sou, and g°IG�Nlay,ceou(ttletencrtahhempLeisoldeent, Mr•s,
Rev. Janes Anthonyn account of hiswhich
Y were fun 'rot inspiration and enth oieedslum.
serious illness. The morning worship service based on the'
Me. P. S. Savauge presented the theme. Dedication to Advance in the task of
finance report. Thele are n0 arrears', the church in Ctm:ula" "T lett by Mra, R,
and n0 bills unpaid. However the. Bohan anti ofrn; 1' Toil. Two minutes silence
l f1 w' memory ,four e sin ngroes of thio war
entire year's liabilities are before ns. was followed by the singing of the national
Dinner was served by the ladies of xmttlen,
l�resiey- Yfllis Church.Advance in n11 departments marked the
"story of the year, as told by Mrs. F. Pen -
The election of Officers tVas as warden and Mrs, H. Kirkby. New organism -
follows: Chairman, Rev, G. G. Bnf- tions (Deluded an auxiliary at Nevbeidge, a
Annual Convention
ton; Secretary, Rev, A. W. Gardiner;
Treasurer, Mr. F. S. Savauge, Pres-
bytery executive, Revs, H. V, 1Vork-
malt, G. G. Burton, A. W. Gardiuer,
R. A. Brook and Mr. F. S. Savauge.
Nomination for settlement commit-
tee, Revs. Andrew Lane, and R, A
0.0,I.1. group at Wexler Wlllfs in Clinton,
and throe Mission
Bands at Unie''ti(Crey town-
ship), Ethel and Benmtller. There- was an
outstanding Increase of seventy-five per cent.
In missioney reading, but there were alsn le-
e/Mites -3n membership. In giving's, in sub.
mentions to the Mlesinnory Monthly .and
World �lr: fends, and in the sale nl' literature
at the sectional meetings, Bales of clothingBrook. Nomination of 'general comp vatted at $t 5,nn were wersent to vannas miexinn
oil commissioners, ReV. A. B. Irwin 0101'14
and Mr. N. W. Trewartha,
Rev. Duncan McTavish 11a8 110111if1-
ated to succeed Rev. John Coburn,
D.D.. and Roy, Denzil G. Ridout
10.R.G'.9,, was 1100)110afe4 to succeed
Rev, Charles Endicott, D.D. Rev, R.
G. Copeland was nominated as Presi-
dent of London Conference,
In a
group thriving back at Toronto
fianl overseas on Monday night, was
Lieut. Nursing Sister Olive Hackney,
hose glome is at. Farquhar and who
s a graduate of the old Seaforth
Memorial Hospital. Lieut. T-taeknoy
was one of the first Canadian nurses
o go overseas, going with the first
The 'pupils of St. James' School presented t
Contingent. Site served in England,
South Africa and Italy.
It Victory Loan dray in the school hull last
Friday. "The War Wolf's Waterloo" Woe
staged by the Senior Class, in which Frank
Maloney noted bis pan well as the War
Wolf, The leaning character in the Junior
Chao play, 'Blue Boots," Was July Eckert..
Many patriotic chotuees weee sung and
the program closed with the National An- 3
them. • S
The May meeting of the Woman's Assoc.
Won was held 110 the schoolroom of North
!de 'United Church on Tuesday (13(0000000
with Mrs. Isaac Hndaoe presiding. Devotion-
al exercises were conducted by Miss ,Table
Reid. Plans were made for the play to be
Presented on Wednesday, May 101)1.
The dhectOes of the Huron County Holstein.
Breeders Club with the president, Leenitrd
Looming in the chair, met in the ageiceiturnl
°Rice, Clinton, on Thursday evening, J
April 27th. The main item of interest was B
the setting up of an entirely new prise list
for the County Black and White DEW which
is to be held 1n Seaforth in September, The A
Married, at Toronto on Satvrdoy. April
22nd, 10,14, by Rev, T. W. Neal, Violet Mae -
(ret, emend daughter of Mr, and Mrs,
oho FI. Scott, Seaforth, to Alexander Mac-
ao son of Mrs. MaeRAe and the hate Mr.
A. V, MacRae, of Inverness. Scotland.
new prize Inst coxnNdns thirteen classes with
over one hundred mazes offered. The club has
adopted the Bleck and White Day policy uP
equal priee money throughout all classes, The
amount of each prize is to be 93. There is
to be an entry fee of 60e for each entity.
The directors are enthusiastic about the
new prize list end are looking for a big
turn out of Holsteins. Inman Thompson of
St. Pauls was again chosen judge. .
Dr, Harvey Robb, President of the West-
ern Onttnrlo Conservatory of Music held
piano examinations at St. Joseph's School of
.Music on Friday, April 14th. The following
pupils were successful, all receiving high
marks: Piano to Gr. V--Mtu•liyn Chesney
(Honours). Pietro to G. IV—Ann Delo-
Emilie', . (Honours), Piano to Gr. III—Jos-
ephine McIver (1st Honours), .Patricia Meir
(Honours), Mary LouSills (Honours). Pi-
ano to Gr. II—Douglas McBeth (1st Hon-
ours), Phyllis Boyce (1st Honours).
Examinations will be held in June for
practice! and written work,
The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. of the
Northside United Church was held Tuesday,
May 2nd, at 8 p.m. Prayer by Mr. Work-
man. The roll was called with. 14 present.
Ronald Savange, the citizenship convener,
took over• the meeting. Scripture was read
by' Lois Whitney followed by a poem by
Ron Savauge. An interesting and beneficial
address on the GovernmeGenerol of Canada,
the Earl of Athlone enol hie wife. Princess
Alloe, was given by Miss Fennel. Lois Whit-
ney moved a vote of thanks to Miss Fennel
and the meeting closed with the Mizpoh
On Friday evening the membersand
Mende of the L.0.13.A. were entertained. at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Nott.
Thirteen tables of euchre were in play and
the prize winners Were ars renews: Ladles'
1st, Mrs. David McLean ; lone. hands, Mrs.
Garnet MoClinehoy 1 consolation, Mrs. M.
Stewart ; men's first, Mr. Ernest Stevens;
lone hands, Mr. Chas. Cunn(nghem; consol-
ation, Mr. Wm. Shannon ; lucky plate, Mrs..
Wesley Niebells, Lunch was served and the
national anthem closed the evening.
The following from a Cartwright, Man,,
paper refers to a former resident.
Friends in this community were grieved
to lean of 'the death of Mrs. Walter Jamie-
son, who possed away at her home eat of
Cartwright' on Sunday morning, April 16th,
follolving ten days Illness. Mrs. Jamieson
had not been inrobust health for several
years, but from the commencement of her
last illness until the end came she suffered
greatly. The funeral took place on 'Tuesday
afternoon with funeral .service being conduct-
ed in the United Church by the I mstov, Rev,
A. G. smith, following which the remains
were laid to rest in the family plot in Carte
weight cemetery. Many friends ham the town
and district were In attendance : to per their
past reenacts to their iedend end neighbour.
Born in the county of Halon, at Seaforth,
Ont.. on January 21st 1873, a daughter of the
late Me. and -Mrs. Edward Sperling', she mar-
ried Waiter Jomiesmn of the sane place Jan.
31, 1006, and came West the same year to
Hai'tnoy, when they farmed until 1014 in
which year they moved in Cartwright and purchased pact of section 4 2-14 where the
family stem made thein home. Mrs. Jamieson
wasof a quiet and reserved nature, a great.
1over of flowers, and always welcomed friends
to her Thome, Surviving are her benewerl ius-
banl,three sons, John Allan, Arthur Ed-
ward and Joseph Leslie, all at home, and four
slaughters, Mee. Bert McCallum (Isla) ; Mrs.
Frank Roe (Florence) both 000(13ng in this
district; Mary :Sana and Myrtle Grace, boot
at home Two children, Welter Roy and Be-
atria* Harriet, died in childhood. Mrs lain-
icson also hes -tt0* sisters, and three brothers
living, Mrd, W. R. Shed°, Egmondville, Ont
Mvs. Many E, FIagiooO, Braeebridge, Musko-,
lea .Canary 1. Albert Sperling, Seaforth, Ont,,.
AlonzetSparling, Wmovete, Ont., and .Allan
Spading, Clevoond, Ohio. Three brothers pre-
deceased her, .Bob, Arthur ! and Ernest Spar.
The Canatl(ail Legion Post 106 acknow-
ledges with sincere thanks and appreciation
the cheque for .$36.40 received from W. J.
Finnigan on behalf of the Cigarette Fund.
This money was subscribed in ten cent
pieces at euchre parties in different homes in
Egmondville and Seaforth during the winter.
A joint meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary
and the Ladies' Guild of St. 'Phomas' Chu.•eh
was held on '1•ueedayof this week in the
parish hall. Tenmembers and 0a welcome
visitor, Mrs. Morner, answered the roll call..
Mrs. Hurford, the W.A. president. opened
the meeting with Scripture reading from
Acts 111-20 followed by the litany and mem-
bers prayer in unison. After business 1900
completed Mrs. Hurford gave a very inter-
esting and detailed account of the annual
W.A. convention in London. The deanery
meeting will he held in IP/Ingham on June
9th. MM. Mc
Gavin, the Guild fumed
in prayers for the. pariah and armed torcea.
Plans were made for a home cooping sale
and an Empire Day tea oe May 23od.
After the offertory was dedicated, the
meeting closed with the benediction,
A pretty April wedding tool: place at the
bride's home on Saturday, April 22nd at 3
o'clock when Rev. Helmick miffed- in mar-
riage Alice Catharine, youngest daughter of
Mr, and Mrs, George .T. Thiel of Zurich and
Charles Wesley Hugill, ser of Mr. and Mrs.
Jonathan E. Hug ll of Seaforth, The bride,
given 171 marriage by her father, wore a
floor length gown of 90101te brocaded satin
styled with sweetheu't neckline end long
sleeves ending in points oval the hands, She
.yore n finger tip veil of white illusion
caught with is headdress of orange blossoms
and carried a bouquet of pink carnations,
Miss Iona Hugill, sister of the groom was
bridesmaid, wearing a floor length gown of
Pale bine.. sheer with matching shoulder
length .veil. She carried a bouquet of prink
carnations, sweet peasrand snapdragon. Le-
roy Thiel, brother of the bride, was best
man. Following the ceremony a reception
and wedding supper was held at the home
of the bvide's parents, Fifty guests were
present. Mrs. Thiel, mother 0f the bride,
wore n two-piece orchid suit. Mrs. Hug ll!,
mother or the bridegroom, .vas gowned in a
(lowered silk jersey of gold and foschha
each westing a corsage of sweet news and
rosebuds. The bride's table was decorated
with pink and white streamers and centred
with a three.storey wedding cake. Litter Me.
and Mrs. Hugili left.. for a wedding trip to
Niagara Falls end -other points, .the 'bride
travelling in a gold dress, tweed coat and
matching accessories. On their return they
.Siltreside in Zurich.
Mr. and Mrs. -Fred W. Wigg ennonnee
the engagement of thole daughter Marjory
Bernice, to Arthur Frede•(ek Wilcox, B.Sc.,
eon of Mrs. and the late Geo. Wilcox, Van-
couver, B.C., the wedding to take place the
late, part of May..
The Gist appearance In the sane film of
the two top crooners, Bing Crosby 011(1 Frank
Sinatra, takes place In - "Phe Shining Fut-
ure', the Canadian Motion Picture War Ser-
vices picture showing at the Regent on Wel.
and Thins, evenings of this week.
The Miseinn Bands slowed perl(euhn'ly
fins work done, tine parr Tally 10 better rn•
operation from the smiler (moues. Especially
00e worship serelees Were held and mach
hand work such n•: ,e io knittrnl"., ranking
Fermi books red pesters was thaw, Fift,+en of
the forty-six Bands qualified for the Stand-
ard l of Rera•tnition. Thr -r were: Auburn,
Blucvnle. Brumfield, Blyth, Elimville Exeter
(Seines St.). Winthrop, Walton. Westfield.
Mencrief, londesborit Clinton 0Wesley-j'Vf1-
Ii) Clinton I i)nturin 91.1. Cnnstnnre and
W hiuham.
Foliewine this imminent of the y,•.n'- work
Mrs. Timelier led n lively and helpful deems-
slnn period. Some of (Ie nuaantlino paints
d Were !hut we vnistudy and Use
our Blue Bork more extensively and that we
should give cavern! and prayerful preparation
to the woehlp soviet, at our meetings: WHere-
the suggested service is goad 11 should be
adapted to suit the individual auxiliary.
Miss Willse,the treasurer, reported that
$14,1911 imtl been sent to the Conference
Branch trnnsurer, which was 00 increase of
9583 over the previous year, Bermes S left In
trust to three different vuxIllarics amounted
to 00459.00.
Further encouragement in the financial as-
pect of otu' work was expressed by 1.41ts, J. C.
Britton when she stated that the givings of
oar W,M,S,, in London Conference Branch
111190 pinoticnly mnehed their pre -depression
penit. However, the moot hnportnnl advance
in God's work has been the Increase In the
Prayer lite of our members. We have discov-
ered that Nye can't continuefollowing our own
wills then tucking God's blessing on nor or-
lons. Prayer must come first.
Miss 111. Stirling challenged the convention
with the emotion Are we advancing in
Temperance? She painted out that drink Oeste
Ontttrlo twenty dollars per yea!' per capita,
also that there is more motley spent on alco-
hol than on church Airings.
The W.bt.S, will lie held in the .church at
Melte on Thursday evening, May 11, at 8
o'clock, All are asked to bring any 0000nd
hand clothing to this meeting for the bale.
The farmers are all busywith their seed-
ing in this community.
Mr. and Mrs, I•Iarold Finial. .and family
stent a day in London.
Mrs. Lloyd Finnigan and baby Bobby .are
spending a few drays In Godeeleh at .the
home of her sister. Mrs. Cecil Attridgeand
infant son.
Miss Emma. Dinsmore called on her cousin
In London ono day,
Miss Phyllis. McBride, who was very sue-
eessful in writing off her exams in passing
her tests finished her term until fall at the
Clinton Collegiate Institute and 3s spending
the time now at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamont einem a day 10
Mr. Regis Duelmrme employed or the
term of Mr. Thomas Dinsmore happened
with en injury to his hand and is with lois
patents on the Bluewater Highway until It
10 healed.
Mrs. Mono Buehler who is at the home of
Icer' daughter, Mrs. Chris Cingerich, is not
enjoying the best of health, She (s very
poorly at date of writing.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Oesoh and family visit-
ed the latter's another, Mrs. J. Swa•teen-
neher• who Is ill atthehome of Mr. and
Mrs. Gingerieb.
Mr. Rudy Ouch (s at present employed
with IOalbtleisch Co. of Zurich and to work-
ing near Sebringvtlle this week.
Mrs. Arthur Shreemn is still confined to
her. bed. Her hoary
friends wish her a
speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Scotchnter are
spending the week in Toronto.
Mrs. J. Jowett and her mother have
moved back to their home in "The
Grove," having spent the winter in
the village.
Mr, and .Mrs,. A. Maxwell have 1•e -
tired from Clinton and are getting
settled in their own home,
LAC. Fred Weston of St. Thomas,
RCAF.; spent the week end at his
home in the village.
Mr. H. R. McKay and daughter
Mrs. A, Bassett, of Goderich, spent
Sunday at their home.
Mr, S. Sterling has moved into
Thos. Westlake House on the square.
Mrs, (Rev.) Colwell returned from
Detroit where she was a guest of 11e1'
daughter Mrs. Moore.
Master Billy Elliott spent the week
e131 i11 London.
Mrs. D. McKenzie who had an
accident and fell and broke her hip,
is able to be out of the hospital and
is convalescing at the glome of her
sisters Misses Sterling and her many
friends are glad to know she is mak-
ing satisfactory improvement.
Mrs. W. Ferguson spent a few clays
with. het' aunt Miss S. Govenlock 11
Seaforth last week.
Tho pupils of Bayfield School a'e
taking part in the Music Festival 'u
Goderich Wednesday and Thursday
, I
l:t F®
Let .Them Beat You,Folks
Put Ou
r Town on Top
A meeting has been called for 3 p.m. on
Friday, May 611in the council chambers for
the purpose of re-orgtm(zing Ehe Seaforth
Athletic Association, The meeting is being
prompted by the offer of the Sports Commit -
tea of the Seaforth Lions Club to co-operate
(n every way possible with any organization
sponsoring midget, bantam and fuvenile
o o,•ts',
For many years the Athletic A80003 001
s0ecess<ully carried on in the town, but due
to depletion of tanks' caused by the joining
of .the armed .forces by so many members,
the Assoelation has been inactive for the
130x1 couple years.
This hnetivltyof has beetthe eee,e of s0
many sports declining in the town and mak-
ing R necessary to brilur in outsiders tofill
our teams. The intention behind the re-
organizing is to glve all the ymmgee elem-
ent of the town an opportunity to PIPS in
supervised and organised marts. and besides
helping the boys by tile' training, giving the
different sports a nucleus for temps of home
boys after the war.
71 ie hoped chat all -Interested In Newts In
the town will attend this meeting 0nel be
rn,par'ed to discuss and give Nott .estions for
the organization of teams noun"etthe
younger hays.
Don't forget the time and tim Imre. nee-
tl.oy, biny 5th, council chambers, 0' a n',•lerk
The pl.i: re 'The Shining Future." which
Iis se protege -0 by WainerIlros, and riven to
1 War Pi r u•r,. ram, 'vithoat
ehnrrn., s,' , ,h„un to nhnut: 175 enml,ve,rs
'n Ito Regent Theatre afternoon nt
1 o'clock. The theatre was kindly loam=(, 11.7
the theatre management. Following the
•howind or this picture Rev. Richard Stocv-
enl of G ,h.rdh Indy. eery impre,iiely Why
everyone should F.Dabscrille re this loan.
Tho pbmt eoctiii, t • as follow,: R. Bel
03500. J. Bosh ori & ti me n40011,14'. J. lain -
eon Shoe C,. 327ee Ileolry Flus Products
The Diniene phot nversub roibed their
quota is P finers, having at tint- time
02930 with the euneao, not quite completed.
Wednesday 151 noon the Reeky Flex plant
had met Rota of 82.750 with Penne, prnc-
Uca11y completed, y.
At Bells Wednesday noon $21110 had been
subscrihrd and Bnsb a ts. started with sinso.
'rhe town is dragging with only 9701,0,00.
with 41 per cent, while 511 per renttime is
oane. Everybody is asked to step In and do
their part,
The Seaforth Women's Institute will meet.
gin Tuesday evening, May loth, at 0.311 nt the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nott. The
roll call, My Favorite Flower, Mr: Mathe-
son, the aurieuitural remmoontative of Her -
cm, will be the guest. sneaker. Gentlemen are
welcome and please note the change of time.
Word has been received by Mrs. E. A.
Dttiinu of Brumfield and Mrs. Robt, Mac-
Lean of Hensel! of the death of their neph-
ew, Flying Officer Marvin Henderson on ac-
tive service, Flying Officer Henderson w00
in his twenty-third year and was a son of
the late Mr, mrd Mrs, D. G. Henderson of
Toronto. He had been on active service since
1940 and Is survived by one brother. Eldon
of Toronto.
Mise Margaret. Montgomery of Hamilton
spent the week end with bee parents. Mr.
and Mrs, John Montgomery.
Mr. and Mrs.. Elton Heist of Toronto
spent a few days with his mother and sisters
Mr. John Gillies. chief eu(nee0 of the S.S.
Sewed, visited Ilia family on 80011(e.
Mr. and 1410, Harold Bolger and Shiner
of Wniten visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Pryeo an Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Entail visited Ste.
mrd Mrs. Pete,' McGowan on Sunday.
The helping Eland Mission Bond mei lo
the 5,5. room on Saturday, Apr, 20. Maxine
YIuiley reed the Scripture, And Shiley
Montgomery led in prayer. The offering was
received and hymn 151 was sung. Donald
McClure gave n reading. The roll call for
the next meeting will he facts about our
mother. Mrs. Hogg told the children a
atony. The meeting was closed with prayer
by Mrs. Dodds,• The nest meeting will he
held on May 20th.
Miss Doris Eisler of Seaforth spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs, Manuel Heuer -
Mr. and Mol. Rey Hart of London with
her parents, Me. and Mrs. L. G. Rock..
Mr, and bars. .Geo, Young of Stratford
with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Diefeel,
Mrs. Nnrmnn Flolfinever, Grace and Jackie
of Sebeirgville with Mr. and Mrs. Ell Rap -
Mrs. Mary Dittmar of Torontowith her
brother. Jack Pruner,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hinz spent Sunday
with their daughter.• Wren Doris Hinz et
Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ahrens and Mr.
end blrs. Fred Hoeg' accompanied them.
Mies Dorothy Querenuesser retooled home
after spending a few months in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Wolfe. Keith and
Roy have moved into there house recently
'Meted by Chas. Leonhard!. -
Rev, Schultz preached the sermon at the
morning service at Wallace Church -Sunday. -
Mrs.. Elizabeth Leethodt le- confined to
her bed at the home of lice daughter, Mrs.
Adam KIstner.
A very successful deuce was held hi the 1
school on Friday evening, the proceeds be- ,
inq $127.00, sponsored by the Potriotle Soc-
iety. Tickets were sold on a quilt and mat,
the winters being Pte, Friink Beoermam
the quilt, and Jerome Manley the mat, Re- '
Proshments were sold.
The Luther League presented their play,
'°Phe Bright Penny," in Milverton on .Wed -
needn't, evening.
About 20 members 0f Luther League at.
tended the spring rally of the Slratferd Dis-
trict held in Stratford on Sunday.
The Brucefield Yount: People's Society is
molding 'its annual ana(versaoy 001•vices next
Sunday, May 7. Services will commence at
11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. with the Rev, Snell
of Auburn In charge, Special music will be
supplied by the Young People's choir. The
soloists are to lie Mr. Donald Rau Of Aub-
urn at the morning service and Mrs. Roland
Stewart of Senfortb at the evening service.
On the following Monday evening, May
0, a play, "Deacon Dubbs" will be presented
by the Goshen young people in the basement
of the rhnreh under the auspices of -the
BruceOelti -Young Peoples Union,
Mrs. (Dr.) Moir of Ilensall spent last week
et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jae, Moody.
Several of the W.M.S. members front
here attended the Huron Prasbyleriol last
Thursday in Ontario St, Church, Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs, Rott, Denotes ofSimone
Dol i i one
visited with Mr. Douglas' bother, bIr. Wm
Douglas and family last week,
Kenneth Bnehanan, of S.S.-No, 3, Hobert,
Punic of Mrs. 15onald Gill and bliss Anne
Garrett, hes passed examination for High
Sehenl 'Entrance for farm leave, set by
Inspector R. 0. Staples,Will 1000390 certifi-
cate after a period of thirteen weeks,
The Tuekersmith Ladies' Club will hold 'a'
quilting at Turner's 'next Wednesday after
noon, May 10, There will also be a sale of
Plants and bulbs, A good attendance is re.
Wrist Watches
of Merit
We have been very for-
tunate In securing a• large
number of the "Pierce Para-
shock" Wrist Watch. This is
a Watch which combines
excellent appearance, com-
pact size, fine time keeping
quality and long service in a
very reasonable price,
15 Jewels, Waterproof,
Shockproof, Non magnetic,
with assorted styles and
dials at
• plus Luxury Tax
We recommend this watch
aft -1' careful tests.
Fred S. Savauge
Opposite Post Office
Phone 194 Res. 10
Nappies, Sister Bebe Munn of the
Lond,o, and Dorothy Munn of London,
sp,•m tin wet•k Pint with their parents, Mr,
mil bHx. Rnht, Munn.
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Ma,La1•en and Donald
visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mr.. Alex.
Melieath, Bippen.
Alio; Margau'"t Sangster of Exeter spenta
ideas( t Itulidoy with her mother, Mr*. Min
010 San;rster,
12(04 Norma Cook of tendon spent the
week end at the home of her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. N. E. Conk.
Master Ross Corbett returned home from
the Siek Children's Haopitol in London
where he was undergoing treatment.
Ronald Parker of the RCAF and Mrs,
Parker of London spent the week end }vitt
the former's invents, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon
Mrs, Carter of London 017e11 the Week end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bell.
Lieut, .Alda Bolton returned to London
after spouting the week end with her mo-
ther, Mrs. Gordon Bolton,
Ntirsing Meter Eleanor Boll of the RCAF,
London, spent n few days recently with her
mother, Mrs, Wm, Hyde.
Mr, and Mrs, Barrie Williams of ICitehen-
er -visited with the latter's parents, Mr. and
MIs. G. M. Drysdale.
Mrs. MaoGreer of London visited last week
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bon
Nursing Sister Marton Dougall of the R.C.
N.V.R. spent the week -end at the home of ben
parents Mr, and Mrs. Wm, R, Dougall,
Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flyn of London .tatted
ever the week -end with the latter's parents
Mr. and Mrs. Tits, Parkins.
Miss Margaret Bell of the C.W.A,O. Lon-
don spent the week -end with her patents Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Bell,
Mr. Roy M0oLuren of London, spent the
week -end at his home here with Mrs. Mae.
Laren and Donald.
Mrs. Norman Pepper of Hanover returned
home after visiting her sister and brother -in -
1000 Mr. and Mite. J. W. Bon1hron.
Miss Jute Saundercoek was the guest of
Miss Marion biacLaren in Golerlch over the
.Seek end.
Miss Grace Brack of London spent the
week end. with her mother, Mrs. Flossie
Brock .mil members of the family.
Pte. Harvey McLarnton of London spent a
furlough at his home here with Mrs. lSlc-
Larnon and family prior to leafing for Br.
P0. Gerald Passmore, who has been sta-
tioned at Patricia Bay to spending his em-
barkation leave with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Passmore.
Mrs, Enoch Parker is spending a few days
u the home of her son and daughter-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Keys in Mitchell,
Mrs. Anne Saunder000k has received
word of the geadhntion of her daughter,
Gladys; Mrs. Verne Smith formerly of Exe-
ter, as a Registered Nurse, recently in
Montreal. Following is a copy of the Mon-
treal paper: "Twelve candidates received
hntlges mid four. who had completed the re-
au(stte time in proctl°e tveoe given their
diplomas at the closing exercises of the
Parker School of Trained Attendants in the
Herbert Symonds parish house, Montreal.
Prior to the graduation eeer'eises a delight-
ful ten was held by the cloys. Presiding at
the table which was beautifully arranged
with spring covers was Mrs. J. Humphries
and Mrs. C. McBride. The closing address
was given by Mrs, Estelle .lean Warfoik,
prominent writer of Montreal, Dud winter
of first prize forpoetryat the World's Fair.
Miss M, T. Parker, R.N., MCBN., the dir-
ector of the school, was the incipient of a
hemniful gift frons the class.
The ladles of the Menotti Inseitutean-
uomrce that they end the war service eon-
m(ttee will be peeking approximately fifty
boxes for the FIe(sall boys who are -serving
overseas. Those wishing be add to the re-
eceipts en hand may leave their donations
with Miss Gladys Luker byMay 13. Dona-
t ions of sugar for the homemade candy will
be gratefully accepted. Anyone having empty
pound boxes suitable for cantly oe cookies.
oe magazine-&, Seaforth and Exeter papers
are asked to leave then at the town hall.
Mr, E, L. Mickle Is 10 Ottaweon business
this week.
The May meeting of the. Mission Circle of
the United- Church was het( on Monday ev-
ening .at the home of Mrs. Townshend with
Miss Edna Sanaderonek ptosdding, Devotional
w as given by Miss Gladys Luker. Mrs. Mary
Buchanan led in prayer. The topic was taken
by Mrs, Hewarvl Hyde. Mrs. ;Tack Teaotair
w as 00110lntc1 assistant tre0sueer. Mrs. Wm.
Smele received donstions for the bale, It
was disclosed Lint the Circle members and
guests are -invited to .17r, and Mrs. Sas.
Bell's lovely grounds for their picric on
,June 140h, all to meet at Mos. Jack Tea.
gash"s residence 51 6,16. Social 0(090000,
Mrs, binry Buchanan in charge of. refrosh-
molts. In case of rain the group will hold
the event at Mrs. Tea:melee; home,
The Iltay meeting of Elle Hensall Wmnon'o
Institute will be held at the home of Mrs.
JFs, Sangster o11 Wednesdsy, May. 10th, with
Mrs. Fred Beer co -hostess, The theme is
Citizenship. The 01000, My. Duty as a Good
Cloaca," to he taken by Mrs, Ed. No•min-
ton. Ron cull, 0 letter written to a Ind over -
sons to be mile(' with Ivens. Flaw to Peak
en over as boxproperly,
se 0 Mrs. Tax. Sang -
ter, Recipe, Mrs. Beer, current events,
Mrs. A. ShrtTay. The guest speaker will be
Rev, Joseph Tnylo•. A good attendance of
members end anyone inirrested is t'equeatel
as this will he the first meeting of the Tnatl-
tute beginning their. year. Members are re-
minded to bring paper, pencils and tea. .
Ealy Tomatoes—
There la 00 display in the Now -Commer-
cial Hotel window three tonnto plants Over
fear feet high boating fourteen green. tom-
atoes. These plants were -planted the hitter
part nf. December by Miss. Pearl Gnl)man
and Miss Alice Boaler cm1N'oyed at1,111,. hotel
w ho ling r(ne tomatoes to eat from these
planta lost week,