The Seaforth News, 1944-04-27, Page 2tri RECORDS FOR PRISONERS The first shipment of phonograph records destined for German prison camps in which Canadian are interned was presented to Major General the Hon. L. R. LaFleche, Minister of National War Services, in Montreal. P. R. Deakins, President of RCA Victor, who officially turned the records over to the General, is seen here introducing him into the intricacies of a modern recording instrument. The shipment is the first of a regular monthly service to prisoners -of -war in Germany. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Onions For Wounds The aroma of fresh onions and garlic is such a good germ -killer that the Russians are using on- ions as an aid in curing infected ,wounds The story is told in the Ameri- can Review of Soviet Medicine, by B. Tokin, A Kovalenok, L V. Toroptcev and A, G. Filatova. They tested human mouths and found that after three to eight minutes of chewing fresh onions or garlic, and sometimes after one minute only, the mouths were found free of bacteria, The Russians say they don't know what the chemical is that makes the breath lethal. The killing effects disappear after about 18 minutes, but the punch, white It lasts, is tremen- dous. It kills not only the invis- ible germs, but the big visible protozoa, These are one -cell ani - male, like paramecia The killing, or healing, aromas are not confined to onions and garlic. The Russians report thein in lesser degree in horeradish, radishes, peppers, and such fruits as lemons, oranges and tange- rines. The wounds treatel. with onion were all amputations, of arms or Iegs. The onion was never placed in or on the wound. A container was made to fit the wound, and carrying the vapors to it for 10 minutes in each treatment, The improvement was good enough that the Russians report they be- lieve the plant fumes have a place in treatment, Hugh Try It A foreigner once rashly asserted that he thoroughly mastered the English language, relates the Shef- field (England) Telepraph, Where upon some one asked hint to write form dictation the following: As Hugh Hughes was hewing a Yule log from a yew tree, a man - iu clothes of a Clark hue carte tip fo Hugh and said, "Have you seen my ewes?" Said Hugh, "If you wait until I hew this yew I will go with you anywhere its Europe to look for your ewes." PISTOL-PACKIN' PUP Lassie, a pup bought by Chicago police captain Louis Capparelti ss a pet for his daughter, was kept in the police station to be housebroken. She liked the place 10 much she refused later to live at home, walks beats with the tops, and, as pictured above. proudly packs a rod and shield aprove she's. no child's , -bu Mascot to 200 burly rspps,. Have You Heard? An officer had dictated a letter to a C.W.A,C, stenographer iii which the words "intelligence of- fice:" were used twice. The steno- grapher, not used to army titles typed "intelligent officer." The officer who had dictated the letter roared at the little stenographer: "look at this! Who- ever heard of an intelligent offi- cer?" —0— A: 'So you bought a new fur coat after all. I thought you said your husband could not afford it this year." B: "So I did, but we had a stroke of luck, My husband broke his leg and the insurance company paid hila 8300." —0— He: "Do you think I'm con- ceited?" She: "No, Why do you ask?" He: "Well, men as good looking as I arm usually are." —0— This story comes from the Alex- andria Army Air Base in Louisi- ana, Two soldiers stepped forth smartly when they heard the top - kick ask for a "postal detail," They e'tvisioned soft jobs. They learned quickly, when .handed shovels, that he actually had said "pox. hole detail." How Can I? Q How can I remove marks of scorch? .A Clothing that is scorched while ironing should be immediately plunged into cold water. Allow it to stand for twenty-four hours and by that time the marks will have disappeared. This of course applies to material that is washable, Q How can I soften hard paint? A Paint that is hated and use- less can be softened by pouring an inch of turpentine on top of it and. letting it stand for a few days. Then stir With a stick until soft, Q How can I remove rust from steel? A A steel article that has be- come badly rusted should be soaked in sweet oil for one or two days and then rubbed with a fresh lime. Q Ilow can I give vitality to a canary? A. If the canary has lost vitality during the molting period, place a rusty nail in the drinking water. It will supply iron to the bird when he is Dot so actve as ltsual, Q 'What is a good way to inail coins? A When nailing a ,coni with a letter, attach the coin to the note paper with a strip of adhesive tape, It will hold the coin in place until it reaches its destination, He Nothing is more depres- sing than headaches... Why suffer?.,, Lambly's will give instant relief, Lambl'y's is good forcer- •• ache, toothache, pains in y11q hack, stomach, bowels. T%ud.� MORE CASH FOR YOUR CAR ANY MANE, MOD101, OR 7'Iltri Wl: NEE.) 50 (;ARS NOW 2-37 MODELS TRAINMO'TOR CO. . MI, 4711 --- 579 YONGE , TORONTO t ALL TIRED OUT Comely workers at Air Service Command warehouse, Miami, Fla., display largest and smallest tires supplied to U.S, Army Air Forces. Georgie Stroud sits comfortably atop 58 -inch Flying Fortress tire as she and Jean Lineberger hold - 8 -inch tires used on landing wheels of PT -17 training planes. Nazi Supply Lines Lead Through Rome The only way the Germans can supply their defence lines at Anzio and Cassino is through Rome. All railway supply routes and all major roads lead through Rome to the south,. and through Route only, Rome is one Large distribution center through which all things German flow. It will he an opeu city only when and if the. German army stops using its stations, air- fields, roads, iltilitery deputy and barracks and not before, Modern Etiquette By Roberta: Lee 1. Is is proper to touch the lips with the tips of fingers that have been dipped into the finger bowl? 3 Is it all right for a woman to close a social letter with `respect- fully"? - 3 Is it correct for a hostess to rise when greeting each guest? e flay one ever interrupt a per- son who is speaking? 5 If a woman does not observe a regular at-home day, what are the customary visiting hours? 6 \-Vha1 should -bethe minimum of space alloted to each guest at the dinner table? Answers 1 While often done, one should learn to eat without snaking the lips greasy. It should be sufficient to touch the lips with the napkin. d No. "Sincerely," "Sincerely yours," or, 'Very sincerely yours" would be the best endings. 3 Yes regardless of whether the guest is a titan or a woman. It would be inhospitable if she didn't, 4 This would depend Upon the reason Tor interrupting. It would be rude to break into a couversntion in order to introduce a person or just be- cause one is bored. 5 Betsveen the ' alms of three and five in the after- noon, 6 Twenty inches is the Inillilnutn, United States War Loan $16,000,000,000 Secretary of the Treasury henry -llorgentitau, lr., set Julie 124uly 8 as the dates for the fifth United States war hem drive in which that country will be asked to invest 810,- 000,000,000, Easy to roll, delightful — to smoke FINE (UT CIGARETTE TOBACCO ` ppP gi,i1 'F'•5 4 v Aircraft Designs In Post -War Houses 1 new British plan for post- war mass production of pre -fabri- cated houses will not only provide 4,000,000 extra hones for Britons but wilt aid aircraft firms, now turning out thousands of bombers and fighters, in their conversion to pence -time manufacture. Blue, printed by 120 large firsts, re- presenting - fire major British in- dustries—aircraft plywood, steel tubing, light alloys, and iron and steel ---the scheme will benefit front war -learned lessons in aircraft con- struction and- design. For example Britain, unused to central heating wit have in Its new houses heating and insulating devices borrowed straight ft'ou) its fighting planes. To avoid standardization, five or six basic designs have been pre- pared. Pre -fabricated houses, ac- :BABY CRICKS SPECIAL PRICES 1POlt JUNE AND JULY Darted hock Mixed 10e New Hampshire Mixed ,,11c White Leghorn Nixed ..,, 10c Barred Reek Pullets 17e White Leghorn :Pullets .., 20c Don't delay, $1.00 books your order. Gnrleton 11ntrllery, Britannia Heights, Onl titin. BABY CHICKS, 315.00 PER 100, After may 1, 911.00, Thresher's Hatchery, Harrow, Ontario, RIVISRSTDS GOtil7\MPNT AP - proved luby Chicks from large type bloodlested Breeders, noth- ing but 24 oz. Diggs and over are set, assures you big' ,vigorous, fast maturing Chicks, Barred Rocks, Witte Legborns, Light Sussexs, Write for folder, River- side Pouttry farm Hickson, Ont. NO WAITING. WE CAN PILL 011 - dm's for most breeds in dayolds and several breeds in started pullets. If you think you haven't enough to catch the good markets in the Ltll — those started pullets will likely be the enswcr, But Order now, Bray Hatchery, 131) John N., Hamilton, Ont. O, 0, 5. BARRED ROCK: CHICKS from Pullorum-free, government improved breeders. Send for price list. Hanes Poultry Perm Jersey - vine, Ont. ACT QUICKLY 12' 'YOU WANT some of these good Twaddle two and three week old started' chicks In non -sexed, pullets or cockerels Special reduced prices while they last, Also clay olds and pullets eight weeksof age and older. Write tot• the new 1044 'tw ddle catalogue, Twaddle Chick ll'utchet'!ea Limited, Fergus, Ontario. CHICKEN RAISING ISN".I' "HIT OR miss" any more Making money out +0.nf chickens and eggs- is a cut and dried proposition now- adays. The wise man knows there are certain rules In the game that must be observed if he's going to keep his ah h't and have enough left to buy a necktie when the season Is over, This Man starts with chicks of -known breeding. Government Approved from blood tested breeders. He ]snows chicles don't. -"lust grow" they have to be raised. This uhap usually makes til en ey out of chickens , . - and a whole 10t of folk start with Top Notch chicks heettnse they feel they're depend. able. We can give prompt de- livery on duty olds, two, three and fou' week olds. Send for catalogue and slicclai prlceliet. Top Notch ChIciceeles, C4atolph, Ontario. - SPECIAL SUSSEX II 1D•I'1'. PUL - lets, 9 wecke old ready for range; Pred Henderson, '14.1 SebsIngville,; Lot 13, Con. e, Ellice. SU717R1011 014TChS, AL1., BREED-- ers blood tested. Write for our special low prices for end of May. June and Joh chicks. Leg-. horns., Barred Rocks, Hatnpshires R o t: k Hemp, Sussex, Sussex Hampa 'mixed chicles, pullets, - cockerels; 0-8-1.0-12 week ofd pul- lets for immediate delivery. Superior Hatchery-, „Linwood, Ont.. PULLETS AND C: A;PONS 7'1101 May and ,lune Intehed ebteks. Our New :Hampshire Light Sussex hybrids melee excelle)tt leyera and ohoieest of meat birds. 'Weber' Poultry len rel and Fiat- ehery, Route 2, Kitchener, Ont, THE EXPERIENCE RIENCT - OP OTT—DIMS Is thecheapest lonelier, 7 a -cldle customers conte beek to Tweddls for chkdts again and ageia. It's been going on for over 19 years. We mention this now brrnase You'll agree flint t:here's no time for experiment In this 1944 mnr- lcet and also because We w euldn't build' nu 0 business the size of oms if we did not turn out high - qualify livable chicks, Twaddle Government Apprrsved chicks front blond -tasted breeders give you the right strut. We offer ell Popo-lar purebreeds and hybrid - crosses dayoida sexed -- non - sexed coelcerels Prompt it- tnntIon alt'en to all melees 10044, live arrtvai grim nteed Send for Twedclle new 1944 rnteingire end also ask for mesial priees on two and three week old' started chinks In pullets, non -sexed end porker - els, Mee older pullets eight w ekg and older. Twecltilc ("Mei, Da tell - 01,100 Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 11' YOU WANT TO SAVE TIME. fuss and bother send for the Top !Vetch SnecinJ prieeliet nn teen, three and four tvneic old nen- sexed, pullet or eoeicercl chielse. Ask particularly about the tow nrlees on font 'welt old White Leghorn pullets. Top Noteh rhtelc• stir's, Guelph, Ontario. DYEING S+ CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEC05 dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart. meal H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 751 5'nnge Street, To. tanto 11 AIRUIt04t%ING AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women, !ellen l>trirdressing at Can- ada's finest mud htrh"est schools. 1 efined dignified work. Splendid Pay. Write or still for free liter- atute. Marvel Hairdressing' Schools, 308 Iiloot Street, Toronto. trenches 41 King Street, Hamilton, and 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. L ISA It HAIHI11tEee3INh '1'Hei LRobert.sor, method. lnformutlon on request regarding classes, Itobertson'e Hnird reset ng Acad• emy, 127 Avenue Road. 'roronto W 1 C1 S, TOtill.:s, TItANSIrORM- a.tfons, Switches, Curls and all types of finest quality Hair Goods, Write for illustrated cat- alogue, Toronto ISontan Hair Supply Co., 028 .Bathurst Street, 'termite. MEDICAL O'iI-iOVstN lel \1111:11 EVERY SUI'- Ierer or Rheumatic Pains of Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 330 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1,00. DEAF THE NEW STltl 1\(L1NJDI) COM pact Potter tuer Telephone is the smallest hearing ltid available.' It is clear, powerful, Makes con- versation oast' anywhere and is most reasonably priced. Try lt. Write l'otter Earphone Company, 229W Yongc St., Toronto. Itsteb- ltshod for better hearing for a quarter of iL century. 2Ol; GET QUICK RELIEF PROM. Sczema and Psoriasis by using Mason's Eczema Ointment, Stops burning and itching; soothes and heals cuts, ,urns and piles. HMI - deeds of satisfied customers, 000 and $1 postpaid. Pelson health Products. 201 St, Catherine West, Montreal. STOMACH ANL) THttlAL) WORM., Often are the cause of Ill -health In humans all ages, .No one -Im- mune! Why not find out 1t this is your trouble? Interesting par- Houten—Free! Write MLrlveney'e Remedies, Specialists .-Toronto .3. Ont. DON'T DE.LAY1 151V211t2 SUb'li'EIt- er of Rheuneatic rains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mlunro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00" BAIJMLis1I A GUrI'f t5ALM destroys of renal ve tidos Inslan ily, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent nen man ne c ;acre (Mows 0t 1 t.lt To. INVISNT-Otis AN 011 -LIC 'CU . EVL'.It\ IN0 leNPUlt List of inventions and Dill iufor• oration sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Pe tent A ttueneye, 27:, tient: Street. (nttetvn.. Coned:). I'lIO'JOG1tAI'Jl d DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" THEY CAN'T 1311 TAICII;N AGAIN Clet flner "snaps" at lower cost — 1Prompt Mall Service, Send your film rolls to Star Snapshot 'Se,'v¢ce to bo developed and printed. This ie Canada's largest finishing ata• dio. serving ctletomere all over Canada. You'll like our wont, too. Any Size Rott-14 or 8. l5spunures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED Ole Praising. Star Snapshot Service, a c14stbr71er at Windsor, Ont„ writes: [ suppose it's hard to give your usual quick service with help so hard to get, but as long as you turn out such fine pictures, I'll wait—if 1 have to wait" 8 M.OUNT5ID ENLARGEMENTS. os, Size 4x0' in Ilonutrful Easel Mounts Enlargements axe" on Ivory tinted monntay 7x0" in Gold, .Silver, Cir- cassian Walnut or Blaolc. Phony finlsh names, 500 each. If enlarge - Meta colored, 790 each, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Loa 120, Postal 'reeinf rel A, Termite Print Your Nome and Add,'ae Plainly oe All Orders, PATENTS 111TH I01 tilt ,NH Ale 11 dr. ln)\t PAN% V,Jelit Sellei In,. l'latnhlisher 18911; 14 Ilse tt'est, Tnretel• I.maklei of In rnrrnntlgn ,,Ti to, (Iueet. - cording to engineers, architects and housewives, will make pox- sible great advances in low cost housing, and less that 1,600 Man- hours will be needed to build and assemble one of the ready-made homes. This compares with the average of 2,200 man hours now needed to build an ordinary dwel- ling. ROOFING BARGAINS Factru7:S' x111,1, -EWns Aet now — get your high grade asbestos felt roofing at bargain prices while this offer lasts. 01111 ends mid factory seeonds— Nlele sorOlted and plain. Also regular red anal green Wale Nur- I teell roofing—prieed to .clear. Write today: EASTERN FACTORIES OUTLET LTD. Dept. W., Burlington, Ontario SEED S Rrk; ARE GROWERS AND MARK - eters of the fnutous Truck Load Isar Brand 55011 corn, -Order early and save money. Belie River Grain & Seed Company, Belle River, Ont. 7"OR 1441,1: 75 ACRES 1'ARM and stock for sale. Apply to Mrs. G. 21. Graham, TLIt, 2, 0iono. Ruud, OM, FARM FOR SAld7, 3'!, miles from 7`Inuttins, 160 acres, 70 cleared, new farmhonee 112 cow burn, stable etc., 17 eows; mach- inery. 3' horses, with or without stock; inquire further Dos 135, Timmins, Ontario, L.IRGT: (3LA.010LUS BULBS, It.1LN- how collection of outstanding vneieties, 2 dozen $1.10 delivered: ICuyper's Bulbs, ):3atzle, D.C. We grow the best only. - NEWLY RECONDITIONED )BOOTS of our armed forces in perfect condition. Special 98.25 delivered. Money buck guarantee. State slzo, send money order, Ruskin & Co„ Peterborough, Ont. EGG BRUSHES DIRTY EGGS much) clean w'Ith•a few strokes. Brushes, 50e. Refills, 7'ic, post- paid. Special prices to Egg Sta- tions, A, 1.., Relalitnuth, March - well, Saskatchewan. DeWAJ T SAWS AND WOOl)WOSiK- tng Machines. Newest types avail- able from dh'ect factory repre- senentivea for Canada. Quotations gladly furnished on application, DeWalt Metier Corporation Ltd., 402 West Fender St„ Vancouver, D.C. GRINJ7L11.—Greey, fifteen inch, double nation, babbit bearings, workable condition. Pulleys, shafting', hangers, belting elevat- ors. Cheap, BELT—Pit ty-eight ft. two piece, extr0 heavy S". Twenty Dollars. BLACKSMITH'S WHEEL PLATE— Eight dollars, JAIRDINl7 T 1 RE UPSETTER— Twelve .dollars. Equipment in Orono. Contact Rowland Smith, 10 Wroxeter Ave., Toronto. • DR, S. Id 0100101,3 MINERALIZED Yeast his been helpful in the prevention of abortion. Many tes- ilmo,,ials verify its value. 100 lbs. $15,00 plus charges. Nnexcelled for .cattle, sheep, 0.0010,... and. swine. We cla.lm our Mineral and Yeast Powders (nr all animals are mot only corrective agents for maLtutritlon hut they more thee] payfor- themselves its growth, vigor and production, Dr. J 01, Engel, earner Queen and Princess Sts., Waterloo, Ont, Write foe boolc l et. S010IT EARN ESS 0RE551N0 — h'incst leather and Iruness Pre- servative. Silpit also has many hotteshold uses 20c up ut must grocery, hardware and chain storax A product. at Lloyds Lal>- at'tttortes, Toronto. THROW GASOLINE , AGAINST storm, returns vapor'. That's how 3TOP \l0, Vaporizer Produces more .miles. Build yourself, Pruritic, simple Rroull.s good, Plan. Stic, (, k1., Prlesen, Box de, 1VIN1{L) R Manitoba, (ELECTRIC. tyl0'rt)1,S NIM, USED, bought sold, rebuilt: belts, pulleys, brushes Allen Electric Cattapany Ltd., 2026 Uufferin St., Toronto. U' 11 01 E — CUL,UltEo NURSERY Catalogue. Pull line of PrUit Trees Evergreens; llowerntg Shrubs, 1'erenniais; Shads Trees; Rose s; Broolcdule-lCingswny Nurseries, Howrnnuvtllc, Utltnrle. '4 ,]CIti1, FRAME BARN 40 x. 00. ;i:ousm 1S x 30, Vioodshed 1,0 x 10 lo village of Sgn)os5vhilo $000.00. Also 5e acres cleared bind, good locality', 80- rods (roti be i Id nes, adjoining Seeforth $40 per acme, Yt'a. C1•awforcl Sitnpson, leg'rrtoud- vtlle, Ontario. NEW 511.1.1,AN7) WHITE RADltyg S months old, 811 n. - pair. One older baric, 1'0rey 1lnzlewood, 1lntla wn, Ont. HI.01 ANGORA RA LITS 111.1CIsli, pedigreed, Naowdrt (t strain, three dollars each. Box 255, fort Credit. 117W ze \7,AN!') \\111JNs. 8le11)1.1i. til (Inc le, fruit pHs, winning st5111, bleeding o,ge. Ch!rt1hill0s, som° vette winners. Also .1nger• Se fermi prize stock. C'. 10rnnt. Snowdrift Ito hhllry, Searlola Jct., Ont STOCK 2016 SALE HOLSTEIN P,T?I.,T S, 13 Y1rARLINGS from fully accredited herd. Apply Parker Lucke Williamsburg. Ont, POLL 5.11,11. DARK. i miw PERCH - exon stallion tieing seven gentle,sure. Priced to sell. iJolin I, Thompson, ltoute 2, flatten, Ont. SERVICEABLE AGM AND YOUNG - el• dual-purpose Shorthorn bulls front. 01.0;0. chums, deep, thick, tYpY. 1?emnlcs, all ages, cows, heifers, c,tri'es, Alan Alderson, Route 4, Hamilton. 1'LItetUl100Ns STALLTONg 0H4i. pion breeding' and tyke A, prll.w- en 4 year old end two yearling Heiler and 'Black, Queeusvtll Ont. MALE HELP Tl"ANTI•'.A MAN, YOUNG TO 2111)n622 AGE, harried, wanted,eeperieiteed ht general farm Toric. Must be ef- ficient, reliable, good with live - Meek and tllaelilnel')'. Krouse, mills end garden supplied. Apply slat- htg number in famllY, Wages ax - ;meted, et,. to Dotlswood Farms, Alton, Ont, MAN TO HANDLE 50 ACRS FARM in Hamilton dlstrlet, This is a general farm. Married mat pre- ferred. Cottage with elaetrle lights sunulled. $70.00 tier month, - Rox 22, 73 Adelaide 'St. W., To- ronto. INTELLIGENT MAN, MILITARY exempt, as apprentice,. to learn printing. presses. Previous exper- ience to this line not essential. Apply 10110 No, 23, Selective Ser- vice, 174 Spading Ave„ Toronto, EXPERIENCED EGG GRADER for Western Ontario ea'g etation and locker service. Prefer one with conte meat experience. Good Wages. Apply t>ettrest Employ- ment and Selective Servlee. Refer to f1R 0211. . 11171,1' WANTED '. LADY OR MAN AND WIPE TO work for n. bachelor farmer ,Sr share werlo Box 133, 73 Adelaide 3Tr„ Toronto, WANTED GARDEN TRACTORS, ALSO LATE model ear; one hay press. Apply to Bolt 138, 73 Adelaide W., TJo- rontc. WANTED TN YOUR DTSTR1C7' some Inc to take orders for.. day old chicks in spare time for a large Canadian Government Ap- proved Chleic R9ntchcry. No In. vestment rod Weed. LJbernl Coin mission paid, Write for full de- tails, Box No, 120, 7s Adelntde W., Toronto. - TEAC'HIORS WANTED, - PROTEST - ant, for school term. 1044.40, with elementary or intermediate di- plomas; salary $800 to $000 per school term Send. applications to School Boned of Aylw!n No. t: Leigh McConnell, Soc 7retne., Kttznbarua, Que„ stating gunil-. fiostlons and experience. HEALTI3Y PUPPIES ALL 1011 111)8 also Persian Ki ttens, rant ries. Parrots, Pigeons, Dentatus, other nets. Quote low est price to Seeds & 'Birds Co.. 1.230 1V, St. Cntherlue, Montreal, '2I'Si\TIittltS FTJATEI'1974 BEDS OF • .all descriptions; highest Prices Paid. Poe particulars write to Queen City heather Co., 23 Bald- win St., Toronto. .. PASTURE WA.NTEI). WANTED. NE - liable fermiers Whohave extra goad pasture and nccontmodntion to paatu', herds of young (elate for rash. monthly. Preformbly neat' Toronto, Write fully, Post Office ex 578, Toronto. WANTED, TltlUCK, 2 -TON STAKE, reel good, -give n11 d:.ateails, W, E. Sostman, Aylmer, 71.14..5, Ont. - wiNvsiiiisT013, IW171:.Vi1-1rAITh114 Pump run end thotougbly [rein- ed loxhotrnd, I'ull piertieul ars. I1ux 15, 78 Adelaide W., Toronto. WANTED TO 211'.NI', WEEKLY 'Newspaper in Province of Onterlo, option to Murch ee. Rex 1.110, 7S Adelaide W., Toronto.. MR. WOOL GROWER lt'J-t11 O1,T) ESTABLISHED W000,. len 11x11 le 11,11 Or new manage - monk We operate a 'Registered.. G0Kernmeht Wool Wnfehoust "11 are prronred to 1)111'0Iln thin See 55001 clip on Get ern - 11 0,6 (Ira,d ing si auvint•da, end It 01Ne'rl,m 't srillui, it'cl. - ptl 'v. T'F'f79 I4 -t r\T.FI TlOY -Wfl(i !.7:,y MIT 11-0 '.23511 Tir+, SPICA P'FI NO'Y. ONTARIOa ii