HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-04-20, Page 6PREVIEW OF INVASION. An indication of what Ikies over Europe will look like when the Allies Invade Hitler's continental fortress is given in the spectacular photo above, showing massed descent by U, S. paratroopers in England, put on for Prime Minister Winston Church'll and Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, supreme Allied Commander. A Sailor's Letter From British Isles The following extracts from a naval officer's letter home are well worth passing on: "Although this is the first time since June of 1942 I have been in the British Isles, the contrast be- tween then and now is quite ap- parent. The people are just two years more tired. • •dreadfully tir- ed; tired of blackouts, of rationing, of queuing up, of war generally, but there is no sign of any less de- termination of seeing this thing through. When I was here last the first big raid had just gone over Cologne, and its effect was like a ionic to all England. However, since then the mighty raids have continued with such regularity and dulling monotony that the original effect of the tonic has worn thin, and its place has been taken by that old feeling of dog -tiredness. I should think that the actual invas- ion will come like a ."Pring tonic to a too -long Winter -suffering peo- ple. I hope so," Bagpipes, Too? The Red Cross and St. John societies have annonuced the ship- ment of 14,000 musical instruments to British prisoners of war. As if uncertain of their category, it was added that bagpipes were: included in this total. 'TWO' IN HAWAII Inspection holds no fears for "Tojo," tiny mascot pup of this V. S. Marine, standing in line for inspection following debarkation at Pearl Harbour from a Navy task force aircraft carrier. It Really Is Not The Bear's Fault The black bear is one of the most playful and hunlorons of all ani- mals, but he is still a bear. He does not seek plan's company ' m the first place, and, when it is thrust upon him, he is likely to abuse it. If he is pampered he expects mare pam- pering. If he isgiven half a pie he will take the other half, .if it is within the reach of his powerful paws, Then there are complaints that he has become a nuisance, and he is shot. And it really is not his fault, Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1 if someone is relating some- thing that is very disagreeable, what should one do? 3 Would it be all right for a mother to give the bride away if the bride has no father? 8 How should a man introduce his wife to a woulan who is much older: 4 Is it correct to have the date on an invitation to be engraved as Wednesday, Marcs 29? 6 Is it proper to say to a woman "Flere is a matt I want to intro- duce you to"? 6 Is is all right for a person to leave his napkin in his chair when he leaves the dinner table? Answers 1 Do not let it upset you, but change the subject as soon as pos- sible. Forget it and do not repeat it as only those things which are pleasant are worth remembering and repeating, 2 Yes, if she wishes 3 "Mrs. Smith, I would like you to know my 'wife," 4 No: the date should be spelled out, Wed- nesday. March twenty-ninth. 5 No, The man should always be presented to the woman. Say, "Here is a Ilan 1 want intro- duce to to you." 0 No: the napkin should be left on the table. Before the letters SOS were dopted generally as a distress signal at sea, the letters CDt1 were need. RHEUMATIC plFS! AWAYITHEM r l Does Your Body Ache? w. c' Rer('s quick relief from nu eeable nearttk', rheu- matic, arthritic and 1 r•''' baso pains—Drink water abundantly and rely even "n HE1,1,' herbalremedy Its 1 Internal eteaneer. Aa ll a 1 win and feae IroA aria • t a r t K Lt 'id are wit/4110d7 nava •— e Y 1 r. y 't'llllr III Ila{ Kot Rr'IIC I' Illrly be felt right at the (IMO. n? 'rake Thies cneva'It'%VFILL. y,. rc ^rrarlr before retiring and trnkC en a tel morn- ing reeling fine( Soil St all dcugrita or it. 1, atutvcne)'s item enter, 1,1,1,. Dept. A., 2(1 OasIng- tee ace., ('matte ;t, Ont. Headache Nothing is more depres• sing than headaches... WhBysuffer?.,. Lambly's will give instant relief. Lamyfy'sisgoodfor ear. el,. eche, (oorhach e, pai ns i n back, stomach, bowels, 7/dirt LA AD..B '. Art �f S HEADACHE ACHE $OYdDERS_ as SpIDIER'S _P AAECICI '". 01"11.4 seer,/ Shoutdc eves sole ,..,�. fe¢1, etc, If you suffer MONTHLY FEMALE PAIN f You who suffer tired,' headache, backache, and tirld; nervous feel- lugs—due to female functional dis- turbances — should try Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable' Compound. It has a soothing effect on one of (soon- an's (host important orryans• Also a' fine stomeeh tome( Made in Canada. Worth trying LYDIA E. PIi KII.SM''a COMPOUN How Can l ?? By Anne Ashley. Q.How can I remove scorched spots from clothing? A Rub with a white cloth( mois- tened with peroxide. Do not use on colored garments as it will re- move the color. Q How can I save celery so that it can be used later for flavoring? A After washing and drying celery tops place them in the oven until thoroughly dried. Store the leaves in air -tight glasses' and use them for flavoring. Some persons prefer then to celery seed. Q, How can I mend granite utensils? A Press some putty into the holes in granite utensils and bake until brown in a hot oven. This is an effective method. Q How can I remove the odor of gasoline from clothing? A Hang the garment outdoors for several hones, then bring it into the house and hang where the air is warm. Q How can I test the quality of coffee? A Pour about a tablespoon of ground coffee into a cup of cold water, If the coffee floats and colors the water very slowly, it is pure. If any of the coffee sinks to the bottom, or stains the water quickly, there is some adulterant present. Your Watch Does 17 Miles Per Day Most modern watchei tick five times every second, which is equi- valent to 19,000 time: every hotir, The average size of a balance wheel is a little more than half an inch, so that in one hour it will travel 43,912 inches. At the end of the day it will have done nearly seven- teen miles. DREAM COME TRUE Dream of all boyhood came true for this youngster when he got to make friends with elephants of the Ringling Bros„ Barnum & Bailey Circus when it arrived in New York. He's pictured fear- lessly patting the trunk of one of the big fellows, Britain Needs More Volunteer Drivers Thousands of volunteer truck drivers, including women, will be needed this spring and summer to help in -the invasion of the contin- ent, said the London "Daily Mail" recently. Women drivers will be required to drive medium-sized trucks so that men can be upgraded to heavy long-distance trucks. Voluntary drivers will take the strain off the over-worked British railways. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Mirth Of Earth Granting that the earth was torn out of the sun" by a passing star in the form of a huge mass of gas, what was its early history? •asks The New York Times, Dr, Perley G. Tutting presents this vivid picture. It.tagine a huge ball of dense gas with a temperature of about 5,000 degrees C. The outer layers cool first, During the cooling process the •gaseotts earth is violently agitated, so that Sonne elements combine to form liquids which alternately rise and Hien fall back in the form of rain, After the temperature of the earth drops a thousand degrees the first liquid core forms—a core of iron and iron alloys. At the liquid surface the atmospheric pres- sure is about thirty-two pounds to the square inch, or more than twice what it is now. * * * ' 'rhe first solids appear at a tem- perature of 3,000 to 2,500 degrees C, and they probably float on the liquid sphere. Deeper down are heavy vapors of afetal and of a few stable compounds of high den. sity. All these vapors condense at higher levels, rain down and vaporize . over and over again. At intermediate and higher levels water vapor (as much as 1,83 tons to the square inch) condenses and pounds down in the form of rain but never reaches the surface. At the outer limits of the planet there are free gases, very cold, When the earth cools down to 1,500 or7,200 degrees C, silica and sili silicates fora. They cover the core of the earth to a depth of utiles and miles and snpplant all but a few metallic vapors. In fact, there are vast Loss Of Oil Wells Won't Stop Huns The Red Army's, advances im- peril about 40 percent of Germany's_ petroleum supply—about, 6,000,000 tons 'annually—in Ploesti, Poland and Estonia but even if the Ger- mans lose it, the Petroleum Press Bureau said last night, "it would be unwise to look for4paralysis' of the German war effort." It was explained that while the German army strategy "would ob- viously be severely hampered," the (Jcrnnts woud be defending less territory in shorter lines of conl.- munication and tints w ;fld not need as much oil as before. The bureau added that continued bombing of German synthetic oil plants was. necessary because of widespread use of such fiteis by the Nazi army and air force. snow -storms of these silicates, How docs life begin? Dr, Nattillg does not know. But he believes that it originates in the polar regions. REWARD There la an 'urgent need for ear% to transport war workers to and from Work. I5 you know of anyone who, has a car tsr whichhe baa no easentlel 'itse, send us his or her name, address, make and year of ear and any other In Son stion available. We Will Pay -Up To $50.00 Reward for Information whlcir reanits in the purebane eS n ear. Our representative nal pay ynir 1st VIM, 4100r top eneh prloen.• Do Not Delay. Urgent! SHULLY'S Vl G i 2128 Yonge St. Toronto MAyfair 3844 ItAttY CHICKS SPECIAL PRICES FOR JUNE AND JULY Barred Rock Mixed 10c New Hampshire Mixed Ile White Leghorn Mixed tie Burred Ruck fillets 17c 1Vhite Leghorn Pullets 20c Don't delay. 31.00 books your order. Carleton hatchery, nrltnnnln Heights, Ontario. BATTY CHICKS, - 313.00 ('1015 100. After Mel' 1, sll.us, Thrasher's Hatchery, 'Harrow, Ontario. RIVERSIDE GOVERNMENT AY - preyed Baby Ctll ks front large type htoodteated Breeden, cloth- ing but 21. as, Eggs and ot•rt' are bet, - assures you bet vigorous. fast maturing Chicks. )sacred Rocks, White 1 rghoens, Light tins axa write for folder, Rivet•- side Poultry Farm, Ilieltson, Ont, PLAY SAFE NEIGHBOURS, RUT Government approved Chicke. bred to lay and bred. for quality, Leghorns & Barred hocks are our specialties. Write now for • pries list, our orders aro llama 'Rr'aterloo Chick Hatchery, \Vater- 1oo, Ont. Qt1a lil'L'Y CITICKS, ALL OUR breeders selected and blood -test- ed, cele Inge eggs set, Barred Rooks, New ITam pshtres, Light Sussex, While Leghorns, T3ybrkle, Tlampshlre X Starred Rooks, Sus- sex X Hampshire. Also hatchling eggs. Immedlate deliver). \Vrtle far prince, Paul W. Dobrindt & Sorts, Route :3. Smithville, Ont. 0. B. S. BARRED ROCX. CHICKS from Pullorum-free government approved bt'seflrrY Srnd for price list, I•T"nes Poultry F.trna, Jersee- ville, Ont, cCRc.T N---1\T\1f:IIIAIE SII Ii'\Tp1N'e, elso started ehieks, turd Leghorn pullets. nookina) for May and Inter delivery heavy so we ed vine ordering whet you need— new, Bay TT'U ehery, 130 John N., IInmiltnn, Ont. BUY PAYWELL ELL CHICKS IN l,TAV AND JUNE. '('(1E QU1C1( growth trod early and to rt ty of I'aywell Chicks will assure yen of plenty or Fall eggs. Whito Le .horns, Barred necks, New Macpshh'es and hybrids avail- able, f:ocleerey Loa Poultry Farm, Hex 20, Lorne Park, Ont. 1N171 VI OVALLY It;O,P. S T 12 E0 Rooke, Leghorn X Rork, -511558x Leghorn, Reds. 10el, discount on Fall Chick order's now, 'an tchtng Eggs, Etc., Brunner's Poultry Farm, Liman, Ont. STARTED CHICKS, SUSSEX, Etc. 715051 1 WEISE OLD TO 2 MONTHS old, Several thousand at'niiable now. This is sot a sideline, 'These chicks are raised under ideal conditions from day-old to 10 days in battery brooders in a. largo moist basement roomand trans- ferred to a spaelotts 70' x 40' building tinder electric brooders, OrderNow(as alerted chicks and pullets wont boavailable a little later on) and bey from a Taal Poultry nil reeling Farm of 6000 Breeders on O\i•'. Plant. Lakeview- Poultry Farm, Wein 73rD:„ lexeter, Ontario. PROFIT COMES FROM: AIMING AT perfectiun. That's as true in the chi'kol1 business es any other.. The lees yon learn 00 chrtnee the more sun resfni ;MUM be, It you buy the best chinks you can get for the money and give there yet,r hest care and the moot stilt. able feed you min find --then you'll he leescniog every risk and improving .every•haneo for a sure,.r.ful season, There Is n wide variety of breedsfor you to choose from, Clovernntont Approv- ed', bloodtesterl breeders, Day-old. non -sexed„ pullets or . ceekerrals, Also started ehielra two and three weeks old and nide(' pullets eight 'weeks and older. Send for mit- gglogua and nsecmiis t. Top Notch Chiekeriee. Guelph, Ontario. . LAKEVIEW OFFERS YOU BROAD BREASTED SUSSEX roritereis if yon want: a 0551 heavy breed enckerei, 'Hybrids er New Ramps. if yon want something a Gest maturing bird for 10e(lnr eyr up to 5 lir..dressed roaster. Several thousand n.vellable, for immediate delivery ie you art qulel(ly. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Brun., Exeter, Ontario, DAM: CTIICKS. TW EDDLE CHICKS HAVE Af wuys given a good account of themselves, but this yens .more than erur w'e are receiving glow- ing reports about the livability of Twaddle chicks. When chicks live well you can depend on it that they are vigorous and will develop Intogood layers 1111d good meat birds. K. Hassfield, R.R.. Walkerton purchased 500 White Leghorn pullet's March 7th has still 000, hes purchased 600 more for May. Buy Tweddle Chlelts for livability and vigor, We can sire prompt delivery on day old and slertrrs, two and three creeks 05 itg0,. in tion -sexed pullet or cockerels in alt popular breeds; Also eight week old pullets and older, Fres Catalogue, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, PrLLETS AND CAPONS YeicS2t 11e l' and June hatched ehleke. Our New Hampshire Light .Sussex hybrids make excellent layers and ,lucent of men( birds. Weber Poultry Farm and Hat- chery. Route 2, Kitchener, Ont, ACT QL rCl 1 s Ile 100 WANT some of th so gond Tweddle two and three week. Old started chicks In bon -sexed, pullets 01. coclee•els. Spominl reduced prices whtleeithey last. Also day old and pullets S weeks of age and older. write I nnuerl Is tela' for catalogue, Tu•od- tile ('hick 1'Atteherles (do ited, Forgets, Ontario, CHICKS FROM A BREEDING FARM OF 5000 LAYERS DUE TO Tl10T11.R 17 G 0 0 10 0 • duction aml nut lchabitl ly. Lake- view offers ynu Ilmited number of day-old chicks, enckerel% end pullets for hnmecliate delivery, also limited number of started chicles 1, 2, 3, and -1 weeks old and r1 few lots lip in 0 and 8 weeks old. Act now and don't be d(5uppoin lett. Na. stal•f.edchicks available later an. Large Type White Leghorns, Sussex, Sussex New Damp., Sussex X Leg- horn, 0ad Rock\ Leghorn. Hook your order for S7 c i Slay and d Jnnc chicks NOW,Only limited 05111 - bo• loft foe nl tr delivery, Send your order to Lakeview el iew Poultl'y lealm, Nein Eons, 1 5elcr,. Ont, OVEIN(: .0 Melee:vets HAVE YOU ANS"I'IiIN)I NEEDS dyeing 01' -cleaning? Write to us for Itlrurmeliou. We are glad to answer yottr. questions. Depart. metal H. IPark ere. Dye works Limited, 791. Tanga Street, To. r,nt0 HAIRDRESSING AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women, learn hairdressing at Can- ada's flues(, and largest aahuulH. Iteflsed, dignified work. Splendid pay. Write 00 0011 for free liter- ature. Marvel -Hairdressing Schools, 353 Bloc btteet, Toronto. Branches 44 Ring Street, Hamilton, and 73 Rideau Street, Ottawa, . LE A idA(I{IIRLURSI Ntl `I'H:k Robertson method. Informa Clot, 0n request- regal'aln5 classes Robertson's Hal rd rust rig Acad- emy, 157 A45211e Road. Toronto. Vie 1 G S, TUUPES, 711AN5PU15lY1- atlons. Switches, Curls and all types of finest quality Flair Goods, Write for Illustrated cat- alogue. Toronto Homan Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst Street, Toronto. -. MEDICAT. DEAF THE 151'S STlil'IA.A'ILINED COM - pact latter -Telephone is the smallest, hearing aid available. It laclear, nowcrtul,makes • cone versatiooe en.sy anywhere And is most reasonably priced, Try 1t. V,''rlre 'Potter Eorphone Company, 02001 Vonge 'StToronto, Estab- lished for better hearing for o quartet, rt f •n - t C O ft OC Intl y WANTED. EVI01'il SCIPleli 1,t151e OF Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy. Munroe Drag Store, 335 Elgin, Ottelva. Postpaid 01.00, .. STOMACH AND 'CII REA IS WORMS often ere the cause 0f- III-heal)h in humans all ages. No 0)1e lin. mune! Why not find' out it this Is your trouble? Interesting tui•. Heelers—Tercel Write Mulveney's Eemediee, Speclallets, Toronto it Oat MEDICAL FRUIT JUICES: THE PRINCIPAL ingredients in Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis.. Sold only Tlunro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 31.00. BAUMEEKA FOOT BAL14. destroys offensive odor Instantly, 460 bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER' TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and fun refor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorney'%, 273 Dank Street. Ottawa, Canada, PHOTOGRAPHY MAIL YOUR FILMS TO 161YELt1AL FUR QUALITY, service told satisfaction. 0 or 8 exposure films 25c; reprinle 8 for 25e. lmperipl Photo Service, Sta- tion J, Toronto. SPECIAL PRICES ON COLORED AND FRAMED ENLARGEMENTS Quality Enlargements exit" in .Meau- thrid ¢meet a'tuullto, 0 for 26c. Frew - ed Int Gold, Sliver, Circassian Walnut. or Black Ebony finish frames, on ivory sluts 7x6". 60e each. 1t coloured 70o each, o ANY SIZE ROLL 6 or 3 exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 20c Get prompt mull service oulluailte work at (VW cost, Satlsfled custom. ors an over Canada will tell .sou that Star dnitpahut Service docs the best work. UON'T TAKIs RISKS WITH YOUR FILMS ancpehute nun never be taken again, Send your rolls to Oauoda's Largest and tlncatfinishing etudlo— STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE IJue, 12J, I'ustal Terminal A, Toronto Print lulu' Name and Address Plainly un. All Urders. PA'1 t NTs e'lete115 RdrUNI'lA Utile -0 UUMIPAN2. Patein Sone' toes. Establts)teo 1$05; 14 Bing West, Toronto,. Boole let Or Information On re. quest, Sb1I.1DS \V1: Attie GROWERS AND MARK - eters el' the famous Truck Load Eur Brand seed -turn,- Order early and save money. Bello River Grain & Seed Uompeny, Belle Lover, Ont, \V1dITD SWEET CLOVER, $0,00 bushel Yellow, 37.05. One purity IbnoCIl y6.0U. Alstke, 31.5.00. Above (wade two, ALntutnoth (late rod), 716,50 bushel. Early 1ted, 310.50 Cimothy 45;5, AIsiko 30%, lied 505, $17.00 per 10(1 Pounds. Tnnothy-Alsike (:15e5, Alsllte), 514,011 Above Grade three, slight- ly discolored but good6 ermin- •l tins bag's lam aOntario. Prr.p:dd. J. .b1 Ain i1} Ceylon, Ontario. F'(lft SALE' re A(.,tHS FARM tliltl alOait for sale, Apply lu 5110. Cr, .F1., Graham,. Tfl,.It, 1, Mono poach, Ont. FARM, 100 A01i17S, 4 ,1tl.t•L5 151001] Aylmer, Que., 9 miles from Ot- tawa, 00 acres cultivated balance puttees and wOodlot, suitable dairying. gardening. Taxes 8 mills ,l. tensonale, Fred Ferris & Suns, Aylmer, Que.. FIVE T UNIS01 D ACRES 13121Cri. house, three barna, 'aohlne house, good roofs and fences. Stable, lefty -two cattle nine horses. leurul mall, telephone. lleph l tl t Campbell, bell (tout e No.v Smith's Falls, ' a, C)Il [. leX(11,lSJ1 (=Sire 1e:11S Hbt (Stele It - et!, Spultsm',US lntproved Plume Working 5]]011ill 7-11']Illge 11a1ny ed Poon (Lege, pines worn,.., week.. ly: l'henson rs, 1tun,nrtu. ns, 1 sen.. ty-tiro to eine numbed I)ulleis. C. 5'. Ellis. 1 rugtnis, (.1111. WL1 RECON 01T ION 1U(JI'ee of nal' nl'med fore,. In ',serest 'ondition, Sped(l $1.1i d,.lectld, Monty haeh gnrn'n,5LC. Sit I, 550e. send . montes, melee I150,i,> & C'o., Pe teehorough, Ont. FOR SALE EGG B10T:SHES — DIRTY EGGS made clean with a few strokes. Brushes, Ede, Refills, n'St, post - tions. SA. L. lReicbmuthaar to � MSch- wall, Saskatchewan. DeWALT SAWS AND WOOD1VORK- ing Machines. Newest types avail- able from direct factory rmere- sentativea for Canada, Quotations gladly furnished on application, DelValt Lieber Corporation Ltd„ 402 Brest Ponder St.; Vancouver, 11,0, GRI:NPeess-(rreey, fifteen inch. double action, bttbhlt hearings, workable condition, Pulleys, aliefting, hangers, belting elevat- ors. Cheap. BEL:C—Ftft)'-night ft, two. piece_ extra.heavy 8 Twenty Dollars. BLACKSMITHS SVISEPIL PLATE— Eight dollars, JARDINE T RE 1?1'SETTER— Twelvo dollars, • Equipment in Orono,Contact Rowland Smith, 10 Wroxeter Ave., Toronto. leSSEXIi11NT GUERNSEY ASSOC-. lotion offers Heifers, Bulls, R.O.P. Breeding. Write A. Kendrick, Essex. FOR SALE, COUNTRY STORE AND service station, complete equip- ment and Steele, Good location, Pike Itoad, T usy Bee Corner. Raymond lioslippe, Amitorstburg, Ont., R,R, 1. 311P1T HARNESS DRESSING — 1'inest leather and harness pre- servative. Shalt also lama many houeshold .egos 25e up at most grocery, hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories, Toronto. ALADDIN 'HOMES, 51. 06.37,600. Pay like rent. Serol 25e. roe 32 - page book, I3owar,l St„ Reming- ton Park, Windsor, Ont. ELECT kIC MOTORS,NEV. USED, poli1t, sold, rebuilt; belte pulleys brushes Allen Electric) Company Ltd., 2320 Dufferin St., Toronto. le R 10 L COLORED NURSERY Catalogue, Pull tine of 10001E Trees Evergreens; Flowering Shrubs Perennials: Shade Trees; Rose s; 13rookditle I{tngswsy Nurseries, Bowmamvilie, Ontario, WANTED WANTED 1N YUUR DISTRICT some ane to talee orders for day , old chicks In eparo time for a largo Canadian Government Ap- proved (Jbiok Htatchery. Na In- vestment required, Liberal Com mission paid. write for full de- tails Box No. 130. 73 Adelaide W„ Totem to. TEACH.'ERS WANTED, PROTEST - ant, for school tetnn 1944-4e, with elementary or intermediate di- plomas; sa11117 9800 to 9000 per school term. .Send applieutions to 54011101 Board of Aylwll No, 1; Leigh MCCornlell, Sec.-Treas., len ubaeu .. a ( stating quali- fications tidusnt. experience. WANTED "FUR OASIS, WASTE lands, Blit over lands, on lake river or highway. State lot and concession numbo's, township and all details of Interest In first letter with lowest cash prlce. 53,0, Doi 43, Postal Station IS, Toronto. HEALTI•T\ ',TIPPERS ALL BREEDS , 1000 Persian hitt ens, Canaries, Pcn'tuto, L'lgennv Bantams, other pets Quote. tweet. price to Seeds & Birds CO., 1210 \V, St. Catherine, Montreal, 1 I,,A,i (Ilene, r I...1 5111',1, 1 1.1)5 Ole eldesel l ptiuUH; 111 gee:, t price: Pahl. PM: path ul;u'a virile to Queen Cily vensber Co., 11 Bald-, win til 'reveille, 1\(:)51.,,119 111 : t le T RA I I1 It 6 N for Jllentillsnlm In4i1 Also ce- D011011.411 man III i lupin i 1u't I rr•os ref', 1„nr, Ic-P,•qulr 1 i 111(e11 Fruit 1 •n•ms, Stanford milt, • .). 1. 11.5\ t.1,I15 NTS IN l\'I,N1)S0Ie Il tad riel led t Inn re, ted l.ill 11(11'- 1' yoti h,n•r any L,1 S•,It' ala ee give me lull Dens. teeth' re te orbs.,term., lore- ‘1,151,.lith. f nrlu= ',mount, III( 1 ,�,i If any ',11(1 ,:r'ly' ((tees. 11, 11. :tie rent elle, I:, \Vytml ,Ileht. W„ teltelror, Ont.•