The Seaforth News, 1944-04-13, Page 3',COVER CHARGE, I JAP' This Yank soldier, in a camouflaged -canopied Foxhole on Bouga'n- vine Island, invites visitors to his "Sniper Inn," imposing a small cover charge of "oneSap: WHAT SCIENCE IS DO/NC Corncobs The lowly corncob, viewed by many as useful only as a handy form of kindling to soak with keno- rite and use for sterting a fire in the kitchen range, is something of a Cinderella in its possible indus- trial applications, writes \V. P. Kcasbey in the Christian Science Monitor. For example, corncobs may he ground and used in making sweep- ing compounds, for burnishing metals, in cleaning furs, and for removing oil frr,nt tin and other types of metal plates, Cut in chunks ranging from a. quarter to an eighth of art 'inch in size, corncobs can serve as heat in- iulation over ceilings and in wails of houses. They have low conduc- tivity but have the disadvantage of not being fireproof. * * * Ground cobs also may be used as a substitute for cork in various composition materials, such a a soles for shoes. Ground to flour, cobs may even be used in place of cork in staking linoleum, Cobs could more generally he substitut- ed for ground cork were it not for the fact that the cob particles are much harder and less resilient than cork. Dynamite consists of a mixture of liquid nitroglycerine with some absorbent material. The material used at first was hiesegulhr, a kind of earth formed by innunter- nble fossil plants. Later, wood pulp and sawdust were used as ab- sorbent materials. )3y special care in processing, ground cobs can be used in making dynamite. * Cobs may be used in the crea- tion of special light -weight tile and other ceramic products. The lightness of these products comes front their porosity. And the pores or air spaces result from mixing particles of cobs with clay front which the ceramic product is form- ed, the cob particles vanishing when the clay is burned in the kiln. Grotind cobs may also be used as filler for plastics. Their only shortcoming in this field is appar- ently the fact that phenol plastics made with cob flour are not as waterproof and do not have as high a luster as those made with other types of filler. These qualities, however, are not of prince impor- tance in all types of plastics, The Canary Islands were known in ancient times as the Fortunate Isles. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. 1Vould it be correct to phone the desk and ask that the bill be ready, itt order to save time when checking out of a hotel? 2. Should the bread and butter plates he placed oo the table before the guests are seated at luncheon? 3. Should the women's name. always be mentioned first when introducing a mall to a woman. 4. Is it all right to help clean off the table and help with the dishes, when dining with a friend anal she has no maid? 6, At what time should ens arrive for a luncheon if the time is speci- fied es one o'clock? It. Should the girl or "leer escort fill their glasses when there is a punch bowl at a party? Answers 7, Yes; do this about a quarter of an hoar before leaving your root:: and it will save time. 2. Yes. 3. Yes, such as, "Miss Mar= tin, this is Mr. Jones," 4. This is alt right if you happen to be a very intimate friend, but otherwise it would not be well to do so unless the hostess asks you. 6. Arrive about ten minutes before the speci- fied time. 6. The man should fill a glass for- the girt, then one for hint self. Have You Heard? Paying his first visit to the house of a business friend, the bachelor was bored to death with the baby- worhip he was supposed to in- dulge in. just fancy," said the young mother, "he's only seventeen months old, and he's been walking for nine months!" "Really?" said the visitor wearily, "don't you think We time be sat dowry?" —0— The old man wrote to the college professor — "Haven't heard from my son for some time. Hope he's not sick. IE he has been I hope to het. he's improving". The professor replied—"Son not sick, and not improving. —o— An American and a Englishman were in conversation. The American told an amusing story without evoking laughter from the English- man. Somewhat irritated, the Ameri- can said, "I suppose you'll get it next summer." "On the contrary," replied the Englishman, "I got it last sum- mer." COOKING UP ALIBIS' Perhaps wondering what new alibi to give the German people, propaganda Nazi minister Paul. Goebbels, right, and Gerhard'Schach, director of Berlin's air raid' precautions, study map of Allied bomb- ing of German capital, Photo was taken in Berlin defense organi- zation headquarters, far below ground, and obtained through neutral sources. - DUMB AS HE LOOKS ;ysr At first glance this looks like a Jap prisoner being marched along by a British captor, but it's just a realistic slummy, used in "Know Your Enemy" demonstration at Indan base ordnance depot in. Ceylon. The first time a plane was flown in combat was .daring a Balkan rebellion in 1012, Queen Elizabeth Pleased With Work Of Indian Nurse Her `Majesty Queen Elizabeth has expressed her interest and ap- preciation of the. article "We Fol- low The Trail" co)tribnted to the. November issue of the The Can- adian Churchman by Ninaki (Miss Nora Gladstone), in a letter to Mrs. IrVirig E. Robertson, Fresidcnt of the Canadian Mother - craft Society: The Queen, who is patron of the Canadian Mothercrtft Society, was particularly pleased that the writer of the article is an Indian girl who has been trained and graduated as a well -baby nurse by the Can- adian Motbercralt service. Miss Gladstone nue of the six Can- adian Indian girls who have train- ed as nurses with the Canadian Mothercraft Society, is now taking her general training in the Victoria jubilee Hospital, B. C. The letter from I-Ier. Majesty's secretary reads in part: "The Queen was particularly interested in the article by Ninaki; she must be a very remarkable young woman. It is a great tribute to your work that you have been able to interest the Indian pint and train them in Mothercreft ser- vice." "Little" Man Made First Sten Guns The Empire's largest Sten gun factory is in Canada. But the story of the Sten gun began in Britain's small factories, tiny workshops in the side streets, of the garages, even of the sheds boasting a lathe and a drilling machine. For the making of Sten gluts in tens of thousands at a time of great peril, Britain owed much to the little man—and his wife and daughters, It's de- sign and development arestrolces of British genius in acute emer- gency, and its name derives front the first letter of the names of the, two men most closely associated with thedesign—"S" for Major Shepherd and "1'" for Mr. Turpin, while "EN" stands for England. The first woman to fly ascended Lyon, France, itt a balloon in 1784; she remained aloft for three- quarters of an hour. Easy to roll, delightful -- to smoke FINE OJT CIGARETTE TOBACCO A:GEXTS, 1VA\Tb113 WANTED IN rorne 2)ISTRTCT some one to take orders for day old aliieks in spare time for a large Canadian Government Ap- proved (,:hick Hatchery. Na in- vestment required. Liberal Com mission paid. Write for full de- tails. Box NO. 130, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. ARTICI.lw tl-.lx1TED RIPI.}IS WANTED — GUNSMITHS will pay 515.00 cash for Ross, Lee -Enfield or Mouser unaltered military t'ittes, Write Modern Gtutamithe, 125 Dawes Road, To- ronto. BABY CaIrc'cs SPL•:CIAL. PRICES FOR.. JTNE AND TFLY Barred Reek 'Mixed 10c New Hampshire Mixed tic White Leghartl Mixed 155 Barred Rock Pullets 170 White Leghorn Pullets P 25,' Don't delay, 51.56 books your order. Carleton irateheer, ICritannia Heights, Ontario. BABY CHTCICS, 513.110 PER 100. After Arai 1, 1,11.00. Thrasher's Hatchery, Harrow, Ontario. PLAY SAFE NEIGHBOURS, BUY Government approved chicks bred to lay and bred for qualtta', Leghorns & Barren Rocks are our specialties. Write- now for price list, our orders are limited. Waterloo Chick ITatchery, Water- loo. Ont. QUALITY csICKS, ALL OUR breeders seieetes and blood -test - ell only largo eggs sot. Barred Rocks, Now liantpshlres, Light Sussex, White Leghorns, Hybrids, Hamnstiire X Barred Rocks, .Sus- sex X Hampshire. Also hatching eggs. Immediate delivery. Welts for nrh'es, Paul IV, Pobrindt • & Sons, Route 3, Smlthville, Ont, 0. It S. RARRn,D ROC1C-CITTOKS from Pullerum-free, government approved breeders, Send for Pride Ilat, ITntoon Poultry. Farm, Jersey- ville, Ont. APRIL CHICKS, RAISED RIGHT, should ha fn nice production when egg prices start rlstng•. We have the `kirks for immactiate deliverv. If swu went later ehielts, nrder now ton. If near our plant, drop In end see what you want. Rrev Hntehery, 120 Tnhn N., Ham - Ilion, Ont. BUY PAYWELL CHICKS IN MAY AND JTTNF. THE QUTOIC growth and early maturity of Pny'Swell Clarks will assure you of plenty of Fall eggs, White Lefihorns, Tittered Rorke. New iTampshires ens Hybrids avail, able. Loricerhy Lea Poultry Farm, Eos 20, Lorne Parte, Ont. INDTVIi)TTAT.T,Y R•O.T', S T R R 7) 'Rorke, Leghorn X Recic, Sussex Leghorn, Reds. 1001, disrnnnt on Fall Chlek orders now. Watching` Eggs lot's. Brunner's Poultry Farm. Luean. Ont. STARTED CHICKS, SUSSEX, Etc. FROM 1 WEEN OT.D TO 2 MONTHS old, Several thouso.nd ave liable now. 011ie is not n. sideline, These chleire ere raised ender Ideal rondttlnns tram arty -old to 10 Jaya !n hattory b moclera In a large moist ehtoemenpecious n70 trans- ferred 10' building under etee.tric brooders. Order Now lasstarted cheeks and pullets won't he nvailable n 111110 Inter on) enc: Amy from a real Poultry Breeding Farm of totif Breeders op ONE Plant. T tl-evievv Paul try Ferm, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ontario. IT'S ALMOST AS EASY TO STICe.. ceet es fail. To mi. -reed needs only, alittle more rnro In selent- Mg the chinks you start: a little more attention paid to the hfrds' 'living• quarters", a little closer nupervisinn 1n feeding; , . . the. result is nil the dirferenre be- tween Jest "getting by" and mak- ing a rent profit, Top Notch Chickei!ir a will do their heat to get oot. All , n hlrlcs ereff nn h Governmentnmee nt 4ht fpopeyed fromblood-tested brawlers. We inc • give immediate delivery on der olds, two and three week elfin in non -sexed, pullets or cockerels. Send for free astalntue And prim:list. Ton Notch Chicle - cries, Guelph, Ontario, LA'KEVIEW OFFERS YOU BROAD BREASTED SUSSEX cockerels If YOU WOO t n real 1101517 breed cockerel. Tlybrirls or New Ramps: if you )vnnt something to a fast mattering ,bird for broiler nr up to 6 Ih, dressed roaster. Several tltonsond nvniiitiile for immediate daliverj' 17 You nn( quickly. Talcnv len Pen try Fa em. Wein Breen Exeter, Ontn ria, CHICKS FROM A BREEDING FARM OF 5OOO LAYERS DUI.; To TII(;HER EGG P It 0 - duction and hatchability, Lake- view offers you limited number of day-old chicks, cockerelsand pullets for immediate delivery, also limited number of started chicles 1, 2, 3, and 4 'weeks old and a fete lots up to 0 and 8 weeps old. Act now and don't be disappointed. No started chicks available later one Largo Typo White Legllorns, Su. ex,V��Sussex X Now 'Tamp., Sl+. ec 25 Leg- horn, and Reek' S Leghorn. Book your Order for May and June Chicks NOW. Only limited num- ber -left for May delivery. Send your to Laketree view Weinir,k te�Ont R.O.P. AND R.O.P. SIRED BLACK ACSTItALORPS AND BAR - red Reeks, . Donley Poultry Farm, r,, Londmt, Ont, BUSINESSES FUR SALL) FOR SALB, COUNTRY STORE AND service ettalon , eolnplete equip- ment and stock. Good location, Pike Itoad Bus:' Bee Corner. Baymend De iippe, Amlterstburg, Ont., R.R. 1, CA'CJ.'LI.1 FOR SALE ESSEX -KENT GUERNSEY ASSOC- lotion otters Iieif'er , Rutls, R.O.P. Breeding. Write A. ICendrtck. Essex. DYEING & ()LEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning?' svelte to us for information, We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Werke Limited. 791 lenge Street To- ronto BLhi(1TitIGA1, UMW I'MEN'I' ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; bel t e, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd„ 2326 Dufterin St,. Tornnto, 'USED EQUII',10EN'1' IrOrt SALE GRINDER—Greet', fifteen inch, double action, babblt bearings, workable condition, Pulleys, shafting, hangers, bolting elevat- ors,. Cheap, BELT—Fifty-eight ft. two piece, extra heavy 8". Twenty Dollars. BLA.CKSMITIPS rs WTIEISL PLATE— Eight JARDTNE T T R 17 UPSTtTTER— Twel.ve. 'dollars. Statement in Orono. Contaot Rowland Smith, 10 Wroxeter Ave„ Tor05to. FOO'` ItLLM ., BAUMLLILA FOOT BALM deatroYe offensive odor Instantly, 450 bottle. Ottawa agent Denman. Dana ::+lure. Ottawa. FOR SALE EGG BRUSHES DIRTY EGGS mads dlean with a few strokes. Brushes, 60c. Refills, Flea, post- paid. Special prices to Egg Sta- tions. h, L. Reiehmuth, March - well, Saskatchewan. COMBINATION PROOF PRESS and Matrix Roller, also Job Press and Type. Pickering Press, Galt, Ont. BBA13T1PY ANI) PROTECT YOUR hone, plant' this spring, fast growing white, red and golden willow cuttings, .600—$1.5o post- paid. Fred Smith, Netook, Alta AHMY Ti00'CS NEWLY' RECONDITIONED D00TS of our armed forces in perfect condition. Special $3,25 delivered. 'Toney hack guarantee. State size, send money order. Retaken & One Peterborough, Ont FEMALE AFBs' 1VAN'iICD 940 RLI.TABLI7 GIRL FOR GEN - 5110 housework, tWO adults, one chili. live In. Sox 13.4, 73 Ade- laide del tide Av„ Toronto, 1r5IE1, WOOD WANTED MAPLE, BIRCH A N D MIXED cordwood. First or second growth. Also all kinds of A•1111wood. Give full particulars and lowest prices on `.ars. Walter Schtese. 19 Mel- inda Street, .Toronto, FARMS ICOR SALE 5G -ACRD FARM, GOOD BUILD- inga, water in barn, Mornington Township. Price only $2,800. IT. .7. Cott- & CO., 108DownieStreet, Stratford, Ont. LIVE 'HUNDRED 1.CR111S, BRICK house, three barns, 1 •aclrine house, good roofs and fences. Stable, 7111:y -two cattle, nitre horses. Rural mall, telephone, Herbert Clainphell, Route No. 5, Smith's Wells, Ont. 6IU\P1010) AC R1-04, P11111TY StTstr, bal.rnrre utlivnled, lbh sell. honk harm, haus , 01155, near 101st none, Twee (--11I y-fiyo lrfnn,l r,1, five hun- dred it .r -r' . George 0 ,rummond, Owen Snunel, FARM DELI' WANTED RESPECTABLE, TRUSTWORTHY, man 'without children to operate 10 acres asparagus, raspberries, orchard, On main highway, 9 miles west of Toronto. Separate 001100. This would mutt active re- tired farmer. Write fully stating lowest wage wanted. Box 122, 78 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. ALA:D DIN HOMES A LADDT0 MOSES, 1,1.200-$7,500. Pay like rent. Send 25e, for 32 - page rHoward Reming- ton Pak, Ont, HAIRDRESSING 811160050 LEA RN HAIRDRESSING '11121 Robertson method. Information en request regarding slaasee. Robortson'e riairdreaeing Acad- emy, 187 Avenue Road. Toronto. HAIR GOODS W i G S, TOUPES, TRANSFORM- tations, Switches, curls and aU Goods. ef Write t Por illustrated H cat- alogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co,. 628 Bathurst Street, Toronto. HARNESS DRESSING SLTPIT I0ARN1SS DRESSING — I''inest leather and harness Pre- servative. Slipit also has many ltoueshnid ogee 26c up at meet grocery, hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories,. Toronto. Ytnr.P WANTEn. FAMILY TO WOI{IC SUGAR BEETS by contract and bonus basis, and Also . can work in tobacco harvest. ApplytArltex Enh s, R.Rn4, Aylmer Apel; MAN TO WORK IN CONCENTRAT- ed milk plant in Western Ontario village, Good wages. Apply near- est Employment and Selective eleReirta57rkers in- eligible. Office. o 7,756 BACHET.OR RI,QUTRES MARRIED couple for tarm near Carleton Place, live in, yearly contract, good home, state wages expected, number of children, Box 133, 78 Adelaide W., Toronto. OFFER TO. INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of Inventions and fullIntor- mation sent tree. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys. 373 Renk Street Ottawa. (tnneda. LIVi STOCIC FOR SALE HEREFORD —'BULLS AND FL'. - males, open netters, and Females bred to good Hazlett Sault Ring- wood Miner Tone." C. Gooch, R.R. 9 Dundas. Ont. STANDARD foled89beSTALLION, 140, bleak, weight 16 heads, quiet, fast, real race or breeding Prospect. J, C. Simmons, Aylmer East, Que, LANDS WANTED WANTED FOR CASH, WASTE lands. cut over lands, on lane,. river or highway. State lot and ooneeestnn numbers, township and all details of Interest in first letter with lowest cash price, P.O. Box 43, Postal. Station IC, Toronto. 11ACTITNIOUY DeWA.LT SAWS AVD WOOf)WORIC- ing Machine., Newest types saran - able from direct factory reere- sentatives for Canada. Quotations gladly furnished on application. Deo\'alt Risher Corporation Ltd., .402 West render St„ Vancouver, JiIDDTOAL SATISFY YOURSELF — )?VERY tefferer of Rheumatic Peine er Neuritis should fry Dixon's Rem-, edy. Sold only Munro's Drug. Store. 130 Elgin, Ottawa, Post- paid 51.00, ST(lbMA('la AND TR READ We IRT1S often are the cause of ill -health In humsne ell new, 1-0 one mune! Why not rind out If this Is yew trouble? Interesting ear- tieulera—irreel Write )TU1ve,ley'e Remedies. SPerinllsts Tnrnnto R. Ont NURSER STOOK la 11 TO 17 — C 11T,O1tF1) Nl7R0PRV Cataloger. Pull line of Fruit Trees; Evergreens; 6'lnwering. Shrubs i'erennials; Shnrle Trees: R o a e s: Ilroeirdele-KIngewny Nurseries, Tin wenn nrllle_ On to rte. 1'N're Bet Velar) MAIZE'S' I UT1?t ES ear, Ile/111011S also Povpino Kilt_),, Col r'b ',, Parrots, ll),eons 1 n)t nm•, Ther pets. <; itnh. biwr t ,,tire to Scads & Blau ('n., 1230 \V, St. (':`therms, atontveal, - / POULTRY GRIT POULTRY GRIT Soluble or Insoluble Anelysie guaranteed Eliminate costly oyster shelle by; Using "Stresco" white poultry grits for healthier birds and more eggs. Available immcdletely in 10U lb. bags in any quantity. Write for samples and prices. DEALERS WANTED 5TINSON 1:171:11 SUPPLY CO. L1)LI'CED 450571 SleteTtniler Ave,, Montreal PUUTOGItAPUY PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Send your film rolls to Canada's largest photo finishing studio. GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE Any Size Roll—f ^r E Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c A customer at Bcrwiek \.S., Writes `I want yen to know how. pleased I am with ;-sur wonder- tel work and prompt service," We have ouch letters from all over Crn- ada. ENLARGEMENTS 3 for 1E0 4xG" in Easel :'Mounts. SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING. Ilinlargemonts 4x0" en ivory tinted mounts 7x9" in God S ver, Circas- sian Walnut or Black Ebony -finish frames, 69c each. If enlargement coloured, 79c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly on .All O:'1ere. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO IMPERIAL POR QUALSTs, ' service and satisfaction. 6 or & exposure6Ierial Phms oto reprints Sr, &Stat» Hon J. Toronto. i'ATErrrS PETHERSTONIOAUGH & COMPANY f Patent Solicitors. Established. 1898; 54 King West, Toronto. Booklet of information on re- 1 aueat. PERSONAL GAIN WISDOM—ISNCLOSPu 13111,TI0 date. Stamps accepted. Voltmtary; donations. P.O. Bos 801, Ottawa,. 1 Canada. RHEUMATIC PAINS IT'S PROVEN—EVERY SUP PER. er R- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy. Elgin. onOttawa, MunroPostpaid 5d 81.00.335 SEED CORN WE ARE GROWERS AND MARK - eters of the famous Truck Load ' Dar Brand seed corn. Order earl); and save money. Belle River Grain & Seed Company. Belle River, Ont. Stm08 HICK'S KITCHEN GARDEN THTLE. 1DLAL COLLECTION FOP this year's. Victory Gardener En- ough seed tor a garden 18 s „t1 ft. for only 51.00. includes Car- rot, Beet, Radish, Cm:ember, Bush Dean (green and wax)„ Lima beam Sweet. Corti, Letnnc Psreley, Onion, Turnip . Pen . Peewee, Pumpkin -15 earl.- ties n all, 181.50 Value)- sent Post- paid for $1.00, Dept. W. — 11 W. Hick rind Sons Limited, Luulsag, Onto ria, ,Seeds of Merit," SUMMER RT,S0TtT WAN'ri,n WAN'rED TO BUY GOOD PAYING Summer Resort nr Mintel gond cash payment. 'Robert $Tet In a 9F anal:g,n Street %Vest• TT,nniton, Out:trio. _.. .. _ TEACHERS 'tt 4N'T11D TEA C111011S WA`TI t), PI lTiEST- ant fer school term 11(44-45, with elementary or 1,11 1-nudiate iit- plomn salary Reef, i 5500per icon Semi eeplientions to School Ito n'd of Ay .win No, 1: Leigh afeCon,iell See, Tri els„ tinznhozun. tau 1. 11118 Winll- tirollons Bind. r�i r11 )'•,v. ATTENTION: Ai: OUI, 1,ROWERS MR WOOL GROWER TEI14 (11,1) l,S'r.\111 I011T)i. WOOL - len dill la under se 0 menage- mint. menag•emint:, We op. rat( lit glelei,d Government nt M1, of 011.a••It u e nod :au 1WoilltP OO 10 NI so rhia Sonsun'a ivuul 0111. .01( vel0- 111 11 t d:einei sssoes,is, aisi et ,seeeresesw sosseiso e arta( e, TICE: ST RA'i'11l 110 \t'r101 1.1.N l,I.k1li'1.l, R'i'It-U.SI.✓JY, U\'1' llllll,