The Seaforth News, 1944-04-06, Page 3* * * You Want RELIEF' FAST from that COUGH, COLD BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA Take... BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE. it's 11 Medication N Syrup�Iaa1mV Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee L Sheuld a child be trained to converse with visitors? s, 3f a woinan has- no servant and she 1 giving a bridge party, who ahorld greet each guest at the door as she arrives? a. Where should the oyster fork be placed on the table? 4. If a girl is well acquainted with a girl who is tel: years older, may the younger one address her by her given name 5. !What is the proper way to eat an apple at the table if a amen silver fruit knife is provided? 6. When a person leaves the table what should le do with his napkin? Answers 1. He should he trained. to speak if the visitors speak first, and then be must not be allowed to mon- opolize the conversation. 2. Tile hostess may asst a friend to per- form this duty. 5. At t'ie extreme sight of the CM?. 4. Yes; usnal- ly the woman w•he is ten years older prefers this among friends. a. Cut the apple into gt,arters and eat k with the fingers. 6. The napkin should be left unfolded be- side the plate. SHAT SCIENCE IS MG Moss For Wounds In the proceedings of the staff meetings of the Mayo Clinic ap- pears a discussion by Lieut. Col. C, W. Mayo and Dr. E. G. Wake- field on the use of moss for sur- gical dressings, says a science wri- ter in the New York Times. Ac- cording to Mayo and Wakefield,. moss was used successfully by Na- poleon's surgeons. It was also used by both sides in the Franco-Prus- sian War and by the Germans and English in the last war, The moss -used for dressings by the Germans and English was sphagnum moss from peat bogs. Colonel Mayo and Dr. Wakefield have been studying the possibili- ties of a tree moss which grows along the seaboard in the Gulf and eastern States. This is known loc- ally as Spanish or Florida moss. It attaches itself to the boughs and trunks of trees and its stems .trail down in great lengths. The absortive power of the moss depends on the character of the leaves, which are in the form of hollow cells, more or less filled with water. The water can be squeezed out and the moss dried, Thus treated the foss is brittle, but it retains its absorptive power better than cotton. Cotton dressings will take up from four to she times their dry weight of water; the Florida moss from six to ten times, The amount of water absorbed is reduced by handl-. ing, because 'the leaves break. The small broken bits tend to penetrate the gauze covering. Best results are obtained if the moss is dried slowly at ordinary temperature. Thus treated the moss remains soft and clastic. The Mayo doctors carried' out their investigation because in cer- tain battle areas it may be impos- sible to obtain an adequate supply of medical and surgical dressings. Nazis Drop Paper Strips On London Mixed with the bombs and spent *hell fragments that are shower- ing London these nights during German air raids arethousand of strips of metallic paper inteud- ed to jam aircraft radio location devices. Allied bombers have been dumping aint£liar strips on Ger- s:fumy for months but .the Germans have adopted them only recently. Known as "Flutterers", the strips are made of black paper konded to extremely thin afetal Ion and range from a few Inches iter m, few feet in length, Theyare about three-gtierters of an 'Trach. wide, VICTORY PARADE One of a unit of U,S, Marines withdrawn for rest after a month and a half of tough jungle fighting in the Empress Augusta Bay area of Bougainville Island, the leather- neck above stages a one-man vic- tory parade as he plods wearily back to base carrying a Jap flag he captured. How Can l ? ? By Anne Ashley Q. How ran I prevent rest in a tin bread box? A. Pate a piece of oilcloth on. the bottom of it, Q. How can I remove Stains from the fingers? A. 11y using a little powdered pumice mixt d with a few drops of olive oil, Use an orange stick wrapped with cotton .to apply the paste under the finger nails. Q, How she•nld chain -ie gli-,ves be wash( d? A. Always rinse chamois and dnc'kin Owes in soap, and dry where the heat is not intense, if you ei+h to keep the gloves in good r, 5 1itiott, if. T1no ran I improve the flavor of prune: A. The €Iarer will be greatly int - preyed by adding a little cinnamon and lemon. Q, 71 x11 can I sit ressfuliy dye a sweater?. A. When preparing to dye a sweater, remove the buttons and weigh the garment while it Is dry. Then purchase enough dye to color the nuuiber Of pounds the sweater weighs. The garment will never take a good color with insufficient dye. Swivel Air Wheels Pass Official Test A new undercarriage invented by a young Scotsman permits tht swi- veling of the wheels of planes to allow -a landing at any angle, the Daily Express said last week. The device, perfected by Owen MacLaren who was reported to have proved the invention success- fully in Air Ministry tests, is ex- pected to prove valuable to avia- tion, especially in airport construc- tion, Planes now land and take off facing into ,the wind, requiring the construction of several runways per field, 13ut crabwise or tacking take- offs and landings would make only one strip necessary. Nearly half of the earthworm species folind in the northeastern U.S. cane originally from Europe. Poultices of Mecca relieve pain, bring out cores, heals quickly, no or. 25c, 35c, 50c, 51.00. If you suffer MONTHLY FEMALE PAIN Toe who suffer cramps, headache, backache, and, tired, nervous feel- ings -due to female functional dis- turbances -•- should try. Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vegetable Compound. It has a soothing effect on one of wom- an'smost important creates. Also a fine etomach tenter Made In Canada. Worth trying. VIDIA E. PINKNAM'S MOW Removable Teeth Fascinate Natives Natives of newly-ocetupied Green Island, New Ireland Group, have received their biggest thrill not from planes, guns or bulldozers, but from the false teeth of an ,4m- erican.Seabee.` Passing a native village, the Seg - bee was invited in' to partake of a ;heal of roast pig. When a piece of meat was handed to him, he casually put in his upper plate and began chewing. The 'natives gath- ered around, gesticulating excitedly, The natives looked' on in awe.. When the Seabee left, one of them followed hint back to camp. Later a delegation called at his tent, hear- ing baskets of unit as gifts. Later the natives invited him to another feast, telling hint in pidgin English that they had invited other islanders to let thein seer this 4111:12- ing v rte many with the remo\'Cl+ie teeth. HERE'S A PRETTY KETTLE A ty buck private who has been stuck on KP will recognize the photo above as one of his most recurrent nightmares, The coo posits picture of three doughboys scrubbing away at a gigantic kettle was dreamed up by Sgt, Charles M, Royer at Chico, Calif„ Army Air Field. 'Shadow' Time -Table: For Invasion Trains Britain's railways are ready to play their part in the invasion of Europe They have created a corn- plete "shadow service of freight trains which can be put 011 the lines in a few hours. The total probable journeys, run- ning into thousands, have all bee: classified, routed, and timed. In consequence rail and military chiefs have a complete tithe -table of "shadow" services any of which cats be ready at short notice. Each train in the "shadow" ser- vice carries a code number which has its'own gnifici ace for railway staffs, For instance, "AFC 4217" night mean that a ioconintive and 40 trucks, must he at Depot "A" to load up and be ready to leave et 8 p.m. on a given day and steam, by an indicated route; to Port "X," ' arriving at 6 p.m, the following day, .t(18157'S 1\.t.'.Trio • WANTED IN \'Ol'il. DISTRICT some one to take orders for dee' old elalelts in spare time for a large Canadlan (lovc•rnnient Ap- proved Chick Hatchery. No Jr: - Vestment required. Libe rel Cons misslan paid. Wrlte for full de- tails. Box No. 130, 73 Adelaide Toronto.. BABY MUCKS BARRED ROCS BLOOD TESTED Chicks, 1-4 day unsexed $17.00 hundred, Pullets $26.00, No wait- ing, T. J. Masse, 226 Bridge Ave., Windsor, Ont. PLAY SAFE NEIGHBOURS, BUT. Government approved Chicks bred to lay and bred for en'olity. Leghorns & Barred Roelcs- ore our specialties. Write now for price list, nus orders are limited. Waterloo Chick hatchery, 1Vatee- Soo. Ont. 0UAL7TY CIi1CKS, ATT 01R breeders selected end Blood teet- cd, only large nage set Barred Rocks; New Itampslrires, Licht leuscex, White Leghorns, Hybrids, Hampohire X Darrell Reeks, Sus - am: X ltampshire. Also hatehlet eggs. Immediate .delivery. U'ri'c tor prices. Paul 15', Tlnhrtnclt & Sons. Route 8, Snilthvilte, Ont. O. B. S. RABPIIP T.Oe^I,. C1'781I5s' from Pttioruna frog, aovernn",.e apprrved brenaere. Send far prf: c• Bat. Vanes Poultry rem, acmes- v1I1e. Opt, BRAT CTIICKS PROMPT MID - Mere 'limes what you wart t nr, no writing., if you were to `le the geed marke.te r mmsncinr; September. 1i r: parse erene steel- ed pullets also and dayotd en+k- erele. Fray Hsteliery, 130 Seim St. N., 1'Inmillon, Ont, BUY PAYWELL CHICKS IN MAT AND 81'NE. 'LIMP Q731 or,: growth and early maturity of Paywall Chtelts w111 assure vms of plenty of Fall segs White Leghorns, Bnrrrd Reeks, New Anmpshlres end 'retries neat: - able. Lnekerhy Len Peullry Farm, Boit 20, Lorne Park, Ont. INDIVIDUALLY Rf),P. SIRE 1) Rooks, Leghorn N' Rork, Sussex Tcghorn, Reds, 76cf, disenunt or. Fn11 Chink orders now. Hatching Eggs, Etc. Brunner's Poultry _Farm, Loran, Ont. STARTED CHICKS, SUSSEX, Etc. FROM 1 WEEK OLD TO 2 \rONTT4'S old. Several thousand stye liable now. This Is not a slilellne, These, chicks are raised under ureal conditions from doy-o1(1 to 10 trays in battery brooders 1.n a large. moistbtasement room and trans - tarred to n apnoloua• 70' x 40' building under eleetrio brooders. Order Now (as startedeh! eks and pullets won't be avallnble a little later on) .end bay from a real Poultry :Breeding Farm of 6000 Breeders on ONE Plant. Lakeview Poultry germ, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ontario. DON'T WORRY ABOTTT T H E markets, go as far. 'tis you like. Start all the chicks you can ]candle. The present demand isn't a bubble that's likely to burst: it's n solid, durable, dependable market that's astern/Reed by world condltlons. But. be ns cer- tain ns you eats that you start the kind ,,f. ',hicks that will pay for their teed and your care end time. Top Notch ehleks ereall from Government Approved blood - tested breeders. Send ter free catalogue rind special print list. A limited number' of teat) and three week cid started ehlelrs et bargain waves for 9mmerlinte de- livery. Top Notoli Chlekeries, Guelph. Ontario. LAKEVIEW OFFERS YOU BROAD BREAST SUSSEX cockerels if you want n real heavy breed cockerel. Hybrids or New Clamps. 1f- you want -something` in a 'fast matuning bird far Broiler or up to 5 Ib, dressed roaster. Several thousand avnelabie for Immediate delivery if you act llulckly. Lakeview Poultry farm, Wein Bros.,Exeter, Ontario. DON'T KEEP 01010811Ns, 517E that thhey keep you. If you start with, just any kind" of chicks you're likely to keep then'. Start with chicks of known breeding, and with any kind of a break,. they'll keep you. The successful chicken man's slogan in 1944 should be buy good chicks and start them .early." Tweddle Chioke are Government Approved from blood -tested breeders that shade good in a blg way. We hope to be • able to fill all orders, but judging by the past you never can tell." Better genet for the Tweddle catalogue and prlcelint, figuring on _.getting as -early a, start es possible, Can give im- mediate delivery on practically alt purebreeds and hybrid crosses iia non -sexed, pullet or cockerel *hicks in day olds. Also a limit- ed number of two and three week Old started chicks. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. SIGH GRADE BLOOD. TESTED Barred and White Rocks. Red and Leghorn Chivesimmediate delivery. Eleven other breeds for rter deliveries. Order nt onee. uifeein Hataherios, 2048 Duffer - n, Toronto 10. BABY CHICKS POL'Ls I W -1I 1'P11R5, .111.4 SURE et n c, rel healthy htul,lt of baby chieli4 1bn, Denting season.. Good eh, k. n on good .hens and more egg 1ninted hrte delivery on day' - aid elia.ea Write for 1944 cat - Mega,. Intl crines nn Dar Gov- ernor cine Approved ehr k MANK- TON 1l L L11.T yAR\Is. Monk - ten, r,•„nrto. BABY allIC1(B .AND. POULTS, Beered lioek and White Leghorns from r' ,rrnment approved and blordtceted stork. all eggs net from erns own stoelr, Also White Holland .and Broad Breasted Bror_zoTurkey: Poulin. Sena for e, pric-at.. The Wright Farm,. Brclekville. Ont. CHICKS FROM A BREEDING FARM OF 5000 LAYERS DIM TO HIGHER E 0 0 PR0- Median and hatchability, Lake- view c.'ers you limited number of do td chicks, cockerels said pla set tan: immediate dejivery, sirenumber of jjjtarted 061 it 2, 3. and 4 1100.,1 old sad a few lets up to 11 and 8 weekt Art now and don't he d; m elan ads No started chicks awel.aide ter on. Large Type Tabite l.::''1 ens, 01.1!30.05, Sussex X Neve Penne. Sussex S Leg - born. end Reek X 'Leghorn. Book year a •int for Mee and June - ohicke cel;V. Only limited num- ber t, .. ' r May delivery. Send yeer era r to Lakeview Poultry Fa n \-, ;ii 17rae., Exeter. Ont. R.O.P. AND R.O.P. SIRED ,pre 1 e'1 seei.o tee AND BAR - red Ia Donley Poultry Farm, 0.71. • radon, one, 511 t\R 57 c l"Olt SAI.14 BOBf "i 1l. V 111Y STORE AND zeta eaition,complete equip - ea Irl stone, Geed 1 loonttou, Pkv a - i Itusy Bee Corner. keen -en,. I leslippo, Amhorstburg, ser:., ell. 1. POR eAlsle EaeleyaieENT GaEleNeleY ASSOC- into - TTei ere, Bulls, 71.77,1).. lire r '. Write. .4. haudrlek, 01 1,1150, 01 01ANI0(1 HAVE Volt ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing er elennln87 Write to as for Information. We are glad to answer yourIucsLione. Depart- ment 11. Parker's Dyo Works Limited. 791 Yeonge - Street, To- ront". teats •'1'StIt1A1. 1•Y'UI 1'2111 '1 ELLLlI tic ell/TORS, NEW. U131120, bought, sold rebuilt; belt a, pulleys, tweet -see .hien [electric l tdd., ;26 llut'fariu St., Tnrnuin 14011'1 (1A1.01 BAUML•'EliA 1''1111'7 0At.,01 destroys offcuslce odor Weaselly, 45e bottle 1)17000 05 en Lieu me tl Deng 511'0. 1.1110.105 11.5515'.) MASA, FANNING 'MILL, 1.01111 lth lef...4111 seed kradod with (feline) 10- creaees Rueehaisper acre. keline Manillooturiug•, Box 134, Weston, On tar) u. 5 051 SALE EGG BR['111191 - 5)1.RT1 EGGS made Mean with a .len strokes, Brushes, enc Oerills, 74it,. post- ' Paid. 1l 0cial 3 t reel to Egg Sta. - tions. A. 1.• ltelcIrnu th, March well Seskatehewau. RUBBER 7)111 a 1ltltt l I CON- Vartltllc laPa very good e0nau- tion h 0•t,.a11t sUrheli, \\ indsor Auto „Sallee, 759. Wyandotte Last, W ind"r. ATTENTION! STOP FEEDING sparrows. 1'laps supplies for per - feet simple sparrow 1105. E. Whaling, Moorefield, Ontario, FUIa, (Vt)0D WANTED MAPLE, BIR('}I A N 17 .IIXED cordwood. first or second growth. Also all kinds of Millwood. Give full particulars and lowest prices on ears. Walter Schuss.. 19 Mel- inda Street, TorOttto, FARil10 FOR SALE 150 ACRES, GOOD BUTILDINGS, 7 highway, 30 miles east of To- ronto; orchard, stream; for sale 00 rent. 1305 131, 731 Adelaide West, Toronto • FARM FOR SALE -110 ACRES, 50 plwed. Good Mas, Weedln 81111o, Croton, Oldin CS. nt, F1i.UIT AND POULTRY FARMS for sale, 5 to 60 acres in Niagara district. Easily financed. R. C. McGhee, 96 'Jackson St. !rest, ilamilton, Ontario. SO -ACRE FARM, GOOD BUILD - Inge, water In barn, Mornington Township. Price only 42,800. H. J. Cotty & Co„ 108 Downie Street, Stratford, Ont. FIVE HUNDRED ACRES, BRICK Mime, three barns, 1 Lachine bowie, good roofs .and fences. Stable, fifty-two cattle, nine borpee. Rural mail telephone. Herbert Campbell, Route No. 6, Smith's Falls, Ont. $i'1R2I EQUIPMENT FOR SALE IrelED THRESHERS AND TRAC- tore of various sizes and makes 'ear sale, wholesale and retail. For Particulars write llu garde' gates and Service. Wilson AVenuo, sex, Ontario. FOR SALE - 06x50 4V H I T 711 Thresher with stover- attachment, 114 -ft. Rbersoi feeder, weigher, excellent condition, used 10 Nene none. Jr.rnee, Martin, R,s, Barmier, One. PAItyr, HELP ~PANTED RESPECTABLE, TRT15T\CORTH'Y, man without children. to operate 10 acres asparagus, raspherrles, ateliers]. Ou main highway, 9 miles wrest of 'Toronto. Separate house. This would suit active re- tired farmer. Write fully stating 1ow-est wage rwanted. Torrxrt122, 73 Adelaide F A P. M 1•e It, EXPERIENCED, knowledge of beef cattle an Owen, married man, house avail- able. Apply Tellow Briar Farm, Mono Mills, ITA1DLirAN WANTED WAITED: EXPERIENCED 1 1 11IENCED HOUSE - man, gardurh and general handy- man. Able to drive ear. :dost be married. Me.leen bungalow with all eonvenie a res• provided. Army, discharge er rejectlee preferred. Location in entry 40 miles from Toronto, lieferences required. Apply 11010, :7 1'lratplo5ineltt and Selective Se - v., -e Orflce. - Prefer to C1.. 733. TI,. c employed in war work need 1,,1 opply, ,1Lt1)AIN HOMES ALADDIN IHOMIES, $1,7),5.$7500. Pay nice retie "`end far 82 - page boor. Il 1w etri 5).,, 1.enilnp,- • ton Parlt, al'inaenr, Ort. HAIRDRESSING 5014005) LEARN EIAl ltl)itleSSINO THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding ciassee. Robertson's llalydroesing Acad- emy. 137 Avenue Road. Toronto, [i-1711 (100520 W 1 c S, 7111. YY S, 71.4.5411110yd- &Koo-, cwt .hes, Curls andall types ef f lIcot nnallt;'. Hair Goods. Write for illustrated cat- alogue. Taranto Human Hair Supply Co., 52e Bathurst Street, Toronto. DARIUS TWEEDS GENUINE HARRIS TWEEDS 3 AND 4 YARD ENDS AT 72.60 PER yard High Grade half yard Suit- it11,a or Gabardines, suitable for children's elothes, 8ec each, Post- age extra. Louis Wee, 361 Spading Avenue. Toronto, HARNESS DRESSING, SLTPIT 81ARN10811 DRESSING - Finest leather and harness pre- servative. Sllpit also has many houeshold 11ses 260 up at most grocery, hardware and chain stores. A lifo(iuet of Lloyds Lab- ot'ntal'iee. Toronto. IIOT1 14S F0(7 SALE 1140I30110, (t1I. CAR 11 PERc.'HERON • ud ()ydo• 151,101,406 to 1,800 lbs. broken. meetly young. G. itr. aleCttltnnh, Aliinghsm. Alta. 800 -HORSES -800 Sy Public Auction 1087110(77101 i3A71NS, 7114G014, 141SK. AI?Rt7 1.1 12th'. 1544 All farm raiend hroken very e5- ceplionnt good Int, 'Write auctton- eei Omar ('ratio, Box 352, Regina, sash. OFFER '141 INVENTORS AN 01rm513 TO EVERY INVENTOR 'List of inventions and lull tntnr- nintlon sent free. The Ramsay Co„ Registered Patent. Attorneys, 273 Renk Street Aflame. Cnnnda, 1.080)0 WANTED WANTED FOR CASA, WASTE Inside, cut over Wide, on lake. rh's or highway, State lot and eo neessinn numbers, township and an cletoile or interest in first letter with loweste:i.h price. P.O. Box 41, Posted Station K, l into MALE HEW' 5)'.&5TED.4� FOR ally FrRST-1six(77,7I MAN to care for garden and lawn, must be e,uerieneed and wilting work- er. !Writs er eppia 1n person. George Brown, The Log Chateau Perm, Lenelolt Falls, Ont. "MOTORS FOR SALE NEW ef0T0135 Iro12 IMMEDIATE delivery, all sizes and electrical specifications, Large stock of re- built motors, machine shop equip- ment and wood -working Maehin- ery. Macy Machinery Co,. 100 King least Toronto. MACHINERY DeWALT SAWS AND WOODWOrnr- Ing Machines. Newest types avail- able from direct taetory repre- eentattves for Canada. Quotations gladlDe1ValiDlvher Corporeished on tiona tLtd., 402 West Bender St., Vancouver, B.C. . MEDICAL IT'S EXCE.LLENT, REAL RESULTS after tatting Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis, Munro's Drug Store. 015 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS. often aro the cause of I31 -health in humans all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out if title 9a your trouble? Tnteresting oar- ticulars-Freer Write Mulvaney's Remedies Specialists Toronto 2, Ant POTATOES POTATO EYES FROM CERTIFIED seed, four maim crop varieties, Burbank, Up -to -Date, Netted Gern, and the Now I£athadin. Carefully packed. State when to ship, fifty for 75e. 100 eyes 01.25, postpaid.. a West, 1751 X1>stiywood Ores„ Victoria, B.C. NURSERY STOCK: FREE - COLORED NIi14SE177 Catalogtto. Full lineof.. Fruit Tries; Evergreens; , Flowering Shrubs; Perennials Shade- Trees: R o e a a; Brooiceale-Tung wiy,. Nurseries, Bowm^n0)110, 1)1,) ,),,. FEMALE 18LP weevertI) GIRL FOR HOUSE WORK T1 modern farm' home near Mim';- ton. No farm work and 110 w hir- ing, 640.00 par -math, th, Box 1e, 73 Adelaide \'V„ Toss nso. POULTRY' 1;1(11 POULTRY GRIT Sciublo or 1125101310 Analysis rue mead Eliminate costly ayeter shells ly using 'Stress d' whae I miry grits' for healthier bird; era: more egg,. Aveiiable tont Il y .n 100 1r. bags in any u.. -'.t5)',: Write fere empire, and prieea DEALERS WANTED will,: SON Radlett et.1'PLY CO. Ll'M1'21 85 6180 Delorirntor As.., Montreal PUO'rOGiLA1:'T£H FINER "SNAPS" COST LEIS PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Some pictures can r:eecr be Calton again. Dont tit 'curs, Send Your film rolls to ater Snapshot. ery .o for deter s. r id printing: Canada's largeat t, }- n fi studia does the finest 1s 07.:. - 1 -ower cost: Any Size Roll -C cr r Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e 'Tour prices for shell anality work are really economical.' writes a customer at Peterborough, Ont. "3. am particularly fascinated by the coloured pictures. I a rreciate your prompt and reliable service and in future will send all my rolls to 7M011 ," $ 0T11TED ENLARGEMENTS 25a Size. 4x6" fu Beautiful Easel Mounts 456" on ivory tinted mounts 7x9" in Gold, Silver, Circas- sian Walnut or Blaelc Ebony finish frames, 69e each. If crlargemetit coloured, 79e each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A. Toronto Print Your Neale and Address Plainly ou All Orders. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO IMPERIAL FOR QUAL1TT, service and satiefa0010t1. 6 or 11 exposure friths 25c; reprints 8 for, 25c. Impel'lal Photo Servioe, Sta- tion .1, Toronto. PATENTS E17T131412STONISAU013 & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1800; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of information on re- quest, PERSONAL GAIN WISDOM -ENCLOSE BIRTH date. Stamps accepted. Voluntary; donations. P.O. Box 801, Ottawa. Canada, QUILTING PATCHES QUILTING PATCHES FANCY TOPCOATINGS AND HIGH grade Suitings, some Scotch • Tweeds, 6x18, 60 pieces 89.50 000111ge included. Louis Rice, 801 Spndiuu Avenue, Toronto. RHEUMATIC] RAINS. PEOPLE ARE TAL141N(1 ABOUT the good results fru in 'taking. Dixon's Remedy for ltheum:atie Pains and Neuritis. 1Iunro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid. 01,00. 01016,1) CORN WE ARE GR0W1:Rcw' AND al tittle- eters of the famous Truck Load Liar Brand seed corn, Order early, and save money. Belle River Grain & Seed ' Compafy,. Celle River, Ont. SEEDS 1644 FLOWER NOVELTIES THIS YEAR GROW A GAR.TIEN1•'U1/ of rainbowcolours, Hick's 1944 Introductions Petunia Cheer- ful, a tree -flowering clear pink Beauty; Marigold Mammoth Mtitn With huge, lemon -y -allow blooms; Pinwheel Gaills.rdin, a picture In colour tints; froth intense wine - red to cherry pink, Semi Ole to- day dor 3 pkts. of these All Am- erica Winners (Value 75c) - to Dept. W.' W. 1V. Hick and Sons Limited, Lindsay,. Ontario. "Seeds o11 Merit" STAMPS JOIN STAMP CLL -L`, COAST TO Coast membership, f r e e Mantes, supplies, 25c junior, 50o 4oubla senior. Send coins, Stamp. Club, 8652 St. Dominique, Won - SUMMER 'RESORT \\'J,20'rE1) WANTED TO BUY GOOD PAYING Bummer Resort or Hotel, good cash payment :Robert 1leGhae; 96 Jackson Street West, Hamilton, Ontario.. TRACr011 w'it'\2t`l) WANTED -LATE 810Dl 4 -PLOW Traylor on rubher To,. ,aeb. Box 10, Bremen, Sask.