HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-03-30, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS
Holy Week services will be observ-
ed in tbe local churches. Followings
are the dates of the services in the
Presbyterian Church. Paler Sunday,
April 2nd, 11 ems, subject, "The Liv-
ing Church." 7 p.m. "A Lesson on
Humility.". Rev, Joseph Taylor. Tues-
day, April 4 at 8 p.m. in the Presby-
terian Church. Rev. R. A, Brook will
be the speaker, Wednesday, April 5
at 8 p.m. in the United Church. Rev. For Sale
M. A. Hunt will be the speaker.
Thursday,, April 6th at 8 p.m. In the Frame House, Centre St., 3 Pc,
Anglican Church. Rev. 1. E.' Taylor Bathroom, Furnace, Hydro, 3 wire
will' be the speaker, Good Friday, service. Good basement. House is
April 7th at 11 a.m. Holy Communion insulated. Splendid garage, corner lot.
in Carmel Presbyterian Church, sub- A good property and real buy.
ject, "The Living Sacrilce," EasterStuccoed house, Goderieh St. West,
Sunday, April 9th, 11 a,m, subject, Basement, Hydro, hard and soft wat-
"The Living Christ." 7 p.m.' Evening er. Garage. Corner lot, Good location,
worship. The above announcements prompt possession.
are for the Presbyterian Church ex- Frame house, Centre St„ Hydro,
cept where otherwise stated. There is Town Water, Handy to Main St. Im-
a hearty welcome extended to you to mediate possession. Priced reasonably
join with us at these services. Have also listed a number of good
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hilliard of farms, conveniently located.
Kingsville visited recently with Mr. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN
and Mrs. E. L. Mickle and other Insurance & Real Estate
friends here, Phone 334. Seaforth, Ont. Res. 220
The play entitled "Iimmie Yon-
sou's Yob," presented in the Town
Hall, Hensall, on Tuesday evening by
the Young People of Egntondville
United Church under the sponsorship
of Kippen East Women's Institute.
was well presented to a large crowd. FOR SALE
Mrs. Robt. Simpson was chair lady 1 Durham bull 15 months old; 1
for the evening and vltrfous members Durham cow fresh 1 weep. Also some
were presented between acts of the Barley and Mixed Grain fit. for seed,
play by rural school pupils including H. Barley
andira, Ixetl 852r23.
readings. solos, duets. Murdoch's or-
ehestra furnished music for the FOR SALE
Mrs. Bella Parlmer left this week
for Taronto where she will spend
some weeks at the home of her son
Mr. Earl Parlmer.
Pte. Murray Traquair of Camp Bor-
n Memoriam
BELL -In loving memory of Mrs.
George )3e11, who passed away two
years ago.
A loving one from us is gone,
A' voice we loved is stilled,
A place is vacant in our hearts
Which never can be filled.
-Her loving Husband, Daughters
and Sons.
Quebec sulky single furrow plow,
Massey Harris, new rolling coulter.
Cor'clon Richardson, phone 656125,
Frost & Wood 13 run hoe seed drill
with grass seeder and -new feet, Drill
is in good running order. Wm. T.
Livingstone. Phone 847x31.
den spent the week end at the hone Capable girl or woman for farm
of his parents, Air. and firs, :Melvin hone, Or would consider married con-
Traquair. isle. Apply G. T. Flewitt, R. R.3,
The Exeter-Hensall Branch of the Seaforth.
Canadian Legion are sponeotmg a •
bingo and dance in the town hall on Auction Sale .
Friday evening. March 31st.
Mrs. Manns visited ,luring the past Of Household Effects. Dir, Harold
week with her sols Kenneth oth
f e Jackson has been instructed to sell by c
RCAF. who is being transferred to huddle auction on 'Wednesday. April
the Maritimes. ! 3111, at 2 p.m. in the Village of Bay- i
Miss Hattie Sutherland spent Fri- field. the following household -effects
day in London visiting with relatives. of the late Henry Weston:
Mr. and Mrs. H. CIS Hayman deft One Princess Rose enamelled cools
on Friday for their neve home in stove: 1 cook stove; coal oil heater;
London. sirup -leaf table; 1 kitchen table, with
Miss Margaret MacLaren is con- Chairs; sideboard; 2 couches; exten-
valesc'ing at the Monte of her parents cion dining room table and 6 chairs;
Mr. and Mrs, R. Y. MacLaren. . 2 chairs; ginss cupboard; number of
Box Social — • rocking chairs; number of small
This trustees of S.S. 1e. Hay, held tables; 4 bedroom suites and stands;
a most successful box social, euchre springs and mattresses; 1. large chest
and dance on Friday evening, March of drawers; 3 large wicker chairs;
24. The proceeds from the sale of organ; 2 bookstands; hall rack; 2
boxes amounted to 336. The ladies toilet sets; portable gramophone; 1
first prize for euchre was won by rug, 1n by 12; other pieces of floor
Miss Dorothy Dougall and gents first covering; 3 hanging lamps; hand
prize, Mr. Wesley Coleman. Messrs. lamps; curtains; bedding; ltttchen
Roy Morenz of Dashwood and Joe utensils; dishes; washing machine;
Flynn of Hensall played the music f01• wheelbarrow; sugaf• kettle; garden
the dance assisted by Alrs. Jack toolsa single harness; grindstone;
Faber at the piano. The proceeds of lawn swing.
the event will go to buy chairs for. Terms—Cash, -
the Red Cross Society, • , Estate of the late Henry Weston.
Miss Donna Rigby of Blenheim is Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
visiting with her grandparents, Air.
and Mrs. Stewart McQueen. FOR SALE •
The annual birthday party of the Set of road rials for tractor, fits
W.3I,S. of the united Church will be Case. McCormick or. John Deere large
held 011 Thursday. March 31st, at 3 stiS tractor. Also tractor lugs, fit
p.m. in the schoolroom of the church. same tractors. Size 5a4", good as new.
The Easter Thank -offering of the H. A'IaIlwain, phone 352x23..
W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian church
will be held in the school room of the
church on Thursday, April 13th.
A quantity of good turnips, suitable
for table or feed. Also` a quantity of
honie grown re -cleaned timothy seed,
McKay ,Bros 6504, Seaforth 'central.
A 10-20 McCormick -Deering tractor
and tractor plow. Apply at The News..
ustomers and Friends:
For the past twelve years it has
een a privilege to serve the citizens
f this; district. As I have sold my
hopping business. to Mr. Clarence
Valden, I wish to thank ley many
ustonters and friends for their loyal
May yon continue the sameloyal
patronage to my successor.
Seaforth, Ont,
100 bus. left. Sown from govern-
ment sealed Seed last year. We have
found them stiff in straw; rust resist-
ing and heavy yielders, thin in the
hull. One acre on a test grew over
95 bus. in 1942. While they least we
offer them at $1.20 per bus, in our
bags. Phone 34-616, Clinton.
Clearing Auction Sale
Farm Stock and Implements; also
some Furniture.—Fred W. Ahrens,
Auctioneer, has received instruc-
tions from the undersigned proprie-
tor to sell by public auction at lot
32, con. 4, Township of Logan, 2?el
miles north of Dublin, then 34 mile
east, on Wednesday, April 5th, sale
to commence at 1 o'clock sharp, the
Cattle -1 Durham cow, fresh with
calf by her side; 1 Durham heifer,
fresh with calf by her side; 1 Dur -
lam cow due in June; 1 Durham
cow due in May; 1 Durham cow due
n July; 1 Durham heifer fresh with
alf by her side: 1 Durham cow fat;
1 Durham and Hereford heifers vis -
ng 2 years old, weighing about 800
bs,; 2 Hereford heifer and steer
.ising 1 year old; 2 Durham fall
calves, 1 Durham bull 10 months
Hogs -1 Yorkshire sow due end
of May; 6 chunks weighing about
180 lbs.; 4 chunks weighing about
100 lbs.
Implements -1. M.H. binder 7 ft.
cut with sheaf carrier and truck;
McCormick mower 5 ft, cut, M.H.
1;3 disc seed drill, M.H. cultivator
with seed box attachment, steel land
roller, hay loader, M.H. side rake,
single furrow riding plow, Fleury
walking plow, 12 plate disc, set 3 -
section harrows, 1 3-4 wagon with
wagon box, set sleighs nearly new,
cutter, buggy, rubber tire buggy
nearly neve, 1 hay rack with sliding
rack combined, fanning mill, set
scales 2000 lbs. cap., root pulper,
sugar kettle, logging boat, ladders,
Renfrew cream separator 600 lbs.
cap„ scuffles, wheel barrow, set
slings, sling chains, hay fork, hay
knife, 1 Paris walking plow, set of
double harness, set single harness,
odd collar's.
FurnitureKitchen cabinet, kit-
chen chair, several .other chairs,
Coleman lamp, hanging lamp, sever-
al rockers, piano box, churn, wash-
ing machine, logging chains, whiffle -
trees, neckyokes, cross cut saw,
forks, shovels, spades and a host of
other articles too nemerous to men-
tion found about afarm. No reserve
ns everything will be sold as the -
farm is sold. Auctioneer's decision
final in case of all disputes. Terms
of chattels cash.
Joeeph Moore, Proprietor; Fred
". 2hrens, Auctioneer.
Prepare For
Seeding Early
Preparation for seeding includes
buying the seed, cleaning, treating
it ler disease, and putting the plant-
ing, maehineic in -hope to do the nec-
essary work without a hitch,
Perhaps tiro itutn uiztte necessity
for care and e,lr:y attention to these
euggestiens elute, urgent this year
than ever - t ur c. ilttenini'r'y is ag-
ing Ind be..oilling more liable to
b1t thrown :Tare parts are not al-
b• r e r ll} obtained., aad following
las ,•tai s u,tfasourabie season, good
seed IS, scarce,
God sed has certain essential char-
aeteii:tca. The mest important of
these are god germinating pofer and
growing ability, often summed up in
the cerm viability, freedom from
weeds and other crops, and purity
and suitability of variety.
Good germination and freedom
from impurities arc assured when
se,;cl is p'uth.::'ecl by grade, and pur-
ity of variety when registered seed
is used.
' theseedi home nerve or it s
tained form a neighbour, a germin-
ation test should be made. This eau
be clone at home or a sample can be
sent to the nearest seed laboratory
for an official analysis,
Clean seed is very important.
Weeds are prevalent enough already,
so that every effortshould he made
to prevent the introduction of new
ones. The market value of grain is
lowered when seeds of other crop
plants are found in it.
Suitability of variety isessential. Felans ticlellar,clog dance, by
0013- varieties that are suited to local Frank Houghton were also on the
conditions should be used. For in- program. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Menzel'
stance in a district having a short lar were presented with a pair of
season, the use of anything but an silver candle holders, a pair of silver
early maturing variety spells failure salt and pepper shakers and a silver
from the start, or again in a dis- cake plate. The address was read by
triet where rust is common, the use Mrs, John Wallace and the presen-
of a ,resistant variety is imperative. tation made by Roy McCulloch. Mr.
All seed should be treated for di- and MI's. McKellar replied and
sease. Treatment with the new im- thanked the members of the Orem-
proved mercuric compounds can be arty euchre club for their gifts.
carried out considerably ahead of
seed time. This saves time when the STAFFA
rush of Spring work commences. Mrs. Albert .Scale and family
0.11 these operations should be in London with A. Sma]e who is
done as soon as possible to avoid de- confined in St, Joseph's hospital.
lay and disappointment when it is Mx, and Mrs. Warren' Brock, Us
500 nig time in the Spring. borne, Mrs. Walden, Bruce and Al-
CROMARTY fan, London township, with Rev.
and Mrs. Risdon, it beingthe birth -
clay of the twins, Jane Ann and
The sudden snow Storni brought Joan Olive, daughters of Mr. and
the tapping of trees to • a sudden Mrs. Risdon.
end on Saturday. Many were tape- Mrs. James Richmond, Blyth,
ing Saturday morning in this dis- with her daughter, Mrs. Russell
trfet. W Orden.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup
per was observed in the Presbyter- Want and For Sale ads, 3 weeks 50c.
ian Church on Sunday morning,
conducted by the Rev. W. A. Mac-
Williant whose very appropriate ser-
mon dealt with the cruel treatment
of the Saviour as told in St, John.
Several of the young people united
with the church at this communion
Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Robertson
of Listowel with Mrs, R. Robertson
and John Robertson,
Mrs. Cooper, of Toronto, and her
son. Archie, Centralia Air Training
Centre, who was presented with his
wings es .a pilot last Friday, at the
hone of Mr, and Mrs. James Bar-
bour and ether friend;,
3Ir. and Mrs. Neil Gillespie, Sea -
forth, reel son, Tom, Toronto, with
relatives tives Here.
?I1,s Heed Laing, 'Waterloo, at
her home
A social evening was spent on
Monday at the home of Mr, and Mrs
i.een'i:11) acKellar hi honor of their
silver wedding anniversary. Seven
tables of progressive euchre were
played until- lunch time when the
host and hostess served refresh-
ments. A program followed, with
John Scott. vice-president, as chair-
man. Community singing opened the
oncer•t with Mrs, Roy McCulloch as
1e le •. Miss Janette McKellar and
Miss Mary McCulloch favored with
a duet. Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl gave an
interesting. reading. Miss Margaret
Walker favored with a recitation
and a violin selection by Donald
Scott accompanied by Miss Jean ;
3ieCulloeh followed.
A patriotic song by Jean McCull-
och, Bernice McKellar, Gordon and
Fergus McKellar; song, Mrs. Leon-
ard Houghton; step dancing, Janette
Bernice r a
McKellar, nice B McKellar d n
In the Village'' of Dublin, on the
Main Street,large, two-storey, ten -
room house, hard -wood floors, in good
condition. It is divided into two apart -
silents, at 'present both are rented.
Has all conveniences, water, electric,
bath, etc. Apply to Mrs. Peter Fitz-
patrick, Dublin.
Two young Shorthorn bulls, ready
for service. Apply to George Mann.'
Phone 24 on 800, Clinton central.
200 bus. Cartier seed oats. A quan-
tity of mixed hay. A pure bred Angus
buil 3 years old. A 'pure bred Berk
hog. Also a two wheel trailer and a
good farm wagon, James E. Johnston,
Clinton, R.R.4, Phone 12 on 800.
'��.��+k91�i��t'' �- -i'
'yy- c.iCa �Itldr .,� VtJ 1t Ut
Dau ,/p,1ci , -;;^E1'3
.. .nkbi a '.
A STOPPED UP SINK is no cal-
amity when'Gillett's is in the
house. Leave it to Gillett's to
clear out the mess—while you
go on visitingwlth your friends!
Water'll be running freely
again in no time.
In a dozen ways, Gillett's Lye
helps you "take it easy." Full
strength—it destroys contents
of outside closets. In solution*
—a grand' cleaner that cuts
grease and dirt, lets you fly
through heavy cleaning. Deo-
dorizes garbage
pails. Keep it on
Never dissolve
lye in hot water.
The action of the
lye itself heats
the water.
Libby's are paying highest
Market Prices.
Albert Rock, Dublin, Ont.
For putting new floor in basement
of S.S. #3, Tucket'smith, contractor to
supply cement and gravel
Also tender for'redecorating inter-
ior of school.
Gordon Richardson, Sec, - Treas.,
Bs'ucefield, Out.
Clearing Sale
at 2 o'clock
6 well matched teams
14 work horses, farm
L. & W. Jackson Motor's
Sales Barn
Positively no reserve.
Auction Sale
Mr. Harold Jackson has been in-
structed to sell by public auction on
Lot 24, Con. 9, Morris Township, 1%
miles west of 'Walton, on Saturday,
April Sth, at 12.30 p.m. the farm stock
and implements, and some household
effects of the undersigned.
Nelson Douglas, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Robert Patrick, Clerk.
A young calf. Apply Reynolds
Dairy. Phone 667i'33.
Good rubber tiled buggy for sale.
J. R. Leming, R.R.1, Seatorth,
We Offer Outstanding Values In Greb Shoes
Kila.-.Lice For Cattle 2 Pound Tin 550
Royal Purple Hog Tonic 8% lb. tin 1.75
Royal Purple Lice Biller, Pkge. .........,......•••. •..,.,.... 60c
-Pratt's Poultry Regulator, Pkge....., ...... 70c
2% Pound Tin 70c
41/2 1b. Tin 1.50
Formaldehyde Poison Bottle 25c
Ceresan, 5 Pound. Tin 4.26
Pratt's Hog Tonic
Pratt's Cow Tonic
Early Alaska oats far sale: Alton John-
ston, Brucefeld. Phone 626 r 22.
150 -acre farm for sale. Lot 13,
Con, 13, McKillop, Apply to Wiliam
Leeming, Walton R.R. #2.
Tucice,'smith Twp. Ratepayers ere hereby
notified that all arrears of Taxes unpaid on
April 1st will be registered against the pta-
perties with the County of Huron. 1949
• rrears may be paid at Bank of Commerce,
Seaforth, or to the Treasurer. Arrears pre-
vious to 1943 must be paid directly to the
E. P. CHESNEY, Treasurer.
For Sale By Tender
Tenders will be received by the under-
signed until Saturday, the 1st day of
April, 1944, for the sale of Lot Number 6,
Concession 14, Huron Road Survey, Town-
ship of Tuckersmith, Comity of Huron, con-
taining 69 acres more or less. On the said
premises there is said to be a wind -mill with
ample water supply, good soil. 10% of pur-
chase price to accompany each tender, bal-
ance payable in 30 days.
Highest or any tender not necessarily ac-
Apply to-
Barristers, &c.,
Seaforth, Ontario,
For sale. Young hogs 4% months
of age for breeding purposes, From
Row bred by W. H. Rornahu of Robin
wood Farm with Advanced Registry
breeding. Price reasonable. .7, A.
Montgomery, R.R. #1, Seaforth, 'Ont:
Phone 534 ring 11.
112 acres, 'rhos. Young Estate, 3 miles
east of Walton, 14th con, McKillop. On the
premises good brick hoose 24x32 with frame
kitchen, barn 46x95, cement floors, driving
shed 30x400 hen house, lots of water. Apply
to Milton Younis, Ceontorty or Mrs. -Wm.
Dundas, Welton.
A reliable couple to take charge of the
pntside work at Mrs. Gordon's home in Ea-
mondvtlle. Good home, convenient in every
way, good garden if desired. Almost fine
rent to right couple. No children. For parti-
culars apply Mrs. Alex, Gordon, Boz 61,
100 acre farm on the highway be-
tween Seaforth and Clinton. A frame
house, bank barn, choice clay loam,
plenty of water. Apply to Wsn. Living-
ston or James F. Scott, R.R. 2, Sea -
Clearing Auction Sale
Of farm stork and implements at Lot 01
Con, 2, TIuron Road Survey -- 3 miles west.
of Seaforth and 110. miles South of No, '3
GRASS FARM FOR RENT Highway on Monday, April 3 id, at one o'-
ipl•Reo- 1 Slack road hese, rising 6 years,
Seventy-five acres in McRillop,
plenty of water and shade. Apply to etngto or double.
al I
Jos. Flanagan, phone 371,10, Dublin, 1 Cattle—Grey Derham cow, coif at foot,
White Durham Heifer with calf et foot ; Mi,1-
FOR'SALE die aged cow milking1 9 grass .steers. 900 to
l)eei'ing binds six foot cut. Phone 1109 1b,.; 3 Hereroul FAn fens shoat 000 lbs;
} a Poll Anguli II01fors nbeut 1000 lba; 2'Ocr-
3 on 24, Dublin central. Sam Regele. ham Netfera et orf. 900 1b8; 1 Durham fall
Auction Sale carr.
Implements— M. H. Binder, 6 -ft. eat; M.H.
Mower, 0 -ft. cul 1 M:H, Cultivator; Oliteo
' beam scuffle). and puller- 10 -ft steel ha rake;
Of Farm Stock and Implements
and some Household Effects.—At
Lot 5, Concession 1, McKillop twp.,
111 miles west 'of Dublin, on Mon-
day, April 10th, at 1 o'clock, the
Horses—Draft gelding rising 5
years old, a mare rising' 3 years old,
Cattle -1 brindle cow with twin
at foot, - 1 Durham cow with
calf at foot, 1 Durham cow due in
June, 1 black cow due in June, 1
farrow cow, 2 heifers rising 2 years
old, 2 steers rising 2 years olein 3
steers rising 1 year old, 2 heifers
rising 1 year old,
Frogs -1 sow 'with 10 pigs six
weeks old; 5 pigs 7 weeks old, 1 sow
lately bred, 150 hens, a quantity of
timothy seed and some potatoes,
Implements—Frost & Wood bin-
der 6 ft. cut, with sheaf carrier and
truck, Deering mower 6 ft. cut,
m r
owe 6 ft: cut,
Massey Harris i
r s s e
Y d rake,Massey
s y
Harris hay loader, seed drill 13
Hoes, disc harrow and cultivator, 1
harrow sulky, 2 sets of 4 section
harrows, 1 single riding plow, 2
walking plows, "Success" manure
spreader, 1 roller 3 drums, 1 cream
separator DeLaval, one truck wagon,
with 16 ft. hay rack and sliding
rack, 1 set of sleighs, 1 scufiler, 1
fanning mill, 1 hay fork and car,
140 ft. of new rope, 2 sets. of 18 ft.
sling ropes, new; 1 set of scales,
2000lbs.,buggy, r
1 b ggy, 1 cutter, 1 trail-
er with rack, 1 set' double harness
neatly new, 1 set back band har-
ness and 1 single harness, stone
boat, sugar kettle, whipple trees,
forks, shovels and other articles.
Household -E Effects -1 diningroom
table, 6 dining room chairs, 1 china
cabinet, 2 iron beds, 2 couches,.
rockers. kitchen range, coal oil
stove with oven, churn, 1 toilet set,
3 hanging lamps, 1 Aladdin hanging
lamp, dishes, sealers, etc,, and mail'
box. No reserve as farm is sold.
Terms of sale, cash.
Joseph Carpenter, Proprietor;
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Frost and .Wood hay loader ; Combination drill
and euttivetot• Disc harrowmit throw ; a
Scotian Diamond 'Harrows, fourth section with
long doable tree; Quebec riding Plow ; Paris
walking plow; Fanning mill ; Quantity mixed
seed ,n•ain t Sugar Kettle ; 3000 lbs scales; 1
man fiat hay reek: Wagon and be.‘
::bol tr e; Steck reek for bnx; Buggy ; with
Chicken mat ft. extension ladder; Bag
trunk Tiro, folk rope and car,
HARNESS - -1 Sot mass mounted breeching.
ha Mere; t' 3' t rek bandy 1 S 11114 harness 1
Sever,1 Inc' rollers ; ibm•-a clippers 1 Whipple
1tidestree , Chains 1 Forks; Shovels and other sr'
USI:B'OT,D EFFECTS lvtelatte Cream
Separator, No 1 Chuen ; Wooden butter
bowl Seaters, Creeks ; Rocking Chairst
Chars, Beds Sprinrrs; Mattresses IIall
Rack, Hammock Washing Machine. 62 -ft.
Steel lawn fence with small and large gate.
Grans cash.
LF•,WIS BBUTT, Proin'ietor,
Clearing Auction Sale
McConnell & Hays
' Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick. D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
SEAFORTH, ONT, Telephone 174
Farm Stock and Implements, at Lot e
North boundary, Iiny Twp„ 1 mile west 00
Kippan on .Saturday, April 1st at 1 p.m.
HO110158 -1 Mnteh rd Black Perchrron
Tam rising 6 and ? eats 1 Belgian mare
e years
1•iailrg 7 yenrR old; 1 Clyde mare years aid,
Cs tie 3 Hereford Cows. fresh 1 month;
2 Durham rows fresh ; 1 Jersey emv fresht
6 wiling calves o Steers, rising -2.yenre old;
1 Heifer, rising 2 yea's old ; :6 calves, 1 year
PIGS --1 York Sow, with litter at foot 4
Riga 175 lbs.
POULTRY --30 year old hens.
IMPLEMENTS -1 Deering binder 0 -ft, 1 M.
Ii, mower, 0 -ft rut, 1 Sulky rake; 1 Steel rol-
ler 1 M.H. ILLY Loader 1 Spring Tootl, Cul-
ul-tivator; 1 Disc Harrow ; Bean Seufflcr and
Puller; 1 Set of Diamond Harrows; 1 M.H.
13 disc drill ;-1. riding — walking plow; anger
•Trani» Drill; 2 furrow riding plow, Sugar
Beet Scnffler.t Seufeler ; Root Pulper : 2 Sug-
ar kettles; 100 lbs set of scales ; Wheel bar-
. row ; Pig crate; Stone boat ; Fanning M111 ; 1
Cream Separator (Int) ; 1 Farm Wagon; Ilay
Rack; Gravel Box ; Set of sleighs : Light Wag -
ant Buggy; Cutter; Sat of double ropes; Ex-
tension Ladder.; Quantity et good lumber and
planks; Tongues ; 2 rake sills, 16-10n
HARNESS -1 Set of back -band harness; 1
Single harness. '
DAY AND CRAIN-20 Ton of good Tim-
othy hay; 100 bus, Cartier oats 1.042 aro»;
Quantity of oats and wheat; 26 bus. seed
beans, Forks; Shovels ;. Whiflaetrees ; Neck -
yokes and other articles too ' numerous to
Quantity of house furniture including bed
rooem fon,urniture, eouch, small tables, rockers
and a number of other articles.
• Terms task.
TTENRY IVISON, Proprietor,
H..JACI{SON, Auctioneer.
For service a purebred Berk hog.
For sale 2 fork hogs eervicea'ble age
and 7 chunks about 150. 1b. Also rub-
ber tire top buggy, full speeder cut-
ter, piano box cutter good as new,
rubber tire breaking cart, set of light
double harness and a six yr. old horse
bred by 'Vera Grattan and Lee Har-
vester, also 250 rock chickens 6 Wks.
J. R. Burns, phone 69w, Seaforth.
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth, 031100 hours:
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p.m. to 5..p.m, Saturday
evening, 7.30 p.m: to 9 p.m.
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, W. R. Archibald, Sea -
forth; Vice President, Frank Mc-
Gregor, Clinton; Sec.-Treas. and
Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Prank
McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot,
Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born-
holm; E. 5. Trewartha, Clinton;
John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mc-
Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander,
'Walton; George Leitch, Clinton.
John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F.
Metiercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter,
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All hinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Dr. 19. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic
Dr. F. 5, R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 3 to
5 p.m.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday in
every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon
Iu Dr, H. H. Ross' office. Phone 6 J
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat
Phone 90 W - Seaforth
Dye, Ear, `Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefield's Rye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, Loudon, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
WVednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.10 Also at Seaforth Clinic first
3 Waterloo
Tuesday in each month, --a•
St„ Stratford. Teleplrone.267.
Successor to Holmes & Whitney
Funeral Director
Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos-
pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell
'Nursery Flowers. Phone 119.
• Nights and Holidays 65
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Assures Security for over
One Million Partners
District Agent
it's a real
pipe smoker's
(Essential War Industry)