HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-03-30, Page 6Read Why NURSE SCOTT Recommends BUCKLEYS irK L E I WHITE RUB for CHEST CQLDS , 1 Acts 3 ways, to break up croupy congestion, clear stuffed -up head, loosens coughs—over night. 2 It penetrates faster. 3 Generates heat and vaporizes quicker. - 4 It is snow-white, stainless, non greasy. 5 Cant be used with perfect safety on the tiniest tot, Mee 30e and 50e at all druggists. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Grain Alcohol The dedication last week of the world's largest single -unit grain al - Bohol plant in Omaha points to one of the major developments of the future -setting up near the farms Industries which will utilize the great chemical properties of grains and other crops, says the New York Sun. Built at a cost of $5,000,000, this plant is designed to produce 17,500,000 galloons of alcohol a year which, during the war, the Defence Supplies Corporation will allocate to the manufacture of synthetic rub- ber, explosives and other monitions. Operating at capacity, it can 'uti- lize 20,000 bushel? of grain daily of which 45 per cent will be corn, 45 per cent wheat and 10 per cent barley malt. .As by-products it will turn out eighteen poundsofhighly concentrated stock feeds frons each bushel ofs grail.: yield annually 5,- 000,000 ;000,000 pounds of corn oil, valuable in seasoning food for the human palate; and, in an annex yet to be built, manufacture 120 tons of dry ice daily by crystalizing carbon dioxide gas - drawn front fermenting grain, Since cilenturgists have found more than 700 uses for grain alco- hol and its derivatives—these in- clude the making of plastics, medi- cines, dyes and aviation fuel—it is easy to understand the post-war value of such an establishment. It will multiply by many fold the di- versity of nature's products. Have You Heard? Two old Scotsmen sat by the soadside, talking and puffing away merrily at their pipes. "There's no muckle pl :astir* in smokin', Sandy," said Donald. "Hoo dac ye mak' that cot?" questioned Sandy. "Weel, said Donald, "ye lee, if ye're smokin' yer sin bacca ye're 9hinkin' o' the aw-fu' expense, en' 11 ye're smokin' some ither body's, per pipe's ramie% sae tight it won't draw." —0— "Shirts that laught at the laundry" was advertised by a certain firm. One of ours bought elsewhere, has such a keen sense of humor that it arrived home the other day with Its sides split. —0— "Which could yez rather be in, Casey, an explosion or a collision?" asked his friend, McCarthy. "In a collision; replied Casey. „Why?„ "Well, because in a collision, there yez are: but in a explosion where ire yez?" —0--- Teacher--"Tommy, what 1 a a myth?" "A myth," lisped Tommy, "isth a woman that11 ath not got any husthband," -_o_- Teacher—"Do We eat the flesh of the whale?" Scholar—"Yes, ma'am," Teacher—"And what do we do with the bones?" Scholar—"We leave them on the side of our plate," Britons Afflicted With `Shelter Legis' Women who spend their nights sleeping in deck chairs in air raid shelters are in danger of being afflicted with "shelter legs" — en unsightly swelling of the lower limbs—says the Lancet, a medical journal. The malady, the journal said, is "caused by pressure during relax- ation of the muscles, giving rise to chronic lymphatic obstruction." Stiffest of the ankle joints, as a. ell as p. hard 5w'eiling below the iknees, often result, ' Parallels Eels get ttsed to being skinned Like sardines to being tinned; Hens get used to being axed, Men get used to. being ''axed. -•Arthur Guitcrman. tes CINCH FOR SABU Swinging through the obstacle course at AAP Training Com- mand training center, Greensboro, N.C., is a cinch for Pfc. Dastagir, above . You may recognize him him as "Sabu, the Elephant Boy" of India- and Hollywood, who had plenty of training in screenland's jungles." How Can l ? ? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I make a transpar- ent cement for giassi ' A; Dissolve 1 part India rubber in chloroform and add 10 parts by measure of gum mastic in powder. Allow to remain for two days, shalc- ing the bottle frequently; apply with a fine camel', hair brush. Q. How can I add a better flavor to baked apple: A. Try filling the cavity of ap- ples cored for baking with orange marmalade and a little butter and sugar. Q. What can be done if a mus- tard plaster Ieavee the akin very tender? A. Immediate relief can be given by applying pure olive oil to the affected parts, Q. How can T fasten the handle of a cooking fork or other piece of cutlery when it has becomed loosened? A, Seal it by pouring melted re- sin into the hole alongside the me- tal part. Or, fill the hole with fine- ly powdered resin and push the metal prong on handle, heated very hot, into the resin filled hole. It will be as good as new, Q. How can I make a gargle for a sore throat? A. Alum dissolved in water makes a very effective gargle for a sore throat. British gunners on the highest gun position in the world, a 9,000 foot jungle -clad ntountsiil in the Chin Hills, recently silenced Jan- anese guns by counter battery fire. r STOPC LDS 1 with this New; Scientific Immunity Treatment ASK YOUR DRUGGIST ROBERTS TASAX C,01D VACCINE plus VITAMINS i Sufferers or PILES bleeding andprotrudin b g piles should *now Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the cause- at its 'source. Money back if the first bottle does not satisfy, Buy;, from Your druggist. 'YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM HOT- S FLwNSE � S If you suffer from hot flashes, dizzy .i spells, irregular periods, are weak,, nervous --line to 'the 'middle -age" period 10 a woman's life, take Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vegetable Compound, It's helped thousands upon thou sends of women to relieve such symptoms. ?inkhorn's Compound Te also a fine stomach tontol Wortlh. ltrying/ Made 1n Canada. Erosion Menaces Canadian Farms Ontario Government Plans Comprehensive Program of Forest Conservation Although. Canadians may not realize it, said J. D. Thomas, chair- man of the Guelph Conference of Conservation, in an address at Lon- don, Ont., erosion' has become so serious thatthere is less than eight inches .:of soil between them and starvation. We do not suppose that state- meut was made just to scare those who heard it—though a good wholesome scare would do, a lot to arouse people to the urgent need of action. If Canada is as close to starvation as Mr. Thomas suggest- ed, it is high time the govermtiente and the people got busy. It is not that the people have not been warned of the inevitable re- sult of what. they have been doing • for so many years. They have been told, time and again, What was bound to happen if'. they' persisted in cutting, down trees, draining swamps—doing everything to hurry the moisture off the Iand instead of Having it sink in and seep away gradually. But they have just gone ahead although they have been troubled by wells going dry, streams rising to floodlevels in spring and fall, and dwindling to trickles in summer, crops failing—all the signs that the land was playing out. How many abandoned farms are there right in this country—farms abandoned because they had been "mined" instead of farmed? I3ow many in other counties? \Ve were gla':1 to see that the Ontario Government proposes to embark on a comprehensive -pro- grant of forest conservation; and it would pay every county to have its Council go in for a similar pro- gram, to take over a not of those abandoned farms and plant trees, It' would be a long-distance pro- position, of course; when a person has been sick for some years and has been gradually growing worse, one dose of medicine will not put hint on his feet right away.' • 13u1 unless we are going to let out - country become a desert, we shall! have to realize that it is in bad shape. And that something has to be clone'aboet it—at once. It will not do to sit rale and expect the disease to cure itself. There arc 80,000 in the Womens Land Army in Great 8ritain, which is often rated as the most popular and successful of the war services. A total of 100,000 women are work- ing on the land in Great Britain, OAIIt' CHICKS' •BARRED ROCK B1i0011 TESTED Chicks, 1-4 -clay nnsraed $17,00' hundred, 'Pullets 020,00, No wait- ing, E. J. :Masse, 2220 Bridge Ave., 1Vindsor,Ont. PLAY ''SAFE NEIGHBOURS, BUY Government approved, Chicks bred to lay ahel bred for quality, Leghorns & Barred Rocks are our specialties. Write now for price list, our orders are. limited. Waterloo Cheek Pea tchery,•lVater- loo, Ont. QUALTTY CHICKS, ALL • OUR breeders selected and blood -test- ed, only large eggs set. Barred Reeks, New Hampshires, Light ...Sussex, White Leghorns, Hybrids, Hamnshire X'Barred Rocks. Sus- sex X Hampshire, Also hatrhhtg eggs. Immediate delivery. Write for prices. Paul W. Dobriudt & .Sons, Itoute 3, Smithvilie, Ont. BUY PAYWELL CHICKS 1N MAY AND JUNE, THE (UICii e'rowth and early "maturity of Pay'we'tl Chicks will assure you of plenty of Fall eggs, White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, New Hn lop Hires and Hybrids avail- able, T,ocicerbv Lea-Pouiiry Farm, Box 20, -Lorne Park, -Ont. INDIVIDUALLY R,O.P. SIRED Reeks, Leghorn \ Reek, Sussex Leghorn, Beds, 1091: disrnunton Tull- Chicle orders now. Retelling Eggs, Ere. Tirunner's Poultry Ferro, Lunen, Ont. STARTED CHICKS, SUSSEX, Etc. FROM 1 SS EI R: OLD TO 2 MONTHS old Severalthousand available now, This Is not a sideline. These shirks are raised under Ideal concis;ons from day -o01 to 10 clays in battery brooders in a large moist baeemett room and trans- ferred to a spndeus 70' x 40' building under electrie brooders. Order Now- (as started -chicles and pullets went be available e ltf Un later on) and buy from real Poultry Breeding Farm of 000o lerecd r: on ONE Plant. Lakeview Poultry Farm, 'Wein Tiros., Exeter, Ontario. CAPONS, STARTED PULLETS, WE are. etIll -booking orders for our three week old ready made cap, ons and started henry breed by hrld pallets, WVeber's Poultry Pare and TTetehery, Route 2, lilt genet', Ontario. HOW 1)0 YOU JUDGE CHICK, values, . , - If you can't base your cholre on looks, eolour or size, how then? Here's how: Judge them by their sponsors. Get them from a known hatchery—for ex- ample Tap Notch Chtckerles. Our Gusto era are our friends. The fewer chances you take when you buy chicks. the better your chances for profitwhen you sell. Top Notes ehleks—Government A p p r n y e d from blood -tested breerters, phis long experience In hatching are your assurance of known value. .Free catalogue. Prompt delivery on day old start- ed chi•ars, also booking older pullets .for later delivery. Top Notch Chlckerles, Guelph, Ont. le YOU HAVE THE EQUIPMENT and other aeeo xmadatton, it seems wise to order all the chicks YOU can, Your country needs the food, for itself an" overseas, In greater quantity than last year. We have the t v chicks f ( o s 2 all needs. Bray Iiaichery, 190 John Ne Hamilton, Ont. LAKEVIEW OFFERS YOU BROAT) RREAST30II SUSSEX cockerels if yet: want a real heavy breed cockerel. Hybrids or New }Tamps, it you want something. in a fast maturing bird for broiler or up to 6 1b. dressed roaster. Several thousandavailable for Immediate delivery' if you act qutekly. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ontario. GET YOUR CHICKS FIt020 Tweddle, Why?.. Well, for over 19 years. Tweddic Hatcheries' have been helping people snake good in the chicken business, helping to make good strains even better, helping to increase Pro- duction per bird and increase profits. Chicks thatcome front Tweddle hatcheries are Govern- ment Approved. The •'re from y blood -tested breeders — the kind that were healthy, Last -growing. heavy-producing—the kind that repaid feed, labour and invest- ment in time and money. Prompt attention to ordere. Sen il for Tweddle catalogue and pr eelist. We can give prompt delivery en p�ttlan breeds. A.lso a ifmlted num- ber et two and three weeie cid ehieks for immediate delivery at special ,prices. Tweddle C1lsok Hatcheries Limited, -.Fergus,, Ont, POULTRY -KEEPERS, BE SURE Of a good healthy bunch of baby chicks this oeming season. Good Chicks mean good hens and more •ggs. Immediate. delivery on day - Old chicks. Write for 1944 eat alogue and prices on our Gov- ernment Approved chicks. MONK- TON POULTRY FARMS, Monk ton, Ontario. "—HIGH GRADE BLOOD TESTjrb Barred and White Rocks. Red and Leghorn Chicks immediate delivery. Eleven other breeds- for later deliveries. Order at once. Dufferin_ Hatch erlee, 2048 Dutter- in, Toronto 10. CHICKS FROM A BREEDING FARM OF 5000 LAYERS DUE TO HIGHER E G G' P R 0- duction and hatchability, Lake- view otters you limited number or day-oldchicks, cocicerels and pullets • for immediate dellvety, also limited number of started Chicks 1, 2, 8, and 4 'weeks eld and a few lots up to 0 and. 8 weeks o111. Aet now and don't he disappointed. No !darted chicks' s.vstlable later on. Large TYPO White Leghorns, Sussex, Sussex X Nese .Ramp., Sussex X Leg- horn, and Rock X Leghorn. Boole your order for May and Juno 5010115 NOW. Only limited num- bs left for 'Yen y delivery. Send your order to Lakeview Poultry Farm,'Wein, Bros., Exeter, Olit, • IIA IIY CetiCies BAB] CH.lLKS AND POCIL,TS.. Barred Bock: and White Leghorns, from Government approved and bloodtested • stock, all eggs set from our own stools, Also White Holland.. and' Seeoed Breasted Bronze Turkey Poults. Send for price 1151, The 'Wright Farm, Brockville, . Ont. CANADIAN APPROVED CHICKS for immediate delivery, Leghorns, Barred Rock,' New Hampshire,., Sussex and ybrids. 'Write for 1041 Catalogue and price ttst. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS. hronlrton, Ontario. _. R.O.P. AND R.O.P. SIRED BLACK AUSTRALORP,S. AND 13AIt- rod Rocks. Donley Poultry Farm, R.R. 0, London, Ont. BLACKBERRIES EVERBEARING • BLACKBERRIES, very hardy. Have been success- fully transplanted on Prairies— well packed in moss. -Heavy crop- per fruit. large, sweet and in elusters. Order before April 10th. 4 vines for 31.00 Prepaid. A. Klein. Agassiz, 13.0. IIESINPSSl7S FO3t SALE FOR SALE, COUNTRY STORE AND service .station, complete equip- went - and stook. Good location, Pike Road, Busy Bee Corner. Raymond Ileslippe, Ainherstburg, Ont., 11.20. 2. CA'1•'1LE 10010 SALE] ESSEX -KENT GUERNSEY ASSOC- lotion offers Netters Dulls, R.O.P. Breeding. 1Vrite A. Kendlricic, Essex, DOGS FOR, BALE FOLK WELL-BRE'D FEMALE COL- lle Pups, 7 weeks old, Cattle Heelers, dap) and sire color brown, white marks. prier. 45.00. Dr. Jas. W. Glendenning, V.S., Orlllta. GREAT DANES RARLF.QVIP AND BLACIK, FROM Imported registered stock, 370 up. Apply lira, Neil Pettit, 76 Tuxedo Avenue, Hamilton, DIEING ,a GLEANING RAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing Or cleaning? .Write to us for information. We aro glad to answer your questions. Depart- went R, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. EGGS WANTED RIGIIEST PRICES PAID TOR EGGS, LIVE AND DRES9ED Poultry. Payments made prompt- ly. Eastern Farm Products Co„ 423 St. Paul East, Montreal, Que, ELECTOUCAL EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW, USED, Wight, sold, rebuilt; belt s, pulleys, bruehes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., '2826 Dufferin St, 'Parente. 5000:! BALM BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45o bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. 00AIRMS FOR SALE 100 ACRES, FRAME HOUSE, BANK barns, 20 acres bulb, balance work- ablo. 4 acres tall wheat, :plough- ing done, good water supply. Oloee to Orilita and highway. Apply Box 129, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, FARM, CENTRAL B.C. Excellent location. Large orchard. Mixed farming, e0 acres. Box 127, 78 Adelaide W., Toronto, Ont. FRUIT AND POULTRY' FARMS for sale, 5 to. 60 acres In Niagara district. Easily financed. R. C. McGhee, 96 Jackson St. West, Hamilton, Ontario. 50 -ACRE FARM, G001) BUILD- logs, water In barn, Mornington Township. Price only 42,800.' H. 3. Cotty & Co„ 108 Downie Street, Stratford, Ont, FIVE HUNDRED ACRES. BRICK house, three barna, machine 1touse, good roofs and tenses, able, fifty-two cattle, nine reed. Rural mall telephone, erbert Campbell, Ittoute No. 6, Smith's Falls, Ont. e, FARM EQUI1']IIENT FOR SALE HSED THRESHERS AND TRAC- Ors of various sizes and makes sr sale, wholesale and retail. blae and Service, 'Wilson Avenue, particulars write Huggarde' r it � a sex Ontario, WESTERN LAND 's0 ACRES .IN NORTHERN SASK- atehewan, all ander good aultiva- $ion, good mixed farming district,. $ miles from town with b ele eters, on good highway; price 26 per acre, $18 per acre cash, glance arranged. Box 101, 73 'Adelaide W., Toronto. FARM HELP WANTED RESPECTABLE, TStus'n'WORTHT, man without children to operate 10 acres asparagus, raspberries, orchard.. -- On main highway, 9 Miles 'west of Toronto. Separate house. This would suit active re- tired farmer. Write fully stating Yowest wage wanted. Box 122, 79 Adelaide St. 12'est, Toronto, B' i R T4: D R, EXPERIENCE—I). knowledge of beet cattle and eheep, married man, house avail- able. Apply Yellow Briar Farm, Mono Mills. DAIRY FARMHAND, 1 X.PERIENC- Sd, single middle ogee, non - Molter. 9Latn age. wages and particulars. John Nixon, R,R, 4, Dundas, FARM WANTED WANTED TO RENT P lv I rle OPTION brt 01111 ng to 25 oris - w'I t1Y utiatives. within n n5 011100 or To- ronto. Give roll parer r.- i'a In prlr,e, ole, Pox 118, 1 Adole 'de We Torentn. 11011E-re1NDICLLCI RTE'N MOTHERS! 1OU CAN AID TIT117" early education of ,your pre- school child \with our creative handwork displays now available for home its well as school use. They include cut-out', silhouettes. borders, window decorations,. etc. —inetrueti0 1 for construction with coloured papers, crayons, etc. These are inspired by tested educational icleas. Ten seasonal titles in cbc serles one for each month, complete 35.50. Single un- ite 15c each. Dominion Teachers Sett ire. 2!i Sentt St., .Toronto, HORSES FOR SALE REG. PALOMINO QUARTER HORS - es end reg. Palomino Tennessee Walking horses of grand Cham- ' plop broad lines, Stallions from weanling colts to serviceable ages; mares front weanling to brood mares In foal to our out- standing stallions; 3 good. Pal- omino stock horses of quarter horse breeding; 6 reg. Palomino geldings, real pleasure horses, very inexperienced safe for ladies, chil- dren m• riders; several reg. 'I'enessee Walking show horses. Let me know your requirements. Send for our lat- est descriptive price list. World's largest breeders of Palomino horse s. FISHER PALOMINO FARMS, Souderton. Pa. PDRCHERON STALLION, RISING 9 years, form three; will sell or let mar toe season. ]lust be re- liable care taper. Apply Geo. 1V•. Stewart, 104 Massey St„ Toronto,. Ontario. ISAN D}'M.1N wassailers WANTED: EXPERIENCED HOUSE - man, gnrdner and general halide,' man. ,able to drive car. Must be married. Modern bungalow with all sonvenienees- provided. Amity discharge or rejection. preferred. L oeaelon In country 40 miles front Toronto. References required. Apply neatest l:mploymrmt and Selective Service Office. Defer to 0.11. 733. Those employed In war work need not apply, ALADDIN 01011IES ALADDIN HOMES, 31,200-37;900. Pay like rent, .Send 26c. tor 32 - page book,Howard St„ Reming- ton Park, Windsor, Ont. BAIRDREISSING StblJOOL LPlA RN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method, Information on request regarding clauses. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy 157 Avenue -Road, Toronto, HAIn GOODS W 1 G S, TOUPES, TRANSFORM - aeons, Switches, Curls and all types oe finest quality Hair 'Goods.Write for illustrated cat- alogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co„ 628 Bathurst Street, Toronto. AAnR15 TWEEDS. GENUINE HARRIS TWEEDS 's AND 4 'YARD ENDS AT 32.00 PDR yard. High Grade half yard Suit - bags or Gabardines, suitable for children's clothes, SOe each, Post- age extra. Louts Pike, 301 Spadlna Avenue, Toronto. HARNESS DRESSING 18LIP2T ITARNESS DRESSING — Plneet leather and harness pre- servative.-Slipit also has many houeshold uses 25a up at most grocery, hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories. Toronto. 0 O1 FPvR '1'U INVENTORS Ali OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full Infor- mation sent tree. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Runk Street. Ottawa. (',nnnda.• la LANDS WANTED WANTED FOR CASH, WASTE lands, cut over lands, on lake, river or highway. State lot and concession numbers, township end all details of interest in first letter with lowest cash price. P.O. Box 48, Postal Station K, Toronto. MOTORS FUR SALE NEW MOTORS FOR IMMEDIATE delivery,. all sizes and eteetrical specifications. Largo stook of re - ch equip- mentu4 re- built nors, Machine shop ac p moot and wood -wonting machln- 4•.ry. Macy Machinery Co., 109 King East, Toronto. MEDXCAL ... A. TRIAL -EVERY SUFFEIIErt or Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis e i Rem should tryDixon's edv. Munro's Drg Store, 991 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. NURSSORY STOOK FREE COLORED NURSERY Catalogue. Full line of Fruit Trees;. Evergreens; Flowering Shrubs; Perennials;• Shade Trees; Rose s; Broolcdale-Kingswey Nurseries, Bowmnnville, Ontario, . h'HIITtt( It A 1`11 v_ SPECIAL PRICES ON COLORED AND FRAMED ENLARGEMENTS Quality Enlargements 4x0" in Beau- tiful easel mounts, 3 for 25e. Prim- ed in Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames on Ivory mats 7r9". 59c each. If coloured 790 each, ANY SIZE ROLL 6 or.8 exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e Get prompt mall service on quality work at low cost. Satisfied custom- ers all over Canada will tell you that Stat' Snapshot Service does the best irork, DON'T TAKE. RISKS WITH YOUR FILMS Snapshots Can never be taken agaht. Send your tolls to Canada's largest and finest finishing studio— , STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE 1101.1 ). Pastel 'Per:Ulna] A., Toronto I'rlul Veer Name end Address Plainly oh All Orders, MAIL YOUR FILMS TO 1.M PER] AL. GO et CUALIT Y, service and satisfaction, 0 or 8 exposure filets 25e; reprints 8 for 20c. imperial Photo Service. Sta- tion ,1 Toronto. tc PETS WANTED WANTED CANARIES, PUPPTES, Persian Kittens, Pigeons, other Pets. Send descriptions price to Seeds & Birds Co„ 1230 St. Cath- erilte. 9V„ brontreel. PAI' ICNTS' FE'THL^RSTUNT•IAU(;E & COMPANY Patent Solicitors, ostnblished 1890;.. 14 King West,Toronto. Booklet or Information on re- quest. •-. I'E11'tSONAL GAIN WISDOM—ENCLOSE BIRTH date. Starnes accepted. Voluntary donations. N.O. Box 801, Ottawa, Canada.. QUILTING PATCHES QUILTING PATCHES FANCY TOPCOATINCS AND .HIGH grade .Settings, some Scotch 'Tweeds, 0018, 00 pieces 0_.50 postage included. Louis Trice. 301 Sentient Avenue, Toronto. Iter Elum:AT10 PAINS HAVE YOU HEATOT) ABOUT It1N- on's Neuritis and Rltettmatic. fain Remedy" It gives good resuits. Sold at Munro's Drug :Store, 305 'Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. SEED CORN WE ARE GROWERS AND MARK. eters of the fatuous Truck Load Ear Brand seed corn. Order early and save looney. Belle elver Grain & Seed Company, Belle River, Ont. SEEDS HICK'S KITCHEN GARDEN THE IDEAL c'OLL17CTtON FOR Chis seal's Victory Gardener. En- ough seed for a garden 18 x 30 ft. for only $1.00. Includes '•nr- rot, Beet, Radish, ,atcum tier, Bttsh Bean (green and wax), Lima Bean. Sweet Corn, Lettuce, Parsley, - Onion Turnip, 'en.e, Parsnip, Pumpl1 cin—IL varieties in all. (51,60 Value) sent post- paid for $1,00. Dept 1S-, — W. W. Hick and Sons Limited, Lindsay, Ontario. "Seeds of Merit." SEEDS S STAMPS VEGETABLE & FLOWER SEED and Plants, price for stamp; and swap for used stamps too. Mich. Plant Co., Kalamazoo 34. Fon SALE AMERICAN CREAM SEPARATOR Sales and Service new and re- built machines. American Sep- arator Sales, Gode'ich, Ont. 3 010 SALE KNITTING, WEAVING W 0 0 0 Yarn, two ply, white, blue, red, khaki, black, green, brow n, 31.29 per pound. Guaranteed. Refund. S. Goods,SL Somme, Que. TRACr'ORS won SALE efcC0111IICH PEERING TRACTOR. fifteen thirty, new rings, wrist pins, radiator. ]-Excellent condi- tion, $500; 2 half -horse electric motors, 8 phase 220 colt each $20, in Al shape, Fred Robinson, Corbyville. Ont. TRACTOR WVAN'EED WANTED—LATE MODEL 4 -PLOW Tractor or rubber for cash, I4ox 10, Brennen, Saab. 'PAPEWVOltel STOMACH 'AND THREAD WOIIIIIS often are the cause of Ili -health 1n humans all ages. No one Ines mune! Why not Lind out 0 this Is your trouble? Interesting uar- ticulars—I'reel Write Mnlvetiey'a Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3., Ont. ATTENTION! WOOL GROWERS MR.' WOOL GROWER THIS OLD ESTAOLI seem) WOOL - len 1611 is under new manage- ment. We onemio a Registered Government Wool Wareboueeand are prepared to purchase this Seasa'ewool olion Govern- ment Grading standards, and at Government stipulated prices. THE STRATUM'S!' 'WOOLLEN' EN• 50IL00 LIMITED, STRAT11ROY, ONTARIO. SIUMMER. RESORT WANTED) WANTED TO BUY CODA PAYING. Summer Resort or Motel, gond each paymeIlt, I.tobett \IeT;hae, 96 Jackson Street West, Hamilton,. Ontnl'lo, Past -War Plans (The Farmer Boy) Fields without a foxhole, Cows 011 every 1-111, And two of my Mother's pumpkin pies On the kitchen winddw sill. (The Mechanic) To take my little o apart t e l d ear a a.. 3 i And put it togcthcr again. And to .take my best girl ruling A)ip time after ten. (The Grouch) To get up when I want to gat op, And read the morning 110.516, Attd ff :I like 'rm clu,ay— Ib h eck with 'shining sIir.cs, —Dick in Chi, Tribe,