HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-03-16, Page 8► THE SEAFORTH NEWS Auction Sale Household Furnishings. it Eamondvnle, on' Wednesday, March 20, at 1 Quebec range, 1 cherry drop leaf table; 10 kitchen chairs 1 day bed ; 1 extension. table; 1 New Williams sewing machine.drop heed i' book case and books, clock, d ck, 6 different f' erantient sized small tables ; chairs; 1 antique settee ; 1 largo oak - easy chair; number of. odd, chairs severl antique. rocking ohairs; hall ,rack, fernery,. dresser; 2 chests of drawers,. 1 ,iron bed and springs; 2 antique bed steads and springs; 1 quilt box; number of quilts, mats, toilet sets, 9 lamps. Quantity of dishes and kitohen utensils, garden ' tools, buck saw, fruit oup- board, 3 wash tubs, boiler, mocks, sealers, Other articles too numerous to mention. Also tikes,following; roing COehsirs, cot,several small ' aables, 1 tree;1 kitchen cup- board; 1e.; hall rack; hoard; 1 oak kitchen cabinet with white top ; 1 chest of drawers; 2 wooden beds; 1 oak. book case and writing desk combined, almost as good no new ; 1 e tandett etl•,vr us Mica;x9 1 Brussels rug -12x15; 1 sausage machine, 1 coal scuttle. Terms gash. ESTATE OF LATE HELEN GEMMELL. EB PldCI ackesney,'Clerk ioneer, FOR SALE Two young Shorthorn bulls, ready lar service. Apply to George lhIani;. Phone 24 on S00, Clinton' central. Clearing Auction Sale Farm, Farm Stock and Implements." s mile south a 0 Saturday, March 25th at 1 Hayfield m fieltl Rd Terms cash. A. E. ALT2N, Executor. HAROLD JACKSON, .Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Farm Stock .and Implements. an Monday, March 27, at 1 Dan., 2 miles southeast of Parkhill, East Williams TwD. GEORGE JACKSON. Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. a Clearing Action Sale Farm Sock and Implements, at Lot 2, North boundary, Halt Twp., 1 mile west of Kippen, on Saturday, April tat at 1 p.m. Terms cash. H. JACKSON, Auctioneer,. HENRY IVISON, Proprietor. NOTICE Will the party who removed the two bags of grist from the Varna Chopping Mill on Wednesday, March Sth, between the hours of 10.30 anti 12.30„ kindly return Same, or make suitable remuneration, on or before March 21St -Jolla Altlingtou, FOR SALE Mixed grain for sale. 1.3 barley. 2'3 oats. 1942 crop. Apply Lew Teb- butt, Seaforth, R.R.B. Phone 6651'11. FOR SALE Ten pigs, six weeks old. Apply to Pat. ;Murray, Phone 352x13. CLEARING Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, .Implements, Oite. Lou Rowland, Auctioneer, has been instructedto. sell by public auction or Lot 20, Con, 14, L. McKillop Township, 00 Friday, Mach 24th, at 1 p.m, HORSES — 1 gray horse 11 years old ; 1 bay rare, 10 years old. CATTLE - 1 heifer rising three, with. calf by her side ; 2 heifers, rising three, due about before sale; 1 cow, six years old, with Veld.? y her side ;year cow, 8 Years old, fresh- ; 2 cows, 6 years old, due near time of sale; 1 cow, 7 years old due about time of sale ; 1 cow, s years old, due about time of sale; 1 aged cow, supposed to be in calf ; 10 yearling cattle. 100 Bens, PIGS — 2 brood COWS, due in June; 20 pigs, i1,_ months old. IMPLEMENTS—M.H. binder, 7 ft.; /AIL rake; MeC. mower; M.H. loader.; light tractor double disc; 4 see. harrows; 1 walk- ing plough; 1 fanning mill; 1 cutting box; M.H. gasoline. engine, 404, h.p. ; Renfrew cream separ'atol', 700 cap.; hay todder; truck wagon, 111 wagon; grain crusher; belt; pulper t 1 set of sleighs; 1 crosscut saw ; 1 chicken shelter; buggy; cutter; forks shovels; whitrletrees; M.H. 13 disc drill, Al' condition. HARNESS — 1 set of breeching harness;. 1 set of single harness; horse collars. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — 1 bedroom anile, 1 iron bedstead. Terms cash. JOS. HACKWELL, Proprietor. LOUT ROWLAND, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Farm Stock, Implements and Household Ef- fects. At Lots 17-18, Huron. Read, v miles west of Seaforth, on Tuesday, -Mar. 21, at 12 o'clock ppm. sharp. HORSES -1 Black Gelding, 9: years old ; 1 Blown Golding, 9 years old; 1 Bay Gelding 10 years -old. CATTLE --3 Durham Cows,fresh 1 month, with calves at foot; 1 Durham Caw, due time of sale; 5 Durham Cows, due April mid May; 1 Holstein Heifer, due April 1st; 4' Hereford Steers, 900 to 1,000 lbs. 10 Hereford Steers, rising 2 years old ; 4 Hereford Heifers due in April. and May ; 4 Hereford Heifers rising .years old; 7 Hereford last Fall calves. PIGS—io pigs ten weeks old. POULTRY, ETC. -100 Roek.Hens, one year old ; 200 -egg Brooder Sovet; C1 Chicken Feedery House, Side: IMPLEMENTS—Hari-Parr Tractor, 13-30 ; 1 McCormick -Deering 3 -furrow plow on rub- ber; 1 Oliver 10 -ft. tractor disc, like new 1 0 -ft. Massey -Harris one-way disc like new; 1 Massey -Harris 12' grain grinder, speed jack and carriage (new) ; 1 Waterloo grain separator, 28x42, on. rubber ; 1 Case silo filler, 14", twoseasons, on rubber; 2 drive belts, 120 ft. and 100 ft. ; 1 Massey -Harris 7 -ft. bin- der ; inder; 1 MoCormick-Dearing mower 6 -ft.; 1 McCormick -Deering side rake; new ; 1 McCor- mick -Deering hay loader, drop head 1 sulky Of Farm Sock, Implements and Furniture. rake; 1 12 -disc McCormick -Dearing fertilizer Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer, has received drill, 3 years old; 1 set of diamond harrows; instructions from the undersigned' proprietor 2 International corn or bean scuffle's, new: to sell by public auction at ':Lot 21, , Col of 5, an 2 walking plows; 1 Ma0ormiak-Deering m- Township of Logan, Sib miles ere spreader; 2 farm wagons; 1 rubber tired .Mitchell, then 11/4 miles west, on Tuesday, Wagon; 2 grail, boxes with stock rack; 2 16- March ,21st, ft. hay reeks with rolling rack; 1 set of sloop Sale to commence at 11.30 o'clock sharp, sleighs with fist rack; 1 2,000 lb. scales; cut- HORSES — 1 Olyde mare 11 years old; 1 ter; 1 fanning mill; harrow cart; 1 barrel Clyde gelding 10 years pld; 1 general :purpose whitewash sprayer; 1 International cream 7 years old, good In all harness. separator, power drive and moot'; stone boat; milk pans , crosscut saw ; whlfrletees ; ncak- yokes; forks; shovels;quantity of lumber and plank ; 10 cords of hardwood; 1 real good Col- lie dog. heeler;: number of bags potatoes.; few bushels Spy apples. HARNESS -1 Set of heavy harness; 6 horse collas; 1 28" horse collar. , Grain -250 bushels of seed grain 1042 crop, Oats and barley ; 000 bushels of Mixed Grain; 11 bushels of Timothy Seed; 2 tons of feed beans; 50 bushels of Wheat. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS --1 Westinghouse electric washing machine (new) ; 1 all -enamel Finlay cook stove with water front; 1 exten- sion mom and 1 chesterfield day itetds suite (new, 3 nieces) ; 1 bookcase and china cabinet ; number of small tables; 4 reeking chairs; 1 hall rack and sent t number of pictures; 2 bed -room suites; 1 single bed; 1 002(000 dresser; 1 cov- ered bairnam chair; 1 toilet set medicine coaltnillstew and oven tapestry rug 9 chair;.; wool rug. 11a12; lamps; sealers; dishes; kit- chen utensils and a host of other. .. household effect S. Terms cash. HAROLD ,TACIiS001. Auctioneer, MRS. MARY RINTOUL, Proprietress, FOR SALE 201 bus, Cartier seed oats. A quan- tity of mixed hay. A pure bred Angus bull 3 year:; old. A pure hied Bel'lc hog. Also a two wheel trailer and a good farm wagon. James E. Jo1ur4ton.. MIAMI. R.R.4. Phone 12 on Soo, FOR SALE Erban oats for seed, both 1942 and 1943. Also oats for feed. J. P. Cole. Bricefleld, Phone 12 on 62S. Clinton. 0 i.1 K: • Y CLEARING Auction Sale Farm. Farms Steck and Implements. At Lot 1:, Luke Rd. east i miles south of Barfield, on Blue Water Highway,Stanley Te -p., Ott Friday, March 24tlt at 1 p.m. 1 ams en chattels, cash. HAROLD JACKSON. Auctioneer. WM. ;LACK. Proprietor. SEED OATS A quantity of Early Erban Seed Oats. Mrs. John Bell, R.11.2, Kippen, Phone 911'12, Hensell. FOR SALE Vanguard seed oats, 1942 crop, test 40 lbs, per bus. Also seed barley, test 55 lbs. per bus. Reynolds Dairy. Phone 6671'33. FOR SALE One sound wont horse, rising five yoars old, or will Ileal on cattle. Ap- ply to the News Office. .„FOR SALE Buckeye incubator, 210 -egg cap., 5 -burner coal oil stove, sugar kettle, folding bed, auto knitter, milk traps. 'Apply to Mrs. M. G. Beatty, Box 102, Varna. CLEARING Auction Sale Executors Sale Farm.. Farm Stock and Implements. East \V-avanesh Township. 2 miles north of West- field, ,on Thursday, Mar. 23, at 12,30 o'clock. Terms cash. MARSHALL STONEHOIISE, Executor. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. PURE-BRED YORKSHIRES For sale. Young hogs 41/2 months of age for breeding purposes. From sow bred by W. H. Romaliu of Robin - wood Farm with Advanced Registry breeding. Price reasonable. J. A. Montgomery, R.R. =1. Seaforth, Ont. Phone 534 ring 11. )).3 1 4ai ...it changes constantly to meet this country's changing needs FOR INSTANCE ... Ever wonder where your ration coupons go? The answer is that your grocer. takes your sugar, butter and other coupons to his bank, which acts as the govern- ment's agent in identifying and accounting for millions of spent coupons. This vast bookkeeping job -known as "Ration Coupon Banking" - is just one of the new, additional assignments which the banks have assumed as part of their wartime service. Another is the payment, on behalf of the government, of cer- tain subsidies arising out of war- time price control. Still another is the handling of exchange trans- actions as agents of the Foreign Exchange Control Board. At the same time the banks have arranged facilities to serve mili- tary establishments and new war - industry centres alike. Through loans to industry and agriculture, they have helped to increase the supply of raw mate- rials, weapons and food. They have acted -as issuing agents for approximately $5,700,- 000,000 5,700,-000,000 worth of Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates, as well as lending direct financial aid to the government through short term loans. ...All this in the face of wide- spread staff changes resulting from enlistments of 8,360 trained bank employees. The war emergency has proved the readiness and ability of Canada's banks to adapt their services to new conditions. It has proved, once again, the strength of your banking system, which is providing a firm base of financial service for the greatest economic effort in the nation's history, and will with equal resourcefulness meet the challenge of the years ahead. CATTLE — Blue cow fresh with calf by her side; 1 part Ayrshire -6's Durham cow, fresh and bred again; 1 Hereford sow, fresh and: bred again ; 1 Durham cow due April 81 1 Polled Angus cow due at time of sale ; 1 part Polled Angus & Durham cow. fresh 3. months; 1 Durham cow hue May 0101; 1 Durham cow due Aug. 5th ; 1 Durham heifer fresh with calf by her side; 1 Durham heifer, fresh ; 4 Durham steers and heifer, weighing about 000' lbs. 4 Durham steers said heifers rising 1 year old; 8 Durham steers and heifers, last summer's calves; 3 Here- ford Fall calves ; 4 young Durham calves 2 months old. 1 Hereford bull, 10 mos. old. PIGS. — 1 Yorkshire sow with 6 pigs by her side, 5 weeks old ; 0 chunks wmghing about 180 lbs,; 0 chunks about 120 lbs. 'POULTRY — About 150 Leghous, last spring's pullets, 4 geese, 1 gander, 0 ducks, 1 drake. IMPLEMENTS -- John Deere 20 x 30 AR tractor on steel, nearly new, run about 500 horns; 1 Decker threshing machine 28x40, elevartar mid chaff blower in good condition ; John Deere heavy duty C.C. spring tooth tractor cultivator with 3 sets of teeth, new; 2 furrow ace bottom McCormick tractor plow, nearly new; M.H. binder, 0 ft. mot; M.H. manure spreader, nearly new • 14 plate M.H. disc; 13 hoe McCormick seen drill; Deering mover, 0 ft. cut; bI.11, side rake; M.H. hay loader steel land roller; M,I4, horse cultiva- tor ; 10 ft. Deering dump rake; turnip seeder; 2 sets sleighs, 1 nearly new ; 1 n., wagon nearly new; truck wagon; Baan wagon box and shelling; 1 hay sack with sliding rack; hay rack; gravel box; wood reek ; set. scales 2000 lb cap.; 1 rubber tiro top buggy; steel tire buggy; democrot1 34" circular saw. with good solid frame, on wheels ; Vessott grain grinder, 8" with bag- ger ; Clhrton fanning mill with bagger' 1 culling box; cutter; 1 good iron cooker; sugar ]settle ; Fleury gang plow ; Coakshutt walkb'g plow; muffler ; rip sow withshift- ing talile; 000 egg hot water incubator Miller, 800 electric Schomberg chicle brooder; 400 chick size coal brooder, colony house 12x16, cedar sides and floor, nearly new ; Gem electric fence; 86 ft. 6" canvass belt; 22 ft. 6" rubber belt, nearly now; 100 ft. endless threshing belt nearly nets; 4 sec, iron harrow with pole and new teeth; 20 ft. 114" shafting with hangers end palleYa' mot pulpal, hay fork, hay fork rope, set slings, sling chain, 5-40 gal. oil drums, Heavy logging chain nearly new; 60 bus. steel chop box; piano box, emery on stand with power. Qumnthy of 1" lumber, Quantity of 2" plank. Number window frames and sashes' 80 ft, of 2" piping, sausage grinder, speed Jack, plg crate, Also a good MCCoreeiak Deering hammer- mill; Stewart clipping lunching, stock reek, 2 Delaval areas sep- rratos, 1 with motor attached. I'Iarness — Set double. harness, set single horns s nearly new, odd collars. FEED—.Abort 10 tons of good mixed Hay, 50 bus, of wheat, 20 bus. barley, 1042 seed; 100 bus mixed. grain, 50 bus, Erban oats. good seed ; 50 bus. Early Alaskaoats, good seed ; 2 bus. Timothy seed, 16 bags of good seed potatoes. FURNITURE — Clare Jewell cook stove, cream enamel with high warming closet, re- servoir, nearly new; wooden cream emmnel bell room set consisting of bed, dresser and stand several beds, ward robe, extension oak table, number kitchen theirs, glass cup- board, 30 gal.' milk can, hall rack, hanging lamps shovels, spades, whiitletrees, neckyolces sews, logging °Mains and a host of other articles too numerous to mention. No Reserve as the farm is sold farts notice that this Sate starts sharp et 11,30 o'clock, and a lunch counter will be on the groundon day of Sale, withlunch milt drinks available taken care of by the young people of the First Lutheran °hurah, Logan. Anotioneer's decision final in case of all disputes. Anyone mounting traps and small articles should attend this sale sharp at 11.30 o'clock. Terms on Chattels, cash. NORMAN EISLER, Proprietor. FRED 'W. AHRENS, Auctioneer. THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1944 SATURDAY CASH ..&'CARRY SPECIALS Darleys Disinfectant lb. bottle 45c Royal Purple Hog Tonic, tin 1.75 Royal Purple hfce Killer, tin 60c Liptous Orange Pekoe Tea, 1/2 lb .40 Mother Parkers Orange Pekoe 38c Toa Blue Ribbon Pure Cocoa, 2 lb tin .38 Blue Ribbon Baking Powder, 1b. 220'. Finest Dried Apples, lb 17c Odex Soap, 4 Cakes 19c Lelys Soap, 6 cakes 25e Supersuds, pkge, 22c Fairbanks Carbolic Soap 6 cakes 26c Chips°, pkge. 220 Ivory Snow, pkge. 22c Jif, pkge, 29c Joy .Soap, 10 cakes Red Wagon Paint, 3.99 Gallon Can W. J. FINNIGAN. Auction Sale HO.USEHOLD EFFECTS. Lot 26, Gonane Sion 13, McKillop TWD., 2 miles south of Walton on highway on Tuesday Murch. 2101, Sale commences at 1 P.M. sharp. 1 Kitchen Cupboard, 12 Kitchen. 01101)s, 1 Glass Clipboard' 1 Small Cupboard, 2 Be d Springs, 2 Odd Beds„ 1 Chest of Drawers '.1. Wash Stand, 1 Victor Victrola and Records, 4 Small Tables,: 2 Cellar Tables, 2 Drop Leaf Tables, 6 Bookings. Chairs. Kitchen Chairs, 2 Bedroom Suites, .1 Dining Room Table mad Chairs, Oak Setee and 9 Chairs 2 Lroning Boards, 3 Small Stands, 1 Cot, 1 `Buffet 1 Mirror, 2 Clothes Racks, 1 Singer Sewing Ma- chine, 1 Couch, 2 Trunks, 1 (8 -day). Clock, 6 Creeka, 1. Dinner Set of Dishes, Knives end Forks, Pots and Pens 1 Coal 011 Oven, 1 Coal 011 Heater, 1 Coal 011 Lamp, Quart jars, 3 Doses Pints Jars, 1 Rug 8 is 12, 1 Linoleum Rug 9 x 12, 1 Rug (Axmin- ster) 4x 8, i Washing Machine, 1 Mop Poll Pub and Wringer, Pictures, 1 Wheel Chair, thug Box, 1 Pressing Iron, 1 Set Irons 1 Bird Cage,, 1 Set of Scales, 3 Lamp Shades 2 Elec- tric Reeding Lamps, 1 Tub and Wash Stem] 1 Wash Board, 1 Lawn Mower, Tools, 1.,Sugar Kettle, 1 Oak Barrel, Curtain Stretchers 1 Electric Plate, 1 Electric Iron,. 1 Philco Elec- tric Radio, 1 Electric 'Therapeutic Solenoid" 1 Ranch Stove, 2 Heaters, 1 Cook Stove (Que- bec), 1 Panel Door, 1 Strainer Pall, 1 Grind Stone, 1 Bee Snooker, Vice and Anvil, 1 Saw Vice, 1 Scythe, 1 Cross Cut Saw, 1 Step Lad- der, 1 Barrel Churn. 1 Tool Chest, Chicken Wire, Chicken Feeders,. 'Forks and Shovels, 1 Hay I(nife. Terms cash. NIRS. I1)A McTAGGART, PROPRIETRESS Rohl. Patrick, Clark. LEW. ROWLAND. AUCTIONEER. 2 cups sifted flour 4tspne. Magic poking Powder 1A. taps. salt 4 Monne. shortening s/4 cup milk (about) Brown sugar Cinnamon 1/z cup raleine Mix, sift first three ingredients. Cutin shortening, until mired. Add milk to make tom ooh- ddough. Knead /s lightly floured board • roll dough into 1/4 -inch thick oblong. Sprinkle with brown sugar, ctn. namon,ralslne.Roll lengthwise; out into 1 -inch slices. Bake cut side n pans orv'pie pan In 1101 0n in ead 0en (450°I') 15 minutes 2101108 10. MADEIN "• ., CANADA McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Rte. Patrick D. McConnell, IL Glenn Sam SBJAFORTII, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build, Seaforth. Office hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m, to 9 p.m. The McKillop to Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH Ont.. Officers President, Alex. Matting, Blyth;. 'Vice President, W. R. Archibald, Sea - forth; Mgr. & Sec.-Treas.,M. A.Reid,. Seaforth. Dlr Alex. , Blyth;eotors W. R. AArch..MCDwing (bald, Seaforth; Alex.' Broadfoot, Sea - forth; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; B. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton:. George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McKerclier, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, I3rodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect i0suranse or transact other business, 74111 be promptly atended to by applications to any of the above: named officers addressed to their respective 500. '- offices. •:+� Clearing Auction Sale Or farm Stock, Implements and House- hold Eli'ecto. At Lot 51 Con. 4, Tuckersmith. 11,4 miles east and 2 miles smith of Seaforth, m7 Mane. . March 20th, sI 1 p.m. 5, 1 general purpose mare risings 7, 1lvblte roan gelding 5 years old weighing 1400 lbs. CATTLE. -1 Jersey cow due before sale, 1 Jersey eon, due in May, 1 cot due in April. 2 Durham heifers to freshen in April; 1`Ayyr` Ayr- shire duo o freshen 0 inet ars it and heifers cows both milking, ranging in age from six months to two yea okL. 34312401. -100 year-old hens. IMPLEMENTS, -1 Fordson tractor, M.H. binder, 6 f1. cut, Deering mower, 5 ft, cut, M.H: dump rake. Gocksbutt cultivator, Copkshstt 13 disc drill, M.N. idrill,knr hos with cultivator teeth, 3 scuiller. 2 walking plows, riding ithow, rub- ber tired wagon, farm rack Set sloop sleighs, rubber tired buggy, cutter, blower cutting box with pipes, fanrin- cmnmmseparapithier,ill, root to 2 hiken ettivel No shelters, forks, shovels. hoes, whiffielrees. HOUSEHOLD EPl'ECTS.—Climax kitchen range, Quebec cook stove with reservoir, dining roost table, 0 chairs and buffet, 6 piece Walnut parlor bed e, 1 oc,s ionelth t l,ls mid small t00, 11 dressers. couch. kitchen ex- tension ttable, tension table, chairs and 2 cupboards, ik2, tockmg chairs, droplemnal a washing 2lsg amps, as lamp, sausage maker, dishes. Many other nrt{cles fuoos about a fol m, Post ivory no reserve as Caron is rented,Proprietress. MRS. ALICIA LEYIIURNE' HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. Auction Sale Of Ferro Stook and Implements. Mr. Har- old Jackson has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 28, Con. 10, Me Killop Township, on. Wednesday, March 22nd, 144 miles north of Winthrop anti one hili' mile west, the following: ITO1SES—Team- of gray mares, rising five Years old ; driving mere 10 years old ; gen- eral purpose mare rising 3 yeee's old. CATTLE -- 5 Hereford cows due to fresh- en in March; Hereford . cow, fresh two months: 4 Durham cows due in March old Dur - Mon heifer tlduele cow o freshen resh Itlayla 101 bar Dur- ham bull 1 year old ; 0 Hereford baby beeves, 000 to 700 lbs.; 1 Hereford calves rising 1 year old, IIVIPLEMENTS — Frost and Wood binder, 7 ft, in Bret class condition; 10 ft. steel rake MIL ; Prost & Wood stiff tooth culti- vator; walking plow; truck wagon, 8" tire; 16 it. ha reek; M. H. hayloader; top tlamsa,/i Ibuggy; ernatiolgrainepertos, 2x40in good condition condition; colony horse, 10812. Terme cash. 11A03( MCSPADDEN, Proprietor.. HAROLD JACKSON,. Auctioneer. INSURES BAKING SUCCESS Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successor t0 James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT, All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies, SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B„ Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic equipment. Dr. F. J, R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Dar, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 3 tt, 6 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held o11 the second and last Thursday In every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Boss' office. Phone 6 J Clearing Auction Sale Farm Stock and Implements. Lot 35, Con. 6, Logan 1.1011„ 8 miles north of Dublin, on Trlday, March 17t11, at 1 p.m. 1 Clyde HORSES - 1. gray mane, aged ; mare 5 years old, 1400 lbs, ; 1 Clyde gelding 4 yaws eld. CATTLE -1 Durham cow 3 years old, due Apt 20; 1 Durham caw 3 years old due ;luno 25; 1 Durham heifer due July 0; 1 DurWem heifer supposed to be in calf ; 8 Durham steel's, 800 11s ;. 2 Durham steers 700 lbs.; 3 steers rising 1 year old, IMPLEMENTS --Deering binder, 7 ft. cut; Deering =wee, 6 ft, cut; Deering mower,. 5 ft. col; 1. sulky rake; 1 M.H. hay loader ; 1 Frost & Wood seed drill; 1 disc harrow 1--4 section diamond harrows; 1 Deming manure spreader; 1-10" 3 furrow Case tractor plow 1-12" 3 furrow tractor Inter- national plow; '1 M.H.. Quebec sulky one furrow riding plow; 2 walking plows; 1-2 furrow gang plow ; 1, soulfler, 1 M,H. broadcasting box;. 1-0 h.p, gal engine; 1— 15 in. double ram .Robinson & Gray grain grinder; atone boat; 1 new alveolar saw frame; fanning mill; root Peltier; sugar kettle; 2000 ib scales,' 2 wheel barrows, 1 au, farm wagon. 16 'ft. sliding hay rack; gravel box; 1 rubber tired wagon with box; 1 light wagon ; 1027 Ford coach; 2 buggies, rubber tired and steel tired; 1 cutter; 1 large goat robe. Quantity of plank and lum- ber; number of cedar posts. post auger. Forks, shovels, hay fork, sling ropes, Whipple trees and other articles. HARNESS -1 . set of breeching harness, 1 set of backbend harness; number of horse collars. HAY & GRAIN -12 tons of timothy hay ; 8 tons of mixed hay; 350 bus. Banner oats, 1042 crop, suitable for seed to 60 bus. mixed grain, 1092 crop; 15 bus. of 6 row barley ; 100 bus of wheat, 1942; 100 bus, of wheat; 4 bus of timothy seed. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -1 crop leaf table, 3 kitohen chairs, 1 rocking chair, 2 bed- steads with spring; 2 humps, number of mats and carpets; 1 small table, Greeks, sealers and other articles. - Terms cash. 302TN DILLON, Proprietor. I•IAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr: W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth FOR SALE Registered Dual Purpose bull of serviceable ago, Herd fully T,B. and Bloodtested. Also two chicken shelt- ers used one year. Sandy Pepper, Seaforth, phone 656x41. Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Implements Hay nasi seed grain, Cartier Oats and No, 21 Barley, on lot 24, con. 1, LRS., 11/ miles south of Bruce - field on Na 4 IIighway on Mr, 280. Terms—Cash No reserve as farm 10 sold. .JOAN N TTAZLEWOOD. Proprietor. ITAROL1) ,JACKSON, Auctioneer. FOR SALE 1i'eytosan for prevention of and better yield. For sale by Ihomesou, Seaforth, R.R. 2, g3: -;r31, FOR SALE Grade Iderefortl bull, 12 mos. old, Thos. Storey, phone 25 on 831. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Fifty acres.south miles half o south of Dublin. n. 4, Hibbert, 21;2 Apply at News office. FOR SALE OR RENT smut, J. W. phone 100 acre farm ou the highway be- tween Seaforth- and Clinton, A frame house, banit barn, choice clay loam, plenty of water. Apply to Wm. Living- ston or James F. Scott, R.R. 2, Sea' forth, FOR SALE O.A.C. No. 3 Early Oats and Barley, about; one-third barley. This is 'good heavy grain, 1943 crop. Also a. quan- tity of Red Clover Seery, Earl Lawson, Phone 841 ring 12. Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF FRANCES M• GIVLIN All persons having claims against no tha Estate of 1"rances M. Orlin, of Huron, Torn of Seaforth, in the County Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 151,0, day of February, 1944, are hereby na- fled to send in to the undersignedlfull par before the 30th day. of March, tiaul0rs of their claims. ,Ie, the t&y after the said lest mentioned elate, the assets of the saidrtiesle entitled distributed having amongst the - p of thereto, 1lunder regard only to claims which the mdoeotgnad shall bion have notice, to Ile exclusion of all others, e,hs Oedersi se c will not be Baste d ashall not of whose alarm the undersign tion have notice for the assets 0o distributed fi1r D4ayd d 1a0t1 Stehaeroerofh. this 4111 day 1.4"a'h' McCONNELL & HAYS, ntario forSetifth, Solicitors the Executors. welt i DEAD AND DISABLED' ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry).