HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-03-16, Page 3ME NO lila 1111111 11211 EMI EMI INVESTMENTS DELWOOD PORCUPINE TAMARACK SYNDICATE Write for Information GIBSON M. T,OD'& COMPANY 71 King St. West - - Toronto WHAT SCIENCE IS NINE . Countparg'Bullets How does a combat pilot know how many machine bullets are felt in his guns? Let us assume, fur an example, that the fighter plane under con- sideration is equipped with two machine guns of .30 caliber, and two more of .50 caliber, and that they are so located about the ship that the pilot cannot tell by look- ing 'how many rounds of bullets arc left after •he has been firing a while. He can obtain this vitally im- portant information, however, by' looking at his Ammunition Re- maining indicator, developed by General Electric engineer's. Re- gardless of where the guns are located on the plane, a glance at the instrument will tell hint bow many rounds of ammunition are still available for use against the enemy. The indicator has four dials. Two of the dials, each marked from 0 io 500, are used to keep track of the supply of .30 calibre bullets. The other two dials, marked from 0 to 200, tell the facts about the supply of .50 calibre bullets. Electrical impulses operate the Ammunition Remaining indicator, the hand on each dial pointing to the number of rounds of bullets re- maining (if any) and this informa- tion tells the pilot whether to en- gage a new enemy in combat or to turn tail and crit for hone for lack of bullets to feed his guns. TREASURER j. 'A. Dundas, Montreal, assist. ant to the vice-president of finance, Canadian Pacific Railway, who has been appointed treasurer .of the company., Mr. Dundas has been with the C,P.R. for 37 years, with all his service in the finance depart- ment at headquarters. An .Offense Nazi -con trolled police. in :llihtu, Italy, arrested 100 yoting people for dancing, the Geneva newspaper I::a Suisse said in an article reported recently to the Office of War in- formation. Before imprisoning them. the police forced them to march through the city carrying this poster: "While the country bleeds, we dance." HELPS STRAIGHT SHOOTERS One reason why U.S, Rangers and paratroopers are straight shoot- ers is Bill Allender of the Winchester Arms Company's New Haven, Conn., plant. He has straightened more than 2,000,000 gun barrels by hand in 30 years, using the hand operated press seen in the photo. Master craftsmen like Allender straighten the barrels of every carbine that comes off the production line. "Curved" part of barrel lis rested on die which, under Allender's keen eye and deli- cate touch, literally pushes out the curve. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. Should a man and a woman rise if they are dining in a public restaurant, and another couple stops at their table to talk for a minute? 2.Wht What should one do when he is at a social gathering and is seated next to a person he doesn't know? 3, If one is buttering a piece of Eczema itch Stopped is 7 MieS Your skin has nearly 50 10OH 11 tang Seam- 1and05. pores ftsg,2 atnlr, hide and cause Itch- ung, Ing Si ng, iotebe a -oke Rash; gpg, .Boot It Skin alothers, Pimples, t,hes. 'She .root Itch and outer skin blemishes. The Env treatment Nixoderm stops the itching 7 minutes and goes right to work curbing, ��eu germs and should quickly helpmake 8a g 1 y our: skin clearer, softer, smoother and satisfy you completely feat 11 get must yabas- 011 eturn of ly or you cit your money back CM return od emptyY package. xo trit on your by -sea how fast it works and how much betteryou look. The money -back trial offerpro protectsyou. bread, should it he held in the left hand? 4. When dining out, on what sized bill should one apply the. "ten per cent" rule? 5. If a roan and his wife are signing their names to greeting cards, whose name should come first? 3. 4i 1 should a ball be - ' e What time gin? Answers 1,The man should rise, but the woman should remain seated, 2. Hs' should introduce hhnself, 3. No; hold the bread against the plate while buttering it. 1. if the bill amounts to $2.50 or more. If less than this, the tip may be just as iuuch as o11ewishes to give. 5. Whenever the titles Mr. and Mrs, are used together as a name the Mr, comes first. 0. Usually ten o'clock, but dancing seldom starts before about ten -thirty, Approximately 10 per cent of the total aircraft employees in the United, States are women. (it Led fra§ 7,6 Wise Farmer Will Buy Fertilizer Now From the fertilizer manufac- turers collies a warning that un- less farmers will order and take delivery of their fertilizer early; they may not get k in time for use. This is due to labor prob-, • lents and to the fact that more farmers are buying more fer- tilizers than formerly. If the, Spring season 'ia a short one a situation will confront' the fertilizer • manufacturer's with re- spect to labor and transportation which may be beyond their over- taxed capacity to handle, The wise farmer will see to it that his fe-tilizer supply is safely stored in his barn before this'. Spring rush begins. Of course, care must be exer- cised in storing it. Bags should be, placed on either a thick layer of straw or a false bottom floor and piled as one piles cordwood,, this leaving plenty of air space between the bags. It should be stored in a dry place and in rea- sonably small piles, if possible. • Farmers will safeguard their own interests and help the gen- eral situation greatly if they will buy and take delivery of their fertilizer requirements in the very near future. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES GUARANTEED METHOD OF HUMIDIFYING INTAKE AIR USED BY AUTO s, TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. UNCON01 rION:1J 1' k GUAR - ANTE I3D TO SAYE GASO- LIN 1., ET.11\1I NATE E CAR- BON DEPOSITS \NJ) MAKE ANY GASOLINE ENGINE OPER E. \TORI SMO0'J'11- LY. FEW OLD CA PARTS MARE COST UNDER 53.00 IN(L'UDTNG :PLANS, PER- • MAN EN T SATiSFA CTION.. ORDER COMP r1 PLANS FOR 45.00 POSTPAID. GUAR- ANTEED SATISFACTION 01.1 MONEY REFUNDED. FL1IN ENCIINEERING tC D11s1GN, go CHARLES EAST, TO- RONTO.. The Pick of Tobacco Al:C'rION SALE AUCTLON' S 1L L, 5 HEAD AI) 01•" REG. Holsteins' sutpervl.iel nodblood tested on April 6 t,t One o'eioete john W. Dr1Gen, Renfrew, Opt. ARTHRITIC PA INF DON"t SU111Tle PROM TEE TOR - toeing pains or erthrl tis, thru- mattetil or neuritis,- Delay may be dangerous. Fermat Tablets (non - habit forming) bavr brought rr- lief in many rases through their gentle soothing action and de- merve attention. At all d1'ugglstn or 2 111011tt55 tretitment 01.00 post- paid, Formol DIstrtbetord, den, Ont. R(JLI, Pint S 0110 FOR SA141-A 110015 DARK RIs, Polled Shorthorn hull, Glenn ea/ Impression X230177. sr-niorherri- sire.Nornitut 1a yet, Baltimore, Ont, limit' CHICKS 1TAtil' ClOIt'R0 BARRED ROCK 151,005) TESTED Chicks, 1-1 flay unsexed 317,00 hundrad, Pullets 321.00. No wait- ing. 13. .T. Mnssc, 226 ltridge Ave.. Windsor, Ont N)ATG14130135 T ELI.N111(GITBOItS about 'Twain,: (Woke, Because. aur otrslnmers conte bark for Toveddle .Chicks year nfl or year. we know that se th.ti:d buyers n.re our hest ndl,tt kers. The right strut is half the battle, ,,rr. 'rivoddle C'hleks and you get Government Approved birds front bloorlteste0 breeders that grew fast and predlmerl tletti•Ily-strong, healthy stock, Start eerly and. start all the ehleks yeti rem handle safely. There'll be a mar- ket, fur every ehlelcen and every egg You can produe.e. Send for Treadle rntaloa'uo and prieelisr. A. limited number of started ohicks two and three weeks old for linmerlinte delivery, :\ism epecia1bargains on day ell l,env5 Breed eeekr,•e.ls, rwedele 0hlek T7a trherios Limited, Fergus, Ont. Ilr YOU' WANT CHICKS IN A hurry .this Is the pairs to got them. We 5510 110 t'•htng thols5- 1151(th every dee and 5:111 simply net -sexed, pullets or corkeeels in n11 the .popuhtr breeds -00,1 01111 ship on Abort neater. Tnp Not'll ebirke ere high rtunlity rhh•ks prndtrrerl trent government rmnlent 0" - proved bloodtceted stork. Ttavill Tiny you to perrheen high-dtlnlity etre* this yens. Write fat' seer.. le) mare en two week earl started 'Melts, 5155 Miran in nitres en day .old hoary breed rmelrerrele for 5mmeriinte dela 1'v. T,'rre 00- /110510a Ton Noteh Chirkeries. Guelph, Ontnrlo. C7TTC1: e TN MOST 711101:'0313 ARE nvnilabin for imtn.dl;,le delivery. also singed ehirice: bill boot:Inge continue henry and lve'r1 ntivise yotl 00,linrte »s soon, Tire are cenirmed to take rare of n11 t dere, 'grey TLtte erv, 1.30 John St N., TT,v»1lrott. Ont. 3'TTCTS x11 :1 DE 110,0011 't'T s 1 100 Barred and White Rorke Red nnrl Logi' 51'71- ("bloke humd to delivery. Eleven other•breeds roe later deliveries. Order at once. 1;Ju frertn Ha tett et'ies, 2018 1'lufPer- in, Toronto 30. 15 FREE .CHICKS BLIT SUI'ioetIOR t 11 r n'v CRITICS1 "EXTRA PROFIT'. A11 from inspeeled approved or. certified blood tested breeder's, Dripped Poet- Prier, pet• 100 mixed no''; 'Coekorels Pullets Day old 14.00 21,00 0,00 1 weals old 17.00 27.00. 9;00 2 weeks old 22.00 32,00 12.00 8 weeks old 23,50 37.00 10.00 n l who buy c. t, tilt Te 1 e3 will t, hitt s cl take invnerliate delivery. We will give totem 16 free chicks per 100. Send order with deposit. Will ship C.O.D. by Express.. Ask for our Price List ,tor 20 other breeds. W11 FRpEI). LEFE11VRE 2020. Amberot Street - 11Ianteeni 1'.(Z... Y,ICJt'I'I!S 17144 CHICKS FIRST HATCHr] LIST supplied. All bItcs for our 1944 hatching season have the Inter- esting 0.71.0. Government Band. Culled and blood tested 1171 Le partmeSOnt l 00(1QNt 01011'150 Deliver/eta R.R. 1. Phone 99-211 BABY CHICKS PROM BLOOD - A -1 Tested flocks. Batted Rocks, lalp'o typo - White Leghorns,. 'Barred Rock X White T.ogliot ns, Sussex X New Hampshire Red X Rake. Write for price List to A. H. Swlioor Hatchery, Granton, 0nt, BABY CHICKS AND I'OULTS, Barred: Rock and White L eg'horns /tem Government approved and bloodtested stock, alleggs set from .our own atocir. Also White oliaud 'and Broad Breasted xonze Turkey Poults. Sad for price list, The Wright Farm, Brockville, Ont. •411ANADIAN APPROVED CHICKS for immediate delivery, Leghorns, erred Rock, New Hampshire, ussex and Hybrids. Write for 8844. Catalogue and 1lriee list. 1N0NICTON POULTRY I'AnlaS, Ionkton, Ontario. HIGH QUALITY BREE32010 HAT- ehery. Chicks, blood -tested. "Or - finery prices. Popular breeds. aeon net eher3•, Shakespeore, it4. TOO LATE - `1.00 LATE NEXT SPRING 13()N"1. LET IT BE said "too late." Send for our price , list and orderyourbaby chicks now. Ocie dollar beolcs your order,. Geckle rd Chick Ea tehory, 131'itsn- ee. lisle ,1.G rant 11 LAC K.11 EILRIES EVFIRBI:A.RING BLACKBERRIES, very hardy. Have been success- futly transplanted on Prairies - Well packed In moss. Heavy erop- per fruit large, sweet and In clusters. Order before- April 10th. 4 vines for $1.00 Prepaid. A. Klein, Agasslz, 13,0.. CAI{DIVOOD CONTRACTOR WANTED -CORD \5 000 t ONTRAC- tor to cut and put on railway cars 1,500 cords of wood in. Hall- burion County. ('lose to toads and ratltl try. $7.611 a cord. A. C. Conwa, 4e Adelaide St.' East, Toronto. D1'b/1NG & :LEANING HAVE 1't)U ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or Meanies? Write to tie for Information, ,We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment Li. Parker's Dye -Works Limited, 791 Ytinge Street, To- ronte 11(3GS WANTED' HIGHEST - PTIft.JIS PAID FOR EGGS, LIVJd AND DRESSED p01111)y. Payments made prompt- ly. Eastern Parol Products Co,,. 421 tic. Paul .East, Montreal, Que. 10 LDny1'.IL10A. 1, E Q.01 1•e110N'r EL,ECTRie MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belt e, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 3320 Iri1Pferin St., Torun In a'O(10l BALM BAUM !DEKA Ftll)T 534,0,3,j destroys offensive odor instantly, 46c bottle - Utta we agent Denman 050n' ':Fere r ti to urn EA lt91 t.(tt'IP-RIION'r WANTED CASH, 1 WILL PAY FOR LATE model used 'tractor on Rubber. anis 0ther Tractor Equipment. 1.. Verhei'den, 2663 hunt, St. Tham- es. FARM 100I105'75110)0'1' 10010 SALE USED T11Ie70S1113115 AND TRA.C-, tore of various sires and mattes for sale, wholeett5e and retail. For Irattlettlar's write Sluggards' Sales and Service 0" 1lo ,n Avenue, mem,. Ont arid. "R'SFOR 0.00E 9 ACRES 1,1, TN 111.111710 FRUIT ialle\V four -room eotta5 e, 51- eelleltt location, good in- oomr. Also fruit and dairy of every eize end de •esiptton. 1 1 0071v(111 U'r 100 ST. PAUL S 1 BEET, ST. CATITAIL]AL75 150 •4)11130, 0001) 1,4 let 03401E' barn, medium sized frame house; soil in good fertility; Rothe stn- 'tion on same lot. See and buy this farm for rs good 'home. Apply to 4. P. Cht'istner, New Ham- burtr, 30070 SALE AT Wfisif,4W, 11.0„ nen' Appleda le in .loran Valley, 196 nems lona or chicken farm, 10 tunes cleared;. 130 hearing fruit trees. 30 years old. No bundle:0; running,. water. $4,500, te.rme I',. suit purobOser, Dumont, Galloway, TLC. 100 -ACRE PATOM, (;0011 LAND, good buildings, 3 miles from Stratford, lot 42, rein. 6, S. Meet - hope. :Apply Philip Petrie. R.R. 3.., Tarts! oolo, 200 ACRES FOR 13ALE-501 1. 11 Can. Township of Mountain. ^rand frame hnuoe and barn, 10 mile trete 1' llwny stn tGllt, 'loch to chvrrh end cheese fn rutty. TTrs, Mary .1, Wilson, Kemp trill r, Ont, F11111T AND POULTRY FARMS for .salt 11 to 00 teres hl \ingnra dlstrlrt. Pnsily i'Innnrrd. R (1. M,C'hee. 90 Tneltson St. West„ Tie in. itton, Onto ri0_ WESTERN LAND 100 ACRES 1N NORTHERN S\S%- atnhcwan, nil under good cultiva- tion. r I i n - ion, emixed farming di tmils from fawn with 5 ele- vatore, on gond highway puce $20 per nate, 31$ per nr'ro bash. hoionre errnne'prl, 103 101, 73 3 del.,i rte \V..- T'B'ne to, 1',1111 11131,1 WANTED WANT1011 LCl'lORfLV('.F111 1410 for farm \verb, single or renrrled, I t'tl n, 1,11.11• rn t . 'rhmm�s n0 7 1 F, w 1 Conic ,fr.. R.R. 1, Erin. RESPECT 5.131 T1, , I i IISTWO1tTITY, men without children lo operate 15 art es 0spttregus, raspberries, orchard, On main highway, 9 miles west of Toronto. Separate house This wnull Suit active re- tired farmer Write fully staking 1n\ves 0: Writ gr wanted. Ens 122, 73 •\delnele FI, \Vogt. Tnr0nto. 1:005510 KINDERGARTEN MOTTi10710! YOU CAN ATD 101120 early education of your pre- school child with our creative handwork displays t>,pw available forhome as well a5 school use. They include aur outs, eithotlettes, borders, wlndoty decorations, etc. -instructions for construction with coloured P110000, 01'3 o ns etThese are Inspired by teetad educational ideas len seasonal titles In the se't's ono for each Month, complete $550, Single un- its 75e each. Dominion (teachers Service 28 Scott St„ 'Toronto. 110RSLS.:18020 SALE 11EG. P410111INO QUARTER d't TIORS- eg�s�• and rag.. Palomino Tennessee Walking horses of greed cham- pion blood Rhes, Stallions from weaelleg dolts to serviceable ages; mares from weanling to brood mares In foal to our out- standing stallions: 3 good. Pal- emino stook horses of quarter horse breeding; 5 reg. Palomino geldings, real pleasrtre horses, very gentle, safe for lunge, eh11- dren. or inexperienced riders; several reg. Tenesseo Walking show horses. Let me know your requir l3100ts, Send for our tate cyst descriptive .price list. World's largest breeders of Vela -nine borer 0. 011STI0R PALOMINO FARMS, Souderton, re. Production of v:heat for 10-1,1in Australia is estimated at 01,000,000 bushels. HAIRDRESSING 51)11400 LEARN HAIRDRESSING ''1310 Robertson method. Information on request ^regarding classes, Roberts°fee Halyd resat ng Acad- emy, 107 0050110 Road. 'Toronto. kle.11t TItEA'r.9IE:NT GRAY HAIR may be caused by lack of VITAMINS IL' Y01111 1fAIR IS LOSING ITS color It may be because- you are not getting enough of certain vitamins.. Unless you are getting adequate amounts of these vit• amine your system may not be able to assimilate the calcium and other minerals you need for healthy, colorful hair, It your hair has prematurely turued; or i2 beginning t0 turn gray, you should take the RANDOLPH SUPER 13 TABLETS to aid to building up the hoalth. These tablets are prepared to a special formula and are sold with our booklet "Diet, Hair,: and Health",' which shows how you may eat. your may to vigorous health and beauty. Sold exclusively by the RANDOLPH CO. SALTS DEPT. 25 iioward St„ Toronto. Special introductory pa0kage $1.00. Send money with order and we pay delivery charges, 1RA151 GOODS W 1 ti S, TOUPES, TRANSFORM- ations, Switches, Curls and alt types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illustrated cat- alogue. Toronto Itunlnn Hair Supply Co„ 628 Bathurst Street, Toronto. ItA1IItI5 TWEEDS GENUINE HARRIS TWEEDS 3 AND 4 YARD l'7NOS AT 52,00 PER yard. High Grade half yard Suit - hies 01. ttnbardbnes, suitable for children's clothes, 80e each. Post- age extra. Louts Rice, 301 .Spadlna Avenue, Toronto. 7l4SDW KITING DISCOVER YOUR HIDDEN TAL- ents. Complete handwriting an- alysts, 81. Use ink. unruled paper. Send any fifty words to Caroline Sens, 041' Burnaby Blvd.. Toronto. HARNESS TH ESSINft SLTPIT HARNESS DRESSING -- Finest leather and harness pre- servant,'. Stipp also has many houeshotd uses 25e up at most grocery, hardware and chain stores. -1 product of Lloyds Lah- ore toll os. 'moron f. 0. INC(1IA'T011 FOR SATE SECOND BAND 031LLE10 110T water incubator almost new, 375 egg cm -amity. It. MacLeod, Box 5, Tlnllr„gn n. Ontario. INSECT 1000E17. TIGHT THE WARBLE PLY WITH McVeety's Warble and Louse„ Killer. A dry powder, needs 110 water. Satisfaction guaranteed, Prise per 1b, sixty cents post- . paid. Apply Norman MoVeety, Reetoule. Ont. 05'VER '1'(1 INV 1N'VIDIS AN OFFER TO EVERY ONVENTOR List of Inventions and Lull ?fifer- mation sent free. The Ramsay (00., Registered Patent. Atiurneys, 273 Hank Street, Ottawa, Canada.. MEDICAL NATURE'S TIELP-DIXON'S REM- edy for Rheumatic Pains, Neur- itis. Thousands praising 1t. Munro's Dreg Store, 315 Elgin, 011xwa. $1.00 Postpaid. 110'ron5 von s4LE NEW MOTORS FOR IMMEDIATE delivery, all sizes and electrical specifications. Largo stock of re- built motors, machine slop equip- ment and wood -working machin- ery, Mney Machinery Co., 109 Rang Tenet, Toronto. 51ACrlI1'0tRY A.TD ELECTRIC) MOTORS ELECTRIC MOTORS ALL SIZES 25 or 05 cycle -also alr compres- sors and machinery. E. Hoffman Machinery Supply, 151 Tiing St. Mesh Teronlo. tiInry b WANTED WANTED APPLICANTS FOR SIX month 'nut d in preetirnl ntu•s' 1113, starling April 17th. For par- ticulars apply to Madelene M. Raker. 249 Victoria Street, Lon- don, Ontario..... _... NURSp11(Y STOCK F n7:113 COLORI71-7 NhltsERY (!atalogue 3011 line or Fruit Trees Evergreens: l"loweriltg Shrubs - Perennials; Shade Trees; R a s e s Iirool dale-Ttingswny Nursehr, Pum ma nvillr, flsin I'l 1511501S A PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Send Your 711111 rolls to Canado's largest photo finishing studio, GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE Any size 8011-6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e A customer at Berwick, N.S., Writes "1 want you to know bow pleased I am with your wonder- ful prompt work and t service." We 0 a P p have such letter's trent all over Can- ada, ENLARGEMISNTS 2 for 26e 426" In Easel Mounts, SPECIAL •PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4x0" on ivory tinted mounts 7x2" in Gold, Silver, Circas- sian Walnut or Black Molly' finish frames, 59c :each. If enlargement coloured, 79c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120 Poeta! Terminal A, Toronto Print \our Name and .bid teas Plainly on All Orders, MAIL YOUR FILMS TO IMPERIAL- ELM QUALITY.. nervico lu,rl satisfaction I 6r 8 exposure films , 1•epri111• $ for 25r.. Inper ,al Photo. S.r.ry ire, sta• - tton 1, Toronto. I'E'I'S WANTED WANTED CANARIDS, PUPPIES. 1ES, Persian I0lttens, Pigeons, other Pets. Send desrriptlons price to Seeds dr Birds Co„ 1230 bt cih- orine AA"., 0untvhu1. PA'1•i'1N7w ' FETHLRSTt)N1d.A UGH & COAT I 'A.N0 Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Inform,/ tion on re- quest. (t UI1,'r1XG PA'1('I1ES QUILTING PATCHES FANCY TOPCOATINGS AND 141'113 graTweeds, b 61115�s 60 z plle ecee h :02.550 postage inrludt•d, Louis Iice, 361 Spa dinn Dymus. Toronto. RHEUMATIC PAINS 300D RR800030510 - EVERY 1'TRY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or • Neuritis should try Dixon e T -m- edy. Munro's Drug Stole '135 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid tpaid: $l.40. STA:HP0 STAMPS - COLLECTOR WANTS 341101511 Colonials. Newfoundland. Ever- ett Drake. 54Roefe, Send f bestor offer. Toronto. SONG SONG POEM0 WA-NTED TO BE SET TO Slt-SIC. Send ;mem for immediate •uu- slderation. Eire Star Music Mast- ers, 644 Beaeotl 3)1013, 1 r 5'.,•111, Mass. SEED CORN 'W); ARE GROWERS AND MARK - eters of the famous Truck Load Ear Brand seed corn. Order early and .save money. Belle River rsain & Seed Company, Bella River, Ont. SEEDS FOR SALE THOROUGHLY RECLEANED GOV- ernment graded Clover Se ds, Timothy and Cossack Alfalfa. Write for Prices. T. E. Muir. 12.33-• lon, Ontario. SEEDS NEW 1944 GARDEN ANNUAL YOU UP SAND-COMINc1 VICTORS' Gardeners! Send for 1llelee 001-C up-to-the-minute Garden Annual for 1044. Let the expert advice of experienced seedsmen guide •von to suttees's. Bull descriptions and Illustrations of 19.43 All America Winners and hick's Introductions for 1044 in both Vegetables and flowers, .Send lee today to W. W. Hick & Sons Limited, Lindsay, Ontorio, Dept. \V', 0501.00 FOR SALE REGISTERED TAMA\ U1tTH SWINE either sex e..5.00. Shorthorn hull craves $111(1,00, Newton Taylor 15 Sons, 13u19teton. Ontario. SHOW ill Gf2i WAN'10F:1) WANTED ONE11 HOUGHTON I20AD- ster Show Buggy complete with top and pole, Please Grate con- dition nncl mire. Box 121, 73 Acle- molds W,, `Toronto. FOR SALE AMERICAN CREAM SEPARATOR. Sales .cud Service new and tee b1111t mnehl t,,' Areerlean fire- •n 5'0' 8e10-, r .d,til•h. 1)1,0. FOR SA rile KNITTING, WEAVING W 0 0 LJ Yarn, two ply, white, blue. 13rd, Mink!, black, green, brown. 91.69 1 , Ger pound, St, iJ tome. Queteed.. Refund. STlOTt.tiN WANTED 12-GAL'G'E RE.I'EATTNG SIIr'1T- gun; y011 may nave 15. Wm. Little, Ilex 862, Ottawa, Ontario. TRACTORS Fon PALE MCCORMTCIC DEERING TRACTOR, fifteen thirty, new rings, wriet pins, radiator. IExretlent condi- tion. $600; 2 half -horse electric, Motors, 8 phase 920 volt each $25. in AI shape. Fred Robinson, Corbyv^llle. Ont. TRACTOR WANTED 'WANTED -LATE MODEL 4-d'L(r\V' 'Proof o ' 01 rnbbcr for cash. Box 10,e t Bremen, ,- Pa 1 . TAPEWORM STOMACH AND THREAD WOI1MS. often etre the cause of 111-honith in humans all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out sr 11110 is your trouble? Interesting oar- tleulars-Rreel Write Mnlveney's Remedies• Specialists Toronto 3, 0510 ATTENTION! WOOL GROWERS MR. WOOL GROWER THIS ULD ESTABLISHED TISTTTID WOOOL.. len 1•.ti11is under 'low 111521515''. nrent, We operate a Regi teed ,lovei'tuient \V001 Warehouse end are prepared to pine -hese lilts Season's wool .clip on Govern- ment Grading standards, and at: Government stipulated nricee. THE ST1t rnitOY - \\ OUT T TJN' MTLL5 LIMITED, STRATI -1 -Roy. ONTARIO. pains! AWAYITHEM Does Your Body Ache? Ifrr is int k relit; from n ser:01U leurit to; rben- nnile, n0(11511(0 lint 1,11n- I,pgo ptl n1 -Orin[ 115501' 11,1111512111(1Y aud rely 11001x. 1'71 l(rY herbal remedy ON ria internal ,L, user. AN, naivt and I0 e:1• n, Lw 11g' 1 1!01;61 :tre aRbed 5141 nV- Iain l una til Renee :nor 1:0 n o'- tt 001t right at the 01:501. Tithe 111311 ney's'Tt.1I 1Y rer-n .u•ly bt1Ore retiring and wake 1311 each rrn- ine; feeling tine, .hill ),y- n\ree 2(111(1 (irucgIllo, 'Phe Indian Aruiy hats ',ism in- ereawrd L1 times, the Royal Indian Navy 1., butes, and the Indiatl Air TForce 10 tithes the aro-tear strengl It. .41