HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-03-16, Page 2Aeaa`.COLD
Use This 3 -PURPOSE Medicine
At the very fust sniffle, sneeze, or sign
of a cold putjust a Yew drops of Vicks
Va-tro=not up eaoh nostril. I1 used In
time, Va-tro-nol'sstimulating action
actually helpspreventmany colds from
And remember this, when e, head
cold makes you miserable, or transient
congestion flus up" nose atnight,
spoils sleep -3 -purpose V a-tro-not glues
valuable help as it (1) shrinks swollen
membranes, (2)
relieves irritation,
(2) helps flush out
nasal passages,
clearing nncltlogging VICK$-
allef it brings, VA -TRO -NOL.
Some Great Men
Speak for Bible
When His Majesty the King
says of the Bible that "it behoves
us in these momentous days to turn
with renewed faith to this Divine
source of comfort and inspiration";
when President Roosevelt speaks of
it as "now and always an aid in
attaining the highest aspirations of
the soul"; when Generalissimo
Chiang Kaishek tells us that, in
reading it, 'the greatness and love
of Christ bursts upon the with new
inspiration, increasing my strength
to struggle against evil, to over-
come temptation, and to uphold
righteousness"; when General Smuts
calls it "the most precious docu-
ment in the history of our human
race"; when Admiral Sir Andrew
Cunniilgliani describes it as "our
unfailing strength and consola-
tion"; when General 'Montgomery
exclaims to his staff, "Gentlemen,
I read my Bible every day, and I
recommend you to do the sante";
and, last but not least, when Mr.
Churchill in every speech he makes
shows his indebtedness both to its
language and its governing ideas—
then indeed we have food for
thought—The Rev. John A. Pat-
ten, M.C., in the Spectator.
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The shares of this out-
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(Please Print) W.L.vfaSSININESI
THE WAR • WEEK -- Commentary 'on Current Events
U -Boat Menace To Bridge of Ships
Across Atlantic Has Been Defeated
With hundreds of thousands of
soldiers and billions of dollars'
worth of supplies streaming to
Europe over a bridge of ships, it
is both welcome and important
news to hear how safe that bridge
has become and how thoroughly
the one grave menace to it, the
German submarine, has been de-
feated. According to the First
Lord of the Admiralty, A, V.
Alexander, Allied convoy losses are
now Less than one ship in every
thousand, and so far as is known
only one major troop transport of
the many thousands sent abroad
has been sunk throughout the entire
war. Considering the needs of the
battlefronts, every loss is grievous,
but the rate of loss has become
so small that its reduction to the
present level represents a great
victory and one of the decisive
factors in the whole war says, The
New York Times.
Hitler's Victory Weapon
For in Hitler's calculations the
submarine, more than any other
weapon, was to be the weapon of
victory. It was to isolate western
Europe, Great Britain and Russia
from outside lieip so that he could
conquer them one by one by means
of his armed legions, his tanks
and planes. And if iris submar-
rines had lived up to his calcul-
ations, who can say he would not
have succeeded? In fact, in those
dark days when Britain stood alone
and when the Germans boasted of
submarine tolls exceeding a million
tons a month, borne in the main
by British shipping, German hopes
of starving out the island fortress
were flying high, and may have
contributed to Hitler's decision to
turn against Russia first They
were still flying high when Ger-
man submarines operated directly
off the American east coast and
Japanese submarines started to
shell the west coast. How des-
perately- Hitler tried to cut the
Allied life -line is indicated by the
fact that he sent tris best and cost-
liest battleships and cruisers. on
lone raiding expeditions even at
the risk of their annihilation.
Hitler's Miscalculation
But, as in every other case,
Hitler again miscalculated. The
bridge of ships remained intact, and
convoy losses which still amounted
to one in every 181 ships in 1041
dropped to one in every 233the
following year and to one in every
344 for the whole of 1043. The
submarine "wolt packs" were the
last challenge, but after their de-
feat the rate could be kept below
one in very thousand throughout
the whole second half of last year.
As a result America was able to
send more than 2,000,000 troops and
their supplies across the Atlantic,
and in addition to supply allies
with more than $20,000,000,000
worth of war materials of all kinds
of Which a good part went to
Russia. Even on that dangerous
route 88 per cent of the supplies
went through, Both Iflr. Alex-
ander and Secretary Knox warn
that Germany has r great number
of submarines in reserve and will
undoubtedly make another try,
which might come when our forces
are fighting on the Continent and
are most dependent on a contin-
uous flow of supplies and reserves.
But with the British fleet stronger
now than ever before "in relation
to the enemy naval strength," and
with the American Navy now the
largest in world history, the Ger-
man submarine has lost the irn-
portance as a decisive weapon that
it once possessed,
Britain's Pledge
Irt contrast, American submar-
hies, aided y planes and surface
vessels, arc doing to Japan exactly
what Hitler started out to do to
Britain and America. They have
Approximately 940 acres in the Kirkland -Larder
Lake area.
Proposed deep diamond drilling will test iml3'ortant
gold vein structure indicated by Wilson Bros,
Geophysical Survey,
Mary Ann merits investigation,
100 Adelaide St, W. Phone ADei. 3205
sunk close- to half of the total mer-
chant tonnage Japan controlled at
the outbreak of the war, and the
growing' dearth of shipping is al-
ready beginning to paralyze the
Japanese Empire and jeopardize its
far-flung battlefronts. The First
Lord of the Admiralty joins Priinm
Minister Churchill, Foreign .Min-
ister Eden and other British spokes-
men in the pledge that after the
European War Britain will join
America in full force to crush
Japan. This pledge is all the more
welcome because, judging front
British press ptiblications, the same
elements that are trying to organize
an underground appeasement senti-
ment toward japav in this country
are even more boldly active in'
Great Britain.
Only One Answer
It would, as the Pope says, be
"an undying stain and shame" if
Rome were to be torn by bombs.
But would it be any more grievous
a loss than thedestruction already
wrought on London; ami, for that.
matter, Berlin? There can be no
distinction between cities in this
all-out war. If the Germans use
Rome and historic monuments to
shield their forces there can be but
one answer.
—Ottawa journal
Comparing Alaska
Alaska lies in the sane latitude
as Sweeden, Norway and Finland;
it exceeds in size the combined
areas of these three countries which
have a combined population of more
than 12,000,000 people,
If you are wondering what to do
with that extra day's pay that Leap
Year has dropped in your pocket,
the Red Cross offers opportunities
to place it where it will do the
most immediate good.
—Christian Science Monitor
"The burden of the world rests
on the shoulders of the average
man." says the Guelph Mercury.
And though slightly stooped and
suffering from saddle -gall, the hardy
little sonofagun is still on his feet,
but wobbly.
-Ottawa Citizen.
The Ottawa Journal's editor says
"that the nearest thing to ,bliss on
this earth is to be the editor of a
country weekly newspaper." Well
Mr, we dare you to buy yourself
a couiitiy weekly. -
—Renfrew Mercury.
—"Girls", soothes Dorothy
Dix, "there's nothing like a good
cry to get things out of your sys-
tem." Or out of your husband.
—Windsor. Star.
Farmers won't mind if the pro-
posed floor under prices of their
products heaves in places.
Kitchener Record.
-Aren't we all in tits "task force"?
—Windsor Star.
In Japan, the number "four"
is considered unlucky, because it
ig the same word as "death."
Sally, Great Dane pet of an RAF Spitfire squadron in Italy, does her bit
to provide reinforcements for the mascot brigade. Above she fondly eyes
her six new pups, held by Cpl. E. Pickering,
Pilot Had Fortune
In Little Package
Diamonds Lost When Plane
Forced Down Found Later
On South Sea Beach
"How was 1 to know 1 had a
fortune in diamonds in that little
package?" asked Capt. Ivan Smirn-
off, "1 was too busy saving my
it was March J, 1941, and the
Russian -born Oittch Army pilot
was at Batavia, Java, to fly Dutch
officials to Australia to escape the
advancing Japanese.
Before he took off, an official
handed him a small package with
instructions to deliver it to the
Commonwealth Bank of Melbourne,
Australia, commenting only that it
was "valuable."
Landed Inn flurf.
"Seven and a half hours out of
Batavia I felt two bullets bit my
left arm, The same machine-gun
blast killed one passenger. Then I
saw three Zeros were after us.
"I had flown in combat in the
last war and knew all the tricks
I should use but the big DC -3 just
wouldn't stand on its head like a
P-40. The fuselage began -to look
like a Siwe and I knew we'd have
to land..
"I headed for the Beach. Then
one engine caught fire. As I
landed, I swung into the surf, then
ordered everyone into the water and
to duck under when the Japs carne
back to strafe.
Beachcomber's Harvest
Later, Captain Smirnoff Searched
for the "valuable" packet, but didn't.
find it, He surmised it had been
swept otit of the plane by the sea,
When rescue planes took him to
Australia, the captain told . Mel-
bourne bank officials be didn't l<how
what bad happened to the packet
Then they told hint it contained
diamonds and wag worth more than
1210,000. A searching party went
back to the beach.
The packet was found in the
plane, empty. Thent a beachcom-
ber turned up with sonic diamonds,
saying he found them on the beach.
A native found a filar container
and an old match box, both filled
with diamonds. A chinese arrived
at Perth, on the south-west coast,
with more than $5,000 worth of
Though most of the gems have
been located, the beach still is um:
dergoing a constant searching.
Furthermore, legend now has it
that several million of dollars in
the gems are knocking around the
Shoveller clucks fly from Alaska
to the Hawaiian Islands every fall,
covering a distance of 2,000 miles,
If everybody saves waste kitchen
fats and greases, the stream of '
fat being poured in the photo
above will swell to a mighty
river flown. 7.okyoward in the
form of b ocl b_...t:r bombs and
shells for the big guns.
Pruritk—Intense Itching
Relieved quickly by this
Medicinal Ointment
There are two founts of itching which are
especially distressing. First pruritis vulvae—
from which only women stiffer and second
p> iu'itin ani—itching at the rectum from piles,
pm welitis ar varicose veins.
The causes of both these forms of intense
itching are often difficult to locate but what
you do want, at once, is relief from the
severe and depressing itching.
Then let Dr. Chase's OINTMENT help
you for it brings relief almost as quickly as
applied. Once used it will always be kept at
hand for quick use when the need arisen.
60 cts. a box. Economy size jar $2.00.
Dr. Chase's Ointmen*
That The Greatest Food Needs Of
Britain Are Livestock and
Dairy Products
While the war across the Atlan-
tic approaches its zenith and the
lengthening days at home herald
.the approach of a new growing
season, the need for the greatest
production in history beckons every
Canadian on the land to continue
doing his utmost to meet Allied food
* * *
Col. J. J. Llewellyn, Britain's food
minister who attended the Domin-
ion -Provincial conference in Ottawa
not long ago, it reported in. the
British press as saying that Britons
will not be able to resume a plenti-
ful diet of neat and dairy products
before 1050. "We're going' to be
very short for a considerable num-
ber of years after this war is won,"
he is quoted as saying.
* 5 *
Dr. W. H. Barton, Dominion De-
puty 'Minister of Agriculture and
Chairman of the Agricultural Food
Board, points out that during the
war the position of food has been
transferred from circ of compara-
tively low priority to one of press-
ing nee'l. Dairy and livestock pro-
ducts, Dr. Barton says, are in great-
est demand and if supplies of these
are to be maintained, and if pos-
sible, increased, assured supplies of
feed grain will be necessary.
,* * *
In addition to the record Can-
adian demand for food, Cana'la's
Armed Forces Hurst be fed and the
need of the United Kingdom
for p o r Ir, cheese, eggs, milk,
wheat and flour met, Required
for the 100,000 Red Cross
parcels for prisoners -of -war packed
each week, are 300,000 lbs. each of
butter and dried milk atel 23,000
lbs, of cheese. Armed Forces can-
teens overseas receive special al-
locations from Canada. Convoy,
warships, and other vessels need
huge quantities of food when they
are re -victualled in Canadian ports.
while. Empire outposts and other
United Nations have a claim on the
food that Canada can spare.
The challenge to the Canadian
farmfamily is a heavy one,
* * *
There'll be enough of everything
the gardener needs to planta gar-
den this year, according to offic-
ials of the Department of Agricul-
ture—plenty of all kinds of vege-
table seeds, enough garden tools,
adequate supplies of fertilizer, and
some pressure cookers,
* * *
From the Agricultural Supplies
'Board conies word that although
livestock producers in Eastern Can-
ada were handicapped by the poor
grain harvest in 1013, the overall
Position with respect to feed sup-
plies is still favorable, due to large
reserves in the West• This means
that the livestock program plannel
for 1044 should not suffer because
of insufficient supplies of feed
* * *
The only accurate method of
grading lambs is rail grading, ac-
cording to J. W. Graham, Dominion
Department of Agriculture Super-
vising Livestock Fieldman for New
Brunswick and Nova Scotia where
rail grading has been in operation
for several years, As for the mar-
ket duality of Iambs, it has ..shown
a steady improvement ever since
rail grading was introduced. Good
farmers are all for it, Mr, Graham
Trained Bat Maker
Good Thermometer
Franz Johnston, the famous
Canadian artist, is the proud pos-,sesor of a trained bat which acts
as themometer : and helps trim
keep his fuel bill down.
Franz (t everyone knows, lives
in what was formerly the Com-
munity Hall at Wyebridge, Tie and.
Mrs. Johnston have transformed it
into one of the most attractive
homes to be found in all North
But chat has nothing to do with
los trained bat,
Now this hat, which hides itself
somewhere away tljl in a remote
spot in the high roof, is very sen-
sitive to scat.
It never makes itself visible un-
less the temperature in the big
room rises above. 10,
Then out comes the bat and flies
round and round until Franz rises
from 1'n front of his easel, walks
over to the thermostat: attached to
his mechanical stoker and turns the
heat indicator downwards.
When that is accomplisher the
bat flies off to his retreat appar-
ently quite satisfied.
510p cOtJ!.'
The new double defence against colds, grippe
and bronchitis is to build Immunity with
VitaVax—a small tasteless capsule combining
If catching cold, take VitaVax to reduce
severity and speed recovery.
If you've just had a cold, take VitaVax to
overcome fatigue and increase vitality.
For scientific precautions against future colds,
grippe and bronchitis, protect alt the family
with VitoVax Capsules. Only 52.50 for
one to two months average requirements.
Ask your druggist, or for details write to—
Roberts Biological Laboratory, Toronto
,_ STARy,` tdDAY-
Lt yuu are troubled with Itching
piles or rectal sureness, do not de-
lay treatment and ran Cho risk at
letting this condition become chron-
ic. Any Itching or sureness or
painful passage of steel Is nature's
warning and proper treatraent
should be secured at once.
For this purpose get a package
or Mem-ltuld from any druggist
and use as directed. This formula
winch Is used Internally to u amull,
easy Cu take tablet, will Quickly
relieve the Itching and sureness and
aid In healing the suretendersputa.
Mem-ltuitl Is pleasant to use, is
highly IEaUtnntelidad and It acetas
the height ut fully for any nue td
Malt u mutant and chronic pile eau -
cation when such u Cline remedy
may be hud ut such a small east.
11 yuu tr$ Mem-hula aha are out
enlnely pleased with the results,
yoyouurr dmuruggistrrey. will gladly return
For Eczema --
ze a --
up your mu,d today 'that
you are Sums to give ,your stern
a real. chance to get well. tlu to
any good drugstore to-duy and yet
an original bottle at iMuuiie's
,Lntcrald Ull—lt lasts many days.
because It Is highly easceu tra led.
The very first 101111 es butt w111
give you relier—the Reining of
(eczema Is quickly stopped—et op-
tions dry up and scale utf in u vet 5
Pew days. The sante Is true' of
itching rues and Peet. Barbers
itch, Salt Rheum and ether skin
troubles. •
Remember that etuune's Cine] aid
U11 is et clean .powerful penetrating
Antiseptic oil that doe., nut stain
Or leave a greasy residua Com-
plete satisfaction or money bunk.
Phonograph Records
Thousands of slightly used DUDu-
lar dunce selections to choose
Also Automatic Phonographs
avallable for Rent.
Write for Nurliculars
Antoatn tie Phonographs
11110 HAY *'t'., 'S'OIit1NTO
Relieves distress from MONTHLY
Lydia r, Pinkhatn'e Vegetable
Compound not only helps .relieve
monthly pain but also weak, nary-
nus feelings—dna to monthly func-
tional dlaturbauees, Xi; helps build up
reslstanct, against distress of "diffi-
cult days," Made to Canada.