HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-03-09, Page 8Clearing Auction Sale
Of FarmStock, Implements and House-
hold Effects. -.At Lot 5,Gon. 4. Tu kursmilh,
111 miles east and 2 utiles south et Seaforth,
on Monday, March 20th, at 1 p.m,
HORSES -1 general purpose mare, rising
5, 1 general purpose mare. rising 7, 1 bloc
real.n gelding 5 yen's old weighing 1400 lbs,
CATTLE. -1 Jersey coir dee before sale, f
Jersey cow due- in May, t cow due in April,
2 Durham heiferstofreshen In April; 1 Ayr-
shire due to freshen in April, 2 farrow`
cows both milking, 8 steers Wand heifers
ranging in age from six, months to two
year old,
BENS, -100 year-old hens..
IMPLEMENTS. -1 )Orison tractor, M.H.
binder, 6 ft, cut, Deering mower, 5 ft. out,
5LH. dump rake,. Coekshutt cultivator,
Coekshutt 13 disc drill, M.H. drill, 10 hoe
with cultivator teeth, 3 section harrows,
snifter, a walking plows, riding plow, rub-
ber tired wagon, Sousa wagon with 16 ft.
rack, set sloop sleighs, rubber tired buggy,
cutter, blower cutting box with pipes, fan-
ning mill, root pulper,. DeLaval No. 12
cream separator, 2 chicken shelters, forks,
shovels, hoes, whiffle:rees,
7HOUSEFIOLD EFFECTS. - -Climes kitchen
range, Quebec cook stove with reservoir,
dining room table, 0 chairs and buffet, 6
piece walnut parlor suite, 1 occasional table
and small tables,- 2 bed steads with springe
and mattress, 2 dressers. couch, kitchen ex-
tension table, chairs and. 2- cupboards, 2
rocking chairs, droll leaf table, mantle clock,
washing machine, 2 hanging lamps, gas
lamp, sausage maker, dishes. Many other
articles found' about a loom. Positively no
reserve as farm is rented.
5005, ALICIA LEYBURNE, Proprietress,
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements. At lot
30, eon. 6, Morris Two.. 11, miles south of
Brussels, on Tuesday,. April 11th at 12 p.m.
Forty head of cattle and full line of imple-
ments, John Spell., Prop., Lew Rowland,
Buckeye incubator, 210 -egg cap.,
5 -burner coal oil stove, sugar kettle,
folding bed, auto knitter, mink traps.
Apply to Mrs. M. G. Beatty, Box
• 102, Varna.
A quantity of Cartier Seed Oats for
sale. Edmund H. Godl(in, phone 248 r
. 31, Seaforth.
Early Alaska Seed. oats, 1042 crop,
cleaned, Ernest Adams, R. R. 1, Clin
ton. 'Phone 841 r 22, Seaforth,
A quantity of good hay, clover pre-
ferred. Dale Nixon. pho11'. e611.4.
Three year old colt. hitched a1 few
times. Apply to Ales Smith. phone
83S r 16. Seaforth.
Eleven good yearling calves, also
team of colts rising one and two
years old. Apply to J. S. O'Reilly,
phone 46r3, Dublin.
A new Farnlall H Tractor on rub-
ber. with H.M. 221 Cultivator on an
order with permit for delivery. John
Bach, Seaforth,
A new Farmall H Tractor with 10"-
38" rear tire and 5,50-16" front tires,
on an order and permit. John Bach.
Fifty acres, south half lot 16, Con.
4. Hibbert, 21/ miles south of Dublin.
Apply at News Office.
Euchre O Dance.
Hensel! Town Hall
Auspices Orange Order. Proceeds for
ivll Work. Lunch booth.110 hall
Murdoch's Orch. Admission 35c.
Auction Sale
Of taken Stock, Implements, .Etc- Lou
Rowland, Auctioneer, has been instructed to
sell by public. auction 011 Lot 20, Con 14,
Melcillop. Township, on Friday, March 240,
,t 1 p.m.
'Perms cash,
JOS, IiACKWELL, 'Proprietor.
1.01.7 ROWLAND, Auctioneer.
Notice To Creditors
All persons. hearing 01)80000 against the
Estate. -of Frances M. Olvlin, late of the
Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron,
Sphlster, deceased, who died onor about the
15th Gley of February, 1044, are hereby noti-
fied to send In to the undersigned on or
before the 80th any of March, 1944. full.pau'-
tieul:u•s of their claims,
immediately after the said last mentioned
date, the 'assets of the said estate will be
distributed amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to claims of
which the undersigned shall then have notice.
to the exclusion of all others, and the
undersigned will not be liable to any person
f whose claim the endersIgned shag not
then have notice for the assets so distributed
er any part thereof.
Dated at Seaferth this 411) day of 113areh,
Seaforth, Ontario.
Solicitors for the Executors.
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stack, Implements, Peed and- Seed
Grain, Quantity of Hay, and Furniture. W.
E. Nairn, Auctioneer, will sell by public
auction on Imt 17. Con. 7. Ribbert Tp., 11.4
miles north of Staifa on Wednesday, March
15. commencing at 1 o'clock sharp,
510212102... -Roan Clyde mete rising 7, year's,
1 brown mare rising 5 yearn general )10060 e:
nun Gelding rising 5 yearn, 2 Clyde fillies
rising 2 years. 1 aged horse.
CATTLE - Roan cow rising 5 years,
freshened: one red row rising 7 Years, fresh-
ened; red row rising 4 years due in -March ;
roan, mow due in -March; roan heifer dile in
Maoeh; roan cow due in April; roan cow (100
in Maty; 2 young calves: pure bred loan
Durham iull 2 steers ,hl, with pnp0rs,
YOUNG .TATTLE -. 4 Tnnrhan Toilets o'1 -
111)0 2year. old; 4 Durham steers rising.- 2
veers 0l,i ; 5 Puh nm Inigtist rising 1 year
old: 3 Durham- sta rasing 1 year old.
HO) 1 sow 14 chunks.
rout • 1 pullets t well
TMIILtii5,NrS 1. 11 Side rake, 51,11, unitive.
tor 1 2W. Iry,': 131E ;-drum roller, single
furrow ;idle, Plow, P. Friend; for.
row yang, 51.08,1 2 walking plows; 5 hoc'
tion harrows newly sharpned; wager;
wagon tax; ercvei box; set of sleighs; bug-
• cutter; Iizl+t wapen: pc rack; cream
epat'ot r \'iliac, sue 16 rap.; '(t heat'
deny Wagner meter: pulper with 3a" pulley;
heavy defy C ntuty motor: emery on
frrmo colony nun foo and shelter, feeders
banti water fountains in. steel barrels ; 2 auk
arrel 2 sugar lollies t sap pails and spites, 1.
dni.v chure, lawn mower, ]100ts and braces,
c:nuling, doors, stony hent, whipple trees, o
seek h . , i,.mchair nee sleets,
a. •ek} ). - vft rr ant
saw, wheel
1, '1 t I.:. 1„08) tap fronting
mill, tb.)4 horse blankets, rmgs. I n ' r.',
HARNESS -1 t. ,f team lanae,-, ,et of
single -harness, odd harness, bridles and
celiac et. of chimes and bells.
FURNITURE - 1 bed, springs 011)1 mat -
trees, 3 wash stands, 1 side bored, 1 rup-
boned. 1;t. dos. dining roam chairs, 2 cook
stes, 2 pieces of cleat, hanging lamp, and
other linusehnld effects. Other articles toe
numr0nue to mention. Perms cosh,
No reserve as proprietor has sold the farm.
W. D NAIRN. Auctioneer.
THOS. 0 -LIVER. Proprietor.
13 -disc Massey Harris grain drill in
good condition, This would be a good
drill for a fartilator attachment, Ap-
Auction Sale
or Farm Stock, Implements and Furniture.
Fred W. Ahrens,- Auctioneer, has received
Instructions from the undersigned proprietor
to sell bg.. public auction.. at Lot 21, Con. 6;.
Township of Logan, ,537 miles north -
Mitchell, of
then 11/ miles west, on Tender,.
March 2101.
Sale to` commence' at 11,30 o'clock sharp.
HORSES - 1 Clyde mare 11. years old;1
Clyde gelding 10 years old; 1 general purpose.
7 years old, good in all harness.
CATTLE' ---Blue colo fresh with calf by
her side; 1 part Ayrshire & Derham COW,
fresh and, bred again : 1 Hereford cow, -fresh
and bred again ; I Durham cow due April 11
1 Polled Angus. cow due at time of 'sale; 1
part Polled .Angus & Derhtun con, fresh 3
months; 1. lharhom cow due May 31st; 1
Durham cow due' Aug. 5th;; 1 Durham heifer.
fresh with calf by her side; 1 Durham
heifer, fresh ; 4 -Durham steers and. heifer,
weighing about 800 lbs. 4 Durham steers and.
heifers rising 1 year old • 3 Durham steers
and heifers, last summer's .tealves ; 3 Here-
ford esti selves ;- 4 young Durham calves 2
months old. 1 Hereford bull, 10 mos, old.
PIGS. ---1 Yorkshire sow with 5 pigs by
her side, 5 Weeks old; 0 chunks weighing.
about 130 lbs.'; 2 chunks' -about 120 lbs.
POULTRY ---About.-150 Leghorns, last
spring's pullets, 4 geese, 1 gander,' 8 ducks,
1 drake. -'^
IMPLEMENTS— John Deere 20x 30 AR
tractor on steel, nearly new, runt about 500
hours; 1 Decker threshing machine 23046,
elevator and chaff blower in good. condition
John Deere heavy duty C.C. spring tooth
tettetor cultivator with 3 sets of tenth, new;
2 furrow ace bottom 'McCormick tractor plow,
nearly nett/; 00.Fh binder', 6 ft. cut;. MM.manure spreader, nearly now; 14 plata M+11.
disc ; 13 bee McCormick seed drill ; Deering
mon et n ft. nut; M.H. side rake; M.H. bay
loader; steel land roller; M.11. horse cultIva.
tor, 10 ft. Deering dump rake; turnip
seeder; 2 sets sleighs,' 1 nearly new; 1
wagon nearly new; truck wagon; Bain
wagon box and shelflng; 1 hay rack with
sliding rack; hayrack-; gravel box; wood
rack 1 '001 settles 2000 lb cap. ; 1 rubber tiro
top boggy; steel tire buggy; .democrat; 39"
circular saw, with good solid frame, on
wheel Vessott grain grinder, S" with bag-
ger Clinton fanning mill with bagger; 1
cutting box; cutter; 1 good iron cooker;
sugar kettle; Fleury gang Plow; Cockslult 0n
walking plow, seeftler; ripsawwith shift-
ing table; 0 egg hot water incubator
Miller, 301) electric Schomberg chick brooder;400 chick size .coal. brooder, colony house
12310, cedar ides and floor, nearly mew;
Gem electric fence; 88 ft. 6" canvass belt;
22 fr. 0" rubber belt, nearly new; 100 ft.
endless threshing belt nearly new; 4 en.00011harrowwith pole and new teeth ; 20
int" shafting with hangers and pulleys;
root pulper, hay fork, hay fork rope, set
slings. `ling chain, 5--40 gal, oil drums,
heavy logging chain nearly now; G0 bus.
steel ehop box; piano box, emery on stand
with power. Quantity of 1" lumber. Quantity
of - plank. Number' window. frames and
-001, 20 ft, of 2" piping, sausage grinder,
Seek, pig crate- Also a good McCormick
Deer urr hammer mill; Stewart clipping
machine, clock rack, 2 DeLaval cream 001)-
arm ) 1 with motor attached,.
Harness - Set. double harness, set single
Baur nearly new, odd collars,
FEED About le lairs of good -mixed Hay,
50 1 u ,f wheat, 20 bus. barley, 1942 seed:
100 bus, mixed gratin, 50 bus. Erban outs,
rand seed; 50 bus, Early Alaska oats, good
seed; 2 bus, Timothy seed, 15 hags of good
need potatoes.
FURNITURE --Clare Jewell gook stove,
cream enamel with high warming closet, re-
servoir,nearly new; wooden cream- enamel
sed room sot consisting of bed, dresser and
nod, several beds, w'a'd robe, extension
ak treble. number kitchen chairs, glass cup-
1,onrd. 341 gni, milk can, hall rack, hanging
lamps, .hovels. spades, whillletrees, neckyokes
1155 logging chains and •a host of other
smirk, too numerous to mention.-
' Reserve as the farm is cold
'alae notice that this Sale starts sharp at
11.:30 o'clock, and a lunch counter will be on
the ground on day of Sale, with lunch and
drinks available, taken care of by the young
People of the First Lutheran Church, Logan.
Auctioneer's decision final in case of all
disputes. Anyone lvanfing trips and small
articles should attend this sale sharp at 11.30
o' flock, Terms on Chattels, cash.
NORMAN EISLER, Prroprietor,
FRED W. AHRENS, Auctioneer,
Local Caminie.n Chairman
John C. MaoiCenzie
Phone 139
77ee Meld
SUCH is the grateful testimony of
countless fighting men who kept their
``rendezvous with Death" and live to
tell the tale. Every Red Cross triumph
over death, wounds, disease and
human agony is that in which you
may take pride. Because it is YOUR
Red Cross. Thus it is you who help
those in pain and peril:
Now as the dreadful carnage of war
increases—as more famine-strickened
countries are made accessible' to your
Red Cross, the need grows at terrific
pace. So much money is needed to
maintain a steady flow of parcels for
prisoners of war, of blood serum,
medical supplies, and dressings, sur-
gical instruments, hospitals and hos-
pital equipment, foodandclothing,
to name but a few of the demands
on your Red Cross: Raise your sights
—give MORE -'-your Red Cross needs
your mercy dollars NOW!
a as
ply to Oliver"Anderson, phone 8501.5E
One 00101111 work Horse, rising five
years old, or will deal on cattle. AP-
ply to the News Office,
Auction Sale
Of "Farm Steak and Implements, Me. Har-
old Jackson has beeninstructed to sell by
public auction on Lot 20, Con. 10, Mc-.
Kilian Township, on Wednesday, March -22nd,
114 milesnorth of Winthrop and one half
mile west, the following:
HORSES -Team .of gray mares, rising five
years old; driving mare 10 years old; gen-
eral purpose mare rising 3 years old.
CATTLE - 6 Hereford cows due to fresh-
en in March ; Hereford cow, fresh two
months; 4 Durham cows- due in March. and
April;: brindle cow freshtwo months; Dur-
ham heifer due to freshen May 1st Dur-
ham bull 1 year old; 6 Hereford baby
beeves, 600 to 700 lbs.; 7 Hereford calves
rising 1 year old,
IMPLEMENTS - Foost and Wood binder,
7 ft., in first class condition 10 ft. steel
rake, M,5h ; Frost & Wood' stiff tooth culti-
vator; walking. plow ; truck wagon, 3 tire;
16 ft, hay rack; M. H, hay loader; top
buggy ; cutter ; grain gander, 10% inch ;
Lnternational grain separator, -21x46, in good
condition; colony house, 10x12,
Perms cash.
Auction Sale
sion 13, Manton Twp., o miles south • of
Walton oil highway on Tuesday Moreh 21st.
Sole commences eu 1 P,1t, sharp.
1 Kitchen Cupboard, 12 Kitchen Chairs, 1
Glass Cupbo,u•d 1 Small Cupboard, 2 Bed
Springs. 2 Odd Beds„ 1 Chest of Drawers 1
Wash Stand, 1 Victor Victrola and Records,.
4 Small Tables, 2 Cellar 'fables„2 Drop Leaf
Tables, 0 Rocking Chairs Kitchen Chairs, 2
Bedroom Suites, 1 Dining Room Table and
Chairs, Oak Setee-and e Chairs 2 honing
Boards, 3 Small Stands, 1 Cot, 1 Buffet 1
Mirror, 2 Clothes Racks, 1 Singer Sewing Ma-
chine, 1 Couch, 2 Trunks, 1 -(8-day) Clock, 0
Crocks, 1 Dialler Set of Dishes, Knh'es and
Forks, Pots mid Pans 1 Coal 011 Oven, 1
Coal 011 Heater, 1 Coal Oil Lamp, 2 Dozen
11 Dozen
112.n 1Linoleum Rug 91x �.12,� 1sRug gR(ug
ster) 4 a 8, 1 Washing Mnohine. 1 Mop Pall
and Wringer, Pictures, 1 Wheel Chair, 1 Cut-
ting Box, 1 Pressing Aron, 1 Set Irmns. 1 Bird
Cage, 1 -Set of Scales, 3 Lamp Sharks 2 Elea -
tele Reading Lamps, 1 Tub and Wash Stand
1 Wash Board,, 1 Lawn ]Plower, Tools, 1 Sugar
Kettle, 1 Oak Barrel, -Curtain Stretchers 1
Electric Plate, 1 Electric drat, 1 Philos Elec-
trio Radio, 1 Electric Therapeutic Solenoid”
t Ranch State, 2 Heaters, 1 Cook Stove (Que-
bec), 1 Patel Door.. 1 Strainer Pail. 1 Grind
Stone, 1 Bee Smoke', Vire and Anvil, 1.Sau
Vice, 1 Scythe, 1 ('toss Cut Saw, 1 Step Lad-•
der, 1 Barrel Churn, 1 Tool Chest, Chicken
Wire, Chicken Feeders, Forks and Shovels, 1
Hey Knife,
''erne rash,
RObt. Patrick, Clerk.
Clearing Auction Sale
Farm, Farm Stuck and Implements. Peed
W. Ahrens, Aoetioneer,. has received in-
structions from the undersigned penprketor Ua
sell by public auction at Lot 4 , Cnn.0,
Township of Logan, 2 miles west or Kin -
kora, or 3 miles east of Willowgrove, en
'Monday, Irlert'h 13th. Sale G, commence at I
o'clock sheep.
HORSE'S -I bay Clyde mare 5 years old;
ercbayhermt ClytleMolding gelding12 6
uld; BlaBlackP
CATTLE-2 Hereford heifers, fresh, with
calves by their side; 1 Durham cow due
April 1st; 3 Durham COWS dun 2,1,10 10th; :1
Durham heifers rising 2 years old;"3 Here -
:ford steer's rising 2 years old; . Durham
steers and heifers rising 1 year old.
HOGS -2 Yorkshire SOWN due May Lith;
3 chunks weighing about 185 lb.
FEED -About 600 bus, mixed grain.
IMPLEMENTS -Prost & OVond hinder, 6
ft, on; Deering mower 0 ft. cut, M.H. -hay
leader.; dump rake, walking plow ; riding
plow; sot iron 3 see, harrows; fanning
mill; cultivator; 12 hoe seed drill; disc har-
row; McCormick Deering cream separator.
No, 2, nearly new ; 3 drum steel hod roller ;
NW rock with sliding reek ; wagon ; sleighs;
cutter; buggy, clipping machine, stock rack,
nuttier, scraper, 20 ft, ladder, milk eon;
.m'ks, shovels, spaded, whllfletrees, neck -
;settee and a host of other articles too num-
erous to mention, found about a Farm.
HARNESS --Set double harness, sot • single
harness, 3 cellars,also s 00510ily of house-
hold Furniture.
REAL ESTATE - Furm consists of 100
nacres more or - less, being Lot 4, Con, 6,
'township. of Logan, with good brick house,
bank barn, drive shed, hen house, pump.
shed, drilled well, water in stable. 15 noes
good bush. 30 acres under cultivation,- bal-
ance in grass. Terms en. Farm: To be made
known (ley of sale, if not sold before. Sub-
ject to reserve bid. Terms on chattels, cash
No reserve as the proprietor is giving up
farming. Auctioneer's decision Real in ease
of all disputes,
FRED W. AIIRENS, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
01 Ftu'nl Stock and Implements.
Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer has re-
ceived instructions from the under-
signed Proprietor to sell by Public
Auction at Lot 4, 'Con. 8, Twp. of
Hullett, 3 miles 'west of Winthrop, 17/4
miles north of Kiuburn, 'Wednesday,
Mar. 15. Sale to commence at 1
o'clock sharp.
Horses --1 Clyde mare 8 years old;
1 Clyde Silly rising 3 years' old; 1
Clyde gelding rising three years; 1
general purpose gelding, aged.
CATTLE -1 Hereford cow 9 years old,
fresh, with calf by her side; 1 Here-
ford cow 3 years, fresh, with calf by
side; i' Durham cow clue May 10tH;
1 Durham cow, fresh, 3 years old,
with calf by her side; 1 Durham cow
8 years old, due April lst; 1 Durham
cow 4 years old, fresh, with calf by
her Side; 1 Durham cow 4 years old,
fresh, with calf her side; 1 Black far-
row 00W 3 years old; 2 roan Durham
heifers, 2 years ole1; 4 Durham steers
2 years .old; 5 Durham calves rising
1 year old.
Pigs -4 sows, bred; 1.8 chunks
weighing about 50 lbs.
Poultry -About 75 Rock pullets.
Implements -1 M.H. binder, 7 ft.
cut with truck and sheaf carrier; 1
M.H. binder 6 ft. cut; 1 hay tedder;
1 Deering mower 6 ft cut; 1 McCor-
mick hay rake; 1 McCormick .horse
cultivator; 1 land roller Quebec
saucy plow, 1 M.H. walking plow, 4
sec. iron harrows, scuffles, M.H. man-
ure spreader, 1 wagon, hay rack
with one man rack; gravel box;
sleigh with flat rack; Portland cutter,
buggy, stone boat, chicken shelter,
DeLaval cream separator, 600 Ib. cap-
acity; hay 'fork rope, about 175 ft.,
n ew; •electric fence, some barb wire,.
2 wheel trailer, new with good tires.
Harness -Set of double harness, set,
o1 single harness.
Hay, about 15 tons Mixed Hay.
Grain -150 bus. Erban oats, and 150.
bus. Grainery Filler oats, All good
seed oats, Collar tops, odd collars,
folks, shovels, hoes and host of other
articles too numerous to mention
found about a Farm. Terms cash.
No reserve ass the proprietor is giv-
iving up farming.
Clarence ,Walden, Proprietor.
Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer,
Oclex Soap; 4 Cakes
Lelys Soap,' 6 cakes`
Supersuds, pkge.
Fairbanks Carbolic Soap
6 cakes
Chipso, pkge, 22c
Ivory Snow, pkge. 22c
Jif, pkge. 22c
Joy Soap, 10 cakes 29c
Darleys Disinfectant' 1b. bottle 450
Royal, Purple Hog Tonic,
83 lb. tin 1.75
Royal Purple Lice Killer, tin 60c
Liptons Orange Pekoe Tea, % lb .40
Mother Parkers Orange Pekoe
Tea . '/s lb. 38c
Blue Ribbon Pure Cocoa, 2 1b tin .38
Blue Ribbon Baking Powder, lb. 22c
Finest Dried Apples, lb 17c
Red Wagon Paint, 3.99 Gallon Can
Card of Thanks
Mr. aal(i Mrs, Hugh Dunlop and
family wish to' thank all whoassisted
in any way during the recent loss of
their home,
Two young Durham 001es, one due.
in 2 weeks, the other in 2 months.
Also a team, filly and gelding, rising
three years; a team of wagon fillies
rising three and thus years, part Por-
cheou. Apply to Thomas Slavin,
phone 23 on 84, Hensall central.
1 coal brooder in A one shape, for
sale. Archie McCallum, Walton, phone
We have a few loads of clean cut
oat straw; also some clean bean
straw in barn, Phone 34-616, Clinton.
J. E. Hugill and Son.
Clearing Auction Sale
Mr. Harold Jackson has been instructedto
sell by public auction on Lot 16, Concession
3, Hilbert Township, 11!1 miles south of
Dublin, on Tuesday, Meech 14th, at 12.30
o'clock, the following:
HORSES - Belgian horse rising 6 years
old, '1500 lbs, roan ; Brown Belgian hoose, 9
-years old; Roan Belgian filly rising two
Years old, 1400 lbs. • Reg, Clyde filly rising
3 yearsold; Roam Peecheron rising -0 years
old; bay - horse 6 years old; brown gelding
rising three years old, express .type, broken;
express type colt tieing 2 years old; driving
CATTLE ---Holstein 0000 with calf 0t foot;
Holstein COW due to freshen March 1011 ;
Reg. Holstein cow clue to freshen June Sat;
2 Heistuln cows due to freshen Juno lout;
Durham cow with calf atfoot; Durham
cow due to freshen June 3111; Durham
cow due to freshet June 14111; Durham cmc
due to freshen Tune 20th; Durham cow due
to freshet Hine i'tb ; 2 Durham Cows due
to freshen May 16th; 2 Durham steer's rising
2 years old; Durham heifer rising 2 years
old; 11 Durham and Herefords rising 1 Year
old , ! Durham and Hereford last fall calves;.
1 Iter., holstein heifer 8 mos, old.
PIGS-Ynrlk enw with 7 pigs, 3 'weeks old;
York sow with litter at foot; York sow due
May lath: 4 chunks, 71 lbs.;. 4 (togs, 180 ib.
POULTRY --3 Turkey hens.
IMPI,EMENTS- Deet'hng binder 7 ft, out •
]leering tray loader; MIL fertilizer drill, 11
disc; M.H. spring tooth cultivator; 3 drum
steel roller. disc harrow; 2 .set, 3 section
Diamond harrows; framer's, Friend 2 furrow
riding plow; ftuming mill; Cnckshutt corn
seutllcr; tubber tired wagon; set- of sleighs
with flat rack• truck wagon; farm wagon;
2 hay racks, 10 foot sliding; gravel box;
buggy; cutter; colony house, 12x 12,. like
new; beooder stove; forks, shovels, whiffle -
HARNESS -Set of backbend harness; odd
set of harness; set of single harness; num-
ber of horse collars; cream separator, De
Laval; Plymouth motor; 15 bags good pota-
toes, Irish Cobbler; quantity of pine and elm
PROPERTY -Parcel I, East one half of
Lot 11, Con. 4, 10 acres fall wheat; 10
acres fall plowing; reminder in hay and
pasture. Parcel 2, North one half Lot 11,
Con, 5. All seeded to gimes.
Everything will be sold as Propt'lelOn' IS
giving up farming. No reserve,
Terms on chattels. cash.
On Property, nine known on day of eel*,
.1011N MOORATH, Proprietor,
Clearing Auction Sale
Harold Jackson, .Auctioneer, has been in
08000ted to sell by public auction on Lot 32,
Con. 12, McKillop, two miles west of Lead -
bury corner, on Monday, March 13th, et 1
pan., the following Farm Stock and Imple-
I Clyde gelding. 1600 ahs, rising 6 years.
CATTLE -17 Hereford - Durham yearlings;
1I01010111 heifer 1 year old,
5008--1 pure bred York sow with eight
pigs 3weeks old.
IMPLEMENTS -M, H. binder, 7 ft„ like
new; M,H mower, 6 ft., 0050; 1*IcCormick-
Deering slide rake; sulky rake; Deering h05)
loader, drop heal; 8 ft. stiff tooth cultivator ;
Basel 14 plate tractor disc; 4 sec. harrows;
2 sec. harrows; 1-8 ft. packer; 2 walking
plows; 2000 ib settles; 2 fanning mills; 1i4
1),11. motor; Renfrew cream separator, elec-
tric, used 2 months; circular sane; sot of
woven wire stretchers; chicken shelter; ex-
torsion ladder; 40 g1'ain bilge; set of taps
end dies; gats pump, emery, truck wa0011,. 16
It. Isms' reek, gravel box; set of farm
sleighs; flat rack; 010010ie fencer;' 40 ft,
drive bolt,
HARNESS - Set of breeching harness; set
of back band, new; sat of single harness;
number of horse collars.
GRAIN -200 bu. of 1942 Banner oat seed,
water front, extension table with 6 chairs;
Daisy churn, and other household effects, and
numerous articles found about a farm.
Terms cash.
JOHN DENNISON, Proprietor,
Clearing Auction Sale
Farm Stock and Implements. Lot 16, Con.
0, Lose, .two. 2 miles north of Dublin, on
'Friday, March 17th, at 1 p,m,
HORSES •- 1 gray mare,. aged; 1 Clyde
mare 5 years old, 1400 lbs.;. 1 Clyde gelding
4 years old.
CATTLE -1 Durham cow 8 years old, due
APIs 20; 1 Durham cow 3 yeas o1d, due
June 55; 1 Durham heifer Clue July 6; 1
Durham heifer supposed to he in. calf; 8
Durham steers, S00 lbs:; 2 Durham steers
700 lbs.; 3 steers rising 1 year old.
IMPLEMENTS--•Deet)ng binder, '7 ft. cut;
Deering. -mower, 0 ft, cut; Deering mower, 6
ft. cut; 1 sulky rake; 1. M,H. hay loader;
1 Frost & Wood seed drill; 1 disc bestrew;
1-4 section diamond harrows; 1 Deering
manure spreader; 1-10" 3 furrow Case
tractor plow 1-12" 3 furrow tractor Inter-
national plow 1 M.H. Quebec sulky one
furrow riding plow ;, 2 walking plows; 1-2
furrow gang plow; 1 scuffle. 1 M.H.
broadcasting boa; 1-6 h,p, gas' engine; 1-
15 in. doable run Robinson & Gray grain
grinder; stone boat; 1 new circular saw
frame fanning mill ; root pulper; sugar'
kettle ; 2000 lb scales, 2 wheel barrows, 1-
'4 farm wagon, 16 ft. sliding hay sack ,
gravel box; 1 tubber tired wagon with box;
1 light wagon; 1027 Ford coach ; 2 buggies,
rubber tired and steel tired; 1 cutter; 1
large goat robe. Quantity of plank and lens.'
bee; number of cedar posts, post 50500.
Forks, shovels, hay fork, sling ropes, whipple
trees and other articles.
HARNESS -1 set of breeching harness, 1
sat of backbendharness; number of horse
collars. HAY & GRAIN -12 tons of timothy
hay; 8 tons of mixed hay; 866 bus. Banner.
oats, 1942 crop, suitable for seed;; 50 bus.
mixed grain, 1942 crop; 15 bus. of 6 row
barley; 100 bus of wheat, 1942; 100. bus, of
wheat; 4 bus of timothy seed.
HOUSEHOLD. EFFECTS -1 drop leaf: table,
3 kitchen chair's, 1 rocking chair, 2 bed-
steads with sprang; 2 lemma, number of mats
and carpet0 ; 1 small table, crocks, sealers
and other articles, Terms cash,
JOHN DILLON, Prroprietor,
Hog for servicer I have purchased
Yorkshire hog from Hann -I -Gay farms,
Reg No, 230w .=255760=, Terms 31r
cash at time of service, 00 $1,50 when
booked, with privilege of returning if
necessary, James 00. Sloan.
McConnell & Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174
' The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build.
tag, Seaforth. Office hours:
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday .
evening, 7,30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, Alex, McEwiug, Blyth;
Vice President, W. R. Archibald, Sea -
forth; Mgr. & Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid,
Alex. Mc0wing, Blyth; W, R. Arch.
ibals, Seaforth; Alex. Broadfoot, Sea -
forth; Chris. Leouhardt, Bornholm;
E, J', Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas
Moylan, Seaforth; Frank McGregor,
Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton:
George Leitch, Clinton,
John E. Pepper, Brimfield; R. F.
McKe'cher, Dublin; J, .,F, Prueter,
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
Parties desirous to effect assurance
Jr transact other business, will be
promptly ateuded to by applications
to any of the above named office"
tddressed to thein' respective PoB-
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Dr, E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic
De. F. 5, R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the
Tuesday in every month from 3 to
5 p.m.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday in
every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr, H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5 J
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr, W. 0, Sproat •
Phone 90 W - Seaforth
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, 'University
of Toronto, Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefeld's Dye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng, At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 pan, Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo
St., Stratford. Telephone 267.
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of Louisa Aberhart.
All persons having claims against
the Estate of Louisa Aberhart, late
of . the Town of Seaforth, in the
County of Huron, Widow, deceased,
who died onor about the 20th day of
February, 1344,, are hereby notified to '
send in to the undersigned on or be-
fore the SSth day of March, 1944, full
particulars of their claims.
Immediately after thesaid fast
mentioned, date, the assets of the
said estate will be distributed
amongst the . parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of which
the undersigned shall then have
notice, to the exclusion of all others,
and the undersigned will not be liable
to any person of whose claim the
undersigned shall not then have not-
ice for the assets so distriliuted or
any part thereof.
Dated at Seaforth this 23rd day of
February, 1944.
Seaforth, Ontario.
Solicitors for 1120 l3xecutors
187 acres, good drilled well and
tank, well fenced, shade, Lot 1, Con,
13, McKillop, Apply to Clifford Hoegy,
NW'/z 12, 3 miles east of Walton.
100 acre farm on the highway be-
tween Seaforth and Clinton. A frame
house, bank barn, choice clay loam,
plenty of water, Apply to Wm. Living-
ston or James F. Scott, R.R. 2, ,Sea -
0,A.C. No. 3 Early Oats and Barley,
about one-third barley. This is good
heavy grain, 1943 crop. Also a quan-
tity of Red Clover Seed. Earl Lawson,
phone 841 ring 12.
12 chunks of pigs for sale. One
grade Hereford bull, 12 months old.
Thos. Storey, phone 25 on 831.