HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-03-09, Page 7CANADIAN HOUSEWIVES PLEASE NOTE! Army cooks are resourceful Pte. Fred Howarth of Picton, Ont„ uses ordinary jackknife to carve a few handy kitchen gadgets from dis- carded tin cans. Cooks learn to make their own ladles, scoops, large spoons, muddlers etc,, from tin cans. They even make their own bakeepans and large bake trays from the sides of empty petrol tins. Have You Heard? A small boy carte panting into a western Kansas newspaper editor's office 'saying, "Bo., there's n man outside who says he has•u't had a thing to rat for ten days;' The editor's face brightened. "(trot back and find out how he flocs it,' he ordered, "anti may- be we can run this paper at least another week." —0— .dr,� Candidate; How did you like sty speech on the agricultural problem? Farmer: It wasn't bad; but a day's rain would do a heap more good. "\hen 1 applied for a job the manager bad the nerve to ask if my punctuation was good." "And what dill you tell him," "1 said Pd never been late for work in my lift'." —0— Comes a yarn from the Ital- ian war zone about a group of British and American soldiers who were gazing at the molten lava in Mt. Vesuvius. "Looks hot as hell," remark- ed one of the .Yanks. "I say," piped out a British- er, "you Americans have been everywhere!" ---0— "Johnson is so conceited." "Yes, on his last birthday he sent a telegram of congratula- tions to his mother!" A TH NKS, FRITZ ]fifth Army engineers, carrying out an airport near Nettuno, Italy, bat a lot of unwitting help from t�te .enemy. In the considerable demolition work necessary, they Used hundreds of pounds of captured 'German explosives, like the artil- lery, cordite charges shown above. A C , C 0, Look out for Trouble With Your KIDNEYS 1f your back aches or if you have disturbed sleep. burning or smarting, look ottt for trouble. This condition is a sure sign that your kidneys are not fully ridding your blood of poisonous acids and wastes. Wltet) the kidneys slow up, wastes collect. Backache, dizzy spells, puffy eyes and thcumatic pains may follow. Your kidneys need help—and there is a , time -tried, proven way to help them known as GOLD MEDAL 'Haarlem Oil Capsules, These Capsules contain care- fully treasured quantities of that widely known diuretic called Dutch Drops. You will find their action fast and effective. Be sure you get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 011 Capsules, the genuine and original Patch Drops—packed in Canada. Get a 40c package from your druggist. 8 For Faster Relief of CHEST COLS Muscular Aches) & Palm 'Tired Bunging Feet MASSAGE WELL WITH PRICSS 30e and 50c at ALL Druggists RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE- TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED 11 you are troubled with Itching piles or rectal soreness, do not delay tretitmont and run the risk of letting this condition bccome chronic, Any itching' or soreness or painful pass - 500 00. stool Is nature'swarning and proper treatment should be secured at once. Per tide purpose got a. package of dein-Rold from any druggist and use as. directed. This formula which is used internally la a small, relieve tlteallehlrigbland sorene sound aid In healing tits sore tender, spots, Hem -hold is. pleasant to use, Is highly recommended and It seems the height of folly for any ono to risk a painful and Chronic pile condition whensuch a fins remedy May be ball at such n' small cost. ^"•. er you try Clem -hind and are not entirely pleased will. the results, your druggist will gladly .return. your money rr 1DDLE-f'-iYvfu " WOMEN (i3s-IS 41 �� (i1) HEED THIS ADVICE!! If you'recross, restless, NEIRVOUS— surfer. hot flashes; dizziness—caused by this, period vita woman's life -- try 1151)5 0, Pinkhani'..0 Vegetable' Compound, Made especially for oleic),, Idutadreds of thousandsre- Malleably helped, .Poll 10150001ab01 direo- tlons. Made in Canada,. HOLD IT! Maybe he isn't a Jack of all trades, but Carl Cathey sure comes 'in handy when a ;jeep blows a tire at Camp Gordon Johnson, Fla. Cathey, former Oakland, Calif., physical culture expert, on limited Army service, acts as a human jack when eight GI's place the 2285 -pound jeep on his feet. Winston Churchill Vtiilewn Churchill is nit old Tory, Lit 1* an old Liberal. He is a rank imperialist. He is a fervent democrat. But mainly lie is one of those 111011 who cannot walk into the House of 'Commons, or any house or place, without creat- ing sonsethtting of an •electric stock, says The New York Time, lie flocs not do this he cause lie is Prime Minister, FIe is Prime Minister because 11e can d0' it. Ile is Prime Minister because he has made and projected an image t,f what the British people wish to he in thin wart there he stands and 1 ere they stand, in courage so dire that it need Hever plume itself; in faith as strong as the 13ritish earth from which it springs, in cheerfulness that passes smiling into the dark Val- ley; in honesty of purpose; int. loyalty it/ even the utast mis- uuderrtattding of friends. SAFES Prothro ,woes BOOKS :Out CASK Croat 5,31111 ,and Tt15100105..1. \l'e 11,1ro a Rise and typr or Sate, or Cabinet, tar any purpose. Visit' its, or write for prices, ere, le Dept. 11'. 145) Front St, 1'1., Toronto E9stablished .1850 J.& J.TAVLOP LIMITED' TORONTO (S�i5.FE WORKS AAUTO'MOBILE ACCESSORIES mAKE, 1N1 \U'1'UMUL'ILE. OPERATE 1S S\IOoITIILY AS IN DAMPEST R'E:\'J'- III'ER. F1iW CHV -L1' PARTS FROM OLD AUTOS ('I\•E CONTROLLED HUMIDITY , TO ALL THE AIR ENTER- ING CARk3URET'OR, CXr]L'Ohr INSTALLATION COSI GIVES PERMANENT SATIS- FACTION, SIMPLE CONI- PLETE PLANS POSTPAID 13V RIETL'RN \iAI'T_ FOR y1.Oo, ALSO MAKE MONEY INSTALLING FOR OTHERS. HURRY BEFORE DEMAND MAKES REQL'1RED PART'S SCARCE iN VOLR LOC- ALITY, FLEX ENGINEER INC: AND DLSIfiN, cru CHARLES ST. E., TORONTO. 6:1305' (1111(105 CHICKS APPROVED CHICKS SOME A\'A[LADLE 311 A 1.11 1111„ 7311sed and Pullets, 13 Rocks,11,•, 23e. N ldurmts. 13e { 11 L -• horns 13e, 20c. A tie. let• hat..11- 005,, all breeders tiove.rontent banded and blood tested. Wo... : Ilateh:ry, Stretford, flat. 15 FREE CHICKS )ttY SL1'L•'Itlott (tr., MTV C'lil(k5 "EXTRA 1111111/' All from inspected approved or certified blood 10-10 bre, des 1.0101•,11 Ror.lt Pelee per 100 ,Mixed3.creis 1 uncia '� Day old 1.604 24,0 , ,1,251 1 week old 17,00 27.110 tioin 2 weeks old 20.50 32.00 3.eto 3 weeks old 00.110 117,00 IS.55't To all who will Ito r hi k , and take immediate 1 l toy, We pint l=ive iltl:ut 18 free chicks ler 10", Send order with deposit. Will ship. C.O.D. by Express. Ask 1m' our Trice LIrt for t0 Other breeds. ItH t Fifa) LE13131t1-1t1s 202: Amherst. ,cost. Street - itotdreal t`,t/.. 05(11010 mt.( 0010(1101 FIRST 1-LA1C11 131311. 1, Plitt% LIST supplied All birds fur our 1844 hu1151tng srnson barn rhs inter- esting 0,13.S. (nvetlunent Haim. • Culled and blood tested by 1)e- partmeStlf otNt Ll111'51 'mil. erten, 11.11. 1. Phone i11-24 Ift•tll[S STARTED. ('111(1 e WHITE; (HANTS, IILACK sfA\TS. Attsu•t1op0. Ihsrl d Stocks,Rhode Island )Rods, White }(glrrrnr-. The kind that pay. Tdoyd 1le�iut. 11'11. 1, 13'aterioo, \'',t(111. A-) 13AI3Y CHICKS 11.0:5 1300013 - Tested flocks. hatred Hocks, large type White Legherne, 13arrod Ronk 10 AVhitc Leghoi'us 4n0sex Y New ItampshireTeed t Reeks, Write for price 1105 to A. TI. Switzer Hatchery. Granton, Ont. CANI\DLAN A7,'I T00\ 1El) 71-110 K1-7. for immediate dctn sty, Heollorr,s, Ruud Rech, Stu 11 1,1'hhr, Sussex had Hybrids: Writ.: for 184.1 11 to loge.and Drive list. 1ION15TON PCT'LTRT FARMS, ,. Mmlklon, Onlatin. - - WE A1111 1110.5.51(11 TO SATISFY Meat denl,nlds, V\'liile b1,1un0, continue b+nvi', wn '1111 give int - Media Io.,hte): delivery, st.ainl- 1y if second choice is given. \T',nt breeds available also 2 ntrek Legburns. Itisy Tlatrhuy, 135 ,5011,5 A„ Hamilton,- Ont. NO :1T,Art Il101tT TN THI; 'W0R01) is more d .sti'oua or helping yen to slit -weed 111 the cllici,.n bus- iness then 'Top .S trh Clue Ic .tic<. Our FWelt is Crovrimul 010 Approv- ed from 50,0(1-11,01ed brcrlorS, but that's only- part of the Top Notch volley. Our steadily le- creasIti'• business lo \•idenee that people unto risk 1.11 11' time and money, in the chicken bus- iness lllre Top Notchmethods and Top Notch treatment, Semi for catalogue, We run 1115e. protnllt delivery on most pure breeds and hybrids. I'op. Notch Chickerios, (1uol ph, 011t11i•10. tlr EVERYONE ONE T IVET) RY P54111 (olden Rule—there w•nlild he no. mina no war, no poverty. I'Iere 1t Fergus we try hard to prac- tice the golden rule. 'We know it. pays 13very hatch and every ahip1010111 gets the 1,1oil or atten- tion no to -we wins „(..Ing to raise the chicks ourselves. lleeause the drntn.ntl for both chickens nod eggs will break all records this prof, we 51145: you to got the right. start, We baro haiohrs flim ainys n tvrelc from 11010 011. W. can give you prompt delivery 011 nun sexed, pullet or cockerel 0111 cics in all the most needier breeds. Can also lake Odet's for thousands of chirps for April, lotus and :lune delivery. Also lav - tog end ready- to lay 'pullets for Immediate delivers T'?t•eecttatl- ogue, i wr.rlelle Chick Tint b,'rles Until cd. Fergus, nil 11,1111. I1501,1' 0i1r 1017.`1 13111 101)1'71 'ITAT- eh0ry Chides, blood -1. este d. Or- dinary .prices. Popular breed's. Nelson Hatchery, Shalccopearo, Ont. 133a113.13Eo R0C21S AND LARGE :English Whits Leghornp. A11 mat- ings bl eclteSderl bred to my and exir0. quality hocks mixnl li'ls' Whi1;0 Teghorns mixed 12e. 'Pul- lets 21c Roble Corkerelc 'March 5e. Cocl11•nne's Poultry Fartit, ttir1S•eto ton, Ont. TOO LA'r11 — rill) LATE \10313'1' FI'R'INCI DON'T 401' 1T RL', saiil "too late." Send ror our ptte•a list end oder your baby •l'1 1 s. now. One. 1)011110 Books y env order Godclerd Chldlc 11,1 lottery, 1,r,i1ni• nla ITeights, Ont. Stift(.silo:a(;tt S5[il'Ct 1,1'00tl0RN 11/1.11 1115 At11LIPY RAM' CRACKS T1]C5 ti1ilAIN IS A fit\CTICAL, proven egg" -producing type with tw•enlu tilree years of steady production back of thein. They will pay well for good trees and care. This is certain, baea0s0 they are (loins, this on our own rural— one of t,nuatla's 'largest egg -pro- ducing fal'.Itts You get exactly the same breed strain and grade a5 we 11150 for aur:el\es Poul- try Management 11)udhv1c "nigh Pay Ability" scut 51311.3 on re- ,iuest Ilot our pltelo viol, tVn tot - ✓ ise early ordero, S1oRL'CY: XXI (1 Ii 1"AR\t LIMIT1ED, L''ox 35411. 13ra(ttford, Ontario. FLETI Ill L5 Ill ADLI k ;•l FAMOUS ,Australian VV11150 Leghorn baby chicks, nearly us largo as Sat - red Rocks, will lay 6 eggs to their 1,tura Lugo eggs 1110 rld's 1'ecoltt. layers at 11101est lied ttced ti•Oln $25 pet' 1110 l0 510,5U This ion be 5 res rd year in chicles, Book nn 01' for deliere when w ',uuc L Oe r 200 lute users last yen!, were returned, sold nut, A 42.00 deposit will hoots your or- der. to livery when wanted, Write 1t,0 Lank St., 0tto5a, 111 AClOIII elloI••S 1Vl•;13BEA 111N0 LI 1C72CBLRRIE5, very hardy. Have beta') 0110c000 - fatly transplanted on Prairies— well pocked 10 mot,s. Heavy emit - .per frill( large, sw'ea't anti in citrt re Order before April 1001. 4 vines for 21.0s Prepaid. A. 1{trip, Allusiz, vont/WOOD (01't`l1AC'r01t AATED hl) 15/550']'1 1) t'011D1V'uUll 11IN'l tor to I , n111 at 1 11111. un 50101 "0 • 'ars 1,7,011 r1,10cl wn,rl 01 11,11- bmlun 4\Alit1't ( l-.: to and raiftvay. 07,51, a rued. A, 1•, Conway, -111 .i lchr[d r_• tit. 1,:t, Turvnlo. (l"""1'500 '1'0 1N A EN'1'11115 AV UDINFIR TO /VERY 1NVLN1O11 List of inventions and It111 rnfor- mat!ou sent Ute. The Rama01 Registered 1'11 tont Attorneys, 373 Ilaltk Street,^Ottawa, Canada. 1311:INC At LL6;ANINl1 R.11V,E YOU ANYPiiINrl NEEDS dYeltig or Meaning? Write t0 us for Information. Wo are glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment it Parker's Dye Works' Limited, 1111 Vanes Street. To- ronto. PET Tt1 1 STON HA 151114 & 120n1PANY Potent Solicitors, Established 15:111; 11 Ming (vest, Toronto. Booklet of In forma lion on re - 311(01 1011(15 11 1 \'f 1(1) 11(121151511' 1.815125 PAR) FOR I r ti LIVE -tN11 LIST S0v:11 Itoltluy. Payments made prompt- ly, Eastern 1•'ai•Il1 Products Co., 4:33 St, Paul ]dust, 'Montreal, Que. EELL:A:Tit ICA(, Eitu p si ENT ELF,CT1L10 noTo Rs, slew. USED, bought, 001d, rebuilt; 50118, pulleys, brushes. Alien Electric Company fad„ 2626 poi feria 1111., Taranto, '. 6-00'1 nAr,551 BAUaiio1,J.tA i'VRt0 BALM destroys offensive' odor Instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Stole. Ottawa. 11001 51119 11511111)50, )Vl A\ TNC1 15 0 0 0 urn la t WY, white, blue red, 111n(1, black', green, brown. 01,15 per pound, Guaranteed. Refund. S. (10000, qt. aeo'smo, Bine. t"41111 1113 Li' (\'ANT 001) EXPERIENCED MARRIED MAN, fruit fnrin, yearly entp10ynl ellt. House, usual privileges. State family, age, WA ges expected, references. H. X. M. I'`iske, 11.12. 2, St. Catharines. A R If E 13, 111\1°107.11 50(701), knowledge of beef rattle ant] shoe/, married man, house even - able. Apply Yellow Briar Perm, Mono 'Mills. 060(110111,11 :MAN Olt STRON(-1 LAD for general farming:, nen To- ✓ onto, geed milker, teamster, smell dairy heal, good home. Box S Nashville, FAR1LS FOR S/50)0 110 ACRI S '51)1.3AC(1) LAND 13ARN 38050 No hoose, 515 rd, 5750 nosh, balance 1'rms. 02 ori clay loom, bri sechouse, two balms, 53500, Terms, balance teems, 100 neves, u'rain feral, good build- ings, 57.000, 'Terms to suit. Tourist Camp Incl ening Frig Sta- tion, Store, Dwelling' and f Cah- 111s completely nrilliPPed No, Highway Ni'w, 'Rodney 011,000,80 f'ash al 0 Permit t0 oi)ernt', 50 acres tobacco lend, 7 acres hush, new f, room house. T,algr born, 04.000 01000' rash, balance terms, fb'TAl 1 140 1V, SI AP.'I'INT, 1 141 r,y, Ont. Phone '40. 1.50 A C10 11101,01-4115C(1 11111)1,110511SO11., 50 tines plowed 12 acres Wile+,., balance 111 hay and pasture: horn 60s73 nn wrap hold stables Inc d head, hydro and 550 tor h1 }tarn, Sidor tlrrler: si l,,, ]rico sheds, mill for grinding foul. dri.11rr1 well, 111100 house, 5-p,, bath. 'full basement, furnace, launch\, water n lap (hydro ,Intl 5110 On i 1 1 fight. ay lose to 11el plant (Bor- den's) near Continue lion school, rhurehrs 19 miles from I niie'n Gild int. 'I'holm,s. T'T. 0. L,,row:, lRein-mat, Ont 57,5110.-1 121111, r-800'1 510US1i5, Ilullcidng= 5,i e U feet 1'1oo1' space, hydro inti Water In all build- ings. On 1151110 -ay siding, Toron- to Iw,.nfl' 5111es. 111 health roc, 000 roc sok, it, 10 711ane, Rich- mond 11i11. 100-A51140 FARM, GOOD LAND, good buildings. 3 tulles from Stratford, lot 42 ;on, 5, S. Bast - Slime. Apply Phtlfp 1',:I. a , 11,13, 3, Tar isto.:1:. 1\ lis'1'O31V LA\11 100 ACRES IS tel 11-11,115\ SASE.- otrhe tl tu, all t111.411,1' ):roti 'ultLvar- 1101 1.'od mle ,1 farming' district, 3 miles from town wit11 a 'le - velars, oil11'1 hI 11150y: pri00 525 per net., ' 018 per .ere cash. balance arranged. 11va 1.01, 73 A1<l,tlrle, t\-., I1.,-,,nto. 110110•' Iwi.\ 101111ARThs8 ?d'OTH511S1 )'Ula- ''AN All) TI410 early etitteution of 1',nr Pre- school child ' with our 4,,relllive hall u-,rlc 41.11,q110:, F., non ata liable for home as well so "•haul mse, Tit'y tn,•ittde i4h loci ars, herd• 1 s, w hid ow tic ` s lions, etc. ,--411 ••I1'll,•t long f 1 von.l.r0eLlo0 w']tit r eluerc.0, I- i -r. crayons, etc These are it Uir'd by tested eduatt-n,.l Plea,. Ten seasonal titles In the series—one for each month, eomplete 35.5e. Single un- its 75o each.1 nttnh.0 Ts'auhers Seryl , Sept! St.. Tr1 1,00. IMf5Sl0iI 1(1I1. SALE 11/'.13. 'PALO:WINO e,I'4RT100 ROHS. s and cr1, 5'4101111110 J tin pssuu Wdlkiws its! f grau 1 .ham - pion blood lin Stllions front wer.nling eolt, to 1,,r1100111110 ages mares from w ea tiling to 1,n d noires in tool to our out. ol:u,,l 111.' stallion,, 3 gnnai 1'1,1- (01111; stook h 110 quarter hole, 1.c, ding: reg. 1'a lamina >;el Tin n•o:tl t i : tu', horses, very gentle. bats ror ladn•s, ow- 115ss nr 5u51 ti n.'"rl rider.; t,,V 1 J 0,4. TenWalking' show' hors. . 1.51 m- lintyour ro(1 nt 1 iems c .nl for ou,• int - est descriptivef'1e 11,0 \\'orld's , lar,., sl. hr, , l,',' of b'tlomian }i O r o ,• s. 11 SI ILR 7'ALC)11 N0 7•':11:1350, „o-1 ,t r„ Pa. HAIRDRESSING 01111001, LEARN HAIR11121SSi I NO T1101 Robertson method, information on request ragaralnO emeses. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- eme 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. HAIR TREATMENT GRAY HAIR sung he caused by Intik' et VITAMINS 1110 101711 HAIR IS LOSING ITS color it may be because you are not getting enough of certain vitamins. Unless you are getting tatlegllatc =mutts of these vit- amins your syste111 may not be able to assimilate the calcium and other minerals you need for heal 111Y. colorful ]fair. 1f your hair has prematurely turned, or is beginning to turn gray, you sluuthl take the RANDOLI'II J0UI'E11 13 TABLETS to aid in • building up the health. These tablets are prepared 10 a special formula and are sold with our booklet "Diet 1In1r, and Health", whleh shows how you may eat .trout Way to 04'01'0110 ,1'0110 heattll and beautt Sold 11clUsively by the 12ANJ)OLl'.l1 ('U, 13.41,122 " DEPT,, 25 IToward St., Toronto Specia tntrodttctm'y package $100. Send" money 1011.11 order and Wo Pay delivery charges, 101110 GOODS W 1 GN, TUU PES, S RA.NSI''OTLM- atlous, Switch ., Curls acid all types of fin.'( luldily I•Iair Goods, Write for illustrated r-at- ithign c. Toronto Tltnncn Hall' Supply Coo. 120 't-ialhllrst Street, Toronto, 1•1ANL 1F111'PI\G DISCOVER 1101'12 5)001050 T AL-. onto Complete handwriting an- alysis 01. Use ink, uttruled paper, Send any fifty words to C'ar'oline StIns, 840 111rntel,' Mod., Toronto, _ DFTS 'WANTED D WAN11,U t'A:NA111}y, Persian 11)111 env Plgerms, other Pets, Send tieSertptions price to Seeds 1. Birds Pee 1230 St, 51,1111- erlll,. 15',. Montreal. 1' 01 tri' 1)11.11 A1.111. FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS PROMPT MAIL SET'IVICE Some plet1rep can never be to leen again, Don't risk loshtg yours. Send 50130 fills rolls to star Snn psbni Service. for developing' rind printing. Caned/Ps largest finishing studio dace the finest work at lower cost. Any Size Roll -8 or 8 exposures, DEVELOPED AND PRI;NTrD 25e "Your prices for such 111110y work rare ronlly ecornlicll,' writes it Mutt -omit' at Peterhorobgh, Ont, 'T alp vsrlionlarly faseivated by the coloured plat(n'es. T apPre late your 111.011105 0111 a'ell»ble service end in 'future will send 1111 my rolls to yell." ;t MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 21c Siva 4a,1' m t),"utlfnl Inset Mounts Nniars,rorots Oat on Ivory 111,1.,1 tnaont x3" in told Silver, Circas- sian Walnut or 111 la billow. finish frlaun, 1 0a 11. 11 '11115 t 14 1nt,'wl col"oled, 7110 each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE rim: 125, Postal 'recoil...1 A. 'I'or•+,1to Print Vow, Nettie and ;Address Plainly on All Orders. INSECT 1{10.5,1I1 FIGI'IT THE WARBLE _ FLY \\-L7't't 1ilr,\reety's Warble oust Louse Killer. A dry powder, needs no water. Satisfaction gala runt eed. Price per 1b. sixty uonts post. paid. eau Apply(. Norman McVeety', MAIL YOUR FILMS 10 1313P50,1AL 13012 QUALITY. ael'yi55 and satisfaction. 14 or -0 exposure flims tae; 1.0501018 8 far. 21,1. Imperial Photo Service,Sta- tion 4, Toronto. ,l1AC11111,RY AA -1) ELECTRIC MOTORS ELECTRIC 11013011S ALL SIZES 25 or CO cycle .also u' •ompres- 04ra and machinery. 1 11Ofinrut Machinery Supply, 1st I{ittg Sl. East, 'Toronto. illh/DIC t. 10.0(10SS AC)111'rl Fl1EL TIRED, 1 1Z\', 151-5 DOWN ell the tut., lack vc,a•gy—t hie MU y be date to (311,5aoldi 15. Fenno! tablets quickb help re- lieve this rendition, .10nnol 11},11- latex anti m,lc.s you feel better. At all druggists of n menthe 1 rt11 tneilt $11111 11001 pan I",'tnt,,l Distributors, London, Ont. DIXON'S 111,1)1511Y—Fa11 NEICRIT- le and lthoumetle 1' 111., Thous - it lid$ housitnd0 ]tis Fieri. :\ 111.1.,,'s Luca.: Store. 3'10 hagit,, otato n, Post- paid 31,40. NURSERY STOCK R. 11113 — COL,Rl9U NURSERY' Catalogue, 1`'ufl line of Fruit Treoa. L'\elgteein; l luWe .n_ Shrub Perennials; Shale Trees: Il 1 v 0 s • 1 to01 dx1e,,KIut.•'w:,y-• Nursw ins. t1olvnu1uvitle. 01)1,10.,. RHEUMATIC t' AISs READ THIS—EVERY f 1 t t:ttl•:1:: of Rheumatic Pain.. 1 50,.Itrit•0 Ahulnd t. l t 1)1\e ll Woody. dy. Munro's Ding `,tor,'. 337, Ll0il,, Ottawa, Postpaid S1.50. SEED (101150 15111 Ail. G12U\ '31.3118 AND 1112.15)0- 011,15 of the fatuous Truck Load Isar Brand seed coal. Order early and sate mon y. Pelle River Crain a Seed ('.mpauy, Dello 101ve1', Out. SEEDS POR SALE TI-1OR001111.) RECLEANED E ANE 11 enamel -it glided t 1 y cr '1vo-doy, Timothy and 1 3(puoi, I, 1111,101,. Write for priers. 2, 1:. :\Lull', iou, (Jnt:t'in, Trott SA1a31 ..1'11. 111, A5 e'1113.1.70 SEPARATOR 1ILATOR Sales and ScrvIvC new al.dre- built mAt'll Anu i.l an Sop- urst0t Fans c 1041,05 l,. 01it.. ST0 5 13 ItblLAllt PARTS STCVE REPAIR PARS WE CARRY A COMPLETE 1E L1Sb; or stave part.. Specify name end number and whit nerd 1 140 ai.:o bare reconditioned 5101, ell 011 a lc e 8, 011 1101.1 ' a W016,111.41. Lakeshore Scot .. •130 Ru x.11 West, Toronto. STOVES STOVES $$12.05 CLEARANCE 55563 1.5 RECONDITIONED ('CA11- ,uttn d coal, wood 051111540 0l a\' 0P. •l -ltd, oven 51 �5, Quebec cook stoves, $11i,5o, caast cook 010,000, 6-11d, $13,10; enamelled warming Oven or reserved', 45.UU . extra. Hale model range, enamelled, god country stove, oval or woods, large lire box 011,1 „yen.' 0 largo lido s Leel body, enamel- led 113101111111.1 overt and reservoir. 550C,itil 315.00. Send money order. Lakeshore )r i Stot'e, 4011 1,,111 0111 West., Toronto. 'PIA ACTOR), 1+'Ott 14,5.5,1,1 .11c1t010r061C1{, lOgle RING TRACTOR, fifteen thirty, new ling., wrist. pins re dint.,' Excellent t•undl• (ton .$1110; hall burs,, electric motors, 3 I base 25 volt eael $250 in Al shape, 11r, d Ituhin.=.an, cbtllt\f Ile, 011t. 'TOMATOES - - TOMATOES FROM SEED ' THIS lE.Al2 EN3o1m11i 1\('0111- parable rl al•our of .America's most perfectly formed tomato. Unexcelled interior solidity, un- usual size, pet•fect sytllmetl y of appearance In 1110 nett' Master Ma'giobe Tomato ensures Its wel- come In Canada. A lull seed in- troduction ht W. W. ITick 5. Sun. L1111510(4 Lindsay, Ontario, Semi Ile ror Special pith or 25e for ta so. pkg. 10 130)t. t'.. 14(4;542 L'0I!1.M5 \PA:VTEU 1'0 1113 SET 10 Alt' S11,', Shim poem 1'01' 1111111.H I ,,074- 01111.311. 1:110 Stan' \15,1 111,l- et's, LU Deacon 111,1,, I o 011, 'tuns. TA to 0155 (15130��.—.__� 110111A511 .•AN1. 111 I5GAD WORM'S often 1110 the cause �.f Itl•hen 0th In itllna ale ,11r ages. Au one t111- munel Why not rind :on 11 -thls is you 11 vol le' Ill lel 'Clog uta•-- tteul is Fry, 1 t\ 11te V111500 e1''s Remedies, 2pectulisIs 1 a•,nte 0, r)et. '511A PPERS, 1,S'I'Pti 1914 .1511141 8X:\1 T'Y,.- 1St .•I .Nair, 1... .1,, *101', 5l 13.1s1,11.1.11-O'S.1lI ate $Lh, dozen piephht. •Ciirnla r, co. 1 mile n art, poi( , nict lbels. .1 ree, an-oF, el,. 0111 Rol'i'o , ,, leu..rll, 11 ii