HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-03-09, Page 6"I've found 1. can "I've found a far better way to correct constipation! One that gives pie the kind of lasting relief I've always wanted, and never got, from harsh pills and purge tives. I've tried eversomany,but it's KELLOGG'S .ALL -BRAN regu- larly for me from now on." Such a happy experienceis just onaof thousands • give up closing 9, among people tylia have tried KELLOGG'S ALL -BRAN for constipa- tion due to lark of "bulk" in the diet! ALL -BRAN corrects the cause of such trouble, by supplying "bulk:forming" Material needed for easy, natural elim- ination! If this kind of constipation haspiaguecl you, try eatingreELLGGG'S ALL -BRAN regularly, or several ALL. BRAN muffins every day. Drink plenty of water, See if You don't praise its welcome .m lief! Get ALL -BRAN at your ;rocei s1 1 convenient sizes. Made by Kell .gg c in London, qui, OTTAWA REPORTS That Recent Survey Indicates Many Additional Jobs Will Be Available In Canada After The War Fear of unemployment in the ' postwar period would seem un- warranted in the light of the re- port of Dr. G, 11. Weir, "A Survey of Rehabilitation' tabled recently in the 'House of Commons:, Dr, Weir, who has had consid- erable experience in preparing re- ports such as this one, is acting Director of Training of the De- partment of Pensions and National Health, and has been engaged since 1542 in compiling the survey based on opinions of suh'stential numbers of people with specialized knowl- edge in widely 'varied fields and on qucstionaires from sten and wo- men in the Armed Services, and business and !spree sional groups. In the opinion of these tltous- R' ands of Canadians, when peace comes and niter the transition from wartime to peacetime economies, ►, there is a possibility of there being ► anywhere front a million to a mil- lion and a half additional jobs available in this Dominion. Professional opportunities are seen increased by 50,000 with doe-. < . tors and dentists heading the list, Construction and building, marts- faeturing and agriculture are seen as offering the greatest opportuni- ties for employment of men in the .:lrnted Services, and in the case of women, the three principal fields will be found it service (profes- sional, personal and miscellaneous), vocational and clerical work. Tie re.,.art discusses the pose; bit t, of n- . resent Pl" , es - A >:ittg art aria: teneres Tee . a: r.: x m:a and Ieee. ± at .,Ion Pubiic :;e or, the early pec.. _ .a nieg a `a e a ttun:l,er of trateetei e e a.t i ► ' stet, ion of ' ze'retive re- "' ventivc facilities, and bate ti.e possibility of a greatly e ;ended public health and health i:._,..ance program, the report foresta def. - mite increase in these services in r.utticipalities, The report abs re- gards as an encouraging siren "an oducatioual awakening, particu- 1,uly, in Quebec and the 'Maritime Provinces," f r:• N x In agriculture, the report iedi- r..ates 1,240 government pereounct will be needed, Of these, 1,050 are itt Q reuse alone," under the head- ing, District Agriculturists." The report explains that tete Quebec fig- ure meats positions corresponding to principals of rural elementary agricultural schools The deputy minister of agriculture for Quebec and his assistants have bceu experi- : outing furring the last three years ;with boys' schools staffed It com- petent instructors trained in - agri- culture, The three R's and other elementary school subjects, as -well as practical agricelturc, arc taught, and it is suggested that sd out 1,000 such schodl,t mould i.,e desirable itt the interests of (jue- l.ec rural lire. 1\'e can often blame nervous tension for miserable feelings and fears. And in these :Jaye, thousands of 'nervous people long to get a real grip on them- selves .. , they yearn for quiet nerves. llany are taking 00 1511106 Nervine. This isaseien tifie combination of effec- tive sedatives. Nervine helps relieve general nervousness, sleeplessness, nervous fears, nervus headache and nervous irritability. T5 has been used for this purpose for sixty years. Take Nervine aecording to directions and help things along With more best, wholesome food, fresh air and oxer circ, Effervescing Norville Tablets: 35e and 75c. Net', vele Liquid: 25e and 01.20'. Churchill's Delayed Christmas Party The Primite Minister was unable to share aey of the Christmas festivities, having been at that season an invalid, whose condition caused much anxiety to his medi- cal attendants, writes the London correspondent of The Ottawa Journal, Itis recovery has been so somplete, however, thahks partly to his splendid constitution and partly to the skill of his doctors, that Mr. Churchill was able to hold a delayed Christmas celebration at his house in London on the night of his return from Morocco. There was a jolly party—a turkey which had been kept carefully in cold storage — and Winston pulled crackers with the best of them. 11 is as wel that three .facts should be known, in order to reassure the public generally as to the Prime Minister's health. Those who shared in the deferred Chris- tmas party declare that he has never been in better forth, IT'S A BIG WORLD Twins of this 4::6 -foot globe had to be cut in half to enter the door- ways of the White House and No, 20 Downing Street, where deliver- ies were made at request of the War Department, Martha M. Boyer sits on top of the world—the kind used to plan campaign strategy. Hitler Indicates Suitable Understudy .''according to Stockholm reports, which may be taken as well-ia- formed, Hitler recently held a I erehte'gadtn conference at which he Indicated Martin Bornte:in as his nominee for the Fuehrership -n case anything happened to luta- self, write, the London corres- pondent of The Ottawa Journal. Whether thia is a hint that Hitler contemplates hara-kiri, which he has fregttentty stated would be his resort itt extremity, anybody 7.0 at liberty to guess. His selected triumvirate, in the event of hie own demise, consists of 1lorntaun, as Number One, with Goering and Himmler, Borivann's reputation is a a11110 - ter one. tie i.s reputed, by those who know otost hitt, the talost ruthless Nazi of them ail. His present task is disciplining Ger- many's dangerous home -front gar- rison of millions. of conscripted foreign workers, These are said to total over twelve millions, and they have beelt alio:ring signs of restiveness. Iiurm•.uti e plans rot' handling theta are as drastic as his reputation suggc-tsf He is 41, tum atheist, incl ie do rribtd as "a chunky little nen with thin black hair.'' Ire will indubitably look his !rest. oft a gallows. THE WAR WEEK •— Comnlentar3' 011 Current liven s Invasion Of Europe From West Impossible Without Air Suprem ., cy :\ clearer perspective of'the:wat'-- one whirl holds out high Melee for the future, but also reveals by how narrow 0 margin the Allies may have escaped . catastrophe—is 'pro- vided by two reports just published, says the New York Times. (inc is the review presented to the afottse of Contiiiolts by Air Minister Sin- clair in Which he declares: ".Cheri lies before u, now clearly attainable the glittering prize of 'airseprent- acy-'—a talisman that eau paralyze German industry and war' trans- port." This is a confident, sweep- ing awl authora 1100 stateiltent, 'all the more impressive ,hecattse it is based on actual battle reeults, First Condition of Victory It has become a military axiom that while the airplane can 00 more Win wars that can any other sHtgle is eapon, nevertheless, supremacy in the air is tits first condition of victory, and especially of a -victory which depends on the success of amphibious operations of toiler-' cedented dimensions. The course. of the war has shown that victory in -Europe isimpossible without a amass invasion from the west, and the lessons of Sicily and Italy have demonstrated that such an invasion, which must he staged from Britain aeross the' English Channel, is like- wise impossible. without complete domination of the skies, At Best, the invasion will involve the great- est risks ever faced by any amity; it woul•1 be foolhardy to undertake it before decisive victory is won in the air. But until recently the possibility of suet au air victory was itt itself a matter of grave doubt. In 1540. Diller possessed air superiority, as the .Mies do to- day; yet the British air force was able to maintain such sir 111irg power and reserves that Hitler did not dare stage his own cross-ehanuel invasion cd Britain and instcad turned east against Russia, Decisive Period Now, however, Air Minister Sin- clair assurer us that not only .allied air superiority but Allied alt su- premacy is in sight. lois statement that the period between the Febru- ary atwl the !larch moons is likely to prove the decisive stage of the whole war drntottsttates his con- fidence that the air victory is close at hand. That- may turn ottt to Ile the optimistic of the specialist, but Mr. Sinclair is able to back up Itis optimiser with a greater display of air -power than was thought pos- sible only a short while ago, lfe is able to back it up with round-the- clock air attacks by thousands of American and British planes on. both the German air force and the factories which produce its ,,lames. Nle is able to back it up with time diminishing power of the German air force to interfere with these as- saults; in tact, some of the Allied air armadas now roam the German .ivies without catching a glimpse of a German plane. He is able to bark it up finally, with the dimin- ishing rate of Allies losses, a terms HAS INVASION ROLE Rear Admiral Alan Goodrich Kirk, above, will command U. S. Navy task force operating as part of com- bined naval force in the English Channel invasion area Ad'm1. Kirk, veteran of 35 years in the Navy, has' beaten the Germans in the Me- diterranean, last year won Legion of Merit 'for his work in training task force for the North African landings. whieh is bound to improve iul•ttler as the German air, foecc weakens, The pat) for the invasion, and therewith the road to Berlin, is in- deed being cleared, even if this phase'sltoitld take longer than Ole. Sinclair antitipa tee. Lend -Lease to Russia The.second report is that of lend- lease end-h tse officiate on shipments to Rus- sia, This is interpreted in ]]rash- in;g:me to mean that botli .the .Uni- ted States and Great Britain strip- ped their own forces in the begin- ning to provide ,the. hard-pressed Russian armies with that additional equipment that -spelled the dif- lerenee, between -victory and defeat. These shipmcnte, which nota' exeeed $1,000,000,000 in value and include ^see plenee, 4,;00 tanks and tank deetroyero, more than 110,000 trucks, Jd,uot) ?bells: and many other. items, in addition to .the huge sup- plies upl lies shipped to Russia by Great Ptitaiu, may have delayed both the training alt 1 the equipntct1 of the American and British armies. and therewith also the Allied prepara- tion for the present air battle and the in - :don. lout they helped to keep Russia in the tear, and in so . cluing not only helped to save the Red .unties for the final battle but also pr01 anted a junclian of the German and .1altantse forces and a decieive shift of the balance of pnttar in favor of the Axis. The fact that Russia is now publishing full details of .1 Hied aid; and that the :leas ians themselves are aston- i•hol at its dimensions, indicates a new appreciate -et of the Allied role itt tie tear wllic,t should smooth the path to a more perfect co-oper- ation in the fature. VOICE OF IHE PRESS BLOOD DONORS CLINIC "Suppoein" you cant wear a uni- iutnt, haven't tate money to buy a hoed or evert a war savings stamp. You r,ut still give your blood and in doing se, you'll be making a real contribution to C'alled:is \Vttr effort. —Smith, .Palls Record News. HER MOST EXCITING DAY One woman cook at an air force base itt England was on cluty when .t field utarehal impacted the depot. IIe asked her what her most ex- eitiug moment was, She replied without hesitation: "Tile beat and most exciting !lute, afr. 5511» when bits of Jerry planks was falling into my frying part in time cookhouse." \\ nidsor Star. ENLIGHTENING? "`the thin; s we do tomorrow help us to live through today," iltsralizes the Kitchener Record. bort 'titch we naturally aesumc Met the things we do today help us in enjoy the future yesterday. —Ottawa Citizen. A DROP TOO MUCH Accordingto reports, a \\'iscon- vin merit fellthree storeys, sat up and asked for a stunk, But hadn't he already had a drop too much? —Stratford Beacon -II eraid. A NEW NAME The chairman of the l3ritislt Ovete.ets Airways predicts that jet- propelled planes will he available after the war, JetIteys1 —Guelph i\fercury, PADDED FIGURES Dishonest bookkeepers aren't the only persons who deceive witli padded figures. —Kitchener l:eeord. Feeling Sand His Profession - etective story Dsafe crackers who rubbed sandpaper over their fingertips to make them sensitive might like to borrow Glenn Rcitzel. ltcitzel is a sand feeler by pro- fession. 1 -le tests the texture of band used to grind and polish plate glass; for airplane wittttscreees at the .1,ibitey-Ow'eits-hoed Glass Com - aA021:4Y.0.t9'i'.'',d i jAM puny-. lit takes samples of sand.. from the grinding machines and sifts thele through a series of screens of varying ttnetess. It is easy to weigh and measure the coarser sand' particles, but those 'which collect on the bottom screen are too fine to move the pointer on the tiny scales. So he shuts his eyes and sets his finger- tips down on the screen. By feel- ing alone, he says, he counts the grains and notes them on time wot'lt sheet, May Fortell Weather Year In Advance Today we make a new weather map every three hours to keep up with time rapid changes in the weat- her, -told extend the forecast every six hours, John Iinmphreys points out in The National Geographic 'Magazine. Twice a week we make a forecast for five days ahead which is eighty-five to ninety per- cent correct the first day hut gradually decreases itt accuracy to- ward the end of the period. But these five-day forecasts are good enough so that urgent war traffic on the railroads is often routed according to them, A world network of weather - observing stations, sending reports to central offices, will conte after the tear. Ships and perhaps automatic floating stations will send in reports froto the oceans. Long-range forecasts will im- prove. Research may enable us to prediet weather trends for six months or a year in advance. 'You Can't Be Too Careful Nowadays' Months of accumulated resent- ment smouldered between the lines of a letter' received by a London girl from a Canadian sailor, excerpt: "After leaving where we were be- fore we left for stere, not knowing we were coming here from there we could not tell if ' we would arrive here or not. Nevertheless, we now are here and not there." The censor appended a rueful note, saying "you can't be too careful nowadays." Co -Operation 11n incendiary bomb felt through the roof of rehouse in South Essex during a recent German raid. First it started a fire. Then it burned through a tatter pipe. Uut came the water and out went the fire. Asthma Suffering Curbed 7 Years Seven yetit4 ago J. ltichelda. gilt Nast 521,3 St, 11lunitton, Ont was. a sthnvttie, lust wia ght se Nfered coughing, choking, a'heeaI ti e verY 11 h;•ht — couldn't sleep. .to ,,,o -3'a bio curbed Ills spasms promptly and ho now reports normal weight and good health although 70- year's old. To prove Aaiun -Tubs may du the salve for you svo Will send a $1.00 package of Ammo -Tubs Nee. No cost, no obligation Just tell others ft It scups yotii asthma attacks, write lenox Company, 50,10 I{nox. L'1dge Fort i'Irio North, Ont„ for tree Avmo-'f oIts, Gelling Up Nights ttiakesVAIYFeel Old Before Their Tiae Do you feel older than you are or suffer from Getting Up Nights, Backache, Nervous- ness, Leg Pains, Rheumatic Pains, Burning, scanty or frequent passages? If 00, remem- ber that your Kidneys are vital to your health and that these symptoms may be due to Kidney and Bladder troubles—in such oases Cystes usually glt'es prompt and Joy- ous relief by helping the Kidneys etoan out poisonous excess acids and -wastes. YOU have everything to Bain and.nothtng to lose 1,1 trying Crstex. The iron clad money -back agreement assures a refund of your money on return of empty package unless fully ysatisfied. Dont de- H.stex fSlss•t j from yuLLr .Ipt clots nm❑ druggist today. Foot .y1.h SloOped in 7 MingiteS Dass tcAthlete'swaste Poet make your skin peer, drive and waiter? Does the itching101 nenrty, ,' have you made No matter Grow long you have suffered or what you MGT P tr ret ment is new hope for yet in a new treatment caped e its flogoderm. n s its co modem the sieve the Rectus and starts coot. 11 ng t ll grebe that cause Athlete's root. You will probably acs a 1115 mnlprovttetel the very first stay or so. of not nothing beets s° yousatisfiedgot yo your mon coatsn return eurn of the ,you . vont mood backonryeto dr the emppty Jar. Get Nixodrn,t from your druggist today— the matey -back Erlal offer protacts. you. OWS RD NM faiNF, MI NES "11 VA DON'T DELAY - WY A Eti : TIME 9 8l DAY A ,.tier if x `: TREE"" �. REG'LAR FELLLE S—Lull'abye WELL, IF I'M PLANNil' 70 JOIN THE NAV,?'', I GUESS VD BETTER PRACTICE SLEE.PIW' IN A FIA.MMOCI<. ..gmwwarMya.�, ITS ALL VERY WELL BUT 4 FELLER HASTA BE.A PRETZEL TO GET ANY SLEEP IN ONE OF THOSE: By GENE BYRNES UNLf5S, OF COURSE, HES GOT BRAINS LIKE I GOT' f L