HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-03-09, Page 4TH] EAFORTH NEWS
I 1.1 I'A'.\"1! \‘'S
Snowdon ‘Pnblisliors
Masquerade ..Dace
in Walton 'Community Hall
Prizes will be awarded in War Sal,
ings Stamp, tor the following:
Ladies' Character Costume
Ladies' Conic Costume
Gent's Character Costume
Gent's Cootie Cestunte
Bost Couple, either Character or Comic
For a good lime, come to \Valton on
the lath. Music by Les Pryee's Orch,
Under the austees or Walton Red Cross
Tickets will be sold on a Quilt
Lunch Counter in the Hall
Admission 25c and 104
Mr, Joseph Haekwell has sold his
farm on the 14th con. at McKillop to
Mr, Leslie Bolton, of the same con-
cession, and will hold an auction
sale on Friday. March 24th.
The Yoang People's Union of Duff's
Milted Church met at the home of
Miss Isobel McCall on Friday evening
for their regular meeting. Mr.- Doug-
las Lawless, in the absence of the
preeident, conducted the meeting
Miss Marjorie Rockwell. the -fellow-
ship convener, was in charge of the
worship service. Atter the meeting
the young people. enjoyed guinea and
lunch. The young People were happY
to welcome an old member to their
meeting. 1(1r. Earl Coutts of the Navy.
who was home on leave, 10 spite of
tilt:, '11,017 rtinds llitTe Wits 11 argo at-
tend:31w, . The next meeting wifl be
held on Easter Sunday evening in the
trn.Hazi,wood's father and motile'.
511., and Mrs. Wellinglim Ipan 04 Ap- fart 'r,t,tte n 1114'
Continued From Page 1
the curfew bylaw, also risking for ra1lini111-
H011 IV the same. 7Ink and Parkins, that VI 0
instruct the constable to enforce the curfew
low as requested by the sehool hoard, Cat,
1,0 Correspondence Mos mad and tiled.
1,otalloccanlai and Fink, that we OrtiOr One
1,1,1,1,411 sgliquiraing tweditch pump with
77rty feet a ,alliin hose from the London
Concrete Maehinery Company. Parkins and
Fink, that the auditors report he accepted
aril their account pad, Carried. Parkins and
Smallaeoinbc, that the necessary supplies he
s: tor the fire dept. Bills and. accounts:
Thos. Kyle. salary, $73.80 ; T. Richardson,
labor rink, $17,101 R., Todd, tic, $3.1 7: Pro-
vincial Treas., insulin, 81.74 W. R. David-
-a, coal hall and rink, $45.1l5 1090110011 &
Madeith. auditing. $77.011 Spring seed and
r011111. 01111.1111 1111 0(4'. 914(1, 81).
: .1. A. Patterson, convention enPenee,
Total $319.01. Parkins and Smith,
mhe, Hutt 100 110,11,1 the public library the
of .77 mills, same 10 be payable
ludi yearly..
rs. Showarl McQueen returned home on
Sunday after imonding a couple of weeks
1! her datighter, Mrs. Don Rigby who has
serionsly 711 in Chatham Hospital end
has been removed to the Hospital in London.
Air. and Mrs. Harold Foster and Biline or
Myth spent the week -end with the former's
Parents Mr, and Mrs, A. Poster.
Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Adams, Donnie and
Harkey and Mrs. Wm. Corey of London spent
Ow week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett.
Mrs, S. Schroeder left this week for Mich-
igan where she will visit with members of
The Hensall Senior Wornen's Institute held
most successful Euchre and Dance 111 the
Town Holl, Hensall, on Wednesday evening.
The Prize -winners for the Euchre are ns
Ladies' tst. Miss Norma Deitz. Nippen,
as pyrex teapot) gnd prize (pyrex hake dish)
Mrs. Claude Blowes. Gent', first prize, Bill-
fold. Mr, Harry Wolfer, Zurich 1 2nd, shay.
set. Mr. Sid McArthur. Tickets were sold on a
italic and the lucky draw Wan mode by Pte.
Pate Foster. who had hist returned from 0001"
seas, and was won by Mr. Claude Blows,
Dancing was enjoyed to mustc furnished by
Nelson Howe's orchestra with Mr. Thos.
Meyers floor -manager. Delicious refresh-
ments were served from the booth downstairs
from which the proceeds amounted to forty
dollars. The entire proceeds sunnnutIng to over
$75 will be used for provisions for the local
hoy's bones overseas.
The March meeting of the Sunbeam Mis-
sion 13000 was held in the school -room rif Cars
mel Presbyterian Church at 2:20 p.m. on dun-
iluy and was presided over by Miss Anne Hil-
&Mont. The opening number was the reading
of Psalm DM, 1-2 by Mrs. Orr, after which
the hymn "Jams Saves" was sung. The Mot-
o, T.e., and Band Prayer 51100 re-
uteil The Si Math. 12,
10 1.40 55145 read by Douglas Moir after which
time Hildebrandt led in prayer. The hymn
-01a1 See, the Untie Spet.row Fall" and
V.000 08105.
Mrii, 1),'. camphell read the story from the
;.le book aid 17mn Sainth America."
11i, 1, dr0li 0.11, COPiti1lettO1 by Mrs.
tier acid Mi-. 1111 Munn and the meeting
sturing josas Shall 001.41" and the
108050 in unison.
%CV 11.1 i45 0 She BtaBse fie, a .:„te. and
few days,
• 1.: of Winds., spon•
Yes, times have changed since the
ea,dy days.
And things are dilermil now;
We IlSod 11) tramp front dawn to dusk
In the trail of rho walking plow;
And 111.1" (MC grain from 11 canvas
With a barrel -hoop fer a mouth.
And we kind o' felt that Providence.
Controlled the frost and drouth;
And in harvest work we always
neighbor forth and back,
And never thought of threshing till
the grain \MS iu the stack;
Awl hauled our wood in the winter
And talk beside the fire, and felt that
every thing was fine,
True, Ave had little money; our homes
were plain and bare;
Maybe a box for a table, maybe a
block Tor 01 chair;
Straw to repose our bodies at the end
of the well -worked day.
And the stars saw through the knot
holes in the shingles where
we lay;
Food that was mostly our raising,
coffee from toasted wheat,
Cottonade for our Sunday suits,,,_
moccasins for our feet.
Hard were our frames with labor,
knotted our hands with toil,
And we went to bed at twilight to
save the Drive of oil.
Hardship. perhaps-. but old-timers look
back to early daY,.
Before w- had come hi realize that
practical farming MY,:
To look hack at the thnes 9.1 9001111
content in industry and health;
Book at the nights in tle. shanty
when this wolves It ssuloil in
the .siteW;
Back at the old sod stables and the
cattle in 11 row;
Back at the distances still unmapped,
at the trails that were still
'When round about were the wastes of
earth, and overhead was God.
We think of the. old-time comradeship
and sigh far the early days.
J.D.G„ Tuckersmith,
Wounded In Italy -
Pte. Harold Maier, 21 -year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Dd. Maier, of Dash-
wood, has been officially reported
wounded in action in Italy. The nat-
ure of his wounds was not stated. Mr,
and Mrs. Maier have another son, Pte.
Carl Maier, now serving overseas
with the Canadian Field Ambulance.
Foster youngest son 09 Mr. and Mrs. A.
Or Illirirrd 1101110 911110 overseas 111 10 Weak.
i 10 WIle. It despatch t•ider and was badly in -
low in a motorcycle accident frO111. 110
11111.117' 111i/rails in 010 Hardin'. HIS 'OH
haul and arm are. Intel ly disabled.
1. Eitelici mid lichee c 111 be held in SE, 1o,
11:1,111 Friday aiming March 111(1, under the
il,d Cross branch in that dIstirt. Everyone is
Thant. of the Arnold Circle of Carmel
Presbyterian Church Will present two plays
neineb : "A Cookie For Henry" and "Polly
Pm Tie, Kettle On" in the 'lion',, Hall on
Wednesday. March la h. Musical selections
v11 l 01.010! id as well, R0011 I.110 (IMO °Pen.
Vainilt Night field-
1 iTY intere-iing program was presented
111 19, School i•tiom of Carmel Presbyterial
Cioweli on Friday 01 011 1111, WI1011 11 "PamilY
Night" vas arranged by the Ladies' Aid. Rev.
raylor was chairman and the program com-
menced by sic:ging "'Pilo National Anthem"
followed by 0 brief address by the chairman,
11 mi.slon Band sone "Mar The Prilllie$
I./v.1108g" Mrs. Ilaynhato accompanied on the
Piano. Mios Marginvi Doug:ill. organist, 9"
roved with a pion,, solo, entitled "Three inn 11
Mire." 'rho Sunday School was represented by
'11,7111111,11 hy 11011e Campbell and n vocal do-
ett by Audio and William Dougall '5101110
limits," Mrs. A. Dougall OCCOillunoted 011 the
piano. Mrs. Simpson directed a Musical Con-
11uese Whol" Mrs, J. earns sang a solo
‚'11I)1 ltd. "Tramp, Tramp. Tromp." Mro. Cam-
eron accompanied on the Piano. A mixed
enact:at, comprising Mrs. Malcon Donglill,
Miss Margaret, Dougall, Messers R. Y. Mae -
Laren and James linnicough sang "Polly Wod-
die Doodle," Mrs, A. nougat' accompanied on
the piano. Mrs. Chas. Forrest contributed 0
plane solo, representing the Arnold Circle,
Mr. A. Orr, representing the Sunday School
played a saxophone seno entitled, "Annie
Laurie" accompanied by Mrs. Malcom Doug-
all on the piano. Mrs. S. W. Bonthron (ren.
W.M.ft 1 sang a solo "Coining Horne." Mess
set's Jim 1350500711 and Jim Mustard contrib-
utes! a 'mistral selection "Nellte Grey" tutu's. -
tainting the 13oard of Managers. Mrs. R. S1,111,-
11011 11114 MPS. R. Cameron directed a (tui..
Those taking par! were Mrs. Taylor, Mrs.
Sangster, Miss Cassie Donna% MIS.). Cairns,
Mrs. alr.) Campbell, Mrs. 12.. Y. meeLnren,
OTto. 17. rnimuher. 2Irs. A. D. MeEwen, Mrs.
M. Moil', Miss Sally Manson, Messers R. Y.
WincLaren, Cordon Campbell, Dr. Campbell,
R. Cameron, Jim Bengough. Refreshments
NVOrn served at the close.
,1 Earl t'sini,!ii 0011
Mrs. Al. in Wicein.
1 ieoeby Mmut 4.1 1. 14,1,53 01008 the
w;, hus pariitits Mr. and Mr, mob.
..r• Munn.
11101, ".1,1.1111(101. In', Hid d of CDs,
1... • 7 S:010-77 the week-intl.
MI-. A11111, y IiinnIl, spent tido week -end to
1.1- home of her parent:, Mr. mid Mrs. Wm.
/7011in ill Stratford. 1
Mrs, Bowden Vutlictied to Exeter on Satur-
day after -pending a work with Mr. and Mrs.
Inels Vara:hay.
Mr. Cat,. {Merida,. of Preston spent the
week -end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Sirs. W. 13. Cross Is stooling this week in
Toronto visiting with her daughter (3oldie,
mirsesin-training at St. Michael's Hospital.
Mrs. Mac Greer of London visited on Sun-
day with her parents Mr, and Mrs. J. N. 131001-
Mr. Win. Cook of London visited neer the
week end with his mother, MN. Catharine
Mrs, Jack Dougall of Aylmer visited last
week with Miss Jean Dingell and Messers
Sam and Thos. Donnell.
50010 counter] in. euchre. The anetioners for
the boxes were Mr, Thomas Nilsson of Sums
morhill and .141., Heady of Clinton who un-
derstood their task, both to carry 011 the 91111
and also to got the .bids. There Was a t'rIlle
0001' 100 counting the children. the latter
also having some fun coupling 1111 and eating
out, a the little girlS' boxes which Were not
10.11 Up 000 solo. AS the gathering 50118 01'e -
paring to leave for home Warren thanked
them all for veining and said it top
leastiro invite people when they accepted
Ir,' invitation, helping 10 MOW the party a
success, Mc. Thomas Mason rhea thanked
Warren and Marie 0000001110 their home
for the 00CE1S1011. The proceeds et the even-
ing hinolinteil 0 000,00, which is being
divided between the Red Cross and Summer-
hill Hall Board,
The Farm loam meeting Wati held M011 -
any night of hist week at llarlock School
house with the usual gathering and a few
visitors. The Program was ma:noted by Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Colson and all reported
having a good time. Lunch was served, Mrs.
Bert Allen making the coffee..
The 1,01.188 meeting this week was held at
the home of Mr. and Mts. Bert Allen. Mrs,
Audrey KtibiC. 11181 charge of the program.
After the discussion on the subjeet in ones -
tion, tables were arranged and all sat clown
for mixed euchre and erokinole. :Before start-
ing to Way paners were given around and
two 5001000 called out by Mrd. Watson Reid.
rite SON) 111111 We bird contests both helped
You exereise )'out. brain. Presents were given
in the astiol way Inc the games. Lunch was
sowed tiller which there was 0 good dent of
amusement in placing hands on the table and
winking it rise and answer questions. There
was a veal good gathering of this group and
a number of visitors.
Mr, and 19Irs, Audrey Knox and babY
spent Sunday at the home of her parents,
Mv. and Mrs, Herb Manning In Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knox visited on
Sunday at the home of Me. jack Taylor near
Walton. -
WC are pleased that. Mrs. Simon McVittie,
wbo has not been well the last few weeks. is
improving though slowly. But hope she will
soon bc to her usual health again.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen White and children
and Firs, White's mother of London, spent
• II t the home of Mn and
Mcs. Ernest 511100.
We are pleased to know that. Mr, Reece
Ferris' horse that has been siek with lockjaw
rot. around a week Is getting better.
Master Delights Shobbronic anent the week
end with his tittle cousin Myrtle Knox.
Mr. loilne Tilopson spent Sunday afternoon
at the hien. of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Beacom.
Mr. ism! Mrs. Thomas Appleby and Mv.
and Mrs. Gorden IVIcilenald spent Monday
iit the home of mes. 7081115 01111 Mr, and
Mr, Erited
Mr', Wilfred CriPn returned te London on
:11.indny attic ,iointling the past week at the
home of Mr and Firs. Bert Allen.
The February Ladies' Aid, 9.M. S. and
Itod Cries. meeting was hold at the home of
711' J. tulle and Me. and Mrs. Ernest Knox.
51 ill, an ettemlance of rearly se. Beside the
1.0siirs., part of the rotaitinc: the afternoon
tvi., spent ie quilting a quilt and auctioning
MI iratelling basket of artieles Provided by
;bat imam. The nuctinneer was MIs, nue.
181 the proceeds of the basket
ansasslied to 110. which goes in the Ladies' Aid
•••• • hey are Icnv in totals. The next 1110101115
v.ill le: west of Harks+ where they will have
the Travelling Brisket again. Lunch was
Messes. Harold and Bert and "Nurse"
Kathleen Beacom. Messrs. Guy and Tom and
Miss Joan 1,01000 and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac.
Ranson attended the bog social which Mr,
and Mrs. Warren GIbbings held at, their
hnme near Suinmerhill Friday evening of
last week. The program for the evening was
progressive euchre. also bingo at 20 tables.
rer which prizes were given In the Usual way.
Immediately after a very amusing travelling
letter sons read which had previously been
taken from one of the Anne of Crean Gables
books. 'then same the soiling of the bones,
pretty bones of all kinds and descriptions,
and then the hunting of partners. Messrs.
Thomas Mason and Ephriam Snell looked
after calling the numbers for binge. Points
A. wedding of interest took place
in St. Mary's Itornata Catholic
Church, Kitchener, when Bernice
Helen Schell became the bride of
Mr, Gerald Michael O'Connor, Galt.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Schell, Lancaster St,
west, Kitchener, and the bridegroom'
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan. J.
O'Connor, Dublin. Rev. C. B. Meyer
performed the ceremony. Professor
13. J. &diner provided organ music
and Mrs. Zollner and the bride's
sisters, Misses Jean and Betty Schell
sang. The bride, given 10 marriage
by her father, looked lovely in a
gown of white georgette sheer with
a Windsor neckline, pettipoint
sleeves and a bouffant skirt with In-
sertions of Chantilly lace. A Queen
Elizabeth headdress held a scalloped
at,,,,r-tio veil and she envied P
l'OUttliOf of pink Talisman roses.
Elmer Caskenette, sister of the
bride, was maid of honor, Attired in
aThink shta,r dress with fitted
ra,1 1-.50e; full sleeves. She Were a
beeddae4s similar to the bride's and
her bouquet was of sweet peas. CPI.
Gloria Sehell was her sister's brides-
maid, wearing' a 'terse" styled
frock of blue sheer, with long lull
s. She were a pompadour
Aviv headdress of flowers and net,
with a scalloped chapel -length veil
and carried sweet peas. Mr. Sohn
O'Connor, brother of the bride-
groom. was best man and the ushers
were Frank and Harry O'Connor, A
wedding dinner was served at the
Olde Mill Coffee Shoppe. A recep-
tion was held later at the home of
the bride's parents and a buffet sup-
per was served. The bride's mother
was attired in a black crepe dress,
with three -quarter -length sleeves.
and clusters of white flowers emb-
roidered on the skirt and bodice.
'441101/4)4,1 100.0
PLAYING--THUR. FRI. SAT. 21111 show starts 9.15
"The Amazing Mrs, Holliday
Livisly! Human! interesting' !
MON. TUES. w ED. 2nd 01)015' starts at 9.15 p.m.
Bette Davis Miriam Hopkins
Iiii•eur in., will Wolldell 17' :Melt 1 lova as possible -- every 100111011 Will 1111057
a once 15 me!
NEXT THURS. FRI. SAT 2nd show starts 9.15
Ficgt $110W StIti•In each evening at 7.30. Matinee each Sal. at 2.30 p.m.
Her corsage was of red roses. The
mother of the bridegroom wore navy
blue triple sheer with three -quarter -
length sleeves and ct corsage of red
roses. For a wedding trip to North-
ern Ontario, the bride donned a
powder blue jersey dress with
matching hat trimmed with black,
topped by a black fitted coat with
silver fax collar and muff. Mr. and
Mrs. O'Connor will reside in Galt.
Out-of-town guests included Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Harrigan, Lucan; Mrs,
Dan Shanahan, Mrs. Joseph Eckert
and daughter, Geraldine, Seaforth,
Mr. Ralph Murphy, Mr. James At-
kinson and Mr. Norman O'Connor,
Dublin, and Lt. Joseph 0 4Connor,
Camp Borden,
On Friday afternoon a joint meet-
ing of the Staffa United chin:eh and
Cromarty auxiliaries of the Women's
Missionary Societies assembled to-
gether in the Sunday school room of
the Cromarty Presbyterian church.
The program of the World Day of
Prayer was followed throughout the
'meeting with Mrs. MacWilliam and
Mrs, Arthur Kemp as leaders. Mrs.
MaeWilliam gave a talk on the
theme, "And the Lord Wondered that
there was no intercessor." A duet
was rendered by Mrs Thomas L.
Scott and Mrs: K. McKellar, accorrip-
Anied 'by Miss Sarah McKellar. The
topic on "Prayer", by Mrs. George
Hutson was very interesting. Prayer
was offered by Mrs. W. O'Brien
Mrs. Thomas Scott, sr., and Mrs. T.
011ver. A duct was sung by Mrs.
Kenneth Drake and Mrs, Russel Wor-
den, accompanied by Mrs. A. Reid,
Mrs. Kemp closed the meeting after
the national anthem.
To Mr. and Mrs. Austin Sturdy, of
04011C11, WO extend, our heartiest
congratulations, as on March Oh
they observed their 25th wedding
anniversary. In honor of the occasion
they were recipients of a lovely silver
tea service and wedding cake at the
'home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Allen,
Seaforth. They went also remember-
ed with roses, cards and telephone
calls. We wish them many more hap-
py anniversaries.
Costs less than 1c
per average baking
MADE 1/4
Stuccoed house, situated on Goder-
Joh St. "West. Good basement, hydro,
hard and soft water, Garage. Desir-
able location.
Frame house, George St., real base-
ment, hydro, hard and soft water.
Combined .barn and garage. A real
buy. Immediate possession.
Two apartment house, good base-
ment, individual Melones and bath-
rooms. Rydro, and water, located
Victoria St. Now fully rented. Make a
good investment.
Brick house, East William St.,
Hydro, water. Basement with furnace
We have a number of good farms
for sale and welcome your enquiries.
Insurance & Real Estate
Phone 331. Seaforth, Ont. Res, 220
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices paid for
Eggs and Poultry
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
This is your ill
1944 motor
vehicle stomp!
45 -
• s'in.§214311kfVf:•4-5:Wci&zeinatc,,
As. eti1 51.0110'
It renews
your 1943 ''Plate
Your 1944 motor vehicle permit is now ready. Good
citizenship and good sense tell you to get it now.
Take good care of your 1943 plate. Wartime re-
strictions require that you use it for another year.
Your motor vehicle permit fee remains the same.
With your 1944 motor vehicle permit there will be
issued a windshield stamp such as that illustrated.
The display of this stamp will validate the use of
your 1943 plate.
1944 drivers' licenses are now available and should
be secured at once.
Do you know that both your motor vehicle
permit and driver's license will be automati-
cally suspended until you file proof of fina;wial
responsibility if you are convicted of a violation
of the law following an accident? You may
find an insurance policy difficult to secure then.
It is better to drive safely and avoid accidents
than to find yourself unable to drive at all.
Minister of Highways