HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-03-02, Page 8TIDE SEAFORTFI NEWS HENSALL In Memoriam The Young People's' Society of Me1iENZIE—hr loving memory of a James St. United Church, Exeter, dearhusband and father, William will present a three -act play entitledlC lgtenzle, who passed away three "Closed Lips,"- in the town hall, years ago, March 6, 1941. Hensall, on Monday evening, MarchThe blow was great, the speck severe, 6th; under the' auspices of the 140- `\'e little thought the end was near, halo Class of the United Church:. ' And only those who have lost can tell The pain of parting without farewell. More each day we miss you. Friends may think the wetted is Mr. and Mrs, Mervyn Schwalm and fancily of Stratford visited re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKenzie and Mrs. Peter Schwalm. Mrs. Stewart McQueen is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Don' Rigby, who is seriously ill in St, Joseph's Hospital, Chatham. Mrs. 10. H. Middleton and Mos. Harry Lawrence visited with rela- tives and friends in Clinton recently, The March meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. G. M. Drysdale on Wednesday, March Sth with Mrs. Geo, Hess co -hostess. The roll call is to be answered by What Character- istics in Man Makes a Happy Mar-' riage." The address will be a group of short talks on the following sub- jects, "Would one ever be a guest without first being invited," How to be a goad guest," "How to leave a pleasant feeling on departure,' and "Fitting into family life and plans• Members are reminded to bring FOR SALE pencils, paper and tea. A. cultivator withthree rows of Word has been received that Pte, teeth. Can be bought with or without Preston Lenllnon and Pte Alton the seed box. Also two steel oil Fairburn have received injuries i11 chums. Apply to T. J. Adams, R.R.2, battle in Italy. Preston, aged 21, is' Seaforth. Phone 14 on 667, Seaforth. a son of Mr. Wm, Lemmon, a former resident of Hensell. Alton is a son of Mr, Wm. Fairburn, Hensall. • Mrs. Wesley Jones and Patsy vis- ited recently with the former's sis- ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schroeder. A very successful euchre and dance was held at S.S. No. 10. Hay, - ing with fifteen tables healed, But they little know the sorrow That lies within our hearts concealed. —Sadly missed by his Wife and Family. FOR SALE O.A.C. No. 3 Early Oats and Barley, about one-third barley. This is good heavy grain, 1943 crop. Also a quan- tity of Red Clover Seed, Earl Lawson, phone 841 ring 12. CATTLE WANTED. For grass, for the season. Good spying creek. Apply to Tsaac MoGavin, Walton R.R.2, Phone 16 on 831. WANTED TO BORROW $2200.00 on first mortgage, on 100 acre ]'arm. Good buildings, well locat- ed, Apply News Office. on Friday men playing euchre. The ladies' first. prize was won by Mrs. W. R. Doug- CLEARING all; ladies' consolation, Mrs. George Auction Sale Ingram; gents first prize. Garfield Broderick consolation, 11r Wm. Fn OAT STRAW Oat straw, some short and some long straw, for sale. Wilfred 0' - 'Rourke, 37r9, Dublin, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1944 McKillop Federation of Agriculture COURSE SHORT WINTHROP HALL -2 P.M. sharp TUESDAY AFTERNOON — MARCH 7th SPEAKERS: Three outstanding men from. the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Ont. POULTRY: PROF. J. F. FRANCIS FIELD CROPS: PROF. T. LOUGHLAND SWINE: PROF. WOLFE Everyone Welcome. Ladies Especially Invited A. Dodds, Sec. J. M. Scott, Pres. FOR SALE - Heifer calf few days old, tor sale. Roddy MacLean, Egmondville, Phone 664 1. 13. rm. Farm Stock band Impleme,is. Mr. Berke. The draw was made on the liun}oultttcaavctian on Lot 20,' truct esxion is quilt and. was won by Mr. Fax of Bullets Township, 2 .miles south-east of Windsor. The proceeds from ticket_ Btyth, in ruradny, Marsh 7th, at p to $ 25.00. Dancing was Hoasxsr Gray team. 5 curs aid care int amounted g"neral purpose horse, 0 Y enjoyed with music furnished by .111'• ,nitre. IIARNESSI Set of hreechhtg harness; Wm. Hyde, assisted by Mr. Roy set ser ofwwhoiueneso; set of single harness; Morena of Dashwood, Messrs. Hugh »°CATTLE: Durham cow, fresh 1 month. 11lorenz and Jack Corbett were floor and eaif; Red cow, due time of sale; Ayr - managers. The proceeds from 2t1 e Hereford heifers. Mast ast; yeoar old: 4wloere5 euchre and dance amounted to , ford er =seers, rasing 2 years old; 7 Hereford Death of Ferdinand C. Funk. — canes, 1 year• old. Mr. Ferdinand. Carl Funk, who re- egn3 Bra f5; 14 H 0 -foot fier" e6- oot seller sided two miles west of Hen all, died Pr siraker M.H. hay leader (new); M.H. manure at his home Friday morning in his spreader; M.H. 13 -disc drill.wtth fe:tilator; 60th year, following a lengthy ill- ane log o Rmond It vetor; : dier ga plow; 52 neS5 during which time he 'was a w,ulking platys; roller; scuffler; farm wagon, patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, with Bron lax; sal of sloop sleighs, with 1 London. The deceased came to the leno;hfanningnmin: cutting grboki Int feet district about five years ago from new rope wvith hay fork car and fork; sling Saskatchewan. Born in Saxony, Ger- Took new and r )eeu6o-0,00 naso Fiartti puineiY many, he Caine t0 Canada with 111 forks, shovels, sling ropes and other articles. parents when a child. Surviving are IIAY AND GRAIN -400 bus. of Oats and his widow. two daughter, Mrs. R. H. Bant'lley; 20 tons Mixed Hay (Alfalfa and TiBoelter, Mora, Minn., and Annie R•OOTs--About 60 or 73 bu0. Mixed Mang_ Funk, Hensall; four sons, Edward, stns and Turning. Hensall; Walter, Brampton; Martin, FARM -100 acres, 2 Bank Batas. 11_, Sask.; Russel, Elbow, storey brick house, Drdvhsg shed. Good venter Glenfield, su�iply. 16 acres 05 bush. Good state of r cu v Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and Implements. Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer has re- ceived instructions from the under- signed Proprietor to sell by Public Auction at Lot 4, Con. 8, Twp. of Hullett, 3 miles west of Winthrop, 11,e miles north of Kinburn, Wednesday, Mar. 15, Sale to commence at 1 o'clock sharp. Horses -1 Clyde mare 8 years old; 1 Clyde filly rising 3 years old; 1 Clyde gelding rising three years; 1 general purpose gelding, aged. CATTLE -1 Hereford cow 9 years old, fresh, with calf by her side; 1 Here- ford cow 3 years, fresh, with calf by side; 1 Durham cow due May 10th; 1. Durham cow, fresh, S years old, with calf by her side; 1 Durham cow S years old. due April tet; 1 Durham cow 4 years old, fresh, with calf by her side; 1 Durham cow 4 years old, fresh, with calf her side; 1 Black far- row cow 3 years old; 2 roan Durham heifers, 2 years olcl; 4 Durham steers 2 years olcl; 5 Durham calves rising 1 year old. Pigs -4 sows, bred; 18 chunks weighing about 50 lbs. Poultry—About 75 Rock pullets, Implements -1 51.10, binder, 7 ft. cut with truck and sheaf carrier; 1 M.H. better 6 ft. cut; 1 hay tedder; 1 Deering mower 6 ft. cut.; 1 McCor- mick fray rake: 1 McCormick horse cultivator; 1 land roller; Quebec sulky plow, 1 M.H. walking plow, 4 sic. Iron harrows, scnffler, M.H. man- aro spreader, 1 eft wagon, hay rack with one man rack; gravel box; sle,iglt with fiat rack; Portland cutter, buggy, stone boat, dhickel shelter, DeLaval cream. separator, 000 lb. cap• acity; hay' fork rope, about 175 ft., new; electric fence, some barb wire, 2 wheel trailer, new with good- tires. Harness—Set of double harness, set of single harness, 1 -Tay, about 15 - tons Mixed Hay. Grain -150 bus. Erban oats, and 150 bus. Grainery Filler oats. All good seed oats. Collar tops, odd collars, forks, shovels, hoes and host of other articles too numerous to mention found about a Farm. Terms cash. No reserve as the proprietor is giv- ing tip farming. Clarence Walden, Proprietor, Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer. Sask., two brothers, Henry Funk tl stun Harris, Minn. Edward Funk, Stacey, cent down balance in 3n days, so to reserve bid. bring and Mrs, Elizabeth Norden, HAROLD JAC iSON, Proprietor. Auctionee . North Brunt, Minn. Funeral service was held from the home on Monday conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook of. the United Church, Hensel], inter- ment in Exeter cemetery. The euchre and dance held in the town hall, Hensall, on Friday even- ing under the sponsorship of Kippen East Women's Institute was largely attended. There were thirty-three tables of euchre, and the prize winn- ers were: Ladies' first, d es, William Broadfoot, Kippen;Mrs. Sinclair, Kippen; consolation, Mrs. Glenn Bell, Hensall; gents first, Geo. McCartney, Mill road; 2nd, Hugh McMurtrie, Kippen: consolation, Mr. Russell Ferguson, Hensall. A special prize for the lucky chair was given to Mr. Bob Archibald. Murdock's orchestra furnished music for the dance. Wm.. Hayter was floor mana- ger. Miss Audrey Murdock, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. John Murdock, Bruce - field; has enlisted as a nursing sister with the Army Medical Corps and was posted to London Military Hos- pital last week. Audrey graduated from St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, in 1941, and since that time has been nursing in Hamilton. Pte. Wesley Jones of the RCOC., London, spent the week end at his home here with D'Irs. Jones and Patsy. Miss Betty Mickle, Billie Mickle and Mr. Thos, Welsh spent the Week end with the latter's sister, Mrs. Boyle and Miss Nellie Boyle, in Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook and babe of 'Windsor spent the week end with the fo•mer's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Cornelius Cook, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. White of Lon- don visited with relatives and friends here on Sunday. Messrs. Donald and Carey Joynt of Western University, London, spent the week end with their father Mr. T. C. Joynt. A "family night" will be held in the school -room of Carmel Presbyter- ian Church on Friday evening, March Ord, when every family of the con- gregation are cordially invited to at- tend, The program will be presented by the different organizations of the church. Milos Blanche Thomson, nurse -in - training at Stratford General Hospi- tal, spent the week -end -with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thomson. TERMS: Chattels cash each, Properly. 10 per ld oe13eel Minn., two sisters, Mrs, Emma Steil - FOR SALE An Al bronze gobbler. A. R. Dodds, 14-833, Seaforth. FOR SALE A grey gander for sale. Phone 64 r 12, Dublin central. Janes Sloan. WOOD FOR SALE For immediate sale 25 cords of 4 ft. poplar wood. Apply W. J. Davidson, ilillsgreen. - FOR SALE About 125 Leghorn hens laying about sixty per cent. Apply W. J. Davidson, ,Hlllsgreen. • STRAW FOR SALE We have a few loads of clean cut oat straw, also some clean bean straw in barn, Phone 34-616, Clinton. J. E. Hugill and Sou. CLEARING Auction Sale Harold 'Jackson, Auctioneer, has been in- structed to sell by public auction on Lot 82, Con. 12, McKillop, two miles west of Lead- biu'y corner, on Monday, Marsh 18th, at 1 p.m., the following Farm Stock and Imple- ments: 1 Clyde gelding, 1.600 lbs, rising 6 years. CATTLE --17 Hereford - Durham yearlings; Holstein heifer 1 year old. PIGS -1 pure bred York sow with eight pigs 3 weeks old. 'IMPLEMENTS -- M. H. binder, 7 ft., like new; M.H. mower, 6 ft., new; McCormick Deering side rake; sulky rake; Deering hsy loader, drop hand; 8 ft. stiff tooth cultivator; Hiegel 14 plate tractor disc; 4 sec, harrows; 2 see. harrows; 1-8 ft. packer; 2 walking plows; 2000 1b scales ; 2 forming mills; 14 motor; Renfrew cream separator, elee- ti'le, used 2 months; circular saw ; set of woven wire etretehers; chicken shelter, ex- tension ladder; 40grain tinge; set of tans and dies; gas pump, emery, track wagon, 10 ft. hay rark, gravel box; set of Cann sleighs; sat ruck; electric fencer; 40 ft. drive belt. HARNESS — Set of breeching harness; set of hack band, new• set of single harness; number of horsecollars. DRAIN ---200 bit. of 1942 Banter oat seed. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS --Conk stove with water front, extension table with 6 chairs; Daisy churn, and other household effects, and numerous articles found about a farm. Terme cash, JOHN DENNISON, Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. SATURDAY Odex Soap, 4 Cakes 19c Lelys Soap, 6 calces 25o Supersuds, pkge. 220 Fairbanks Carbolic Soap 6 cakes 25c Chipso,' pkge. 220 Ivory Siiow, pkge. 22c Jif, pkge. 22c Joy Soap, 10 cakes 29c CASH & CARRY SPECIALS Darleys Disinfectant lb, bottle 450 Royal Purple Hog Tonic, 8t/, lb. tin 1,75 Royal Purple Lice Diller, tin 60c Liptons Orange Pekoe Tea, 1, lb .40 Mother Parkers Orange Pekoe Tea % lb. 38c Blue Ribbon Pure 0oeoa, 2 Ib tin .38 Blue Ribbon Baking Powder, ib. 22c Finest Dried Apples, 1b" ' 17c'. Red Wagon Paint, 3.99 Gallon Can W. J. FINNIGAN gravel box'; 1 rubber tired wagon with box ; 1 light wagon; 1927 Ford coach; 2 buggies, rubber tired and steel _tired; 1 cutter ; 1 large goat robe. Quantity of plank and lum- ber ; number of cedar posts, post auger, Forks, shovels, hay fork, sling ropes, lvhipple trees anti other articles. HARNESS -1 set of breeching harness, 1 set of backhand harness ; number of horse collars. RAY & GRAIN -12 tons of timothy hay ; 6 tons of mixed hay ; 850 bus. Banner oats, 1942 crop, .suitable for seed:; 60 bus. mixed grain, 1942 crop,; 16 bus. of 6 row barley ; 100 bus. - of wheat, 1942; 100 bus. of .wheat; 4 bus. of timothy seed. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -1 drop leaf table, 3 kitchen chairs, 1 rocking chair, 2 bed- steads edsteads with spring ; 2 lamps, number of mats and carpets; 1 small table, cocks, sealers mid other articles. - Terms cash. .70HN DILLON, Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. CLEARING Auction Sale Farm Stock and Implements. Lot 35, Con. 6, Logan 105., 3 miles north of Dublin, on Friday. Mnrch 17th,. at 1 pram. IIORSES — 1 gray metre, aged ; 1. Clyde male 5 yant•n old, 1.460 lbs. ; 1 Clyde gelding 4 years old. CATTLE -1 -Durham cow 3 years old, due. Apr. 20 ; 1 Durham cow 3 yearn old, clue June 25; 1 Durham heifer due July 6; 1 Durham heifer supposed to be In calf • 8 Durham steers, 300 lis; 2 Durham steers 700 lbs,; 3 steers rising 1 year old. IMPLEMENTS—fleeting binder, 7 ft. cut; Deering mower, 6 ft. cut; Deering mower, 6 ft. cut; 1 sulky rake; 1 M.H. hay loader; 1 Frost & Wood seed drill ; 1 disc harrow: 1--4 section diamond harrows; 1 Deering manure spreader; 1-10" 3 furrow Case tractor plow; 1•-12" 3 furrow tractor Inter- national plow 1 M,H. Quebec sulky one furrow tiding ploy; 2 walking plova;•1 -2 furrow gang plow; 1 waffler' 1 M.H. broadcasting box; 1-6 h,p gas engine; 1— 10 In, double run Robinson & Gray grain grinder; stone boat; 1 new circular saw frame; Ruining mill ; toot pulper; sugar kettle ; eon Ib- scales, 2 wheel barrows, 1— atj farm wagon, 10 ft. sliding hay. rack; What Does inflation Mean to You and Me? - ti Why, we couldn't buy enough food o keep our families healthy under` inflation. For wages and salaries never catch up to prices when they start to soar! How would we like to pay $1.10 a 0� dozen for eggs? You say it can't happen? Don't forget it's already happened right here in this Domin- ion, during the last war. And it will happen again .. , unless we're on our toes to keep the cost of living down. Every Canadian must face this challenge) It's our responsibility. But be of good heart. Living costs •^ have risen LESS in Canada than anywhere else. Canada leads the world in the fight against inflation. HERE'S HOW IT'S DONE— In 1941, Canada determined to control the cost of living. Price rv; ceilings were established on wages, rentals and commodities; subsidies were paid on essential foods; goods in short supply were rationed ... so that everyone could get their fair share at a price they could afford to pay! But control of prices is a two-way resneeds your ort f t s torcontin continue g effectively. So make this Pledge Today I' PROMISE to give my support to keeping the cost of living down. I will buy only what I need—I will observe the ceil- ing whether buying or selling goods or services. I'll pay off old debts, save for the future invest in Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates—and will support taxes which help lower the cost of living. fee, fevaPoie&Palie. 44/ 10/ Published by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) to reveal the dangers which inflation can mean to all tbo people of Canada.. McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening,' 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. CLEARING Auction Sale Mr. Harold Jackson has been instructed to. sell by public auction on L t 6south n 16, Concession '3, Ribbert Township,- 11/* Dublin, on Tuesday, March 14th, at 12,80 o'clock, the following: HORSES — Belgian horse rising 0 years old, 1900' lb s, roan ; Brown Belglah horse, 9 years old ; Roan Belgian filly rising two years old, 1400 lbs.; Reg, Clyde filly rising oltl1 bayaloo;rseRoan yearsl old; brown gelding rising three years old, express type. broken; express type colt rising 2 years old; driving horse. CA7"f LE klolstoin 00w with calf et foot; 'Holstein cow due to freshen March 10th; Reg. Holstein cow due to freshet June 301;. 2 Holstein cows due to freshen Jane 10111 ; Durham caw with calf at foot-; Durham cow due to ft'esheu June 8th; Durham cow due to freshen June 14th.; Durham cow clue to freshen Juno 20111 1 Durham cow due to freshen June 17th ; 2 Durham cows due to freshen May 10th; 2 Durham steers rising 2 years old; Durham heifer rising.. 2 years old ; 11 Durham and Herefords rising 1 year old 7 Durham and Hereford last fall calves; 1 Reg. Holstein heifer 8 -mos old. PIGS York saw with 7 pigs. 3 weeks old York sow with litter at foot ; York .sow due May lath; 4 chucks, 70 lbs.; 4 hogs, 180 ib. POULTRY -8 Turkey hens. IMPLEMENTS—Deering binder '7. 0. cut • Meering hay loader; M.H. fertilizer drill, 11 disc; M.H. spring tooth cultivator; 3 drum steel roller ; disc harrow; 2 set, 3 section Diamond harrows; Farmer's Friend 2 furrow riding plow framing mill; Coekshutt corn. scuffler; rubber tired wagon; set of sleighs with fiat melt ; truck wagon ; farm wagon ; 2 hay rucks, 16 foot sliding; gravel box; buggy; cutter ; colony house. 12 x 12, like new ; brooder stove; forks, shovels, whiffle- tt'ees. IIARNESS-Set of backbend harness; odd set of harness; set of single harness ; num bei of horse collar's; cream separator, De Ewalt Plymouth mo; bugs d toes; 0181r Cobblo; ntutoroetliyi6 of ninegooandpoeta- elm plank. PROPERTY—Parcel I. East one halt of Lot 11, Con. 4, 10 acres fall wheat; 10 acres fall plowing; remainder in hay and pasture, Parcel 2: North one half Lot 11, Con. 5. All seeded to grass. Everythlug will be sold as Proprietor is giving up farming. No reserve. Terms on chattels, cash. On Property, made known on day of sale. JOHN MnGRATIT, Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. FOR SALE Jersey cows, all ages, duo till grass time. Irwin Trewartha, phone 540-33. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE— SEAFORTH Ont. Officers President, Alex. Mclilwing, Blyth Vice President, W. R. Archibald, See, forth; Mgr. & Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid,. Seaforth, Directors Alex. MC•Ewing, Blyth; W. R. Arch. ibald, Seaforth; Alex. Broadfoot, Sea. forth; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm;. E, J. Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; Frank 1VICGregor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George. Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E.• Pepper, Brucefleld; R. F. McKeraher, Dublin; T. F. Prueter, Br'odhageni George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly ateuded to by applications to any of the above named 'office,,,,, addressed to their respective p013. offices. • FOR SALE Stuccoed house, situated on Goder- ich St. West. Good basement, hydro, hard and soft water, Garage. Desir- able location. Frame house, George St., real base- ment, hydro, hard and soft water. Combined barn and garage. A real buy. Immediate possession. Two apartment house, good base- ment, individual furnaces and. bath- rooms. Hydro, and water, located Victoria St. Now fully rented. Make a good investment. Brick house, Basi: William St., Hydro, water. Basement with furnace. Garage. We have a number of good farms for sale and welcome your enquiries. • E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Phone 334. Seaforth, Ont, Res. 220 Watson 8z Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., . SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M,B., Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic . is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up•to-data diagnostic and thereuptio equipment. Dr. F. 1, R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the sis Tuesday in every month from 3 to 5 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 p.m. Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Louisa Aberhart. , All persons having claims against the Estate of Louisa Aberhart, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, 'Wiclow, deceased, who died on or about the 20th day of February, 1944, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or be- fore the 18th clay of March, 1944, fu11 particulars of their claims. - Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the tmdersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have not- ice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. ' Dated at Seaforth this 23rd day of February, 1944. MoOONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors PASTURE FARM FOR SALE 187 acres, good drilled well and tank., well fenced, shade, Lot 1, Con, 13, 'McKillop, Apply to Clifford Hoegy, NW% 12, 3 miles east of Walton. ' JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr, H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5 J MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - w Seaforth FOR SALE OR RENT 100 acre farm on the highway be- tween Seaforth and Clinton. A frame house, bahk baro, choice clay loam, plenty of water. Apply to Wm. Living- ston or James F. Scott, R.R. 2, Sea - forth. "DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in. Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's bye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel', Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month, -53 Waterloo St„ Stratford, Telephone 267. Spence's Produce GOVERNMENT REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs and Poultry Phone 170-W, Seaforth G. A. WHITNEY Successor to Holmes & Whitney Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- pital Bed too' rent, Agent for Mitchell NurSer'y 'Flowers, Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 Seaforth Monument Works Formerly W. E. Chapman NOW OPERATED BY CUNNINGHAM & PRYDE We invite inspection of our stook of Cemetery Memorials SEAFORTH — TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, or any other time by appointment See Dr. Harburn—Phone 105 Phone 41—Exeter—Box 150 1� DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE, COLLECT — SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 236 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry)