HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-03-02, Page 2The Pike of Tobacco Have You Heard? One time after Edison had been working for months trying to per- fect the storage battery, a reporter managed to break through all the barriers and face the irate inventor with the question, "Do you know any more about batteries now than ou did a year ago?" To which dison replied, Ie., I know 9,8'14 ways of making a storage battery that won't work." Insurance Examiner: "Were you ever in the hospital?" Applicant: "Yes, once." Insurance Examiner: "What for?" Applicant: "To see my aunt." — 0 -- An officer at a busy cafe in the North of England who wanted to get his bill, tried to attract the at- tention of the waitress who had served him. She called out, "Check, air?" "No, Pole, and please give one my bill. I'm in a hurry." — e— Mr. Thompson: "I'm con- vinced that China needs a firm hand." Mrs. Thompson: "I've told the new maid that, but it's no use." "So you're on - a minesweeper?" asked Auntie. "How thrilling that must be! Tell .tee, where do- you sweep the .nines?" "Oh, just around the top and aides," answered her sailor nephew "You know—where the dust set- tles." "Why do they call it a dental parlor-" 'Parlor is another name for drawing -room." Nazi Gives Self Up To Aid Allies A German who deserted the Nazis and who gate himself up to the British a short time ago was officially identified by Allied spokes- men as Erich Vermehren, clerk to the military attache in the German embassy at Istanbul and a son of the German authoress, Petra Ver- anehren. The 24 -year-old attache and his -rife declared they deserted the Ger- mans because they were disgusted with Nazi brutality. He is said to possess detailed information of /greatest value. At the German embassy he served directly tinder lhr. Paul Leverkuehn, assistant military attache in Turkey. Vermehren said he and his wife reached Allied controlled territory despite every effort by Germans in Turkey to apprehend him. Under investigation by the Gestapo, he disappeared several days ago. Ger- man Ambassador Franz von Papen interrupted da vacation in the Bursa Mountains to rush back to Istan- bul in order to direct an investiga- tion of his disappearance, TO HEAR FINN OFFER Mme. Alexandra Kollontay, above, Russian minister at Stock- holm is expected to receive Fin- mish peace terms frorn J. K. Paasik- lei. now in the Swedish capita! as Finn peace envoy, Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. What are important things to remember when writing a bread- and-butter Letter? 2. Is it necessary for one to thank a stranger if one asks him for directions to some street? 3. Is it necesary that a girl check her wrap when dining in a hotel, and she wishes to dance? 4. 'Wouldn't it be all right to send engraved cards of thanks if the wedding gifts are numerous? 5. Is there a certain response that is always correct when being in- troduced to some one? 6. Is it necessary that one serve tea when a chance caller drops iu? Answers 1, Remember to write this letter immediately upon returning home, Second in importance is a sincere expression of appreciation. 2. Cer- tainly. It would be rude not to thank him, 3. No; she may leave it on the back of her chair. 4, No. The bride should consider it worth her time and effort to write per- sonal notes of appreciation to those who were kind and thoughtful en- ough to give gifts. 5, Yes, "How do you do." 6. This is optional, but is not obligatory. Tokyo Said Ready For Air Attacks A DNB radiocast from Ger- many quota! the Mayor of Tokyo as declaring that officials of the city "anticipate awl are prepared for air attacks." "We are using not only the experience gained through the bombing of Berlin and other Ger- man cities but above all our own practical lessons learned from the - great earthquake of 1923," he was. Quoted es saying: "Along with obvious airraid protection pleasures there also is a systematic dispereai of the popu- lation of this city of S,006,000." The word "Communism" first was coined in the secret revolu- tionary societies of Paris between 1834 and 1839. (Relieves distress from MONTHLYy FEMALE WEAKNESS SS Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve. monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous feelings—due to monthly func- tional cilsturbanoes,It helps buildup resistance against distress of "d151 - cult days," Made in Canada. PILES sufferers of bleeding g d n and protr•iding piles should know Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the cause at its source. Money back if the first bottle does not satisfy. Buy from your druggist. ItchingSnap A A Simple Home Treatment with ugly sour urface rashesbroken irri- tations — DON'T DIG with finger- nails as that only serves to make it worse—and spreads it. Go to your druggist' today—get a bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil and use this nixed with an equal quantity of olive oil. It's easy to use -all you do..fs apply to - he scalp with your finger tips gently rubbing in- to the roots of the hair, Do this at least once a clay and about every. fourth day shampoo using a good soap. Soon you'll find this combin- ation start right in—promoting faster healing. Continue the treat- ment until relieved and the loose, floating dandruff he.s disappeared. Continue for 2 }weeks, and if then you are dissatisfied get .your money back. Druggists eVerywhere sell Emer,aid 011. m■! P ■mpies - Curb ed i st Dave Are you embarrassed by ugly, disfiguring pimples and skin blemishes? No matter bow hong you Have suffered or what youhave tried you can now start curbing Pimples itng, Ea -like rage Ringworm, and chi other skin irritations with the very first ap- plication of a new treatment calledNLx6- derm. It stops the Itching. in 7 minutesand Should help make your skin clearer,. softer, ' smoother the very first few days-ln fact It must satisfy you completely or cost nothing; Just get Nixodorm from your druggist today Under the money -back trial offer. see how fast it works andhow m01b better you look, FUNNY BUSINESS Y..,ere' ter////eeee ,/� lwft ""4,.044,1-71/0774,,,c.„rs kt f r"Fj . ,,nq,,,.,,,.. .1""'"" 1,11 „, , ' COPR. 1942 BY NEA SERVICE,IHC. 5 M. RE 1. "My idea is to shoot the enemy full of splinters—then send over, an incendiary bomb! Britain to Reduce Output of Aircraft Aircraft production; which since the early days of the war has had first' priority on British labor, soon will undergo a reduction in its personnel because the "program is in such at healthy state," the Daily Mail said not long ago. Thousands of Men and girls long employed in the aircraft,. in- dustry," the newspaper added, "soon will be called into the ser- vices or will be transferred to other war work. - The production pro- gram is in such a healthy state and the labor position has .been so suc- cessfully dealt with that the in- dustry can afford to dispense with some workers. "Tills follows the biggest output year in British aircraft prothtetion history." New Use Found For Chewing Gum Another typical American quai- ity constantly emerges from the battlefronts in the use of the fine air and ground weapons with which we are now able to equip our fighting Wren, says the New York 'runes. This is the ability to improvise on the spot even if that spot, be the thick of battle, and to take mechanical ingenuity out of the realm of theory into the most practical of practice. In [laly, the. War Department reveals, when tet Marauder was hit by flak and the liquid necessary for .safe landing with the hydraulic gear began to leak from a broken line two staff sergeants turned to a first-aid kit for repairs. They applied chewing guns to the flak hole, followed with adhesive tape and wrapped the whole with :gauze. As a result the B-26, Old' Ironsides, .came hometo a normal landing. Front produc- tio t line to battlefront our teenare shoeing a versatility that is one of the sure components of victory, tet Ste FBr� YOU CAN'T BEAT AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES MARE ANY AUTOMOBILE OPERATE AS SMOOTHLY AS IN DAMPEST WEAT- HER. FEW CHEAP PARTS FROM OLD AUTOS GIVE CONTROLLED HUMIDITY TO ALL THE AIR .ENTER- ING CARBURETOR. CHEAP INSTALLATION COST GIVES PERMANENT SATIS- FACTION. SIMPLE COM- PLETE - PLANS POSTPAID BY RETURN )iIAIL FOR :ii;oo. ALSO MAKE MONEY INSTALLING FOR OTHERS. HURRY BEFORE DEMAND MAKES REQUIRED PARTS SCARCE IN YOUR LOC- ALITY. FLEX ENGINEER ING AND DESIGN, 00 CHARLES ST. E., TORONTO. 11.1111' elite:Ks CHICKS APPROVED CHICKS SOME AVAILABLE MARCH., APRIL. Mixed and Pullets, 11. Rocks, 14e, 24e. N. Humps. 13e, 24e. W. Leg- horn() 13e, 20e. A breeder hatch- ery, all bleeders Government banded and Mond tested. Way's Hatchery, Stratford, Ont, 15 FREE CHICKS • 311'1 ) t 1't0EiLOu QUALITY Y CHrt:IiS "EXTRA Pitt il LL All from in pe ted approved or certified blood tested breeders. Mitred Rook Piece per 100 Mixed un t_oekerels Pullets Day old - LLCM 21.00 d•00 1 week old nee 27.110 O.nu 2 weeks old 22.e0 e2.00 12.00 3 w cIS 0101 0.au 37.40 1..5.0e To all who will buy eltleks and talc Immediate delivery, 'A\ a will 'give Them 15 free chic its Per 100. Send order With deposit. Will strip C.O.D. by Express. Ask for our Price List fur 20 other breeds. '1W11. nt F1 LEE eti\ltIt 20_1 Amherst .street - Montreal P.Q. 1\J 11111 NO'S SOLD OUT OF 1 hk.ks. \\ e fan give You immed- iate delivery on sill thepopular. breeds and hybrid crosses in non - sexed, pullet or cosi eel chicks. 'We can aino take Bare of your order for April \Soy, June and later delivery, We eulticipeUed a heavy demand this year and M- etalled extra 1ncubutrs to tate lure of the demand Send i along your order for those good Tweddle .flicks and weeeili take care of it promptly. Also laying. and ready to lay pullets for immed- iate delivery. Free catalogue and pr•icelist. Tweddle Chick Reteh- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, LICH'LP5 3044 CHICKS T'IRST IIATCI'I FEB. 1. PRICE LIST supplied. All birds for aur 1944 hatching• season have the inter- esting A:B.S. Government Band, Culled and blood tested by De- partment inspectors. SOLOMON LICJITI Mllyerton, new 1. Phone 90-24 BRAY HAS STARTED LE hies at pullets, and limited k Us ut. heavier breeds. Ask s' about these. Taking orders for dayold chicks also. 1f anyone can -satisfy You ns to breed, quantity, de- livery, 1t will likely be Bray, ,Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. A-1 BABY. CHICKS' FROM .BLOOD - Tested flocks. Burred Rocks, large type Rock X Whit Leghorns, Sussex X New Hampshire, Red X Rocks. Write for price Bet to A. H, Switzer hatchery, (yranton, Ont, HICII QUALITY BREEDER FFIA.T- chezy Chicks, blood -tested. -Or- dinary prices. Popular bleeds. Nelson Hatchery, Shakespeare, Ont BARRED ROCKS AND LARGE English White Leghorns, All tnat- ings bloodtested, bred to lay and extra quality Rooks mixed 10,vc, Whit Leghorns mixed 12e. Pul- lets 20c, Rock C'ocke'e15 March Se. Cochrane's Poultry Farm, Rldgetown, Ont. HAVE BRED TO LAT BARRED Rocks, and S.C.W. Leghorns Bar- ron strain tor March hatch, Have been breeding and hatching for 18 retire with blood testing and culling. .Have an expert eextor.. Price list on request. J. D, Jaltn- son, Fergus, Ont. - Si.'ILUGItLEIGri 'warm LEGHORN .HIGH PAX ABILITY BABY CHICKS THIS STRAIN IS A PRACTICAL, proven egg -producing type, with twenty-three years of steady production- hackof them. They will pay well for good keep and care. This is certain, because they are doing this on our own farm one of Canada's largest egg -pro - clueing farms. You get exactly the same breed, strain and grade as Ire raise for ourselves, Poul.- tr'y management landbook "Higl, Pay Ability" sent FRLtb on re- quest. Get our price list. We ad- vise early orders, SPRUCE - LEIGH 1'ARM 11311TP,2, I3ox 35013, 13 'nttord, Ontario, STARTED PULLETS, BARRED Rooks, 1 week old, 23 cents; 2 Weeks, 20 cents. White Leghorns, 1 week 0111, 20 cents; 2 weeks old, 30 cents, February and March pullets only. Carleton Hatchery, Britannia Heights, Out. FLETCHER BRADLEY'S reA310'US Australian White Leghorn baby chicks, nearly as large as Bar- red Rocks, will lay 3 eggst10 their 1, extra largo eggs. World s record layers at contest. Reduced from $26 per 100 to 210.50. This will be a recerd year 1n chicks. Book early for delivery when wanted. Over 200 late orders last year were returned, sold out. .A $2.00 deposit will ,book your or- der. Delivery when wanted. Write 100 Bank St., Ottawa. POULTRS KI020PLRS, BE SURE of a good heathy bunch of baby chicksthis coaling :.5000011. Good chicks mean goad liens and more eggs. Immediate delivery on day- old chicks. write for .1944 cat- alogue acrd prices on our Gov- ernment Approved chicks. MONK - TON POULTRY FARMS, Monk - ton, Ontario. '1.00 LA'N'E T00 LATE NEXT SPRING 1)02"1' LET IT BE mild "too late." Send for our price ilst and order your baby chicks now. Otte dollar books your order. Goddard Chielc .Hatchery,: Britan- nia Heights, Ont. BLACKBERRIES DVL'RBEAIt1NU BLACIGIIORRlEs, very .hardy. Ifave been success- fully transplanted on Praleles— well packed in muss. Heavy eyep- per fruit, large, sweet and In clusters, Order before April 10th, 4 vines for $1.00 Prepaid, A. Klein, Agasslz, B.C. CAS')'lll pEMI,. P01t 4A1E 805 511. 51111• CASTING REEL with silk Ilue. Flet 815.00 buee it. L. fops, 21A Princess, Sher- br'oukr, Que. UPPER '10 INVENTORS AN Uleblot TO 11V19111 1NVENTUIt List u1 lliventluila and Cull rater - Matfett sent tree. The Ramsey Cu., lteglete'ad Patent ALWrueys, 273 Bulik Street, Ottawa, Uaslaoa, 0.1'EIS & CLEANING HAVE YUU ANYTHING Ni/1liLe eyelike u,- cieseuingr Write to us rut' ]"rur'nlu twit. Ove aro glad to answer your tluest1One. Depart- t120nt 11, Parker's Dye Werke Limited, 191 Tonga Sweet, Punt°. l'A'I'EN'fS 1'E'1'H11C'1'UNHAUGII 0 CUAli'AN Y Patent Sundt tors Estuullsb,a 110.01: 19 King West; 'Lurunlo, Booklet of Iuiormu)Wu an re• quest. )OL Lti'I'Itlth I. 1:(L 1,1 l'9l EN'I ELECTRIC StuTUItS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Computly Lid. 2326 bu(lerin St., Toronto. Penn v BALM BAUMEKKA bWU'1 BALM tl 46e instantly,oYYenaive odor ainstantly,nily, 460 bottle, Ultimo. agent, Ueumun Drug Store, Ottawa. FARM HELI' WANTED EXPERIENCED MARRIED MAN, fruit farm, yearly employment, House, usual privileges. State family,. age, wages expected, references. .$1. J. M. Pietro, R,lt. 2, St. Catharines, F A R M ER, ) i'PERI3NCHD, knowledge of beef cattle and aheep, married man, house -avail- able. Apply Yellow Briar .Patera Mono Mills. DAMN FARM - FOIR SA.L,id EINE :DAIRY 10±1411. 150ACRES, 25 25 acres maple .bush, line house, new bank barn buildings, well painted, 7 milemiles outhel OttgmaNls Apply J. Woods, Winchester, Ont. PAIt30S FOR SALE DN5 ACRE LAND; GOOD HOUSE, barn, garage. Greenhouse and equipment. Box 192' W lugllam• VALUABLE FARM IN WATERLOO County for sale, consisting of 214 scree, including 12 acres cedar swamp, 32' acres hardwood bush, 3 acres orchard, balance all under cultivation. Situated 2 miles. from 3Oaterloo, 8 mites groin Kitchener; 11 -room brick house, large bank barn, 2 im- plement sheds, .also equipped with hydro..For full particulars apply to. Earley 0. Stauffer, RR, No. 3, Waterloo, Ont 37,606.-1 ACRE, 0 -ROOM HOUSE, .Buildings -5,0$6 feel floor' space, Hydro, and Watei•lar all. build-.' Inge. On Railway sitting, Toron- to Twenty Mlles 711 health mu- tton for sale. 15. 1:I. Kane, llir:h• mond' H111. 100 -ACRE FARA7, 0001) LAND, good buildings, 3. miles Nom Stratford, lot 42, can u S. lewd. hope. Apply Philip 1-', i ie, 10.11. 3 Tavistck. ' TOBACCO, DAIRY PARMS,LOW priced—small down payments, some equipped. Gus Campbell, Mt, Brydges. IICLP WANTI0ii iu?AIDS FOR GENERAL WARD duty, thirty-five to forty dollars rior month and maintenance. Ap- ply hiss C. McLaren, General ISospital, Strathl'oy, blit. DOGS P011. .SALT. BOSTON TERRIER MALE PE1P, nicely marked, lovely pet, pedi- greed. 170 Concord, Ottawa, Ont. HAIRIJIFESSING SIttIOOL, L le A Lt N HAI It 1)1il1:t$.1 N U 'rHE Robertson method. Information on request reeardlns classes, Robertson's Hatrdroosing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road. - Toronto. HAIR TREATMENT GRAY HAIR May he caused b3' tack of VITAMINS Il! TOUR IltIR 1S t.U$ING ITS color it May be because you are not getting enough of certain vitamins. Lnloss you are getting adettuat nnlouute uY these Vit - amine your system cony not be able to assimilate the caleltun and other tnluorals .you need for healthy, colorful ]ruin If your hair has prematurely' turned, or is beginning to turn gray', you should lake the R.ANDOLPH SUPER. B 'TABLETS to aid In building up the health. These tablets are prepared to a special formula. and are sold with our booklet "Met, Hair, :incl Health", which shows how you Wray cat Your way to vigorous health and be,ulty. Sold exclusively by the RANIJOLII.i. CO SALES DEPT„ 25 Howard St., Torsnto. tpealul Introductory package $1.0e. Send Money with order and we pay delivery chtage.R. 1,180H. 1,840DS \A I 10 2OI'1'14S ]lt ANSI••0103l- atienet Switches, Curls and all Mee of )hest qua! Ity Hair Goods. Write for illu.Struted cat- OlOgile. Toronto llrunau Heir Supply eV„ 525 I athurst Street, Toronto, HAND w or i \(1 DISCOVER YOUII. 11.11. CION T<AL- ents, C•otnplete an dee 1tints ane siltels; $1. Oee Ink, tweeted. paper. Send any fifty words to Caroline Sams, 641 Burnaby Blvd., Toronto. INSECT 0010LRlt EIGHT THE WARBLE FLY WITH Re1'eety's Warble and Louse Killer. A dry powder, needs:. no Water. Satisfaction guaranteed, Price pee 1b. sixty cents post- paid. Apply Norman McVeety, Restoule, qui. DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" THEY CAN'T 131 TAKEN AGAIN Get finer "snaps" at lower coat — Prompt Mail Service. Send your film rolls to Star Snapshot Service to be developed and printed. - 11118. Is Canada's largest "finishing stu- Ca !adserving r You'l1 1il 0 0511' work, over Any Size 31511-6 or 8 ASxpostures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 2Se Praising Star Snapshot Service, a customer at Windsor. Out, writes; I str1Pose it's hard to give your' usual quick service with help ao hard to get, but as tong asyou turn out such fine pictures, I'll wait—if 1 have to wait." 3 000NTED- ENLARGEMENTS. 260 Size 43.8" In Beautiful Rani mounts Enlargements 4x0" ott Ivory tinted mounts; 7x0" in Gold Sliver', Cir - (tauten Walnut or fllaek Ebony finlah frames, 690 each. if enlarge- ment colored, 790 each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Postal Terminal .A, Toronto ,Print - Your Name and Address Plainly mit All Orders; MAIL YOUR FILMS TO 1HPERIAL FOR QUALITY service and satisfaction, 0 or' 8 exposure OAme 26e; reprints 5 for 25c. Imperial Photo Service, Sta. tion J, Toronto. 51EIJICAI 0001) RESULTS-1J41tlty 5 u J:• - fore' from Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try DIyen's Re- made'. �Re- min•tDrug. rule, 336lg, Ottawa, 1oslid $00. CONSTIPATION boil DAL1; REGI: 1,lel' health, .L•Altl'Pv AND Eermol tablets OL your drug stere—ac- 1111 no substitute. Mild yet 111'- 11e -'.non hub! t -forming -- i5 dreaded after effects t slue glen Irowoho—kidney nutlet) Ineeeneed. Al all druggists er months. ireetinent 81.00 nuslp,n,l. 1•'01.11101 I rya rlbutur0, -London ant. MA.CIIINERI' AND 17.L17CT1140 Mo Pons ELECTRIC MOTORS ALL SIZES 25 or GO cycle—also air compres- sors and machinery. E. Hoffman Machinery Supply, 181 Xing St. East, Toronto. NURSERY STOCK FREE — CULORED NURSERY Catalogue. 1`ull line of bruit Trees; Evergreens; Powering Shrubs; s; nsV. er nal Iua; Stade Trees; R0se s; BrooIa sway, Bowmen ill Unrnriw. I'll lelerRY. Garr POULTRY GRiT Soluble or Insoluble Analysis guaranteed Eliminate costly oyster shells by using Strescu" white poultry grits for healthier birds andmore eggs. Available hnmedlatoly in 100 lb. bags in any quantty. \Ville fdr samples and prices. DEALERS WANTED 5'11:130)0 RENO SUPPLY CO, LIMITED 51155 Deloriluler Ave., Montreal (MILTING PA'1'C71Ji2S F.12051 HIGH (11RA1)10 FANCY TOP - coating about ex18, 61 pieces 02.50 11581150 Included Also aril tttlgs 6x18, loll, Also t c'I It ine ;lamas Tweeds to yard lengths, and If; yard eel tile's 1 o r 1111ih11501 s dlothete ] 011114 1110E, 301 Spa- ini." Toronto. JUlEi'1tA'l'ts PAINS '1'111 IT 1 \J)10Y SURIrle111t Ol•1 Rheumatic 1'tlnit or Neuritis elnuld try Dixon's s Remedy..51un- vu's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Utluwii, Poet :Ott $1.00. SEED CORN 11.11 All. G 11 \V1311.5 AND MARK - eters of the fame Lie T1.1.1OIt Load Lar 111 10111 0,11(1 1,01`11. Under ewes' and 0107',) money. Bello !liver 11-l•ithl L Seed Company, 001110 River, Ont. STOVE 3(1•0PAi11. 1.'SttTS STCVE REPAIR .PARTS WE CARRY A LU.11l'L1Tie s..NE of store pale. Seemly name and belittler 111111 1111111. Ilaeeed.. We 51.0 have recon l tinned sto vas, ell nl a 1 e 0, Ellgal1•)08 welcomed. Lalceshure Steve, 439 Queen 1vest, Toronto S'10Vts•S STOVES $12.05 CLEARANCE NitAvt.1 13:1 Ua Dl Liu-v,nu c e u,- alllaed -UU 5OUl U.1.111.11 145 01.0k 00, 4-11,1, oven $12.90. Queneu 000lt stoves, 51)•50; cult coon 5101 :y.. 0-11t1, $13.00; enamelled Kerning oven or reservoir, $5.00 sale. Leto model range, enumeueu, !Good country stele, emu Ur weed, large ]le'e mel. am) uvea, e large Rue, steel body, enamel- led warming uvea tone reservoir, special $ J 00, Send money order. LakeShoea Stuve, 481 Queen west, `1'oronto. _. rO)0.41'O41S TOMATOES FROM SEED T I•ILS YEA it 1, NJU1 5,'111[ x .:e1\1- pafable rl N'0dr of Amur10550 ill0at pniteully formed [striate, Unexcelled Interior solidity, un- nsugl size, Sierle01 sytrnpotry- of appearance In the bele se/aster A'lal'globe Tomato ensures Its wel- come In Canaddat. A 1.544 05511 111- 1.rodnetloll by \\'. W. .their &: Sons -Limited, Lindsay, Un ludo. Send 15e for Special pier, or 25,2 for 'a oz, pkg. to 1Jepl. W. ~03'( POEMS WANTED IU 1019 SET 1'U Mirkka, Send poem tOr i5010oula(5 cue slderstlo,, 111ve-Stat Music Must- ers, - 644 33ettcon ,131dg,,. Bosco; Masa. _. TAPEWORM STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS lnti umanstell cubes, Nolloneeilei- munel Why not find .out 1t this is your truubl81 lnteresetlg uur- ticulare—lereei Write. Mulvs iey'e .Remedies, Specialists, Termite 3, Ont, AT'TEN'TION TEtAP.t'p31.tS1 1volm.11 ox COY UTE T ,R A P- ipers, with presc,11 andfutur'e high fur prices end bounty you I earl$' :have a wu11del.'ftil Otlance. .b'lsher's scleutil'iu course turd gland silents w111 teach 3'01.1.;ill.... you will ever need to know to become a euco0ss(0l trapper. A11 rho best !rappers today use this system. ]low to (roar and set traps that no anima ,•i)1 detect, the ghoul scents levee them iv14h- nienC01cu q lU1be madatt now 111 N11 tins. Stamp f a r` ptu'tirularo. Risher, Hal nee 01, Seek. (8 4111 S L13:S A\IAL\1-: S\ AI 1 51 (Steel cleble, look, swivel), bbx $.1.00; 1100010 $4.00 dozen prepaid. Ulrculore on Indian ts'app]ng methods,' snares, 111105, etch ]Jill Hoffman, Huesca, Alen, '1L't.9.Omit( wet NTE IJ 1101111 '3.11.3 L'I'UTt ()melte.FV-,\ 1'1;11, [31)0111 :Rridk-e, 15. it71.2, 11111tirlr11,