The Seaforth News, 1944-02-24, Page 7Invaluable for COUGHS—COLDS BRONCHITIS SIMPLE SORE THROAT WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Automatic "Speed -Cop" An interesting invention has been developed to act as an auto- matic "speed cop" to enforce traf- fic regulations. A special indicator is mounted ,least above the instrument panel with a dial and a hand which tells blew fast the car is moving.. The iptdicator also is equipped with lights. At normal .cruising speeds, a white light shines on the dial face, but when the car's speed ex - seeds the city limit, the light anges to red. • t t This might prove sufficient pro - lection against speeding in popu- Mted sections if all motorists kept THE REEL STUFF East London fireman, taking tough Commando course at Chigwell, has bis hands—and feet -full as he makes 40 -foot crossing on tight- rope, carrying four reels of hose. their attention on the judicator eonstantiy, and if they all would. voluntarily ease up on their too - heavy throttle. foot and reduce their speed to safe and proper limits as soon as the warning red light flashed on, But because there scents to be some drivers who don't know how last they are going or don't care. about where they do their speed- ing, a special automatic governor has been devised. The invention is worked out iat- geniously so that speeding :on the - open highway, while' it lights the red lamp on the speed indicator, does not otherwise interfere with the car's operation. But in build-up urban sections where there is likely to be heavy cross -traffic and • possibly, persons always carry ® .PARA 4L in• their Handbags , crossing or children playing In the streets, the device takes positive and active automatic steps to see to it that the- car reduces speed. With the hand on the indicator beyond the city speed limit, a• switch -is closed making current available to a special relay. Then when the speeding auto passes over a magnetized rail laid in the high- way, the magnetism closes the re- lay, thus actuating au electric de- vice which automatically throttles down the motor, whether the motorist takes his foot off the ac- celerator or not. .To be generally effective, it would be accessary to imbed mag- netized rails in all sections need- ing speed control, and to acquire every motorist to install the auto- matic governor in his car. Have You Heard? Half -way down the quiet inky black and narrow street Paddy was suddenly pounced upon by a burly individual, wearing a mask. Thrust - Mg a revolver into the Irishman's ribs, he snapped out "Conte 'on! Money or yer lifer" "Faith!" cried Paddy, lou can take my loife, Oi'nl saving up all me money for me old age." —O_ Myrtle:. "John's, got. hi s Home Guard uniform now, and he's dying for a parachute jumper to come along." Phyllis: "Well, why don't you knit'•him one?" tr—o-- Teacher was giving a lesson on the idiosyncrasies of :tfarch, "What 1h it," she asked, "that comes in like a lion and goes out like a' lamb?" And little Julia in the back row replied: "Father." —0— "So you're a young man with both feet on the ground, eh? What do you do for a living?" "I take orders froth a man with both feet on the desk." -_W- The lady was complaining about the egg shortage to her grocer. "And," she went on, last week one egg you sent ma was bad. I demand that you make it good]" "Lady said he, "I'm a grocer not a magician!" —O -.- He—"Woman is nothing but a rag, a bone, and a hank of hair," She -"Man is nothing but a brag, a groan, and tank of air." • British Transport Doing - e Task 1 �[uR Britain has organized "her war- time transport to such an extent that we are now moving one and a quarter million tons of freight every day of the year," the Lon- don Radio said. "This is being done with fewer ships, rail wagons, trucks and canal barges than Britain would - have seeded for adequate lean- dt:s tin:a service and " • t b , y eace With 1CSS manpower," COrltitltued the broadcast, ""the railways alone for ex., ample, Have lost 110,000 employees to the forces, but they are moving twice as ntpch merchandise as they did before the War, while through trains for troops and other Gov- ernment traffic average 2,000 a week All this is being done by cutting out all waste tithe and us- ing every available means of trans- port. Even horses have been mob itlzed. Ten thousand are in use at one. British port alone, No wagon or truck can be allowed to stand - still for longer than it takes to load or unload it. "America is helping by sending prefabricated wagons for British - ra ihvatys, They arrive in eig'41t parts and as they are unloaded they are put together, then loaded with other' imports ap d' dispatched 0)1 - ±110 railways"' Red Cross Head MRS. A. D, McKELVEY Announcement of the -appoint- Ment of Mrs. - A, D, McKelvey as Supervisor of the Women's' War 1Vork , of Ontario Divieiott of the Red Cross is made by Mrs._ John C. Fraser, Chairman of that Com- mittee Because of her splendid back- ground of Red Cross volunteer service of three - years, in close touch with all Branches. of Wo- men's War Work, combined with her office training and executive - ability, Mrs. McKelvey is especial- ly well fitted to fill this position. A son and daughter are in the Service, Dr. A. D. McKelvey itt the Army Medical Corps at Bord- en, and Wren Peggy McKelvey a W.T. stationed at Ottawa. "They March Better On Tea" Connnauldos" march better ocr tea than on water. This fact has been demonstrated by an official test re- cently carried out in Great Britain. A Canadian battalion was under -- going a 12 -day course - of ' battle training. The last six days were devoted mainly to marching, and; during the period the .foot -sloggers covered more than 280 miles. As •' an experiment, three out of four platoons were allowed to get all the water they wanted. -The mem- bers of the fourth platoon were kept entirely off water and were served only with tea. The "water platoons" made good use of their water bottles, but the '"tea, pla- toon" was the only one to finish the course intact, Which only gods to show that there must be Some- thing in the soldier's traditional liking for a cup of rosie lee." Improve Your Health by Correcting Sluggish Ki This Way is Swift, Economical Few .conditions can wreck your health faster titan disordered kidneys and inflamed bladder. Your back aches miserably. You Have restless nights. You sufferleg cramps and rheumatic pains.. Whenthese things happen your kidneys need help in filtering blit acids and poisonous wastes .that are undermining your health. Give them this help-gtlickly—with GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 011 Capsules. GOLD -MEDAL CapsUles contain accurately measured amounts of the originaland genuine Iiaarleln Oil (Dutch. Drops). You will be .gratefully surprised at the way they relieve clogged kidneys and irritated bladder. Go to your druggist now and get u 40c box. Be sure you ask for GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 011. Capsules. - 9 HOW ro RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY' AND EASILY li 'you are U'uublee w1tit limit ea piles in :emu) sureness, du nut de• lay 11loalment 11)15 fun) the dant tit letting tine UulidItIon becunl0 alll'0u- .IC. Any itching ur 001 eue50 or p111i11'111 passage u) alum) la 1atul'e'a- wartime and p 1 o p 0 1 L)'etutietlt abould be twee red at once. Vol' 11112 pUl'[luau gel N 51)011000. of liem Raid 1rum wily drugg tat and use11.0 d ret:te0, This ternrula - which is used internally 12 a 5111011,. easy to take tablet, will quleely.. reltev0 1110 oohing and sureness and aid In healing thesure --tender spots, Hem -hold r5 pleasant 1u. us0, Is. highly re00111tnelded and it Seema. the l Leight of roily ter any un0 to r15µ u patnlul and chrome pile 0un- ditun When such a fine. remedy ' may be had at such a email cost, 1.0 you try Elem./told and are.. not -entttely .pleased- withthe results, your druggist will gladly return Y . our mode Y [MIIDDLE-A_G52E" 38 .. OMEN kyrs.old/ HEED THIS ADViCEII If you're cross, restless, NERVOUS -- suffer hot flashes, dizzlnees--caused by this period in a woman's life— try Lydia I7. Plnkham's 'Vegetable Compound, Made especially/. /or 150111510. hundreds of thou0ands re- markably helped. Follow label direc- tions,. Made in Canada. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES MAKE ANY AUTOMOBILE OPERATE AS SMOOTHLY AS IN DAMPEST WEAT- HER. PEW ' CHEAP PARTS FROM OLD AUTOS GIVE • CONTROLLED :HUMIDITY TO ALL THE AIR ENTER- ING CARBURETOR, CHEAP INSTALLATION COST GIVES PERMANENT SA.TIS • FACTION. SIMPLE COM- PLETE PLANS POSTPAID BY RETURN MAIL FOR $.7..00. ALSO MAKE MONEY INSTALLING FOP. OTHERS. HURRY BEFORE DEMAND MAKES -REQUIRED PARTS SCARCE IN YOUR IaOC- ALIJ'Y. FLEX ENGINEER ING 1N1') DESIGN, 30 CHARLES STE, TORONTO. ,.01.,11 t,r4it„s5' CHICKS APPROVED CHICKS swag AVA1t:ABLt1 alA1te11, Ai'ltll.. Mixed and Pullets, B. hocks, 14e,_ 24e. N, liatttps• 130 24e. W. Leg - horns 13c, 20c. A breeder hatch- , cry, all breeders- Government - banded and blood tested, Way's Hatchery; Stretford, Ont.: A-1 BA33) 03510)05 FROM BLOOD- Tested flocks, Barred Resits, Large type White Leghorns, Barred Stock X White Leghorns, Sussex X New Hampsltlre, Rod X Rocks. Write for price list to A, 31. 2wllzcr J0-dtchery, Granton, Ont. HIGH QUALITY 1.412EEDER HAT - ahem, Chicles, blood -tested. Or- dinary prices. Pop Utak broeda. ,. Nelson Hatchery, - Shakespeare, Ont. YOU ICNOW NOW WHAT QUAN- tity and breed of chick You want. ' It may be we can give you just what you want, 1C nut eXeeptlonal returns fromhatching seta wilt- enable us to come pretty' close to it -but order now to avoid die- ' appointment. Bray. FIatclleey, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. BARRED 1.104ES- AND LARGE khtgnah White Leghorns. All' mat- Ings blo0dtested, bred to lay and extra quality- hocks mixed 101e. White Leghorns mixed 12e. Pul- lets 25c. hock Cockerels Feb. 4c. March. le. Uoehratle's Poultry,. Farm, Ridgetewn, Ont. - MORE PAY FOR. THE SAME work -that's what you should get When you. start your season' with ehleks of known breeding backed by a hatchery that keeps Lte customers—and gets new ones— year after year. That kind of a start lessons risk, saves waste- of Feed and Work, gives youa better chance to got good pay for your Tabour' and a just profit on your investment. We offer alt 'the - best -liked breeds and excel- lent crass -breeds. Batches five days aweek. Send' for catalogue and shipping dates. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for im- mediate delivery,. 'Tweddle Chick Batcberles Limleed,..Fergus, Ont. SPILUCELL•'1411- WHITE LEGHO11N IlIGG18 PAX ABILITY BABY' 01110105 T131S STRAIN 12 e1 PRACTICAL, proven egg -producing type, with twenty-three years or steady production pay tl backfor of thein. They wen good keep and cure. This Is certain, because they are doing this on our own farm— elle or Canada's largest egg -pre- clueing farms• YOU get exactly the surae breed, strain and grade as We raise Cor .ourselves. Pout - try management handbook : "High Pay 1111)5y" sent FRED on. '1'e - quest Get out price llst We ad- vise early orders. SPRUCE- LELGI't e'Al2. LIMITED, Box 350B Blatlitfold, Ontario. 2..evaNro AND lti.AUr TO LAY White Leghorn pullets at reasone. able prices for immediate delly- ery. Also Bµ1'11.1 111ek0 111111 HY- brids Free catalogue. Also day old chick: for immediate dliv- cry. Pw t ldl • r hir'lt Hatcheries Limited, Fernier, 001. STARTED PULLETS, BARRED Rocko 1 week 0)(L 23 cents; L -weeks 20 '1'1)0 White Leghorns, 1 weds old, I ( 01115; 2 weeks old, 20 cants, L'brua'3: and March pullets 01111. Cal'letulr Iitltcher3', Britannia Height%, Ont. A'LE'1.'CBr1I-1 BRADLEY'S FA,l1OUS Australian White Leglturtt baby chicks 111,1111y 1)5 large as Lu. r- _. .red Jtocts, will Itty 3 eggs to their 1, e,tr1 large egg's, World's record 1,11115 at CO0teot. Reduced from $25 air 100 to 010.50. This will he a recon it Your 111 chicks. Book early Cor delivery when wanted. Over 200 late-orcler5 last year were returned, sold out. A 01.00 deposit' will book your or- der. Detiv.cry when. Winton. - Write 100.13µn11 St., Ottawa. . ' GOVERNMENT Ah"EOVCI.I, blood -tested chicles from High Productive strains. Ten Thousand chicks available weekly. Immed- iate donee*. on day-old and started cheeks. Gaywood Garet, ),ronin1 Hamilton. Pogue RV-JLL'IEI171OS 1321 SORT or a good healthy bunch of baby chicks this. caving 05110011. Good chicks mean' good hens and mare eggs. Immediate delivery on clay - Olid ohfcics• Write for 19.1.1 cat- alogue and prices on our Gov- pt•nmetit Approved chicks MONK- , TON POUIICItY F.ARATS, Mani: - ton, Onlarlo, Too l.A'r17 7.00 LATE NEXT Sl'1lNli DON'T LLl'l IT 13E said "too late," Send for oor 111100 1101 and order your baby chicks now, One dollar books yoltr order. Goddard 01'1011 rintehery, Briton- - 111,, T9eishls. (lit • 33T 000BTORILXES - 10VERP1 .1.101\ G'. 0LACE.B.'CRRl:ES, very hardy. Have boon aucce0s- telly transplanted on Prairies— well packedinmoss. Ideav3 crop- per frult, large, sweet and In clusters. Order before' April- 10th. 4 vines for 01.0-0 Prepaid. A. Mein, Ag,raain, B.C. UI tenon TO INVi0N'p(IRS AN OFFER 10 DVO:RY INVENTOR V Inventions' List at Inventions ,and full Infer. matron sent free. ' Tho Ramsay Co., Registered Patent' Attorneys, 273 Clank Street. Ottawa, Canada. PATIENTS 10ETLIT7RST001i,A UGH & COMPANY • Patent Solicitors, .Astablisked 1800; 14 Icing West, Toronto. Booklet of Ibformatlen on re- quest. . DYEING .13 CLEANING • HAVE YOU ANYTHING - NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us ,or information: We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited; 791 Yonge Street. 'Te- rmite. ELECTRICAL EQUILPMLENT ' ELECTRIC,:MOTORS, NEW.USPD, bought, ' sold, rebuilt;' b e 1 t milleysa brusher!. : Allen Electric 'Company Ltd., 2326 Dutterin St, Toronto. gulag, BALM SAUM3!IIMO A PULE.' BALM deetroys offensive 'odor Instantly, 45e.. bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. . #NAIL. usu. WANTED EXPERIENCED MAIt1IED MAN, fruit farm, yearly employment. House, usual privileges. - State family, age, .wages expected, references. FI, J, M. bloke, 13,05, 2, St, Catharines. 20A112 FOR SALE - ONE ACRE LA.ND, GOOD HOUSE, Darn, garage, _. Greenhouse and equipment. Box 192 W1ngh'am. - 'VALUABLE FARM 1N WATERLOO County : for sale, •.:onelsttnl3 of 214 acres, Including ;12 acres cedar swamp, 32- acres 'hardwood' bust), 3 aerso 01'cha011, (mimics all under' cultivation. Situated 2 miles - from Waterloo, 3 mile0 -from - icitchener; 11 -room brick 'house, large bank barn; 2 im- plement sheds, - also equipped With bydru, For full particulars apply to Harkey C. Staufter,: R.R. Nu. 3, Waterloo, Ont. .87,508•-1 ACRE,- ' . 6-1000. 15000H,' Buildings -5,000 feet floor space, Hydro and Water•. In all build- ings, On Railway siding, Torun - to' Twenty Miles. Ill- health res. - eon for sale. R. li, Kane. Rich- mond 10)11. 106-A01t11 y'A1.1111, (3001 5,:v1.N1}, btl'utford �oodrlot 61 , 11 n6', Miles 2Maett-- hope. Apply Philip -Petrie, R,R. 3, Tavistock. - 160 AC10102 GRAIN AND . STOCK /and cheap; adequate water and buildings. Hydro available. Near villageand station. Mrs. Charles Ivl, 1traughe,n,Auburn, Huron Cu,. Ontario. 160 ACRES CLAY LOAM, . SMALL bush, buildings, Hald1mand Coun- ty; 02,840 terms. 180 -Acre farm, Welland' Comity, good buildings, free gas,. 24 acres .wheat; 86,566 terns. Wellington Gilmore, 17 East Alain Street,' Welland, TOBACCO, DAIRY - FARMS, LOW priced—email down payment0, Nome equipped, nus Campbell, ' Alt. Brydges. - bolt SALE CAR LOTS 031010E, SOUND, straight cedar fence ]lost, grape post and telephone poles. Phone or write.. 31. .t, Edwards, R. 2, IChedford. • G1RALN F011 5ALE A.SSUR1351) t:.aiitLUAU$ OF BAA - ley meal, ground wheat, whole oafs and other grains for sale. Carlota only. Ttio Atlas Grain Company, Board or Trade Build - Ing, Montreal, • HELP WANTED MAID .GENERAL - WANTED, FOR farm, All modern conveniences, Wages $30permonth. Mrs. Bower Henry, Brltamtia-Bay, _ Ont.'-.__ 11A511151185586 1108 lt1HUBL L E a I t N HAlit.010115511414 THE Robertson method, information on request reltarding emetic*. Robo1'taon'e. tierrdreaslny Acad- emy, 137 AVettue Rtuad, 11010010. HARNESS lattle5SING 8LIP1T • HARNESS DRESSING—' Finest leather and harness pre- servative. 511911 also has many household uses 25c up at most grocery, hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds- Lab- oratories, Toronto, - 13:ATlt TREATMENT GRAY HAIR atny be cruised by lack or VITAMINS II'.. YOUR HAIR 1S LASING ITS color it may be because you aro not getting enough of certain vitamins. Unless you aro getting adequate amounts of these vit- amins your system may not be able to assimilate tho calcium and other minerals you -need for healthy, colorful hair. It your hag' has prematurely turned, or 1s beginning to turn gray, you 51101110- take the RANDOLPII SUPER le TABLETS to aid in building up the Irealtll. These tablets are prepared to a special formula ,!ltd are sold with our booklet 'Diet, Bair, and Health", which eltotvshow you may eat YOII1 way t0- Vigorous health and beauty. Sold exelusivety by the RAN11c1LP1t (7O, SALES DEPT., 25 Rommel Ft., Toronto. Special introductory package $1.00. Send money with order and we PAY deliveryenlarges. )Nttelli1' 101LL1 R EIGIIT THE WA1112LE FLY WITH MoVeety's Warble and Louse Kfilel. A dry powder, needs no water. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prir•.e per lb, sixty cents post- paid. Apply Norman MCVeety, ResloUle, Ont. I' I14r1'1N1nn1'3121 SPECIAL PRICES ON COLORED AND FRAMED ENLARGEMENTS Quality Lnhu'genients 4215' In Beau- - • tlful tinsel mounts, 3 for 25c. Prem- ' ed In -Gold, Sliver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, on ivory mats 7x9". 1190 eon. It coloured 790 each. ANY SIL, ROLL 6' or 8 exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c Get prompt 11011 service on quality Work at lute- cost. `atisfl0 custom - era ni ora.'aU over Canada will tell you that Star Snapshot Service does the best Work. DON'T TAKE RISKS WITH YOUR FILMS Snapshots can never be taken again. Send your rplls to Canada's largest and driest finishing studio— STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 12,0. Postal 'Terminal A, Toronto Print Your Name .and Addrese Plainly on Alt eiders. - MAIL YOU FILMS R F M TO IMPER:LL Y OR tlU A.L1TY; aerylce' and satlyraution 5 or 8 expos110 11lnla le reprints 8 tot 25e, lmperIal Photo Sevlee, -Stu Hon T, Toronto. .,. �.-... atelOir 1L BAN1SII 'T1i11 TORMENT Ola ITCS - ing' 55511125, pain 111018, 0010 and pimples feats Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. - Skin ' troeblea respond readily to this stainless oduutlr00 ointment re- g�ardle s Of how stubborn or - hopeless they may ' scent. Seth post tree. ,1.00 per ler Posts Remedies, .Sae Qceeu at. l'., To- -r5nt0. 1N"I 1VA.1T--7 Pl&1t1 SUFFERER of .Rn eumetlo Pains or Neuritis egh0uld try Olxon's Lteuedy. Muvroa Drug store, 331 Elgin, Ottawa. I'OOtpaid 51,00.,' CONSTIPATION. 10I1. 11,1.1 L.1' 111 1i1?1,1 LILT 1 .1\D bettor lreal.th tuck In fur Peunol tablets at your cling, Moro—.tu- sept no substitute Mild y.01 ef.- festive—poi-habit-ferning — nu dreaded after effects talug6ish bowels)—kidn0) atitlen inrOttO CI. At all druggists or 1110101110 treatment '.81,00 pustpald..Fennel Distributors, -Loader,. Un) MACH1Np:1RY AND 'ELECTRIC MOTORS ELECTRIO 010T0115 ALL SI5'1 0 26 or 60 cycle—also air Comprea- sore and 1110511in01'3', E, Hoffman Machinery 118pply, 181 King St. East, Toronto. HALE 11E1,1* WANTED MA15111.4D 5-54N, EXPEI0I10NCLD, for. fmruit farhouse,' lights, mills 'supplied. Fruit and vege- tables In salon, -State 555, fain- ily, wages. Give refelenc:Ea. Alt - ply W. C. Nickerson ft11., 2, St.. Catharines NURSERY STOCK'. 05111025 W L0It1a1 NURSERY Catalogue, Full line of Fruit Trees; l/vergreene; Flowering Shrubs; I''erennlals;- Shade Trees; 1t o a e 55 Brookdale-l0fngeway, Nurseries, J3owmanvilie, Ontario. r' PERSONAL. "ELIJ AH COMING BEFORE .Christ", wonderful boon'- free. Megiddo ' Mission,. Rochester - 11, le,Y. PO1311PRY GRIT POULTRY GRIT Soluble or Insoluble Analysis guaranteed Elimtntite costly oyster shells hes , using "S1resco' white poultry grits for healthier birds and more. eggs.. Available Immediately in 100 Ib. ' bags inany quantity, Write for,-. samples and prices. - -; DEALERS WANTED STIS SON - 1114E14 L1)11'1'ED 05141, Ilelerllaler ..5,NeL, Montreal 4cILI C:NG PATCHES QUILTING PATCHES b'R0_u ».1 1./.1:1 0AEA1/11 -1-N1-1 1'UP- coat111g about -.6 x lb, eu pieces 02.50 postage included. Also suit - Ingo 6 x 15, 6 >, 9. Half yard lengths for buys' knee -'pants. A15,3 t'enutante for ladies', men's, children's clothes. LUUlet lt.t:15. 801 20adlna Ave,, Toronto.. - xAB411515 FOR SALE ' 51131)115261,5251) ANGORAS, UNltE1- 181011 bucks and does, breeding: age.. Finest strait sol artful and show. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. E. Mooney, Little Curren[, Ontario. PJJIDIG1L11ED N E W ZEALAND white or red rabbits ger µa10. Qttiolt developing meat and fur produeera. Herbert Cossey, 30 Ashland Avenue, Toronto. Lt3EUFLAI'IU PAINS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - cry sufferer of Rheumatic Paltns or Neuritis should - try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid:. 61.60. SEES) CORN WE ARE GROWERS AND MARE. - eters of the famous Truck Load Dar Brand seed corm.- Order early, and alive Ynolte3'. Belie River Grain y Seed Company, Bello Riven Ont. STOVE REPAID. PARTS STOVE REPAIR PARTS WE CARRY A CO.1'1LT10 L1NE of stove putts. Specify name and number and whet needed. \Ye also have reconditioned stoves, all makes• Jilngniries welcomed. Lakeshore Stove, 438 Queen West, Toronto.. STOVES STOVES $12.05 CLEARANCE NLtVlel 11L0UNLITIONILi (35.,1t- anteed curd, wood 0011µ4u stuveo. 4.110 g1'eil. 312,05. Quebec (wont etorta 415.18; cast cook steres, 6.11,1, 010,56; enamelled Wrtrin,ng oven or re5urvutr, $5.00 01tr'a. Late model range, enamelled, e, coal ut wood larg000dr'flre�tox box all)) 00111. 6 large lids, steel body,enamel- led warming 00011 attd rtae'Oulr, )r apoolial 319.46 Send money order. Lakeshore 1toVC', 439 Queen ea, 1301011111. SEWS -NG; MACHINES SEWING MACHINES $8.95 NL•'t4 N-1LLIAAIS 010 1 111ry\l'S, upright nrudate with two d'aw- eeb, 40.t'5. Latest. modals, 411.21 Wiiliunrs, Ilayinolids, Lat"ntts. drupheads, with 2 drawers $.17.95. Later models with 4 drawers, 52UJS. Sinker's Upright, 512.85; later mudels 314.94. Singer drop heads with n ut.uvevs, your choice.. round or lung. 0htlttt0s 3)0,1)3; later models With 4 drawers,., 521.95. Very -latest, 335.06. Saenger Hand Mlachines, W,Cluut curer 1,1.U5; With cover and Leek - 316.95. Crating extra ' 41.00, All abuvetnentiuned Inacllines aro. re-0011011)Mani Ili nut' 111110111110 . ahup and are guaranteed to be in best lvorltm •' condition. . Send 11tul ey order 111 tali of 45,U0 de - 50010, 111111105 payable On de'l1y- cry C 1N.1LJA_1 11)1111 (i 1114-- 01110L CU., 117 Olin $L. To1'ont0, 'R'O19 ATO Es TOMATOES FROM SEED TI31t»1114.11 17�iJUY "THll 1N, •'!1- paws blr: 11115our. or Ani erica's Must ierie".fly furn,el - nems1o, Unca -.1I.d interlor 5,01011)y, on- usual n-usu al size, perfect symmetry 1•y or appeau'ance, 111 the new alaeter Morglobe Tontuto ensures its wel- come In Crnada. A 124 4 seed in- troduction by kV. Via llirk V Sons 121111 ted, Lindsey, Ontario. Send 15e Cor Hpecittl p1tt. or 25e for al 01• pkg. . to Dept. W, TItAC'IORS R'A.NT2i11 WA NTE lTI)2 a7ODE1. . TJOo0C- for on rubber with lights, 3-p,uw este also Ford tractor rt. rubber with' 3 14.11 n plop'. - k'lilt Bra -- 11511c, Ka )1U1 -k1101125', Ont. Tt11 %Vl)tt el STOMACH ANL 1`Iil10AU Wt/131/S - ofteu are the aqu50 of 111 -health In humans all ages. No one. ora mune! Why not find out it dila is your trouble? Interesting bur- ticulurs—Fo'ee! -Waite 51 ulveney's Remedies, spe1111)1 s Toronto 0, Ont. ATTi'1' Etta: WOLF - FOX - COYOTE UTE 1 11 :1 P - pets with 01 0Sen1. and suture high fur pr)r1a and 13.11111)1y you really have a weltlellul •1,,, arc.: Piebet's 5110,111(10 coil and gland seems will lea h you all you Will ever need to know Irl• to become a sueeeserul Lein. 4. .11 the best trappers tudul eat this system, know 10 li0110111 Det traps that no minim] ean Jetaet. the gland seerne lUrt:5 the.,to w,th Olt( alopl 1011 010 boilerbetier invest- ment eotiel be made n 11 then this tit until 1 0 r par 0Is re.. Fisher, 1l olbe,,ln, ,.laic• t (1051'ly110 hr' t'i't. rse A1C.1i111.1. 4N.kltl 120 1 -, hie, leek, vtt )Vel) 1 is 41 ,.511+0 $4.66 d"z'a 11,11,111 al. 1.11 ni 1 , 011 Sntil".0 1'1111510 - 1)1r11,i 'u 1'ra, Muu,lures,13 ' eta, ,17 1111l111a n.