HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-02-24, Page 5THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1944
Superior Store'Values, Thursday, Feb. 24, till Mar. 1
Durham .Cornstarch per pkg. 9 c
Fry's Pure Breakfast Cocoa, 1/2 1b tin 19c
Fry's Pure Breakfast Cocoa, 1 lb. tin 31 c
Hillcrest Pure Lard 1 ib. carton 19c
Cream -O -Custard 2 - 4 -oz. pkgs. 15c
(Chocolate, Vanilla, and Butterscotch)
P. & G. Soap large bar 5c
Quick Macaroni or Spaghetti 16 oz. pkg. 12c
Brodie's Self Raising Flour 3 lb. bag 25c
Ode Antiseptic Soap 3 bars 1.9e
Woodbury's Facial Soap 2 bars 15c
Lipton's Noodle Soup Mix 2 pkgs. 25c
Baker's Unsweetened Chocolate 3 oz, pkg, 10c
8 oz. pkg, 20c
French's Prepared Mustard 6 oz. jar 90
Sati na — makes ironing easier per pkg. 7e
La France — makes clothes whiter per pkg. 15c
Oxydol, small pkg.-10e; large pkg. 25c
Classic Cleanse' per tin 5c
Javex • per bottle 15c
Turpentine pint bottle 25e
Oxo Cubes large pkg. of 10 cubes 25e
Saxonia Out Mixed Peel 1 lb. pkg; 15e
Aylmer Apple Juice 13 oz, bottle 15c
Grapenuts per pkg. 13c
Ewing's Lemon Pie Filler per tin 15c
Van Camp's Pre -Cooked Beans 2-12 oz. pkgs. 29c
Lipton's Red Label Black Tea % lb, pkg. 38c
Chase & Sanborn's Coffee, ila lb. bag -25c; 1 lb. bag 45c
Pard Dog Food 2 pkgs. 29c
1 pkg. Kellogg's All Wheat
1 pkg. Kellogg's Bran Flakes
1 pkg. Kellogg's Coin Flakes .,, ALL FOR 25c
Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Grapefruit, Carrots, Turnips,
'Cabbage, Lettuce, Celery, Tomatoes, Apples,
Sweet. Potatoes, etc.
Ross J. Sproat PHONE 8
Art Wriglit
Pte. J. J. Sims of Camp''ppm.-
wash, spent the week end with his
father and sister, Mr, Sims and Mrs.
L. Dale.'
Gnr. H. W. O'Reilly of the Royal
Canadian Artillery," 1Kingston, .Ont.;
Spent the week end with Mrs. O'-
Reilly and Marjorie,
Mrs. (Rev.) H, V. Workman is
visiting in. Petrolia this week.
Miss Cassie Everett, London; was
a'week end guest of Miss Verna
Sergeant Lorne Ibbotson, RCAF.,
St. Johns, N.B., is spending his fur-
lough with his mother; Mrs, Rose
Miss Marjory Wigg, London,'
spent the week end with her pat-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. F. Wigg.
,Corporal Donald Scott, RCAF.,
Toronto, spent the week end with
lois mother, Mrs. H. R. Scott.
Mr. and Mr's, Albert McFadden,
Stratford, were guests over the
week end at the home of the for-
mer's brother, Mr, Ralph McFadden
and Mrs. McFadden,
Miss Teresa McIver, Western Un-
iversity, London, was a guest over
the week end at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Peter McIver.
Mr, David Bolton, Waterloo, spent
the week end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Bolton,
Sergeant John Flannery, Ippe•-
Wash, spent the week end with Mr..
Flannery and Carol Ann,
Writer H. Glenn Hays„ RCNVR.,
was a week end visitor with his mo-
thei, Mrs. James Hays,
Airwoman Vera Hudson, RCAF.,
Fingal, was a week end guest at the
hone of her sister, Mr, and Mrs.
Scott Habkirk.
Miss Ruth Fraser, Waterloo, spent
the week end at her home hez'e.
Miss Mary Duncan, Brescia Hall,
London, spent the week end at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Duncan.
LAC. Harry Scott, of Winnipeg,
is spending two weeks leave With his
mother, Mrs. H. R, Scott.
Miss Ann McClelland, Toronto,
was a guest at the home of her
e'randmother. Mrs, R. S. Hays, over
the week end.
Mrs. Langford, London, is a guest
at the home of her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shaw.
Miss Betty Matthews, Waterloo,
Spent the week end with her parents,'
Mr. and Mrs, J. Matthews,
AC. Stewart Finnigan, RCAF., of
Guelph, spent the week end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Finni-
AC. Richard Box, RCAF., Guelph,
spent the week end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Box.
Miss Esther McHenry, Mitchell,
was the guest of Miss Lois Whitney
over the week end.
Miles McMillan, RCAF., Toronto,
was a visitor at the home of: his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. 5, M. McMillan
over the week end,
Den Gr'ummett, RCAF., Toronto,
anent the week end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Grurnniett.
Corporal Garnet Free and Mrs.
Free, Chatham, were week end
quests at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley. Free.
Corporal George Siddal, RCAF.,
Crumlin, was a week end visitor in
C.S.M. Lionel Fortune, ' London,
was here attending the Walsh -For-
tune wedding.
Mr. J S. Ross of Richdale,
came east to attend the funeral of
his sister, the late Mrs. James
Mr. H. G. Meir attended the en-
thronement of Archbishop Seager at
London on Monday evening, '
Pte. Jack L. Rivers. Windsor,
spout the week .end at the home of
hi• father, Mr. Thorpe Rivers.
The many friends of Mr. Ed.
Mole are sorry to know he is con-
fined to his home as the result of a
heart attack.
Mr. and NIrs, W. J. Faulkner of
Kitchener spent the week end here.
Lieut. W. L. T. Crouch, of the
Royal Military College, Kingston, is
spending a few days with his father,
Mr. T. 5. Crouch.
Mrs. T. J. Crouch is in Montreal
taking special treatment for her leg
which she broke recently.
Sgt, Pilot Keith Dale of #1 F,I.S.,
Trenton, spent the week end at his
home here.
Mrs.i'W..1, Finnigan, Egmondville,
returned home this week after
spending a few days with her dough -
:tors in Sarnia,
Mrs. R. K. Cornish spent the week
end with her husband in Toronto, '
A.B. Clair Haney, Halifax, is spend-
ing a few clays with his parents in,
Miss .Laura Mole and Mrs. Glaclson
Campbell spent a few days in Tor-
onto last week.
We are listing machines alloted to us for early 1944 delivery, for
which we have not received farmers' orders. Kindly place your orders
early, as we will fill the orders in turn as received by us.
One 14-6 Outhow Disc Harrow. r "
3-20 tooth peg tooth Harrows.
1-17 tooth spring tooth Harrows.
1—One-horse Seuffler.
6 No. 4 Corn Cultivators, with bean harvesting attachment.
One 6 ft. Deering Mower.
One 6 ft. Deering mower.
One 6 ft. Grain Binder with Hydraulic Oiling.
3 Milkers.,8 Cream Separators.
One 12 to 2%-'L. B. Gas Engine.
The following machines are available until stock is exhausted:
15 tooth lever spring tooth Harrows.
Soil Pulverizers, also known as Cultipacker. •
Spring tooth Cultivators. Tandem disc Harrows.
13 disc platin Drills.
3 to 5 H.P. Gas Engines.
Tractor Mowers. Hay Rakes
Harvester Threshers, also known as Combines.
Vessot Ball Bearing Grinders, Milk Coolers.
JOHN BACH, Seaforth
Old -Fashioned Revival Hour
7 to 8 P.M., 17;D.S,T.
Pilgrim's Hour
2 to 3 P.M., E.D,S.T,
Local Station — C.K.L.W., Windsor
�iseuits that
the whole fami
Magic's Orange -Raisin. Biscuits
2 cups sifted flow 4 tdspns,; shortening
4 teaspoons Magic l4 cap raisins.
Baking Powder 1$bspn, orange rind
1tspn. salt 1 egg
2.tbspns, sugar 31. cap milk
Sift dry ingredients together. Cut in
shortening until well mixed. Add tai.
SIDS and orange rind. Beat egg slightly
in measuring cup and add milk to make
cup: Add to first mixture. Roll out
about 14 -inch. thick; cut with floured
biscuit cutter{, Place on ngreased pan.
Bake in hot oven (475°1'.) about 12
minutes: Makes i6:
Your guarantee of Successful Baking
Juvenile Hockey
Group Play -Offs
Palace Rink, Seaforth
Thur. Feb. 24
Come and see the game
of the season
Admission 25c and 15c.
Sniffly, Sneezy Distress ®f
A Few Drops Up Each Nostril.. Work Fast Right Where Trouble Is
The second you put Vicks Va-tro-nol
(a few drops) up each nostril it starts
relieving the sniffly, sneezy, stuffy
distress of head colds. Va-tro-nol—a
specialized medication—is so effec-
tive because it does three important
things to relieve discomforts .'
(1) shrinks swollen membranes ; . .
(2) soothes irritation ... (3) helps clear
up cold -clogged nose ... makes breath-
ing easier ... and brings such grand
relief! Follow directions in folder.
NOTE ... When used at first sniffle,
or warning sign of a cold, Va-tro-nol helps
prevent many colds
from developing.
Last week's farm forum on the
8th concession met at the hone of
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter with all
reporting a. good time.
On Monday evening the same group
met at the hone of Mr, and Mrs,
Chas, Dexter with an adult attend-
ance of 21. A lively discussion period
led by Mr. Clarence Walden followed
the broadcast. The remainder of the
evening was enjoyably spent in con-
tests and gannes.
Pte. Glen Carte' of Ipperwash
spent the week end with his friends
Messrs. Bob and Bill Pollard, Blyth,
and at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Carter.
To Willis Tipping and His
Fine Orchestra
Dancing 9 to 1, Adm. soe
Where Is' Your Double 7
Every one has a double somewhere.
English bobbies came upon a suicide
they mistook for Mussolini, A Scotch -
men is, the "spittin' image" of Mahat-
ma Gandhi. Read strange stories of
look alikes and how science explains
then, in The American Weekly with
this Sunday's (Feb. 27) issue of The
Detroit Sunday Times.
St Patrick's
Proceeds for War Work
Auspices of the L.O;B,A.
Admission 50c. Dance 9.30-1.30
A blizzard howls down from the North. Trees crash. • Wires go
down. And while we huddle by the fire the Bell line crews are
out -fighting their way through drifts in modern service trucks.
equipped with tools, power and material for repairing the havoc.
Our preventive maintenance program is designed to prevent
trouble before it develops. But when it does strike, these ."shock
troops" go after it fast. They know the nation's work and safety
depend on prompt, dependable
telephone communication. They
take quiet pride in keeping it
that way ... come what may.
£% Attkiess we
Buy War Savings Stamp,
and Certificates Regularly.
Bell Telephone Employees
1939 1943
Male ........ 4,703 4,579
Female .. .. .. 5,008 7,335
9,711 11,915
Absent on War Service -2,200
Owl vasa a141xds