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The Seaforth News, 1944-02-17, Page 7
Muffing can help keep yoiueregulaf lay eating ' several every day, and chinking plenty of Water, you can get at constipation due to lack or dietary °'bulk"1 If this is your trouble, try Kellogg's All -Bran Muffins S tableapoone 4, enc mills shortening 1 oupsifted flour Ai sup sugar f ateas teaspoon stilt 1 cap 21; teaspoons baking 1 cup Kallopp'e powder All•Bran 331endshortening and sugar thorough* 1br; add egg and beat well: Stir in' All -Bran and milk; let soak until most of moisture is taken up. Sift flour with salt and baking powder. Add to first mixture and stir only until flour dis- appears. Fill greased muffin pans two- thirds full and bake immoderately hot oven (400°2',) about 30 ninutes,Yield; 8large muffing, sdft ALL -BRAD Made by Kelloggs in London, annada• When Mom's Down ;When Mother is under the weather, Our household comes sort of unglued! You know what I mean. It's eacii_v seen We're all in an unpleasant :mod, Pop struggles 'downstairs in py- jamas Anf fixes the furnace and lights The teakettle fire. You'd simply expire To see Father put things to rights. lie turns on the light in our 'bed- room And says, "Mother's staying in bed„ She's not feeling good," Then it'e understood We have to get breakfast, instead. There's no cheery talk at the table; We have to prepare our own ldnch And pack it for school, ace rd ng to rule; 'M'e're not an exuberant bund:. • When Mother is under the weather • There's no one checks clean necks and such; And nothing seems right either morning or night; k rm glad site's not sick very r much. —Casual, in Chicago Tribune. Khaki rayon stockings kr °wvalking out" are being issued members of the Canadian Women's Army Corps, it has been announc- ed nnounced at ,National Defence Headquar- len. Phonograph Records Thousands of popular dance selections to choose from. Also Automatic Phonographs available for Rent. Write for particulars, Vigneux Bros. Automatic Phonographs WO BAY ST„ TORONTO LE TALKS SADIE B. CHAMBERS Requests Here's hoping these "request' recipes will be useful ,and the results appetizing. Bran Carrot Pudding % sup shortening 1 cup brown sugar 2 eggs 1% cups grated raw carrots 14. cup all -bran 1% cups sifted flour 3/2 teaspoon nutmeg 1% teaspoon baking powder Vo teaspoon salt • cup milk 1 teaspoon lemon extract Blend shortening and sugar to- gether until fluffy; Add the un- beaten egg yokes, beating well. after each addition, Stir in carrots andall-bran, Sift flour and other dry ingredients, stirring into batter alternately with the milk. Add flavoring; fold in the stiffy beaten egg whites. Hake in a 'greased baking pan for one hour in moderate oven. nerve with orange sauce, Orange Sauce ?q cup sugar. 3 tablespoons sifted flour ?j teaspoon salt 14 cups boiling neater 3 tablespoons grated carrot 2 tablespoons orange juice 2 tablespoons Iemose juice 2 tablespoons butter Mix sugar, flour and salt to- gether. Add water slowly, stirring constantly. Add carrot, juices and butter, Cook over hot water until thickened and flour is cooked, about 20 minutes. Serve hot'. on pud- ding. 5 * 5 Carrot Custard Pie Cook three or four carrots in as little water as. possible. Rub through a course sieve and use 1 cupful of mixture. Any left over count be used iu meat patties, etc. To 1 cup of sieved carrot add 1 scant cup of, sugar, 2 or 3 eggs, I cup of milk, 1 teaspoon allspice, pinch of ginger, J teaspoon salt, W teaspoon vanilla, Pour into pastry lined plate and gake in moderate oven until done. * * * Mincemeat Pudding 1 cup . ntinceuteat 1„ cups :our 7. tea; pupa baking powder 3a teapsoon salt lei cup butter / cup sugar 1 egg 34 cup milk Grease six muffin pans. Put v. spoonful of mincemeat in each. Sift hour; pleasure, and sift with baking powder and salt. Cream butter, blend in sugar. Add egg and beat until the mixture is light. Add the dry ingredients alternately with the milk. Add vanilla. Turn into pans over' the mincemeat and and bake in moderate oven for about 80 minutes. Remove from pans and serve bot, mincemeat side up, with a pudding sauce, Miss Chambers rveteonan parsonel letters from Interested renders. Ske lo pleased to receive nuggcatioos on topics for her column, and Is always reedy to Ilsten to your "pet peevL',h" Requests for reelpea Or npeelnl menus are In order. Address your let tern to "Miss Sadie R. Chambers, 73 West Adelalde St„ Toronto." Send stumped self-nd. dressed envelope It you wish e reply. QUICK RELIEF FOR ..••C©itsGHi$-£$LDS BRONCHITIS " • • ASTHMA• WHOOPING COUGH CATARRHAL ASTHMA SIMPLE SoRE,THROAT • ,DON'T DELAY - BUY A BOTTLE TODAY! CHAPTER XVII SYNOPSIS Dave Bruce, out of a job, arrives at Wilbur Ferris' Cross Bar ranch, Curran, the foreman, promises him o job if he can break a horse called Black Dawn. When he succeeds, he discovers Curran expected the horse to kill him. A, girl named Lois rides up, angry with Dave for breaking "her" 'horse. She 're- fuses to speak to Dave even when he .uses his savings to pay off the mortgage on the small ranch she shares with her foster father, a man named Hooker. But when Hooker is shot and Dave is charged with murder, Lois saves him from being lynched; Wounded, s h e guides him to a mountain cave where she thinks they will be safe from Curran and the sherif's posse. Meanwhile, a quarrel between Fer- ris and Judge Lonergan reveals that Ferris had killed his partner, Blane Rowland, many years before. Lonergan ushered Perris out into the street, closed the door, and strode briskly .in the direction of the courthouse, outside which a knot of men was already milling, Ferris got on his horse and rode slowly back toward his ranch, tak- .easy hi the .bunkhouse after his night's ride. And when they reached the office, he said, "Cur- ran, I reckon you and inc haven't ;pulled together as well'as we might have done, I'm in a jam now. Maybe us two could get together." * r * Curran's eyes narrowed, "I nev- er bore yuh no ill feelin's, Mr. Ferris," he answered, "Course 1 knew yuh didn't exactly like Judge Loncrgan's puttin' me in here, hut I done my -best for yore spread." "Lonergan's got me by the throat," said the'ranchmatt bitterly, and recounted their conversation of that morning. "But so far as I understood, yuli've kept up the mortgage in- t'rest,". said Curran. "And the mortgage has got another eighteen months to 'run." • "Dann hint, he's got something on me!" exploded Ferris. "Smite - thing that happened before I came into the valley, that he could put me behind bars fon_ He's aimin' to .treat me the way Ile was goin' to treat old 'Hooker; \Vhen he's cleaned up on -my ranch, how long d'you think your job will last?" "Yeah, I been thinkin' about that myself; Curran confessed, Ferris asked the question that he "Yuh ain't—aiu' iug the -opposite direction till he got clear of the town. Suddenly blind rage filled Ferris' heart. And, according to the na- ture of the man, it did not show itself upon his face, which became a mask. Stupidly, blindly trying to find reality in this new confus- ion, Ferris rode back toward his ranch house with a sudden resolu- tion formed. Weak, irresolute, he was follow- ing the traditional line of least re- sistance in seeking a confidant, And Curran, the foreman, was the man he sought, He was throwing himself upon the mercy of the 'man •between whom and himself there had been undeclared enmity ever since Lonergan made Curran fore- man of the Cross -Bar outfit, "Want to see you in the office," he told Curran, who was taking it Smart Capelet 751 ;'4.4' i, vm 4 �,u 11'if . `ata—Fikee.laa PrioritiOOes on fuel have made capelets ride the crest of fashion. When the furnace burns low throw this woolly bit of crocheted warmth; about your chilly shoulders, Look pretty as only a capelet can make you look. The puff and knot stitch are quick to do. Pattern 761 con- tains directions .for capelet. Send twenty cents 1I1 coins.. (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., Room 421, 78 Adelaide St. West, Toronto, Write plainly Pat- tern number, your name and Ad- dress, oryin', girl?" had asked Lonergan: "Why was Lonergan so interested in that Hooker girl?" * * * Curran grinned. "Most folks think she's his daughter," he said. "Don't bear no resemblance to hien, of course, but she may take arter her mother, I never seen Mrs. Hooker; site died before I come here." "I've heard that story, but I. don't believe it." "You think the sheriff will get Bruce and that girl?" he asked in the meanwhile. "1 dunno," said Curran. "Lois Hooker, she knows the mountains like that herd of drones she trails arter her, If they got enough food, they kin hide up till all infrest in the affair has died out, so far as the sheriff's concerned, But I'll tell yult something. I'in goin' to git her." Curran knew his man, "1 dunno what Lonergan's got on yuh, Fer- ris," he said, "but I ain't trustin' that feller further than I kin see him. And I -guess there's plenty of folks in Mescal who wouldn't cry their eyes out if anything happened to him." ' *' * * The ranchsnan's eyes met Cur- ran's. "You mean—you mean—?" he stammered. "I could' do with a share in the Cross -Bar," said Curran bluntly. "I ain't the kind who'd ride yuh down the way Lonergan's doin', And what I had on you, you'd have on tile, I guess.. A third share's all I'd ask," "Suppose—suppose Blane Row- land ever Caine back?" the ranch- nian quavered. "He's still half - owner. If he hadn't made that mad break when he thought the Cross - Bar was goin' sntarslt—" "Yuh needn't worry about hint,"' grinned Curran. "He won't conte back. First place, he'd be facia' a long terns in the pen, and second place, he'd have to make restitu- tion of that money stole, which re- presents purty nigh half the value of the ranch," "What's your proposal?!' "I ain't makin' none, :E"erris. It come from you. I was only sayin', nobody's goin' to lay roses on his grave." 'When — how — what's ' your plan?" whispered Ferris, spilling a trail of whisky over the floor as he WAKE UPVIT±1IT OHOTOREAKF Nature stored more of the great growth and vitality clement—protein—in whole grain oatmeal -than is any other natural cereal you caa serve your family! Today, with less meat protein available; your family needs this extravitality protection of Quaker Oats more than ever! Quaker Oats is so outstanding that it cone tains nine out of eleven food elements short in many present day diets! Serve delicious Quaker Oats dailys Children simply love Quaker Oats; it's -so smart to protect your family's health and vitality by serving the one best cereal when so many other foods are rationed: QUAKER 0 TS The Quaker Oats company of Caned* Limited tried- to refill his drink. "Just leave it to me, <and1I'11 keep yuh posted, Ferris," answered Curran. "I've got to give Lonergan his answer within the next two days," - the ranchman protested. "Stall him off," said the foreman. "String hips along a day or two more, and if he insists tell him to go plumb to hell. All you need to do is keep a stiff top lip. I'm glad you and nae had this talk. It clears up things consid'rable, Yuh won't see much of nue the next day or two, because I'll be on a lone wolf hunt in the mountains, But I'll let yule know when the trap's sprung." He went out of the office, reeling slightly, humming a song. Ferris watched him with new, dawning hope. (Continued Next Week) The Sunflower As A Grain Crop Two Outstanding Varieties Developed By Canadian Plant Breeders Interest in the sunflower as a grain crop came about largely be- cause of the shortage of edible vegetable oils in Canada soon after the outbreak of the present war, states Dr. T. M. Stevenson, Dominion Agrostologist. Central Experimental Farni, Ottawa. The ensilage varieties which were tall growing and late matur- ing, were not suited as a grain crop in most areas. However, other types were availalbe. Can- adian plant breeders had, some years prior to the outbreak of war, recognized the possibility of using the sunflower as a grain crop, chiefly as a source of vege- table oi1. They set about to de- velop varieties suitable for grain production on a large scale, They decided first of alt that such varieties must be semi -dwarf in habit of growth and early matur- ing so that they could be harvest- ed satisfactorily by ordinary farm machinery. Furthermore, the new varieties had to meet certain standards of perfection respecting oid content and oil quality. Two Outstanding Varieties The two outstanding varielties which resulted from that work are "Sunrise" and "Mennonite", Ap- proximately 30,000 acres of these varieties were grown for grain in the prairie provinces in 1943. It is estimated that this crop, will yield over 184 million pounds of seed. This crop is capable of providing 4/ million pounds of high quality edible oil and more then 2,200 tons of excellent, high protein oil steal suitable for stock feed. In addition there will be an abundance of seed available to enable us to meet the 50,000 acre objective set. for 1944. Tlie development and produc- tion of sunflo.eers for grain con- stitutes anther worthwhile con- tribution -frons agriculture to the war effiort. Men of Canadian Navy Given. Praise A. V. Alexander, First Lord of the Admiralty paid tribute recent ly to the mer- of the Royal Cana- dian Navy. es 'Remarkable expansion of Cana- dian naval and air forces engaged m the Battle of the Atlantic, and their skilful deployment and gal- lant handling in appalling weather conditions have been important factors in the United Nations' e£ - forts to get the measure of the U-boat," he said. He added the R.C.N. now pro- vides more than two-fifths of the ocean-going escorts in the North Atlantic, while the R.C,A.F• has undertaken •one-quarter of the operations against U-boats in that theatre. Many Canadians are also serv- ing in the Royal Navy and the R.A.F., he said, The R.C,N. s man- power -strength now approaches flat of the Royal Navy in peace- time. He enumerated the many dec- orations awarded Canadian Navy men and added that Canada and the United I{ingdonm now were mainly responsible for the control and protection of the great North- ern Atlantic convoys, On the east coast of England millions of tons of earth are wash- ed away by the sea every year. MISTER BIG! ;t He looks pretty small alongside Ruth Nunley, 8. ft. I in,, 254 pounds. He's Johnny Houston, 4 ft. 4 in.120 ,sounds. Both work at Missouri Valley Bridge & Iron Co„ Evansville, Ind. cFORo vehr COLDS BUCKI EY' iIXTU Skin Eruptions Rein is a clean, stainless, pene- trating antiseptic oil that brings speedy relies from the itching and diseom tort. Not ouly does this healing antis- eptic oil promote rapid and healthy healing in open sores and wounds - but. -boils and simple ulcers ore also relieved. In slain affections the itching of Magenta 1s quickly stopped. Pimples --skin eruptions dt'y _. up and Susie orf in a very few days. The sanze- is true of Barber's Itch, Salt Rheum, Itching Toes and Leet and. other Inflammatory skin disorders. 31ou can obtain bloone's lDlearald 011 in the original bottle at any good drugstore. Satisfaction guar- anteed o1• money been, Eczema Itch Stopped in 7 Minutes Your skin has nearly 50 million tiny seams and pores where germs hide and clause Itch- ing, Cracking, Eczema -like Rash, Peeling, Horning Skin Blotches, Pimples, Ringworm, Foot ltoh and other skin blemishes. The new treatment Nixoderm stops the Itching In 7minutes and goes right to work curbing the germs and should quickly help make your skin Nearer, softer,. smoother and more attraath'e—in fact Nixodorm: must satisfy you empty package Get Nixoderm from your druggist today -.,-see how fast it works and lion much better you look. The. money -back trial offer protects your 1 STOPPED . . Pie It ViKe'e OP Money Beek Vor quick relief from itching °recreant pmpl.* ail,. tete!s foot elee,seubier naltelnuld ,there xt mull;• tamed akin troth es, une fni etoa coling. nue'? .eptie, liquid 0 D, U Prencrip.Linti. Grentelems, stanless Sxnlesl l•tntu r nod gmoklf st par tene11 irebinn,i 0trellnlle prnv n it, ormqo ink. Ano 001" 'Imegtst the t' for 0.0.51, I til✓ carer10;'. ISSUE 8-1044