HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-02-17, Page 5THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1944
Good Values for This Week — For Thursday, Feb. 17 till Feb, 23',
Quick Cooking Oats, large 5 lb. bag 25c
Ivor.Y Soap P.
large bar 9 c
Dehydrated Beans 2 - 5 oz. tins 19c
Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, per pkg. 15 k . c
Royal York Tea %2 lb. pkg. 38c
Interlake Toilet Tissue, 3 large rolls 25c
Snowflake Ammonia
Hawes' Lemon Oil
Super Suds
Old Dutch Cleanser
Chipso Quick Suds, small pkg.-10c;
Brock's Bird Seed
Brook's Bird Gravel .
Davis Gelatine
Ovaitine, med. jar -58c;
Palmolive Soap
Royal York Coffee
Blue Boy Coffee
Aylmer Infant Foods
Instant Postum, small tin -29c;
Ohees-A Roni
Hillcrest Shortening 1
Swansdown Cake Flour
Choice Round Grain Rice
Canada Brand Herrings
McLaron's Cream -O -Custard 2-4 oz. pkgs. 17c
Table Salt 5 Ib. bag i c
Aylmer Pimento Stuffed Olives 6 oz. bottle 33c
Aylmer Plain Queen Olives 9 oz. bottle 830
Help the Food Industry reach its $2,000,000.00 objective
per pkg, 5c
large 12 oz. bottle 250
large pkg. 22c
• 2 tins 21c
large pkg. 25c
per pkg. 18c
per pkg, 10c
per pkg. 19c
large jar 98c
3 bars 19c
1 ib. bag 43e
1 lb. bag 35c
3 tins 25c
large tin 49c '
per pkg. 190
lb. carton 19c
per pkg. 32c
2 lbs, 25c
15 oz, tin 18c
Ross J. Sproat.PH0NE8
Art Wright
We are listing machines alloted to .us for early 1944 delivery, for
which we have not received farmers' orders. Kindly place your orders
early, as we will 1111 the orders in turn as received by us.
One 14-6 Outhow Disc Harrow,
3-20 tooth peg tooth Harrows.
1-17 tooth spring tooth Harrows:
1 -One-horse Scuffler,
5 No. 4 Corn Cultivators, with bean harvesting attachment.
One 5 ft. Deering Mower.
One 6 ft. Deering mower.
6 21, Grain Binder with Hydraulic Oiling.
3 One•135 to 235L. B. Gas Engine, 8 Cream
The following machines are available until stock is exhausted:
15 tooth lever spring tooth Harrows,
Soil Pulverizers, also known as Cultipacker.
Spring tooth Cultivators. Tandem disc Harrows.
13 disc plain Drills,
3 to 5 H.P. Gas Engines,
Tractor Mowers. Hay Rakes
Harvester Threshers, also known as Combines,
Vessot Ball Bearing Grinders, Milk Coolers,
.. JOHN BACH, Seaforth
Old -Fashioned Revival Hour
7 to 8 P.M., E,D.S.T,
Pilgrim's Hour
2 to 3 P.M., E.D.S.T,
Local Station — C.K.L.W., Windsor
op The World's News Seen Through
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is Truthful—Constructive—Unbiased—Free from Sensatiotu4
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The Christian Science Publishing Saak
One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts
Yearly, OD
In e •
Saturday t IductoryoOdlns MSgino(1te y�
Introductory Offeq $atWjg1''
* ,
Quickly removed intclean sanitary trucks. Phone collect
219 MITCHELL or Ingersoll 21
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Stewart- are
spending a few days in 1VIontreal.
Mrs., J. R. Dunlop of Galt was a
week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
Miss Davina Anderson visited with
friends in Toronto this week_
Mrs. William Wright Jr, underwent
an operation in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, last week,
Miss Isabelle Case spent the week
end in Toronto.
Pte, James Cleary, Chatham, spent
the week enolat the home of his par-
erits, Mr, and Mrs. William Cleary.
ACl Thomas Cluff, RCAF., Toronto,,
is spending his leave at the hone of
his father, Mr. A. F. Cluff:
Miss Ruth Joynt, Preston, was a
week end guest at the home of her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Joynt,
Miss Zita Dunlop, St, Mary's Hospi-
tal, Kitchener, visited last week at
her home here.
AC2 W. E. Coiling, RCAF, of Clin-
ton Radio School, spent Thursday as
a guest of Mr. H. B. Edge and Miss
Josephine Edge at the Royal Apts.
Gm'. Jack Moore, of Sydney, N.S.,
spent the week end with his parents
Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Moore,
Pte. Gerald Snowdon of Peterboro
spent the week end at his hone here.
Miss Teresa Lynch, Beechwood, is
visiting with relatives in town,
Miss Janet Herring spent the week'
end at her home in Stratford,
LAC. Jack Fortune, RCAF„ Fingal,
spent the week end at the home of
his parents Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fortune.
Sergeant Louis Lane, RCAF., Dunn-
ville, and Mrs. Lane, were week end
visitors at the home of the former's
father, Mr. Thomas Lane.
-Mr. Frank Ryan, Stratford, spent
the week end at his home here, •
Petty Officer Melvin Merriam,
RCNVR„ who has been spending
leave with friends in town, has re- s
turned to Halifax,
Mrs. Stevens has returned to her
home in Egmondvilie from visiting ni
with relatives in Flint, Mich, . r
Mr. and daughter Helen , have rs, �mor ved to 8 Kin-
where Mr. Mather has secur-
ed a higher position as C.N.R, agent,
Lawrence Dillon, Provost Corps,
Sarnia, with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. D. Dillon,
Mary McGra:thle Reg,N., London,
and Eleanor McGrath, nurse -in -
training, London, with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Pat McGrath,
Patricia: Holland, Stratford normal
school student, with Mr. and Mrs.
J, V. F1'••• -
A highly esteemed resident
Dublin, Louis Krauskopf, died
denly at his home early last
day morning in his 78th year.
had apparently been in the bes
health until an hour . before
when he suffered a stroke
failed to recover, Mr, Kraus
was a son of the late Mr. and
Joseph Krauskcf. He was bo
October 27, 1866, in Logan to
ship. Thirty-four years ago in J
he was .married to' " Catherine
Rourke of McKillop, who survi
him, He had always followed
occupation- of cement contra
and also had farmed on the $
highway until his retirement
Dublin, last fall.
He was a faithful member of
Patrick's Church, Dublin, and
a member .of the Holy Name Soci
Survivinthe homestead, and Cortwo poral F
Krauskopf, Halifax, N.S., also t
daughters, Marie, of London,
T'lorence, at home. He also had 1
brothers, James, Dublin; Leo, Lo
township; Frank and Henry, of
ington, Washington, and also
sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, C
cago; Mrs, Catherine Kenny D
Late C H.R. eid. --
Mr. Char les "Henry Reid, of Bruce -
field, died Thursday, Feb, 10th,' at
707 Lakeshore Road, Na' Toronto.
His late wife, Lucinda Reid, passed
away on the same date 29 years ago.
Mr, Reid was well-known in his caps
city of farmer and cattle drover in
the surrounding district. He had been
in failing health for quite some time
and contracted pneumpnia, passing
away suddenly. Surviving are one
daughter, Mie. Theodore Kamcke
(Ada), and two sons, Edward Law-'
r•ence and Charles Stanley, all of Tor.
if onto. He is also survived by two sin,
Tues- ters, Mrs. Rathwell of Windsor and
Mrs: Woods of St, Helens. Funeral
He services were held at Brucefield
his United Church Saturday, Feb. 12th,
at 2 .m
p and interment was made "in
and the Family plot in Bayfield cemetery.
kopf Sympathy is extended to the fam-
Mrs, ily of the late Mr. Charles Reid who
wn passed' away in Toronto on Thursday
une Feb. 10th in:Toronto. The funeral
services on Saturday in the church
O+- here was conducted by Rev, G. At -
vee kinson. Interment in Bayfield cene-
etoe tery.
coir Communion service was held
to here last Sunday. At the prepare -I
tory services the Friday preceding,
St Mrs. Jas. McNaughton and Mrs.
was Stewart Baird united with the
church by certificate, and Mr, ;
ety' Stewart Baird and Mrs. Jas. Burdge
r'anle on confession of faith.
wo At the same service the servioe of
and baptism was held when the following
ur were baptized: Orrin Stewart, son of
an Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Baird; Edna
Ar]_ Joan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
five Frank McCowan; Shirley Marie,
hi- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Me -
i& Cowan and Flora Grace. daughter of
m; Mrs. Louise Flannigan, Dubl
Mrs. Lena Flannigan, Logan to
hip, and Mrs. Dan O'Connor,
The funeral was held on Frid
erring from his home to St. P
in; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKenzie.
Miss Elizabeth Barnes returned to
ick's Church. Requiem high r
as sung by Rev. Dr, Ffoulkes a
Mr. and Mrs, E. L Box were in To w
he choir was under the direction
ionto last week- attending the con- t
Mother Gabriel. A large gr
vention of the O.M.E,A. at the Royal
Mr. James Ruddell spent Sunday
with his wife, who underwent an tl
operation for acute appendicitis one C
day last week, Mrs. Ruddell, we are k
glad to hear, is getting along nicely. Lo
We wish to extend sincere . syr- st
pathy to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beat- F
tie and family who received word n
one day last week that their son, in
Leslie Beattie, who has been over-
seas as a gunner on an airplane and T
has done remarkably well, is now
missing. We hope before long they -,D
will receive better word.
Mrs, Fred Fowler and infant in
daughter returned home from Clin-
ton on Sunday, Feb. Gth, P
Messrs. Harold and Bert Beacom, aft
Mrs. A. W. Beacom and Mrs. Joseph so
Lyon attended the funeral of Mr.in
John Shepherd in Clinton on Mon- do
day' afternoon of this week.
her home in Goderich after spending
a few months at the home of Mr.
ay and Mrs. Wallace Haugh.
nd The Overseas Committee wish to
of thank the public for their generous
of 'espouse which made the euchre andand dance last Wednesday evening a huge
in success. Ladies' prize for most games,
ix Margaret Habkirk; consolation, Mrs.
" ies; men's most games, R. Dodds;
es consolation, W. Dalton; lucky char
Wilfred prize, Mrs. Taman of Blyth, Mr. H.
g Jackson auctioned the motor rug
friends and relatives attended
numerous spiritual tributes were
evidence. The pallbearers were s
nephews, Sylvester Flannery, Jam
O'Connor, Patrick Flannigan, Jam
Krauskopf, John Krauskopf an
O'Rourke. Those attendin
ie funeral from a distance we
orporal Frank and Mrs. Krau
opf Halifax; Marie Krauskop
neon; Edward Krauskopf, Tay
ock, and'Mr. and Mrs. Willis
lannery, Joseph and Florence F1
cry, Seaforth.,Interment took plat
St. Patrick's cemetery, Dublin.
Dennis Dillon is a patient in
oronto hospital,
Harry O'Connor, a student at the
re which realized the suns of $18.80. Mr,
s- Geo. Campbell was the lucky winner,
f, The boxes have been packed and
i- mailed to the boys.
m •
ubhn continuation school, suffers
y charge of the meeting. Hymn 252
, was sung and Mrs. Allan led in
t. prayer. Minutes of the last meeting
y were read and adopted and the roll
d call taken. Mrs. McMillan gave the
n Treasurer's report. Mrs. :McMillan
took the 'worship period, Mrs. s
d redwing the scripture passageHymn
eye injury while playing hocke
Mitchell Tuesday night:A Valentine
atri k'sSeparat
teschool onwas hedFrida
ernoon. A program of plays an
ngs was put on by the pupils. A
tereeting feature was the distribu
Welif.• valentines from a decorate
valentine box. Refreshments wer
rved ,by the teachers and pupils.
quiet but pretty wedding too
ce in St. Patrick's Church, Dub
, on Saturday morning at 10 o'
ck when Anne Marie Ryan, sec
d youngest daughter of the late
. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan, Hibbert
wnship, was united in marriage to
omas Burns, only son of Mrs.
trick Burns, Logan township, and
late Patrick Burns. Rev. J. B.
oulkes, D.D., performed the mer-
ge ceremony and sang the nup-
mass. During the signing of the
the choir sang an Ave
ria. The bride, given in marriage
d The president, M rs. Gardiner, took
The W. M. S. and W. A. of Egmond-
ville United Church -held a joint
meeting at the home of Mrs. Gardiner
on Feb. 4th with 20 ladies present.
The Farm Forum meeting was I se
held Monday evening of this week at . A
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Leo Watt Ala
h'e g
with a good attendance. After the
discussion, Mrs. Norman Shepherd
and Phyllis had charge of the pro-'
gram. Lunch of coffee and sand-
wich's were served. The meeting
next Monday evening is to be at the
school, it being a review.
Mrs. Ernest Knox and Myrtle
spent Tuesday of last week at the
home of her aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. Derwin Carter and was
present at the pot luck supper held)
there that night.
Miss Helen McGregor, who is
teaching in St. Catharines, spent the
week end with her friend, Miss Ed-
ythe Beacom, who is teaching in
Mr, A. W. McEwing recently re-
ceived word that his brother, Mr,
James McEwing, had undergone an
operation in the/ General Hospital
in Winnipeg.
We are sorry to hear that Mr.
Thomas Colson accidentally fell
through a trap hole at the home of
his son, Mr, Arthur Colson, while
assisting with cutting corn and had
a couple of ribs broken. He was
well enough to be taken to his home
in Blyth on Monday, We hope he
will soon be feeling fine again.
The McKillop Centre farm forum
tenet Monday evening, Feb. 14th at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, John
Boyd, with a good attendance. Rural
Youth Problem 'was the subject un-
der. discussion. Mr, Herman Axt-
mann was the chairman for the ev-
ening. The report of each group
was read and discussed and a collec-
tion taken.The T e remainder of the
was spent
e t
p playing bingo.
1'inch was served and a social time
enjoyed The meeting was closed by
singing the national anthem. The
next meeting will be held at the
home of Mr, Jas, Morrison on Mon,
evening, Feb. 28th, with Mr Ed.
od in
G k as chairman.
r n
#4 farm forum was as h eld
Tuesday night at the Mime of Mr.
and Mrs George Campbell's. Eighteen
were present. Mise Elizabeth Scott
acted as chairman. Robert Campbell
has charge of the recreation part,
whichwas a bean contest. Mrs. Russ
Dorrance won the prize. The next
meeting will be held in the Winthrop
Hall on Monday evening, Feb.21st. In
two weeks, the meeting will be held
at Robert Campbell's on Tuesday,
February 29th.
A Quiz: How Good A Parent Are
You ?
If you are a mother or a father and
you don't want your offspring to be a
problem child, it is wise to guard
against being a problem' parent. A
Judith Chase Quiz:..in The American
Weekly with this •Sunday's (Feb. 20)
'issue ;of 'The Detroit Sunday Times...
reveals how much of a risk you're
running. Get Sunday's Detroit Times!
e ;263 was sung followed with 'prayer
by Mrs. Gardiner, Mrs. Forsythe was
k president for the W.A. in the absence
_ of Miss Mabel Cameron. Mrs. Ches-
ney favored us with a solo. Mrs.
Allen read a short story from the
story book and Mrs, Gardiner gave a
few minutes' talk on the story and
the doctor whose name was mention-
ed in it. Hymn 270 was sung and the
president closed the meeting with
prayer. A dainty lunch was served
and a social half hour spent,
by her brother, Patrick Ryan, wore
a street length dress of figured silk
jersey, black hat with black access-
ories and a corsage of white carna-
tions. She was attended by Mary
Catherine Evans, Goderich, niece of
the bride, wearing a street length
dress of Nile green silk poplin with
a corsage of pink carnations with
maidenhair fern, black hat and black
accessories. The bridegroom was at-
tended by Jack Ryan, brother of the
bride. A wedding dinner was served
at the Royal hotel, Mitchell. Mrs. P.
Burns, mother of the bridegroom,
and Mr. and Mrs. C. Sutton, Detroit,
as guests. The couple left on a hon-
eymoon to Toronto. On ,their return
they will reside on the bridegroom's
farm in Logan.
A miscellaneous..shower was ex-
to Miss Annie Ryan at her
home in Hibbert when a group of
the neighbors surprised her. Euchre I
was enjoyed and at a suitable hour
the bride -elect was showered with
. efnl gifts of linen; glassware and
kitchen utensils. Miss Ryan thanked
her friends for their kindness. Re -i
freshments were served,
A Valentine dinner was arranged
by the teachers at the Dublin Con-
tinuation School. Lunch was served
to about 100 pupils from the Sep-
arate school and High school. The
last school period was spent exchang-
ing Valentines among the pupils
from a decorated Valentine box.
Proceeds were .donated to the Red
The faint forum of the 8th and 9th
was held on Monday night of this
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Austin. Dexter with an attendance of
36. Rev. and Mrs. Menzies were
among the 'guests for the evening.
Following the broadcast there was a
very interesting discussion, with a
few words from ,Mr. Menzies: The
rest of the evening was spent in
games and contests, the prizes being
won by Mr. Bill Jewitt, Miss Betty.
Addison, Mr. Menzies and Miss Ferne
Dexter, followed by music. Lunch was
served by the hostess. The next
forum is to pe: held at the home of
Mr. and is Chas: ;Dexter a.nd Mr.
and Mrs, Bill 'Jewitt.
The neighbors of i ill.;'Col-
mage met at her home eh i'iday af-
ternoon for Red Cross quilting.
The Chiselluu•st W.M.S. and W. A.
held their monthly meeting In the
schoolroom of the church on Tuesday,
Feb. 8, with the president, Mrs,
Thomas Brintnell hi the char. The
roll call, quotation from Paul, was
answered by eight members. Hymn
28, "The heavens declare the glory.
Lord," All repeated the Lord's prayer,
A reading was given by Mrs. Calvin.
Horton, Scripture readings by Mrs.
Percy Harris and Mrs. Clayton Hor-
ton, The program was carried out
from the missionary monthly, "The
.Church Women's responsibility from
the Community," by Mrs. John Glenn
and Mrs. Thomas Brintnell, Verses 1,
3 and 5 of hymn 346 was repeated. A
solo was sang by Mrs, Thomas Brint-
nell, "When the World .Forgets," Mrs.
Earl Kinsman gave a temperance
reading. Hymn 568 wee sung, The.
meeting closed with prayer,
The radio forum of concession 2
and 3 of Tuckersmith, held at the
some of Robt. MoGregor on Tuesday,
.Feb. 15th, A lively discussion on the
subject submitted. Court whist was
played during the recreation period,
when the prize wirers were Ross
Broadfoot and Miss Watson, Mrs. Mc-
A vote of thanks was tendered
the host and hostess. Lunch was
served. The next meeting will be at
the hone of Mr. Wm..Bell,
Mrs. Elizabeth Carnie, a former
Stanley resident. now residing in
Vancouver, B.C., has received word
that her younger son Bertram is now
in Italy. He is with an armored unit,
RYAN — At Scott Memorial Hospital
on Feb. 14t1,, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos-
eph Ryan, Dublin, a daughter.
Married 57 Years — ,
''Again the privilege has come to
Mr. and Mrs. F; A. Campbell, es-
teemed Mitchell residents, to mark'
their" wedding day. It was on Febru,
ary 9, 1887, fifty-sevenyears ago, that,
Miss Ada Knight, Stratford, became.
the bride of Frank Campbell, son of
the late Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Campbell,
Mitchell' Four sons and one daughter,
Hugh, Winona. Will, London;,.Harry
Florida, and Adair, Mitchell, and.Mrs.
Warien Oliver, Ottawa, extended con -,.ter, Mrs, C. Hoggarth, has passed on,
gi•atuiations to their behoved parents. Friends" of Mr. and. Mrs. Campbell are
One son Major Warren Campbell, 'pleased that they are enjoying fainly
died in the great war, and one daugh- good health:
ing h
WHEN a COLD stuffs up the nose.
causes mouth breathing, throat
tickle and night coughing, use
this time -tested Vicks treatment
that goes to work instantly...
2 ways at onoet
At bedtime rub good old Vial=VapoRub on throat, chest and
back. Then watch its PENETRATING.
STIMULATING' action bring relief
from distress,
It PENETRATES toupperbreath-
ing passages With soothing
medicinal vapors. It STIMULATES
chest and back surfaces like a
warming, comforting poultice ...
and it keeps on working for hours,
even while you. sleep—to ease
coughing spasms, relieve muscu-
lar soreness and tightness and
bring grand comfort! Try it to-
night..•Vicks VapoRub.
"A Ready Made Family"
By Walton U,F.W.O.
Wed., Feb. 23
8.30 p.m.
In the United Church
Admission 25c and 15c
Thurs., Feb. 17'
r...... y .. 4.8*. - , , , *MtTIME FOR FUN !
Arts Club
Annual At Nome
Friday, Feb. 18
9.30. 1.30
Music- by Sgt. Smith, R.C.A.F.
No. D, S,F,T.S„ Centralia
Admission '75c. Dress Optional
YOUR BREAD /s rops�,a
/8 TOPS/"
14 �tl�i
/Mede M..