HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-02-17, Page 2WHAT SCIENCE IS DING Snake Bite KIt One of the most ingenious uses to which plastics have been put is In the snake bite kit, army issue to American servicemen fighting in the tropics, relates the Financial. Post. Snake bite is a serious menace to glen fighting in these regions, and quick 'measures have to be taken if the victims life is to be saved. Main requirement is to suck the venom from the lymph capillaries of the person bitten by a poisonous reptile, if death or serious illness is to be averted. * w * The U. S. Army Medical Corps has provided American army men with a handy snake bite kit, small and compact, and containing ma- terials for quick treatment. In it are a tourniquet, bandages, iodine and ammonia capsules, in a plastic case which is dustproof and water- tight. There is also a small knife ' for opening the wound, and a pump to suck the venom front it The pump was originally made of aluminum,- which was a great improvement over the rubber bulb auction pump formerly used. When aluminum became scarce, the pump was re -designed in plastic, which has proved superior to aluminum. The thin walls of the aluminum pump hent quite easily, thus de- stroying its effectiveness. A * * Great proilen:s were involved in molding the plastic parts of the kit. 0 EV The new double defence against colds, grippe and bronchitis is to bund Immunity with' VitaVax—a small tasteless capsule combining COLD VACCINE plus VITAMINS 11 catching cold, take VltaVax to reduce severity end speed recovery. If you've lust had a cold, take VitaVox to evenom° fatigue and Increase vitaihy. for scientificprecautions against future colds, grippe and bronchitis, protect all the family odds VitisVax Capsules. Only $2.50 for one 10 two months average requirements. Mit your druggist, or for $sleds write fo— bbeiis Iileto■Ieal Laboratory, ieronte START TODAY ck VITAVAX COLD VACCINE past VITAMINS For common ordinary sore throe]: WO If BBack Aches Help Kidneys Do you feel p Ni than you aro or e vous., iron, Getting Pains, Rights, ti cPains, Bowens Helie, Leg Paens, Rheumatic ams, re nem- p�poemerts or frequent passages? If so, remem- eer that your Kidneys are vital to your oath and that these symptoms maybe due. le Kidney and Bladder troubles—in each lama Oyster usually gives prompt and 109- 0118 relief by hdptng. the' Kidneys .ocean mit poisonous excess acids at d wastes. You leave everything to gain and nothing to.lose /n trying Oyster. The Iron clad money -back agreement assures a refund of your money en return of ,empty package unless fully s` satisfied• Don't de- C fay. Get Dyitex ((A�las-tex) from your I.in clan ih.1n druggist today. 'Relieves distress from MONTHLY FEMALE iEAKNESS Lydia 13. Pinkham's Vegetable' Compound' not only helps relieve Monthly pain' butalso weak,nervi sus feelings—due to monthly func- tional disturhances.It Melte buildup resistance againstellstrets or "dlm- 0015 days. " Made in Canada. antmammeAm There are 11 componentsin the complete set, each of which "must be a perfect fit in its matching part." The pump also had to be designed so it could be taken apart quite easily in the field, cleaned and then reassembled. The pump, as described in Mo- dern Plastic, is "very ingenious me- chanically, as it will maintain a constant suction without continual pumping." One of the tests to • which it was subpected included lifting a 4-1b. weight by the vacuum created and holding it suspended for some time without activating the plunger. How Can l?? By Anne Ashley Q. 1-Iow should brushed wool be washed? A. Make a' suds of pure flakes and warn water. Squeeze the gar- ment in the ar-ntentin':'the suds, changing the wa- ter frequently. Rinse thoroughly, adding a few soap flakes to the last rinsing, Spread out flat to dry, turning the garment when one side is dry. Q. 'How can I impr.,ve the fla- vor of apple sauce: A. Add a few drops of lemon juice. This addition will be a great inhprovement if, the apples have a flat taste. Q. How can'1 remove ink from a piece of linen that has been in the laundry and returned with a number on it? A. Apply a saturated solution of cyanide of potassium with a camel's hair crush. Wash in cold water immediately after the nark is removed. , Q. How can I take good care of furs? A. A fur will collect dust and dirt just the salve as any other article of apparel, and it should be brnshed, 'combed and aired oc- casionally, Q. How can i remove blood stains from garments? A. PIold the stained material tinder cold running water and then launder in the usual manner. U.S.S. SARATOGA'S LATEST PORTRAIT The photo above is the latest of the mighty U.S. aircraft carrier Saratoga, veteran of many Southwest Pacific battles with the Japs and probably a unit of the world's greatest concentration of carriers which provided bombardment and air cover for invasion of the Marshall Is- lands. Photo taken from plane whose tail appears in foreground, Have You Heard? A little girl was taken to the Zoo by her father. They stood before a lion's cage and the father ex- plained how fierce and strong lions were and how they would attack Ind devour human beings. The little girl looked thought- fully et the lion. Then she said: "Daddy, if It got out of the cage and ate you up, what number bus would I have to tie to get home?" —o— Bomb Loader: "That's fun- ny, when I told him my nick- name he started to run." Bombardier: "What's your nickname?" Bomb Loader:, "Butterfin- gers -why?" —0— Having told all his friends that he was going to retire, Sandy ex- cited some continent by continuing to catch the 8:45 to the: City. At last one of thein tackled. him. , "Here, Sandy," he said, "didn't you tell us that you had retired?" "Ay, and I have," replied Sandy; "but I must work out My season ticket, ye ken;" Employer (interviewing (interviewing ap- plicant for job): "Know any- thing about electricity?" "Yes, Sir." "What's an armature?" 'A chap who boxes for nothing!" —0_. Oldtimer: "Ts your married life one grand +sweet song?". Newly Wed: "Well, since our baby's been born it's more like an opera, full ofg rand marches, with lotid calls for the author every night." This thought I think I think Is not my thought, But the thought Of one Who thought I ought To think his thought. Many Downed Air Crews Are Rescued Vice Adm,.. Aubrey W. Fitch, South Pacific air Conhlhhander, says it's almost unbelievable how many of his clowned mets have been res - Cued after battling the Japanese over Rabaul, New T3ritain. He. reported recently that more than 80 percent of the personnel forced to land at sea have been picked up and rescued. He said the total was around 1,500 men, Wild Animals Plague Norway Bears, wolves, wolverines and foxes have staged such a comeback in Norway during the last three years that they have become a plague to the Norwegian farmers. Stripped of their firearms by Nazi order, the Norwegians are unable to combat the pests. Wolves, for- merly confined to northern Nor- ivay, havespread southward, One Gudbaudel farmer recently lost 35 sheep in a single night. GIVES YOU A SUPER.REMEDY Buckley's gave you Buckley's Mixture Canada's largest selling cough and sold remedy. Now Buckley's gives you one of Canada's most highly medicated, fastest acting rubs. YesBuckley's Stainless White Rubis different -better. Itrubsln quicker —penetrates deeper—relieves pain faster. Try it for your own or baby's chest cold, or for stiff, sore muscles, tired burning feet, and over 30 other common everyday aches and ailments. It must give relief. faster than any rule you have ever used or money back. Price 30c. and 50c. at all drug Stores. 'T�lt IT'S BE"<'. IT'S. BUCKLEY'S. THAT'S WHY Defies Jap Guns To Get Butterflies Pharmacist's Mate Robert Shul- man •of Brooklyn, NY., finds Bou- gainville Island a swell place -' for catching butterflies. With a net fashioned from a G.I. mosquito head net, the ama- teur entomologist spends his spare time pursuing his favorite hobby, even to within range) of Japanese • • guns. A Marine combat correspondent wrote thus of Pharmacist's plate, Sltultnan to a friend: "One of the strangest things I've seen on Bougainville was a camouflage -clad warrior, net pois- ed, wallowing'through a swamp, chasing butterflies. R RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED LC you are troubled with itching piles or rectal sorauees, du not delay treatment and ruti the tisk of leteln5 this condition become .chronic, Any itching or soreness or painful pass- age of stool is nature's warning and proper treatment sleuld be secut'ed. at once - For title' purpose got a package of item -hold from any druggist and use as directed. This formula is a small easy0 take internally easy to a Its, tablet, • will quickly aidl in the Itng hingthe and tender s spots. aid l❑ heallnBaha sore tender abate. Item -Redd Is - pleasant to use, le highly recommended and It seem0 the height of folly for any one to risk a painful andcarona: pile condition when such a fine remedy, may. be had at such remail cost. It you try Hem-l.2old and are not entirely- pleased with the results, Yarn' druggist will gladly return. Your thence. Ail 8 CRICKS, CHICKS APPROVED CHICKS SOME ' AVAILABLE MARCH, AL.t11L. 34 lxed and Pullets, 14. Reels, 24e, N, Nampa 131 le, \\'. Lea- leoyns alt' breeders)It Governor ut banded caul blood. tested. Way's Hatchery, Stratford,Oat. 1VE11nedia HAVE delivery'. OrED ders LT for • %larch uhieks should be In now. Leghorn pullets for Your Suture egg markets, also, Bray Hatch- ery, 130 John N„ Hamilton,.Ont. BARRED ROCKS AND LARGE English White Leghorns, All mat- tugs bloodtested, bred to lay and extra quality Rocks mixed 1'4140. White Logholns' nixed 12u Pul- lets 26c. hock Cockerels Feb.'4c, March. 6e. Cochrane's .Poultry Farm, Rldgetown, Ont, S1'I5U011411Uli IVaL1'1'19 I.E(,SH0101 MAIL LAY A131L11 Y DAISY 011101(0 TILLS STRAIN IS A PRACTICAL, proven egg-pt'oducing' type, with twenty-three years of , steady production back of them, They .. will pay well for good keep and care, This is certain, because they, are doing' this :on our owls' farm ono of Canada's largest egg -pro- ducing farms. Roo get exactly, the sante breed, struln and grade. as two raise: Inc ourselves. Poul Poul- try management handbook 'High Pay Ability" sent FREE on re- quest. Get our price fist. We ad- vise early orders. - SPRUCE - LE MR b'ARM LIMITED, - Box 85013, Brantford, Ontario,. TWEDDLE OFFEI1S ALL 75536 popular breeds ---but be earlyl Twecldi e- Hatcheries offer 5500155, Leghorns Reds—all the proven breeds and cross breeds; all Gov- ernment Approved from blood - tested brooders that proved their inborn huskiness, healthiness and productive qualities. That's, the kind of 'hides that will give you every advantage when you eaten up with what will probai ly b0 the biggest demand for chicken meat and eggs in Canadian his- tory. Send for Twaddle eatulogue 4 and prlcelist now. Alan ready to lay' and laying pullets for im- mediate :delivery'. Ttveddle Chicle Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. STARTED PULLETS, BARRED Reeks, 1 week old, 23 cents; 2 weeks, 26 cents. White Leghorns, 1 weelc old, 26 cents; 2 weeks old,' 30 cents. February and March pullets only. Carleton hatchery, Britannia Iletghts, Ont. FLETCIIER BRADLEY'S FAMOUS Australian White Leghorn baby chicks, nearly as large as Bar- red Rocks, will lay 8 egg's to their 1, extra large eggs. World's record layers et contest. Reduced from $25 per 100 to $10.50. This will be a record year in chicks. Book early for delivery when wanted. Over 200 late orders last year were returned, sold out. A - $2.00 deposit will beak your or- der. Delivery when wanted, 'Write 160 Bantle St., Ottawa. READY TOg LAY .ANI) LAYING pricess11forptinitnecllntretie- enable de- livery.ai d Also Barred Rads t A s d Hybrids. Free catalogue. :B .Cleo day old p'ed l for :tented: tier 'de- livery. Tweddio Chick Hatcher- ies Limited, Fergus, Ontario, GOVERNMENT AP^RovJJ), blood -tested chicks from lIigh Productive strains. Ten Thousand chicks available weekly. Immed- iate delivery on day-old attd started chides, Gaywood Farm, Mount Hantiitont. POULTRY-KEEPERS,1318 • Minn of a good healthy luneh of baby chicks this coming season. Good °hicks mean good bens and more eggs. Immediate delivery on day old chicks. Write for 1044 cat- alogue and prices on our -Gov- ernment Approved chicks. MONK - TON POULTRY FARMS, Monk - ton, Ontario. • • TOO LATE 'P00 L ATI: NEXT SPRING DON'T LET IT BE said 'too late." Send for our price list and order yourbaby chicks now. One dollar books your order. Goddard Chick ITatchery, Briton Me Heights, Ont. DON'T GAMBLE PEDIGREE: S I It L D BARRED Rock or White Leghorhs and Pure Christie New rtanlpshtres re- moves ell chance. Our prices are very low. Sportful discount tllttil Feb, 15th. Ientlotvell Perms, Ea3 ex, Ont. HULL GOR 8A1,14 FOR SALE—HEREFORD BULL, 8 inonlhs old, 13reuemel. breed- ing, T,11, Tented, Good color markings and flesh. Plu'tleulars, Osburno Trwin, Mansfield, Ont. DUI(lIGS EXHIBITION AND \1\14101 T TY.T.'14 Mann„oth Pekle 0 11 Rouen ducks Drakes, 02,00, Ducks $4.00. Walter dreg Dunnville, Ont. 1J011t:d'L`LO 11 1454. RANTED GI110 OR WOMAN WA\ T leD I1, 051 lmmd in country, with chiidree. .V1 modern uonvenienees; lie evashieg. $40.0 0 per month, TTam- iltan, Ont. 1)Ivtrlct. Box 78 Adelaide 315 J eruel.o. U1'1'iSN(. ,I 1;1.11. A`ING HAVE VOU ANY'rNINI) Nl4EU dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment 11, Purtcer's Dye Works Limlted, 791 Yonne 9Weet,. To - roe to. 191 i0(ll'1t1(,AL 11(5,U 14081 ENT ELECTluu MOTORS, NEW, (18741?, bought, sold rebuilt; he t 5, bolters, brushes Arlen 'electric CompunY Lid.. 10211 Derterin 01., Toronto. 1.IO L CAT1ONAL, LEARN MORSE CODE AT HOME Sending and: receh-log practice on ltutoinatic Tel'pl ex much i nes. Send for details and lots men tidy rentol rates to Canadian el Icc ttooi es Ltd.. Dept.\ 229 ran.;o 0I Toronto.. 10(55. IIA 5,95 '15.501511341(.11 Lttt 3'1 1:1111.31 0tl14 r offensive udu,' tueLeal]v, 45c be 11e. U(101011 e3451lL, Deering, lD,"rg 'SIV l•e. 1311.ay40, 00AR111 107 1'LO) 91111'1. 57 1 :01,1.113 SYNC:LSE, ]...1".I. I Ill. .y 1.'i U 111)101114- n1,ln, would 1111111,1g1, VI i.nee 10.1'111 nn ,!)) ''8. Uux 174, Lt 01141)1 lI, Ont: leAltlii 14E01'. 1VANT1eL EXPERIENCED HARRIED :MAN, fruit basal, 5e1Lr1y.. employment Boase usual prlvilegos. State 00,0111, _ 1Lge, w. ages expeelsd, refer cue es, 11. J. 51. Fiske, Hilt 2, St, Catharines. F A 1 31 19' it,. EXPERIENCED, ul beet e0ttie arta atle05, uaarrictl man,.. louse atail- able, apply - 1e:wty .Briar b'0110, mono 'mins. 1'AIt)IS WA:\"1'Lt) • WANT 'TO HENT 1'.11:\4, 611-105 acre*, by, experlcae:ed .farmer, Ammeter() yel1t 1 0ialtiti Adclalcleut 21,73 Toronto. 1VAN TED, '12170 'HUNDRED ACRE farm, \V1th or without eiulp- meat, Brtrg'al11—Casll. Box 180, 7S Adelaide 11„ Toruntu. FA14111S 1'U50. SALE GOOD FARMS FOR SALE WITH frontage on Lake :Muskoka, 'neat' Bala. 168 Macpherson Avenue, Toronto. .. FARM FOR SALE—CONSISTING of 100% acresa, vrlth ar Without J. W. Fr050l',31axville, 0111. Lo ONE ACRE LAND, GOOD HOUSE', bare and equipmgarage. nt a Box 1520 Wing iaill. ,VALUABLE FARM IN WATERLOO County for sale, consisting of 214 including loar swanp,1ms hardwood bush, 8 acres orchard, balance all under cultivation. Situated 2 miles from Waterloo, 2 miles from Kitchener; 11 -room brick house, large bank barn, 2 im- plement sheds, also equipped wall hydro. .For lull .particulars y Halley Co Stauffer, 11.39. No,appl8, Wto aterloo, nt, $7,500.-1 ACRE, .0-7100)1 HOUSE, Buildings -5,00 0 feet floor space, Hydro and Water in all build - On Runway etdiug, Toron- to Tnent) Mlles, 111 health rea- sont forsale. R. IL, .Bane, Rich - TOBACCO, DAIRY FARMS, LOW priced—email; down payments, some equipped. Gus Campbell, Mt. Drydges• (:1111)5 7011 SALE ASSORTED C nL0'.U)b or. BAB. - icy meal, ground wheat, whole oate and other grains for sale. Carlats only. The Atlas Grain Colnpauy, Board of Trade Build- ing, .lontreal. HELI 1\ AN'BDO GENERAL FOR •R7911DIINTTAL Farm, 10 dollars month. Five minutes from train and Church. Faro refunded. Write to :111.3, Oeseh, Source Read, SLrathnlerc, flgebee. HALRDIt1/S5LNG 8(1200011 LEARN MAtItLH1SS1NG "11036 Robertson motled. Information On request regarding °lessee. es0e dobrnon. 137Avnue lted1oot. it ltEef S U1tl:SSIE(. .\G— .. SLI i PIT HARNESS 1)501SSI flue leather and harness pre- solvetive. S11p1t sleo hue many household uses 25e up at most od chain torees,`.. dlo o prouet or Lloyds Lab- ors t,a.is, Toren to. HAIR (10005 HAIR GOODS '570 manufacture the finest hair goods ever produced tor men and women. Natural in appearance, Touptcs for men $4.0.0(3 up. Full transeernmlttons for ladies $05.00 up. TII12 W. T. PEMIIER STORES 1.1MITED 129 lenge St., Toronto, Ontario O1 l LR 110 INVENTORS AN 0.1.010111t '1O EVERY INVENTOR List of Invention's and full nfor- matlon sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273. .Bank Strutt, Ottawa, Canada. PAT P LINT'S 7EERJ.31:1tSTONHAUti11 & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established MO; 14 hens West, 'Toronto.. Booklet or information on re - weed 1'115111rU11,11'111 PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Send yourfilm retie to Canada's largest photofinishing studio. GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE Any Size Roll -0 or 8 11:gametes. DEVELOPED.AND P111NTli1) 2lc A ouatunter at Berwick, writes "1want Yoe W know hate pleased 1 um with your wonder - fill week a(td prompt service." 1Ve have sue4h letters :Crum ell over. Can- ada. ENLARGI111 a for 21e14NTS xs" in teasel daunts, SPECIAL PRICES ON ERASING COLORING L' 111x, 1v111ol,Ls 3531" 011 1011'1' 11111e3 m001115 'N9" in Owed, Sliver, (areas - 01011 \V 01011t ur et 1; )oly Wash Ir:iux s, Sac each. (f. en 10.1.801130111 uuwu vd, 7Uc ouch STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Lina 113, 170311 'l'el•lnival A, 'Terumo Print Your Nance and Addr"oes Plainly: on All Ordure, • MAIL YOUR FILMS TO 1.ei1 1,1:1 (.L 11110 t3,.l. I..LTB, serveei 1101) sauinuelien, u u1.' 8 exposes 1)1015 1c; re111.lnls 8 for 250 Imperial 1`noto Service, Sta- tion 4, 'rulellto. 51i 1)10A1, I'}AVl 11 'C3il 1 1 4LA•1 0 le ITeti ins, eczema 001110010100 e 0 ad pimples, - Posts i Le/001 t Salve tv'lll nut dieappoi 3,1 315. 133(111 troubles respond readily to this tita1111000 odotn'less olntlnellt 00-- gtadlusa u1 1100 aLubburn or 11011.31e.48 Ll1Ly May seem. n Sent L )e>t IL rue, 81,011 en jai Piet. lteMe'01(10 died. 883 Queen St. Il., To. r011 10. Itllut v iC 1.T t(. I..% s 1'T701 I u 1 V I Ia:t.—L• V te It i' Sl.' 1 r ullihm1111.11.1it 111,9 or Nem 1)1. ,Boum try Un mo l,e111- edy, .11unros Drug' SUM:, 313 . UO1 0 1.ei LA Ye L\ 15111' ':111 !'EH- a•1 t Lha unll.Il avain,/ u' Nem - 1110 '111.810] Iry iliurn s 3 i'tio 13.',t3:1 Elgin, 01l,rll.t "When I saw hint 1.z was only a short distance behind the front lines Bougainville is a swell place- for lacefor buttel'Ilies,' he told me, `Beau- tiful species' here, F.01111 so -rare you never See theta in books.' ' The grapefruit was brought... to' Florida by the `Spaniards' in the Oth century.. aLLTTHES'SLS 'FOR. . SALE N3]W 81"171166 514.77151150 61u.95 —Do1iVe1'ed I•00 1.0 seta nearest station, Yes,. IoatlY bland 1107. Just What you have been walling for, Thoroughly epringleted !tax- urious ataitleeses of betlel uu1- I1y 01 lowest del iv erect 01.1(e. Satisfaction guaranteed u1 money; lack. You'll actually: sato se':ercll dollars u0 every ane 1011111100 11 1 111 ltbuut 1 weepit you •'.001' :tinned' etelY 1.11 510.10 L uy : om the old reliable and seed le mit- Wilco to 1\ 1101 L11$.SLei 1P ul-rll- T1111E, 10 3iat1.et St. termite., ilA ALP.. 111701' WANT G1) .. F A 15 1111 A N D, EXP LILIE\ good milker and teamster, vivo lige, ua1iena111y, and rcfereneea.. Apply. J. S. 1-lo7Yell, Jerseyv`lle, Ontario.. 115A1,'L': 113001' WAI'1L1) 0 M ILLED for fruit farm,L-10050, house, lie d milk supplie'ruit and 'sego• tables in sason. State age, :am. ily, wages. Give references. hpp. ply \V.' C. Nickerson, R.R..L, St.. Catharines I'U1t10JeItY STOCK FREE — COLORED NUR E'.RR' Catalogue. 1'ltll line of - I': uli Trees; Evergreens; 13lower'ng Shrubs; Perennials; Shade l eeso R u s e Si - 13i'uokdulc 51111;.v-oy, Nurseries, 13oWlltetnviiie, ()merle. OATS FOR SAI14 "CARTIER" 1043 SHED '0..3'S, Grade 1, extra sample $1.36 ,1.a„ our station, bags free. R. f,-ae- .Aether, Ttuunesl'ord, (1nt. PERSONAL "N3L1JA24. 0055124(0 13L10u RE Christ", wonderful boot( free, Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, 24.1', 1'05'117l1.Y Glil'e. POULTRY GRIT I Soluble or insoluble Analysisguaranteed Eliminate costly oyster shells hy, using"Stresco white poultry s. rite for healthier birds and more Leets. Available' immediately in 100 lb. bags 111 any quantity. Write for, samples and 1)01ees. DEALERS WANTED S'TIN50N Pt E.Eit 501't't.l CS/. Mgr./AU) 0,9811 Deter: liter Ivo., nfo)dtenl (iPLL'LI\G 1',LTCII(1* QUILTING PATCHES F12O.\1 111011 1111A. Dig PAY( 'IOP - 111133 about 0 x 11) - ' pieecs $2,34 Sc=tugs incltttled Ileo ettit- ings 0 x 38,. 6 x 9, HL.1f yard Iengths for boys' knee punts. Also remnants fur rhiLdveus 0101,110S. I 11L2t3 R11'E, 3(1 seeding. eve., To rare. ILLnlif'rS' FOIL SA LI. 1401.1. v t .0., 121':0111 11,1 1.00 n •11 t i• 2311 1;• t cerh for leental s Helen al whray,. Lueknow, Ont. :) -c'1. I \ 1lle- 1 1 1 i\.)It\ PEDl 1 I I50. bu cks end dee '' melee: mb olio bluest stain: fur ,l ,end show. Snt111Uslen (.u. .n1 veil. 'Mon. b. 11 eeney, Little '. nrrint, Ontario. STOVE ILI'DIAI It 1'A IPCS STOVE REPAIR PARTS wee (139TH' A 10-A11Tl 11. '(F1' of 0300 , parts. speetf t nem! 1 nd number and whin. needed. \i6 wise have r+'uncliiloned eteves. 011. n1 a le s, 101111]ries v1 elcor.ed, Lakeshore 0100', 419 Queen \\ est,, Toronto. S 5!O 1"14S STOVES $1295 CLEARANCE N19\Vl Y ItelCONDITIONI D (-1 s.i1- 1111treel real wood colt 11.0 at: us, 4 ltd1 oven, $1.'.96. Quebee, •ok stoves, $19,5 0east cook et. es, 6-11d, $11.50 enamelled wart :ng oven or reservoir, a5.0 c0.'ra. Late moan! range' enact, •'ed, good •reentry stoveemu aP wood large fire box and 'en, 0 large lids, Steel body, en'i,el- led warming 01'e11 and rose... •..1r, special $30.50, Send money ie eer. Lalu'sboro Stove, 139 t:.:ell West, Toronto. S HIVING MA0151N195 SEWING MACHINES $8545 NEW \VlLLIAIIS 015 50AYW)^.1)S, upright models, with 1'wo. dru.w- ern, $5.06.•' Latest module., Si .1.95. Williams, Raymond Lc,,_'e's dropheads, with 2 chetwers, :?7.115. Intel' models 0,'i Lit 1 1L a wrs, $'0 15. Singe upright 05; Mier models Chis, Sinetel re 5 - heads with 2 dt over your 1 :vice round or lung elnaties, 0 5; inter models 1\)Ch 1 dry 4(2„l5, Vert latest, 030.03. b.1 a el' 11 lnrl Alar hi nes, w1 thollt c ,ver $11 16; with cover and Melt $16 53,: Crating 8Ktla 41.00. Ali itbu vunleuti on ed mac hln_ t ce 1' a Ire-eulld i1iu0l d 111 /Jur n10,..: Shot) 1404 111e g'uu.ranlonrl in hest work .ing' uunclIGou `,1Id money order In t'ulI of $30I 30- 110011,11.11:111 e pilyable on de, ,ty- ' , CA NA OI \N SEWING ''IIIN11 CO., 117 1630 Se„ 101.1: to. 5tient ER 121 SORTS FOR 41 f 67 17:\D (CABINS AND COTTA'.—SIS, neo 1 on 1.,1Ic Muskoka. cubo tor. Balk a \ •ane' i'o- sllc. 158 Macpherson 1 , '1'AP1:1V()Itn1 STOMAt'IJ. AND 'I`IHItElAD WOH31S often are the cause of Ill -health in Munn lie 511 lige0. No one lin- mune! \Vhy lief find out if 11110 10 your Liuubie7 interesting ;Ar- rlculals—free! Write 51 ulveney'e Rented les. Speelklis ts Toro.a1..1 3, Dee 1..i l'l'211`I05ff TRAPPERS: 111)1 1. - 3 ))X 1'0 Y OT1/1 '1. It A P - tiers, with pu sent '1 nd future high 3111' p flees and hoe nl1 sett 1 1331 Have a 10ITntletl111 ellande. !fisheyes se len l.3rie co[1r10. 'nal' 341' nd' weals 1'111 telet) you 0111 .you w111 ever need Ir 6: now to beoume a 011aee001111 Lyn poet.. All the best trappers today 100 this 'system. /low to 1.52,1 .and set tect, trans Luca. 1111 mania] OW) ala the gland seen10 lures theist with- out e.usplefue. No better Inv eet- 1lllllt tonin be 1110.110 11.1V,' 11,010 lhls Stamp 1' a ,' 1).0 are, 1 1011 r, ) 101 hc.tr0, . SO:Ai. '111:11'1':•;115' 1. 1'I 11,I.I;.y' .5151)1,311,'3415,)111 le! (steel eol,l4, I el' ivivel) las T n1 .x1,70.11 $1.1,0 d,,0,• 1 Ill t•pil ld, 1.11 til 10 tat 11,6 trnp)till FIffilap I tiros, it It:. )1)1 Ilul'fmav, l.u:..51> Mae.