HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-02-10, Page 6Easy to roll, de!ightfu! —to smoke Have You Heard? A young air corps officer sta- tioned aoinewhere in Egypt was flying near the Great Pyramid, carrying out exercises in naviga- lion and discovering his gcograph- f cal position with a sextant. After a series of involved and confused calculations, he turned suddenly to his pilot and said, "`Fake off your hat." "Why?" asked the pilot. "Because, according to my cal - Pmations we are now inside St. aul's Cathedral." "Your wife is a very syste- matic woman, isn't she?" ask- ed Robinson. "Yes, very," replied Snaith. "She works on the theory that You can find whatever you want when you don't want it by looking where it wouldn't be if you did want 'At the end of the first week away from home on a new job, the young husband wrote to his wife: Made foreman feather in my cap." After the sceond week he wrote: "Made manager — another feather In my cap." .After the third week he wired: "Sacked — send money." His wife telegraphed back: "Use feathers. Fly home," ``Where did Mabel get that awful hat?" "She won't tell. I think it's a millinery secret." First Sailor (on first convoy duty) : "Did you ever s,ee so much water in all your life?" Second Sailor (a veteran): "You haven't seen nothin'. That's only the top." Midge: "Jim's proposal was so sudden it made me jump." Madge: "At it?" How Can I?? By Anne Ashley Q. flow can I tighten the cane seat of a chair? A. The cane 'seat of a chair that is slightly sagged can be tighten- ed by washing it with hot water, then drying it in a hot sun. • Q. IIow can I restore the sweet- ness of winter vegetables, that have arrived a long time after they have been picked? A. The sweetness .can he restor- ed by adding a little sugar to the water while boiling then. Q. lIow can I clean windows rapidly? A. By washing them with a chamois wrung out Of warn wa- ter. Rinse the chamois and wring out as dry as possible and then ' rub over the whitlows again. Q, How can I romove kalsomine from walls and ceilings without slaking too numb dust? A. To remove kalsomine, wash walls and ceilings -With warm water and a large sponge (if - you are lucky enough to have one) or an old soit bath tow31 until the wash- ing water is clear, Q. How can I clean a velour covered - chesterfield without a vacuum cleaner? A. To clean a velour covered chesterfield, brush the dust out of the covering with a stiff butch or whisk, and sponge with a non- inflammable cleaning fluid such as carbon -tetrachloride. QUICKLY DO TRIS! To relieve discomforts, one of the best things you can do is put a good spoonful of home - tested Vicks VapoRub in a bowl of boiling water. Then feel welcome relief come as you breathe in the steaming medicated vapors that penetrate to the cold -congested upper breathing passages! See how this soothes irritation, quiets cough- ing, helps clear t.. head— FOR ADDED RELIEF. . rub throat, chest and back with VapoRub at bedtime. Vicks VapoRub works for hours -2 ways etonce-to bring relief from distress. CK, ]Elememb er, it's V icks 3 VapoRub you want� . VAaoRu Cll,}ey,31 30 sedltdtn eaups6 lsassadskiatrsohlet �h Bells., .3 6,0551.1. provol nor ronoy back Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1, 'When one leaves from calling on a friend, should one apologize for stayingso long, or for talk- ing too much, or for hurrying away 2. What, color in candles should be used for the dinner table? 3. Is an office employee expect- ed to giire Christmas gifts to the other employees with whom she works? 4, If a man and a woman are entering a street car or bus, which one .of them should enter first? b, If two business women are lunching together, what size tip should they leave mi the table? 6. Is it the usual procedure for the bride to remove her veil be- fore being seated at the breakfast table? Answers 1, No; expressions of this kind are self-conscious and stupid. R. The color of the candles should harmonize with the bowl or vase that contains the flowers for the centerpiece, 3. No; this is not at all necessary. 4. The woman should go first when entering but the man should precede when leaving the streetcar or bus, 6. Twenty-five cents is sufficient for bath, or if they prefer, fifteen cents each, 6, No; she retains her veil. For Faster Relief of CHEST COLDS Muscular Aches & Pains Tired Burning Feet MASS, GE WELL WITH PRICE 30c and 50c at ALL Druggist. You God Up Higis You Caul Feel Ri�h1 If you have to get up 3 or more times a night your rest is broken and It's nowonder if you feel old and run down before your time, Kidney and Bladder troubles- often may be the cause of many pains and symp- toms simply because the Kidneys may be tired and not working fast enough in filter- ing and removing Irritating excess acids. poisons and wastes from your blood. So if sc n ou yt ppor frequnientpessogesrleg pfroeal su back- ache, or nervousness, due to Kidney and Bladder troubles, you'll make no mistake in trying Oystox. Because 15.3100 given auch James, happy results In so high a per- centage of cases, Cystex is said under an agreement of money back on return of empty package unless completely satlsfaetory' to st _4 x von, Cystex costa ' little at drUCgista, and the money back 11,.E Itih,t, offer protects 305. HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY if You are troubled with Itching piles or rectal soreness, do not de- lay treatment and run the risk of letting this condition become chron- ic. Any 10.01410 01' soreness or palnrul passage of stool Is nature's warning and proper treatment. ehould be enured at once. For this purposeget a package of Hein -Hold from any druggist and use as directed. This formula which Is used internally la a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the itching and soreness and. aid in healing the sore tender spots. liem-ltotd is pleasant to use, is highly recommended and It seems the height of roily for any one to risk u palurel and 'chronic pile con- dition when .such to vine remedy, may be had at such a small cost. It you try Rem -Hold and are not entirely pleased with the restate, your druggist will gladly return your money. HELPLESS CAPTIVES OF THE JAPS yielded to Japan's superior forces in what 'hey These are some of the Americans of Corregidor, They J l p thought was honorable surrender. They are being marched off to captivity. But many of them died on the way, ah(l more diet! in prison camp, victims of the .Daps' inhuman treatment, whose revelation through the U.S, :\rnay anti Navy report shocked the United 1Mations. The report indicated that, throitglt star- vation and torture, at least a third of American fighters captured. in the Phillipine islands were killed, How To Protect Eggs For Hatching It is especially important that eggs for hatching ,should be col- lected. several tithes a day in Win- ter weather, says the Ottawa Farm Journal; The baskets or pails in which they am collected should be lined with sorno material as a protection against •frost. It must be remembered that in a fertilized egg the cell division begins to take ,place before the egg leaves- the hen's body. If the egg is left ex- posed to intense frost this process may be so effectliall) checked at the outset that the 'germ will not develop when the egg is raised to Incubating temperature. Eggs which are to be incubated NM/Ay 5peek// WAR STAMPS te2% t' a/ year Q '®CES ' A are best stored in bran in a room should be allowed to lie for 21 not lower than .,O degrees, Those hours in a temperature of 'From. GO 5311ic13 have come from a .distance to a machine for incubating. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS PAIN' caeec cS LAYING AND READY TO 'LAY White Leghorn pullets at reas- onable prices for immediate de- livery. Also Barred Rocks and hybrids. Free. catalogue, Also day old chicks for immediate de- livery. Tweddle Chicle Hatcheries Limited, Fergus,Ontario. SPRUCELEIGIR- WHITE L30110111q MGR PAY ABILITY BABY mimics THIS STRAIN IS A PRACTICAL, proven egg -producing type, with twenty-three years of steady production back of then, They wi11 pay well for good 'keep and care, This is certain, because they are doing this on our own Pann— one of Canada's largest egg -pro - diming farms. You get exactly thesame breed, strain and grade as we lasso for ourselves. Poul- try management handbook "High Pay Ability" sent FREE or re- quest, Get our price list. We ad - Vise early order — SPRUCE- LE1G1I FARM LIMITED, Box 3608, Brantford, Ontario. A FULL HEN HOUSE SHOULD 13E the atm of all. To begin with, there Is and will be an tlrgeut demand from Britain for all the eggs we can turn out. And be- sides, floor prices and a guaran- teed market stave taken all the risk out of the poultry business. • The man with a full leen house next fall can't help caching in. And the only way to have that fi11I hen house is to order chicks now. There is just a possibility that there won't be enough to go around. So brake surd that yon won't -go short. Send for catal- ogue and prleellst. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for im- mediate delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. STARTED PULLETS, BARRED Reeks, I week old, 28 rents; 2 weeks, 20 rents. White Leghorns, 1 week old, 26 cents; 2 weeks old, 30 Cents. February and Unroll pullets oily-, Carleton Hatchery,. Britannia Heights, Ont. GO VE 1i 1t. 17 E N T APPROVED, blood -tested clacks Dem High Produetive strains fen Thousand ehlrks evailable weekly. homed - into delivery oil day-old mid started 1tiNts, Gaywood Farm, Mau 11 Il umMiten. VOT1'\las OF TeOil11t01)T'C"I'IUN rests hugely nu White lmghorne, many pouf erm'keepersl thins:' 1f you are one, let's have your order now. '50010 started ehlek.e avail- able. 111 ordering wile tever you need, save tingeby giving ee'on3 choice as bookings are heavy. Bray 'Hatchery, 180 Jbbn N., Hamilton, Otit, POULTRY—KEEPERS. 13E SURE of a good healthy btulehof haby chicks this coning season. Good chicks mean good 1te0s 5ud more eggs. Immediate delivery on da3'- old chicks. Write for 1944 cat- alogue and prises on out Gov- ernment Approved chicks. .MONK - TON . POULTRY FARMS, \fonlc- ton, Ontario. P00 LATE — 'boo LATE NEXT SPRING DON"T LET PP BE said "too late." Send for our price list and order your baby chicks GoddaOrdeChickrH tchey, 13rttan. rola heights, Ont. MAPLECIIEST QUALITY CHI ('KS, guaranteed profit producers, Popular a3arn,CeR outs f2 Copeltoibl, Ontario. DON'T GAMBLE PEDIGREE S 1 1t E I) BARRED Rock or White Lee hems and Pure Christie New Hampshlres re- moves all chance. Ottr prices are very low. Special discount until Feb. 16511. ICettlewel l Farme, Deeex, Ont. A.'t"i'l731'ION TRAPPERS! WOLF -FOX - COYOTE 1' 4t A le- pers, with present and future high fur prices and bounty you Teally have a wonderful ehenee. Fisher's scientific course mutt gland scents will tench you 011 you will ever 1100d to know t0 become a sueressfnl trapper, An the best trappers today' use this system. How to treat and set traps thnt no 3110013) can detect. the gland 00011 CA lures them wlLla out suspielot, Nu better invest - Ment ,'mild be tondo 0030 T1)1111 this. Shone 1 o r pat'tleuflu's, Fisher, I'lolbe,nl, bask, DOMESTIC HELP W.lN'I'EI) WANTED: G1111, Oh. WOMAN AS mother's help who Is interested In a good. pleasant home. State eatery expected. 74 Whitmore Ave., Toronto, OV1ING .0 01,rA KING HAVS3 YOU ANy'fhlleni NEVUS dyeing- or cleaning? Write to us for Information, We are glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment 51. Parker's Dye Works' Limited, 791 1'onge Street. To. `onto. 6ef.r(I'Itl02L L'Q 1/ 111 sit k` ELECTRIC- MOTORS, NEW; USED, bought, sold, reboil t; belts, pulleys, brushes. ellen Electric Company Ltd., 3320 Bufferin St., Toronto. )TI3. 00101.1:155 FUR COLLARS VARIOUS RINDS — FOR CLOTT-L coats—Your own old furs nlltde into smart collars. Por oethnnta write or mail to Leslie S. Scott, 813 Mayor ,Street, .Montreal. GR.AIr\' 1'`011 NAI,11 ASSORTED 'CA111.0,5115 ol'' 13 Alt- ley meal, ground wheat, whole oats and other +.tains I'or 5,110, Car'lots only. /he AtlRS analis Conpc ny, 1 to:a'd ui' 'Pro. de Build-- Rig, il'1 onl,i•eal. NI1 RS Eitel STOCK FltEls — 1)01.011111 NuresieltY catalog tie. Pali line or Ertl II Trees; 1')v'a:141.3mila: 14l01Vu'ng Shrubs; Perennials; Simile Trees; It 0 0 e a; Droll 1e le -lei '01511 • Nurseries, Bo en.ul\ isle, Uutcri0, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS DOMES'PIC DELI. WANTED COOK GENERAL, EXCELLENT wages, experienced or Inexperi- enced. Modern country home near Oakville. Cliff Trail Farm, R.R. No, 1,Oakville, EDUCATIONAL FASHION 1)1051GNING. A PBAC- ticai and thorough course, easy to learn by eorreapendettce. To- ronto School of '-Design. 11893 Bay St., Toronto, HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL LEARN t1AIJWit105SIN Cr TEE Robertson method, information on 'request regarding classes, Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue (toad, t'oronto. 50A1iNESS DRESSING SLIPIT IIAIRNESS DRESSING— Finest leather and harness Pre- eervatite. Sllpit also has many household uses 200 up at mast greeel'35 hardware and chain stores. .3 product of Lloyds Lab - FOOT (121,111 BAIJAIDEICA FOOT CALM destroys offensive odor instantly. 40e bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa • FARMS FOR SALE FARM 1•x035 SALE—CONSISTING of 1993 acres, with or without atoek and machinery. Apply to S. W. Fraser, Maxville, Ont. ONE ACRE LAND, GOOD HOUSE, barn, garage. Greenhouse and equipment. Box 192 \gingham. VALUABLE Cour yfor sale, consistingI..O f 214 acres, including 12 teres cedar swamp, 32 acres hardwood bush, 3 acres orchard, balance all under cultivation. Situated 2 miles from Waterloo, 8 'Hailes from 7 itl.liener; 11 -room brick house,' large hank. barn, 2 im- pleinent sheds, also equipped with hydro. , For full particulars apply to PTn)4ey C. Stauffer, 11.It. No. 3, Waterloo, chat, TOBACCO, DAIRY FARMS, LOW priced—small down payments, kerne equipped. Gus Campbell, aft, lery'dgos, FARMS SUBURBAN PROPERTIES,NORTH of Toronto, Apply R. 'a. Kane, Richmond 16)11, Onturio, WF1Id,I3C"BOS CDCSTY FARMS CHO]C10 FARMS IN ATTRACTIVE locations, several on highway, and hydro equipped. Convenient to Ontarlo Agrieultut•at College. Ranging in size from 50 up to 200 acres, with excellent buildings, at reasonable' .prices and good tel'ilms. 14. J. McCAl110 REALTY AGENCY, 03'ELP15 HAIR 0001)5 HAIR GOODS Vire ntanufecturo the fineet stair goods ever produced for men and women. Natural in appearance. Toupees for men $40.00 up, Full transformations for ladles' $05.00 up.. THE W. T. PEMBER STORES LIMITED 429. Tongs St., Toronto, Ontario 13110'111(11(2 I'tl l' FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Spine pictures can never be taken again. Don't risk losing yours. Send your film roils to Star Snapshot Service for developing and priming. Canada's largest finishing studio does the finest work at fewer cost, Any Size Ro11-0 or $ Exposures, DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e "Your prices for such quallty worst are really eoonumieal," writes a customer at Peterborough Ont. "I ant particularly fascinated by the coloured pictures, 1 appreciate your prompt and reilublc service and In future .will send all my _ trolls to_. you." 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25c -Size 456 in leeautiftll Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x0" on ivory tinted 010111110 719" 01 Go115, Silver,. 01 yeas. Man Walnut m• 131ac6 ebony finish frames, 59c . each. if .enlargement coloured, 711e eaoh. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE 1301 129, 1`usiel Terminal A, Termite Print Your Naatno and Address shanty on All Orders, MAIL YOUR FILMS TO lel .',NittAL Putt LIUALf1'k, a.e031110 and saLIsIactleu.. 0 a1' 8 exeusure 111nia 11,1c, reprints 8' Cur 25e. Impede] L'huto 20rv105, Sta- tion .1, Toronto. J,19Ab' 'I'O1IACCO 1015'14 1'(jUIVL6. V1.1405111A AND )301)10\ boat. tot 1111iu 0130. 1`100 5101105.0 Bright Virginia beat for Clgttr'etle, $•1.00, 1'0S L(11113 \1'1111 llavurnl5. A1111ral Leal 'lobiecuu Cu_..Lcam l 11gt01, Ont. (gloom -10 1t. eileiSI'O11S :1.N U1TLLt eu tevleete IN VEN1U1P List, UL 111\'.0111 Luna 41113 1 U11 (1,101'• 11111110. .0111 11.05, '1 110 110111011 y 11,i10111'Ud t'lllcl.L Allulneyb, 2,3 110111( 6'11001, 01111V11, 1:1111[1(11. VAT 1N'I'S 0(111(i.l1a103114,A1,'i 61 LV \'IL4Ati a' ['awls Sulu:11.10, L';otabnsheo 101111, la 1411, 0 35' e01,' '3UI'Utl Lo. Bunk let ut 111101Mut 1u11 au re• CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS MEDICAL ARTHRITIS POSITIVELY R1ILIIOV- odwith Breenat0ne Crystals. .Full : month's supply $1.00. Indian Remedies, Box 118, Vancouver. BANISH TI117 TORMENT 01r 11'I)il- ing eczema psoriasis, acne and pimples, 1Posto :Eczema Salve will, not disappoint you. Shin troubles respond readily to this stainless odourless ointment re- gardless of how stubborn or hopeless they may seem Sent. post free, $1.00 per jar. Posts Remedies, 8851 Queen St. E.. 're- routo. WANTED — EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's Itenlody, Mcint•o's Drug Store, 335 E15111, Ottawa. Postpaid MATTRESSES 10015 SALE .NTEw 61 RING. MATTRESS 016,95 —Delivered free to Your nearest station Yes, really brand new. Sunt what you have been waiting for. 'Thoroughly, spring•filled lux- menusinitttl'1'&Rea of bettor qual- ity at lowest delivered price. Suttsfiletiol guaranteed or munev back. Yull'll eteluaily gave several dollbero on every one. Shipment' inder unedlately, All about 1 weelsizes, you Buy from the old reliable and send remit - 501100 to WHOLESALE I''UItNI- TU1tE, 10 ,MLarket St., Toronto, 31Ar t. )1101,1 1F A.NPl I) FA14MTIAND, EXPERIENCED, good (sullies' and teamster, give age, nationality, and r,.fcreuees. Apply J. S. -Howell, lerseyville, Ontario. NURSES' WANTED GENERAL DUTY NURSES, 575.00 minimum 1nlaty, with full main- telmnee. Apply feel Memorial 1•Iospital, lirumptun, Out11r10. PERSON Al. "ELM 211 COMING DEFORM Chrdat",wonderful book Tree. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y. s ieVel NG MLA0111\145 SEWING MACHINES $8.95 NEW WILLIAMS Olt 04A1360FDS, upright module, with two draw - ere, $0.95, iettest- modele, $1195, ia Willm.. Itaymouls, Eaton's dropheede, with 2 drawers $1791. later models with 4 fit risers, $20,95. Singer's upright, 312.95; later models, $14.05. Singer drop - beads with t1orlr 101111 drawers, Your $ ;9 95 later modest with 4 drawers, 032.3.5 Very latest, $33.00. Singer Hand machines,without cover .011.95; n'1ttt cover and lock $16.96, Crating extra 51.00. All abovemrutioned nutehittes a r e re-coud Waned In our machine shop and are guaranteedto be in .best vvofkleg condition. Send money order in 6011 or $3,00 de- posit balance payable on delis,- ere'.C ANNABIAN SEWING MA- . CHINE 00., 117 Elm St.. Toronto. 'lAPI4%4'ORM STOSLACli AND TI]READ WORMS often are the cause of 111 -health in humans all ages, No one Im- mune! Why not find out if this Is your trouble? interesting bar- tioulurs—Freel Write MulVeney's Ont. Specialists, Toronto 8, 'TURN YOUR HAGS INTO CASA I'LGN•,l,b 1 ('RICES PAID POR used tutu and cotton feed and mash bags, etc We also buy bags with :holes, Write immediately, fur: prices. LONDON EAG 'COM- PANY. LONDON, ONT. 1'OLIN ItY (It1T. POULTRY GRIT N1111510 or 1neoltlhlo 1n lyels 01111N.tnteed Ella in no eoetly oyster shells by 110ing till ,c0" white Poultry gelta for het 1 l e1' birds and more eggs. A,v1ileble immediately in 10e Ib. ba'ge lu nue. gti0nelly. Write for samples 11,1d prices. DEALERS WANTED 5'Pt35US 1071E11 4I;Pl'.Lk' CO. LIMITED 61`)1 1)1 l,ritaler . lir., '1leatrenl 1)3'1 IATING I A$'C IUIs QUILTING PATCHES 100(13, 1111;1-5 CRA DE FAN0):'POI'- ceniime uhout 0 x 18, 00 Nieces $3.,511 p0011,g0 included. Also suit- ings 0 x 18, 0 x 9. Half yard lengths I'01' boy's' knee 'punts. Als,, remnants fol' ladles', meal's, 411051c1 red's clothes, LOUIS 351013, _301- Spaellint..l.ve., Toronto. 1311191:'MAT IU L'AI3'v 3 1(11111 .11: 101981 1.T'tll PRINCIPAL ingriel lents In Dixon's Flelned,y for I heenn,tlti. Paine, Neuritis. Sold only elite o's brut, Store, _33.6 L.lean, Ottawa. 1?ustr aid $1,00. STAMPS 11' 1'1)U \1A.YT 13RITJSi1 COL, n ii,s, Canada, of 1.'111 tea 14011eg 01 amps, sendleluenee to Elkins, Stam Curii l`e111 re, Du iario, for aI)- prov1ll books. Cl till'.$ 10N4) COINS API 'lie )\ \1 5 \I All IJU 'lt) 1 .E- Sp01n11110 nullott tte. 1'1 etu,ii mane cowl Ivies 11 si,cw '1,1 Ila til 1. slits Stump t,u„ e1 1:Lingslruy con 1, Torun Iu 9. TI!ItieteeS U E NI 1 I. N 1: I11d0AU. 141114,5bDIED Turkey I'onv, blood Lest 7. 0)14 banded \\tight 2f, lbs, 110511.0 14,, IImu1, I'c111,burg, Ont.arlu. a1 A1.1.: 111)1,1' IV A,N'1'1fi Al.:11114 I11I) 31.\13 34331411! EN,J ;), Cur 11,1)1 Pau w >:.:a 1 'sh. 0, I11111i vupptli'tl. 151.11! 1, 111ta 111.00,S Ill 51)00(51. SI Ill no 5, 1111- 14, W11 VC,S. !live ('1'.rertn 111,v Nickerson, c, Se, Vathlu i nes,