HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-02-03, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS
Brook acted as chairman over the In Memoriam
program and Mr, W. 0, Goodwill was
secretary. A sing -song of hymns, a CHAPPEL -,In loving memory of
Mee and Mrs. Harry Cook and babe piano solo by Miss Gladys Luker, a dear husband and father,. David
of Windsor spent the week -end with violin. solo by Miss Greta Laramie
the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. and a°. vocal trio by Rey. Brook, Mr, Chappel, who left us one year ago,
Cornelius Cook. • W. 0. Goodwin and Mr. Harry Floe- February 5th, 1943.
Miss Ruth Chapman R.N. of Al- ton, completed the musical' part of One year has passed, how long it
bony Hospital, New York, visited re- the program. The various reports giv- seems,
cently with her mother Mrs. W. W, en by the different secretaries were But in our hearts his face still beams, FOR SALE
Chapman. • very gratjfying, showing an increase Por we who loved him only know,• A medium-sized Quebec heater,
Mrs. Alda Simmons spent a few financially. The nominating comm How much we lost 'a year ago, with two lids, burns - coal or wood,' in
days last weekvisiting with friends tee pi esented the flames of those 011 Time heals, 'they say; perhaps it
in London. Pointed to the board of stewards. A does„ good condition. Phone 154, Seaforth.
Mrs. Robert Higgins of Exeter. telegram of greetings was sent to But memories live and so does • love,
was a recent visitor with her sister Miss Jean Murray in Toronto,who We cannot Lord, Thy purpose see, FOR SALE OR RENT
and brother-in-law Mr, and Mrs. Ed. took such an active part' in the of But all is well that's done by. Thee. 100 acre farm on the highway be -
McQueen. fairs of the church. The chairman -sadly missed by wife and family. tween Seaforth and Clinton. A frame
Mrs. Lorne McNaughton of Crow- made' mention of Mr.. J. W. Ortwein,' house, bank barn, choice clay loam,
arty spent the week end at the home beiug the eldest member present at plenty of water. Apply to Wm. Living -
of her sister and brother-in-law Mr, the meeting, and expressed how much Ston or James F. Scott, R.R. 2, Sea
and Mrs,' Glen Bele the presence of Mr. Henry Horton, 1
A bag of Pioneer Hatching Ration
Mash between Andrew Moore's Hat
chery and Clinton by No. 8 Highway.
Please Phone Andrew Moore or Will-
iam 'Potbering'ham, 618r11, Clinton
Mr. and Mrs Nelson 'Pilaff and a valued member who is ill,
family visited over i o the week -end Pte. Glenn Love of Toronto spent aI BELL - In loving memory of a
In Memoriam forth.
with relatives in. London few days recently with his sister and dear husband and father, John Coch
Mrs, E, Laird NIickle and infant brother-in-law, Mr. and'Mrs. John
os McEwen: rane Bell, who passed away one year
son arrived home from Victoria H
pital, Londdn, this week. The Red Cross Branch of S.S. No. age, February 4, 1943.
Mr. and Mrs. " Gilbert Johns and 10. Hay, held a most successful eu- 'Nothing can ever take away,
Grace of Elimville, visited recently chre and dance in .the school house The love our hearts hold dear,
with Mrs. Johns' parents; Mr, and on ,Friday evening, The ladies' first Fond memories linger every day,
Mrs. Wesley J. Veneer.
Miss Margaret Glenn attended the
Heywood -Thiel wedding in the Luth-
eran Church on Saturday.
The annual meeting of the Hen-
sall Red Cross Soceity was held in
the Town Hall, Hensall, on Tuesday
evening, January 25th, with the pres-
ident Rev, A. M. Grant, Chairman.
The meeting opened by singing "0
Canada" followed by prayer by Rev.
11..A. Brook. The address of welcome
was given by Rev. Brook in the ab-
sence of Reeve R. E. Shaddick. Miss
Greta Lanimie favored with a de-
lightful violin solo entitled "Annie
Laurie" accompanied on the piano
by Miss Gladys Luker, The minutes
of the previous netting were pre-
sented by the Secretary Miss Beryl
Phaff. The chairman expressed hie
thanks to the faithful work that the
ladies of the work room, treasurer,
secretary had done. Mr. Spencer do-
nated a cupboard to the cutting room
which was much appreciated Re-
ports were given by the following,
Finance and Treasurer's report, Mr.
R. H. Middleton; buying committee,
Mr. W. 0. Goodwin; cutting com-
mittee, Miss. Mary Fee; knitting com-
mittee, Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin. It was
disclosed that Mrs. Robt. Bonthron
who is in her 91st. year had knit 30
pairs of mitts. The high sebool girls
contributed much knitting. Dr. A. R.
Campbell presented a splendid re-
port on the blood donors, War Ser-
vice and Russian Relief. The slate of
officers was presented by Dr. Camp-
bell -- Honorary Presidents, Mr. J.
W. Ortwein, Reeve R. E. Shaddick,
Dr, A. R. Campbell. President, Rev.
A. NI. Grant; vice-presidents, Rev. R.
A. Brook, Rev. Joseph Taylor, R, H.
Middleton; treasurer, R. J. Patter-
son; secretary, Miss Beryl Phaff. Mr.
Howard Hyde directed two motion
pictures "The Road To Toyko", and
the "The Mask of Nippon".
Mrs. W. W. Chapman is visiting Reported Missing Overseas -,with relatives in Hamilton.
Mr. Wm. Finch of the R.C.A.F., N91. and Mrs. G. Bell received Mr.' Edwin Chuter received word
Toronto, spent the week -end with official word on Saturday that their last week of the death of his mother,
Mrs. Finch and little (laughter.
Mr. Wm. Cook of Lon_ on vis was reported missing overseas. Alvin
Eng -
over the week end with his mother, is 25 years of age and a graduate of monis at het' home in.London, Eing-
Mrs. Devlin, Western University, London, and was land. This news came as a shock to
Mrs. Keith Buchanan. of Arnprior is
s' 1'
sports. He was united in marriage to ceived greetings from his mother at
stet - Shepherd, Margaret MacGregor McMnne an Flies
and both Ti
Prize was won by Mrs. John McEwen, 1 Remembrance keeps him near.
gent's first Mr, Wm, Hyde, ladies' -Ever remembered by his wife and
consolation Mrs. Fred Corbett, gent's family.
consolation Billie Rowcliffe. The Hyde
orchestra furnished music for the
dancing, with Mr. PM Corbett floor-1
Card of Thanks
Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Parker are Mrs. Frank ,Feeney and family
spending a couple of weeks with Mr. 1y
and Mrs. Robt. Heys and Mrs. and wish to thank their friends and
Mrs, Russel Keys, Mitchell, 1 neighbors fox' many kindnesses and
The sympathy of the community is sympathy during their recent sad
extended to Mr. Claude Moves, bereavement, and for the many spit- f
whose mother Mrs. A. S, Blowes,
Passed away at her home in Mitchell itual bouquets, also those who loan -
in her 71st year. The deceased was ed their cars, or assisted in any way.
born ill Mitchell and spent her entire
life there except for a few summers FOR SALE j
which she spent with her family at j
their summer hone in Grand Bend. A pair of tube skates - in good
Her husband. predeceased her in AP- condition. Skate size 7. Phone 842 1
ell, 1932, Mrs. Blowes was a valued 15 Seaforth.
United Church member and most '
popular with a wide circle of friends, FOR. SALE
W. A car of Western oats els ected to Total $za4o.2s
three daughters, Mrs. S. Reinhart, p Cost of Inatruotional Supplies:
Owen Sound, Mrs. 1. R. Peace, Mitch- arrive at Walton Monday next. Wil- i Beryl carter $
Thpmpsan's Book Stora 4 36
Report of the Secretary -Treasurer
and the Auditors' Report for
AREA .1#1
For the Year 1943, the first year of
Balance from #6. School $ 723.69
Balance from 1' School 588.69
Balance from 4 School 631.88
Music Grant 942, from #'4 School 24.00
Received for School #4, for election 8.00
Interest on Victory Bonds 10.50
Sale of .two One Hundred Dollar
Bonds 201.91....
Provincial Grant ... 735,01
County Equipment 'Grant 43.28
Agricultural Grant 17.85
General Township Grant 1,900,00
Trustee 'Levy less 35.47 Int. on ad
vance of $1,000.00 .816.35
Interest on School bunds, 1941 890,53
Music Grant 1948 90.00
Total Cash Receipts 55,020.59
Victory Bonds received from #6 Sec-
tion - $ 350,00
Cost of Instruction.
Edith Wallace - $ 684,82
Beryl Carter
Helen Bond.363.16
Gladys 'McMane 904.60
Receiver General of Canada, In-
come tax deductions 172.06
Douglas Gill. music supervisor 69.00
Mrs, Bert Boyes, music supervisor 40.80
ell, Mrs. le. H. Fairfax, Brantford, neer Cuthill and Jos. R. Hamilton.
four sons, A. W. Blowes, town clerk
of NIitehell, S. Howard Blowes, Port { FOR SALE.
Elgin, Claude, public school principal, I Barley and buckwheat, mixed, ex
sor, formerly with the TOA, Loudon, ex-
cellent for poultry. $1.50 per cwt.
two sisters, Mrs. Kay Taylor, Buff- Scott Cluff.
alo, 'N.Y., Mrs. Gabe Morris, Fuller-
ton. A private funeral service was;
held from the home at 2.30 p.m. on Seed grain, mixed barley and oats,
Tuesday with interment in Woodland early variety. Also sows for sale,
cemetery, Mitchell. Mrs. Blowes was some coming in soon, some half
well-known in Hensall, craving visited
here frequently with her son and gone. Harvey Mcllevain, Phone 852r
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Claude 23.
Hensall end Stanley Blowes of Wind -
Mrs, Jas. Sangster' of Hensall bas . NOTICE •-•
been advised of the promotion of her! I have purchased a snowplow and
son George Sangster, to Flight Serg• can open your lanes or roads. Rates
eant. George is serving with theRCAF
overseas. I reasonable. Harvey Meliwain, phone
Miss Betty E. Moir, daughter of Mn' 852r23. j
and Mrs. Melvin Moir, has been col -1 1
fined to her room with pneumonia.
, ited youngest soar, FO. Alvin Gould .Bell, who succumbed to an attack of pneu-
most popular in baseball and hockey Mr. Chuter as he and his fancily re-
visiting with her parent M and 1
A. T. Cooper
Tack Hood
C. W. Ironside
Jno. Beattie
Helen Bond, Library Books
Thompson's Book Store ,
Total $ 151.60
Cost of Administration:
Chas. Chapman, See.-Treas., sup-
plies $
Clinton News -Record, ad
Huron Emositor, ad
Beacon Herald, ad 3.61
M. A. Reid, Premium on Treas. -
S. H. Whitmore, Sec.-Treas. sal
Exchange on cheques
Moyer's School Supplies, seal 6.60
Total. „ 3
Cost of School Plant Operation:
Fred McGregor, lighting fires '$
Amy Walters; sweeping
Helen Crdch, oteaning school
Howard Allan, caretaking
Wm. Caldwell, 19 cords wood
Roy McGeoch, trucking wood
• V. D. Falconer, coal
Cost of School Plant Maintenance.
Gregor 'McGregor, repairs $
L, E Johnson, plants
Jno. Forrest, repairs
Prank Kling, repairs furnace -
Plants and Seeds, School Garden
Wolter Pepper, repairs
Jas. Walker, repairs -
Orval Lobb, supplies
G. A. Sills, supplies
G. D. Ferguson, supplies
A. Cr Routledge, supplies
spOr Jno. Penner, Insurance Premium
Mrs. Alfred Clark. Miss Helen Collett, then with' J. G. Carrroehan, Bat
Misses Edna Saundercock, Marg• the RCAF Centralia, to Tune. 1943,1 Gladys n1
Cltristniao. Although well advanced in N. OMIT & Sons. supplies
went overseas in July,1943her nineties, she was quite smart np now; Scott, pumping well
d t the week end in
The annual congregational meeting e1 and rAgencies:
dor is a sister, his recent bereavement. Beryl Curter, supplies school lunch $ 18,82
of Carmel Presbyterian Church, will Gregor McGregor, gas AO
the.LAC Win.McAsh of Pendleton Mrs. Bessie herr, entry fee Fall
and friends seen re Mr. Harold C. Bell, Hensall, is a br•o- until her late illness. Mr. Chuter has Total$ x6.64
Toronto, th 1 NI s Carter (Macre) of Lon the sympathy of the community in Cost of Auxiliary
Purity Flour' in cotton
98 ib. bag 2:59
Robiuhood Flour in cotton
X98 lb. bag 2.59
Royal Purple Calf Meal -
Per "cwt. 4.00
Royal Purple Poultry
Concentrate cwt. 4.50
Royal Purple Hog Tonle
8% lb. tin 1.75
Pratt's Hog Tonic, 314 Ib tin 70c
Pratt's Lice Killer, 29 lb tin .65
Oder Soap, 4 cakes 19c
P & G Soap, 5 cakes 27c
Ringo, giant size pkgo. 530
Castile Soap, 12 cakes 23e
Fairbanks Carbolic Soap
6 bars 250
Lely's Toilet Soap, 6 cakes 25c
Surprise Soap, 6 cakes 27c
Super Suds, large pkge. 22c
Rarley's Disinfectant
lb. bottle 450
Maxwell 'House Coffee, Ib.. .39c
Notice to Bean
We feel it our duty to point
-out that Seed Beans may he
very difficult to obtain, and all
people intending to grow beans
should secure their seed forth-
Yours very truly,
To be held in Seaforth. Library
Friday, Feb. 11
Starting at Eight o'clock
Conte and bring your friends,
Admission Free
A gander for sale, of exchange for
goose. Apply to James Nolan, Sea -
1.70 forth, 11,R.5.
be held on Monday, Feb. 7th, in Killed In Action - 10.00
church at 8 pen. 1 • Out., spent the week end at the par -Canadian Nature, subscription .,. 2.15
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Sararas of this G, D. Ferguson, Ag. eupptles 6.90
The February meeting of IlensaIlweeental home with his wife and two J. G. Carnechnn, ban 2.00
Senior Institute will be held on Wed -
district received whim that their son-
- Helen Bond, School Fair expenses ,6.49
in-law FO. Roy William Grosser, aged little sons.
nesday, Feb. 9511, at the home of Miss 25, was killed in action overseas. ele The many friends of Mrs. Austin
Gladys Luker with Mrs. S. Patterson was a son of Mr•. and Mrs. William will be pleasantly surprised to know
co -hostess. This is the patriotic meet- Grosser, Toronto, and went overseas
ing, when the guest speaker will beMay, 1043. He was united in marriage, that after spending almost five
Mrs. R. H. Middleton, who will give to Miss Doris Sararas of Hensall, in months in Scott Memorial Hospital,
an address on the subject, "What the the 'United Church, Hensall, in Aug-, she has been able to return to her
$ 46.76
I@es paid to other Schaols;
A, E, Crozier, fees to Seaforth$
School 21.00
Other Expenditure:
Victim Bonds $ 700..00
Instruction 32,140.28
British Empire Means To Me. The ust, 1942. His wife and an infant son hone, where she is pleased to be. . Instructional Supplies
roll call is to be answered by the Byron, reside in Toronto. Were you watching for Bruin and Admtnistlant
name of• a prominent military leader 1 School Plant Operation
of the allies. TI'le demonstration "Ex- Heywood -Thiel I the Groundhog yesterday ? School Maintenance
Y Auxiliary Agencies
habit of Flags, " will be given by Mts• The Lutheran Church, Zurich, was Fees paid to other Schools
R. Simpson. Current events, Mrs. W, the scene of a pretty winter wedding A GOLDEN RULE victory Bonds
0, Goodwin and recipe, Mrs. Smile.
Members are reminded to bring pen- on Saturday at 3 p.m. when Rev. E.
There's one safe rule 1 should like Total Exobegoeure....$3,286.08
1 Metmbuch united in marriage Martha r Bal. in Bank less 1942 cheque 32.00 52,336.96
cal, paper and tea. Marion, youngest daughter of Mr. and You to know,
Owing to the Meese of Rev. Joseph It will often help
I 55,020.69
Taylor, Rev. A. M. Shannon of Lon. Mrs. Wm, Thiel and Earl Heywood,you as onward you I AUDITOR'S REPORT
0011 ;91 Mr. arta Mrs. Victor Heywood, go- To the Rntepgyers of School Area No, 1,
don conducted the services in Carmel, ,refer. Given in marriage by her Tuckeramilh1-.
Presbyterian Church. The morning D When you're not quite sure what you We, the nndcrsigned Auditors, . herewith
anthem by the choir was "Soldiers of father the bride looked charming m ought to -fro, j present 0111 .report of the financial tranaap-
a floor length gown of white satin I Area No. 1, Township of
Christ Arise" and a soprano solo newt. Inst do to other
° Her bridal veil fell 1101u 5. tear ' s what you'd r the year ending Doe. al,
and the evening anthem was ."lie 11,,,.,004 bridal
forming a, train. 9a3.
School Area show them to be weli kept' and
'with white streamers. Her only crus- you meet a comrade in pain or free from error and it is our opinion that
field, organist and choir leader, re- meat was a gold locket. The bride- grief,
the appended loanolnl-statement gives a true
+,,signed her position the beginning of maid Miss Marie Heywood of Lon- Don't turn away coldly and not give "TreeI
the new year, and this being her last f t ce room enose a 1 relief t tt Bank, i t mount
ins to $105.33 rtduce the actual balance o,
el with the choir, was present; floor -length gown of heaven blue, fin- 1190. 21, 1043- to $2,286.00. We commend
ed, 'with a handsome walnut coffee Think of this rule, and without more your actio. in pin-il,asing Viet019 reamed
table after the morning service. MTs. ger-tip veil and nosegay of mixed
.{ewers, and a necklace of pearls. Mi:l ado Eire value of $000, Section wlti. thoso tor,nethe
Murdoch, although completely takenJust do unto him what you'd like totalowned by School seet;ot No. 6, brings the
by surprise, expressed her sincere LeRoy Their, cousin of the bride, wastotal to $1,060. Capital 'Assets
thanks. The presentation was made best man. The soloist, Miss Beatrice', done to you. Land and lluiiciings
by Mrs, 3. W. Bonthi'on and the fol- Schilbe, sang "I Love Yon Truly," Should you have enemies hard to Land
all s
lowing address was read be, Mrs. J. during the signing of the register. forgive,
Patterson: Dear Mrs. Murdoch. We The organist' was Mrs, Jack Tttrk
have gathered hero to express llow beim and the ushers were Messrs. With whom it is difficult friendly to .
much we are going to miss you from Earl Flaxbard .and Lloyd Kropp. Fol -1 live,
our organization, and to let' you know lowing the ceremony a reception was Tl 1 i 1 • help a
held at the home of the bride's par ,
that Y ce splendid leahe pas anc encs with forty guests present from' through:
helpful services during the past have. Exeter Ilensall Dashwood, Chatham
tions of Schon
like Tuokc nnlith, for
i. examination of the records of She car-' done to you.
white Bible with flOWEll'S tied if 0114.11 Give
0 b' -,o '--" -' rued a
Adams. Mrs. 3, R. Murdoch of Bruce- -tl
_: 92,492.30, was verified
a, the- u outstandingd cheques a
don, sister o 1 g ,
tis golden en rn e, willagain 1 p you
1 e
your 5 en •
Forgive and forget, es you'd like them
not gone .unnoticed and unappreciat-
ed.and Zurich. The bride's mother r'e i t0 do.
Your willingness to help in all our ceivetl, wearing a green crepe Eroelt
midertakings and your Mildly cont- and the groom's mother wore a fig- When angry, and wishful hard worsts
racleship will always be a pleasant tired crepe, both wearing rorsages., to say,
memory to all. As a visible torten ,Phe bride's table was most attractive, Or longing unkind actions back to
of our .sincerree esteem for 'you, and .as centered' with the wedding cake, l .
an expression of our profound grafi-timers.,repayalc
tude for all that,you have done, we flowers and candles in silver Dml't spears of act till you've thought
Present you with this simple . gift. Serving wore the Misses Eileen lyiilb; of your rule,
May it often bring back memories of er ansa• Lillian :Frowned, London; Miss
past days we have spent together Margaret ‚Glenn, Hensel], and Mies; 'Twill then be quite easy to keep
and thoughts of friendship, that shall Beatrice chilbe, Zurich. Followiicg� y0111•self cool.= -
tl reception the bride and groom this rule ., n e day never change or end. gnec on e• rc amid show: Choir, e1 s of
to 1 ec p
Si i b With th' i mind each 'that
half of Carmel Presbyterian Church left en a honeymoon t p m
'canEetti and best wishes. you live,
You'll find.it 'a pleasure hard words
Annual Meeting Biddy: "Did ye bring home than to forgive;•
Whatever may chance,. you'll know
y. Oi was I what to do,
pane of glass for th' kitchen windy,)
The annual congregational meeting Pat?"
of en Feneall United Church eves laeld Monday evening with. a splendid of er a twilvel beetd
•fourteen, an' the To others justdo what you'd like,
attendance in Spite of the weather only size ,they had was fourteen be . alone to you,
conditions. A ,<su nptuoua pot luck
supper was enjoyed and much credit
is due the members of the W,A, for
this splendid success. Rev. R, A.
twilve," .(Varna Scrap Book).
Biddy: "you, fool, why didn't ye
get it? Ye could` have put it in side-
ways, couldn't ,ye?" Want and Fbr Saltie Ads, 3 weeks 30c
.Balance ,t' Dec. 81, 1092
Provincial Grants
County Grant 48.28
Township Grant on Salaries..,....: 1,800.00
Section Tax- Levy ' 815.35
Victory, Bond sold 201.91
Int. on 'Bonds 10,50
Int, .on Sohnol Fonds 286.53
Use of School for Mnn,'Election - 8.00
Total ... .,56,020.59
Cost of Iristrvotion 52148,28
7nstrnctional. Supplies ..,... .161.60
Administration , .. , 118.26
School Plant Operation 260.10
School Plant ,Maintenance .. 66,64
Auxiliary Agencies 96.76
Total General Maintenance $2,812,64
Fees paid other School Boards 21.00
Victory Bonds 700.00'
Total Disbursements $3 530.64
Balance to Neat Account
Good big work team, for sale. Ap-
piy to The News office.
Wanted to buy pigs, suckers 07
chunks. J. M. Scott, Cromarty. Write,
or phone 42r13, Dublin.
Wm. Bradsbaw, your Watkins
Dealer, also agent for E. D. Smith &
Sons, fruit and ornamental nursery
stock. Market St., Seaforth, Ont.
Phone 50.
Anyone wishing mineral for cattle
or hogs, see your Watkins dealer,
William Bradshaw, Market St., Sea -
forth. Phone 50,
For Sale
7 -room house, good basement,
lights, hard and soft water, Garage
on property. In good state of re-
pair. Situated on George St. A good-
buy. -
6 -room house, basement, lights,
hard and soft water. Garage. Locat-
ed cm East William St. Worth. in-
7 -room house, furnace, lights,
town water, on North Main street.
Farms For Sale
100 -acres with house and barn,
good land, 4 wells on No. 8 Highway
Well situated. -
100 acres, McKillop. Brick house,
bank barn, good clay loam, well urn-
dertlrained. Conveniently located.
50 acres. Grass farm, all seeded.
A good piece of land, close to Dub-
lin with ample supply of water.
Insurance & Real Estate
Phones 334 Seaforth, Ont. '' Res. 220
Insurnnce and Bond .50.900,08
Fire Inoorance: - --
Bldg. Contents &mire's Total.
S.S. No 4..30300 $400 Aug. 27, 1046 $3700
S,S;. No 6.. 2400 600 Tan. 7, 1944 .2900
S.S. No. 7.. 8000 ' 600 Nov. 10, 1946 3500
Total 58:700 51,400 010,400
Weather Insurance:
0,0, No, 7..51600 Dec, 3, 1945 51500.
Total Insurance $11,000
Treasurer's Bond $2 000.00
Auditors -TAMES LOVE
Monument Works
Formerly W. E. Chapman
We invite inspection. of our stock
of Cemetery Memorials .
SATURDAYS; or' any. other ,
trine by 'appointment"
See Dr. Harburn -Phone 105
Phone 41-k2oeter-Box 150
McConnell & Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth.
uild-ing,-Seaforth. Office hours:--
ours:-Tuesday, Thursday .and Saturday
1.30 p.m. to 5 pail. , Saturday
evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, Alex. McEwing, Blyth;
Vice President, W, R. Archibald, Sea -
forth; Mgr. & Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid,
Alex. McEwing, Blyth; W. R. Arch-
ibald, Seaforth;. Alex, Broadfoot, Sea -
forth; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm;
E, 3. Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas•
Moylan, Seaforth; Frank McGregor,
Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton:
George Leitch, Clinton.
John E, Pepper, Brucefleld; R. F.
McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter,
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly . atended to by applications•
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic
Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month :from 3 to
$ p.m.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday he
every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr, H: H. Ross' office. Phone 5 3
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat
Phone 90 W - Seaforth
Eye,Ear, Nose and Throat-
Graduate in Medicine, - University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York.
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefleld's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday 4n each month from 2 to
4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo
Si,, Stratford. Telephone 367.
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices paid for
Eggs and Poultry
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Assures Security for over
One Million Partners..:
LONG, 000esiCH
District Agent
(Essential War. Industry)