HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-02-03, Page 3A BOMBER IS LOST The remarkable photographs above, taken over Nazi -occupied Europe, show a 13-26 Marauder bomber of the USAAF, •bro ten cleanly in two by enemy fire, hurtling to earth. Forepart of plane is at left and rear of fuselage at right. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. If a letter is being written to a friend, or to a social acquaintance, Mhould the prefix Mr. or Mrs. or iss be used in the signature? 8. is a guest expected to remain longer than the usual half hour if 11e is invited to a holiday dinner? 8, How should one remove a bone that is accidentally put in the mouth? 4. Should a girl rise if she is seated, and an elderly woman brings a young roan over to her to be introduced? Z. If a hostess takes her guests to the theatre or to some other entertainment that requires a taxi, who should pay the fare? 6, What would be the best way for a girl to introduce her broth- er's bride to a group of friends? Answers 1. No. Sigtt it John Smith, or Mary Allen, 2. Yes, usually. 8. Use the thumb and first finger to re- move it and lay it on the edge of the plate. 4. Yes, in this instance, because it shows deference to the elderly woman who is standing. 5. The hostess. 0. "This is Jack's easel Why URS SC;1''TT Recommends BUCKEEY' 51,00.55 WHITE RUB for CHEST COLDS a Acta 8 ways, to break up croupy congestion, clear stuffed -up head, loosens coughs—over night 2 It penetrates faster. 3 Generates heat and vaporizes quicker. 4 It is snow-white, stainless, non - greasy. 5 Can be used with perfect safety on the tiniest tot. Brice 30c and 50c el all druggists. A PHIS it411:1) iw .NE .JAR', Discovers Home Skin Remedy Thisclean stainless antiseptic known all over Canada as Moone's Emerald 011, is such a fine healing agent that Eczema, Barber's Itch, Balt Rheum, Itching Toes and Feet, and other inflammatory skin erup- tions are often relieved in a feW days. Moone's Emerald 011 13 pleasant to use and it is ,so antiseptic and yonetrating that many old stub- orn eases of long etauding have yielded to its influence. Moone's Emerald 011 is sold by good drugstores everywhere to help rid you of stubborn pimples end unsightly skin troubles—satis- faction or money back. ve Scratchin.!iLY 5 rt. gnick relief from dobby of as m . Playlet', nth. Me's foot, wales, scabies, realms and other enemas paused skim t,eld,lee tee faebacting,.cooling, anti. aortic, liquid D. 0. D. Prescription, Groaeelees, u etelnlesn Soobeeirritation andquieldy trotaintenw sear tttler. Idieselotrfo)AnPRESCRPlIook.ON Relieves distress from MONTHLY FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia B. Pinklaam's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also weak, nery • nue. feelings -due to monthly lunc- tlonal.dtsttlrbaUaes.It helps build up telstance ss cult days." against is Canada.f '-dlfn- wife, Mary. Mary, this is Ann Smith, Martha Jones, and Helen Gray." Have You Heard. Pretty young thing: "Why do they call all soldiers Dogfates?" Soldier: "This is why. The Army is 'a dog's life, we live in pup tents, we are given dog tags, live mainly on hot dogs, we us- ually have hangdog expressions on our fades, and they even whistle for us when they want us." _0_ Daughter : "13111 writes that his corporal thinks a lot of him." Mother: "H o w is that, dear?" "He says the Corporal won't let anyone else peel the pota- toe$," —0— A baker was delivering bread along his route when One of his customers hurrying home stopped him. "Have you left me any bread, Mr. Brown?" "Yes, ma'am.' "Se it today's?" "Of course, ma'am," "Well, yesterday's wasn't." —0— Teacher—"How many make a dozen?" Pup!?. --"Twelve." Teacher—"How many make a million?" Pupil—"Very few," —0— Voice from doorway of London air raid shelter: 'Ts there a mac- intosh in there large enough to keep two young ladies warm?" Voice from a darlc corner: "No, but there's a MacPherson hero who's willing to try." —o -- Husband: "You must think automobiles grow on trees." Wife: "Silly! Everybody knows they come from plants." Britons Get 750,000 Lemons From Sicily Sicily seems to be handling Bri- tain the lemon on the large scale and It is welcomed, says The Sault Ste. Marie Star, Three- quarters of a million lemons have arrived in the United Kingdom from Sicily—the first bulk ship- ment to reach that country in three years. No lemons will be distributed to the public. Instead they will go to men in the sub- marine service, Royal Air Force operational crows and inmates of service hospitals. U.S.Lend-Lease To Soviet Russia American'lend-lets aid to So- viet Russia, from December, 1941, through October, 1943, included: Nearly 7,000_ planes. More than 3,500 tanks and 195,000 trucks, jeeps, motorcyc- les and other vehicles.. 1,790,900 short tons of food: and other agricultural products, including 33,50Q tons of butter. 5,500,000 pairs of army boots. 16,600,000 yards of woollen cloth for the Soviet armed forces, 251,000 tons of chemicals. 144,000 tons of explosives. 3.,1.98,000 tans of steel. 342,000 to"s of non-ferrous metals. 611,000 tons of:petroleum pro- ducts. Nazi Bath Parade. As part of the work as prisoners of war, two Allied soldiers were detailed for duty a.t tate showers reserved for the Germans. A company of soldiers, admirably aligned in columns of five stood at attention, They marched at :a goose step and sang in chorus:. each soldier carried a rolled towel under his left arm. Then they proceeded in single filo to the shower roan, "Haiti Fall out! Undrees!" came the orders, and they all started uncdressieg. Naked bodies stood in file waiting for the non- com to bawl "March! Under the shower! Begin washing! Wash in front? Wash in back! Rinse your- self off! 14a8t1" Then still in files, they emerged from the showers, formed ill columns of five and departed, singing in chorus, almost at goose atep, the little Prussian noncom in the lead. The famed "Army Show" has been enlarged, and the cast split up into five units. These units are now Overseas, entertaining troops in the United Kingdom. i --- Honor For Former Airline Stewardess The recent list of Canadians honored by the King for die- ' tinguished service included Nursing Sister Edna Louise Belden of the Royal Canadian Navy, who receiv- ed the medal of Associate Royal Red Cross. She is one of eight stewardesses of Trans -Canada Air Linos who have -enlisted for service with Canada's armed forces. Nurs- ing Sister Belden, whose Thome is in Toronto, is a graduate of Wel- lesley Hospital in that city. She was born 1n Milton, Vt., and came to Canada at the age of three, when her family settled in Espanola, Ont. Site at- tended high .school there and later graduated NURSE BELDEN from LaSalle Junior College, Boston. She joined the staff of T.C.A. as a stewardess in April, 1941, and enlisted in May, 1942. Posted on operating room duty in a Newfoundland hospital, she was commended for her brav- ery and efficient work when a fire broke out in the Knights of Colum- bus building. 'She went overseas in September, 1943. Three other T.C.A. stewardesses have enlisted in the Navy, They are Nursing Sister B. Dundee, Toronto, who was one of the first Canadian nurses to join up, Helen P. Allshire, Winnipeg, and Patricia G. Rand, Toronto. Frances C. Brennan, Winnipeg, and H. G. Broad and Frances I. Smith, Tor- onto, are serving with the Air Force, and Elsie 115. Dunnett, Win- nipeg, is overseas with the Army. Six girls from T.C.A.maintenance shops have also enlisted for ac- tive service, CANADA'S NEW AMBASSADOR With a welcoming smile, Presidential Secretary Steve E'irly, left, greets Hou. Leighton McCarthyy-, Canadian minister to the U. S. recently elevated to the rank of ambassador as he arrives at the White House to present his naw-credenttats. OPERATING UNDER DIFFICULTIES The "surgery" is a dugout, four feet underground, deep in the jungle of Bougainville Island. Stacked packing -cases make the operating table. Sandbag walls and heavy log roof protect occupants from enemy fire. Here -a U. S. Army Medical Corps team performs an emergency operation CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BABY CRICKS Sl RUCELEIGH %vim% ILEGHOIRN xxxru PAY AIILITY 'Mar CHICKS THIS STRAIN IS A PRACTICAL, proven egg -producing type, with twenty-three years of steady production back of them. Tltey will pay well for good keep and care. This le certain, because they are doing this on our own far/n— one of Canada's largest egg -pro- ducing farms. Youget exactly the same breed, strain and grade as we raise for ourselves. Pou)- trymanagement handbook 'Sigh Pay Ability" sent FREE on re- quest. Get our price list. We ad- viee early orders. SPRUCE- LE1GH 1''A RM LIMITED, Box 350B, Brantford, Ontario. HERE'S THE GOOD WORD FOR 1944. The whole story is: Don't overbuy but do order all the chicks you urn sure you'll be able to enre for. Order early and get them from a dependable hatch- ery. If you follow those sugges- tione you may avoid malty .a heartache. 1Ve offer Government Approved stock from bloodteeted breeders that proved their fast gruwing, heavy -producing (10011 - ties. Free Catalogue, also laying end ready -to -lay pullets for im- mediate delivery. Tw.ddle Chick .Matcheriee Linuted, 1 ergue., Ont. G 0 V Ie 11N IC L N T ,41'Ylt0\`l.P, blood-teeted ,.hicks from 1410)1 Productive strains. Ten Thousand chicks available weekly. Immed- iate delivery on day-old and ¢tasted ehieks. Caywood Farm, Mount 11.,tmilten. DON'T CET CAUGHT IN THE swirl of last minute orders— ' order now, Even with heavy bookings we will likely he aisle to give you what you want. Pc- peciully order February chicks now. Ilruy Hatchery, 180 Sohn N., Hamilton Ont. POULTRY-'h.l.h;l'I'IRS, 13E SIRE of a goad healthy bunch of baby chicks this cooling -season. Good chicks mean good hensand mare eggs. Immotliute delivery on day- oeictfuotalguint lrIesa n uGor- ernment Approved ehlrlcs. MONK - TON poui,'rnl monk - (01, Ontario. TOO LATE — TOO LATE NEXT SPICING DON'T LET LT BE said "too lute." Send for our price list and order your baby chicks now, Ono dollar books your order. Goddard Chick 1311tan- oOnt. WHITE L10C,HORN PULLETS ready to lay and laying at reas- onable prices for immediate de - Hybrids. Free catalogue. Also day old Chicks for Immediate de- livery. Twoddlo Chick Matcher- les Limited, Fergus, Ontario, MAPLECREST QTJALITY CHICKS, guaranteed profit producers, popular breeds, prices. Maple - crest Farm, . Route 2, Copetown, Ontario. DON'T GAMBLE PEDIGREE SIRED BARRED Rock or White Le€barns and Pure Christie New Il'ampshlres re- moves all chance. Our prices aro very low. Special discount until Feb. 15th. Xs.ettlewell Farms, Essex, Ont, .. CA'I'ALOGUE — FRET] F REE — COLORED NURSERY Catalogue. Full line of fruit Trees; Evergreens; Flowering Shrubs; Perennials; Shade Trees; Rose s; Broolcdale-Kingswily Nurseries, Bowntanvil1 e, Ontario. DYEING .S GLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NE19D8. dyeing or cleaning? Write to ua for information, We are glad to nnstvar 'your questions. Depart- ment la, Parket''s Into Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street To- ronto. ELECTRICAL EQUI('a1 FINK' ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW. USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belt s, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd.,2326 Dufferin St„ Toronto. GRAIN 1x01 SA'Gl ASSORTED C AIi.LOADS Ole BAR - ley meal, ground wheat, whole oats and other grains for sale. Carlots only. The Atlas Grain Company, 'BBoard:. of Trade Build- ing, Montreal. EDUCATIONAL FASHION DESIGNING. A FRAC- Beal and thorough course, easy' • to learn by correspondence. To- rpoon oy ' o School 05 Design, 11399 MANNING DULL FANNING MILL (Kline) PROVE31 best seed grader. Screening re- illa dl A:ve., Toroetottrr{ng', 420 GARtIJ14N '019¢01001. WAN'relts WANTED, WALKING G.A. RUEN Tractor, 3 or 4' H.P. with some equipment. A. Warren, Box 1332' Lunenburg, N.S. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS HAIRDRESSING 9(1000L Lhi.A.R N ILII ISI00SINti THE Robertson method, tatormation on regttest regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad. ems,. 131 Avenue (toad, Toronto. HARNESS DRESSING SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING ---- Finest leather and .harness pre- servative. Slipit also has many household hardware nanat chain grocery, ratories, product of Lloyda Lab - roar BALM BAUMEEI{A FOOT BALM destroys .offensive odor taetaotly, 46e bottle. Ottawa agent. Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. FARMS FOR SALE 200 -ACRES, LOTS 27-28, CONCES- slan 9. Haldimand twp. Firat- class Olay loam, all under tractor cultivation, well Watered, two houses, barns, Hydro. telephone, daily mail, near school, church, store. Highway 46. Apply Cephaa Brlsbin,Fenella Ontario. Wooden Lifeboat Defies Flaming Oil A wooden- I10eboat that will not catch fire . even when passing through forty -foot flames in a sea coated with burning oil has been. perfected for use by crews of tor- . edoed tankers, many of whom perish 10 seas set ablaze by their burning cargoes, it was an- nounced in Britain recently. Its inventor, John Lamb, who was torpedoed seven times dare ing the last war, and' three com- panions tested it in a large pool covered with burning gasoline. The external: temperature was 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and the crew within the asbestos and canvas canopy was, subjected to 116 degrees, yet neitherthe crew nor the boat suffered. An asbestos hood covers the boat and a fireproof canopy over the cockpit gives further pro- tection. The boat is twenty-eight feet long, can carry thirty-three persons, has a ten-horepawer Dieselengine, radio transmitter, water distiller and sails. IMMEDENDas NEW AND USED IRON AND WOODWORKING d, MACHINERY. MOTORS - - - SUPPLIES' THE ALISON amonnSEnY COMPANY LIMITED 201 Siuteoe Street - Toronto 211. FARM FOR SALE—CONSISTING of 199% sores, with or without stock end -machinery. Apply to J. W. Fraser, Maxville, Ont. 110 ACRD`,, Goon CLAY FARM, ' Slmcoe Comity, good buildings, 12 acres wheat, 10 acres bush, near school, church, and store, on highway. Apply 69' John St., Barrie. IMPROVED 152 ACRE rARas. FOR sale. Near church and school, Guelph 5 miles. Drilled well; early land. Mrs. S. Harding, 122 Essex. St., Guelph, Ont. FARMS SUBURB -4.67 PROPERTIES. NORTH of Toronto. Apply R. H. Bane, Richmond HIE. Ontario. HAIR GOODS HAIR GOODS We manufacture the finest hair goods ever produced for men and women. Natural in appearance. transformations to'lad0 lesp. Pull $65.00 up. THE W. T. PEMBER STORES LIMITED 129 Yonge St, Toronto, Ontario t'HOTO G FLAP HY DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" THEY CAN'T 130 TAKEN AGAIN Get Liner "snaps" at solver cost — Prompt Mall Service. Send your film. rolls to Star Snapshot Service to be developed and printed. This is Canada's largest finishing stu- nrYoliorrtooCaada serving elastomers wok, Any Size Roll -6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25o Praising Star Snapshot Service, a customer at Windsor, Ont. writes: I suppose it's hard t0 give your usual quick service with help so Iterd toget, but as long as you turn out such fine pictures, . Wait—if 1 haus to wait" 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 26a Size 4x6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts 'I Enlargements 4s6" on ivory tinted mounts;. 7x9" in Gold, Silver, Cir. cassia° Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 590 each. If enlarge- ment colored, 70e each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal ,, Toronto Print- Your Name and Addres,i Plainly on All Orders. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO IMPERIAL FUR QUALITY. service end satisfaction. 6 or. 8 exposure filets 25c, reprints 8 for 25c. Imperial Photo Serytee, Sta- tion J. Toronto. 010..15 /0004000 FIVE POUNDS VIRGINIA AND Burley. Leaf for pipe $2.10. rive pounds Bright Virginia Leaf. for Cigarette,$4.00.' Postpaid with flavoring, Natural Leaf Tobacco Co., Leamington, Ont. 0(5111It 7`UIN V11350n8 AV 07)12911 TU Id VltitY VEN'PUli Lfat .of Invention¢ and full infor- mation sent free, The Ramsay Co., Registered latent Attorneys, 273 Hank Street Ottawa, Canada. I'A'I'EN 1'v t.'ltl'kiaRSTONUA 111)0 a COMPANY Patent Solicitors. 16st„bushed 189I1; 11 Bing W Tor onto. Booklet ortofurmn tion• -on re. quest. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS MEDICAL,. ARTHRITIS POSITIVELY RELIEV- 8d with Breenatone Crystals. Full, month's supply $1.00, Indian Remedies, Bos -115, Vancouver. BANISH THE TORMENT OF ITCH- . ing eczema, psoriasis, acne and pimple¢, Posts - Eczema _Salve will not disappoint you. Skin troubles respond readily to this stainless odourless ointment re- gardless of how .stubborn or, hopeless they may seem. Sent post free. $1.00 per jar. Posts, Remedlee, 889 Queen St. E., To- ronto. IT'S PROVEN—EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy. Sold only Munro's Drug Store. 885 Elgin,. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. MATTRESSES For SALE: NEW SPRING MATTRESS $16.95 —Delivered free to your nearest station. Yes, really- brand n0w.- Just what you have been 'waiting• dor. Thoroughly springfilled lux- urious mattresses of better qual- ity at lowest delivered price. Satlsfaetion guaranteed or money, back. retell actually save several, dollars on every one. Shipment 1n about 1 week if you order immediately. All glees,. Buy from the old reliable and Bend remit- tance to WHOLESALE SALE FURNI- TuRE,- 10 11.ulcet St.. Toronto. QUILTING I'AT'111395 QUILTING PATCHES FR021 inn's m1N'N Sro'.r1NGS OR Overcoatings, Sa15 6x9 9 x9. Trial package $Lori. Half yard lengths for boys' knee pants. Also remnants for ladies men's, children's clothes. LOUIS itIC.E, 361 Spaditra Ave., Toronto. PERSONAL "EL19AH C 0 1411 N G BIlFORE. Christ", wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y. RABBITS REAL ANGORAS "BRED FOR ..Wool" Select breeding stock. Des- criptive Polder free. Regal .Rab- bitries, Box T2 St. tarot, Man. RABBITS WRITE 10R. SPECIAL OFFER. and Price List, Pure Tired Red or. White - New Zealands, Jumbo Flemish, Chinchillas and Pedi- greed Woolly Wonder Brand" Angoras. We also buy Habbits for Laboratory work. State age, weight, sexes and quantity. The Derry Habbttry, Dept. D, 420 Church St, Toronto. ltUEVAL1.ri0 PAINS SATISS'1 YOU1iSDLI• EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or, Neuritishoultl. try Di*O0'S Rem- edy; Sold only MUunro's Drug Store, 385 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid 11.50. SWING 150.1 01157008 SEWING MACHINES $8.95 NEW WILLIAMS 012 RA,YNI/SDP. upright models, with two drew - err, $8,95. Latest modals, $1L95. LVllliams, Reymonds, Datan's dropheads, with 2 drawers 331790. Later models with 4 drawers, $10.0.5 Singer's upright11.2.95; later models, $1495. Singe; droll - heads with 2 drawers, your choice round or long shuttles 320,15 later models With 4 drawers, $32.05 Very latest 311.00 Singer Hand ltac•hinev WIthou t co Ver 911.95 with cover 4: 'and lock: $10.65 Crating tura $1.00 Al 1. above/neatened machines a r a re -conditioned in our machine shop and ore guaranteed to be in best working condition. Send money orderin full or 85.00 da- po51t, brllnce parable on deliv- ery. CANADIAN SEWING 1110-. CII1Nr CO., 117 EMI tit„ Toronto.. TAl'EIVORe9 ST011AC1i AN U 'PH REAL/ tV.0 IiM:S oflee aro t1hecavae of 111 -heal Lb. in humans all age!s.. No nueim- mune; 1Vhy not tiud out it this Is your trouble? interesting ptrr- ticuists—lri•ecl Write elulve,u,y's Remedies, specialists, TOroliio 3, Out, 11?StN 1 o'Tt . 01,1 0 INTO 04951 Ii1Ui:LI1S 1. 1,11 ice1 L'AIL) 1'O11. used into and t tt•11 teed and mashhug±' etc. also hu,r hag's ws. 111th h0i Write innnedtat5ly, tor- pr lees. LUN GUN BAG COM - _PAN U\'1'. • 111A1.5,1 115111 \`i 4N'11'U M.1,111111.1) MAN, I XLEPILNCI'ub,. for Istat farm house.,lights, milts. 011001100. Print and vege- tables ill season State llg6, .hint- Ily. wakes.: Give. eeferenees, ply W. C. Nieklr .oil,.. li.1t. 2, St Catharines.