HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-01-27, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS
Card of Thanks
Mrs. Thomas Craddock and Misses
TeaS and Marion Gray, wish to express
their thanks for the ninny kindnesses
shown duffing their recent bereave-
ment and for the many beautiful
floral tributes, and also to those who
loaned their carat and to Rev. • Hugh
Jack,and the doctor and nurse.
(Contlunecl from last week) We wish to congratulate' M. and
The ladies who pack the gift Airs. Ernest and Mrs. Jennie Knox on
Born -To Mr. and Mrs. E. Lairtl
Mickle, :Hansell, in Victoria Hospht-
s for our Forces three times having got' the Hydro installed in
al, London, on Jan. 19, a son, Robert boxetheir home and hope they may live
yearly have a stupendous undertakM long to enjoy it,•
Ernest. ing, We now have three dozen boxesThe Ladies' Aid, W.M.S. and 'Red
The many friends of Mrs. Bella to pack at Christmas time. I air Cross January meeting is to be held
her mer will en pleased to hear of sure the letters written by one of this Wednesday slay at the home of Mr.
her improvement following her ser- our members bring cheer and com- and Mrs, Thomas.Neilans.
ions illness. fort to our overseas lads and their We are' sorry that Mrs. Samuel
Mrs, Norman Stanlake has accep- replies reveal their interest and Ruddell has been laid up with minu-
ted a position at Cooks Grocery pleasure in the receipt of these let- monis but understand she is some -
Store: cera. what better. Her daughter and 'sis-
ul's A. M. Hunt rector of St. Last winter we were dismayed ter has ,been helping to care for
Paul's Anglican Church acted as 'µ,hen we received our' campaign her. We hope she will soon be to leer.
chairman at the recent vestry meet- quota, feeling the sum asked was star her. l health again.
ing held in the school -room of the beyond the reach of our community. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson spent
church, all branches of the church But how thrilled we were with the Monday evening last week at a fowl
showed a small . surplus. Following response our canvassers met! So we supper and euchre party at the home
officers were appointed. Minister's gratefully of Mr. and Nit's. Wesley Hogarth near
Warden -Mr. Wm. Fee. People's va sedrs specially{ their rrreha r- Summerhill, Other guests were Mr.
Warden, Mr. John Henderson. Vestry man Rev, John Graham, and Mrs. Thou as
Clerk, Mr. A. L. Case. Secretary- 813'.',„e'
Treasurer, Miss Mary Fee. delegate
to Synod, Mr. R. Ii., Middleton., Sub. fyo
delegate, Mr, A. L. Case, Sidesmen, wet.
Mr. Harry Lawrence and Mr. R. H. to
Micldletoti, Mr, Louis Clark and Mr. die
A. L. Case. Select Vestry, Mrs. Thos. of
Lavender, Mrs. Louis Clark, Mrs, R. supe
H. Middleton, Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin, we
Messers A. L. Case, H, Lawrence, lit
Robert Cameron, R. H. Middleton.
Auditors, Messers R, H. Middleton ba
and Harry Lawrence. C
L. A. C. Donald E. MacKinnon of tell
Clinton Radio School has been spend-
ing a furlough at his home here with
Mrs, MacKinnon and family. Cr
Miss Margaret Schwalm of the I
Wrens returned to her duties at mon- ow
treal this week after spenring a fur our
lough with her mother Mrs. Peter
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin of ang
Thames Road bisited on Sunday with hall
Mrs. Roy MacLaren and Donald, to.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hayter, Don- to
nie and Karen Joan of London vis- eel
ited recently with Mrs. Hayter's par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bell
Fl. Lieut. Peacock and Mrs, Pea- tri
cock spent a pleasant visit with the all
latter's mother Mrs. Grace Earpole. ion
The Red Cross Branch of S.S. 10,
Hay are holding a Progressive Eu- s
clue at the School House on Friday, ss
e. the k , i 1 Mason, and Mr. and
ndid result obtained. Mrs. Clarence Ball and David of Sunt
he entire finance eoinntittee nerhiii and "Mr. and Mrs. Warren
rked.,faithfully to raise money by Gihbings and children,
rtaiiunenta and various means Mrs. Albert Rapson, who has been
ptoyide funds needed for the sol- in St. Joseph's Hospital in London for
boxes and to help' the finances several weeks, was moved to the
the branch The carnival' in the home of her daughter and son-in-law
mer was. a great success and we in Stratford one day last week. We
uld like to mention the sale of the hope she will soon be strut enough
Ile brochure on Bayfield donated to return to her own home.
Mrs. Rhynas, also the money Mr, Wm. Taylor, who has' been in
sed at the fall fair by selling the Army for some time and wee
h dstmas tags and by a fortune wounded in Sicily after being there
ing booth. We would thank, for 3 weeks, returned home one day
Agricultural Society for the last week. We are proud of the boys
zes •offered for the display of Red who have gone and fought in one
oss work. way and another for their country
am sure the women members and freedom and are pleased to wel-
e Mt'. Erwin and Mr. Ferguson conte Willie home and hope he will
thanks for the comforts of our soon be thoroughly recovered from
rkroom at the Orange hall and the wounds, and any hardships be had
thank the members of the Or- to endure while away.
'e Lodge for the .free use of their Miss Helen 'McGregor is well en
and lighting. We are indebted ough recovered from bronchial pneu- NOTICE TO FARMERS
the village for the free use of the moniay. that she left on SaturayThe Egntondville Service Chopping
wn hall for money raising con- Jan. 22nd, for her school at St. Oath -
Mill is now handling western wheat,
-Ls and other uses. crines. We hope she likes it down oats and barley, and will always have
In the autumn a beautiful service there and enjoys her new school. them in stock if obtainable. Also
as held one Sunday evening when Thele have been two farm forum carry a full line of Shu' -Gain Conceit-
e three clergymen of our village meetings since the New Year, the tratos for hogs, cattle, and poultry,
united to make the service one 1st at the home of Mr. David and laying mash, shell maker, chick start -
g to be remembered by all. Watson Reid and the last at the er and pure cod liver oil. We have a
Those who have enlisted in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shep-mixer' to mix concentrates with chop.
ervices of our King and Empire herd. There was a good turn out at R. ,I. Kruse.
ere honoured by the unveiling of both meetings. The next meeting is to
Stop ! Attend
J. I. Case
To be held hi Looby's Hall
Mon., Jan. 31st
Starting at 7.30 p.m. 'sharp
Admission 'Free
Everybody welcome. -Entertain-
ment between Films
Dublin •
Purity Flour in cotton Odox Soap, 4 calces
• 98 lb. bag 2,59 P & G Soap, 5 cakes
Robinitood Flour in cotton Rinso, giant size pkge.
98 lb. bag 2.59 Castile Soap, 12 cakes
Royal Purple Calf Meal Fairbanks Carbolic Soap 250
per cwt. 4,00 6 bars
Royal Purple Poultry Lely's Toilet Soap, 6 cakes 250
Concentrate cwt. 4.50 Surprise Soap; 5 Oakes 27c
Royal. Purple Hog Tonic Super Suds, large pkge. 22c
83/ 1b. tin ' 1.75 s Disinfectant
Pratt's Hog Tonic, 23/ Ib tin 70c Rarle y'
Pratt's Lice Killer, 2x/z Ib tin .65 1b. bottle
Maxwell House Coffee; lb....390
amuwwwwwww McConnell & Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays,
Telephone 174
Jan. 28th. Everyone welcome. the honor roll on which we have be on Monday night of next .week. ' CLEARING
Hiss Esther i4iaclllwahne spent the thirty-seven names. Mr. Albert San. 31st, .at the bone of Mi•. and!Auction Sale
Woods is to be congratulated on his Mrs. Leslie Reid, of the road keeps .
week -end at her home in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale spent beautiful work on the honor roll and open. Stock, Implements and Furniture.
a pleasant holiday with relatives in we :would also mention Mr. Gren-
Michigan. ville Atkinson's contribution at this ST. COLUMBAN" Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer, has re
Rem hill of. Toronto, time. Messrs. . W. Westlake,. J. ' ceived instruction from the under-
nder- ltunclrecl dollars is required.
Mt the Mary p Sister Stephen Joseph has re signed proprietor to sell by public Lowest or any tender not necessat
spent the wek-end with her parents Howard and Mrs. George Elliott turned to New York after visiting auction in the village of Brodhagen, i7 accepted.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. E. Hempill. must be thanked for their kindness her mother, Mrs. Peter Eckert. opposite the chopping mill, on Wed- y THOS. D. WREN,
Miss Jean McQueen spent the in providing transportation to the Miss Mai;garet Maloney is visiting nesday, February 2nd: Sale to corn- Clerk of the Twp. of I-Ithber't.'
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Don Blood Donors Clinic. Perhaps others at. Timmins. mend at 1 o'clock sharp.
RiPily and Donna in Blenheim. might lie glad to 'help us this way. Horses — 1 clrivhrg mare, 9 years FOR SALE
Pilot Officer Gerald Passmore As reports will ecbe Siven by the old, single .or double; 1 Percheron 60 acres good farm land., about 11Fs
left for Terrace, B. C. after spend- members of the •executive committee BEECH. Ansi mare 4 years old, single or double. miles from Kippen. Hydro available.
ing a two week's furlough with his I have tried to give just a general We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Chap- 175 Roel: pullets. Steel bank barn 46x50, frame house,
parents Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. survey of the work but as my year man of Bruohn Lanes to our community 11,s tons of good choice clover hay. garage, 14 acres fall wheat, 10 acres
as President ends I wish to express on the John farm, 1'mplements _ 1 rubber tire buggy, ploughed. 5 acres good hardwood
Wohelo Class Elects Officers— my sincere thanks to the officers of 11ir. suet Mrs. N. J: 1.,
cutter, have cutter, carriage, 1 root pulper, cylin- bush, balance in grass. Apply to
The Januar meeting of the Wo- the' two units and to those of Hay -got comfortably settled in their new cher; also 1 root pulper slicer cutting Harry Caldwell, R.R.2, Kippen. Phone
Y g field for their splendid co-operation. house. box, 2 wheel trailer; 4 wheel trailer 667x14, Seaforth.
helo Class of the United Church was I know that without their loyalty Mr. Wilt Maloney had the good
held in the school -room of the church and• their excellent work, the work luck to bag eight red foxes. W1lf with stock rack, scufPler with: hiller, FOR SALE OR RENT
on Friday evening with Miss Gladys of our Branch in 1948 could not says he may have better luck with 2 grinch stones, butchering kettle with 100 acre farm on the highway be -
Luker presiding: The program coin- his chickens next year, stand; DoLavat cream separator,
R P g have prospered nearly new,colony house 7t9 set tween Seaforth ern 'Clinton. A frame
Tender y Jesus is Calling" followed roar then gave a very comprehensive •KIPPEN 7 eller with ltamea and Plenty of water. Apply to Wm. Living
Notice to Bean
We feel it our duty to point
out that Seed Beans may be
very difficult to obtain, and all
people intending to 'grow beans
should secure' their seed forth-
Yours very truly,
Fresh Durham cow, in calf, for
sale. Phone 665x24, Seaforth. Wm.
Tenders For Gravel
Tenders will be received at the
regular Council meeting in the Town-
ship Hall, Stage, Ont„ until pin.,
Saturday, February 5th, 1944, for ap-
proximately six thousand cubic yards
of crushed gravel, delivered on the
Township roads. '.Three-quarters inch
erush, flat rate. Township pay tor the
gravel. A marked cheque for .two
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Offic's in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30; p.m. to 5 p.m Saturday
evening, 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
meneed with singing "Softly and The secretary, Mrs. Robt. Scotch- house, bank barn, choice clay ,loam,
single harness, nearly new; 1 single.
by the Lord's Prayer. Miss Edna report of the year's work: Number fatness, c stop or Jwate F. Scott,lyR.R.mL Sea
read the Scripture ofpvolunteer workers 75, with 2 eo- Tuckersmith Farm Forum, conees- traces, Happy Thought cook stove Porth.
which was followed by the minutes, operating units. The number of art- stone 2 anch 3, ntet at the home of Mr, with pipes, cook stove, Climax; Em -
collection and Roll Call. Hymn
iclgs sent to division headquarters: and Mrs. Duncan Cooper on Jan. 24, pito heater, large writing desk, solid NOTICE
"What a Friend We Have In Jesus". Knitted 225, civilian 826, hospital with an attendance of twenty. After oak, Dominion organ, extension table, 'Wm. Bradshaw, your Watkins
The topic was most ably taken by 294 blankets, quilts, etc. 33, com- a lively'.and diverse discussion on ,2„ , round parlor tables, 5 kitchen Dealer, also agent Por 17. D. Smith Rc
Miss Gladys Luker. The Election of fort bags 12. Articles distributed to Yarm fo nm relationship to the fader- char s, 1 bed with springs, 1 bed with Sons, fruit and ornamental nursery
Officers followed: President Miss ation of agriculture, cards were en- spring and mattress, 1 iron bed with stock, Market St„ Seaforth, Ont
sailors, soldiers and airmen 32; vial- o p Phone 50.
Gladys Luker. Vice -Pres. Earl Dig -oriel hand to start the year 1944: j yed, Next meeting will be held at springs, glass cupboard, parlor rock.
Treasurer, Miss Elva McQueen. 15 lbs. wool, 500 yds, factory cot- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. er, new; 4 rocking chairs, 2 arni
Secretary, Miss Edna Saundercock. ton, 126 yds. flanelette, 4 yds, of McLean. A veto of thanks was tend- chairs, oak rocker, settee, Davis Sew TENDERS WANTED
Ass't Sec., Miss Mary Goodwin. Pi- rhnt, 15 ,yds. dress material 34 Bred Mr. and Mrs. Cooper. Lunch was ing machine 'with attachment, 1 small For S.S. #9 Tuckersmith, 10 cords
anist, Miss Gladys Luker. asst, Mise Batts for quilts. served by the hostess and lunch com- table, card table, wash stand, chant- of body wood, 14 inches long, maple
McClyniont. Conveyance Committee, Mrs. George Elliott then gave the mittee. bar set, trunk, lawn mower, 3 barrels, and beech, To be delivered by April
Messers Peter L. McNaughton, Ross treasurer's report for the year which Alladin lamp, rotary ash sifter, sew- 1st. Tenders to be in by Feb, 1st. Wil -
Forrest, Harold Dignan. Press Re- was most satisfactory: i CROMARTY era benches, overcoat with fur col- mer Broadtoot, Sec,•Treas., R.R.3,
porter, Mrs. Redden. Buying Com- hat, tie chains and a host of other Kippen.
p Receipts Donations, Y
mittee, Mrs, P. McNaughton and
Miss Margaret Shepherd. The fol- at
lowing committee was appointed to
look after the overseas boxes, Misses t
Violet McClymont, Erina Dipper, o
Mrs. Jack Corbett and Mr's. Kennedy. • d
It was disclosed that 15 boxes valued
at 85. each were forwarded to mem-
bers and adherents of the United
Church in service overseas. Miss
Ellis and class members desire to ex- p
tend grateful thanks to the congrega-
tion for their splendid response in
Making this possible through their
donations of money and other gifts. t
The class also gave the sum of $40 to'
Church Funds. The Treasurer's re-
port shows a small balance on hand.
The closing hymn "Stand Up, Stand
Up, For Jesus" was followed by the
Mizpah Benediction. Miss Elva Mc-
Queen who was responsible for the
• meeting directed several contests at
this period. A social Bonn followed.
Members and adherents of the
United Church are reminded of the
annual congregational meeting which.
will take the form of a Pot Luck
Supper to be held in the Sunday
School room on Monday evening
Jan. 31st. at 6:30. The ladies of the
W. A. are in charge of arrangements.
A large attendance is requested,
Misses Margaret Sangster and
Eunice Heist spent the week end
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, Alex. MrcRwing, Blyth;
Vice President, W. R. Archibald, Sea -
forth; Mgr. & Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid,
Alex. McEwing, Blyth; W. R. Arch-
ibald, Seaforth; Alex. Broadfoot, Sea.
forth; Chris. eonhardt, Bornholm;
E1, J. Trewartha, Clinton; ' Thomas
Moylan, .Seaforth; Frank McGregor,
Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton;
George Leitch, Clinton. -
John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F.
licKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter,
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact ether business, will be
promptly atended to by applications
to :any of the above named. officers
addressed to their respective post
Hayfield Ag. C 1. Hamilton of Aylmer r
Cpl. Mary articles too numerous to mention.
Society ,(dance) 950.72; 5 cash don- spent the week end with her par- No reserve as the proprietor has NOTICE
'ions $11.96, grant from Huron' ents, l sold house and lot at Brodhagen. Anyone wishing mineral for cattle
County $600; campaign subscrip Mrs. Lance Norris and son of Terms cash. or hogs, see your Watkins dealer,
ions 9801.96: fundraising events, Wyoming are visiting her parents. 1 Chas. Leonhardt, Proprietor. i William Bradshaw, Market St., Sea-
alendars, 96.00, 3 dances $158.95, The Marion Ritchie met at the John Prueter, Clerk, Porth. Phone 50.
raw on quilt and sale of 1 quilt home of Mrs. Houghton on Saturday Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer.
$30.95, sale of pamphlets (Bay-, Mn. Joseph Speare has gone for 1 For Sale
field) $10:50; 50 per cent. of cerin- an extended visit to Harriston and • BATTERY RADIO
val'proceeds $222.68,. branch fair Toronto. I A Philco Radia, never was used.
size for exhibit 95.00, Bronson Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Wallace and New battery. In first class condition.
unit fair prize 95.00, Blue Water family with Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Apply at The News office.
unit fair prize $6.00, salvage $8.48, Russel. WANTED TO BUY
collection at meeting $1; designated I Wanted to buy pigs, suckers or
donations to Greek relief 97,00. To- Celebrated 89th Birthday —,chunks. 3. M. Scott, Cromarty. Write,
al 62,3.77,96. I On • Janu, 13th Mrs, "Charles Kane or phone 42x13, Dublin.
lyxpenditures Ontario Division, of Mitchell was 89 years old. An and-
military work, 9167.51; civilian, ma-
terials, 9105.30; local purchases ma-
tenial, 97.91; campaign expenses'
$4.77, refund to Zurich for subscrip-
tions collected in error 916.00; des-
ignated to Greek relief $7.00; Aid
to Russia Fund $25.00, expenses of
3 dances $60.81, 1 doz. calendars
$2.72, administration and excise
stamps $2.89, work room supplies
94.61, Ont. headquarters, 85. per
cent. of campaign $1608.03= Total,
92,011.66. Gash balance on hand,
Dec. 1943, 9366.31.
Reports were then given by Mrs.
Fred Watson of the Bronson Line
Unit and Mrs. Russell Grainger of
the Blue Water Highway Unit, also
by Mrs. Walter Westlake for the
Finance Committee. Rev, John
Graham then took the ,'hair for the
with relatives in Detroit.
Mrs. Wilbur Dining and Bernice
spent several clays recently with the
former's mother, Mrs. Bell, who is
ill et her home in Exeter.
Miss Minnie Reid is spending the
winter months in Orlando, Florida. secretary Mrs. Robert t1 first
Mrs. Minnie Sangster received treasurer, Mrs. R. L. Bassett; vice-
word of the promotion of her son presidents, Rev. John Graham,
ReMrv. bombing
bombsAfrica gytrlp from England
o North
Douglas to Flight Sergeant. Douglas A. S. Colwell, Rev. D.
is serving with the armed forces in William L. Ferguson, Mr. Malcolm then back from North Africa by way
England. Toms; auditors, Mrs. M. . Prentice, of Italy.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin, of Mrs. L. Scotchmer; liaison officer, Fat Was in the; Fire —•
Thames Road visited recently: with Mrs. D. A.' Volum Malcolm; finance
Toms, - A near catastrophe, and certainly a
Mrs. Geo: Ferguson and Miss Violet Percyittrc, Mea, tragedy from the housekeeper's stand -
Hyde. Weston, R. H. F. Gairdner
Ten -Month -Old Baby Found Dead M. Prentice, W, Westlake, a Ferguson, point, occurred at the home of Mr-.:
geon Jr, Messrs. Wm. L. F g and Mrs. Fred Rothwell. The soft coal
In Bed. Malcolm Toms, A. E. Erwin, Charles.fire wasn't any too brisk for the chilly
The ten -month-old son of Pte and Gemeinhardt, Lloyd Seotchmer, G. day, and the lady .of the house sought
Mrs. Roy Smale was found dead' in Little. Ther meeting was adjourned to speed up the fire with the addition
bed in the early hours of TueadaY and closed with the singing, of God .of a little grease from the frying pan.
morning. The baby had been ill prev- Saye the King. Hitting' the hot but not flaming coals,
iously with, a cold but appeared' to be 'Hitting
grease turned to an explosive gas
recovering. The mother arose to at- in the. pipes 'and' chimney, A' small
tend to the older son and looked at I11 In England — tongue of flame burst through, ,ignit-
the babywhile up and found, it had Word has been received that Cap- Ing the gas, the resultant miniature
passed way. Surviving are the^par- . tain William F. Elliott of Mitchell explosion was almost as destructive
ants and one brother Jimmie. The was dangerously i11 in England. It is as a block buster. It took down every
father, Pte. Roy Smalet is serving understood that Capt. Elliott had length of stove pipe in the apartment,
with the army in Sidney, Nova been operated on for a ruptured ap- scattering soot and ashes far and
Scotia. I pendix with complications following. wide. — Palmerston Observer.
ant reader, Mrs. Kane knits a great, FOR SALE
Ileal as well, so her moments are Four purebred Yorkshire sows, 6
seldom idle. Friends are pleased that months old, .market weight. Gordon
she is enjoying such excellent health. Elliott, Bruceseld.
Mrs. Bane is a faithful member of
Knox Presbyterian church and a FOR SALE
member of the Ladies' Aid Society. 1 Pair of girl's tube skates. skate
Missing Overseas — • size 6, good as new. Apply et Thomp-
Mr. Roy Adair of Wingham has t'e son's Shoe Repair.
ceived word that his son Warrant Of-
ficer J. Leslie Adair, was' missing fol- Good big work team, for sale. Ap-
lowing air operation, Les, had been 1 to The News teem.
in England, since April, 1942, and dux- Ply
Mg this time had over sixty opera -I FOR SALE
tional flights to his credit: He com- Young Shorthorn bull serviceable
plated his sixtieth flight before age Apply to Gay Deviance Dublin,
7 -room house, good basement,
lights, hard and soft'water. Garage
on property, In good state of re-
pair. Situated on eorge St. A good
6 -room house, basement, lights,
hard and soft water. Garage. Locat-
ed on East William St. Worth in-
7 -room house, furnace, lights,
town water, on North Main street,
Farms For Sale
.100 -acres with house and barn,
good land, 4 wells on No. 8 Highway.
Well situated.
100 acres, McKillop. Brick house;
' bank barn, good clay loam, well un-
derdrained. Conveniently located.
50 acres. Grass farm, all seeded.
; A good piece of land, close to Dub-
lin with ample supply of water.
Insurance & Real Estate
ir, Phones 334 Seaforth, Ont. Res. 220
Christmas. He attended Wingham R R. #1
High Schooi and for a couple of years ��.
Prior to enlisting was. in the trans-' .FOR SALE
port business with hie father. In Aug -I Nine good York pigs. Apply Alvin
ust, 1941, ho reported to Manning Dodds, Phone 14 on 833, Seaforth i
election of officers which were as Pool, Toronto. He trained at Eglinton
follows: Honorary Presidents, Mrs. Hunt Club and graduated as an air FOR SALE
N. W. Woods, Mrs. R. H.P. Gaird- gunner at Jarvis in February, 1942.1 Two young calves for sale. Apply
1 t Miss A M Stirling He arrived overseas in April Leslie to Reynold's Dairy, phone 667r33,
per; President,
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
AU kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
• Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B.; Graduate
of University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete anis. modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic
Dr. F, J, R. Forster, Speeialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 3 to
5 p.m.
Free well -baby clinic will be . held
on the second and last Thursday in
every month from 1 to 2 pan.
, i '
. � Scotchmer; was of a quiet disposition and very I Seaforth,
t modest He was on re rs WANTED
Reliable young work horse. Apply
to Bob Archibald, phone. 655x16, Sea-
Receives T.C.A. Appointment
A former Mitchell boy, Stanley L.
Blowes, son of Mrs. Blowes and the
late A. J. Blowes, of Mitchell, who
was traffic .representative in charge
of Trans -Canada Air Lines, has been
promoted to city traffic manager. The:
appointment was effective January 1
Born in Ontario, Mr. Blowes spent
twelve and a half years with the Can-
adian National Railways ticket -of-
fices at Woodstock, Oshawa, Brant-
ford and London. He had seven
months ` as traffic representative and
ticket agent at the T.C.A. city traffic
office in Toronto and was traffic' rep-
resentative in charge of London city
trafc for two years before going to
Monument Works
Formerly W. E. Chapman
We invite inspection of our stock
of Cemetery Memorials
SATURDAYS, or any other
timeby appointment
See Dr. Harburn—Phone 105
Phone 41—Exeter—Box 150
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr. H, H. Ross' office. Phone 5 J
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr. W. 0. Sproat
Phone 90 W - Seaforth
Eye, Bar, -Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo
St., Stratford.. Telephone 267.
Spence's Produce
Highest, Cash Prices paid for
Eggs and Poultry
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Assures Security for over
One Million Partners
District Agent
(Essential War Industry)