HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-01-20, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS
Mr. Earl. Parlmer of Toronto spent
a few days hare owing to the serious
illness of his mother Mrs. Bella
Par hnon '
Mrs, Carter of London spent the
weep end with her parents, Mr and
Mrs. Wm, G. Bell.
Mrs. Wm. Chapman spent the week
end at the home of her • son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
• Mr, Donald : MCKaig, recently re-
turned from overseas, has gone back
to the military hospital for further
treatment. Donald is making a wond-
erful recovery and spent several
weeks • with his mother; , Mrs, Mary
Mcliaig and other relatives. •
Miss Mary • Hamilton of London
visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. A.
Mrs. Bella Parlmer has been seri-
ously ill : at Mrs. Saundercock's nurs-
ing home, suffering with an attack of
influenza, from which she developed
pneumonia. Her many friends hope
for a speedy recovery.'
W.M.S. Present Life Membership
The January meeting of the W.M.S.
of Cannel Presbyterian Church was
held in the School. room on Friday af-
ternoon with the president Mrs. C.
Hudson pFesiding, and opened by
singing "Give Thanks To God." The
Scripture, Psalm 65, was read by
Mrs. Hannah Workman, after which
Hall as soon es possible. Seaforth
and Exeter papers are quite accept-
able. '
There will be a Red Cross meeting
in the Town Hall, Hensall, on Tues-
day, Jan. 25th, at 8 pan, The executive
will meet at 7,30 p.m. A good attend-
ance is requested at this meeting,
The many friends of Mrs. Robt.
Bontbron will be pleased to hear she
is improving from her recent fall.
Mr. Roy Parlmer of Windsor spent
a few days with his mother, Mrs.
Bella Parham, who is seriously ill
with pneumonia..
Rev, Jas. Anthony of Exeter will
conduct the service in Cannel Presby
terian Church on Sunday at 11 a,m.
while the :Rey, Joseph Taylor is 0011
ducting sacrament services at Caven
Presbyterian Church, Exeter.
Mrs, Enoch Parker of Chiselburst
visited recently with Mr, and Mrs,
Win. roster.
Rev. Joseph Taylor conducted the
services in Carmel Presbyterian
Church on Sunday. At the morning
service the communion table, which
was Presented by a faithful member,
was dedicated, and the sacrament of
the Lord's supper followed. The choir
sang an anthem entitled "When I Sur-
vey the Wondrous Cross." At the
evening service Rev. Taylor` gave a
splendid discourse on the subject
"What We Think of Man,"
Miss Helen Swan is improving fol-
lowing her recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs, John Passmore have
received a cablegram from their son
Kenneth overseas stating his promo-
tion to flying (Meer. Congratulations
In Winthrop Hall
WED., JAN. 26
2.30 P,11i, Special Films for
School Children
8 P.M. Educational Films relat-
ing to Agriculture
Mr. W. A. Nicholson, North
Bruce, will address the evening
& support your local federation
A. Dodds, Sec. J. M. Scott,
BAYFIELD Tenders will be received at the
Mrs. Hudson led in prayer. An inter fi C atalafiions regular Council meeting in the Town -
Mrs. Hudson
on "Thankfulness" was
The annual meeting of the Public ship Hall, Staffs, Ont:, until 3 p.m.,
read by Diss. C. Hodson. The roll calla Ken. Library was held in the library room Saturday, February 5th, 1944, for ap-
vvas answered with prayer as the text Miss Margaret at oiitrec i, sir Ven on Mon day. The following officers proximately six thousand` cubic yards
word. A report of annual meeting of; with the Sirenswere elected: Chairman, Miss Jennie of crushed gravel, delivered on the
Huron Presbyterial which' was held inl jlying a furloughlnwith tl her
Manson; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Township roads. Three-quarters inch
Clinton on Tuesday was ably given! Mrs. Peter Schwalm Metcalf; librarian, Miss Frances crash, flat rate. Township pay for_ the
by Mrs, A. D. McEwen and Mrs, mice and Mrs. Robt, :McKenzie. Fotvlie. The board has a substantial gravel. A marked cheque for two
Joseph Taylor, and was most inter- Mrs. Hannah Workman and Mrs. balance, Members include Miss J. hundred dollars is required, '
eating and beneficial. Mrs. inc. Pat- Norman Staulalce were recent visit- Stirling, Mrs. T. C. Baxter, Mrs. Lowest or any tender not necessar-
terson read a poem entitled ".His Way ors with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brit- Rebt. Scotchmer, Mrs. E. Bassett, ily accepted.
Is Best." An interesting feature of ton and family at Dublin. Mrs.
Win. Ferguson. THOS. D. WREN,
the meeting was the Presentation of The annual concert. of S.S. 10, Miss Jose bine Stirlin left on Clerk of the Twp. of Hibbert.
a life membership certificate to airs. I4aY, which was posttooned owing to Monday to vpisit her sister, Mrs. Mac -
(Rev.) 7aseph Taylor, e n on yric of influenza evetiug Jan. 14,was
tinder Laren in Port Elgin. FOR SALE
Davidson, being made byMr. Robert McLeod, AB., left on Nine York little pigs 7 weeks old,
Daandy Me . Workman.
as- the direction ll aiof the teacher Miss to Apply to E. S. piers, phone 84513,
dress read by Mts. Si'or'itmarr• iiee Esther tendance?The chairman or thh a e even-
spending twoeweeksltturlou h with Seaforth.
Taylor, although taken by sure
made a fitting reply expressing her ing was Mr. Geo. Arm tro�ir Sltirrlay Leodarents, Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Mc -
th 'Mennoriam
HOUGHTON — In loving metitory
of Agnes Pearl Houghton, who passed
away Jan. 24111, 1942,.
Just when: your life was brightest •
Just when your years were best,
You were called from this world of
sorrow, •
To a home of eternal rest.
—Saclly missed by mother and the.
Card of Thanks
The family of the' late Mrs, •Cronin
wish to thank their friends and nei-
ghbors for many acts of kindness and.
sympathy in their bereavement, also
for the floral and spiritual bouquets,
and for the loam of cars.
Will be received until Feb. 29th by
the undersigned for supplying S.S.
#1, Hallett, with 10 cords of 12"
hardwood, to be delivered at the
school by July' 1st. Bert Irwin, See:
A pair of men's skates, shoe,. size
8. Reply after 6 p.m. to Wilfred
Poulin, Commercial Hotel, Seaforth:
Tenders For Gravel
appreciation. A season of prayer fol- pianists were r' t•• • •
lowed when Mrs. Taylor led in prayer and Aileen Munn. The program con- Mrs. W. J. McLeod and son Don wrist watch in Seaforth on Sethi,
25th, 1044
on behalf of "Missions and Mission- Fisted of the chairman's acidness. two ald left on Monday for Detroit to day. Reward. Finder please inquire at meat, election t 2fp.m. Financial
cries." Mrs. Logan led in prayer on the
by the
ecit tionsabyelcome four pu visit he0dauugh. W. thynas left on Mon- r. News 01flce. Govenloek, President; ,Mrs. J, A.
Young PeoP f • to accent1 the meet- WANTED Derr, Secretary.
Purity flour in cotton
98 ib. bag 2,59
Robinhood Flour in cotton
981b, bag 2.59
Royal Purple Calf Meal
per cwt. 4.00
Royal Purple Poultry
Concentrate cwt, 4.50
Royal Purple Hog Tonic
81/e lb. tin 1.75
Pratt's Hog'Tonic, 9Y lb tin 70c
Pratt's Lice Biller, 21/ lb tin .65,
Maxwell House Coffee, lb,...396
Odex Soap, 4 cakes
P & G Soap, 5 cakes
Rinse, giant size pkge.
Castile Soap, 12 calces
Fairbanks Carbolic Soap
6 bars 250
Lely's Toilet Soap, 6 cakes 25c
Surprise Soap,;5 cakes 27c
Super Suds, large pkge. 220
Rarley's Disinfectant
1b. bottle
Don't Miss This
Under auspices of .Stanley Fed
• eratiozl. of Agriculture
W. ;J. Nicholson, of North Bruce, will
show pictures and give a talk
At 2.30 for the school children of the
township and their teachers
At 8.30 for adults. Everybody welcome
Child's crib. Apply at The News
60 acres good farm land, about 11¢4
miles from Kippeu. Hydro available,
Steel bank barn 46x50, frame house,
garage, 14 acres fall wheat, 10 acres
ploughed. 5 acres good hardwood
bush, balance in grass. Apply to
Harry Caldwell, R.R.2, Kippen. Phone
657r14, Seaforth.
100 acre farm on the highway be-
tween Seaforth and Clinton. A frame
house, bank barn, choice clay loam,
plenty of water. Apply to Wnr. Living-
ston or James P. Scott, RR. 2, Sea -
forth. '
The Seaforth Agricultural Society
will hold their annual meeting in the
Carnegie Library on Tuesday, An.
behalf of le an tltm Jnmoig TENDERS
Mission Bands," and Mrs. Sangster Ails, chills, nrilkntaids, flower and rose day of TorontoNOTICE
led to prayer for c w• King and drilFather's Convention, ntion, Dialogues:
The Night Bee ing Mrs. the
Ma Margaret Ferguson was call- of body wood, 14 cit dhesttlong, maple Wm Bradshaw, your Watkins
ital Aid.
Country." The topic was most ably Pat r ed to B owing Dealer, also agent for E. D. Smith &
taken by Mrs. studyu from the intro- fore ChristThreentduets, d The T'Patt Tattle -tales, the sudden death of her brother, Mr. 158. Tenders 10 be i11 by Feb. 1st.R.11.31• Sons, fruitalsand ornamental mith &
Guidon to the etinbook on British Machineinter Broadfoot, Sec.-Treas., R.lt.3, stock, Market SL, Seaforth, Ont.
Guiana. The meeting closed by sing- Coming in on a Wing and a Prayer, Alex. Porterfield.
li t the Portal'" and the "Home on the Range," Two three -Part Mrs, T. C. Bailey was in London Kippeu,
jug 'Stant era to i girls,"While two clays last week
Lard's prayer in unison.Flocks," " �I • F A
Edwards Phone 50.
sones by Inc senior ds left on Satur- NOTICE TO FARMERS WOOD WANTED
Shepherds Watched Their oc.s, Ars. The Egmondville Service Chopping
Institute Hears Interesting Address and "Christmas Hymns." A motion Clay to visit friends in Waterloo and
Mill is now handling western wheal, live cords of body hardwood. Ap-
song by junior girls, "Christmas Lul- Kitchener. ply jos. T. I3ugi11 Sec, S.S. No, 2,
The January meeting of the Hem laby,' a monologue, "Several Cam• A wedding was solemnized in the oats and barley, and will always have McKillop.
s° Senior Institute was held at the plaints;' piano solo, Chautauqua Paakdale Presbyterian Church, Tor -
home obtainable. of Mrs. Claude Blower on Wetl- Waltz. The final number was a Page- onto, when Rev. Dr, J. McNeil trait- carry a fall line of Shin' -Gain Coneen- TENDERS WANTED body
nesday, San. 12, with Mrs. Orr co- ant ,'Start of Bethlehem," which tle- ed in marriage Charlotte Margaret flans
mor loshelldmalterachind poultry,
ostart wood, cleliveredtito Ws of ird uthtnapie• ool,
hostess. The president, Miss Gladys de-
picted the Christmas scene. Higgins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Luker presided over the program, The Sunbeam Dlission Band of Gar• Win. Higgins, Bayfield, and Lieut. er and pure cod liver oil. We ;nave a Tenders to be in by Jan: 26th. Wood
which opened by singing the Ode and incl Presbyterian Church, Hensall, Alex. Roech, Toronto, son of Capt. iuixer to mix concentrates with chop. to be delivered by April lst. R. J,
O Canada followed by prayer. Mr• met in the school room of the chalet James Beech. and the late Mrs. R' J. Kruse' Pethick, Sea-Treas., S.S. #10, Mc -
Claude Blower and Claudette sang a on Sunday for their January meeting.' Bosch, of Nottawa, Ont. 1 FOR SALE ,Qiri]gop, Seaforth, R.R.1. Wood 14"
duet entitled "0 Master Let Me Walk The meeting opened by singing two We congratulate Mr, Fred Wat- 1 Jersey heifer clue Feb. 1st. Sev-
With Thee," accompanied by Mrs. verses of "America the Beautiful," son, Reeve of Stanley township, on eral cows and heifers due in April. TENDERS FOR WOOD
Blower at the piano. The president followed by the mission band motto being elected warden of Huron 12 pigs just weaned, John H. Mc- Tenders waited for 10 cords or
gave a reading entitled "Theme song and text and the mission band prayer. county at the county council on Ewing, Blyth. Phone 23.14. more of maple and beech hardwood,
for living in 1944." Minutes of previ• The scripture was taken Uy Lila. Moir. Tuesday. 12 inches long, to be delivered at S.S.
ous meeting read, offering taken and The roll call was answeretl by thin. FOR SALE
work sheet passed. The roll call was The local fishermen are harvest- No. 9, McKillop, by Suns 1st, Tenders
answered by "A Notable Event of teen members and one visitor, During ing their supply of ice this week, be Two leather coats, in first class received up to Feb. 1st, George Ii,
the business red seals and life mem- ing fifteen inches and good quality,, condition. Would fit a boy 14 or 15 Leonhardt, Sec.-Treas., Walton R.R.2
last year." The motto, "Don't wall: bership certilcates were presented to The annual meeting of the Bay- years of age. Apply at the News Of -
this year to last year's cut," was very Lila and Betty Moh; also a blue seal field Branch of the Canadian Red lice. NOTICE
capably taken by Mrs. Eric Kennedy. to Betty E. Moir, and a certificate and Cross Society and the Bayfield and Seventy-five White Leghorn pullets,
The demonstration was a competition Blit to Arita I3ildebrandt. A Bible was Community Active Service Fund WANTED laying 85 or 40%, for sale. Wanted to
by school children and was a display presented to Betty E. Moir fol her was held in the Orange Hall on Mon- A. centre section for Massey Har- luny, old house or stable and colony
of art and craft. The representing interest shown last year. The story day evening with a fairly large at- ria spring tooth harrow, or a whole house, right away. J. A. Nichol, Hay
teachers were Miss Audrey Mania was rmad by 11115, Orr, followed by tendance, The meeting was opened set. Robert Allan, Brueefield, P.O.,. Ont.
and Mr, Blower. The judges were brayer by Douglas Moir. Tlie meeting with thepresident. Miss Maude -Stir -
Mrs. R. Y. MaeLaren, Mrs. A, R. closed with a hymn and the Lord's FOR le.SALENOTICE
Campbell and Mrs. Russo; Broderick. ling in the chair, Rev, A. S. Colwell A, stable for silo. Phone 22r4, ` Anyone ee ling mineral for -cattle
prayer• opened tha meeting with prayer. Dublin' Central. J. 'O'Sullivan• or hogs, see your Watkins dealer,
The prize winners were, 1st for art, Tho aimual meeting 0l the United The minutes of the la 1 t
"To Serve," Marion Sangster; and, Clnu•c1i congregation will be held on the
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-.
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:--
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening. 7.30 p.m, to 9 p.m.
last annus meet-
McConnell & Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
"The Fruit " Norma Sangster. 1st ice Monday evening, Jan, 31st. ing was readby Th
craft, "Truck," J}ick Lavender; nd' R R A Brook conducted services Stirling' then gave her report for the
hi T Bernice Sinks
William Bradshaw, Market St„ Sea -
secretary. Miss
he year as follows:
iii, the United Church on Sunday and e • 19
savings stamps is resenting inspiring
H splendid reading entitled f ons on "Half Truths hies were commenced in our village
"R •i Church" The ---mess T D M
"Cushion op, r In October 39 Red Cross activ-
ti rnessagea on
were awarded.Ruth
ess gave a
a series a Berm , The choir sang and for over a year we worked as a
from NI ar anti Saviour L
1 for the shipment of toys forward- Us, , I anon was granted its charter and
we became a branch. When motion pictures of an educe -
The report of these years is one tional nature will be presented by
of earnest struggle and accomplish- Mr, W. G. Nicholson. Aq address will
meat and to this we must add soy also be given by Poultry
W. L.fnoli'Whyte
r w Sorrow because early in the Marketing of Poultry Procducts as •
That Deceive ern.
everne 1 t .
A leiter of thanks was read two anthems, Thou Art My God" unit of Clinton Red Cross Branch.
Ntemorial Children's HoePi-
ilte a Shepherd Lead Then in February 1941 our organiz-
e Tuckersrnith Federation of
Will ;told a meeting on
TUESDAY, JAN. 25, at 8.15
In Seaforth Public Library
ed by the Hensall Institute. The over-;
seas boxes will be'packed by Febru-
ary 1. Volunteers were received for
making cookies for the boxes and the
packing connntittee are as tollows: o
Miss Gladys Luker, Miss Beryl Phatf, The Adult Bible Class held a pot, war Robert Hopson was reported discussed at the Poultry Conference
Mrs. Blowes, Mrs, Horton, Mrs. C. luck supper in the church basement missing at sea and last fall Pte. at Ottawa. Everyone welcome. Child -
Cook, Mrs, Norminton, Mrs, Smale, on Thursday night of last week with Stewart Cann made the Supreme ren specially invited, No admission.
1Mrs, Bell, Mrs. Stanlake, Mrs. Orr• an attendance of about fifty. After Sacrifice. Two others, Sgt. T. Scotch -
Letters were read from the following ward they held the election of offic-; mer and Flt. Sgt. John Armstrong FOR SALE
lads overseas regarding Christmas ors with the following result: Presida are reported prisoner's of war. Our One Durham bull ten months old.
boxes, Jim Campbell, Alvin Bell, Mon enc Mrs. Alvin Pym; 1st vice, Ruth liaison officer we hope masbe able Also one full speed Portland cutter
ris Tudor and Ray Foster. The topic Skinner; secretary, Mrs. -Alvin Coop• to help the next of kin in providing in Al shape. Also one brooder stove
on "Training the Pre -School Age er; asst., Mrs, George Davis; treas.; boxes to send to them at their prison hover. Apply to Elgin 'Nott, R.R. No.
Child"prepared by
Mrs. Steer, was mar, Mrs, Horace Delbt'idgo; asst.,' camps,
read by Mrs. R. Simpson and was Allen Johns; teachers, Delmar Slut -
most interesting. Miss Eunice heist icer, NIrs, Wm. -Johns, R, E. Pooley,
sang a solo, "When 1 Take My Vaca- Harald Bell, Kenneth Johns, Mrs. A.
tion in Heaven", accompanied by Pym, Mrs. D. Skinner, Verde Kellett,
Miss Florence Welsh at the piano. Mrs, Pooley, Alvin Cooper, Howard
The recipe sent by Mrs. Patterson for Jolms. Social committee, Mr. and
"white coolies" was read by Miss Mrs, Kenneth Johns, Mr, and Mrs.
Gladys Luker. The February meeting Franklin Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. :Mo.
will be ]field at the home of Miss Coward. Sick and visiting committee,
Gladys Luker, Feb. nth. The president Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pyin, Mr. and
moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Mrs. lbetnteth Johns, Mr. and Mr's.
Blower, Mrs. Orr, visitors, teachers Horace Deibr'idge,
and papiis and all those contributing About one hundred and twenty-five
towards the successful meeting, At. people of the school section gathered
ter singing the national anthem a in the Winchelsea school on Friday
social hour followed. c I night of last week andenjoyed an
Tlie Red Cross are making a drive evening of progressive euchre, crok
inole, etc, After Lunch was disposed
for the Russian Relief Fund and any of, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johns were
one having used clothing to donate called to the front by Mr. R. E:
are asked to leave same at Town Hall Pooley, who acted as chairman. Mr.
by San. 21st, I Ward Hera read an address to Mrs.
The ladies of the Hensall Institute Johns and Messrs. Gordon Penhale
wish to announce that they and the! and Lloyd Johns made the presenta-
War Service Committee will be pack -I tion of a kitchen suite, buffet, table
' ing between 45 and 50 boxes fol' the and chairs. Mr. and Mrs, Johns replied
Hensall boys who are serving over- very fittingly, expressing their thanks.
Mrs. John's said she would be very
seas, posetbly the first week in Febru-
ary. At present they have on hand
$105.71, this amount being left over
after the Xmas parcels were shipped.
Those wishing to add to this amount
may leave their contributions with
Miss Gladys Luker, before January 31.
Donations of white sugar for the pro-
vision of home-made candy will also
begratefully accepted. (The ladies
have some sugat on hand.) Anyone
• having magazines or empty pound
boxes, suitable for candy and cookies,
is asked to leave them' at the Town Want and For Sale Ada, 1 week 25c.
interested watching the children she
has taught grow up and take their
places in the community and else-
Mrs. N. Watson,uwho has been at-
tending Mrs, Ed Johns, visited at her
home near Iiiritten on Sunday. Mrs.
Johns is still confined to her bed, al-
though improving.
Mr. Harry Ford had a wood . bee
last Saturday afternoon.
As we write the story of the year 4, Clinton. Phone 847-5,
there are doubtless blots upon the
record but profiting from the mis-
takes and failures of the past, let towels and handkerchiefs for hos
all resolve that 1944, which we hope p -
may end this terrible war, may be ital pse : $eautiful knitted garments
the most successful year in history for babes and for older children ex -
of our Branch. c
Let each one u o
members ask "Have I done my best sweaters, socks, gloves,scarves, etc„
in this great work for humanity'?" for the armed forces made us all
realize the endless hours spent by
Everyone is needed by the Red
Cross and with such a variety of our women who knit that our sail -
work, no one can truthfully say, ors, soldiers and airmen may be
"There is nothing I can do." .So to prteeted from the cold.
make 1944 the best year yet depends As soon as a soldier is reported a
on each individual member. prisoner of war, at once from Eng -
New opportunities for service land is sent a Capture Parcel, to sup -
have arisen this year and I'm proud asked not vaihis mst n for a urgent needs. aree
to say that some of our members knitted goods for this purpose.
have been blood donors, Who can say p p
what their offerings may effect in the The summer residents of Bayfield
saving of 'precious lives! The need are very helpful in making and
for donors is increasing with the ac- sometimes supplying, knitted articles
tivity of our Forces and now 20,000 for our Branch.
donations per week are requested by We must remember too the child
our Canadian. Red Cross. ren of the Junior Red Cross, who
A •1 • ur town hall a vis learn in school the lessons of help -
iced admiration and the •urgently
f - ur two hundred needed, though less ornamental
bast pri in o
tory tea was given. Parcels for the fulness and generosity. The pack
labelling o e u s e
there was a display of the work done work is quite an arduous task and •
by our women. just here I'd like to voice our thanks,
Any child would be delighted to to Mr. Harold Brandon and Mr. W.
receive such a coat as those of scar- Parker for the transportation of our
let or navy material. These were -bales, free of charge, to Mr. Chas.
made for British War Victims. Then Toms for tying up of the boxes and.
there were dainty dresses and other to Mrs. Percy Weston and Mrs. C.
garments made by the units and by Toms for storage facilities.
our own workers. Fine warm quilts
were made for the people who had
lost all their home comforts in the Want and For Sale ads, 3 weeks 500,
Women's Corps were exhibited and ng and g
forth. Phone 50.
For Sale
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, Alex. McEwing, Blyth;
Vice President, W. R. Archibald, Sea -
forth; Mgr. & Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid,.
Alex, McEwing, Blyth; W. R. Arch-
ibald, Seaforth; Alex. Broadfoot, Sea,
forth; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm;
E. J. Treivartha, Clinton; Thomas
Moylan, Seaforth; Frank McGregor,
Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton;
George Leitch, Clinton.
John E. Popper, Bruceleld; R. F.
MCKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter,
Brodhagon' George A. Watt, Blyth.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly atended• to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post
7 -room house, good basement,
lights, hard and soft water. Garage
on property. In good state of re-
pair, Situated on George St. A good
6 -room house, basement, lights,
hard and soft wato". Garage. Locat-
ed on ]Oast William St, Worth in-
7 -room house, furnace, lights,
town water, on North Main street.
Farms For Sale
100 -acres with house and barn,
good land, 4 wells on No. 8 Highway.
Well situated.
100 acres, McKillop. Brick house,
bank barn, good clay loam, well un
derdrained, Conveniently located.
50 acres. Grass farm, all seeded.
A good piece of land, close to Dub-•
lin with ample supply of water.
Insurance & Real Estate
Phones 334 Seaforth, Ont. Res.. 220
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates • in First -Class
Dr. E. A. McMaster, M,B., Graduate
of University of Toronto. ,
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic
Dr. P. 3', R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 3 to,
5 p.m.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday in
every month from 1 to 2 p.m.
Monument Works
Formerly W. E. Chapman
We invite inspection of our stock,
of Cemetery Memorials
SATURDAYS, or any other
time by appointment
See Dr, Harburn—Phone 105
Phone 41—Exeter—Box 150
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr, H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5 J
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat
Phone 90 W Seaforth
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural • Institute,
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo
St„ Stratford, Telephone 267.
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices_ paid for
Eggs and PoultryPhone 170-W, Seaforth
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Assures Security 'for over
District Agent
(Essential War Industry),