HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-01-20, Page 7Pi les 1,th els Relieved @req this Medicinal Ointment Whether inbathing suit or evening dress y ou become very much embar- rassed by skin affections and irritations on the shotildcrs and back as well as on the face. Whynot do something about it—something worth while. Dr. Chases OINTMENT is a medicinal product on which you can rely for clearingup skin troubles of this nature as i , y well as itching and eczema, Mothers who are accustomed to use Dr. Chase's OINTMENT for baby's elfin troubles and eczema find it so delightfully healing and soothing that they soon acquire the habit of using it for' their own sldn affections. 60 ets. a box. Economy Jar, five times as much $2.00 Dr. Ciaitstsers How Can I?? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I prevent chapping of bands when they have been in water? A. The skin will pucker if the hands are in water for any length of time. But if rubbed with either vinegar or lemon Juice, it will make them soft and white, anti prevent chapping. Q. How can I slake waffles of griddle cakes so that they will all he the same size? A. Mix the batter in a large pitcher. They will be uniform in size and evenly baked by pouring the batter instead of using a spoon or dipper. Q. How can I make a cement for glass? A. Cement for attaching objects to glass eau be made by melting together one part of resin and two parts of yellow wax. Q. flow can I mend a woolen 11. sweater that has a large holo in it? A, Try basting a "piece of mater- ial on the wrong side and darning through the patch. It. will make• the darn stronger and will keep the shape of the garment. Q. How can I clean a very ;easy sink? A, Dust well with scouring pow- der and then sprinkle with am. monis. The ammonia will kill the disagreeable pdor and a rag and hol water will wipe out all grease. Defeated 4 southern Negro struggled desperately with his draft ques- tionnaire. After much sweating and worrying he gave up in de- spair, returned the paper with a notation: "I'se ready when you is." RUINED CHURCH IN WAR'S WAKE Cultural casualty of the fighting in Italy is the 1100 -year-old St. Thomas Cathedral, shown here with its roof destroyed and its donee a shattered shell. The famous church is reported to have been blown all by German units retreating during the bitter fighting with the Canadian's In Ortona. BARK MUST BE WORSE THAN BITE A fearsome pattern of smoke "'and flame belches from this large Gerinan railroad gun as it booms at the oncoming Russians. With t4nconscious humor, the German caption on this picture, received 1hr.ough a neutral source, located the cannon in "an endangered sector of the Russian front," which would place it almost anywhere he the thousand- miles between the Gulf of Finland and the Black Sea. HELL -DIVING H re's an idea o1 what Japs at Rabaul saw when '23 "Helldivers" ...reamed through some 80 Zeros and heavy flak barrage to leave Rabaul harbour an inferno of smashed ships. In photo above, landing barges circle as dive bomber roars down on,: "enemy shore." Employees Of Tea Company' Honored Newspaper advertising Itas been almost the exclusive medium for advertising products of the Saluda Tea Company throughout Canada and United States for 50 years, it was announced by company of- ficials in celebrating the 55th an- niversary of the founding or the company by the late Icon. F. C. Larkin.' More than 150 employees of Salada Tea attended a celebration at the Royal York, given by G. R. Larkin and his sister, Miss L. Aileen Larkin, in appreciation of employees' co-operation in meeting wartime problems. Thirty-four employees wile have been with the company for 25 years or more; were honored by presentation of suitably inscribed watches by Miss Larkin. The highest wind velocity ever recorded in the United States was one gust of 231 miles an hour in 1034 atop 'Mount Wash- ington, New Hampshire. fate iA Poultices of Mecca re love pain, brine out cotes, heals quickly; no scar. 25c, 35c, 50 , $1.00. G , R Sufferers of bleeding and Pro t r '1ding. piles should know Bunkers Herbal Pi]ls treat the cause at its source, Money back it the first bottle does not satisfy. Buy from your druggist. STOPPED QUICKLY 0ulchlsilmlitaoflctlm¢mloalmaa,rolhas 6� t , .r+;' calami otimna3¢ sausel to vase s •., 55, softie, of ,l, agststa proves it or money be k Relieves distress from MONTHLY FEqY ,k uw�ae e� 'lYlt Y�,. L EA' •S Lydia E1. Pinkham's Vegetable , Compound not only helps relieve �' monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous: feelings—dile to monthly fuile- ' tional.disturbaneee. It helps build up reeistp,nce against distress of "diffi- cult days." Made in Canada, Canada's Position In The Air World T.C.A. Laying Foundations For Future Of Aviation In Canada It is still too early to prediet the shape of . the world after the war, says H. J. Symington, I5.C,, Presiden t, Trans -Canada -Airways: It is true our thinkingle not limited to guessing and planning isgoing on but as con- ditione are continually changing it. seems to me essential that we remain flexible In our thinking and planning. The same is, of course, true of aviation, which wo all know will play an Important part in the world after the war. It has' coma so much to the front in the world picture, that it is now trite to say aviation has opened up new per- spective in human experience and international relationships, that it has, indeed, changed geography and given us a new world. We are conscious as never before of gobal air routes and already before the war is won, we are beginning to hold conferences; to formulate policies and to lay down plans for equipment and services. Much of our thinking about post-war aviation must per- force be speculative and the time has not come when the natione can throw them open for public discussion. « « * It is important to know, how- ever, that Canada is well aware of its strategic position in what has been called "the air world". The shortest routes between North America and Europe and Asia cross this Dominion. This gives its at once an opportunity .. and a responsibility and Hie Can- adian government has been quick to realize both. Some time ago, it set up an interdepartmental committee on international civil aviation which is making a thorough study of the whole question and which advises the government on procedure. The Trans- Canada r f •5✓/y"r� r U'kY t� ,‘fati LAVAL, Air Lines, too, is exploring all the ramifications, Trans -Canada has been desig- nated as the instrument of the Canadian Government In interna- tional air transport In addition to being given the responsibility of operating all main line systems In Canada, * 0 iy The record of the past year has demonstrated that the con- fidence the Canadian Govenment has placed in Trans -Canada Air Lines has been fully justified. Though not on a commercial basis, nor as part of its regular operation, T.C.A. actually began flying the Atlantic this past sum- mer, in a special government war- time service. Passengers on urgent war business and tons of important cargoes, and mails for the troops overseas, have been carried in large aircraft operated by T.C.A. crews. The volume of traffic in 1943 showed a considerable increase over the previous year, (Figures for the last three mouths are estimated.) Passengers numbered 141,000 an increase of 36,554, Mail amounted to 3.900.000 pounds, an increase of 1.591,189 pounds. Ex- press weighed 840,000 pounds, an increase of 477,I63 pounds, This was more than double the amount carried in 1942. Winston Churchill, in prepar- ing a speech, dictates to a typist because he distrusts shorthand notes. And He Worries About Breakfast! Back of an award of a `military medal to a New Zealand private lies the story of a small New Zealand force besieged in a strong point by the Japanese during the, Solomons fighting. The officer and the only com- missioned officer present were wounded and the cook took com- mand ommand of the, defense and directed It ably, holding off the Japanese all night and killing a number of the enemy. But when datv). came and idle fighting ended the coon began to look troubled, "What's the matter?" his buddy asked, "I've got to get out of here," the coo_Ic said, "I should be get- ting breakfast ready 11030." Kidneys Meat , Excess acids, poisons and wastes in your blood are removed chiefly by your kidneys. Getting up Nights, Burning Passages, Back- ache Nervousness, Rheumatic Pains, fre- quent headaches and feeling worn out,often are caused by 0ldney and Bladder troubles. Usually foes righteto work helping the dose neys clean out excess acids and wastes. And this cleansing, purifying iildney action, in fust a dry or so, may easily make you feel younger, stronger and better than in years, The Iran clad money -back agreement on Cystex insures an immediate refund of the full cost unless completely satisfactory. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose under this money back offer so get Cystex from your druggist today. CLASSI I.1 L•IJ ADVERTISEMENTS ILtill' CHICKS HATCHANO EGGS WANTED. \V1f require additional breeding fl oche all breech: to supply us with hut- ching eggs for 10.14 hatching aeasun 17oe1 s `riled mut bloud- tested f,ee of charge. uaruuteed pt'emiunt paid Also turkey leucite needed. rue:Iterate wanted: 11u•rr•d Atocks, White Lcghorns, White hocks and 111000 :Ausaratorns syllable for breeding. 30 rite fur - full detail+ irmuediatals. Box 79, 74 Adelaide teL West,'.Touoto. \Vt; lI 1\ b, e'l-Ilt.1118 10011 IMAM), late ship„le'nt and a II/lilted quantity of matted, for quirk or- dering, 1 aur February, Unroll and Pace. e hicks should b ul'ltet'ad now else. Pray IIa).h rv,] 130 John St. N., Hamilton, ant, C11O10E LAVING AND Alcor TO lay White Leghorn pullets at reasonable pei,us. :Also Barred Reeks 'inti Hybrids. Free cat- alogue Alec day oitt ,leeks fur Immediate delivery. Twr,ddle Uhl 1s 1ialnlierlcs Limited, Fergus,Unterlo. SPRI ct l lef(tll 'WHITI', I 1 GlIOBN 510(ill PA A ID t.rev li,iltl t'l1ICICS THIS STRAIN 1S 0. PRAInICAL, proven egg -producing. type, with twenty -11)100 yettr0 of atendy producition haelt of them. Thew will pay well I'or gond keep and care. This is certain, bemuse they are doing Hite on our own feign— one of t emir's largest egg-p1•o- Ullel116 fniens You get exactly the name breed strain and 10rad, 115 we false fat' ourselves. geed, mauagon0nt handbook "high Pay Ability” sent FREE nu re- quest. (lot our price list. 'We ad- vise early orders. — SPRIet el- L1IG31 1"AlU,I LIMITED, Box 300013, .10)1inlforrl, Ontario. AN 10((1A DAY 1VOU1.D DE \YEL- mime in every hone in Britain. Right now thes'r•e probably lucky to .get nn egg 't month, .Even If the wo' were to End tunorrov there win be a demand for 0gga. and other food pr0dilals'that we +an't hope 10 fill. 1\'e')•o front line 1lrodueers and as such we have an obligation to our front tine fighting altios. You can guarantee pr,.duel:iou (1)1d prof- its) next Fall by ordering 11t 0100 all 111e lPa'eddl0 Chicks you ran Bare for, Don't order more— eenuenie May have to ge short. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for immediate dettvsry, Free catalogue I.'wed Elie Chien Hatcheries Limited, 1''creme, Ont. 'UH) 00110 'TOO LATE rte NEXT SPRING 0011'T 1.101' IT 1310 its td ando rder Send for our price your baby chicks now. One doper books your order. Goddard Chick Hatchery, Britan- nia Heights, Out. WE HAVE SOME CHOICE WRITE Leghorn laying and ready to laY. pullets at reasonable prices. Also Barred Rocks and hybrids, Free . catalogue, also clay old chicks for immediate delivery. Tweddle (titch ernteherles Limited, Ferg- us, Ontario.. 11110101efs OPPORTUNITIES $7500 1..1t"1l19 - 0-ROOMI DOUSE; building 5,001] feet floor Renee, on Railway siding. Toronto twenty miles 111 health. R. IT. liana, • Richmond Trill. DYEING .0 CLEANING RAVE Eifel ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for info'tnatlon, Wo aro glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment ti, 'Parker's. Dye Werke Limited,' 791 rouge Street, To- ronto. ELECTRICAL Eq,U1 Ph11dNT ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW,USED,bought, sold, rebuilt; belt s, pulleys, brushes, Allen Electric ' Company Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St., Toronto. EDUCATIONAL FASHION :DESIGNING. A PRAC- tleal and thorough course, easy to learn by correspondence. To- ronto School of Design, 1130.1 Bay St., Toronto. CLASS! H ED ADVERTISEMENTS FA11200 FOIL SALE'` 200 ACRES, (.01x4 27-28. CONCES- aion 9 Bald inland twp, Meat - class clay lueuu, all under tractor cultivation, well watered, two house:, barna, Hydro, telephone, daily Mall, near School, church, store. 1Iigh1ay 45. Apply-teephas Lrlabin, Venetia. Ontario. FARMS $1'Y,CI:DAN PROPERTIES. N) 1I11013 of Termite, 35p13' It 1T, 1 aIle, Richmond 11111, Ontario. 11 APLI C119S1 QUALITY 11IICIiS, guaranteed p r a f 1 t piodttret's, popular breeds, prices Maple - "rest Farm, Route 2, Copctowa, ()Marko. 10011 SALE. ONE OI' rsottt MOST PROFITABLE rural businesses today is the FEED, MIXING: AND GRINDING Business. We have several good mills offered for stile in differ- ent sections of the 9i'0vinee. No egoist's -fee charged. If yeti can, get into this rapidly growing bus- iness .now. Box 73, 73 Adelaide _Sr. W.,. Toronto. 11P4 MT II ft the 13.11 UM lee E1(11 let it BALM destroys offensive odor Instantly, 45o bottle, Uuawu. agent, Denman Dreg Store, Ottawa. 19011111111E5111150 St111001, LLA 11 N HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information un request regarding classes, Robertson's Hairdressing Aced- emy, 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. l'llo'I'u(trtA i'FI Y PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Send your flim rolls to Canada's largest photo finishing studio GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE Any Size Roti—f, or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e A customer at Berwick, N.S., writes I want you to know haw Pleased I am with your wonder- ful wont and prompt 5000150" We have such letters from all overCun- ada. ENLARGEMENTS 3 for 260 4x0" in Easel Mounts. SPECIAL PRICES 'ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements UV on ivory- tinted mounts 7x9" hr Cold, Silver, Clrcus- Sian Walnut or Mark Ebony; finish frames, 59c 011511. If enlargement coloured, 79c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 125, I'oalal Terminal A, Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly on All Orders. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO. IMPERIAL FOR QUALITY, service and Satisfaction. 0 or 8 exposure films 25c reprints 8 for 855. imperial Photo Service, Sta- tion J, Toronto. 1,1eAle TOIIACCO FIVE .POUNDS VIRGINIA - .4N11. Rutley Leaf for pipe 52,90, hive. pounds Bright Virginia Leaf for Cigarette, 84.00. Postpaid with flavoring, Natural Leaf Tobacco.. Co., L ealningtou, Ont. MEDICAL ARTHRITIS rOSl'1`ivELY RE.LTI V - ed with l3veenatone Crystals F1411 month's supply $1.00. Indian Remedies, 73ox 118,: Vancouver. A T11IAL-EV1331t4 SUFFERER OP Rheumatic - Peino or Neuritis should t r y Dixon's 'Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, -033 Elgin, Ottawa. 0tgstpaid $1.00. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full enfor- matlon sent free_ The Ramsay Co.;. Reglatered Patent Attorneys, 273 1301110 Street, Ottawa, Canada, "NOW AVAILABLE" Lots Combination heed 101111—Can- ada's most profitable farts feed processing unit, Useful all year round. Fills silos, chops hay into mow, grinds gl•ain for hogs, cattle and poultry, and dove many other feed preparing fobs, 3 sizes. Write for free literature, GEORGE WHiTE & SONS CO. LTD., LONDON, ONTARIO Mfrs, White steel tlsresherx, alio fillers,. etc. Distrlbaten's John Deere 1'raeters and. Trnctor_En ulpmcn't. POULTRY GRIT POULTRY GRIT: WHITE LIME - stone in 100 Ib. bags. Immediate dollvory In carloads or smaller Quantities, write for samples and prices. STINSON REIMB SUPPLY Co., Limited, 5.585 Delorimler Ave., Montreal. I.A'I'ION'I'S FET 1i1A14S'r0N14AUel EI &, COMPANY Natant Solicitors. Established 18110; 14 -King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. PERSONAL "EL1J AH GUM 1 N el 13EFU1tE Christ", wonderful b001( free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y. PUPPIES 00014110,0 N.'.'L l rete, W lIL(,;kJ, A:.1) smooth female Terriers Golden Cocker Spaniels Black .Scotties,. one t rained Cnliit, Collies, Heel- ers 2 months 05.0 a It M. Miller, _Athens, Ontario,_..,,,._ ugnee1 c PATCHES 101(010 10110E MEN'S SUITINGS O.R. overcoalleg 6x18, 6x9, 9x9. Price train Ole up, per pound. Trial packaS'e $1,00. Also -rem- name Por l adlcs' men's, chttd- ren'o clothes LOUIS 1110E, 361 Spn.dina Avenue, Turente. RAW FU1tS. WANTED ONE 0401N OR THOUSANDS — 1T well pay you to ship to Ontario's rancho' -owned Fur Coup l le Live to receive the highest market prle,. Write fo1 shipping tags and advice forms Ontario lour Varm- ars' Co-upetativc .Limited, 50 Yorkville Street, 1001011 u.—.-.. ILHIBPaS REAL ANUUit.1d "1311100 1''0110 . ...Wool" Select breeding tuck. Des- . folder fr, e. Regal Gab `bitt•fes, Box T: St. Viten, Man, RHEUMATIC RAINS HAVOO Y 0 t HEARD AlaeLT Ulxot's Neuritis .and Rheuinut)o. Pain Remedy? It gives good' re- ' sults. Munro s Drug Stere, 355 Elgin, Ottawa. 1,11,-1 pal.; 81.))11, STAMPS .WANTED TIIINtDAO) STAMPS S1-'LC1A1e' ' 01.50 Value for 311e to 11000524 50500m't'8,. Stamps •0008111, Col- onial, 330x 554, Place d'Arntes, Montreal.... TAPEWORM STOMACH ANL/ THREAD WORMS. often are the cause of 111 -health In hunches all nf;es. No one im- mune: Why nut Tlnd out if this Is your eruuble? Interesting. 1iur- Heelers—Free; Write Mulveney's Remedles, Specialists: Toronto. 3, One.