HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-01-20, Page 2o.clay, as always, the 'Salada'
label is your guarantee of a
uniform blend of fine quality teas.
A Sugar Ally
Once again 'honey' comes to the
aid of the sugar bowl. By combin-
lug honey with sugar we are still
able to prepare
many desserts
for those who
have a "sweet
tooth" and
crave something
/4„ crave like the deli-
cacy given be-
Honey Nut Cake
2 cups sifted cake flour
2 teasppons double acting bak-
ing powder
34 teaspoon salt
cup butter or other shorten-
3 cup sugar
oup honey -
2 eggs
1 cup finely cut nut meats
?4 oup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
Sift flour once, measure, add
baking powder and salt, and sift
together three times. Cream short-
ening, add sugar gradually, and
cream thoroughly; then add honey
In thirds, beating well after •each
addition. Add le of flour and beat
until smooth and well blended.
Beat eggs until thick and light
and nearly white; add to cake
mixture and beat well, Add nuts.
Add remaining flour in thirds,
alternately with milk in halves,
beating very well after each add-
ition. Add vanilla. Bake in greased
9 -inch tube pan in slow oven (325
degrees F.) 1 hour and 5 minutes
or until done.
Honey Biscuits
Try this sugarless recipe and
note the results. You'll be de-
2 teaspoons double-acting baking
2 cups sifted cake flour
2 teaspions double-acting baking
3 teaspoon salt
5 tablespoons butter or other
3 cup milk
4 tablespoons butter
3¢ cup honey
Sift flour once, measure, add
baking powder and salt, and sift
again. Cut in shortening, Add
milk all at once and stir carefully
until all flour is dampened. Then
stir vigorously until mixture forms
a soft dough and follows spoon
around bowl. Turn out on lightly
floured board and knead 80 sec-
eaonds. Roll 3 inch thick and cut
with floured 2% -inch biscuit cutter.
Bake on ungreased baking sheet
in hot oven (450 degrees F.) 12
to 15 minutes.
Cream butter, add honey, and
blend. Remove biscuits from oven;
split `in halves. Spread with honey
and butter mixture. Put halves to-
gether and serve with remaining
honey mixture, Makes 18 biscuits.
Nine -Minute Battle
Nearly 100 Nazi rocket planes
and single -engined fighters made
a pass at the rear of an American
bomber formation over Bremen
last month. Nine escortig Republic
Thunderbolts, their Double Wasps
roaring, broke the enemy forma -
to, followed through the streams
of Nazi tracers and destroyed 17
of the enemy airplanes in a sav-
age nine -minute battle. Emerging
without a loss, the Thunderbolts
climbed back to escort the bom-
ber formation hone.
ETe. 3Oc& SOa
Trees In Jungle
Have Jap Ears
The trees have ears—Japanese
ears — in the Southwest Pacific
island and We worth your life to
be addressed as "Colonel" or,Sit."
That's why the United States
War Department said jungle figh-
ters have taken to calling their
officers by their first names.
Accounts from men and officers
on Bougainville island in the Solo -
mons indicate that formalities of
military life have completely
disappeared in jungle warfare.
A private may address his
commanding officer as Charlie
or Bob. Officers get code names
or nicknames. Japanese snipers
are adept at picking off the of-
ficers. So tho officer wears no
The enemy listens carefully
said the men. Snipers a few
hundred yards from a regimental
supply dump listened to the calls
going out from a field telephone,
Most of the calls were for
"Hipp," whirl' was the nano
given to a Major who was a
supply officer.
During the night the men said,
the Saps would call out: "Hipp,
you're wanted on the telephone"
Gibraltar's Apes
Are Disappearing.
It is reported from Gibraltar
that British Commandos have
been put on the trail of the Rock's'
famous colony of monkeys which
have begun to disappear.
It was suspected that Axis
agents were poisoning the apes
in order to upset the local popu-
lation who believe the' legend
that when the monkeys disappear
the British will leave Gibraltar,
The Lindon Daily Mall said ' the
Commandos, led by a British of-
ficer whose title. is "officer in
charge of pees," had been sent out
with strict instructions to clamber
over every part of the rock in
search of the missing monkeys
and that at the same time ape
"reinforcements" were being
rushed to Gilbraltar by sea and
air from Africa.
Slim and Suitable
Utterly simple, yet subtly.
dressy . . this softly tut two-
pieeer, Pattern 4441. A smart
woman's choice for every day
every informal ' occasion,
Make it up in a shall print, dark
ground, wear it with intense sat-
isfaction through spring, ,t)r
have it with jacket and altirt
Pattern 4441 is available in
women's sizes 32, 34, 36, 38, 40,
42, 44 and 46. Size 36 takes 8%
yards -89-inch fabric.
Send. Twenty Cents (20e) in
coins (stamps cannot be accept-
ed) for this pattern . to Anne
Adams, Room 421, 73 Adelaide
St. West, Toronto. Write plainly
Size, Name, Address, Style, Num-
Dave Bruce, out of a Job, sr -
rives at Wilbur Ferris' Cross -
Bar ranch. Curran, the foreman,
promises him a Job 1f he can
break a horse called Black Dawn.
When he succeeds, he discovers
Curran expected the horse to kill
him. A girl named -Lois rides up,
angry with Dave for breaking
"her" horse. She refuses to speak
to Dave even when he uses his
savings to pay off the mortgage
on the small r'an'ch she shares
with her foster father, a man
named Hooker, When Hooker Is
killed by a shot fired through the
window, Lois has Dave arrested
for murder. Encouraged by Cur-
ran, the local people have broken
Into the Jall and dragged Dave to
a tree where they are going -to
hang him. Among the crowd Dave
Bees Lois.
Disheveled, the clothes almost •
tore from the upper part of his
body, Dave was thrust forward.
"Here y'are, Miss Lois," shout-
ed Curren: exultantly.. "Here's the
measly slunk who killed yore dad,
1MM Mab 44:1
A man leaped from a horse's
back and led it forward. Dave
knew the procedure. The horse
would be driven from beneath
him, and he would be left swing.
Ing—the most painful form of
hanging, since it took a man per-
haps a full half -minute before he
became unconscious.
But Lois droveher horse for-
ward. "Let Iglu ride Black Dawn,"
she cried. "He broke him, didn't
Curran burst into a roar of
laughter. "That's sure smart of
yuh, Miss Lois," he cried. "Yeah,
he broke Black Dawn, and Black
Dawn's goin' to break hiin—by the
W 8 4
Lois bent forward and whispered
in the stallion's ear, then- slipped
to the ground. "Git hila up, fel-
lers," chortled Curran. "Bruce,
yore race is run, and yo're goin'
to do some real fancy high-steppin'
tangos. Say, ain't yule got no hal-
ter on that hawse, Miss Lois?"
he continued.
"Ile 'doesi't need a halter. He'll
stand till I give the word to go."
Curran roared with glee. "That's
"WI ain't got nothing to say?" sneered Curran.
and yo're goin' to have the honor
cf touchin' hint off, accordin' to
Dave straightened himself and
looked straight into the girl's
face. He didn't want to die, but
he had fucell death too many
times to flinch from it now that
his time scented to have come. But
through his mind old Hooker's
'words were netting:
"You promised me you'll look
out for Lois if anything happens
to me."
Those words, cut off by the
roar of the explosion from the as-
sassin's revolver, And, "She never
had a chance, poor 1r10."
Somehow it seemed to Dave
that he could go more easily if
Lois believed he was not old
Hooker's murderer.
The girl was looking straight
back at 1117u. in the darkness Dave
Could see the dark gray pools of
her eyes, as if -lit by an inner
Someone produced a rope and
flung it over the bough. Rough
hands laid hold of Dave and fas-
tened the other end about hie
neck, fashioning a hangman's
knot. Dave had ceased to struggle.
He would go to his death at least
with dignity.
"Git one of them broncs!"
shouted Curran.
sure some hawse," he shouted,
"Keep outer his way when he does
pit to morin', fellers, because he'll
move fast and quick. Fork this
hombre accost him!"
A little cautiously, for tate repu-
tatiou.el the black stallion was
known to all, the group that held
Dave -dragged him to Black Dawn's
side and raised him, forcing one
leg across and thrusting the too
of the boot into the stirrup. But
Black Dawn stood like a graven
image, utterly motionless, save for
a trembling of his flanks.
Dave wondered, incongruouely
enough, why they hadn't hound
his arms. Then ha renlelubered.
A strangling elan claws instinc-
tively at the rope by which he is
suspended, prolonging tbo agonies
of death and increasing the am-
usement that his hanging offers.
u M 0
Dave sat the black stallion dis-
dainfully, making no attempt at
resistance. But again he sought
Lois' eyes, and again he saw the
girl's eyes fixed of his. And all
Of a sudden it seemed to him as
if a triple understanding had been
effected—between himself end the
girl and the big horse. He felt that
Black Dawn recognized his mus.
tery of him,
"We're just about ready, Miss
Lois," shouted Curran. ",fust a
Lknow that no other natural cereal gives them such an
abundance of protein—meat's main element. Growing
children simply must have protein for normal growth
—adults fot stamina. Whose -grain oatmeal is also rich-
est of all natural cereals in vitamin Bi—needed for
sound nerves and top energy. So I serve big bowls of
delicious Quaker Oats to my family daily.. Nothing
matches that delicious nut -like whole -gram flavour.
No other cereal gives the same healthful benefits
stored by Nature in real whole -grain oatmeal.
Srama esnm ta.,,,,,-,,,'s.^.r•'rrrur=tescm'vrgral
'rbc qunlccr oats Comnnuy o! Cannan Llmltafl
P�OtaflPlm,M's>1 GINR$ffiGf:'APSE923` 'D¢.P^J..'^a �z^��+c.'IIvJ
—Get Quick
Just a Fein Drops Relieve Stuffiness .
Malue Breathing Easier .. Give You Comfort
elkkf !
It's grand how Vicks Va-tro-mol clears congestion
from nasal passages—gives sinuses a chance to drain.
Results are so good because Va-tro-nol is specialized
medication that works right where trouble is to re-
lieve painful congestion and snake breathing easier. �0
Try it—put a few drops up each nos- Ern
tril—follow directions in folder. �+
'moment, though. Bruce, yell might
as well- confess as how yah mur-
dered Bir. hooker, onless yuh
want to go to hell with a lie on
yore soul. Got anything to say?
Mebbee a last message for yore
loved and dear ones? Speak loud,
feller, we're listenin'."
Dave, lookhtg routemiituously
upon the grinning throng, return-
ed no answer. -
"Yuh ain't got nothing to say?"
sneered Curran. "Btebhe you'd like
to lead us in psalm? Well, yuh'll
talk plenty when yuh feel the
rope tiglnenin'. Which belly so.
we're ready for yuh, Hiss Lois."
Lois moved slowly forward. With
her eyes still fixed intently upon
Dare's, she had the nppearauce of
a sleep wall er, She stepped to
Black Dawn's side and )aid her
hand upon his neck,
(Continued Nest Week)
Keep your Mouth
Shut - - - - Or Else!
Heinrich 1i11111111er, chief of the
Gestapo, now requires Germans
to give financial and personal
guarantees that. they "will not en-
ter into any discussion about the
situation in Germany" before per-
mitting them .to visit a neighbor.
ing country, the British radio
Befare a visa is issued the
Gestapo makes a persounalluvest-
igtion, requites the deposit of a
large sunt of money and obtains
the signature of two relatives or
friends, who are thus threatened
with arrest . if the prospective
traveler floes not keep his pro-
mises, the bracdrast said,
The photo and diagram shown here are of an Italian Caproni-Campini jet-propelled plane that
presumably operates on the same principle as the new, secret jet-propelled, propeilerlese plane 'chose
perfection by British and U,S, engineers has just been annonneed. This Italian plane flew 1es miles
tri 2;z hours' on December 1, 1041. The first successful flight of the British plane was made in May,
19:11, The `rocket' or jet -propulsion method is basically simple. Air is drawn into the fuselage through
large intake vent under the nose and compressed in a rotary blower, Fuel is added in the combustion
amber and the gases then pass through a turbine and ate ejected at high velocity through a tail
nozzle. The rearward force of this jet of gas thrusts the plane forward,
Reservoir Of Wheat
Ready Far Europe
At least 1,000,000,000 bushels
of wheat, half of it in Canada,
will be available for shipment to
the hungry people of Europe if
the war there ends in 1944, the
Dominion - burdau said Inst week
in a review of the wheat situa-
Argentina and Australia have
a total surplus of 500,000,000
buehels -available for export,
while (hiitulian surplus stocks
stood at (370,000,000 bushels on
October 1.
."This reservoir of wheat would
seem to hold assurance that a
Europe liberated in 1944 and pro-
vided with adequate ocean ton-
nage would -not go short of
bread," said the bureau.
"Moreover, both- Canada and
the- United States will harvest an-
other wheat crop in the middle of
1944 and the United States is en-
deavoring to increase the acreage
under wheat for the 1944 harvest
by 14,000,000 acres."
Sloped In 7 Minutes
Your skin has nearly 50 million tiny seams
and pores whereerms hide and cause Itch-
ing, (necking. Eczema -like Rash, Heeling,
Burning Skin Blotches, Pimples, Ringworm,
Foot Itch and other skin blemishes, The
new treatment N!xodcrm stops the itching
In 7 minutes and goes right to work curbing
the germs and should quickly help maim
your skin clearer, sorter, smootherandmore
attractive --In fact Nixoderm must satisfy
urcompl completely
le or
'you get your money back
orom Mir fdempty y package. Get Nixoderm
worksandhow much better yon look. The
money-baelt trial offer protects you,
Here's Speedy Relief For
Ten* "Vin %
w s:
ming Feet
Your feet may he so swollen and
inflamed that you 11,lnk you can't
go 111101 her step. Your shoos may
feral ns II' they 111'e anoint lute the
fie.ele Pett feel 51,11 511 over with
the pain and torture; you'd give
anything to got relief,
'1'vo or three flpplisntlons or
�i"one'5 Iilmerald 011 and in a few
minutes the pain and soreness dig.
Nu matter how diseournged Sart
ltnve been, if yott have not tried.
Emerald Oil then you have some-
thine- lo learn. net' a bottle tnday—
nt n11 dillsstores.
if 300 are tl'uttuled with Ilehlug
cs01 lnctrsdolaytreatmentadrun therisk
letting this condition become chron-
ic, Any Itctntlg 01' soreness or
oninful pa355,0 of stool Is nature's
warning and proper treatment
should he secured at once.
tIOr this purpose get a package
of Hem-14e1d from any druggist
and use as directed. This ..formula
WIlioli Is used Internally Is a small,
easy to take tablet, will quickly
relieve the itching and soreness and
aid 1n healing the sore tender spots.
floor -lucid Is pl'easunt to use, la
highly recolnmei,dod and It seeing
the height of folly for any one to
1'1511 a ha1111011 and chronic pile con-
dition when such a floe remedy
may be had at such a smell cost.
tt YOU try Beat -701d and are not
ntliel5 pleased tvwith'the results,
,rnur money, ill gladly return
ISS.0 E 4--'44