HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-01-13, Page 8were much g ea g ANNUAL, >
hrnery from 1941 0 quantities of food products are still The Seaforth Agricultural Society
the chanes in Production demand but in short supply. •h ld their annual meeting in the
was won by Mrs. Geo. Smaie. The den, w Y will bel machine trade and the r
proceeds amounting to $14 will be son. The business was -taken up and will help
nery administrationnrde o plan ahead
used for "smokes" for the boys over- sides chosen with Mrs. Baynham and cand get repairs parts to plait
a on
seas. Refreshments were served. Miss Manson captains. The topic, amore equitablesi'
Following 'is the schedule for the `Out in the Fields with God. ' was Bet farmers have given
' Hockey League with all games ably taken by Mrs. Taylor. T tttBe, thought to, tools, notiv
to be played on Hensall lee: 'Jan. 14 meeting concluded by singing 'The Tiers; hoee hes, etc. includingc udg
—Hensall vs. Chielhurst; Jan, 17 — Day Thou Gayest Lord,"and the shows thea need Well,e atools
Zurich vs. Varna; Jan. 19 — Zurich vs. benediction. Contests were enjoyed swsthateli more and.. such as
Hensall; Jan, 21 — Chiselhurst 'vs. and refreshments served by the issme becomingn, and farthere.5s
Varna; Jan: 24 — Hensall vs. Varne; hostess. time
goese general, and
so far there. has
Jan. 26 — Chiselhurst vs..Zurich; beendistribution. Until 'some relief is in
Jan: 281 arnalhn, vs.: Reilsatl; sight farmers should conserve their
jam Varna Reeve.
Zurich. Referees Weekly Editor Looks present tools with the greatest care.
appointed, were Reeve, R.en E.or Shade ck.cru' At Ottawa When you take 'em out, remember
Lloyd Mouaseau, Hay, - Morris F arqu- to put 'en back, 'i a greed rule to
flan- Hensall, Hensall; -President MARrthbtur
— follow in this. wartime shortage.
Mnloyso,Zurich,sec.-treas., Arthur By Jim Greenblat. r
Finlayson, Zurich,
The late Miss Janet Forrest, highly Because of the importance of farm
respected citizen of Hensall, passed machinery, equipment and repairs as
away in Scott Memorial Hospital, related to the production picture in
Seaforth, on Wednesday, in her 78th Canada for 1944, and 1945, we are
year. In April Miss Forrest suffered a devoting this week's news letter ex -
fractured hip from a fall at her home elusively to certain phases of the
and ;since had been' unable to walk. situation, The information herein. IS,
Her death- was attributed to a heart officially on the "up and up" from
condition the result of an attack of machinery administration sources
Pleurisy. The: deceased was horn in and should be of interest to those
Stanley Township and had been a re- engaged in agriculture. FOR SALE OR RENT
sident of Hensall for 21 years. She Several facts are basic to the over -
was a valued member of Hensall Un- all picture, One is that while there Nydru Home Econemis+ 100 acre farm on the highway be-
Church and active in church erg- has been an increase in the tonnage Hello Homemakers: Do you know tween Seaforth and Clinton. A frame
anizations, Surviving is one sister, of materials for new machine6 in that more people in Canada feasted house; bank barn, choice clay loam,
�,n,"", �' relit on the food that they were able to plenty of water. Apply to Wm, Living - I
John and Robert of the Parr Line, number of them to meet the needs. purchase for themselves this sea- stf000l or James F. Scott, R.R. _ Sea-;
and William, of Ttekeramith. Foie- Relilacements will be greater titan son clue to the fact that their earn -
g greater. Large MEETING i
f mac ' t
rook Interment in Bayfield 19.13
rel services were held from the home ever before because of theextensive
, HENSALL • Born—To Mr. and Mrs, Glenn
MacLean, of Tuckersmith, on Mon -
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale are day, Jan, 10th, a son.
holidaying in Toronto, the guests of Miss Margaret Sangster of Exe-
Dr. and Mrs, G. Knapp, ter spent the week end at her home,
Mr, and Mrs, Morley Sanders re- Mr; Allen Cochrane of Seaforth
turned hone afte a pleasant visit with recently spent to few days with Mr.
relatives in Toronto. and Mrs. John.
Pt Wesley Jones of the RCOG
London, spent the week end at his Arnold Circle Meets—
home here with Mrs• Jones and Patsy. Miss Sally Manson 'was. hostess to
The many friends of that he s seri the Arnold Circle of Carmel Presby-
ouslyHorten regretin to frheaom a.
is seri terian Church 'on Mondayevening,
suffering from stroke at his:in
thisk when the president, Mrs, Melvin
The members which opened by singing a
Hundred Club entertained a number program,
home week.
a hers of the Ladies' Five Moir, presided over the following
of friends at a progressive Euchre hymn after which Miss Violet Hyde
party at the home of Mrs. Catharine led in prayer. The Scripture was
Jane Devlin on Thursday evening. read by Mrs. Norman Stanlake. Off -
Nine tables were playing and the ering was received and the payment
ladies' first prize was won by Miss of membership and birthday fees
Beryl Pilaff and the gonsolation.prize made. A reading, "Wings Over Jor-
" as read b Miss Sally Man -
distribute in the west section which
has to serve some 300,000 farms, or
a ratio of one in 33. Many farmers
will expect to make application for a ih
tractor for the first time because of
labor shortage, 'horses getting old
and generally to operate the fajrm
more efficiently. Such real needs,
obviously, are deserving of primary
A bright spot nevertheless is that
the supply of repair parts is grad-
ually improving and the time factor
in distribution has been overcome.
But—and this must be recognized--
there is still a shortage of critical
materials in the United States for
some repairs. As we are dependent.
on the United: States for some of our
supply, this condition may effect
Canadian farm production for some
time. All farmers are strongly `urged
to order their repairs early, which
Card of -Thanks
Mrs. Robt. Dawson wishes to thank
sr many friends for their ivany. acts
of kindness to her in her sudden sail
bereavement, and for the beautiful
floral tributes and :to those who kind-
ly offered their cars.
Card of Thanks
Mr, James, Riley, and family desire
to extend sincere thanks. for the
many kind expressions of sympathy
received during their recent bereave-
Molt, and also to thank those wlio
kindly loaned cars.
1n Memoriam `
In loving memory of William
Houghton, who passed away Jan, 9,
"Time has changed in many ways,
But one thing changes never;
The ntemopy of those happy days
When we were all together."
Boy's suit, size 15. Two pair boys'
skates, size 0 and' 7._ Apply at The
News office.
A Classic range, nearly new, Apply
to Mrs. Margaret Purcell, Dublin.
Wrist watch. Owner may have by
Proving ' exact identification and pay-
ing cost of ad. May write to Box 328,
Seaforth, for information.
60 acres good farm land, about 1%
miles from Nippon. Hydro available.
Steel. bank barn 46x50, frame honse,
garage, 14 acres fall wheat, 10 acres
ploughed. 5 acres good hardwood
bush balance 1p grass. Apply to
Harry Caldwell, R.R.2, Kippen. Phone
057r14, Seaforth.
Parity Flour in cotton
98 ib. bag 2.59
Robinhood Flour in cotton
92 Ib. bag 2.59
Royal Purple Calf Meal
per cwt. 4.00
Royal Purple Poultry
Concentrate cwt. 4.60
Royal Purple I•Iog Tonic
8% Ib, tin 1.75
Pratt's:Hog Tonic, 2% lb tin 70c
Pratt's Lice Killer, 2%/a In tin .65
Maxwell House Coffee, 19....39c
Odexc Soap, 4 cakes 19c
P & G Soap, 5 cakes 27c
Rinsch giant size pkge. 53c
Castile Soap, 12 cakes 23c
Fairbanks Carbolic Soap 250
Lely s 'Toilet Soap, 6 cakes 250
Surprise Soap, 5 cakes 27c
Super' Suds, large pitge. 22c
Rarley'13 Disinfectant
ib. bottle
In Egmondville,. lour rooms. Apply
at The News office.
For seven cords of hard maple body
wood, delivered to Winthrop School.
Tenders to be in by San, 25th. Wood
to be delivered by April lst. R. J.
Pethick, Sec.-Treas., S.S. #10, Mc-
Killop, Seaforth, R.R,1, Wood 14"
Tenders wanted for 10 cords or
niore of maple and d beech hardwood,
12 inches long, to be delivered at S.S.
No. 9, McKillop, by buns 1st. Tenders
received up to Feb. 1st. George H,
Leonhardt, Sec.-Treas., .Walton R.R.2
One Durham bull ten months olcl.
Also one full speed Portland cutter
in Al shape. Also one brooder stove
hover. Apply to Elgin Nott, R.R. No.
4, Clinton. Phone 847-5. '
on Saturday afternoon conducted by
use o
Rev. B and to greatema
Cemetery. than have taken place sutce that •Phis calls for intensive and eompre- willarnegie Library on Tuesday, Jan: '
C. Joynt was in Montreal on ' on the proper use 1 944 t o m Financial state i
Mr- T. time. hensive education 251 t, 1 a P•
business this week. Wide publicity has been given to of food, ment, election of officers, etc. J. 14I.
Mrs, Wesley Sones and Patsy visit- the fact that 80 per cent of the 1940 Our Dominion 'Government is
ed last week with the formef.'s par- tonnage will improve the situation Herr, ecr President; Mr J. A. '
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Corbett. i11 1944, but thatdoes not quite give launching a second nutrition cam- Derr, Secretary.
Reeve R. ID. Shaddick is contesting the correct impression, and may lead Paign, StPessi g. the conservation of NOTICE
t' isni and eventually hard food, dui.. -mg this corning month. rm. Bradshaw, Y
•d hi of Huron County. Bowl Columns will in- R our Watkins
the wa to overoptimism The Mianna ow
P.O. Gerald Passmore of Terrace, feelings. elude authentic information and Dealer, also agent for E. D. Smith &
B.C., is enjoying a leave at the home Those who control distribution of more economical recipes to assist in Sons, fruit and ornamental nursery JANUARY MEETING OF
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John av,ailable fain machinery and equip- this programme, It is then up to each stock. Market St., Seaforth, Ont. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL
Can be done NOW. By our new
method, all danger of frost is
If you intend to do any wall, or
floor work, we can do this work
during the next 2 months, But act
immediately, because we will soon.
have our books filled for 1944. •
Hugill Bros., Silo Builders
,T, E. I•Iugill, Sales Manager
R.R.2, Seaforth, Ont.
McConnell & Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, SrGlenn Hays
Telephone 174
Seventy-five White Leghorn pullets,
laying 36 or 40%, for sale. Wanted to
buy, old house or stable and colony
house, right away. J. A. Nichol, Hay
P.O., Ont.
Passmore, Ing are concerned with the needs of and every one to share and play Phone 50.
Mr. and Mrs, John Hazelwood of both Western and Eastern Canada, square with food.
Iixueefield have purchased the dwell- But in the west the purchasing power Food is fighting for freedom
Ing of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Simpson of the fanner has so increased in the everywhere in the Army field
o nearly nee he nee , , battle; on ships,
Owing to the epidemic of Influenza or the demand. It will, however, en- cooking goes m1 as guns roar e
the Christmas concert of 5,5. No, able agriculture to carry on if r'e- fiance at enemy dive bombers. Food
10, Hay, had to be postponed. This pairs are distributed to them in time is fighting in the liberated countries
concert is being held in the school
and if further conservation practices where there is white bread on the
who will take up residence' in Lon- past three years that the t t 4 allot-
lle i1 kitchens where meals are cooked
don. mems will not within sound of b tt d
rs rime •in ears and
co-operative m Canada has
tends a hearty welcome to a ra a use of new machines carried out. reduced more food this year than
payers and friends in the section to That is a prime point. m previous years, but the needs of
attend. Let us deal first with eastern Can war, and of the peace which will
Mrs. Wm. Chapman el Hay has ad. a, and here may we say—as ad- follow, will impose ever-increasing
moved into the apartment adjoining vised by those who know—that the demands upon our national larder,
the post office and is getting nicely situation applies pretty much the Co-operation on the home front
settled, same to Eastern Canada, Comparing will mean four It means
Mrs. Wm. Sangster visited in God- 194.0 with 1944, here is the lineup of producingfood,things:servin food,
erich with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Maw farm machinery and equipment for haring ood ad playing square
Laren this week. the West. Haying machinery is about shay food,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Dinnin of Cro- same, but there is a serious shor The Homemakers of will
marts have sold their farm to Mr. ,the
of power mowers. In tillage iml assume a great deal of Canada will
and Mrs. Bert Riley and have porch- plensents the number of units are al sibility along these lines. the res the
ased the dwelling on Main street of less in 1944 except 'blade weeders, .ear, women took the place of
the Foss estate in which Mr. and Mrs but these do not amount to very poen on the farms and became en -
Wilson Allen reside., many. Take tractors, for instance, thusiastic victory gardeners. This
Preparatory service will be held of which there were 12,713 sold in year there will be more exacting
in Carmel Presbyterian Church on 1940, but only 9010 available for demands on the kitchen shelf and
Friday evening at 8 o'clock and sono- sale in 1944. While it is true that Canada's national larder. We will
ntunion service will be dispensed at livestock equipment is increased, it have to consider methods of: 1. the morning service on Sunday, con will not meet the demand in view of Pro-
ducing still more food. 2. Conserv
ducted by the Rev, Joseph Taylor, changes in production,
on Friday evening, Jan, 14th, an are followed, custom work with Iiia table fol the $ t L Y
Miss Meliwaine, the teacher, ex- clu•nes is adopted, and fend fights at home.
Ing food, by careful marketing. 3.
1 Regarding repairs, the percentage Preserving food intelligently. 4,
The Exeter-Hensall branch of the available is good and some lines are Nutrithrift meals. b. Proper 100 -acres with horse and barn,
Canadian Legion are sponsoring a plentiful, yet it is known that repair Planningann methods, 0. Using leftovers.opl
bingo and dance in the town hall, parts such as motors, roller and ball advantageously. Add meats and onion, and blend good land, 4 wells on No, 8 Highway
Hensel], on Thursday evening, Jan. bearings, malleable castings, steel The fact that some foods .are well. Shape into 4 individual oblong 'Well situated. Mc7iillop. Brick horse,
13th, Good prizes and dancing to discs and shapes will be critical as difficult to obtain makes it Hetes- ulcer loaves and place in shallow bank barn, good clay loam, well un
Ilurdoch`s orchestra. regards supply for some time. It sary to share available supplies not oiled pan.
a es Presentation— might be, we are told, a year and a onlyamongourselves, but with the Make Barbecue Sauce by heating derdrainetl. Conveniently located.
Mission Circle M k P half before this particular situation fired Forces, the people of Great together 1/3 cup catsup, 1 table- 50 acres. Grass farm, all seeded.
Britain and fellow nations. If we spoon vinegar, .IA tablespoon Wor- A good piece of land, close to Dub -
Mrs, William Smale was hostess to is eased.of water.
the Mission Circle of the United There has been smite,
a production mi nd buy only what we need, we will be eestershire sauce, ' teaspoon chili lin with E. arnpCHAMBERtA a
Church on Monday evening and Mrs naturto ally has rsulted in a ser- taking a big step in the right di powder and 1 tablespoon chopped Insurance 8c. Real Estate
Howard Hyde presided over the fol -rection. onion. Potu over the meat loaves holes 334 Seaforth, Out, Res. 220
lowing program which opened with ions shortage of pumps, stationery Hand in hand with sharing the and babe 45 minutes at 350° T •,
1or the; engines, grinders, etc., despite the food is the need for flaying square basting once or twice. Servings: 4.
the theme song and 'Work
Night Is Corning." Miss Violet Me- fact that there has been an with food, and that means 'hying S,teveed Heart with Rice
Clymont led in prayer. The levo in these items for 1944. It is import- to the price and rationing regalia- ((Requested)
tional theme -song for living in 1944 ant to know that 52 per cent of the tions cheerfully and willingly. A few1 2 to
Til by Miss Gladys Luk- machines we buy are from the inconveniences or changes in our blespoo short (about 3 lbs.),
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build -
Ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, Alex. McEwing; Blyth;
trice President, W. R. Archibald, Sea-
forth; Mgr. & Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid,
Alex. McRwing, Blyth; W. R. Arch-
ibald, Seaforth; Alex. Broadfoot, Sea•
MAN Cruris. Leonhardt, Bornholm;
E, J. Trewartha, Clinton; Thomas
Moylan, Seaforth; Frank McGregor,
Cliuton; Hugh Alexander, Walton;
George Leitch, Clinton.
John E. Popper, Brucedeld; R. F.
McKereher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter,
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly atended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respectiye post
The next meeting of the Huron
WOOD WANTED County Council will be held in the.
Five cords of body hardwood. Ap- Council Chambers, Court House, God
Jos. T. Hugill, Sec. S.S. No. 2, each, commencing Tuesday, January
cKillop. 1819, at 2.00 P.M.
FOCI -SALE All accounts, notices of deputations
One pinto box cutter in good condi• and other' business requiring the at-
u• Also a McCormick Deering mil -
of Council should be in the
vato', good as new. Apply Market hands oi' the County Cleric not later
eet, to J. Burns, than Saturday, January 15111.
County Clerk,
Goderich, Ont.
Auction Sale
Of House Furnishings, at Haigh's
ore, Seaforth, on Saturday, Jan. NOTICE
th, at 1.30 p.m.: Anyone wishing mineral for cattle
1 Beach range, cream enamel, like or hogs, see your Watkins dealer
w; 1 Clare Jewel small range with \ iilliam Bradshaw, Market St., Sea-
,ater front, like new; 1 Moffat el- Math, Phone 50.
trio range, 1 Westinghouse frigid -
re, 1 Chesterfield, 2 chests drawers,
wardrobe. 1 kitchen dropleaf table For Sale
d cabinet to match, 1 day bed, 1
earn bedroom suite, springs and 7 -room house, good basement,
actress, 1 oak bedroom suite, lights, hard and soft water. Garage
rings and mattress, 2 oak chairs, on property In good state of re-
number of odd chairs; several air• Situated or George St• A good
mall tables, 1 sewing basket, 1 or- P
n, 1 kitchen cupboard, a number buys -•xoom house, basement, lights,
aon, 1 star 1 trunks rubber rtens-d hard and soft water, Garage. Locat-
agon, 1 large trunk, 2 odd dress ed on East William St. Worth in-
.& vesti atin
Terms cash. Harold Jackson, 7-10010 house, furnace, lights,
uetloneer; E. P. Chesney, Cleric.
town water, on North Maincstreet.
Farms For Sale
s a
was ably givene te.
ger. The minutes were read and the United States. Farmers may food f abits are not a great sacci- s booans cubed carrot, 1 stalk celery,
offering taken after which Miss Ellis evaluate their prospects ith when thent
y fico to make in helping to win this 1
gave the address entitled, "'Recipe are also totlhatantractor typesitand war* ° she Cllhi $e011/a oaspoon saltbljsaabOle-
For a Happy New Year,' which was certainty,
Most interesting. At this time Mrs. deisel equipment presents quite a Provide TAKE
oed box near your spWasltii eaaar and remove all veins
Hyde, president, made the presenta- different picture, with repair parts
tion of a W.M.S. pin to Miss Ellis, hard to get and little prospect of doorstep if the sun shines on the and t h fibres Cut in small pieces
Honorary President of the Circle. more than ordinary improvement' place where the bottle of milk is an
Miss Ellis, although a life member In short, official data on available left. Don't th nk that sunshine, just Drain and add boiling water Lo
of the W,M:S. for years, had appar- that despfarm ite thenincreases setic foes r because it's good 1or man and beast, coveSimmer r. Add cut carrotfor , onion and eel -
t is last her indeed original pin, therefore atructive for
ofml;iboilavnt'.is )igha v 1- M s hour and m lted butte Oar dhours. stn
this was ,w a pleasant s ngrre- being eon i er too, these calyeaare
to Miss Ellis, who made a fitting re being considered .as critical and uable nutritive element in milk. ittto the hot stew. Add the vinegar
ply. Mrs. Mary Buchanan was ap- should be so • regarded by those on 2. Peel potatoes and fruits just be- and stir until thickened. Serve with
pointed secretary. It was decided the production front, although every fore you cook and serve 'them. Vit a bo der ofe steamed rice, &prinkle
that the executive meet at .Miss Ellis effort is being, made to provide aurin Cis lost when prepared raw with chopped parsley. Servings: 6.
ubed onion, 2 table -
c oug 1.
d cover with water for 15 minutes:
nt to eos are
nable them to carry fodleft in a warm room,
home on Jan. 17th to arrange the equipme 3. Do use water in which vege-
programs for the year. In future on in their maximum effort of pro-
the- Circlewill meet on the first clueing an adequate food supply for tables have been cooked to make
Monday evening of the, year instead the United Nations in the great soups, sauces, gravies and stews.
of the second. A letter of thanks for struggle. dissolves in water and is
a shipment of toys to the Friendship Officials say it is still urgent for Vitamin ]31
wasted when cooking water is
House, London, was read from Missfarmers,everywhere in Canada, to thrown away.
rene Douglas. The`. meeting closed take all possible steps to prolong the 4. Don't waste electricity, pound-
T gage and food value in these crucial
ibyn Jesus"
and Mand We Have the stressof their machines. This Point times by"wrong roasting methods
in , aft' and the social
ah ben101- they uwithout is x und„to e nOnly for meats. Too -high temperatures
tion, after which a social hour fol when equipment i tiound,to be in be shrink meats in fewer servings and
lowed, unrepairable condition should it be
discarded or traded in. Discouraged rob them- of their Vitaren B1,
The Girl's' Dance Club are spore- by official sources is the practice of.-, * *
sexing a dance in the town hall, selling workable tractors from the RECIPES I
Iiensa11, on Wednesday evening, farm with the expectation of buying
Jan, 19th when Lionel Thornton and a new one. Tractors should be avail -
his Casa Royal orchestra of London able for those who need them most,
will furnish the music. This is the as there are not many for distribu- 1 strip bacon, 3/4 pound ground
first appearance of,this famous band tion. beef, % pound ground lean pork,
in Hensall so lets give them a This last injunction can better be 1 tablespoon chopped onion, 3!4 cup
hearty reception by all attending. comprehended when we repeat sta- dry bread crumbs (fine), 1/3 cup
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell and fain- tistics for Western Canada, as 011 milk, 1 teaspoon salt,
ily -visited. recently' with Mr. and example for Eastern Canada,, as well. with tuiad crumbs fco mn fik and salt.
ne and mix
Mrs. Alex. MacBeath. of Kippen. There are 9010 tractors available to'
uyn Barbecued Beef Loaves,
Late John Oesch —
There passed away at his home in
Zurich an aged and highly respected
resident in the person of Mr. John
Desch, who had been a lifelong resid-
ent of Hay Township, 'being of a well
known family of the Bronson line.
During most of hie married life he
farmed on the Goshen line north of
Zurich, until' he retired about six
years ago. Surviving are his wife;
foul' sons, John of Pigeon, Mich.;
Milton and Menno of Zurich, and Ed-_
mund of Hay Township_ , three laugh-
ters, Susan, at home, Mrs.
Gregor, Kippen, and Mrs. Norman
Gascho of Zurich; two brothers, Mose
of WetaSlciwin, Alta.; Rudolph of
Hay Township; two sisters, Mrs. H.
Walters, Nitchener, and Mrs. Bar-
bara Roth, Woodstock. .Interment
was in the Goshen line Mennonite
cemetery, with Rev. S. Peachey offic-
Watson & Reid
(Successors to James Watson) .
All kinds of Insin•ance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Dr. E. A. McMaster, M,B., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
mato-date diagnostic and thereuptic
Dr. F, J, R. Forster, Specialist in
Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and
Throat, will be at the Clinic the first
Tuesday in every month from 3 to
5 p.m.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
on the second and last Thursday in
every mouth from 1 to 2 p.m.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr, H. II. Ross' office. Phone 6 J
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat
Phone 90 W Seaforth
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday :in each month from 2 to
4 p.m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first
Tuesday in each month. -63 Waterloo
St., Stratford. Telephone 267.
Spence's Produce
Highest Cash Prices paid for
Eggs and Poultry
Phone 170-W, Seaforth
Monument Works
Formerly W, E. Chapman
We invite inspection of our stock
of Cemetery Memorials •
SATURDAYS, or any other
time by appointment
See .Dr. Harburn -Phone 105
Phone 41—Exeter—Boz 150
Sun Life Assurance
'Co. of Canada
Assures Security for over
One 1VIillion Partters
District Agent
(Essential War Industry)