HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-01-13, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS
'111F S1 Al+C)L'�'I"li \i.\VS by Edgar'Quesnelle, Toronto, Vol -portal of the opening year" was sung
Snowdon Bros., Publishers lowing the ceremony dinner was followed by the national anthem.
served at the Royal York Hotel. The Mrs, MacFarlane brought to the sec- NIr, and Mrs, ,Toliuston and Neil of
couple will take up residence in leliee as a New Years message the B
Mr. H. Aikethead, who has been in
Aiue al supper and meeting o4 tae, Funeral of the
r St. George's' Anglican Gould was held from the home of her seventeen ymembers with a verse of Clinton hospital since he lead the mis
churc gatial o son Jesse of Clarksburg. • The Rev. ecriptnre, The finauca conunittee and
"Church; Walton, will be held at; 7 p.m. g• fortaue to fall flown stairs a his.
on Wednesday, Jan. 19th, at the W. G, Presser front the United also the W.A. gave reports regarding home here two weeks ago, we are
home of Mr. and Mrs, Norman Sand- Church of Chesley conducted the the plans for 1944. Mrs. Jas. Hogg
ersori:service With the assistance of Rev. gave a temperance reading "Temper•- Pleased to learn, is now improving,
Cliurch on F. D. Roach of Ranema, Mrs. Walter area :from e. business standpoint' ''and expects to return home this week.
nSday, Jan St. George's
• it. 9th was. at 4 p.m. The Buchanan rendered a very beautiful Mrs. Frank Johnston, leader for Circle Mr. Wm. Douglas and MP. Flariy
Sunday, e reached and fitting solo entitled, "When 2, now took charge, the theme being
Rector, Rev. M. F, Oldham, i, p' 'Za fe attended the funeral of the late
on the Epiphany' and the lesson re- we've gone the last mile of the way". "Tire Bible for a.11 Canada's Children," Mr.John Gesell in Zurich last'weelt.
ceived from the visit of the three wise There were many floral trib333901
utes, n 662, "0 God our help in ages
men to Bethlehem.
Her only sister Mrs. Donald Brown past," was sung, followed by psalm Mrs. R. Dawson of. Inwood is visit•;
A special meeting of the U.F.W. of Fevershatn and only brother sur- 33, read responsively. Mrs, I. Tre-'ng with friends here.
was held at the home of Mrs. H. B. viving Mr, Thos. Hurst of Beeton wartha led in prayer. Mrs. H. Alex- Mr, and Mrs: Cecil Baxter of Gode-
Kirkby on Wednesday, Jan, 6th, with attended' the funeral, Her elder ender, the Christian stewardship secs rich visited with Mrs. xter sh and
lits Y i r brother M Joseph Hurst of Thorn brought before as the duties of a good
the chair, Airs, uc ably gave the topic from the second
'grave, president of the U.F.W.O., was ions. The pall bearers were her four chapte• 04 the our study book on "The
thought, "The Joy of •Che Lord is our elgrave were recent visitors at the
Late Mrs. J. Goin strength, and lo, I am' with you al-Ilnome of Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Haugh,
, late l4rs. John ways." The roll call was answered by
the chair. eirt, Mrs. W. S. Turnbull, n ro er r,
0 G Andersen of Bel- bury passed only five weeks prey steward, Mrs, Russell Bolton',- very Mr.'and Mrs, C. Haugh last Wedn'es
guest sneaker. Mrs. Anderson explain- sons; Russel o£ Redwing, George anBlessing 1 Health." Hymn 445 All Dr. Anna McIntosh Marg
aret 'and.
ed why the `U.F.O. affiliated with the Thomas of Ravenna and Jesse ofDavid, returned to their home in Tor
federation of agriculture, It was de- Clarksburg, her son-in-law Harold the way my Saviour leads me," was
Bided at the I7,F.0. convention thatWilson of Dublin and nephew Herb sung and all repeated the Lord's onto last Saturday after spending a
the women's clubs would be known Gould of Ravenna,. Six .Grand, Mover, week at the home of Mrs, NlcIntosh's
as farm women. Thus our club will be children; namely, Misses Jane, Wilma : The Red Cross Unit will hold their parents, Mr, and Mrs: C. Haugh,
known as "Walton Farm Women." and Laut•ine, Master John, LaVerne annual meeting and election of offle- Miss Mary Reid of Bayfield' is vis-
Minutes were adopted. The treasurer, and Archie Gould were flower ors, for 1944, on Tuesday afternoon,
reported a balance of over $60. Mrs, bearers. Interment was held at January 18th, in the basement of rhoitiug' with her sister Mrs. W. J.
- Elliott
Anderson presided during the election Union. Cemetery Thornbury, church, A good
attendance will be The 1r�.M,S, will hold their first
of officers, which resulted as follows: ----
expected, This is the last calf for meeting of the yeon Tuesday,
President, Mrs. W. J. Tarnbull; 1st
vice Pres., Mrs. IF. B. Kirkby; 2nd • NORTH McKILLOP clothing for Russia.
vice pies,; Mrs. 1'm. Leeming; sec:Jan, 18th:
tress., Mrs. L. Rowland; pianist, Missof The January meeting of Bethel Wo Mdays in Toronto this week. Russell Bolton spent a couple The Red Cross will hold their an -
Bessie Davidson; assistant, Mrs. Kirk- man's ;Association was held at the
hone of Mrs. Leonard Leeming. The Dual 'meeting, Wednesday at 8 p,nr.,
Mrs. Jas. Beer ' has thetelephone
crowd turned out to the play, "The: fug gave the call to worship and hymn The monthly meetings of the W. installed in her home.
Ready-made Family," which was'pre- 86 sung. Mrs. Leeming also read the M.S. and the Ladies' Aid Society
sented in the community hall. The dedication to our youth as Christ• were held at the manson Thurs-
inns. The Bible readings were then clay'- afte ernoon, with a good atteri-
proceeds were turned over to the `Li read and the introduction to the first
y; Press sec,; Mrs. W. D.
Turnbull theme of the meeting "The Bible tor'
Ms y
Despite the stormy night a good all Canada's/children." Airs: L. Leem- CROMARTY Jan. 19th.
brary ooard and second prayers. Prayers were of- Mrs. W. A Ma
E R 1 and Mrs D
cWilliam, president The annual meeting of the Wom-
Next Sunday there will be mission- teed byMcNichoMrs. ,witlheMra, S. Hilton of the W.M.S., presided at their en's Missionary Society of Burns
any slides, with lecture, presented to' reading a poem on "I ani the church meeting with a call to worship by Church was held at the home 01 Mrs.
the Sunday School. These illustrated -chool y f sew
of Jesus" swig; Mrs. 1 h,nnns
introduced 'this.
t is study y po ave the GladTidings - prayer. meeting opened by singing hymn
Don't miss Sunftay School. t e, r ' incsecretary; Mrs. Kenneth Mac- r
secretary, lord a temperance story. 571 and Mrs. Leo Watt read the
The annual meeting o4 the Sunday it
572 sung. The business part Of. Kellar, read the minutes of the No Scripture lesson, The minutes of the
School of Duff's United Church was the meeting was then held. Meeting ven'iber meeting and Mrs. Hill gave irevious meeting, and the Treasurer's
held on Monday evening and the fol closed by singing hymn 662 and pray- the treasurer's report, Both were 1
report, were read and adopted. Mrs•
lowing officers were elected for 1944: teras3se wed by the hostess.
tess.ainty lunch }iPSeventeen members responded to Robert Beattie gave an interesting
Supt., S. Johnston, asst. supe„ C. Mr, and Mrs, Martin Hiegel and the roll call with a New Year's meds_ paper on the first chapter of the new
Grainger, sec., W. C. Hackwell, treas., family' spent Sunday afternoon with sage. After the offering the dei tudy book, "For All of Lite." The
J. Shannon, pianist, Mrs. Kirkby, asst. Mr: and Mrs• Joseph Thornton. eatery
hymn was sung. ve an approp- following olficors were elected foi'
pianist, Elva Sholdice. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leeming N g
spent Sunday aL'ternoon• at the home slate New Year's address and led.1944: Ilonorary'presidert, Mrs. Simon
The Mission Band of Duff's United 0f
Church met on Saturday afternoon,
Jan. Sth, with 21. members present.
Meeting was opened by singing "Now
school." Hymn, "Tell me the stories the Bulging of a few verses o '.. James Leiper with a good attendance.
s are very interesting and have M Wm.Leeming eta } The president read
a wonderful
"For11 of Revelation 21. Mrs.. Thomas Scott, Mr's. Norman Shepherd presided. Tho
a wonderful educatiostai•value as well. 1 thet d book, a Sr •, g g
1'f M s Killen,
our' temperance
E$ and Bessie Davidson. in prayer. A well -reneged solo was McVittie. president, Mrs. Norman
sung by Mrs, Roy McCulloch en- Shepheul. 1st. vice pies., Mrs. Nelson
titled "Just For Today," Mrs, T. L.
BAYFIELD Scott gave a paper on New Year's Leat. 2nd vice plea„ Mrs. Wm. Be11,
resolutions for each clay of the 3rd vice pees., Mrs. George Brown,
again another year dawns:" Mrs. .The annual meeting of Bayfield Ag- week. Mrs. Sohn Hamilton read-'l'i•easurer, and supply sec., Mrs. Bert
McCall 'presided. . Charlie Turnbull i•icultnral Society was held in the'mrrent events and the meeting Allen, sec, sec., Mae Smith. mission -
'gave the Scripture reading of session Town Hall, Bayfield, an ,Wednesday, closed with a hymn- and the bene- any monthly sec., Mrs. Frank Mc -
four in the program pamphlet and Jan. 5th, with a good attendances The diction, .pronounced by the presi-
s auditors' report and financial state- dent. Lunch was served by MPS. 'Gregor, community friendship sec.,
Mrs. Broadfoot led in prayer. Mt anent was read, sisowing a good bal- MacWillialn, assisted by Mrs. Laing, Gladys Leiner, Christian stewardship
McCall read the story "Iiautama", itnee for 1944. The tollovving officers Mrs. T. L. Scott anti Mrs. McKellar. and finance, Mrs. Kelland McVittie,
after which Mrs. hirkby was called a.nd directors were appointed for the The Ladies' Aid meeting was eon- temperance sec., Mrs, A. E. Menzies.
to the chair for the election' and in Sear: Honorary Directors, D. H. Mc --ducted by the prpstdent. Mrs. Wil -
Naughton Fred Middleton Robt. 'ham Houghton, who .opened with a
spallation of the new o
minutes of the November meeting
were read by the 'secretary, Mrs,
Thomas Laing. In the absence of the
treasurer, Mrs, Kenneth MacKellar
react the report. Both were approved.
Tt was decided to subscribe to a
magazine digest for each of the
Crontar'ty troops and a box will be
sent to each soldier from the society.
As a means of raising funds a' num-
ber of quilts will be completed. .A
work committee was appointed.
The meeting closed with the nation -
1 The 'Younem g People's e Lord's
on Sunday evening with a good at-
tendance. The topic was taken by
the president, Robert Hamilton, in
the 'tbs encs of Mrs, Carter Kerslake.
short poem was read by Phillip
Miss Margaret Scott has returned
home after spending a week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rus-
Mrs. W. Houghton with Mr. and
Mrs. Alex. James and family.
Those Penhale. Pel Foster and Sam I-iouston; hymn. After the roll was called the
elected Were, Pres., Isabel Davidson, president. Albert Dunn; 1st vice
vice pies.. Doreen Coutts, sec,. Marie pies„ Murray Grainger; 2nd vice
Bennett, tress:, Shirley Bennett, plan -
Sits. li'red McEwen; secretary,
1st. Eaima Sanderson. After the instal- A E. Erwin; treasurer, John Howard,
Directors -- Tank Keegan, Russell
latien service the meeting was closed Grainger, C. Lawson. Thos. Snowden.
by all repeating the Mizpalt benetlie- Mrs. Ileo. Little, A. H. Warner•, Carl
tion. A treat of cookies was served: Diehl. John Howard, Wm: Sparks, As -
t'he cltilclren et the close of meeting. RatbtwelliiFrell iVafsMton,s. 5f!bas1eWallio.
Mrs.. Thomas
lade and sou John, #editors. Harold Stinson and Lloyd
5t5thline, of1Morris, visited et the home Sr. ot'hmer . Mr, ,fames Shearer. agric-
of 14Ir: and Mrs. Jas, Bishop. Mi's. ultu'al representative, of Clinton, was
present and addressed the meeting,
Biship is a sister. ,m,•;/t elating the society • for their
DIr, and Mrs. Geo. E, Pellard. Were financial standing and interest taken
in Durham Tuesday to improve the 1944 fair. During the
Miss Anis' Love of Toronto visited meeting A. IS, Erwin was presented
her mother and other relatives lately, w1th a service diploma by the society
fm• thirty tlu'ee years' meritorious
Mr, and Airs. Lawson Graham' of service a secretary, for which lie
Prince Albert, Sask., have been visit- thonkerl the society and wished them
ing at the home of her brother, Mr. 5 prosperous year for 1944,
Mr. and Mrs. iYni, L. Ferguson left
Frank Kelly, 8th.line Morris, and Withou 9lrinda)' 4m• Sudbury to visit: their
other relatives and friends. sort: ,iobn and. Charles,"Meg..." and
Mrs. Robert MacFarlane, McKillop, 3' n fes,
.visited at the home 01 Mr, and AM's. DIr. Sam Houston left for London
, , Saturday to visit his slaughter.
Harvey Johnston 8th line Morris, qtr. Diurdiwk Ross returned last
lately. week from e visit wit}tbis daughter,
Mr. Cameron of Lanark County, has Mrs. Davidson. at Woodstock,
been.visiting at the Hoene of his sis- Th- annnat meeting of the local
ter, Mr, and Mrs. Lawson Kearney.
of the Bible Society was held
in the basement of the United Church
on Monday evening, The meeting was
The annual meeting' of Zion Lad-
, Sift.. Colwell read the lesson, Rev. Mr.
fes' Aid was held in the church base- Graham then offered prayer. The sec-
ment with a representative atten- retary treasurer, Mrs. R. Larson
' dance, Rev, Mr. Risdon opened the reed the minutes of the last annual
meeting with prayer after which a ns'et.ing which were accepted by the
very satisfactory report of the activ- ni,eating, also showing that • $73.64
ities of the past year was read by was collected in 1348 and sent to the
opened tvitli the hymn. Break Thoti
the Rrearl of Life. atter which Rev.
The church service next Sunday
will lie conducted by the minister.
Rev. A. M. Grant, who will Mite as
his subject, "The• care and guidance
of .God." The Sunday School follows
the service, The staff of teachers has
hewn increased by the splendid addi-
tion of Mrs. Thos. flay.
Allan Cochrane has sufficiently re-
overed to be able to leave Mrs. Scut-
dercock's nursing home.
Dor. Henry lvison and Jean are
malting satisfactory progress after
the attack of flu. The neighbors, and
the. treasurer. The election for eine }nail office. The election of officers
Norman Long, and Willium,
ens for. 1944 was. held with•the fol- tor1944: President, A. E. Erwin; have been a great help in caring for
lowing result; President, Mrs. Reu- sec.-treas., Mrs, R, Larson, with the the chores.
ben Aikens; vice-president, Mrs. Al- ministers of the village conipr•ising Miss Jeait Long was home from
„xia Malcolm; secretary; ,Mrs. Law- the executive.
London for the tveeiteud and weleom-
rence Hannon; treasurer, Mrs. Elsner NIT. thigh Gilmour' and sister of the eel her father's housekeeper, Mrs.
G Seaforth
2n1 show starts 9,15
Eric Portman Ann Dvorak .
"Squadron Leader"
Amazing 1 Baffling 1 Breathtaking 1
MON. TUES. WED. 2n11 show starts at 9.15 p.m,
„Tom Neal as "Taro" Margo as "Tasha"
"Behind The Rising Sun"
Here at last is the picture tearing away the impenetrable veil of
secrecy surrounding the Japanese
NEXT THURS. FRI. SAT. Two Features -2nd show starts at 8.45
"Lady Bodyguard"
Eddie Albert and Anne Shirley
— Also —
"Henry Aldrich, Editor"
with Jimmy Lydoon
"Thank Your Lucky Stars"
1st show starts at 7.30 'each evening. Matinee each Sat. at 2,30 p,m.
VARNA • ' (Mrs. W. Moran) of London. There
Mrs, Lee McConnell, Mrs. G. II, are also six grandchildren and three
great Beatty and Miss Edith Beatty spent vived grandchildren.
lnaclsister, Mise Samuis el
week end in London and took in of Mc -
the show, "Blossom Time." 1 Etr•en of Bayfield. Interment was is
Stanley council held their Mang -Bayfield Cemetery,
ural meeting on Monday in the hall. ,Joseph Freeman —
The death occurred at his home in
Mr. Watson, our reeve, is in the 'Hullott Township, 04 Joseph Freeman
running for warden. All success to in his 87th year. The deceased was
h1111. t forget the euchre and dance 1 the eldest son et Henry Freeman
in Varna hall in aid ce and Eleanor 11ettle Freeman and he
Friday night
had been a life long resident of the
the Navy League. Everybody come, ' district. His wife died five months
Mrs. Jno, Smith had the W.A, of ago. Mr. Freeman leaves tomuourn his
St. John's Church on Tuesday after- loss, two sons Jaynes R. and Joseph
noon. H. of Hullett. Two brothers and six
Miss Lillian Elliott spent the week sisters survive, Robert and John of
end in Clinton, Hullett, Mrs, M. Crawford of Niagara
Varna hockey team played in Hen- Falls, (Hannah) Mrs, Henry Glazier,
sail and won 6=2. / of Hullett, Mrs, Margaret Riley of
A meeting of the W.A. of St. Constance, (Fannie) Mrs, Malcolm
John's Church was held at the borne Montgomery of Clinton, (Gertrude)
of the 'president, Mrs. M. Reid on Mrs. Thos. Glazier of Clinton, and
Thursday; at the close of the meet- Miss Jennie Freeman of Clinton, Rev.
ing a hot supper including chicken G. G. Burton of Clinton conducted the
was served by tbie hostess. funeral. The pallbeaa•ors were three
Gerrie Smith, W.D., RCAF,l Cent- gi,nittisons; Douglas, Harry, Louis
sulfa, spent rho week encl with her Freeman and three nephews, Pte, Ste -
parents. ' wart .Free, Victoria, B -C., Wilfred and
Roy Freeman of Clinton. The flower
Staffa.— bearers were Elgin Dale and Mervin
A beloved Staffa couple, Mr, and Glazier.
Mrs. Robert Lavery, had the great Hayter—Lovet—
privilege of observing their diamond Londesboro United Church Manse
wedding day on January 1st when was the scene of a quiet but pretty
relatives and friends called to extend wedding when Rev, A. E: Menzies
good wishes and cards and messages united in marriage Maureen Isobel,
of congratulations, gifts and flowers, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
also marked the glad event. Member's Lovett, and Charles Harvey Hayter,
of the Staffa United church W.M.S. second sola of Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
.presented then with a bible and a Hayter of Varna. The bride looked
plant. The marriage ceremony which ] lovely in a floor length dress of
•a• te
took place sixty )eats ago t t powder -blue chiffon over satin, with
Mrs. Art Ford of l fbbe•t spent a Cromarty manse was conducted by' powder-blue
stitching and a three strand
few days with her aisles Mrs. F.' Rev. Peter Scott. The bride was
Skinner, last week. 1 Janet Patrick, daughter of the late pearl necklace, the gift of the groom.
311', and Mrs, .T. Harrison or Exeter Ili•. aiid Airs, Andrew Patrlek, She carried Talisman roses and fern.
visited with Mr. and Mrs, Allen Johns Sufiu, and the Uricla„room was rife
Miss 1)001111 Lobb, 0005111 of the
on Saturday, ,to1r, 0t' the late. Mr, and Mr's• John lit air , was bridesmaid, with tran-
LAC, Earl Coulnis of Camp Borilen Lavery. Stade. Birth are enjoying `1't tut. velvet; she carried pink Vir
and Mrs. Coiitiie of Orpilra were trail- fairly cod health at the present rift(1 carnations, lir, Mervyn Follow -
nit oven' the week end at Mr. Nelson ,-.__ of the groom was best man, Follow -
Collins'. The boys gave thorn a chiv'
Cat Had Nine Lives.—
nri r.siis1Saturday night.Some rata surely mint he posseSS to the home of the bride where a
ATT. and Mrs. Fred Long and child- ed of nine lives, How many living wedding breakfast was served to
ren of near Atwood visiLecl at NTT. pass creatures concoulday tluongh that twenty guests, by Ruth Snell and
Will Johns on Snhday. terrible opera block fire last week, Leona Rapson, girl friends of the
through flames, smoke and water and ; bride. The table covered with a lace
• MaKILLOP escape olive seems almost impossible clout, silver candleholders and pink
John Mogi: died in Stratford Hospi- to betievo, i'ct it is a 'fact that stn candles wets centred with the wedding
lal on Dec. 19th in his 90111 your. He timal did. It. is an orautge colored mkt,. For travelling the bride chose a
tr brown and beige two piece dress,
was born in Logan on the farm where cat owned by James Anderson, bale brown tweed coat with brown acces-
he spent the greater part of his life, cr in the Webb Brtke'y, one of the
Seventeen years ago they moved to places destroyed by the fire. The sat'ie0 and or their return they will
llrodhagen where his wile, the lase eat was in the bakery before the
reside al Varna'
Emilia Sfemon, passed away'. Tiley great. blaze started, and Jimmy gave
were, married. ,Tan. 21. 1892. Mr. tip (tope of ever seeing it again. Papal loal)er Caters o
Magic was a very active member of
St. Peter's Lutheran Chtti•rh, was for
the ceremony the party returned
However, two days later. while Home Dress Makers
establishment. :,.41r. Al 1 Home dressmaking, the art of
choir, held office of the church corm- he would just whitle for his four- "making over, making do, and using
nim was Sunday School was
fora legged pal as he had done hundreds' what you have,” Li today practised
f thnumber of years.andtee a member of times before. Can one imams extensively in Canadian homes -- for.
se the inch. inee the
of the lure his surprise when be heard a faint ; in wartime, it is bout paitriotic and
sort. church. Since the imatlt of his .,5050 from his tabby? A speedy . tie:monricul t0 "Drake your . own
threwife. he has made his home with his search was at once instituted and things.
cher daughters. McKillop
Rudolph Fis-
c• ter (Annie), McIilla r• (Ella Mrs, pilaw was found wedged between fur some wonter• the making 0f
' ( i L 1 , two joists on top of the basement things at home bega0 with sewing for
fi. W. Ls. Alvin
@tar- wall. 33)'. Aedcrson soon released It the Red Cross, later developing into
also. Mrs. .1h'in Rose, George.
i Tie
s e sons, , r e Brod- ar- ^'0d on examination it was hone the the making of simple household ern -
also leave.. three a n , G n g worse for the experience with the Iles and clothing for the ramify.
81108, ,Edwin. ne shohn, and C ti
thes, London; one sister, Mrs. Katie exception or having about one inch Most rural women always have made
Kong,Brodha en• .1 .1 grandchildren. 0f its tail burned orf. The two pals some of their own and their ehil[lret's
g g .of
about again arm -in -arm, as things, but, today, many are nialcitng
tool 3 lacer. grandchildren, The funeral Soli
took place from the home of his son it were, Such an ordeal and such an almost all sgarments.prism
Rev. Wm.Schultz spoke escape must surely have been a mfr- It is not surprising, therefore, that
George, where R v. Sc t
comforting words. His three sons and acic. The feline is now rung a ie 'reports if. is now :furnishing more
three sons-in-law carried 11in1. to. his fire hall where. Fireman Anders reports with now
than at any
last resting Place. There was a. pr'ofus- sleeps.—Mitclull Advocate.' I tints readers
its seventy-four years at. any
ion of floral tributes and mission cards. Frigid,— I yic;e, lltal slug 1943, over 100,000ersorders
That a lady residing on West for dress patterns, crochet .and em -
Main ce, not far from the scene of ' broidery patterns, etc., were filled.
eard thet fire siteas ns fire, ,j ropen sd ! In offering a wide variety of pate
oof the siren y blowing, Stomped and : terns at nominal cost, the Family
out bed practically as she was and Hersld not only helps thousands of
bud -
Tan to the blew
door of her home.' housewives melt their wartime bud -
The door blew shut with her on the, got but snabies them to convert
outside. The door had a spring lock. household renuants incl the ftintily's
Her husband, we hear, is a sound old discarded garments into precious
sleeper, but atter some time awak- articles of clothing, many of which
aired through loneliness, we pre cannot today be bought. Adel to the
stone, and missing his wife, made a Family Herald's Pattern" Offers the
search fox. her. A bang at the door i Practical dressmaking information
drew his attention. The lady when given in its Women's Pages, the
let in looked as frigid as a native o£ healthful recipes, the timely, eeanom-
Baffin's Land.—Mitchell Advocate. ifeel wartime helps, and utero you
Mrs. S. Houston, Bayfield — have sound reasons for the Family
Mrs. Samuel C. Houston died,at Herald's continued popularity in over
her home hi Bayfield after an illness 300,000 Canadian homes.
extending over a few weeks. The de-
ceased woman, whose maiden name
was Mary Anil Harrison, was born in 60th Wedding Anniversary —
Bayfield in 1858, the daughter of' Mr, and Mrs. Stephen Webb, of
William Harrison and Catherine Grand Bend, celebrated the nth an -
Keefe. She was married in 1884 to niversaty of their marriage on 'New
Samuel C. Houston. Following their Year's day, when a,family gathering
marriage they resided 1n Listowel and with held at .the home of ,,their dose
Varna for short periods before going ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fink.
to make their home on the farm on bebner of Shipka. Five sons and (ba-
the Blue Water. highway now owned ghters with their families were Pre-
by their son. About 27 years ago they sent and two daughters, of Toronto
retired to Bayfield. Mrs. Houston was and a son of Lansing,' Mich., were
of a cheerful and happy disposition unable to be there, Mr. Webb is in
and was known as a kindly neighbor. his'87th year and Mrs. Webb, whose
Surviving are her husband, two sons, maiden name was Jennie Love, is 80
John of Fir Mountain, Sask., and Carl -years of age and both are enjoying
of the Hine Water highway, Stanley good health, Many friends called dur-
Township, and a daughter Ruth ing the day to offer best wishes.
cleaning' up the ruins in the Webb
snore than 20 years a member of the • nderson thought
t t1 the 1's, II v Herald and Weekly. Star
Kleinfeldt. During. the 'afternoon a 211d concession, Stanley, moved in to Hayward Mrs, John T. Arbuckle and sons,
quilt was completed by the ladies Mr. Robt. Penhale's resile ce on the Little Ronald Anderson is suffering
Jimmy and Billy, returned to their a dainty lunch served by a group square last week. We welcome them p •on bronchia pnetnn home in Toronto after spendingsev-
eral weeks with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Querengesser,
Misses Dorothy and Joyce Quer-
engesser accompanied them to Tor-
onto to spend a Sew days with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Riegel, Mr.
'tnd Mrs, W. L. Querengesser, Mr.
. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Markle at Woodstock.
Mr. Frank Elligson of Hamilton
was visiting friends and relatives
for several days last week.
of voluntary workers. to the village.
Sergeant Louis Mclvor, Halifax, Mr. Rolm. McLeod of the Canadian
and Frank Keegan, Bayfield, with Navy, arrived home last week to
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eckert. spend two weeks' leave with his par
James Jordan, RCAF., St. Thom- eves, Mr, and Mrs. Lewis McLeod,
as, with friends here. The fishermen are getting ready to
Misses Margaret Holland, Marie li"rvest their supply- of ice for the
Nagle Alfie Looby, Mary Stapleton, sntmner.
Stratford, at their respective homes. The annual meeting of the local
Mrs. M. Schulman has returned to Red Cross wilt be held in the Orange
Buffalo. Hall on Monday, Jan. 17111, at 8.p.m.
Private Leonard Donnelly, Lon A full attendance is requested
, don, with' mr. and Mrs. Frank Don- The postponed Public School Christ-
nelly. • oras ,concert was held in the Town
McCarthy -Mathews Hall on Friday evening with a good
A quiet but pretty wedding took attendance. A good program of recite -
place in St. Michael's Cathedral, tions, songs, choruses and school
Toronto, when Helen, daughter of plays by the scholars, was well re -
Mr. and Mrs. William 'Mathews, eeived by the audience. The teachers,
Brandon; Manitoba, became the and Mrs. Boyce, musical instructress,
bride of Mr. Thomas J. McCarthy, deserve great credit for the well de -
Dublin. Rev.. Francis Allen offic- livered program.
dated. The bride was attired in a The annual meeting of the village
r length gown of white satin, Public Library will be held' in the
with lace trimmings. She wore a
floe gt • Library room on Monday, Jan. 17th at
shoulder length 'veil of silk net and 2 p.m
carried a bouquet uet of Better Times
roses and baby's- breath. Miss Mar- WINTHROP
guerite Masson attended the bride, The W. M.S. and W. A. held their
wearing' :a fioorlength gown of pale regular monthly meeting in the
blue taffeta, with matching hat. Her schoolroom of the church on Jan: 5th
bouquet, was pink and white canna- at 2 p.m. Mrs. R. MacFarlane presid-
tions. The bridegroom was .attended ed. Hymn 571, "Standing at the
i outs,
John Cochrane is nursing pain-
ful cracked ribs these clays,
Serviceable, warm clothing to shield
needy Russian people Erom the icy
blasts inthe war torn, mid snowbound
towns and villages of their countly,.
is requested. All parcels are to be left
at the Hensall Town Hall as early as
The W.M.S. held its January, meet-
ing' Wednesday last at the hone of
Mrs. W. Sinclair with a good attend-
ance, Mrs. Hyde presided. Mrs. J.
Henderson read the scriptgre. Mrs,'
A. Johnston was in charge of the
study book assisted by Mrs. Harold
Jones. Mrs. Chtpchase,and Mrs. Grant
led its prayer. After the business per-
iod the meeting closed with a hymn
and the benediction,
Stop,. Look and Listen When The
Prescription Says Dope
One of the formidable postwar
problems will be the combatting of
widespread narcotic addiction. Gobind
Behar' Lal, famous science analyst,
writing in The American Weekly with
this Sunday's (Jan. 16) issue of The
Detroit Sunday's Times, explains how
medical chemists are striving to find
a safe substitute for habit forming
opiates. Get Sunday's Detroit Times!
Native of Stanley Township —
After a long illness Mary Pearl
(Mamie) Johnston, wife of Fred
Turner, Goderich, passed away at
Alexandra Hospital, where she had
been for same weeks, Mrs. Turner
was born 47 years ago in the town-.
ship of Stanley and had been a
resident of, Gode•ich for seventeen
years. She was a member. of St.
George's Anglican Church. She leaves
besides her husband, a son, Cpl.
Grant Turner, with tlse motor trans-
port at Halifax; and also surviving
are her father, Ross Johnston, of Lon-
don, two brothers„ Harold Johnston,
of Zurich, and James Johnston, of
London, and a sister, Mrs. Minnie
Weido, of London. Interment took
place in Bayfield cemetery,