HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-01-06, Page 7lesosomnatesseenornatesnaterestensessmalani TINE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA General Statement, 30tH November,' .1943 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid up $ 35,000,90100 Reserve fund $ 20,000,000.00 Balance of profits carried forward: as per Profit and - Loss Account 3,815,487.77 $ 23,815,487.77 Dividends unclaimed... ...... .... 48,391.38 Dividend No. 225 (at 5'% per annut,$), payal,le� let December, 1943 - 525,000.00 Deposits by and balances due to Dominion Govern- ment. oten1- ment.. $311,399,141.17 Deposits by and balances due to PiovinalahGm'ern- ments - 18,927,734.21 9)eposita by the public not bearing interest, 650,405,984.64 Deposits by the public bearing interest, including ineerest accrued to date ofstatcmcht 500,036,292.49 Deposits by and balances due to other chartered banks in Canada'„ • Deposits by and balances duc'to banles'an'l banking correspondents in the United Kingdom and foreign countries Notes of the bank In circulation Acceptances and letters of credit outstanding Liabilities t9 the public not included under the foregoing heads ASSETS 2,973.04 24,388,879.15 59,388,879.15 19,119,072.51 '1,399,891,198.06 Gold held in Canada s Subsidiary coin held in Canada Gokl held elsewhere Subsidiary coin heldelsewhere Notes of Bank of Canada Deposits with Bank of Canada 91.51 1,656,538.43 28,503.42 1,304,002,47 33,824,111.25 87,977.394.64 Notes of other diartered bunks 301,969.74 Government and bank notes other than Canadian54,538,164,13 $ Cheques on other banks $ 53,535,963.61 Deposits with and balances due by other chartered batiks in Canada 4,641.01 Due bybahics and banking correspondents elsewhere than in Canadet 90,054,607.39 Dominion and Provincial Government direct and ~ gtiaranteed securities maturing within two years, not exceeding market value 4/thor'Donsinion and Provincial Government direct and guaranteed securities, notexcaedingrnarket .. value Canadian municipal securities, not exceeding mor - kat value Public securities other than Canadian, no t exceeding market value Other bonds, debentures and stocks, not exceeding market value Call and short (not exceeding 30 days) loans in Canada on bonds, debentures,; stocks and.othor securities of a sufficient marketable value to cove Cali andr short (not exceeding30 days) loans s- sctan to Canadaon b a s, debentures, stocks and other aeciarities of a sufficient mar` ketablc value to cover 12,851,348.37 35,136,037.13 1,831,198.93 $1,509,097,971.64 Current loans and discounts in Canada, root other- wlaa litotuded, estimated loss provided for 9 277,921.237.00 Loans to Provincial Governments 2,479,527.83 Loans to cities, towns, municipalities and school districts 13,472,816.54 Current loans and discounts elsewhere than in Canada, not otherwise included, estimated loss provided for 55,225,770.78 Non-current loans, estimated lossprovided for 794,368.42 Bank premises, at not more than cost, less amounts written off. , Real estate other than bantc premises Mortgages on real estate sold by the bank Liabilities of customers under acceptances and letters of credit as per contra Shares of and loans to controlled companies Deposit with the Minister of Finance for the, security ort note cir- culation Other assets not Included under the foregoing heads 179,639,775,59 143,595,212.01 415,240,179.87 226,658,44140 10.,4.16,954.62 59,013,288.05 23,426,379.78 8,739,088.12 37,933,121,08 1,104,703,439.55 349,893,720,57 12,762,442.13 1,224,534.20 724,089.56 38,135,037.13 2,995,461.60 900,000.00 755,846.99 $I,509,097,571,64 Ivo, W. WILSON, S. G. DOBSON President and Managing Director. General Manager. AUDITORS' REPORT To TM SiiAROti0L00Rs T,1O ROYAt. BANK or CANADA: We haveexaminedthe aboveStntententof Liabilities and Asoets aset3Oth Nov=1160,1941 with the books and accounts of 'rhe Royal Bank of Canada at Read Olnce and with the certified returns from the branches. We have checked the cash and the securities representing the Bank's investmenteltetd a tthe1Tead Office attheclose of theitsculyear, and at various dales during the year have also checked the cash andinvestment securities ateeveralof theimportant branches. We have obtained all the information aud.explanations that we have required, and in our opinion the trnnsdetione of the Bank, which have come under our notice, have been within the powers of the Bank. The above statement is in our opinion properly drawn nose as to disclose the true condition of the Bank as at 3011, November, 1943, and is as shown by tlw hooks of the Bank. A. BAL1:ANTYND C.A., of Peat, Ivl'nrwick Mitchell S Co, Auditors. M. OGDEN IHASKNLL, C.A„ of Hegel!, Elderkin Si Co. Montreal, Canada, December 24, 1993. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT BeInnce of Profit anti Loss Aocouct, 30th November,193,269,198.23 Profits 4f 5 or the year ended 30th November, 1943, after providing $2,281,952.60 for Dominion Govern - anent tuxes and after snaking n1 proprintions to Contingency Reserves, out of sillier, Reserves provision for all bad and doubtful debts has been made APPROPRIATED D AS FOLLOWS: Dividend No. 222 at 6 : per annum Dividend No 223 et 6; ,.per annum Dividend No 224 at 6% per annum Dividend Na 225 at 6% per annum 3,'(26,259.94 ..... 5 6,685,487:77 525,000.00 525,060.00 525,000.00 525,000.00 $ 1,100,000,00. Contribution to the Penson Fund Society 370,000.00 Approp'latiorl. for Bank Premises 400,000.00 Balance of Profit and Loss carried forward 3,815,481.77 $ 6,688,407.77 6l. W. WILSON, President and Managing Director, 3lontreol, December 24, 1943. S. C3, DOBSON, General Dianager. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Altitude Efficiency For War Planes In the .rpt. 3o1' ever higher altitude e1 !Holes for bombers and fighters more emphasis .neces- sarily has been placed on the study of conditions in the upper atmosphere, states The New York Times. If battles are to be fought and bombing raids Successfully completed at levels of 25,000, 30,000 and 40,000 feet, we must learn more of the effects of Oxygen deficiency, reduced pres- sures and extremes of low temper - tune not only on the pilot and his crew but on the pllot•airplane- instrument team which goes to make up the efficient combat Weapon, At the great service technical centres, such as Wright Field, and in the plants of engine and aircraft manufacturers, aIParatus is being multiplied for the study of high-altitude phenomena. In the remarkable laboratory at Great Neck, L.I., conditions encountered in the stratosphere up to all alti- tude of 50,000 feet can be simulated Temperatures can he lowered to inihus 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Long before these extremes are reached as man climbs above the empire of the eagle, the blood bubbles, all reflexes slow clown, even life can only be sustained by breathing pure oxygen. To fight a 400 -mile -an -Hour airplane at any altitude calls for the high- est skills and co-ordination. To fight it at 30,000 feet and upward imposes additional handicaps upon the pilot, engine, instruments and airplane which can only be overcome by the patient research of the scientist and the physiolo- gist in the pressure chamber and the refrigerated cell. Here they are helping not only to win tate war but to blaze new trails for the safety of sky commerce in the days to come. How Can II ? ? By Anna ,Ashley Q. Hw can 1 make windows stay clean for a longer time? A. Acid a little vinegar to the water when cleaning the win- dows and they willl remain clean much longer..And a litle bluing added to the iivater will produce more brilliancy, Q. How can I make a good cleanser for oilcloth? A. By dissolving five ounces of melted paraffin in one pint of, turpentine. Use a sponge and rah the oilcloth with this solu- tion. Q. How can 1 make a salve for chapped hands? A. A remedy can be made by mixing tett drops of carbolic acid in one ounce of glycerine. Rub a small quantity into the bands and allow to dry, • Q. How can 1 make black putty. A. 1V1ix whiting and antimony sulphide (the latter finely pow- dered) with soluble glass. It is claimed that after hardening, this patty can be polished with a burnishing agate, Q. How can I remove scratches from furniture? A. Unless too deep, they can be removed by rubbing sweet oil into the scratches with a finger tip, then polishing with a soft cloth. Q. How can T remove a cork. that has been pushed 010*11 into a bottle? .A, Put enough ammonia in the bottle to float the come and put away for a few days. The am- monia will eat or destroy the cork enough to permit .its removal. LANDING BOATS DODGE BOMBS IN NEW BRITAIN INVASION g , .1 led this party of Ma - This was a moment of tense drama on Bougainville, lap snipers had adtubiasl :jungle. The commander of the leading tank had been - shot, and..So.had another Marine whoseit the 1 g vh 1 legs are visible in left foi'eg�rounil'. Covered by three other Wren including Pic. John V. Mahoney 5C g (whose face is visible) of Clinton, (,aria„ Pfc. Robert 1.;: I,aosley of Syracuse, NN. (crouching near WOO has crept ahead and picked GO! .one of the snipers, Lansley, 'plahon'ey and a trained dot also are credited with wiping out two strnog Jap positions. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Leo 1. Xs it good form' for a man tq refer to his wife as "the 011esus"?' 2, Should wedding invitations be sent to friends of the bride- groom, kgl)o,..ase unknown to the bride? 3. What' kinds of food may be placed on the tablr before the guests are seated? 4. Is i't corgeet to say, "I ;haven't had time to write to you beca :se 1 have been so busy" when answering a letter after a long delay? 5. Does the family of the bride or that of the bridegroom, send out the wedding invitations and announcements? 6. Is it all right to break bread or cracicers into the bowl when partaking of soup? Answers 1. No; to acquaintances he should refer to her as "my wife" or as "Mrs, Blank." and to friends he should call her by her Christian name. 2. Yes; invita- tions should be sent to them even though the bride doesn't know them, 3. Olives, radishes, salted almonds, or any other similar relishes. 4. No, if you are embar- rassed about the delay merely say that you are sorry. 5. This is the duty of the bride's family. 6. No; this is not good manners, ewe You Heard? The bus was full, and the con- ductress was about to ring the bell, when the usual last plan, puffing and blowing, jumped on board and started to climb to the upper deck. "Here, you!" said the conduc- tress curtly. "You can't go up there!" "Willy not?" retorted the passen- ger. 'Isn't the top going?" —0— Jones: "! hear you bought a car cheap the other day. How are yoti getting on with It?" Smith: "I'm Just realizing how hard It Is to drive a bar- gain." —0•— Teacher: "Johnny, who was Anne Boleyn?" Johnny: "Anne Boleyn was a flat iron." Teacher: "What on earth do you mean?" Johnny; "Well, it - says in the history boplt, 'Henry, having dis- posed ot:.3Jatherine, pressed his snit with Anne Boleyn." —0- "I've had all sorts of help this year,' 'sighed the first farmer. "Good, bad, and indif- ferent" SAFES Protect your 1100109 nod 0,6030 from PIR 10 noel TIIIIOVIOS. We have n oleo and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any purpose. Vlslt us. or ,•rile for Drives. ale. to Dept. W. j.Bcj,TAYLOR LiMITED TORONTO SAFE WOR K5 9411 Irr001 St, 17., r"ran to Eslnblished !Sart HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY 11 you are troubled with Riming piles or rental sureness, do not de- lay treatment and run the risk of Jetting . this condition become chrou- ie. Any Itching or soreness or pnulrul passage of stool Is nature's warning and 11 roper treatment. should be secured at once. For this purpose get a package of -Hem-Hold lrum any druggist and. use as directed. 'i'bla 1ue'mula which is . used Internally Is a small, easy t0 tette tablet, will (Moldy relieve the Itching and soreness and aid an healing the sore tender emits.. Ilea -Hold Is pleasant to use, is highly recommended and It seems the height of folly for any one to risk a 00010101 end chronic pile con- dition when such a Hue rohtedy may be had at such a email coat. tt you try Hein -(told and are not calmly pleased with the roaulta,. your druggist will gladly return your money, O8°'PEfair la a A7ffy -en, Money Back rt r qutek relief fora tach ag ofeeratn , pimples, rale Isteafeet.soalesowthica raalteaandothereaternall7 caused akin ?anti es the fttateleties, ,1001 ag, sato Be ale, geoid o D 1) Prescription. (. o ,clew, stainienegnetheairritatleanialenirkly ,,top (teethe 1teb,ne.35c trial bottle tweak,l ck.Aek your druggist today for D,Ode, i IILSCI.(leTION. 1LEs 30 910.1033113 oloeding imd protr'ldfng pilon should know Bunters herbal Pills treat the cause at its source. Money bade if the first bottle does not satisfy. Buy from your druggist, Relieves distress from MONTHLY FEMALE WEAKNESS 'Lydia n, Pinkhamet Vegetable Colhpound not only helps relieve monthly -pain but also weak, new-. ons feelings -dale to monthly tuna,' Donal dlsturbanoes.It helps Buildup resistance against distress of "diffi- cult days." Made In Canada, "Mln,e's been all one kind," replied the second tiller of the soil, "Different!" —0- At Northampton, ,Mass,, over- run with' the WAVE trainees, a young ' navy officer went swing- ing down the street, "0, look!" shouted a little girl to her playmates, "A man WAVE!" And was that future admiral peeved! -0- And there was the Indian rope trick performer who was ' discharged from the navy 'be- cause every time -he climbed the rigging he disappeared.. --o— She: "Here's a story of a man out west who bartered his wife dor a horse. You wouldn't swop me for a. horse, would you, darl- ing?" 'ile: "0f course not (pause), but Pd bale to have anyone tempt me with a good motor cal:" "Is Mary your eldest sister?" "Yes" "And who comes after her?" "You and two other fel- lows." Welcome Awaits British Brides Mole than 16,000 Canadian soldiers will ;hying English' and Scottish g-ir1s, home with them as wives after the war, Canada's. High' Commissioner to Britain, Vincent' 'Massey, said in all ad- dress in London's Guildhall . re. cently: "A true welcome awaits these new Canadians," he said. PIMPLES' CURBED ist , DAY Are you embarrassed., by 'ugly, disfiguring pimples and skin blem- ishes? Nomatter how long you have suffered 01' what you have tried you eau ndw start curbing Pimples, 1 telling, Eczema -like rash, Ring. worm, and other skin Irritations with the very .first application of a now treatment called Nixnderm. It stops the itching in 7 minutes and should help: make your skin clearer, softer, smoother the very, _. first few days -In fact 10 must sat- isfy you completely or cost noth- ing. Just get Nlsodereu from your druggist today under' the -money- ba0k trial offer,. See how fastit works and how much betteryoal Molt. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 1LAIiY t'lIIL'KS Ills 1.11h11;N W09 Lek.' OLD AND 20 week eld pullets at bargain Priem) while 111cy lust, also older White Leghorn, Barred hock and Hybrid pullets. Send for com- plete pricelist. Also day .old chicks for immediate delivery. Tweddie (:1)11010 Hatcheries Lim- ited, Fergus, Ontario. TOO LATE — '600 LATE NEXT SPRING DON"r LET IT BE said "too late." Send for our price list andorder your baby chicks GdOdeirt your Goddard Talte, Britan- nia Heights, Ont. BRAT CHICKS IN 3320 DEMAND. Fully booked for months ahead in many breeds. We'd recommend You order now what you. need. Hatching limited- quantities for January. delivery. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. LOOK AT THESE PRICES FOR. White Leghorn pullets 18 weeks old $1.20, 20 weeks old 91.40. Also older White Leg horns, Bar- red Rook a;1d Hybrids. Send for catalogue and prieelist, Also day old chicks. Top Notch ChickerieS, Oulph, Ont. MAKE NO IvIISTAIIO±, ABOUT IT Great Britain' is still going to need every bit of food that we can send Iter. Some of thesedays wo am going to have an aver - increasing amount of the con- tinent of Europe to feed. They are going' to be hungry—more hungry than you and I Have ever been or wo hope ever w111 be. And In our own country we are eating more poultry and egg's than ever before. We can get ready to supply eggs and more eggs—and. at prices that will beattractive. Plan now to take advantage of this unlimited market. Send for catalogue and prlcelIst. Also ready -to -lay and laying pullets for immediate de- livery. Twaddle Chick Hatcher- ies Limited, Fergus, Ontario. DAI'1LSAS BE SUCCESSFUL IN GROWING exhibition dahlias. Our catalogue and inatruntions on Dahlia Cul- tar will be mailed free to you on request. Lovegrove Dahlia Gardens, Galt, Ont. DYEING & CLEANING I'IAVl4. YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to 115 for Information. We aro glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment id, Parker's Dye works Limited, 701 Song. Street, To- ronto. D1,16071'111(1,4 I, EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, 13101.10, bought, sold, rebuilt; b n 1 t 6, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2326 Duff erin St., 'lora Tito. le It SALE ONPJ OIC' tilHE MOST 1'I10:0'2TADLE sural businesses today is the 101'L:l), MIXING AND GRINDING Business. We have several good mills offered for sale in differ - 'not 'ection5 of the province.. No agent's fee charged. If you mei, get into this rapidly grow(ngbua- iness now. Box 73, 73 Adelaide lit—. Toronto. Ir0UT HALM BA UML le leA Pool BALM destroys offensive odor Instantly, . 45e bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. ((.61111 3'(110 'SALE 4o-AC101i1 6'1210'1' 111123), 30 ACI2I03 bearing fruit, mostly apples. 11 arras bush, 10 acres flue Tobac- co. 2 ,Kilns, pavking-shed, barn, small )rouse,- hydro. :Revenue from farm last year 55,000. it, R. Wl,g9e, 13Ingagllle,.Ontat'io. 1111 fr (406)05 Only Brat 10 Canada manufacturing ladles' and gentlemen's hair goods exclusively. Write us for particu- lars. W'It] 11'. $ ITA1R 0001)S 01115 Yonne St., Toronto, Ontario IIA Tit 111(IOS51NG 911140OL LEARN 11AIt UIIOSSINU '1'!•111 Robertson method Information on request regarding classes. Ito berteon a Batted resethg Acad- emy, 187 Avenue Road, 'Toronto. 11I3e1)ICAL NATURE'S 1.1:I7LP—DINON'S REM, oily for Ithetnnaldu :Paine, Neur- itis, Thousands l,ralaing It. Munro's Drug Store, 330 Idlgin, Ottawa rust/Mid $1.00. "NOW AVAILABLE" Betz Combinetiou peed Mitis—Can- •ttla's most profitable farm feed processing unit. Useful all year round. Filly silos, chops :hay into Plow, grinds t, rain foe hogs, cattle and poultry, and dolts many other teed prepaid ng• ,ieba. 3 sizes, Write for free 1l tern Lure. GEORGE W'H'ITE & SONS CO. LTD., LONDON, ONTARIO 61fee, white steel threshers, 0)10 fillers, etc. Distribufoes John Dors 'trite tors and erne -for Equipment. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 0l'P01R1l01'l'O1 p/5 leOft 6i10N AND WONIEN LEARN METASCII/NCE - A N D make money. Remarkable drug- less healing. 'Unbelievable sim- plicity and results. Inexpensive correspondence course. Write to: Metaselene6 of Canada, Drawer 5, l'ortlerville, Que. OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER. TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay. Co., Registered Patent Attorneys. 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada, PHUTOGRAI'17 Y DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" THEY CAN'T BE TAKEN AGAIN Get finer "snaps" at lower cost --- Prompt Mail Service. Send your film rolls to Star Snapshot Service to be developed and printed, This is Canada's largest finishing stu- dio, serving customers all over Canada. You'll like our work, too, Any Size Roll -0. or 8 Ilxposuree. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e Praising Star Snapshot Service, is customer at Windsor, Ont, writes: I aup11os0 it's hard to glue .your usual quick aerviee with help :so hard to gat, but aslong as you turn out such file pictures, I'll wait—if I have to wait" _ 3 MOUNTED ENLARGIOMIONTS..25e Size 4x6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts. Enlargements 4x8" 011 ivory tinted. mounts; 7x9" in Gold, Silver, Cir- cassian Walnut or Black Ebony, finish frames. 59e each. If enlarge- ment colored, 75e each, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly on All Orders. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO 1MPERT0L POR QUALITY. ITY. aerviee and satisfaction, 8 or -8 exposure Pilots 26c, reprints 8 for 25e. Imperial Photo Service, Sta- tion 7, Toronto. 101'Ill'R.Y EDIT I Ol lllritI GRIT: 21'0t (Tie LI in 100 1b. bags. Immediate delivery in carloads or smaller quantities. write for samples and die's. n1'IN140N 11711, SUl'i'LY Co., S,hnfted, 5355 tielorhni or Ave., 'Montreal. Pit ACT) C3.t NCltgE PRACTICAL NURSE WOULD CAnni for elderly woman for lent of farm, best caro assured; husband would work farm, Mrs. F. Tay- lor, Hyde Park, Ontario. PATENTS 8'ETf119RSTONII_AUGli 5s COMPANY Patent Solicitors, Established 15011; 14 Icing West, Toronto. Booklet of Reformation on re- quest. PERSONAL "ELIJAH 00211NG REFORM Christ", wonderful book fres. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11,, N.Y. ,RAW FURS WANTED ONE SKIN 011TIIOUSANDS IT will eaY you to ship to' Ontario's rancher -owned Fur Co-operative to receive the highest market price. Write for shipping togs and advf00 fortes. Ontario Fur harm ors' Co-operative, Limited, 50 Yorkville Street, Toronto, 1 t l I t ll "KATI() 1'91233$ GOOD IIESOLUTION — 1113I01100 sufferer of Rheumatic 'Pants or Neuritis should try Dixon'sItem tidy. 2lu ,re's :ling Store, 335 illg'in, Ottawa. Postpaid $1,00. STUDENT NURSES W001 ,STOCK (210\1011 Al, HOS- pita 1 HOS-pital Schou' for Nursing will ad- mit aclltss of student nurses for three years' tra Ming 01 3A'f1131,. 11144. High School Graduates wishing to enroll in this class kindly address application to the Supe1'lntendent of Nurses, 'V('0o(1- atocic General Hospital, Wood- stock, 'Ontario. ST&MPS WANTED WANTED, 01;D POSTAGE 'STAMPS. best cash price peel. Send your lots to A. Stern, 1001 St. Cather- ine St. )Oaeb, `Montreal. . 11t1Ni'I3AD-STAMPS 51120111.,' $1.100 value. for 30cto'. approval customers. .Stamps bought Col- onel', 33os-'064, 'Place d'Arinee, Montreal. TAt'br91'(11t 61 ST061 A('l1. AND 'h I1f IEA I) \I/RMS efteuaro the. cause of. ill -heaps In hems n1 all ages:., No one im- mune! Why not find out if thin is 70 11 r trouble?? interesting oar - fir 111t1 write Nftllveney'a Remneciies, Speein il.Is 7.'or0ule 3, ' Ont,