HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-01-06, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1944 Tops in Values — For Thursday, January 6, till Jan. 12 Flake ''Oatmeal, fine or coarse, 3 lbs. 1 5c Hillcrest Shortenin g Chipso Quick Suds Aylmer Infant Foods A FULL ASSORTMENT Clark's Governor Sauce Snowflake Ammonia 1 1b. carton 19c large pkg. 24c 3 tins 25c 8 oz. bottle 23c per pkg. S c Instant Post:um, small tin —29c; large tin 49c Lipton's Noodle Soup Mix 2 pkgs. 25c Ovaltine, tried. tin -59c;` large tin DSc Readicut Macaroni per 1b. Cc Kellogg's Variety Cereal— 6 varieties — 10 packages 25c Robinhood Quick Cooking Oats large pkg. 21e Nutrim Baby Cereal, 9 oz. -29c; 18 oz, pkg, 49c Javex per bottle 150 Hawes Paste Floor Wax 1. lb, carton 450 Roman Meal per pkg. 290 SuperiorBalci ng Powder, 8 oz. lin—lac; 16 oz. tin 23c Teen's Mustard - 1 m. tin 27c Sani-White Toilet Tissue 3 large rolls l9c Sativa — makes ironing easy per pkg. 7c Lawrason's Ftusho per tin 21c Lavvaason's Simko per tin 26c Pard Dehydrated Dog Food 2 pkgs. 200 Claire's Pork and Beans 2 -oz. tins 19c Cowan's Perfection Cocoa, 1 Ib. tin 24c Wheat Berries in 5 lb, bags 25c Georgia Pecan Nuts, large paper shell 3h, Ib. 33c ROSS J. Sproat PHONE 8 Art Wright PHONE 77 FUEL "CHESTNUT ANTHRACITE COAL AND CLEAN COKE" $14,50 Per Ton "'Pocahontas Stove" "Island creek Egg" Investigate our offering of fuel J. H. SCOTT PHONE 336 BORN Alk"Y f4LOBERTON. — In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Jan. 5th, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roberton, a daughter. DIED • Crowley.—In Kinkora 'on Jan. 4th, 1944, Bridget Elizabeth Flynn, beloved wife of Jeremiah Joseph Crowley. Funeral at St. Patrick's Church, Kinitora, Friday at 10 o'clock. Train Crushes Truck —, Reginald l;lliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott, Staffa, is a patient in Stratford General Hospital, follow- ing an accident occurring near Levy's Mill, Mitchell, yesterday morning. He had accompanied his friend, Bob Sadler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sadler, who conducts a general store at Staffa, to the milt for a load of feed and as they were crossing the railway tracks the view was obstruct- ed by a number of cars standing on the track. Bob, who' was driving, heard no whistle, and just as he was. slowly approaching the track, noticed a twain. He tried to back uu and it just struck the nose of the truck, throwing it bank against a box car and winding it almost around the car ,with the truck facing towards the station. The two boys were pinned in the cab until Roy Chessell, a mill employee, released them with a crow- bar, Reg's foot being caught. He had hollered when aro saw the train com- ing but of course they could not hear him. Bob suffered from shock • and could remember no, details of the ac- cident while Reg was taken to hos- pital for, X-ray. IIis back and hip were re inju'ed but there was no con- cussion, Ile is resting as comfortably s can be expected. — Mitchell Ad- vocate. ," Want end For Sale Ads, 8 weeks 500. TUNE IN ON Old -Fashioned Revival Hour 7 to 8 P.M., E.D.S.T. Pilgrim's Hour , 2 to 8 P.M., E.D.S.T, ON MUTUAL NETWORK ----- SUNDAYS Local Station - C,K.L.W., Windsor CHARLES E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANUELES 02, CALTFORNIA S,1F'^SMClYYynM„�.yP tf DEAD or a.,l •. DISABLED Quickly reiuoverin clean sanitary trucks. Plione t'nllpet 219 MITCHI:LI.- or Ingersoll 2i 'WILLIAM STONE SONS L !MT: TED tt� The World's News Seen Through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Au In/emotional Daily Newspaper is Trut'hful-Constructive:—Unbiased—Free from Sensational- ism — Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Ito Deily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home, The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Maneachusette Price $12,00 Yearly, or $1.00 a 1Vlonth. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, 2.Q0 s Yilt., Introductory, Offer, 6 Saturday Itiges 2!, Gppr,. Name.. - — Address._�, bSAMPLB COM Q14 -1l QUBBI t 1 r ti 1 TIIE SEAFORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS AC Dan Grutmnett, RCAF., M Hing Depot, Toronto, spent Chri mas and New Years at the home his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jose Grummett, Miss Dorothy Smith has return after spending the past week w relatives in London. Miss Alice Devereaux; Toron spent New Years with her moth Mrs. Margaret Devereaux. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmo and daughters, Delores ' and Dix Ann,St. Catherines, were week e visitors with relatives. 'LAC, Oban MacTavish, RCAF:, Camp Borden, spent the week e 'with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo MacTavish, Miss Mary McIver, Toronto, spe New Years at the home of her pa ents, Mr. and Mrs, Peter McIver, Mrs, Geo. Hills and Miss Ria h returned to Toronto, Mr, Russell Hays pf Detroit w a recent visitor in town., Mr. Wm.- Govenlock spent holiday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sproat h returned from a month's visit in D troit. Mr. Robt. Morrow, RCAF., of S Thomas, and Miss Mary Morrow Ajax, formerly of Saskatchewa spent the holiday with their unc aiicl aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robe Wright: Visitors over the holiday at t home of Mrs, W. A. Dundas wer Mr. Robert Dundas of Toronto, Mi Tillie Dundas of New York; Mr, Mrs Torrance Dundas and Olen of Blyth, and Mr. and Mrs. Dav Boyd of. Walton, and Mrs. Robe Boyd, of town. Spr. Russell Miller, RCASC., .Petawnwa, spent Christmas le with friends. Messrs. Cyril and Oswald Sno don spent New Years at Niaga Falls with their aunt, Alderma Clara W. Twidale, Mr. Clifford Smith of Collingwo spent the holidays with his fathe Mr. James Smith. Mr, and Mrs. Adrian Hogg an family of Collingwood were holld visitors with her sister, Mrs. Ade Forbes. - Miss Marion Scarlett has returne to Fort William after holidaying her home here. Holiday visitors at the home o Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Golding we Sgt. Frank Golding, RCAF., Roc Cliffe, and Lieut. and Mrs. J. Marks of Halifax. - Mr. Percy Hoag has returned t Hamilton after holidaying at h home here. Holiday guests with Rev. and Mr James Elford were Rev. and Mrs. H Elford, Chesaning, Mich., and Mis Alva Elford, Toronto. Gar. and Mrs. Hubert O'Reill were in London over the holida week end. Mrs. F. Dudley spent New Year with her sister, Mrs. H. Coombs. Pte. Wesley Coombs. of Ipperwa and Palmer Coombs of London spent New Years at home, Mrs. Catherine MeNab is spend- ing- the winter with friends in Kitch- oner, Miss Marion Ross of Ottawa spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McNab, Mrs, John McLennan has received word of the death of her' brother, Mr. George McTaggart, of Ann Ar- bor, Mich. LAC. Harry Earle, of Bella Bella, B.C., is spending two weeks' leave at the hone of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Earle, Seaforth. Mr. Robert Strong, of Egmond- ville, received word this week of the death of his sister, Mrs, Norman Hearn, of Northville, Mich., who was formerly Miss Lizzie Strong. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Trott and daughter Ann spent the past week with relatives in Stratford. LAC, Pearson Chesney, RCAF., of Aylmer, was a week end visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and 1, e F, Chesney. Miss Maxine Baynes has returned to Toronto after spending the past eel,: with ler parents, IVIr. and Mrs. C. Baynes. Master Ronald Sills has returned home from spending the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. 3. Reynolds in Toronto. LAC. Richard Box, Guelph," spent the weekend at his home here, Mr. David Stewart, RCAF., and Mrs. Stewart,'St. Thomas, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. Smith and Mr, and Mrs. Harry Stewart. Mrs. Thomas Fax and daughter' Sally, Stratford, were guests last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. F, Andrews and Mr., Andrews. Miss Lconore Edler, Hespeler, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs, Ether. Sergeant D'Orlean Sills, RCAF„ Toronto, was a guest over New Years et the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Sills. C.S.M. Lionel -Fortune, London, stent New Years with Mrs, Fortune and other relatives, AC. Janes Flannery, RCAF., St. Thomas,spent New Years at the home of his aunt incl unele,-Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Cleary. Puss Hilda Kennedy, London, was a week end guest at the home of her mother, Mrs, Roland Kennedy. Mrs. 51, Minnett, Toronto is a .nest at the home of her brother, Mr. E. L. Bos,' Mrs. Arthur Wright and son visit- ed with relatives in Listowel last week. Miss Laura Stewart, Toronto, was i New Years visitor at the.home of her father, Mr, Harry .Stewart, in Egmondville. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cudmore and sons, Waterloo. were guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr'. and Mrs, S. Cudmore, last week. Airwoman Vera Hudson, Fingal, spent New Years at the honne of her sister, Mrs. Scott Habkirk and Mr. Habkirk. Driver Kenneth harry, Hamilton, spent New Years with his mother, Mrs, James Barry. an- st- of ph. ed, ith to, er, re to nd of nd. hn nt r- ave as the ave t. of n, le rt he 9: 59 and e, id rt of ave w- ra n od r, d ay n d at, f re k C. o• is' s. • s ' sir 1 G Iscount Sale OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S Winter ._ oats Every Coat in the2 Store on Sale at 11 DISCOUNT Gay tweed swagger Coats, fitted Coats or dressy fur - trimmed styles — all are in- cluded in this great Coat Sale. The discount is genuine. You absolutely save one - fifth on these new smart Winter Coats. None are held back. Every Coat is reduced as listed below, $19.75 on sale at $2'3.50 on sale at $29.50 on sale at $35,00 on sale at $45.00 on sale at $15.80 $18.80 $23.50 $28.00 $36.00 TWEEDS VELOURS MELTONS FLEECES - ELYSIANS Every Coat in the Men'$ Dept. conies under this great Coat Sale — Raglans, Bainlaca- ans, fitted styles or senator models in a wide range of cloths and shades. Size 34 to. 46 in the lot. $25.00 on sale at $20.00 $27.50 on sale at $22.00 $29.50 on sale at $23.50 $35,00 on sale at $28.00 Jr Miss Isabel MacKellar•, nurse -in - training at Stratford General Hosp- ital, spent the week enol with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. MacKellar, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford B1'oadfoot and son Neil, of Hamilton, spent New Years with relatives here. Miss Teresa Eckert, London, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eckert. - Mr, and Mrs. Whitney and Lois spent New Years in Stratford with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller. Mrs, McKendrick, Mitchell, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Whitney. Miss Florence Laidlaw returned to Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Belden left on Wednesday for Palmerston. Pitiful Plight of Europe's Wild Children Homeless and starved subjected to enapk akeble hon ors by th.' Invading "Supermen", fifty million vagabonds are devising astonishing ways of fek. ing care of themselves, Ninon- Tallon, former French newspaper woman. Detroit • Sunday Tintes. , . the tragic tells.,.in The American Weekly with siory of the suffering the roving this Sunday's (Stun, 9) issue of The ,,]''area of IVurope have endtu•ed. For Relieving Miseries of More than two generations ago—in grandmother's day—mothers first dis- covered Vicks VapoRub. Today it is the most widely used home -remedy for relieving miseries of children's colds. Arid here is the reason .. , The moment you rub VapoRub on the throat, chest and back at bedtime it starts to work two ways at once— and keeps on working for hours -to ease coughing spasms, help clear con- gestion in cold -clogged upper breath- ing passages, relieve muscular soreness or tightness. It promotes restful sleep. Often most of the misery of the cold is gone by morning] That's wh VapoRub is so good to use when colds strike. Try it! Ec2e d rk Tempting e o® Csileavegaei o a a Kintriti orsally Right/ JT'S easy to serve healthful meals, ifyou follow the timely menus in "Bat -to -Work -to - Win". Sound, practical, interesting—this clever new booklet does all the difficult, time - taking planning for you. And it's yours TREE. Never was it more important that you pro- vide proper food for your family. For good nutrition is vital to Victory now—to health and happiness after the war. 'Yet recent Govern- ment statistics show that only 40 percent of Canadians regularly eat the right foods, even though seemingly well fed, Learn the "can't -go -wrong" way to tempting meals that fill every food need of your family! Send for your FREE copy of "Eat -to -work -to - Win". Mail the coupon today! m.YOBS Tim ely...Interesting,,. helpful! Let this origi- nal new booklet brine better health to your family. MAIL YOUR COUPON TODAY! Sponsored by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) hs the interests of nutrition and health es an aid to Victory. ' \itis rl malan:monis Eat- NtItritlo5Serlvices. T of rtmint of Pen- slonsunrINatle5141111Pulth, Ottawa for t4, Canadian Natrltdoe P,ogrammo, "NUTRITION von VICTORY", BOX 800, TORONTO, CANADA. Plensesend ane myPitt13 copy of"Sat-to+Work-to•\Q 5, Natio Addren City Prov