HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-01-06, Page 2SHIS t CURIOUS WORLD BY gUSOrt 1 COPR, 197P BY NEA 5ERvIOE, IRC, MAiA, TAYGETA, ELECTRA, MEROPE,, ATLAS, PLEIONE -AND ALCYONE ARE THE FAMOUS $EVEN S/57-ER,S" IN THE STAR GROUP, PL.E A<DES." SOME OF THE H/G/N,E.ST' FGY//va INSECTS ARE 71 -IE 'THEY LOSE CONTROL AND ARE CARRIE=D LIP BY GUSTS OF Ai R, MOST SPRINTERS RON THE /00 -YARD .CDA WITHOUT Si2E4-7-4 :•iNG•/ S-3 • ONE"or the best kpnwn groups of stare in the heavens is the Pleiades, which frequently is erloneoUsly called the "little clipper." These "Seven Sisters" figured p eminently in ancient celebrations of the beginning of spring, since they once marked the sun's place in the heavens as it crossed the equator traveling north. NEXT: xylem red hail fell. OTTAWA REPORTS That New Regulations Will Tighten Control On Purchase Of Farm.Machinery Farm machinery production and use is being watched, anxiously by the Government these days. Ottawa is very conscious of the fact that vital food production may be affected by any miscaleu- rations of the requirement of the farmers in this direction. In spite of the fact that quotas for manufacture of farm equip - went have been very considerably enlarged during reeent months,. new equipment is still difficult to obtain compared with normal times. It is still necessary to ra- tion a wide variety of items of farm machinery and equipment and to otherwise control the sale of these goods, and the Adminis- trator of Farm Machinery for the Wartime Prices and Trade Board has announced .some new regu- lations which tighten the control over conditions under which new farm machinery is sold. War material must come first and implement plants both in Can- ada and the United States are stilt engaged on war orders. The supply of metal, although improv- ed. is not yet nearly adequate. this respect that. arrangements Have been made by Mr. Bloom, the Fart* Machinery Administra- tor, with the United States War Production Board for the release of greater supplies of metal for use in *raking farm machinery.. * * 5 The new regulations now an- nounced and included in a gen- eral c0nsolidatlou of the farm machinery rationing order, con- cern the sales of machinery. One prohibits a dealer from putting to his own use machinery that he has obtained for re -sale to eustanters, unless hehas proper Permission from the Board to do so, Another provision is designed to :preventfarmers from selling used equipment *merely for the purpose of obtaining new. From now on, no application for new equipment will be considered in these cases unless the farmer has previously filed with the Board's representativea statement de- scribing the used equipment lie sold, giving his reasons for sell- ing it, and a description of the neW machinery be intends to buy, It is useless for bion to try to proceed wil.]r his purchase en- less he has a notice from the Board's representative that. his application for the new equipment will he given consideration, r 5 Another . provision has been made which le designed to pre- vent :rat'rners, who have already beet refused application for new machinery, from repealing their application through relatives, The Board now requires that applies- tions for new machinery must come only from those who have i+leasehold or freehold interest in the property on which the new machinery is to be used. Uowever itis seine help to know that: repairs for farm equipment are not on the rationed flet, and that there are some thirty items of new etinipnteut which are not Tat ttonei7, Coe! for Poultry Breeders Two announcements issued re- cently will be good news to pout - try lii'eeders across the country. The Department of Agriculture has announced that additional sup- plies of anthracite coal will be imported from the United States for the exclusive use of poultry breeders and hatcheries. This will apply to the districts where this Inel is customarily used. The other announcement comes from tate Wartime Prices and Trade Board and places a ceiling on the prices of both soluble and insoluble types of poultry grit. The ceiling prices which went in- to effect on December 16, affect manufacturers, importers, whole- salers and retailers. VOICE OF PRESS KNOWS HOW Dunnville Chronicle would like to know: "Why do people spend money they have not got to buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like?" All we can suggest is the standard wo- man's reason --because. --Owen Sound Sun Times, MAKES HIM SQUIRM 1•iitier must find it a pain in the neck to read the handwriting on the wall when his back Is almost against the same. ---Kitchener Record. —0 --- EACH GOT HIS DESERTS A Canadian soldier paid Li for a bottle of whisky in an Edin- burgh pub. The Canadian got cold tea instead of whisky, and the pub owner got 80 days. Neither got what be wanted, but what each got was good for him. —Ottawa Journal. FAR .BELOW CANINE LEVEL Detroit police arrested a group of professional dog fight fans. A dog fight promoter is a man eev- eral degrees below a dog. —Detroit Free Press, A NIGGER IN THAT WOODPILE Ask some consumers about coal, and they shout: "For peat's sake don't: .mention it!" Idarnition Spectator. WHAT? AGAIN? Newspapers, line ladies, have to he careful When there's a letdown their slip shows. -Ottawa Ciitieen, THE WAR • WEEK — Commen'tary on Current Events Eisenhower To Direct Western Assault Into Heart of Germany 4k three -front lend offensive. to be =l a ii o oh e' d simultaneously against Germany from Russia, from Italy aur from Britain across the Channel, with Gen, Dwight D, Eisenhower in supreme corn - mend of the Anglo-American in- vasion army, was disclosed by President Roosevelt in his Christ- mas Day ru.clioeasl to tate nation- and to the armed forces in every theater of the globe, writes a Or: - respondent of The Christian Sci- ence Monitor, The Cairo and Teheran, Iran, conferences with Marshal Joseph Stalin, Generalissimo Chiang Kai- shek and Prime Minister Winston Churchill brought.. the President announced, agreement "ou every Pettit oencoi'ned with the launch- ing of a gigantic attack upon Cer- nlatry,', 1\lr, .Roosevelt revealed the bread Pattern of the climatic operations now in the making. • Campaign High 'Lights He evidently felt it would be The Book Shelf Forges of Freedom By Franklin Davey McDowell Like a tapestry cm to to life this novel of fourteenth century England presents a vivid panor- ama of life in tint romantic and turbulent age when the roads of England were the meeting -place . of knights and minstrels, mevele ants and pedlars. outlaws and coespil'ELfors. Mr, McDowell re-creates brit - Bantle the medieral scene and the pattern of life in England when, after tlu'ee hundred years of Nor- man occupation, Englishmen front every walk of life drew their swords or forged them to fight for freedom. There are many dramatic meet- ings in this novel, pictured in all the pageantry of the period: the meeting of John of Gaunt and the "Grossers"; the march on London when 'Watt Tyler met the Ring and his followers with Sir John de Redeware, Lord William de Rose and their partisans. Forges of Freedom tells the story of that critical period of o David Franklin McDowell 5 * r, Anglo-Saxon political development when the English first appeared as a nation, Mr. McDowell is the author of The Champlain Road, an histor- ical romance of Ancient Fluronia, in Ontario's Georgian Bay Dis- trict, which won the Governor. General's Award for Fiction in 1989. Identified for many years with the Canadian National Railways as Publicity Representative for the Central Region, Mr, McDowell is one of the Many faction writers trained by practical journalism. Widely known among press and magazine writers, his early years were spent as a reporter and fee,. tare writer, and he worked for a period in the United Kingdom. Forges of Freedom . . By Franklin Davey McDowell . . The Macmillan Company , , Price $3,60. nn help to the enemy to make known: Thal the :Russian :Army will continue -its stern offensives on Germany's Eastern Front. • That the Allied armies' in Italy and Africa will bring relentless pressure on Germany from the son th. And that the encirclement win be complete as great American and , 1!ritislr forces attack Froin other points of the compass. The (President explained that Clenere Eisenhower was selected. to ..1551 the combined attack from these other points because "his performances fn Africa, Sicily and laxly have been brilliant" and be- cause "lie knows by practical and suecessfnl experience the way to co-ortlinate air, sea, and land power'," Shifts In Commanders :foadon revealed that General Eison homer's assistant will be Clea. Sir 'Reruard L. Maotgoinery, the famed COM Minder of Lritain's Eighth Army, that Ceti. Sir Henry Maitland Wilson will succeed (len. Eisenhower in the Medtter- r:nrenn with an American general essisl ng trim, and that Gen. Sir Ilarold Alexander will command the Allied forces in Italy. A British officer, to be an- nounced by Y rime Minister Churchill• will succeed General lSisiuhn war in the Mediterranean and both the new commander's will have American and British subordinate. emu menders. The choice of an American for the Channel operation was dic- tated by the proportion of the burden to be borne there by Am- erican forces, The Mediterranean is to become largely a British un- dertaking. British troops have from the beginning carried most of the load and now provide near- ly three fourths of the troops op• erating in Italy. American forces entered that area originally on the assumption that the French in Africa would resist Americans less tenaciously than they would resist the Bri- tish. French Africa now being in the war as an ally, that factor no longer governs. Amer'ica's land weight iu Europe therefore shifts back to England as a base and an American commander be- comes logical for that area, Magnitude of Problem Indicating the gathering strik- ing force now available in Britain and the powerful reserves which will be ready to follow up the coming cross -Channel invasion, as well as other operations, Mr. Roosevelt said "there are now 8,- 800,000 Wren in the American arm- ed forces serving overseas and that by July ibis number will rise to over 1,000,000. But with the seining upon Gen- eral Eisenhower for the invasion command conies new indications of the magnitude of his problem, The time cannot be very far in the disttuic'. To take the fullest advantage or the Russian winter offensive it must conte in the very early sprlug- -before the spring thaws in Russia. or net touch after the beginning of the thaw, The Germans *rust not be allow- ed time to more forces from the Eastern,,;to the Western Fronts. Element of Haste That writes an element of ltrg- eut baste into the preinvasion bombing schedule. Not only must maximum damage be done to Ger- man war industry during the next two or three months, bet the in- vasion ,coast itself must be soft- ened and the primary coast de - lenses must be reduced to the minimumpossible effectiveness, Tise President frankly= warned that the biggest and costllest bat- tles are 5101 to be fought, and he sairi of the planned invasion, though its seceess was certain, its cost would be high: and the time might be long. Poor Fido Britain has saved 460 thousand tons of shipping space in a year by importing "telescoped" meat. This is meat from which all hones have been removed. CANADIANS IN SICILY • These ancient ruins in Sicily, crumbling evidence of a former civilization; was the setting for this Church of England commotion being given here to a group of Canadians by Major Sersou Giarke, of Ottawa; after a recent, church service. (Canadian Army Over- seas Photo). Some Kind Words For Lowly Skunk The lowly skunk has been given a lot of most undeserved pub- licity, according to a man who claims to know much about these little animals, says The Trenton Courier Advocate. This man tells, us that when a skunk is trapped, the other skunks will bring him a bed to lie on. Further than that, thea will bring him food. He says he can prove this. If what this man says is true) and we are not doubting him a bit, name any other animal, wild or tame, that is so considerate of its own at a time like that. Newfoundlanders Doing Full Share Out of a male population in Newfoundland of 40,000 between the ages of 20 and 40, more than a quarter have volunteered to serve abroad. Numbers of these men are with Newfoundland Ar- tillery Regimei.ts of the United Kingdom forces; with the Royal Navy, the Royal Air Force, the Merchant Marine and the Forestry Unit. Many have enlisted in the Canadian armed forces. In this war as in the former world strug- gle, the Newfoundlanders are do- ing their full share of the .fight- ing. Still Gets Around On High -Wheeler From Regina comes a picture of a man in his seventies riding a high -wheel bicycle, relates the Woodstock Sentinel -Review. Tbie machine, more than ]calf a ben- tory old, is used today just as the ordinary bicycle or automobile —for the purpose of "getting around." What a difference in mechanism and in time and evento between that high -wheeler and the latest tank. The owner of the high -wheeler is R. J, Ring, a Regina contrac- tor. He says he "learned to get on the thing (quite a chore) back In. Wingliam, Ontario, 50 years age Mr; Ring said that he "used to go to work on It back in On- tarlo--Went a-courtin'- on it, toad" Not without interest, in the light of the story and background of this high -wheeler, is the fact that it was built in Coventry, England. The firm wilier built it waa still malting bicycles when the war broke out. Probably' the firm's building was blown to bits in the infamous Coventry blitz,. The machine's front *-heel fu about 4ee feet high. Tires aro solid rubber. "Sometimes," says Mr. Ring, "if you lose your bet. ance, she'll throw you tile a buck- ing broncho." With no attempt at lightness, it should be said that suck news as this heaps alt to keep their balance in a trout). led, world THE MORNING FRONT DOOR 48 ." 4 .41 710, ROI a, Racy, In ANDSeoNJUNIOR isecee BO 1PES 0X14001. WAY tTB SLAMS FATHER MINUTES BEHIND oSHODUTHEE OOR0SHp LATER S TO REMIND NIM Herr FATHER HURRIES TOSLAM TNEDOOR OfFToHai TRAI ALMOST IMMEDIATE- DOOR IS op U$ � -- p LATE SECONDS SOMETIME AFTER LY DOOR 15 FLUNG 5191 AS MOTHER LATER DOOR IS MOTHER P1ND5 0180 AND SLAMMED SHORT, AFTER JUN- BURST OPEN AS Ho0S0 GETTINeeeLD SHUT A60iW AS JUN- MR TO CATCH UP FATHER RUSHES BECAUSE RE LEFT 0R HURRIES N AND HIS F��AATHHHER BACK FOR NIS DOOR OPEN AND 1 IBTORv POR fI1S To (1E8 OOTHeAS E BRIEF CASE FOR THE RM,10o?MINS REG'LAR FELLERS -The Human Transport WHY ARENT YOU OUT FIGHTING WITH THE REST Or THE ARMY, PINHEAD ? NOT ME MOM:\ 1 KNOW WHEN 1'M WELL OFF, 50 IM 3TAYIN' NOME. Ifl c• MY GOODNESS! THAT'S 00 WAY TO PLAY SOLDIER - TO DESERT IN TIME OF BATTLE,' J' -.By GENE BYRNES OH, I DONT MIND THE BATT! E f WHAT GETS ME 15 THAT JIMMIE DUGAN ALWAYS MAKES BELIEVE HES WOUNDED ANS IT'S UP TO ME TO LUG '!M HOME !moi -