HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1944-01-06, Page 1uunnununn,nuhnwmuunun,nein,nnnuuuuuuuun
You are my. friend,
You warm my heart;.
Hi all my thoughts
You form n part.
In all I ally,
In nil I- do
There is n coniforlahle
Bit of you. 4�
.1 a&! youn• e; ;
i feel yon]'S. handmil
I hear .your voice,
And unticreimd,
No word will mar,.
No deed will end
This oomrndetihiD
o'C ours, my 'frimid,' . .
lllllnnren: u, noun , mar
Sgt. Pilot K. Dale Red Cross Notes
Honored by Friends The. Red Croes workrooms will re-
open on Friday, Jan. 7th, May we
Enjoyable Evening Spent at the suggest you begin the New Year
Forrester's Hall Constar,* right it ceiling for sewing the wool
, + for knitting, and returning the own-
ers Monday plated• articles as quickly as possible.
Then there is quilting to be done
A very enjoyable evening was each. Friday at the work rooms,. The
spent at the Forresters Ball, Con-' ladies.would enjoy having you join
stance, on Monday evening, when them. •
friends and neighbors gathered to
honor Sgt. Pilot Keith Dale, who is The alined meeting of the Sea-
honie on leave. Collins orchestra sup- forth Red Cross Society will be wet-
eistplied the music with Mr. Melvin in the library workrooms Tuesday
Crich as floor manager. During the, evening, Jan. 11th, at 8 o'clock.
evening Mr. Elgin Nott read the fol- May we look for _a good attendance
lowing address and LAC Kenneth to hear reports of the work •aceom-
Carter, Halifax, presented Keith with plished in 194'3 and the report of
a beautiful watch, I the nominating committee. The ex-
To Mr, Keith Dale: Dear Keith. ecutive will meet at the close of the
We, your friends and neighbors, have annual meeting.
gathered here this evening to spend! -
a social hour with you before you Do not forget to leave your new
depart. from our midst We feel quite or good used warm clothing or bedd-
proud of you, that you have seen fit ing for our splendid Russian allies
to join the armed forces of our at any of the designated places as
country, and we could not let you go soon as possible.
away without letting you know some-
thing of the high esteem with which Will the person wlio left a parcel
you are regarded in this comnnmity. of Red Cross sewing at Mrs. Close's
We ask you to accept this gift as a door, please report so we may give
token of the sincere good wishes of her credit for the same,
this locality. We deeply regret your
parting from us, but we hope and December report of work finished
pray that the world will soon be at Quilts -Returned to workrooms 17,
peace again and that you will be re-: made in rooms 4, quilts donated 8,
turned safely to us, and we can en-
joy a social hour together again.
Signed on Uehelf of your neighbors
and friends.
*tt e
Northside United Church
Rev, H. V. Workman, Minister.
11 a,m,-"The Proving of Our
2.30 p.m., Sunday School.
7 p.m., "Our Response to His
Thursday '7.45 pan., Prayer Ser-
tops donated 19, by-product tops 1,
total 29 quilts, 20 tops.
Hospital supplies -Spray towels
100, gauze handkerchiefs 62,. pads
104, bath towels 10, hot water
bottle covers 38, abdominal ban-
dages 74, triangular bandages 26,
men's pyjamas 1.0, bed jackets 2,
surgeons gowns 1, dressing gowns 1,
ladies' pyjamas 1.
British civilian clothing -Babies'
nightgowns 12, girls blouses 4, pina-
fore dresses 1.
Capture parcels -Face clouts 51,
khaki handkerchiefs 24, men's pyj-
auras 8.
Early Monday morning, Jan. 3rd,
the death occurred of a former well
known Seaforth business man in the
person of William John Walker, at
his homeonHigh street after sever-
al weeks' illness._
Mr. Walker was born in Morris
township in 1863, the son of the late
Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Walker. On
March 26th, 1890, hewasmarried
to Miss Jane Walker and they settled
on a farm in Morris township which
he later disposed of and moved to
Brussels where he engaged in the
furniture business. A few years lat-
er they moved to Teeswater and in
1906 came to Seaforth and conduct-
ed a furniture and undertaking bus-
iness until his retirement several Miss Florence Smith has taken a
years ago. He was a member of position in Seaforth.
First Presbyterian Church: Besides Alvin Elliott, RCAF., Ottawa, ,spent
First Presbyterian Church his wife, he is survived by two sons, a few clays with his parents, Mr. and
Rev. Hugh Sack, Minister. Sam, of Timmins; and John R. of -Mrs. M, Elliott, -
S.S,, 10 a.m. Hamilton; two daughters, Mrs Grace Pte. Elliott Chuter, of Ipperwash,
Cameron of Toronto and Miss Mary spent the week end at the parental
11 a.m., The Challenge of Faith" Walker, Ottawa; one brother, Thos., hone,
7 p.ni„
''The Unifying Power of of Brussels and a sister, Mrs, Br
Christ." don of Buffalo. There is one grand-Mrs,
Mrs; Mossop spent the week end
child• with her dter, bits. Bali and lit-
tle son, Clinton,
St. Thomas Church
Rector, Rev. Dr. Hurford.
JANUARY 6, 1944
Phone 84
$1 a year
E. Clarke Attends
Meeting at Kitchener
HEROiSM SHOWN Hensall Council Holds
First 1944 Meeting
A despatch from .the Italian front
Twenty -Third Older Boys' Par- tells how a Canadian chaplain, Hon,
Iiament Holds a Successful Capt, Fred J. Goforth of Toronto,.
covered a quarter of a mile of open
Session_ ground to reach a group of isolated,
wounded Canadians after German
The twenty-third Ontario Older fire had twice prevented a rescue
Boys' Parliament mat in Kitchener peaty from reaching them,
at Zion Evangelical Church' from The chaplain' attended to the
Dec. 27th -31st. The Premier was wounded for five hours. before a
Robert 3. Lederman, Kitchener and rescue party arrived, the despatch
the Leader of the Opposition was adding; "Every man will tell you
Robert E. G. I•Ienderson, Brockville. that it was a miracle, for the padre
Monday morning the members wasn't even scratched and he car -
arrived and were billeted in Kitchen-
er homes. In the afternoon in an im-
pressive Oath of .Allegiance service
the members of Parliament signed
individually the oath "to 'bear true
allegiance to the King of Kings". In
the aevening the opening ceremony.
was held when J. Albert Smith,
lieutenant govenor of the Older
Boys' Parliament read the speech
from the throne. The speech from
the throne was debated on by the
individual members -about work
in their constituency. The Boys'
Treasurer Makes Report on -Vl-
lage Finances. - Appoint-
ments' Made
The fleet meeting of tbe 1944- Vila
.age Council, was held Monday at 8 p.
m, in the council chamber with all,
members present. All members of the
Council have taken their declaration
of office: Minutes of the last meeting -
of the 1943 council adopted as read.
T; Kyle reported having trouble with
ried on in the face of a terrible hail the clampers on the fm'nace; also
of lead."had ;collected all poll taxes. R. 3'.
Capt. Goforth is a son of the late Paterson,
tax collector, reported out -
Dr. - Jonathan and Mrs. Goforth,. who standing taxes as being the lowest in
spent fifty years in China as Piesby- Years, namely 3455.25. Parkin -Fink,
terian missionaries, Dr, Goforth was that the collector- be given until
a native of Mitchell. Capt. Goforth March Oth to hand in his tax roll.
was born in China but received his Reeve Shaddick reported the County
education in this country. He was as wanting the boundaries of the vil-
one time minister of Wallaceburg lage defined by By -Law, also regard-
ing the drainage in front of R. Dick's
property. The Treasurer reported the .
finances of the village, staling that
the school had 31400, Hydro -31.300,
and the village 33,923.07 cash bat-
ances and that the village has a
credit of 31591.08 with the County,
robing a road rebate; and the total
liabilities were 32,904.15 in Hydro tie-
bentuies; with Victory bonds of 312.-
000 held by the Hydro as a reserve
fund, Correspondence read: J C
-Shearer re Yarns machinery school;
F. W, Gladinen re lots in the village
numbered wrong in some cases for
Assessment purposes, etc.; sante eon- LONDESBORO
sideretl and filed. Kerslake -Fink, that
the Clerk and Assessor go to Goder- Annual Report of-Londesboro -
iclr In the near future to check over Red Cross
the plan of the 'village as used with,
the Registered plans in Goderich.. The Lonclesboro Red Cross held a ,
Parlcins-Snrailacombe, that we pay meeting each month during 1943 in
the minimum cost of living bonus to the community hall with the presid-
the clerk and utility man. Bills and ent Mrs. B. Brunsdon - presiding at
accounts, T. Kyle, salary 373.30; J. every meeting except October, which
A. Paterson, premium on bonds, 328; was taken by a vice president, Mrs.
Hensall Ilydro, hydro hall, 310.92; F. 3'. Scott. The average attendance for
G. Bonthron, postage, 35; T. Richard- the year was 25. There was qualting
son, labor rink, 342. R. Todd, do .60; at every meeting except, February
A, Noakes, do, 30,80; partners Co-op and March. In June, 17 boxes were
erative, coal rink, 316.25. • Total sent to boys overseas and in October
$185.87:Fink-Snrailacombe, that we ap- there were 16 oxerseas. boxes sent.
point Rev. R. A. Brook to fill the un- We still have an overseas fund of
expired term of Rev, W. Weir on the 399;08. Knitted goods consisting of
Library Board, also re -appoint Mrs. sweater and socks were given to 10
W. 0. Goodwin for another term local boys enlisting in 1943. During
and that the Clerk prepare a By -Law the year the society donated 3100 to
re same. Kerslake -Fink, that we ap Russian relief, 3100 to Chinese re-
point Orville Twitchell as fire chief lief, $25 toward the jam project, Two
and motor- mechanic. -J. A. Paterson, large cartons of good clothing, includ-
Clerk. ing men's women's and children's
clothing were collected and sent for
An appeal has been sent out for survivors' bundles. We also had a
new and appeal
used clothingtfor shower for woolen in uniform and
collected 98 articles. Miss E. Mains
Russia. Donations can be left with donated a quilt on which tickets were
Red Cross sewing at Mrs. Chambers sold, netting the Red Cross 331. An
not later than Friday, January 14th. apron, towel and pillow case shower
Tly s from
Theand annualgive a meetingdonation, of Winthrop shower 317.68. A banquet was served
was held in December, Proceed
public school, S.S. No, 10, was held to the Huliett Unit of Federation of
last week. William Howe was- elect- Agriculture by the ladies of the Red
.ed trustee with William McSpadden Cross. Our profit for the evening was
retiring. The other trustees are 3116.36. Hostess mmiey for 1943,
Presbyterian Church and assistant
at Knox Presbyterian Church in
Toronto. He is well known in'this
Parliament does not train boys in
polities but rather it trains them in HENRY HUFFMAN
character and ability, then in leader- Henry Huffman, 91. died on Tan.
ship of other boys. Leadership 2nd at the home of his daughter in
training groups were held every day Detroit. He had suffered a stroke on
under the leadership of several of Cliristmas Day,
the Kitchener -Waterloo minister's. Henry Huffman was born near
Behind tbe scenes watching' that Georgetown on Oct. 6th, 1853. His
everything ran smoothly was Rev. family moved to Hullett -when- he
Wilbur K. Howard B.A., an ordained was eight years of age and lived on
Negro minister. Mr. Howard is the the 13th concession ' near Harlock,
secretary of the Ontario Boys' Work He Was married- in 1873• to Miss
Board. Annie McMillan of Grey township,
Legislature was passed concerning and lived in Hullett and Grey twps,
juvenile delinquency; race relation- going to McLennan, Algoma, in 1886
ship, which included sex life and where be farmed for 25 years. In
clean living, and resolutions en 1915 they moved to Seaforth where
temperance and smoking. Bilis were he lived until the death of Mrs.
also passed regarding finances, Huffman in 1940. a
publicity and Tuxis and Trail Ran- Surviving are three daughters,
gens, Mrs. Cerveny, Detroit, Mrs, Witt -
The Premier for the 24th Boys' tam, North Bay, Mrs. Gilroy, Sault
Parliament will be R. E. Y. header- Ste. Marie, Mich„ and four sons,
son of Brockville and the leader of John Huffman, Goderich; Angus M.,
,the opposition will be Leo. Hobson of Acme, Wash., George T., Acme,
Toronto University, 'Wash„ Edward J,, Vancouver. •
The J, M. Schneider Co. was The funeral was held on Wednes-
caterer for the meals and the "Y" day afternoon at 3.45 p.m. at the
Women's auxiliary served. The meals Holmes & Whitney- Chapel, Rev.
were all held at the Y. M. C. A. with Hugh Jack officiating. Interment in
the exception of Tuesday noon when Maitlandbank cemetery. -
the boys were guests of the K -W
Kiwanis Club. KIPPEN
The average age of the boys was
17s/ yrs., some.were as ,young as agr. and Mra, Archie Parsons anti
13 years. There were 66 members at family spent Ne wYetw s clay with
parliament this year, Mrs. Parsons' parents, `Mr. and Mrs.
The representative - for Huron- Joseph Linden, of Denfield.
South is Ernest Clarice of Seaforth. Miss Anna Damm of the RCAF„
(W.D.), Aylmer, spent the week end
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, H.
Gnr. A. H. Gackstetter of Halifax,
spent the week end with Mrs. Gaeta
stetter and other relatives.
The many friends of Mr, Allan
Cochrane will regret to know -he Is
very ill at Mrs. Saundercock's nurs-
ing home in Hensall. We wish hint a
speedy recovery, John Pethick and Thomas Piyce,
Mrs. Reid Torrance of Porter's Mrs, Con Eckert has been engag-
Hill is spending a few clays with her adas teacher for S.S. No. 12, Me -
father and sister Mr. Henry Ivisou Killop, her duties commencing after
cosi Miss Sean. the holidays, Mrs, Moody Holland re -
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith of signet].
Guelph visited over the week end We welcome Mr. and Mrs. John
with Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr, incl
Mrs. Sohn Sarrott, Leaning who have moved into our
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robbins of. Tor- village, •
onto and bh•. and Mrs. Harold Foster There' are still a few cases of fits
and Billy, of Blyth, also Mr. and Mrs. in the burg.
Harold Taylor and family of Exeter„ Letters have been received from
and Mr. and Mrs, Royalance Westcott LAC Samuel McSpadden, Sydney,
and Carole Diane of Exeter, were N.S,; Jack Habkirk, Camp Borden,
recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wins Elmer Scott of London and Glen
J. P. Bell and family. Smith of Petawawa, thanking WM-
Mr, and Mrs, Dan Melick and ram- throp Red Cross unit for the Christ-
JOHN G. DOCHERTY Mr. and Mrs. E. Chuter spent New
Year's day at the home of their dau-
ghter Mrs. W. McBride and Mr. Mc-
Bride and family.
11 a.m., "We Ars Come to Wor- A highly respected resident of Eg-
ship Flim" mondville died on Monday, January
., "The Epiphany of Jesus." 3rd in the person of John George
7 p.m
Sunday School at 10 a 111 Docherty, aged 82 years. Mr. Doch-
erty passed away in Scott Memorial
Hospital after a seven-day fitness.
St, Mary's Church, Dublin The deceased was•born at W.roxeterr,
2.25 p,m., Sunday School, He farmed at Griswold, Man., until
3 pan., "We Are Come to Wor- retiring to Egmondville. Mr. Hoch.
ship Him," erty was married at Carberry, Man„
to Miss Margaret C. Smitbi who sur-
vives with one daughter,. Mrs, A. W.
Egmondville United Church Coon, of Norfolk, Virginia, and two
Rev, A, W. Gardiner, B,A.,73,D. • sons, W. S. Docherty, of Edmonton,
101 f Sunday S h 1 !Alta., and Dr. J. T. Docherty, of rhilch'en took their parts We matte Henry Ivison Miss Ivison and Ti_vMi. and Mrs. Walter Eaton.
rty, of Griswold, an. the drills. Proceeds amounted to $22. covert' from bad colds, Mr. Dainm is to NI r. WinnerScottandami y:
Mrs, M. Reid spent the New Year
holiday with her son Wilmer, Mrs,
Reid and daughter Mona.
The annual school concert was held
in the hall on Wednesday night, Dec.
22nd, and in spite of bad roads and
storm, there was a good attendance.
Those who attended got a thrill, ily of Goderich were recent guests of mas parcel they reserved. Nine
while those who were unable to at- Mr, and Mrs. Wm. McGregor unci boxes were sent to the boys over -
tend missed a. treat. Much credit is family, seas and nine to the boys in Canada.
due the teacher Mrs. Beatty incl Mrs.' Theig friends are glad to know Mr, and Mrs. George Eaton . and
Boyce for the able way in which the that Mr. and Mrs. Hinsdale, Mr, Donnie spent .New Years clay with
We :Arte Sorry
That slurring the past year
we have not been able to
supply just every demand
'for merchandise on time. We
• are afraid that we - may not
be able to do so during the
year 1944. However, 'we pro-
mise that veewill do the
very best to .serve you well
and falthfully under present
circumstances. And that
brings' ns back to the war.
After all we have clone with-
out a few things, been incon-
venienced a little, 'but ser-
' teinly have, not suffered at
a11. So let us cheer up, carry
on, BUY WAR BONDS, and
will the war just that much
sooner. The war. will be
over. Peace will reign again,
perhaps in 1944. And so let
us be cheerful and tlianlctul,
$� red S. Savauge
Jeweler and Optometrist
11 a.111,, "Christ's Sympathy for the' Robert Doehe
a.m,, un ay coo . I Conneaut, Ohio; also one brotherG d M, special mention of the singing and son Torrance are malting a good re- We extend our deepest symppathy
illi" -ted•" He was predeceased by one laugh- 50, to be devoted to war ivo;'1 - sufficiently recovered to be back in the passing away of his mothbr last
7 p.m., "Substituting Praise for ter, Isabella. Mr, Docherty was a The annual meeting of St: John's the store week.
Obedience:" I member of Northside United Church W,4 was held Tuesday al; the ionic Visitors in the community during Elclon Hulley has been engaged
anti had served as a' church official, of Mrs, M. G. Beatty and Miss Mos- the week were Mrs, "Torrante at her with Mr: Irvin Tr s be
He was also a member of the Odd- sop. Meeting opened by the President olcl ltmne, also Jean Long•, and Anna
fellows Lodge. Mrs. M. Reid reacting a passage of Damm at their homes, BRODHAOEN
The funeral was held on Wednes- - scripture, followed by the Lord's Church service last Sunday was The annual_moeting of the rate -
day afternoon,: Rev, H. V. Work- prayer in unison. The secretary, Mrs,, conducted by the minister, Rev. A.
man officiating, The pallbearers M Elliott, gave a satisfactory report NI. conducted
based his Sermon on Payers n annual
9, Logan, was
were Dr. Harburn, M. McKellar, of work done during the past year,Emerson'sstatement that' sermon
les- 'held with 8,2 apposnndaLog Edward
Herald Lawrence Robt: Smith Ecl, The treasurer, Miss Mossop, gave the Ahrens was appointed chairman,
son of life is to believe what the The newly -elected trustee is William
Mole, E. Goodie. Interment was menu financial report. The Branch, after' : centuries say against the hours. He M Maitland Bank cemetery. meeting all its obligations, showed f- announced his intention of preaching Siomon with Henry Rose retiring,
balance on hand. The election of of- next Sunday on "The Message of the The other trustees are Irvin Miller
W.I. TO MEET beers followed: Honorary president, Book of Proverbs," and Wilfred Ahrens, Charles Leon -
The Women's Institute will meet Mrs. Graham; president, Mrs. M. hardt was re -appointed caretaker.
Tues,, Jan. 11 at 2.30 at the home Reid, vied president, Mrs. H. Deihl, DIES AT VANCOUVER Rev. W. Schultz offered his services
BLAKE of Mrs,'Goudie, This is the publicity secretary, Mrs. 'M. Elliott; treasurer, Word was received this week of to give religious instruction in the
meetingand the rot call will be Miss E. E. Mossop. Meeting closed the death at Vancouver,- B.C. on school half an hour each week. The
New Year visitor's in vicinity: Mi one improvement I with the members' prayer ill unison .ears Eve of Marrone Fulton, offer was gea thefully accepted. Albert
card Mrs. Lloyds Jeffrey and daughter wouldanal/vdnlik by o P and benediction by the resilient. New Y Hinz received contract to deliver
nnes of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs, Leo- mlike e e home. Will thep beloved wife of Mr. James Riley, f- 15 cords d Hardwood and 15 cords
B members please bring new or used' ter a brief illness Mrs,. Rileyleft
Hard Jeffrey and family of Goderich. clothing for the Russian Relief. The ' t Seaforth a year ago last September of softwood to the :shoot
Mr. and Mrs. N. Duchavmo and ian- motto will be taken by Mrs. H. V. Mrs.' Hawit Hiegel is spending
ghter of Brantford, all with Mr. and „ CONSTANCE to join her husband at the Coast this week with her slaughter, Mr.
Mrs. Leon Jeffrey, Workman, A Life Without aPur-' where he was employed, Born in and Mrs. Don Markle, Woodstock,
Gus Clark of near St. Thomas and pose is like a Ship without a Rud- Constance' Unit 'sewing for 1943: Grey township, she hued at Mitchell, Pte. Carman Moglt, of Peterboro;
' card der," Publicity to be taken by Mr. Quilts, tops donated by unit, 62, later coming to' Seaforth where sire s ,eat New Years with 'his parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Attridgeand B y E P. Chesney: Let us aim to start Quilts,, all donated by members, 10, was on the. local post office staff un -
of Goderich with Mr. Clarke and Will. the new yeas with a full attendanceMr, and Mrs. George Mogk.
Miss Kern was in charge again of always wet- Men's. kimonos 10; little boys' coats til her marriage eleven years ago. The meeting
ager Band held, its an -
the service in Blake Church on Sun of members, Visitors a y 11; hospital gowns 18; boys blouses Besides her husband she Leaves three
day after her holiday. come. (2 yr. size), 3; ladies' slips 27; loran- cla,ildren, W nnifred; Charles` and with meeting r New Years Day
Many friends of the late. Mrs: FrecLl. � guiar bandages 286; nurses' gowns . Marjorie Jean, The remains are with were14 members present., A]1 afire-
Turner of Goderich attended the fun -1 PRESENTATION 30, towels 154; nurses' caps 28; expected to arrive at the home of ere re-elected er follows:
er l'on Mondayheld to Bayfield Cem-! A large gathering a friends both ladies' pyjamas, 9 pair; ladies' night- her father, Mr, James Fulton, at Leader, A. re-elected
Quas forlsser•; pies
a y idem, N.' G. Rock; vice-president, A
day. She was a former Blake girl,, Young and old assembled at the les. 42; bed jackets, 16; ladies' Mitchell, on Saturday. Hinz_, secretary treasurer, de P-
These meetings are ,being well - at-
tended and found helpful. On Thurs-
day evening, Jan. 5th, the Rev. H.
V. Workman will give the address at
Egmondville United Church and on
Friday the Rev, H. Jack will speak
at Northside United Churchat 8
p.m. By all means come.
$42.85; lunch collection 330,08; mon-
ey on draws. 325.16; inernberehip fees
Paid by 38 ladies, 39.50; Red ' Cross
campaign 3600; grunt from Coiusty
of Huron $600; cash donations $131.-
50. The following articles have been.
made by Londesboro and Burns dur-
ing 1943; 1, Girls in uniform, 94 toilet
articles and 4 sewing articles. IL
Sewing Hospital Supplies: 59 sheets,
4 bed jackets, 129 bed pads, 240
handkerchiefs, 202 towels, 45 pillow
cases, 3 washcloths, malting a total
of 682' hospital supplies. The new
hospital quota consisting of `40
sheets, 30 men's pyjamas, 10 dress-
ing gowns, 10 bed jackets, is started
but. not- - completed, III. British Civil-
ian -9 dresses, 8 blouses, 15 women's
sweaters, 1 pr. gloves, 38 children's
sweaters, 8 girls' coats, 8 skirts, 13
girls' slips, making 54 knitted articles
and 46 sewing articles, a total of 100
Bt', Civilian articles. IV. Babies'
Articles: 4 comforters, 1 slip,- 4
quilts, 8 bonnets, 4 jackets, 4 shirts,'
4 sweaters, 1 pr. panties, IO pr. -
boottees, malting a total of 50
articfos. V. 'Women's " Auxiliary: 11
toques, 13 pr. sockees, 0 knickers, 11
pr, gloves, malting a total of 64
articles. VI. Seamen's Conl±ortk. 18 -
pr, socks, 8 turtle neck sweaters, 2
turtle ueck tuck -ins, 3 acro caps, 5
pr. mitts, 2 V neck sweaters, 5 round
neck sweaters, 1 scarf, 14 pr. sea -
Men's long stockings,' making a total
of 85 articles. VII. Army and Air
Force: 3 pr. gloves, 5 alternative
caps, 4 turtle neck sweaters, 12
round neck sweaters, 11 V neck
sweaters, 2 pr. gloves, 4 pr. socks,
malting a total of. ' 50 articles. VIII.
Capture Parcels: 40 ribbed helmets,
54 scarves, 1.10 pr. socks. Total of -
314 articles. We are still knitting on
a quota of women's, girls' and boys'
sweaters 'tor Br. Civilians but this
quota is not as yet completed; No, of
quilts, 90 'quilts. Total knitted art-
icles, 567. Total sewing articles 778.
The society 'wishes to thank all who
have helped during the past yeas' and
solicit your help and co-operation for •
the ,coming year.
W. Meeting of Farm Forum o£ con -
a daughter of. Mr, Ross Johnston. I home of Mr. and Mrs.,H. Coombs dresses 2; pinafore skirts 6,q boys cessions 2 and E$,. postponed from
received and resented Pte. Wesley Coombs shirts, 11; girls' blouses 9;I men's py- -, THREE FOR WARDEN Querengesser.
'was held at
Md. and Mrs. Sam,HeYght e with p
wrist watch. Mr. R. MacLean jamas 16 pair; baby's nighties 13• Aspirants' for the wardenship• of Mr, and Mrs. AlbeSunday Swithterof Dec. Rev. floss Broadfoot Jan. 3rdhV'th four-
ihome of
from their dent an open' a at Jr.aw t M
iPeggyhandkerchiefs 72; sanitary Huron County "this year. are,' Reeves Linwood. spent S _Y teen members present: 'Discussion
Windsors who there niece an operation Jrreadnel the address and Mieseat pads
hbFred Watson, of Stanley, R. E. Shad- and Mrs: Schultz. :}s and cards were indulged
thatthospital ing since Christmas,':Tia Well made the presentation. then. Pacts 27;tbaby's diapers 10.
P expressed histhanks for Knitting. report 'from Constance::- dfcic of Hensall and T. 0. Wilson of. Misses Eva $� turned to Galtlaf- was
the recreation period. A vote
ok .shf_ is also as well as singe beau if ext d
Mrs. James Burdge •ift.and 'assured his friends 2 turtle neck sweaters, ' 13 V' neck Grey: The contest is likely to be close man �ndinrecht a week at their homes. of thanks was tendered the 'host and
looked. for; also M s. g g
of Bruceiield, who is in Clinton Kos that the watch would be a constant sweaters, 4 round neck sweaters, 10 as all have fallen an active part in ter spending hostess and the next meeting will -be
r m. The eveningwas ,turtle neck tuck ins; 31 pair, sotics; debate, and same length of service. here:' `c ne11 with held at the home of Ernie Cliipcha e'
pita] after an operation, Many friends reminder.of them.
unci] meets next Tiles- Miss Elsie •Stier::, of Mie l held at evening, Jan 10e
his funeral at Zurich on Wednesday. night. till mid- 17 pair gloves, 17 alternative caps, 4 The county co
of the late Mr. John Desch attended sent in cards and
dancing*children's sweaters, 1 ribber helmet, day afternoon,_ Mrs. Jno, Bennewies.