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The Seaforth News, 1947-12-25, Page 7
.CHRONICILES OF GINGER FARM By Gwendoline P Clarke How many seasons in a year? Four, you say? I think there are five - spring,summer, autumn, winter - and Christmas. Isn't that right? And don't' you think it's Wonderful to have Ch istmas come right in the middle of the longest an -t dreariest season of the year a season within a season, as it were? Imagine winter without Christmas - wet' and weeks of wintry weather - with more darknes• than light; days c: blizzards followed by (: a blanket of s„ow. But then just as we get terribly fed up with the weather, along' conies Christmas, Christsr - with all its colour and story, its beautiful traditions and spirit of goodwill. Then, if we are wise, we forget all about the ele- ments and set our hearts in tune for singing, Away from home wh, lets the weather worry them anyway? We say- "Aw, shucks, I'm - going home, no matter what!” And if we are among the stay-at-homes we look forwardto our folks coming for the Yuletide season: We work and bake and scheme; we trim the • tree and wrap the presents, and, al- though jus' about tired enough to drop, we greet everyone with a cheery - "l-Iappy Christsmasl" And have you ever noticed, friends, that with every happy Christmas that we say, some part .of it comes back to ourselves? We just can't go around wishing other folk happiness without sharing in it too. * And another thought Just as we welcome Christmas in the middle of winter, isp't it 440 possible to ex- perience an even greater sense of gladness 'hen we remember that in this troubled world, with its threats of ar, 'ts strikes, disunity, and its :.ungry people, there is yet always Christmas, steadfast as a rock, naw and forever. Oh, I know that in many homes Christmas will be little more than a name — the presents, the fun, and good things to c't will be absent. But even so there will be mothers telling little children about the Christ -child that was born long years ago - born to bring peace to a troubled world. And perhaps as she tells it there will creep into many a mother's ht art a new hope a peace that passcth all under- standing, * * * Friends, don't let bitterness spoil :his Christmas season -- don't let ourselves thi - "Oh, what's the use. .. a'' this unrest, all these SAFES Protect sour BOORS and CASH from VIRE and THIEVES. We hare a sire cad true of safe, or Cnbiott, for sur seruose. .Visit nu, or write for prices, etc„ to Dept. W. tl.&J.TAVLDIPI LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 1411 trent St. E., Toronto E*tabnshed 188e high prices - where's it all going to end?" Let us give ourselves a Christmas present of faith in the future, and let u; be content with the little things of life -the friendly greeting;_ the little unexpeced kind- nesses that conte our way, and 'the happy 'contf.n•table feeling that comes to us with every spontane- ous desire to h idr make Christmas a little' easier, a little brighter for someone else. And where better could we start •han with the 'chil- dren - not just our children, but children everywhere, Christmas and children belong together, T-Iappy the family where young, excited voices and happy; carefree laughter, mingle with the deeper tones of the grown folk. Let us make this Christmas al -1 every Christmas = one for the children to remem- ber. Let them be happy and in their happiness we shall probably find our own, -And so friends, in all sincerity, may I wish you . very Happy Christmas. May you be light- hearted and gay, the better to enjoy your friends, your 'children. and YOURSELF -in short, your Christ mas, There will 1 • other days - days when we can stew, and fret and fuss - if we must, but this is the Christmas season - this is the ,time to say "Happy Chrisntas, Everybody!" r nd mean it, Alt, what a thought! If a share of each greeting comes back to ourselves what a lot of joy is hom- ing niy way because, here am I, sending a message to -literally hun- dreds of people. So I'll say it again - A Tiapp' Christ•nnt to you all! .;•utiles, placed in windows on Christmas Eve to light the Christ Child and to welcome wayfarers, have been popular for centuries, but the burning of Bayberry can- dles is a strictly North American custom which dates from colonial days. Though associated particu- larly with New England, these aro- matic candles glow in windows from coast to coast. Y CHIIISL A SLEIGHFUL OF CHRISTMAS GOODIES As fresh as the Christmas snow, as crisp as the Winter wind, Here's the cookie jar's contribution to a bright and happy Christmas! These delicious cookies will find a place everywhere in your holi- day plans -in the youngsters Christmas stocking -'round the family tree -the grown-up parties. Stock the cookie jar well with these easy -'to -make cookies -for they'll be in great demand this holiday season! Filled Hermits Sei cup butter 1?_ teaspoons cinnamon 1 1/3 cups sugar 1 teaspoon cloves 2 eggs 2 teaspoons baking powder - 1/3 cup milk 1 teaspoon salt 14 cups bran % teaspoon mace H1 3;% cups sifted flour 1 ;'s teaspoon nutmeg 1 cup mincemeat or preserve Blend butter and sugar; add eggs and mix well. Add mills and bran. Sift flour with remaining dry ingredients and add to first mix- ture. Chill. Roll dough to about Si -inch thickness on lightly floured board. Cut into stars. Place level teaspoon of mincemeat on half of rounds and cover with remaining rounds. Crimp edges with a fork to hold together. Bake on greased cookie sheet in moderately hot oven (400 degrees r.) 12 to 15 minutes. Yield 45 cookies (2N inches in diameter). TEEN -TOWN TOPICS - By BARRY One more week and Christmas will be here. Oh Boy, I'ni so hill of ideas for a Christmas column I could fill half a paper myself, but why should a paper have half t h e usual reader interest :n a Christmas issue For -ex- ample, I w a s going to tell you bow Susie and I put up the Yule- tide Tree, I use the term Yuletide only to save on the repetition. Then I thought I would write a nice long Xmas Poem. Also I had an idea for a story on a lisle boy's Christmas. It starts out caul and enols up happy as the dickens, Well, anyway, as this is Christ- mas, I have written a very Short poem for this happy Yuletide oc- - casion, I'M WAITING Ole Santa is coming, next Thurs- day night, If I wake up and see him, I'll croak from fright. I'll leave , biscuit and a hot cup of tea, And hope that his bag is half emptied for me. I'm Waiting I'll be as good as I can until Christ- mas Eve comes, I'll help all my neighbors - even the burns. I'm as l-aPPY, as happy as happy can. be. 1 sure hope dear old Santa, Leaves lots on my tree. In the meantime - I'm= waiting. Radio - Christmas Day Up until Christmas and on that day, too, there is heaps of swell listening far you. If it isn't too late for you, you can catch the Leslie Bell singers and Orchestra on )Dec, 17 at 9 pun., presenting carols that are centuries old. On Friday, Dec. 19th at 5,45 p.m„ you can listen to "Sounds Fun" and get a good many novel ideas for trim- ming the tree and wrapping pre- sents. This programme is especially for young people. Old Christmas carols and tales about how they ware originated, are in store for those who listen on Dec, 20th to ` h'fusic Makers" at 12,30 p.m, The - We are told that the fir tree goes back to Eve, but it was not until the time of Martin Lu- ther that the ever- green was used as an indoor decora- tion in celebration of Christmas. It is said that Lu- ther one Christmas Ever wandered through the woods and became enam- oured with the won- der of the night. He cut a small snow -laden fir tree, and set it up in his home for his children. He it luminated It with candles to rep-' resent the stars. It was not until 1604 that, in Stress= burg, the first Christmas tree ap- peared in literature, 1 U. S. Naval Leader 'L s r HORIZONTAL commander of 7 Pictured 1J. S. naval leader, Rear -Adm. —, Jr. 11 Silkworm 12 Paid notice 13 Weight deduction 14 Jump 35 Short jacket 17 Hat material 19 Skill 20 Therefore 21 British Colum- bia (ab,) 23 Wine vessel 24 Flower 26 Musteline mammal 28 Percussion. instrument 29 Fog 30 Symbol for rubidium 31 Mountain (ab.) 82 And 84 Seeweed 37 Angier's basket 38 Requires 40 Regiment (ab,) 41 Be quiett- 43 Natural power 44 Entangle. 45 Male deer 47 God of love 50 White frost 51 Sicilian volcano 53 Area measure 54 Hindu queen 55 He in deputy the U. S, forces VERTICAL 1 Scoffed 2 Speaker 3 Body part 4 Symbol for sodium 5 Chapeau 6 Bustle 7 Right (ab.) 8 Dolt 9 Plays the part of host 10Protective head covering 14 Race course circuit 15 Daybreak (comb. form) 16 New Bruns - A nnw, r to Prevlonn ra- ` an_ Loa a M til©L^.10 ��1 MUM ® Ng AUS NE FRNK ©�L7 i.00 ©�vIId�©o© Insp. ilUm i l wick (ah. Adan, 18 Sal os- 37 Credits tab.) 20 Signs 39 Sainte (al,) 22 Order 42 Him 25 Doctor's 43 Bone assistant 46 African- 27 Heading animal 32 Mountain 48 Knock crests 49 British ac - 33 Musical count money direction 50 Royal Air 35 Zodiacal Force (ab.) constellation 52 Near 36 Pertaining to 54 Measure MC RK AR above programmes will all be heard on your local C.B.C, station. On Christmas day there will be the usual specials. The King will make his customary address to the people around 10 in the morning. Throughout the day, there will be continuous Christmas programmes and music on the C.B.C. One of the feature broadcasts of 'Dec. 25th will he the fantou Elgin Watch 2 -hour show from - lfollvwood, with all your favorite .tars. This takes the air at 4 in the „fteruoon. Sea your heal paper for th, station, TEEN•TOWN REPORTERS Woodville Walter Austin - WVoodville Teen -Town Club has been meeting on Friday evenings for the past two months. Our en- rollment is about 45. This number is divided into foto groups, with a convenor at the head of each group, These groups take charge of the meetings in consecutive order. Generally the meetings start with a short devotion, followed by a business period after which games and contests are enjoyed, The re- creation is continued with a dance to records and the evening winds up with a lunch provided by the group in sparge, with lights out at 11 o'clock. The staff officers for the year are: Don Robertson, Mayor; Gwen Mayers, ' kc 3-(nyor; Betty Gnard, Clerk; hill Goard, Treasurer. Lead- ers of groups are: Moriey Smith, Gwen Pcnthick, Nth Towle and B"1 Gourd. CirrespandenIs are: Jarvis Stoddart and Walter Austin. These guys and gals were really busy a few: weeks ago with the Woodville Commencement rxer- ciser, Merry, Merry Christmas First of • all we would like our Teen -Town Topics reporters, Aud- rey Harris, Eva Loney, F. Edith Hall, Bcverlie Wilson, Velma Dav- is, Gail Martin and our new cor- respondent, Walter Austin, to take this opportunity of wishing their many readers the Compliments of the Season. And to this, may Susie and Yours Truly wish the Corres-: pouilent.4, Readers and others who have provided material for columns throughout the year A Merry, Merry Christmas! HENRY W LONGFELLOW T beard the .bells on Christmas Day Their old, familiar carols play, And wild and sweet The words repeat Of peace on earth, good -will to men! And thought how, as the day had come, The belfries of all Christendom Had rolled along The unbroken song Of peace on earth, good - will to men! Till, ringing, singing on its way, The world revolved from night to day, A voice, a chime, A chant sublime Of peace on earth, good -will to men! Then from each black, accursed mouth The cannon thun- dered in the South, And with the sound The carols drowned 0f peace on earth, good -will to me It was es it an earthquake The hearth -stones of a conn r,,,- And made forlorn The households bore Of peace on earth, gr , ,;,ll ts sb e•a; And in despair 1 bow,. 'r - . t; "There is no peace on ea. ` ,' 2 t„id• "For hate is strong, And mocks the song Of peace on earth, ,food-wi., men!” Then pealed the bells morn loud and deep: "God is not des nor doth he sleep! • The wrong shall fail, The right pre- vail, • With peace on earth, good -will to men!" Perfect 'Job A Philadelphia woman who went on a reducing diet a month ago has disappeared, That's service for you. HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention - Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harneae Supplies. We Bell our goods only through your local Staco Leather. Goods dealer, The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories - Harness, Horse Col. lars, Sweat Pads, Flom Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Steco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you •.'t aatisfeetinn MO. n+le he• SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington SL E-, foreeto WRITE FOR CATALOGUF ACTC:' . 'AYS TG L EiiEVU 1 ttr ^ISS OF R0,1(1.4 ♦f g111 .s vv get 1 al :visa , eul;F:.y', 'essa 41,011 i" r001',]M tltl de Life nd stn t.:•Y :as;p y ' ar CNC V 6't• ' t r t` Li .., lth P • . 1, I 'Ie 1st e"'"+. f yi Zo' til; n..t; s, atls bnc Inc f dab ' lobitis '. ble-aoti, tested Viol.,, Rub,,, Try;•, WHEN VISITING TORONTO MAKE YOUr SIC MB A'1 THE WARWICK HOTEL Every room with bath. shower and radio. Rates from $2,00 single, CENTRAL Pertnanent Lunette Invited. Excellent Cuisine. Cor. Jarvis and Dundas Sts, MODERN 169 l'undas St. -, Sure it's delicious, when von make it with Canada Corn Starch and it will be a favourite, with the whole family. - The quality of Canada Corn 5tare'l:. is the reason for its popularity tc;tit housewives from Coast to Cod:!. When your recipe calls for Glen Starch be sure to use Canada Corn Starch, its dependable qual- ity ensures' excellent results, Also Manufacturers of Crown !!rand Corn '+y, ;u ccs MUT AND JEFF—So You See It's A Merry Christmas All Over The House ON,R4UTT, I HOPE TI40Y WON'T! CICERO AND His' , BOY WONT MSS' LITTLE FK rNDS 35 SURPRISED WON'T RECoe1 rte TO SEE SANTA 'AXIS CLAUS WITH ALLr1 sit O HO HO HO! . MERRYC-,'�lSTMAS,So,'S! a IT'S S ME! SAI'TA CLAUS! 1F}. r :nw..T '. 'Le / .'�tt, 1) r q° *?§ ir" P 046s i �ul _, ? NE? �,� i rfif„g +r, t r -, , 05L4F4Jrsis- 91.1' ' .- *tr a S SAY, BOYS, ITS ME -SANTA CLAUS! SANTA CLAUS IS - 111 POE' PLEASE DONT BoTN us NoW WIT1t TIIAT OLD-FASHI0NE6 JUNK we'RE WoRtOINsoNT1 ECTOI WIIATOMIGUIDESTILEPIILOT! ATOMIC POWER PLA \fi -. UNDERS' DlTOSPNE CONDITIONS rU p. , -t `t ti„ 1111111II ; -- THESEI ,.y, " I TOYS) �' i t . o ' •% t �+�1,1,®D tit to stile IM •riryr S�U't.:.� v .^•` Y1iF ; - `�o.A�S. b ',( 7 , 1.✓ .4e L..;, s.. ti .. ,� :• y ( ; 9 1 - ` NuTSA ]iv. � �Y_ at� '' 3' r;�-,,' �*. a . ,, 1A .fir •`, 4, ._ - mi WA &. ■■�.�15 �6 ..• 17 � 19 5�®4'' 'A", ■■: � a"x 26 27 211 3D � sa ', 31 ; 32; 33 34 ■33 36 38 DO ®®Mel ,12.r 1,0 43 .,2 44lid ®.■4b a 48 j®r,)50, $$ .51 ■152'®I 111111.11. 5'i 54 ,I 141 14 MC RK AR above programmes will all be heard on your local C.B.C, station. On Christmas day there will be the usual specials. The King will make his customary address to the people around 10 in the morning. Throughout the day, there will be continuous Christmas programmes and music on the C.B.C. One of the feature broadcasts of 'Dec. 25th will he the fantou Elgin Watch 2 -hour show from - lfollvwood, with all your favorite .tars. This takes the air at 4 in the „fteruoon. Sea your heal paper for th, station, TEEN•TOWN REPORTERS Woodville Walter Austin - WVoodville Teen -Town Club has been meeting on Friday evenings for the past two months. Our en- rollment is about 45. This number is divided into foto groups, with a convenor at the head of each group, These groups take charge of the meetings in consecutive order. Generally the meetings start with a short devotion, followed by a business period after which games and contests are enjoyed, The re- creation is continued with a dance to records and the evening winds up with a lunch provided by the group in sparge, with lights out at 11 o'clock. The staff officers for the year are: Don Robertson, Mayor; Gwen Mayers, ' kc 3-(nyor; Betty Gnard, Clerk; hill Goard, Treasurer. Lead- ers of groups are: Moriey Smith, Gwen Pcnthick, Nth Towle and B"1 Gourd. CirrespandenIs are: Jarvis Stoddart and Walter Austin. These guys and gals were really busy a few: weeks ago with the Woodville Commencement rxer- ciser, Merry, Merry Christmas First of • all we would like our Teen -Town Topics reporters, Aud- rey Harris, Eva Loney, F. Edith Hall, Bcverlie Wilson, Velma Dav- is, Gail Martin and our new cor- respondent, Walter Austin, to take this opportunity of wishing their many readers the Compliments of the Season. And to this, may Susie and Yours Truly wish the Corres-: pouilent.4, Readers and others who have provided material for columns throughout the year A Merry, Merry Christmas! HENRY W LONGFELLOW T beard the .bells on Christmas Day Their old, familiar carols play, And wild and sweet The words repeat Of peace on earth, good -will to men! And thought how, as the day had come, The belfries of all Christendom Had rolled along The unbroken song Of peace on earth, good - will to men! Till, ringing, singing on its way, The world revolved from night to day, A voice, a chime, A chant sublime Of peace on earth, good -will to men! Then from each black, accursed mouth The cannon thun- dered in the South, And with the sound The carols drowned 0f peace on earth, good -will to me It was es it an earthquake The hearth -stones of a conn r,,,- And made forlorn The households bore Of peace on earth, gr , ,;,ll ts sb e•a; And in despair 1 bow,. 'r - . t; "There is no peace on ea. ` ,' 2 t„id• "For hate is strong, And mocks the song Of peace on earth, ,food-wi., men!” Then pealed the bells morn loud and deep: "God is not des nor doth he sleep! • The wrong shall fail, The right pre- vail, • With peace on earth, good -will to men!" Perfect 'Job A Philadelphia woman who went on a reducing diet a month ago has disappeared, That's service for you. HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention - Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harneae Supplies. We Bell our goods only through your local Staco Leather. Goods dealer, The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories - Harness, Horse Col. lars, Sweat Pads, Flom Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Steco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you •.'t aatisfeetinn MO. n+le he• SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington SL E-, foreeto WRITE FOR CATALOGUF ACTC:' . 'AYS TG L EiiEVU 1 ttr ^ISS OF R0,1(1.4 ♦f g111 .s vv get 1 al :visa , eul;F:.y', 'essa 41,011 i" r001',]M tltl de Life nd stn t.:•Y :as;p y ' ar CNC V 6't• ' t r t` Li .., lth P • . 1, I 'Ie 1st e"'"+. f yi Zo' til; n..t; s, atls bnc Inc f dab ' lobitis '. ble-aoti, tested Viol.,, Rub,,, Try;•, WHEN VISITING TORONTO MAKE YOUr SIC MB A'1 THE WARWICK HOTEL Every room with bath. shower and radio. Rates from $2,00 single, CENTRAL Pertnanent Lunette Invited. Excellent Cuisine. Cor. Jarvis and Dundas Sts, MODERN 169 l'undas St. -, Sure it's delicious, when von make it with Canada Corn Starch and it will be a favourite, with the whole family. - The quality of Canada Corn 5tare'l:. is the reason for its popularity tc;tit housewives from Coast to Cod:!. When your recipe calls for Glen Starch be sure to use Canada Corn Starch, its dependable qual- ity ensures' excellent results, Also Manufacturers of Crown !!rand Corn '+y, ;u ccs MUT AND JEFF—So You See It's A Merry Christmas All Over The House ON,R4UTT, I HOPE TI40Y WON'T! CICERO AND His' , BOY WONT MSS' LITTLE FK rNDS 35 SURPRISED WON'T RECoe1 rte TO SEE SANTA 'AXIS CLAUS WITH ALLr1 sit O HO HO HO! . MERRYC-,'�lSTMAS,So,'S! a IT'S S ME! SAI'TA CLAUS! 1F}. r :nw..T '. 'Le / .'�tt, 1) r q° *?§ ir" P 046s i �ul _, ? NE? �,� i rfif„g +r, t r -, , 05L4F4Jrsis- 91.1' ' .- *tr a S SAY, BOYS, ITS ME -SANTA CLAUS! SANTA CLAUS IS - - 3+ �'RADAR b't.J°� r V X POE' PLEASE DONT BoTN us NoW WIT1t TIIAT OLD-FASHI0NE6 JUNK we'RE WoRtOINsoNT1 ECTOI WIIATOMIGUIDESTILEPIILOT! ATOMIC POWER PLA \fi -. UNDERS' DlTOSPNE CONDITIONS rU p. , -t `t ti„ HERE! -- ; -- THESEI ,.y, " I TOYS) �' i t . o ' •% t �+�1,1,®D tit to stile IM •riryr S�U't.:.� v .^•` Y1iF ; - `�o.A�S. b ',( 7 , 1.✓ .4e L..;, s.. ti .. ,� :• y ( ; 9 1 - ` NuTSA ]iv. � �Y_ at� '' 3' r;�-,,' �*. a . ,, 1A .fir •`, 4, ._ - By BUD FISHER WSLL,HO1IEY,YOU 0.15-45 CAN TAKE TNESE SAcie AND SET.THAT NAT YouiO BEEN WANTING!