HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-12-18, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1947 HENSALL Hensall Institute The Xmas meeting of the Hensall Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Dinnin, on Wednesday even- ing, Dec. 10th, Miss Florence Welsh ably assisted the hostess. The home Ian overseas Institute to whom food. parcels, clothing, etc,, can be sent, Further details next meeting, A wo- men's college in England is in dire need of sheets and pillow cases. A donationof at least 1 pr. sheets and 1 pr. pillow cases from each u branch would be greatly aPpieciated, was seasonably decorated for the It was moved by Mrs, Geiger and occasion. Mrs, Kerslake, President, seconded by Mrs. Hess, that the opened themeeting with. the "Ode" Hensall Institute act on this matter and "Joy to the World" after which at once. Mrs. Kerslake read a lovely she offered prayer. The roll call was letter from Mrs, R. Moore, Streets - answered thus (a) my special collet- ville, a former prominent worker in tion to aid the Was` Memorial Child- which she sincerely thanked the ren's Hospital, London, (b) my fa- Hensall Institute for the shower of vorite carol. At date of writing the cards and gifts sent during . her special collection amounts. to $15. lengthy illness. The January meet - MISS Gladys Luker played extracts ing will be .held- in the Council from the following piano variations: chamber, Mrs. H. Horton and Mrs, "0 Come All ye Faithful" " Hagk.the W. Sangster will be hostesses. Mrs. Herald Angels sing" and "Silent Shirray -will give the motto. The Night". A humouroiis reading "A guest speaker will be .Dr, J. A. Mc - harp of a thousand strings" was con- Lean. Mrs. Orr will conduct the tributed by Mrs. J. Walker. The demonstration. Roll call, what health motto, "The manner of giving is rule would I emphasize to a child. worth more than the gift" as taken This is the Health and Social Wel- by Mrs. J. McAllister, was immensely fare meeting. It was also mentioned instructive. A quartette composed of that the following program,a social Misses Bernice Jinks, Betty Mickle time will be spent in playing euchre Betty Rowcliffe and Eleanor Cook, for all members and guests who de- rendered two beautiful selections sire to take part. Xmas Carol sing - "Ring out sweet Bells of ' 'Xmas", and I'nn Dreaming . of a White Xmas, accompanied by Miss Florence Welsh, A pleasing feature on the program was the presentation of a Bank book and an accompanying address to Mrs. E. Shortt for her in- fant son "John Harold". Routine ing was next featured under the. leadership of Mrs. W. 'Brown with. Miss Welsh at the piano, The carols used were; "It came upon a mid- night clear" "We Three Kings of Orient are", in this number the verses were sung by Mrs. Redden and Mrs. Hess. "0 come all ye Faith- ful". aithful". Miss Ellis in her own delight - Arnold Circle Elects Officers AMETZEMEMIIMMISMEMMIMSZOINEINV The annual supper meeting of the Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary was held in the school -room of Car- r) mel Presbyterian Ohnrch on Friday evening. Following ' the delicious meal, the president, Miss Jean Mc- Queen presided and the meeting opened by singing "It came upon a midnight clear, IToly Night, ancry 0 come all ye Faithful", The scripture Luke 22' 1-20 was read by Mrs. rl AT FINNIGAN'S 'Christmas is Home Home and hearth — those words began to chime iu his brain osing them, one lost Christmas. Walter Prichard Elston The Man lVlio Fouucl Cllristmos Remember Finnigan's Roy ;Bell. "While Shepherds watched ° —for your Turkey or Chicken,.Order this week for delivery Monday..] their flocks" was sung and Mrs. H. —for your Gandy, Fruit and Nuts. See our excellent display. Laing led in prayer. The roll call s el was answered by "a favourite Xmas:FINNIGAN & SON carol, The treasurer's report was W. J. rd van byMrs. F. G. BonthroD, Miss g c ueen presented- Life en evosammemo MQ td L'f Mem b1' ship certificates to Mrs. Win. Mrs. Ti. Hay, R P. A. Fear •uson resided and installed the officers for 1948 as follows: Fres., Mrs. Gleno Bell; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. Wm: Brown; 2nd vice-pres.,sStewart D. McEwen; sec'y, Bell;-ass't sec'yi Mrs, Roy Bell; treas., Mrs. F. G. Bonthron; pianist, Mrs. Harold Bell; as's't. Mrs, C Forrest; Glad Tidings Secy, Mrs. famuy John E. McEwen; Welcome and - Welfare sec'y, Mrs. P. A. Ferguson; Card of �h8n{CS, Home Helpers sec'y, Mrs. A. G1'i'. M,, Ruh McLachlan wishes to thank the The meetings will be held the third friends and neighbors for many Sara oG Monday of Angels sing" month. "Hark the thoughtfulness 4 s, Metetaduring the time kinf dness illness and Herald was sung, fol- sy,,,l,au y ;n his bereavement. lowed by the topic entitled . Christ - Brown and is ay ev. in Memoriam PEPPER--.ln loving me,nary of a' dear hun- g p band turd fther, Wtllinm H. Pepper, who passed away three years agog Dee. 18, 1944 He is gone but not forgotten,. And, as dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thiinking, Thoughts of him are always' near, Days of sadness wil1 come o'er us, Friends may think the wound is healed, But they. little knew the sorrow That -lies within the heart concealed. -Dyer remembered by his loving wife and mas carols" w'bich was presented by Rev. P. A. Ferguson. The meeting es was carried out as follows: closed by singing "0 Little town of business Bethlehem" and prayer by Rev. The president briefly outlined the ful manner gave an appropriate F'er uson. recent District Executive meeting Xmas Message entitled "The Legend Mrs. Netts Firmer' in which she emphasized the follow- of the black Madonna'. Mrs. C. For- Mrsisinner of Montreal. ing items, The District Project `Per- rest tendered the vote of thanks died,s.Netts :suddenly at'the home al sonality and Dress" will be held in after which "Silent Night" was sung. her veryryes sMr.uddenly y aTaylor on of Seaforth on April 2. Each branch A dainty lunch was served by Mrs, Wednesday her 78th year. d n must forward Federation fees not Dinnin, Miss Welsh, Mrs. J. Pater- Wedn was in he near Exeter The and son, Mrs. Shiriay, Mrs, H, Faber later than February. It was suggest- ed j that each braannchh should adopt yand Mrs. C. Forrest. d"Y Christmas Special „ 55 pc. DINNER SETS for $18.50 FOUR PATTERNS - POPPY -- MORNING GLORY -- COSMOS AND ROSE BL1D 0"1 BEA iTIEBROS. SEAFORTH o' ekethottaft A BEAUTIFUL WALNUT WATER FALL CEDAR CHEST BY JOHN BOSHART AND SONS GORGEOUS FLOOR LAMPS Every imaginable style — bridge lamps, table lamps, tri- litos, all with choice shades in silk or parchment! Many have marble base! CHENILLE BED SPREADS WOOL BLANKETS SATIN CUSHIONS Something in Gifts that are Different Silex Steam Irons Heating Pads Admiral Radios Rubber Mats, various colors and sizes Occasional pieces that will enhance any home et very,moderate cost. Make selections now while stocks are complete Bax iP orniture Store-- Funeral Service PHONE — DAY 43 — NIGHT 18 OR 237J POT S Carload next week. New Brunswick Katandins. APPLES—Lots of delicious apples. PURE OLiVE OIL Direct from Italy, i:he second shipment since the end of the re"r NEW PACKAGED Fla:. & ALL KINDS OF NUTS TANGERINES, GRAPES Lots of Celery F•Iearts. All kinds of Oranges A LI1"TLE BIT OF LEAF LT4T'ITUCFI PHILLIPS PHONE 68 SEAFORTH visited frequently with her brother here. Surviving besides her brother is a sister, Gladys of Montreal. Ser- vice was held from the Bonthl'o1 funeral home on Thursday at four p•m, conducted by Rev. P. A. Fer- guson. The remains were sent by rail at 7:30 p,m, for interment in Mon- treal. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Tiley visited FOR SALE Medium sire. Quebec heater.in excellent condition, priced for quick sale, CHARLES FALCONER, phone Dublin 48r1s. LOST In Seaforth on Thursday a parcel contain-. ing men's clothing. Finder please phone or leave at The News offce. FOR SALE • Boy's tweedovercoat, size 16. Girl's' ski suit, brown & plaid, sire 12, hockey skates & shoes, size 4, all in good condition. Cheap.. Apply at News Office, FOR SALE 1 ladies' navy blue coat, size 38, extra gnat- ity, worn twice. 1 navy dross 36. These u•ti- eles may be seen at GILLESPIE'S 'LRE GLEANERS. FOR SALE Two coal ranges, one with warming closet. & reservoir: Cheap for quick sale. JACK PTTI•lICI{, Seaforth FOR SALE reeentlly with relatives 1p. Goder'1 1 pair red elk Plight Boots. size 9. like Rev. Ferguson Addresses • new, reasonable. Apply at News Office. W.M.S. At Annual Meeting FOR SALE MC. Hudson presided in the An Enterprise range equipped with Queen absence of Mfrs. Hannah Workman Ann nil buener, like now,. senforth '834x$3• at the annual meeting of the W.M.S. FOR SALE of Carmel Presbyterian Church and cane upon a midnight clear" after Briggs & straw" 0Ii hp. gas . engine, like opened the meeting by singing It lew. Apply at The News. which Mrs, A. D. McEwen real! the TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP scripture, Matt: chapter 11. NIrs. A. NOMINATION MEETING Logan led in prayer. The roll call A meeting of the electors of the Township. of 14CeKiliop will bo held at Winthrop. .Hall on was answered by a favourite carol binnday. r:be 20th dny of December, 1947, for "Holy Night" was sung and the vas'-' the pumpoee or nominating a Reevo and four ions secretaries' and tr'easurer's re- Ceunelllnes. Nominations will he received from the hour of one o'clock to two o'clock in the ports were given. and proved most. afternoon, Lr the event of mm•e persons being encouraging. Mrs. M. Dougall and nominated than mac required to 411 the sev- eral nlficos, an election will be held on Monday, the 5th .day of January, 1648, Palls will be open from 0 mm. until 0 p.m. nt the following nieces: No 1, Jas. Curli„'s house, let. 11. con, a, Jas. Nolan, DRO, Will- iam Maloney, PC; No. 2 Winner Seott's house, lot 25, con. 4, Janes B, -Hogg, 0130, Alex hers PC; No. 9, Jos. Smith's house, lel 11. S 11 con„ Elmer Dennis, DRO, Ste- phen Murray PC; Poll No 4, School Enure cow 10, lot '56. Willis Dundas, DRO. ROSS Driscoll PC. 1 F. 141, ECICERT, Returning Officer, Mrs. J. Paterson contributed a vo- cal duet "0 little town of Bethle- hem". firs. W. R. Davidson present• eel a Life ;Membership certificate to Mrs. Martha Harvey, the address being read by Mrs, J. Paterson, Ret P. A. Ferguson gave an interesting address on "Xmas Carols". Mrs, J. Paterson gave the report of the nominating committee as follows: Hon. pies„ Mrs, H. Arnold; Pres., Mrs. Hannah Workman; 1st vice- pres., NIrs. R. Y. MacLaren; 2nd vice- res Mrs, Geo, Walker; 3rd vice -pros., Mrs. J. Paterson; sec'y, Mrs. C. Hudson; treas., firs. A. D. Meir Sven' Supply Sec'y Miss Reich' NOMINATION TOWNSIIIP OF 11113BERT Nomination meeting will be held ht the Township I'h,11, Staffs. on _Monday, December Mit 1047, at One O'clock P M for the pur- pose of nominating G1 anti proper persons for Reeve a158 C000511 foe too Year 1948. I THOS. D, WREN, i Clerk of the 'I.'o'n• of f4ibbaa ►� ..l The Season's • • Greetings W. J. THOMPSON JACK'S SHOE REPAIR, BOX '1xntrat #Fr'ut•C Auction Sale SATURDAY, DI.10. 20, 1 P.M. of High Class Furniture,' ,n the town of Seaforth, James St., opposite hospital, Chesterfield suite (like new). Walnut bed room suite; wardrobe, dresser, vanity bench & bed (practically new) Marshall spring mattress & cable springs Maple finish break- fast set --buffet, table, 4 chairs. RCA -Victor cabinet radio, Singer sewing machine, new 2 roars ago (walnut case), Wardrobe in light finish (new), 2 chesterfield tables (walnut), Wilton rug & pad 7'x0, with wine design. Wilton runner, 0 yards. Pair of dresser lamps. Connor white enamel washing machine (prae-• tieally new). Walnut cedar chest. Quantity of high quality dishes & kitchen utensils, Sale will be held in house. Inspection of far- nituro from•2 to 5 o.'elock Friday, Dec,. 19th Proprietor is leaving town. Terms cash. ALEX SIIOWRONSKI, Proprietor. 10. Jackson, Auctioneer. Auction Sale OF CHOICE DAIRY OATTLE at Porter's Hill, 3 miles west of Holmesville, on lslonday, December 22, at 1.30 P.M. sharp; 26 good dairy cows 1 4 fresh, balance due January,. February and March, 25 pasture -bred heifers (some are coo cc Holsteins and springing), 0 yearling Holstein heifers, 10 Holstein lieifer calves. This. will be the last sale this season so tlo no fail to attend, as. they are a. good lot 00 rattle and will be sold under the usual guarantee. Terms casts Sale will be held inside. A. E. TOWNSHEND, Proprietor, Edward' W. Elliott, Auctioneer. - - FOR SALE One pair of boys' skates. and hoots, size 015,. 92. Also a pair of boy's shoes, size (new), Phone 060 r 2 Seaforth, FOR SALE A good Jersey heifer to freshen first •week in January. Eligible for registration, CHAS. RILEY, Kinburn, FOR SALE Three black terrier puppies. $3 each, Good home essential. ANDREW MOORE, . phone 060 r 3, Seaforth, AMBULANCE Prohrpt and 'Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Office 43 Residence 18 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of ;nsm•anee risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co.. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, Ont. Officers President, F. McGregor, Clinton; Vice President, C. W. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; Secretary -Treasurer and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. '"- Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth R 113; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. T. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seafortli; McBwing, Blyth R11.1; Hugh Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey Fuller,' Gode- rich RR 2. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post ' offices. SEAFORTH CLINiC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Physician. Dr. P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon. Office Flours Daily except Wednes- day 1.30 to 5 p.m., and 7 to 9 p.nt. Appointments for consultation may be made in advance. Telephones 26 and 27. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In' Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5W MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat "` 0 Phone 90 W Seaforth �• DR. F. J. R. FORSTER liye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's. Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each nlolith from 2 to 4 pan. --53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. FOR SALE Estonia Climax stove. Burns coal,or wood. USBORNE & H1SBERT MUTUAL L, good condition, good baker, Phone 33J, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY WORK WANTED Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Experienced woman wm,ts housework by o• month. ALLIE NIGH, Elt2nbeth St. day Pres., WM.' 11. COATES • Exeter FOR SALE Christmas trees :it the farm of HARRY PALIN, 21, miles north and t.1 mile west of Seaforth. Phone 844x16, FOR SALE 12" Vessot 'grinder with speed jack and bell, --1n good shape. Also 1928 Chevrolet sedan with two new _tires. JOHN MEAGITER, 35 r 23 Dublin. Welcome} slid Welfare Secy Mzs. J.' TEACHER WANTED Bonthroir; Glad Tidings Sec'y, Mrs. B. Edwards; Literature and Library Sec. Mr's, J. Forrest; Home Helpers Secy, Mrs. W. R. Davidson; pianist, Mrs, M. Dougall; ass't, Bliss Reid; Mission Band leader, Mrs, I'. A. Fer- guson, asst, Mrs. C. Forrest, Mrs, A. W. Kerslake, Rev. P. A. Fergu- son presided for the election of the officers. The meeting closed by singing "While Shepherds (Waltclted their flocks" and prayer. by Rev, P. A. Ferguson. ;Mrs. Alex McGregor was hostess at her hone Wednesday afternoon December 106 for the December and Christmas meeting of I€ippen East Women's Institute, Miss Grace Tremeer was co -hostess. The home was lovely with Christmas emblems while a beautifully decorated Christ- mas tree added to the attractiveness. There was an attendance of some 40 members and little folk who were tate guests for the afternoon. Mrs, William Kyle president, took the chair and opened the meeting with port, Miss Violet McClymont handed the Institute Ode followed with the in further money for Xmas cards. Lord's Prayer. The roll call was re- The treas, was instructed to forward spondcd with a Christmas or New 3150. to headquarters, also to give Year thought or quotation. It was the W.M.S. a $50 donation on mo disclosed at the meeting that 70 lbs tions of Miss Violet McClymont and of Christmas cake was shipped to Mrs. Lorne Chapman. It was moved England for the needy. Miss Grace by Miss Margaret Glenn, seconded Trenleer and Mrs. J. McLellan pre- by Miss Violet McClymont, that the rented reports on the Convention at two past presidents receive Life which they were delegates. Mrs. T. membership certificates in the Even - Kay gave a report of the District ing Auxiliary, Carried. It was also Annual Executive meeting 'held in decided to reduce the price of Hint Hensall recently. Mrs. Glenn Mc' , books to 85 cents in an effort to. Lean gave a wonderful demonstra- dispose of them.Correspondence tion on Christmas table decorations. read from the Canadian Association Mrs, T. Kay presented a story to the of Consumers, Miss Ellis volunteered children, Mrs. A. Finlayson reviewed,to look after the presentation of the current events. The children contri-opening chapter of thestudybook at. bated very much to the program the next .meeting. Misses Gladys Lu - with songs and recitations which ker, Margaret Shepherd and Mrs. were much enjoyed .and they were Flynn were named a nominating ell of pre-school age. A special committee for the purpose of sub collection was taken for the Protest- hitting at the January meeting the slate of officers for 1948. The hymn "Joy to the World" was sung. The devotional period was conducted by Mrs, Jack Corbett using "Christ- mas" as her theme. Mrs. A. Hyde read the scripttire, Matt. chapter 2 1-11, after which Mrs. Chapman led in prayer. Mos, 13, Kyle then review -1 ed the closing chapter of the study' book on India. The January meeting will be held in the United Church school -room Social committee, Miss Margaret Glenn, 1VIos. Shortt, Miss McClymont and Mrs. Sanders. Miss Barbara Michie will give the devo- tional exercises. The meeting closed by sinc'ing "Silent Night" and the benedirti"n A dainty luncheon fol- lower 1mrrw +lie direction of the poste g s en,: their assistants, Miss M1tr a et rl"nn and Mrs, B. Kyle sows. s--- ' ' n select a farewell pifs r^•• -', - 9n Kinfer. who so re- Gently w,.•-tfl 'from the village. ing of the Evening Auxiliary of the Hensall United Church on Monday evening Dec. 8th. The hostesses were assisted by Miss Margaret Shepherd. e The President, Miss Barbara Michie, 1 presided, opened the meeting by singing the following hymns "While Shepherds watched" 'Hark the Her-' ald Angels sing", "It came upon a midnight clear", "Once in Royal Da- vid's city", "0 come all ye faithful", As with Gladness." The president gave a Christmas reading after. which "0 little town of Bethlehem" was sung. In answer to the roll call many lovely games, toys, etc., were re- ceived for distribution to the Lon- don Protestant Orphanage. Miss Shepherd and Mrs. Redden offered to pack these gifts and - forward same. Thes various reports showed splendid progress throughout the year. The Auxiliary bazaar which was held recently, was a decided success. Miss Margaret Glenn, Treas. gave an encouraging financial re - A fullyqualified Protestant teacher is re quired for S.S. #'2 Tuekesmith, Applicants to state experience, qualifications and refer- ences, and name of last Inspector :if expert- need. Salary 91500. up according to expor- ence. Apply to S. H: Whitmore, Sec.-Troaa„ Tockersmith School Area, Seaforth, R.11, 3, ant Orphan's Home, London. A Christmas dance will be held in the town hall.. Hensall, Monday, Dec, 29 with Flannigan orchestra furnish - ]ins' the mnsic. During the meeting a number of Christmas carols were sung. Delirious refreshments were served toped off with ice cream, Santa Clans appeared on the scene and treated the little folks to treats of candy and nuts. In charge of the 'Vmas tree treats were Mrs. W. lire:Afoot, Mrs. R. Tlushall,_ Mrs. A. Varlev and Mrs. A. Finlayson. Lunch rnn.'eneis were Mrs. Glenn MacLean and Mrs. W. Doig, A fine gesture of meeting was the fact that in- 'w"d of the usual exchanging of els between members thew dwnided a collection elm! friss-n.(1 the �+ to the °Protestant Orhpanage T "rdon, 91.,o 'Redden and Miss. Sutherland iwsstesses for the monthly meet - Asphalt shingle covered dwelling, West William st. Seaforth, immure, Immediate pos. Frame cottage, .garage, South Main street, Tmmediate possession, Frame cottage with garage Goderlch at, East. Immediate possession. 1p.,( storey, frame asphalt shingle covered, of South Main street, Senfoth, Modern dwelling on Lonisn St., Seaforth, M. A. REID, Senfarth, FOR SALE Some Christmas trees. HARRY REGIME. 3031 Dublin, Phone 23r10 Dublin, NOTICE All booksmustbe returned to .the Seaforth Public Library on or before Tuesday. Dos, 23. GRETA THOMPSON, Librari an NOTICE Re Hog Shipments Owing to the Holiday Season we will ship hogs on TUESDAY, DEC. 2' 3. Wright & Leyburne PHONE 233 W PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in -plainsealed envelope with price 11at. 6 samples 20c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail. Order Dept. T-74. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 9I, Hamilton. Ont. PIANO" TUNING Have you' pianotuned and repaired by an Expert, over 30 years' experience. Ali tverit fully guaranteed and all repairs carried stock. Apply Box' 127, Seatorth News, or write direct to OTTO CHEVALIER, 297 North Mitton St„ Sarnia, Ont. WANTED TO BUY 01d horses and done animals suitable- for mink feeding. Will pay 2, a lb for horses and all and pick un same. Dead animals accord - 1111 to value. If dead, phone at once, Phone olloct TACK GILBERT, 920--21 ; or FRED GILBERT, 08042, Goderlch, Special Train Service also Changes in Train Service account Christmas and New Year's There will he certain changes in train service between December 23rd and January 1st, Consult your local C.N.R. Agent' for full particulars CANADIAN NATIONAL ' RAILWAYS Vice -Pres., , , ANGUS SINCLAIR R.R. 1, Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN H OIKNEY -, Xirkton, R. 1 WM. A..HAMILTON , , , ,. , Cromarty ti JOHN McGRATF3 Dublin, Ont, MILTON McCURDY , , iiirltton, R. 1 AGENTS ALVIN L. BiARRIS , ... Mitchell THOS, SCOTT ...... , ,„ , , Cromarty THOS. G. BALLANTYNE, Woodham SECRETARY -TREASURER B. W. F. BEAVERS, Exeter SOLICITORS .. Giadman & Cocin'are, Exeter Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone' 41 J. Exeter. E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE SEAFORTH, ONT. Phones; 834- Office Res. 220 G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos. pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays G6 VETERINARY SURGEONS J. 0, TURNBTULL, V.S. L. C. HALL, D.V.M., VS. Main St. Seaforth Phone 105 Personal attention by either Vet- elinai)an when requested(10 possible) Alvin W. Sillery Barrister',' Solicitor, &a. Royal Apartments Phone 173 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES The Town of ,Seaforth County of Huron 00 WIT: By virtue of a warrant .issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under his hand and the seal of the said corporation bearingslate the 22nd day of September, 1947, sale. of lands in arrears of taxes in the Town of Seaforth, will bo held In the Town Hall at the hour of three o'clock In the afternoon on the fifth day of January, 1948, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was pub- lished •in the Ontario Gazette on the Fourth day of. October, 1947, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office, D. IL WILSON Treasurer